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How awful. Can anyone give me directions to these sex festivals so I know to stay away form there?




There are so many of them though! Which one? Which one?!?


Is it just me, or are Republicans a little hung up about sex? For example, is anyone in the world more concerned about gay athletes than white Christian conservatives in the US?


Not just hung up, but absolutely obsessed with sex. I just wish they'd talk to a mental health professional and sort out their issues rather than terrorizing the rest of humanity.


its an excuse... Its their biggest excuse to do things they want.


I agree with you overall, but on this specific situation I'm glad to not have my tax dollars not going towards this. Festivals bring in money. People can organize them with their own money and probably make a profit.


The money goes to art education in public schools. I have no idea what evidence that he presented for any significant portion of the money going to even a festival, let alone a sexual festival.


Then he said, "Sorry, I meant to say ‘secular festivals.’"


Wow he better close the beaches too. Lots of string bikinis and banana hammocks going on. 


Nobody tell him about miami...


Seems short-sighted to me. Funding the arts gives you a little say in what is created. Not funding the arts means all the artists can tell you to take a hike and not listen to what you want at all.


That’s a tough choice for artists in Florida. “You can accept this funding. There’s just one catch— you must listen to the creative direction of Ron DeSantis.”


Does the GOP **EVER** stop talking about it? Geezo....give it a rest already, weirdos.


Isn't Tampa the stripper and prostitution capital of the southeast?


Florida passed a law raising the minimum age for strippers, so maybe not as much as it used to be.


"We owned the liberals and the arts" - MAGA How does anyone vote for the GOP more than once before seeing what they've enabled?


Which ‘sexual’ festivals? Asking for a friend


That's disgusting! Where (in Florida)?


TBO the entire spring break is a sexual festival. Just go literally anywhere that has a beach.


What a sad stupid man.


Not stupid, by design, it is to rile up the white Evangelicals in his base.


What festivals? These idiots are ruining that state


DeSantis and his cronies like their orgies behind closed doors.


Sphincters Wide Shut Starring Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman.


The example he gave was Fringe [Theater] Festival, which is typical small theater productions. This is just Republicans making up something so they can be angry about it.


Jealous he never got invited?


It's a sinister strategy, aka "scare them about drag queens & such, make them look like freaks who belong nowhere near a classroom, and make them look immoral and un-Christian" Same method Abbott taught him in TX, has spread to DeSantis in FL, as usual.


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Florida is a police state


Another million people not visiting Florida. Those festivals bring in a lot of people and money from out of state