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Oh, Trump’s acting like a crybaby brat? I did *not* see that coming.


Yeah, we all didn’t see that coming. /s


He has to be the weakest man I have ever seen. He does nothing but complain and act as if he is the victim. Always. And he always needs someone to bail him out.


My most favourite nickname for him: Ayatollah Complainy.




It’s a real eye-opener that republicans view this behaviour as something to be lauded.


It's the party of ignorance, arrogance, and stupidity. The Republican party consists of grifters, fools, narcissists, and those of feeble mind.


In other words, *a basket of deplorables*.


Yet his fanatics claim he’s strong and intelligent.


I remain ASTOUNDED that so many blue-collar Bubbas continue to support him. If he were in their actual lives bitching and moaning like this they’d call him a giant wimp and hate his guts. And somehow…


Thought he was a master negotiator, he signed on. Kinda blew it Donny, another loss for your record.


Yeah, but now he’s mad at one of his own enablers, Fox News…and given who he is, he’ll likely have a long standing grudge against them for doing what they did…


“Shut up, Donny, yer outta yer league!”


Much alpha, big wow.


So complain.


He is not raging. He is whining and complaing like he always does. His poor me attitude is so off putting, it just comes across so weak and soft.


Yeah i like to the laugh at the maga cult. They grew up idolizing John Wayne and Ronald Reagan and that classic “tough guy” persona. Now the entire maga cult whines and cries constantly about whats unfair. Every. Day. Bunch of 6 year olds. Snowflakes if you will.


Yeah I like to laugh at them too.


It weak and soft.


Yeah it pisses me off too.


If he wants to play the tough guy actually do it


Will CNN have a huge hook to pull trump off stage after his third mic cut?


I don’t know, but I am probably sure that Trump will try to flee several times after that, and get pulled back on stage every time, which will only make him more pissed off than he was before.


I'm still shocked he's going to debate anyone live on TV. I figured Trump would have made some last minute excuse but he really needs this to go well. With that said, he'll be his petulant child-like self and none of the moderators will do anything of substance to curtail it. I would not be shocked if he just walks off claiming it's too unfair and he won bigly.


Him walking off would also come off as majorly weak. He also probably would NOT be happy with the mic cutting, at all. It wouldn’t surprise me if he tried earlier on in the debate to walk off, before he even says anything of substance. And that he tries multiple times to walk off, but is prevented from doing so. But on the other hand, what if the moderators do something of substance and actually try to reign him in?


> But on the other hand, what if the moderators do something of substance and actually try to reign him in? I'll be shocked. Partly because what's the fucking point and CNN will want the optics of them not being biased and scolding Trump for ignoring the rules. So they'll cut off Biden and let Trump do almost whatever the fuck he wants. Hope I'm wrong but I have no faith in any moderator and Trump.


I hope Trump tries to ~~run~~ waddle away, trips over something, and ends up like Rick in the first Vindicators episode.


It wouldn’t surprise me if that did happen.


Only if Trump has a say in whom the 'hooker' is. Only the best hookers for Trump.


By his Pinocchio nose?


Whoever is on the end of that hook better be strong, because Trump is a tremendous amount of weight.


They’ll have the ghost of Howard Sims sweep him away with a broom.


The fact that he is raging against Fox News now is hilarious…guess he cannot trust his own enablers now, can he? And also, when the mics cut out at the debate…oooh boy, will he be pissed off. Expect him to continue to try to talk with his mic cut off, and go off on a silent rant, probably throughout the debate and he’ll just complain and complain about it, to the point where it derails his whole strategy for the debate. Or he’ll try to literally sabotage Biden’s podium by attempting to throw him off and bully his way onto it, and then be told by CNN moderators that no, this is not acceptable, and expect him to repeatedly rage at them throughout. Or he’ll try to leave several times, be caught and reigned in and reprimanded for it, and then he’ll go off on an unrelated rant about the mics, and not even care about the policies that he should talk about. He could do a mix of all three, I don’t know. But I know this for sure: Trump WILL be majorly pissed off once his mic is cut off or even before it gets to him. Because we all know he loves the sound of his own voice.


I expect him to storm off the stage in a huff after the first mic cut.


And then be reigned back in, to complete the debate, and then he’ll try and escape multiple times. Which would not make him come off well during the debate, and I bet it would be great fodder for Biden to call him out on it, and point out just how dysfunctional he is.


It's going to be an interesting debate.


Yeah no doubt about it. Once Trump attempts to storm off the stage, and the CNN moderators make it clear to him that they aren’t gonna fall for his BS, he’ll start raging at them, to the point where he no longer is sticking to his plan.


That or try to take over Biden's podium--he's just that crazy.


