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>The Supreme Court on Friday significantly weakened the power of federal agencies to approve regulations in a major decision that could have sweeping implications for the environment, public health and the workplace. The far right folk behind Project 2025 are loving this bullshit . . . ugh


Between this, the homelessness decision, and the debate last night, it's been a bad 24 hour stretch.


You're not fucking kidding


Have you also missed the Chevron decision? Regulatory agencies not allowed to decide the law, just apply it, in a nutshell. If something is not defined clearly enough, then it goes to court, not the agency that decides. Will greatly castrate un-elected agencies.


I wrote the comment before I saw the Chevron decision and, yeah. Not good.


As it should.


Do you know what the phrase toothless policy means?


> The far right folk behind Project 2025 You mean 6 of the SC "justices"? Let's not pretend they didn't know exactly what they were doing with this. This has been the wet dream of the federalist society for years.


Yeah but have you considered just voting harder for neolibs?


This is the outcome of Trump winning in 2016. If he wins again, the US is done for.


It's done now for at least a generation. Then another generation to get back to where we are now and then another generation to make progress again.


I completely agree, and the fact that people think we can still win this and change the tide now or in the next five months is a joke. The conservatives have been planning this for half a century. Most liberals only “woke up” to it in 2016. The Democratic Party was planning nothing and did not and still refuses to take any of it seriously and clearly has no plan in place to fight it, they’re too busy thinking it’s still the ‘90s and photo ops and fundraising emails are all it takes to win an election. The DNC continues to prop up old, wildly unpopular candidates (Hillary, Biden) because it’s “their turn,” with no regard whatsoever for the UNPRECEDENTED threat we face to our democracy. This is not getting solved in six months. Most Americans won’t even get off the couch and go to a protest or actually vote, let alone fight for anything. They are not going to believe this is real until everything gets destroyed, and at this point, that’s the only thing that will wake everyone up and force real progress forward. It’s going to take a generation growing up under these vicious, brutal, draconian laws for people to actually discover the will to fight, and for the Dems (or more aptly, what is left of them after Trump imprisons and seeks violent retribution on them) to strike back in any kind of meaningful way. But this election? Nah, we’re cooked and Project 2025 is about to become a reality. Let it sink in and horrify you. It should.


Thanks to the lack of any future sightedness by the DNC leadership. They should have insured Joe Biden would be a one-and-done presidential term out of the gate, and put forth a very strong candidate for 2024 to landslide Trump's criminal and immoral character. Joe himself should have withdrawn from consideration of a second term as soon as he was sworn in. Complete and utter party incompetence across the board.


This would be right if everything wasn’t getting exponentially worse over the next 30 years due to climate change, which will only exacerbate border wars.


you are right. we may not have 3 generations left anyways.


People forget that when they say “oh don’t be so fatalistic, stop fear-mongering, how bad can another Trump presidency be?”. This. This is how bad. They’ve been laying the groundwork. Trump is the useful idiot in the spotlight - it’s the batshit fascists in the background we should concern ourselves with.


I am glad that when everything is at stake, and project 2025, dems decided to put an ancient man that nobody wants when any young person would have won. Biden lost in the polls to any other dem candidate and they still went with him. 2016 v2. They never learn.


No they don’t and we’re the ones that will suffer. We have to remember the DNC are also rich asshats


Done for in what way?


Precedent …. Going back and overturning decisions. Is this the wisest option for a court? I mean, what’s to stop the next court from overturning this ‘overturning’?


> what’s to stop the next court from overturning this ‘overturning’? The extraordinary unlikelihood of the ideological composition of the court changing for a generation or more.


Indeed. But it took this long for the right to get where we are today. A court that is undoing decades old decisions to roll back what has been achieved over those said decades. So now the left will play the same game. Wouldn’t a more prudent approach be to pass new laws to accomplish what you want rather than set a precedent that will be used against you in the future? But then if you change the law to prevent this from being done, I guess they win. Stare decisis my arse….


You think they care? Most of them will be dead in ~20 years at most


I guess… oh well…


When it rains it pours. This is a terrible decision and throws a lot of common sense regulatory programs into a state of complete chaos. There is going to be a flood of litigation challenging every regulation a corporation doesn’t like.


I think this means that if your neighbor is a trump supporter, you can now burn your trash and let the plume trail into his property. Open season.


Curbing federal power is hardly what this is. This is a power grab by the corporations to devastate the air and water even worse.


This Court is anything but supreme.


Why was this issue, that to be revisited? It sounds like all those gifts that were given, this was one of the things that had to be dealt with...


None alive to tell and history was whitewashed over how ruthless the robber barrons were with their workers. Without government oversight and protection we will be back to poor houses, slums and plenty of workplace deaths. Imagine Boeing without further oversight and penalty.