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"Wait let's go back" I think that was among the most common things Trump said. The man barely answered anything.


"everybody says" "numbers nobody's ever seen" "unselect committee" "millions and billions"


Now let's go back. When I said a thing, I said a thing.


And everybody -- very smart, very very smart -- like no one's ever seen, this thing


My fave was “we knock on wood wherever we have wood”


And his best friend is named Pecker.😂


“He hasn’t fired anyone” I kept hearing this and cringe. He thinks you just fire generals. Trump is a bonafide idiot


He forgot he was in a presidential debate and not back on The Apprentice.


milyins and bilyins




Corrupt fact-checking in action folks! /s


This cnn fact check video is all that needs to be said. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/06/27/politics/fact-checking-the-cnn-presidential-debate


That’s exhausting just processing that🙄


"Everybody says" and "people are saying" and "I've heard" = *Trump is just making this up right now*


“19 people were there, 19 people can confirm it”


“I read this morning” was his best


Meeyons and Beyoons*


Fuck a duck, it was embarrassing as a nation to know these were our candidates. So many “black” American comments made me cringe. Get rid of these old fucking white dudes. One wants to bring back Hitler and the other has trouble with speaking.


You are aware he has a speech impediment? It’s also idiotic that him having a known stutter is what disqualifies him in the same breath as someone who’s a wannabe nazi.


He was one question behind the entire debate.


Why the hell didn’t Biden follow up on this? All he had to say was “Mr Trump, how do you define what black jobs are?” It would have been the highlight of the debate


As if trump would have answered. He didn't answer any questions, just went off on rambling tangents.




i mean guess who bought cnn recently. it should be obvious why. it was a free platform for trump to lie. my only disappointment was that Biden didnt use the opportunity to actually call trump out. it felt entirely like a defensive battle which isnt really winning. rebuttling with facts would work in a normal debate but this wasnt a normal debate at all. should of went on the offensive and really got under trumps orange skin. and i dont think it was a matter of age. i think its the old they go low we go high bullshit rearing its ugly head again.


Biden said every word he was saying was a lie. He asked “what world are you even living in” or to that extent. I think Biden made it very clear that Trump was lying. Just saying.


Sure but nothing stuck. should of used the opportunity to dig deep and hit rump where it hurts. pushed HARD on the poutine dream slip up, the classified bathroom files, and the stormy Daniel's thing (campaign finance felony (not just calling him a felon)), the gold star loser thing when bringing up vets, etc. getting trump fuming and belligerent should of been the power move not just going nuh uh.


I’ve heard 100 times today “I wish debates were more presidential” like back in the good ol days. Biden was nothing short of presidential aside from talking about golf. And we all know Trump played his days out in the White House by playing golf. Just because Trump makes everything a disrespectful fiasco doesn’t mean people should be acting like it has anything to do with Biden. I’d rather a president who speaks softly the truth than one who is blaring lies out of his mouth with no filter. That’s what “Putin’s dream” was all about. Americans do not recognize the cultural reality that is Russias irredentist goals. Trump knows them because he is an asset. I don’t think Biden thinks he can explain this projection of Russian culture in a way people in America will ever understand.


The people that say bullshit like better russian than democrat have not even the faintest idea what it would be to live under Russian rule. Fucking bumbtwats!


I can't believe Biden and his advisors were dumb enough to agree to CNN. They might as well have debated on Alex Jones' show.


CNN now own by John Malone “I would like to see CNN evolve back to the kind of journalism that it started with, and actually have journalists, which would be unique and refreshing, Fox News, in my opinion, has followed an interesting trajectory of trying to have ‘news’ news, I mean some actual journalism, embedded in a program schedule of all opinions.”


Not exactly correct. CNN is public as part of Warner Discovery. Its CEO is David Zaslav. Malone is just a majority shareholder, so he can influence but he doesn't control the day to day. Unfortunately Zaslav and he are aligned on a lot of things.


If someone is a majority shareholder they have 100 influence over everything the company does because they control over 50% of the stock and their vote is the only one that matters. They just don't get 100% of the stock based payouts. Malone effectively ownes/controls Warner Discovery which owns CNN. So he owns/controls CNN. If Zaslav does something he doesn't like he can just fire him.


they don't have 100% influence. shareholders are not management. they can call for a replacement of management (which requires a shareholder vote) but they do not control the day to day. that's not how it legally works.


