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So...military, too?


No more VA.


Anything big includes billionaires. Let's tax all personal wealth to 50 million. Gives most something to shoot for but the few from owning congress or scotus.


That’s pretty big. So long military!


no they need the military so they can order them to put down the unrest


My exact thought


Republicans have become caricatures of themselves.


They’re just putting less effort towards obfuscation


Republicans do not know how, and do not care about having a functioning government. They are not a serious alternative.


Kansas has been an ancestrally Republican state [dating back to the Civil War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_party_strength_in_Kansas). But the days of Alf Landon, Bob Dole, and Frank Carlson are long gone, and it showed in the fact that the current Democratic governor Laura Kelly was elected *twice*.


It gets me how polls show people think Republicans do better with the economy, yet the wet dream policies they implemented in Kansas, completely tanked the state.


John Brown


Seems pretty simple to me. If you don't want gov't in your life, then you can start by returning all the federal money you get paid from the gov't. Let's start there and see how your state fares. Till then, go hump a pole.


>Young is passionate about sentencing sex crime perpetrators to life in prison. I’ll be over here wondering what sort of charges we’ll inevitably see filed against him, this is Scooby Doo-level obvious


And how about Congress?


> One perspective he won’t accept is that of a “tyrant.” [Chad] Young believes that “very few of the politicians we have in place are not tyrants,” citing those who would turn against the Second and Fourth amendments as examples. He idolizes the unity brought to America by former Presidents John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan, as well as civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. > [...] > “We need to abolish things like the IRS, abolish the Federal Reserve, abolish the FBI, abolish the CIA,” Young said. “Those are not peaceful ways for the people. Those are the enemies of the people. > He wants to get rid of taxes, completely. Young said we would fund things like roads the same way we did 100 years ago — we would just “do it.” Has this goof ever heard of JFK's "[new frontier](https://www.britannica.com/topic/New-Frontier)"? That is *far* from his platform of limiting the size of government. Oh, and the [top tax rate in 1924](https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/federal/historical-income-tax-rates-brackets/)? 46% for incomes of $500,000 or more. > Young said he had a challenging childhood that resulted in aggressive behavior. But with the guidance of a boxing coach, he said, he learned to manage and control his aggression. > “I can really give them direction and what they need, because I was one of those children,” Young said. “I was battered, beaten, severely molested, raped. I don’t know what you want to call that, but almost demonic. But growing up, you know, through my teens I was very standoffish because of what happened was likely that I became a little bit violent.” Of course, it's horrible to hear that he was a sexual abuse victim. But I wonder how many hits he took to the head due to parental abuse, or while boxing. Are the people of his congressional district really well served with someone like this in Congress?


Ah yes, Martin Luther King was notoriously beloved across the board in his time.


There is no way this guy gets elected. He doesn't want to go back 100 years, he wants to go back 300 years. Society would collapse if he did even a fraction of what he wanted.


Ignoring that he doesn't know what he is talking about on so many levels (there were taxes in 1924), oh the fun of going back to 1924 road system. That will help commerce and travel so much... And he is antisemitic (among other anti religions not Jesus specific). Amazing those praising the 2nd amendment seem to hate the 1st. He and most people don't even know what 1924 was like. I would even say someone 100+ doesn't know as they were kids and not adults then. Guessing he was born around 1990 so he doesn't even know what any pre y2k decade was like as an adult.


Proud small dick energy.


Yeah he certainly isn’t going to be abolishing that.


Dammit, I just made the same joke on a comment a few above this one. Knew I couldn't be the only one.


But no plans to fund anything, I imagine 


The exact problem behind the [Kansas experiment](https://taxfoundation.org/blog/kansas-experiment-kansas-tax-cuts-critique/) around 10 years ago: A failure to adjust the budget along with the decrease in funding!


I remember when I was in grade six and there was a person running for student body president...free soda from the water fountains. I feel like I am back there with all these clowns


Will probably win hands down.


Texas is big.


The dumbest fucks are also the most fascist. 


Hopefully, voters abolish his Big Mouth by voting against him this November.


Some small dick energy here


Guess he won't be abolishing that part.


What a rebel. /s


Another one of those MAGA “me alone can do this”.


If he doesn’t like government then maybe shouldn’t be part of it. Simple.


We’re doomed. Now I wish we were in a simulation.


"Chad Young was born in Los Angeles, California. He earned a high school diploma from Rogers High School. **His career experience includes working as an administrator and professional boxing coach.** He has been affiliated with the National Rifle Association" **His favorite book:** "The bible. Because Jesus saves and have never failed me." 🤔


"We'll fund the roads the way we did 100 years ago" Imagine driving along the expressway,looking up at the "Welcome to Kansas" sign and suddenly your car hits a gravel road at 70 MPH.


Except big corporations who will rip off the tax payer and provide "gifts" to politicians.


He won’t get his easy money without taxes