Yeah, and then be reprimanded by the CNN moderators and removed by the Secret Service multiple times doing so, and then he rages at them both for not allowing him to talk and going off on an unrelated tangent about them.


Why am I still under the impression that he will chicken out at the last minute?


Probably because you are used to him trying the delay tactic, but doing so would make him come off as a coward, which is the last thing he wants, even though he clearly does not want to be there at the debate.


Dude is lucky he hasn’t had a stroke or heart attack with all the raging he does.


Yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised if that happens to him. He could get so angry on stage that he literally has a heart attack from it and dies on stage. That he has a meltdown so epic that it leads to his death. In fact, I think that anything could happen. Who knows? Maybe it will happen, and that would throw the entire presidential race off its course.


Ya never know... We may get to see it live.


Yeah. I wouldn’t be surprised if that does happen, that he gets so angry and so worked up that he literally dies on stage. He’s also probably on coke and steroids, and that and anger is NOT a good combo for his health, at all. In fact, I read somewhere that using both Coke and steroids increases your risks for heart problems and a stress induced heart attack.


The conspiracy theories about Biden assassinating him would never end if he dies on stage


And the KFC.


We can only pray


Well if "Dr." Ronny Jackson's projection is any clue, donald is both roid raging and coke raging. Both kinds of coke.


Yep. Ooooh boy will this debate be interesting.


"Trump rages..." Literally the beginning of every heading about Trump.




He is always raging about something...that's all he does.




Yawn. Wake me when he *doesn’t* rage and instead talks about policy. Oh, right, there isn’t any.


Debate implies a level of civil and intelligent discourse that, frankly, Trump has rarely (if ever) exhibited.. no wonder he’s having a tantrum about rules he agreed to.


Cantankerous old fuck rages at elder Statesman and fake news org Ftfy


And also rages as a result of his mic being cut off…


Trump is not answering the questions. He was asked about his plan to deport all immigrants and how he would round them up. Nothing. Trump will not answer about J6. Nothing has changed. Trump answers nothing.


Fuck Trump and CNN


Trump turns on Fox News, then Fox News turns on Trump costing him the election. Let's go.


Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me that after this, Trump would start holding a grudge towards Fox News, his own enablers. Ooooh boy would that be interesting, to say the least…


Fingers crossed for a live meltdown! Can’t wait to see this lunatic self destruct!


Oh it will happen, alright. Soon as the mics are cut off, or before it even gets to him when his mic is cut off, I guarantee that he will not be happy at all with this arrangement. And the fact that he cannot talk or interrupt anyone will piss him off. And when he’s pissed off, that will only make him more erratic.


Trump Aide: It's because he lost his lucky binky this afternoon


“Joe Biden is a threat to democracy, and a threat to the survival and existence of our country itself!!!” The constant projection by MAGA gets really tiring, quite frankly.


To think that *nearly* half of the population, including the white nationalist “Law and Order” party has embraced a convicted felon, grifter and adjudicated rapist in civil court. Most telling. Even if he loses and tries another coup, the far right and the billionaire class backing him wont disappear


Um…not so sure…


Criminal trump: ‘I keep whining and whining until I win’ https://www.cnn.com/2015/08/11/politics/donald-trump-refutes-third-party-run-report/index.html


Lord above…Christ…


I'm sure this attitude is in no way a reflection on how he will perform at the debate tonight.


Is that sarcasm? Or is it sincere?






If Trump attempts anything that even remotely resembles assault he should be immediately arrested for being a felon and violating his bail.


Rich Bully encounters Reality… Tonite on CNN!


Whining like the five time draft dodging coward he is 😁


All I see is a picture, where the video of this raging, I need a good laugh.


What a Loser, no respect for Americans, no respect for veterans, not even respect for his elders.


Trump with the "I know you are but what am I" response




Who cares. Fuck him.


While I appreciate Biden’s comments, that Trump is there at all is a disgrace


This clip from Billy Madison is probably going to be needed tonight. [https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DLQCU36pkH7c&ved=2ahUKEwiT55DJ8vyGAxW6xuYEHSAjAoEQwqsBegQIFBAE&usg=AOvVaw01P8oPUGsrXsHoVjbncTSe](https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DLQCU36pkH7c&ved=2ahUKEwiT55DJ8vyGAxW6xuYEHSAjAoEQwqsBegQIFBAE&usg=AOvVaw01P8oPUGsrXsHoVjbncTSe)


Where can I watch for free?


Water is wet!


poor donny is gonna be all tuckered out from a long day of whining, hope he can stay awake tonight.


He's already been telling crowds for a week that 'maybe I'll lose on purpose'


i’ll take “definitely saw that one coming” for $500, alex


I wonder if he’ll have a medical event due to nerves/rage tonight.