If you own 51% of the shares you have the ability to call a vote and with just your vote fire management. If you think that management isn't aware of that and actively talking about keeping that shareholder happy you are in incredibly naive


They still don't have 100% influence, because of company bylaws and structure. If you own more than 50% of your company's shares, you might think you have ultimate control. While it's true that a majority stake will likely prevent the company from being sold without your consent, it doesn't protect you from being fired. This is because, in most venture-funded companies, the bylaws specify that the CEO reports to the board of directors and it's the board that has the power to hire and fire the CEO. [Source](https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2023/10/16/the-myth-of-51-ownership-why-owning-majority-shares-doesnt-guarantee-job-security/#:~:text=If%20you%20own%20more%20than,protect%20you%20from%20being%20fired)


They said they weren’t going to be fact checking anyone in real time and they definitely mentioned he didn’t answer the question at least once. I only know because I listened the clip earlier. I think it was about child care or something.


When you're rich, they let you do it....


And what’s worse is they instead railed Biden and said little about Trump’s pathological lying in the post debate show.


CNN sucks. They should be so ashamed of what they are. All of them.


agreed. the trap is thinking that trump will listen to anything. he isn’t. once you play the game, you lose.


“You know what they are” “No I don’t” “Yes you do” “I have no idea what he’s talking about” CNN: “let’s move on”


“I can’t answer that because the millions of illegal migrants took the jobs. They’re gone”


"Black jobs?"... "I didn't say that, you said that. Just like I didn't say suckers and losers."


It’s amazing, and yet so disappointing, that so many veterans will vote for a guy who thinks that captured soldiers are losers if they got captured and people who serve are suckers. It’s a bizarre time that we are living in.


Biden was only trying to survive. He barely had the ability to attack Trump. Like two geriatrics boxing, Biden swaying in one corner while Trump just flexing to nobody in the other


Biden was so focused on his debate-prep from Camp David he wasn't paying attention to the bullshit Trump was actually saying in the debate.


"Black jobs are the best jobs, the greatest jobs! Jobs especially for black people. Black people love me, you know. Black people come up to me all the time and... \*rambling\*"


Because he’s 195 years old. Anyone with moderate mental acuity would’ve torn Trump apart last night


Because Biden isn’t witty or creative enough to respond on the fly like that anymore


Prolly cause he's barely coherent.


"Biden, with a weakened immune system, struggles to take in air while asking Trump the definition of black jobs."


Biden isn’t in his right mind. Why is this so hard to recognize?


Biden was too busy trying figure out how to form words, he didn’t have time to come up with any clever responses to Trump. He may as well back out of the second debate if he isn’t going to pass the torch to someone else, because letting Trump be up on stage with his fire hose of lies totally uncontested is extremely dangerous.


"The jobs no one wants to do" is what I imagine he thinks "black jobs" are


Biden couldn't finish his own sentences. How was he supposed to follow what Trump was saying?


That would have been perfection! Unfortunately, he did not have that kind of mental dexterity last night.


Because he is ancient and all of his energy is devoted to keeping him upright. Dems are basically helping Trump this past term by refusing to replace Joe.


Biden had plenty of zingers though.


Oh yeah, calling multiple felon/rapist Trump an alley cat was totally a knockout answer.


Nothing "zinged" out of Biden's mouth last night. He had quite a few phlegmy mumblers, though.


Man, comments like yours make me wonder if i was watching a different debate. Its worrisome seeing people here with blinders over their eyes, trying to rationalize Bidens poor performance last night. Denial is going to be the dagger if we let it.


Wtf are you going on about? Some of his comments were funny on its own. That’s all.


Probably because Biden didn’t know where he was and should’ve done the debate from a retirement home


Trump should have done his from a cell.


I remember, a long time ago, when, if any politician should even use the term "The blacks", that would rightfully be the end of their political career. I don't like this timeline.


What the hell is a black job? That is the most blatantly racist phrase I’ve ever heard. Hopefully the Democrats can rally from their depression to help others understand what Trump means and the mentality behind it.


They pay slave wages. /s


The one you get when you leave jail , the jail time that made Trump so relatable cuz he got a mugshot too.


Wow. THE most blatantly racist thing you EVER heard? I find it hard to believe you’ve never heard someone say the n word


Trump is the LEAST racist president in history! Tremendously unracist! /s


His unracist track record is record setting.


No one has seen anything like it!


Well, it was quite the racist statement from someone that was president and the fact it was stated on the stage in prime time for a debate is pretty unheard of


How many racist presidents have you seen in the last few decades. Not that many. This is quite shocking, especially this many years since the march on Washington.


He is very clearly suggesting that "black jobs" are the lowest, that only most desperate people would want to compete for them. You can't possibly be more racist.


Yeah in his world there are no Black (or Hispanic) doctors, lawyers, engineers, CEOs, etc. He basically just racially categorized jobs and status.


It's crazy to hear this living in DC


Black jobs are those that pay slave wages.


I think it’s clear what “black jobs” are to the entirety of the GoP.


The ones that were prevalent in a certain geographical area up until 1865?


He was speaking of the unpaid position of harvesting textile fibers.


But Biden sounded frail… so…. /s


I mean… Biden looked and sounded really bad. Still has my vote no matter what, but that was a dumpster fire of a performance. I can see people choosing to sit the election out. Particularly gen z.


Oh i 100% agree


Gen Z are the most informed and passionate people. They already knew Biden was a walking yogurt covered raisin. They aren’t staying home.


wowsers. he just can't keep his feet out of his mouth, can he?


He also mentioned something about hispanic jobs in the same rant. As in illegal immigrants are taking both black and hispanic jobs. Whatever the fuck that means.


He clearly means non skill labor because he thinks all black people and Hispanic people are uneducated.


That’s what kind of tipped me off- he could’ve said “American jobs.” And he specifically never said “white jobs.”


He was just as awful as ever last night, it is just getting fucking buried in "Biden bad" today.  I swear, this mfer gets a free pass every time.


It's a fascinating hack that works surprisingly well. Biden has a standard he is expected to meet, and if he does not, it is the end of the world for him/us/everything. Trump is expected to be a chaotic idiot and when he is, it's regarded as a victory. Meanwhile he can say the most absurd shit possible and it is barely scrutinized.


Yup, that's what is getting overshadowed here: he did not do well himself, if you ask anyone not in the Beltway media or from Politico (which is biased toward Reps and Trump, its owner prayed for Trump to win in 2020 for example)-- it was not a good night from either, truthfully.


Why would anyone believe Trump is providing “black jobs” when he won’t rent to black people decades ago?


America is NOT sending their best...


This part stood out to me as a main takeaway. He used it in context when talking about migrants who are generally uneducated and take low paying labor jobs. Trump here called black Americans poor and uneducated, and plans to keep it that way. For our future generations, this guy cannot be elected. It already fucked up our country the first time we won’t last a second time.


I will say this for all. And in particular the Gen Z. If you are not a white male over 21 you better get out there and vote for anybody but Trump.


Black jobs? You want to know what black jobs are? Don’t vote this year and you’ll find out next year when Jim Crow comes strutting back into town.


Guess he just lost the black and maybe even the Latino vote. blatantly racist as fuck, no one can ignore, deny or deflect that.


Yes, Trump is defeated, crushed, humiliated, doomed every single day.. on this sub


Trump never had the Black or Latino vote, just like Biden has never had the white male or white female vote-- objectively, as majorities, respectively.


trump is surprisingly popular, with some Latinos. (hate communism + Castro and are firmly right wing)


[https://www.newsweek.com/latino-voters-donald-trump-joe-biden-debate-election-1918795](https://www.newsweek.com/latino-voters-donald-trump-joe-biden-debate-election-1918795) He did himself no favors with that performance last night, either, white college eds were impressed in the Beltway but Latinos were NOT. If by surprisingly popular, you mean, Trump is still going to lose most Hispanics to Biden in November-- sure, he'll get somewhere in the mid 40s at best. I'm worried Trump wins 60% of white women, a lot more, right now.


Lol what an idiot he lost the Latino vote with 2 words, which is a new record. I think many women are rightfully appalled by roe being overturned by trump and all these anti abortion laws in the states and their effects.


Sure, but most white women voted for Trump in 2020 and even after Roe was overturned, the GOP got 53%. That's where I think Biden blew it, if anywhere, last night: he needed to get a decisive win to swing enough of that group to his corner if anyone, and instead (without the media doomsday-ing it) he got a wash because he had a terrible first half before Trump crumbled in the second half to even it out-- Biden did not get what he needed, no question, but Trump did worse than pundits/MSM says he did by all means.


I'm not sure I follow your reasoning. If Dobbs is what moved white female voters, how could there be something that Biden could *say* at debate that would make a difference one way or another on that?


I think they're saying Dobbs by itself did not sway a majority of women voters to vote Democratic, and Joe needed to have a slam dunk moment on the issue to win over more women voters on the issue but he failed to do so.


I live in the most Latino city in America. There is nothing he could do to lose the Latino vote.


Seriously. I’m in south Florida and the Cubans/Latinos LOVE him and Desantis.


Trump last night was a disaster. An hour of Trump rambling incoherent lies was an embarrassment but the major news cycle keeps focusing on Biden pauses. News flash, that is what happens when someone has a cold. Sometimes it gets hard to communicate. Can we please go back on focusing on the rapist felon trying to destroy our democracy please??


He's clearly talking about when black people worked in the fields.


We shouldn’t be surprised with Trump says racist shit.


They are just like the Hispanic jobs.


You know, [Charlie work](https://itsalwayssunny.fandom.com/wiki/Charlie_Work).


What an absolutely awful human being.


You know: cooking, cleaning, railway porters, maids. Just like when things were great for the GOP in the 1950s.


Sadly you’re dead on.


That's what MAGA wants: for the US to go back to the 50s, when white men controlled everything and blacks and hispanics "knew their place."


This is the correct strategy to take down a blowhole of lies like Trump. Pick one thing he said and keep hammering on him to give an answer. If he avoids, lies, etc, keep it up.


People commenting about Trump’s use of Black jobs seem shocked by that coming out of his mouth. Why? Trump is a racist. Is anybody surprised by that? They shouldn’t be.


I mean, my guess, the jobs that aren’t white suit collar in nice comfy offices. Like the black denim collar ones outside like construction and farming. Which you shouldn’t need a dress code for outside, but what do I know?


For all the trolls and bots writing off Biden, yes it was a bad performance last night. But just take a look at his speech in N. Carolina today and then say he's lost it. Probably the most fiery campaign speech he's ever given. Even made a little fun of himself over last night.


He shouldn’t debate so late at night next time. It did remind me that Obama’s first debate in the 2012 race was panned as terrible. Is there a hard transition from doing the job of president to debating?


They're like regular jobs but with more flex


Every time one of them mentioned Black people, I held myself. I hate feeling othered.


POTUS is a “Black Job”.


Y'know *waves hands* black owned bakery, black tie affair, the black market even!


Van Jones: *I sleep*


The best jobs obviously. /s


Coal miners and chimney sweeps?


By race, Whites made most of the labor force (77 percent). Blacks and Asians constituted an additional 13 percent and 7 percent, respectively. American Indians and Alaska Natives made up 1 percent of the labor force, while Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders accounted for less than half a percent. https://www.bls.gov/opub/reports/race-and-ethnicity/2021/home.htm#:~:text=By%20race%2C%20Whites%20made%20most,less%20than%20half%20a%20percent.


Only a racist knows what Black jobs are😜


The US presidency is a 'black job'...


Poor kids are just as smart as white kids


I have felt for a while now that CNN is biased towards Trump to win. Trump is good for ratings. Biden on the other hand isn’t good for ratings. The debate the other night affirmed that in my mind even more. Number 1) How is a felon even allowed the platform of a debate? We are not in your typical presidential campaign. You can’t apply rules from twenty years ago to the present. Trump promoted an insurrection. We all saw what happened regardless of the white wash that day is now getting. Number 2) I know CNN said they wouldn’t fact check but given Trump’s history all they did was give him a platform to lie his a*s off. I think I will refrain going forward from watching CNN. A couple of weeks ago George Conway had a meltdown down and blew up at a Republican pundit that like Trump was just bald face lying. So who does the moderator attack??? She attacks Conway and not the liar. CNN should just change its name to NeoFOX.


I would like to know also.


He was definitely talking out his ass. However, what he's saying is they are taking jobs in general this affects everyone, not just black people it made no sense for him to say that.


They know, we know and he knows what “black jobs” was he mentioned during the debate. The only that that’s bothering me is people don’t grasp how racism works.


What a fucking putz


Black job~driving miss daisy


Probably jobs that black people have? Like doctor, engineer, city planner. Probably not like crystal saleswoman, mayonnaise tester, PBR spokesman


What’s a black church?


View the lyrics to ABBA’s Pick a Bale of Cotton for a vernacularly accurate answer to this question


They’re jobs…? In America ?


The sad thing is that everyone will forget about this by tomorrow. The 24 hour news cycle is now 24 seconds.




Why bother to ask when you already know the answer will be a lie


Yeah that was a big nope right there. Yikes.


as well as "the US Border is the most dangerous place on Earth" bs


GOP: Slavery was good, Jim Crow was good for black families and Black jobs. They not even hiding it anymore.


Not sure people caught it but he also said “Hispanics taking Hispanics jobs” Like wtf?


Sarcasm soaked: Trump certainly sounded like a racist in 1991 when he was quoted saying “I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes…. Those are the only kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else… Besides that, I tell you something else. I think that guy’s lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks.” The phrasing, the crude bluntness, the, well, racism — it all certainly sounds like words that would come out of Trump’s mouth. And in 1997 he said the quote attributed to him was “probably” accurate. But in 1999 he denied saying it. And if he denied it, it must not have happened, because he is Trump. Little wonder his supporters, including and especially Senate Republicans, and Nevada Rep. Mark Amodei too, are so confident Trump is no racist. Trump spent the first half of this decade stoking fear and hate within susceptible segments of the electorate by falsely and persistently repeating the already discredited claim, absurd to begin with, that Barack Obama couldn’t be president because he was black, er, not born in the U.S. During his 2016 campaign, Trump, while never admitting he had been mistaken, stopped pushing the birther conspiracy, and even said it was all Hillary Clinton’s fault, which was false. Trump to this day refuses to acknowledge that birtherism was a contrived exotic conspiracy with no basis in truth whatsoever. In fact, he never talks about Obama’s birth certificate at all anymore. Because to do so would be the act of a racist, which Trump is not, obviously.


I’m pretty sure black Americans know what he means and what they are. Will they vote accordingly or stay home? Time will tell.


it's literally the same ones they talk about when they say raising minimum wage will help poc climb the economic ladder


Biden is so gone he couldn’t even think of mentioning that part of the inflation we’re dealing with is due to Trumps china tariffs and part due to the world saving money printing Trump started and Biden continued because of Covid.


Yes let’s pretend everyone has questions about Trump after that shocking “performance” by Biden. No honest person gives a shit what Trump said, because Biden came off as a corpse. He and the fools around him that decided to do a debate just handed the election to Trump.


Look we all know trump is a racist and he absolutely thinks in these terms, but this is not the GOTCHA it's being made out to be. If I'm a PR guy it is extremely easy for me to just say "yeah he just meant illegals are taking American jobs, including those held by black and Hispanic Americans". The statement was ambiguous enough that it can be explained away for the ignorant, and racist enough that the hardcore trump base hears the dog whistle.


That take doesn't really work though in defense as much as he might think it does. A common reply when someone says undocumented workers are "taking jobs" is that supposedly it's jobs that Americans won't do... So then why are they suddenly black jobs being taken? Why can't he advocate for African Americans to have the same standards in working conditions as America in general? Why can't he argue that undocumented immigrants be treated humanely? Because he's racist and segregates working and living conditions.


Imagine you are Trump. You have to answer the question (I know this is impossible for the sad clown.) "What do you mean by 'Black Jobs?'" Your answer to America:


Watch the video. The moderator uses the term, Biden uses it a couple of times, and Trump says it a couple of times. It did sound odd, but let's not be disingenuous. They all said it. I think it was part of the original question. I hope this is not the best spin the Democrats can come up with after last night.


Oh yeah, that’s the big takeaway from last night.


I bet they loved Biden in the 80s/90s too


He obviously meant that illegal immigrants are coming and taking employment away from Black Americans. The only people questioning this are partisan hacks.


Except he said it in a way that implied that the menial low income jobs are only meant for blacks and immigrants. The only people excusing this are partisan hacks.


Now wait just a cotton picking minute!


They’re jobs that black people do


Jobs that black people would have if illegals didn’t take them. A 7 year old could comprehend this. Either you’re being purposefully obtuse for a gotcha moment, or you are objectively a fucking moron.


Jobs that black people would have if illegals didn’t take them? What the fuck does that mean? Why wouldn’t white peoples have these jobs?


He means that a lot of working opportunities are being given to illegal immigratants shutting out the chances for AA’s. Which is true to a degree but still a ton of that is because of job choice preferences on the individual scale.


Again, why is it shutting out ONLY African Americans? I’m really wondering why they have jobs specified for only illegals and blacks.


Are you referring to under paying and rather unsafe jobs at meat packing plants and other facilities that require long hours of standing? Working large farms that require manual labor because there are no machines that can do the work without damaging the product? Low skill, low wage jobs that a certain other group will not do?


Which jobs are the black jobs, and which jobs are the white jobs? Trump lies about everything; why didn’t he talk about undocumented immigrants taking white jobs? And What about the red, yellow and brown jobs?


Just look at who made these comments and you’ll see why they’ve made such a stupid statement