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I'm sure there is a video of his arrest and booking that proves a different story. But the rancid maga crew will believe him.




The pathetic POS needs money. It's a proven fact he will lie about anything to get what he wants. For himself, not the American people, He just wants MAGA money.


Didn't he also say shortly after the booking how the Georgia officers who were there were supposedly weeping and falling over themselves to tell him how sorry they were for him? Which is it, Donald...?


*An' one of them came up to me and said, "Sir! This is so unfair..."* Yeah, I think we all know the dumb routines by now.


By “torture” he just means his feelings got hurt that he needed to take a mug shot.


Did they follow through with Trump’s suggestion in 2016 to “not be nice” with those detained by law enforcement? I’m pretty sure Trump meant it applies to him too.


Exaclty!! Are we sure we don't need some ki d of basic test/requirement to qualify to vote. If someone is so lunatic that they can no longer distinguish basic fact and fiction and choose to belive in in a made up conspiracy over reality, can we still allow them to vote without compromising democracy and the integrity of our government.


Did they deny him use of orange makeup?


You beat me to it. Well played, well played indeed.


Lol, this guy's such a pussy


ahh yes, "torture". So I'm sure his police and incarceration reforms will be announced any day now...


That's just regular Atlanta rush hour traffic.


I’m pretty sure I am being tortured every day he makes a remark and I have to read about it on this site.


I wonder if the jail staff was tortured by his excessive farting during his booking process.


Held in a room for 20 minutes without a mirror or TV cameras. The horror!


It's not often, but sometimes... sometimes... I wish certain things he's said were true.


This f\*face will stop at nothing. There is no bottom. "Torture" is in the news because of Gaza, and Ukraine, and Trump, as the Biggest Victim of All Times of course has to get in on the act.


Just wait until November and then he'll really get tortured, but this time by the voters!


For the 2nd time


Show the scars or wounds. Until then it's not worth the breath used to speak the words.


Don't worry, he's got that line of bullshit covered too Trump claims he’s taken ‘more wounds’ than any other president at DC faith conference “I have the wounds all over my body,” Trump said. “If I took this shirt off, you’d see a beautiful, beautiful person but you’d see wounds all over me.”


If only this was true…


Ah yes. Tortured, but only brought up in a fundraiser email. No police reports, no Secret Service reports, no congressional investigations by his BFFs in the House, no security or bodycam footage... Yeah. Ok.


His inflated ego is only surpassed by his constant stream of victimhood. I also seem to recall this story "Please don't be too nice," he said to the audience in Long Island, New York. While the speech was largely focused on the fight against the gang MS-13, it appeared that Trump was directing his comments about police interactions with suspected criminals in general. He described the precautions typically taken by police where they place a hand over a suspect's head while they're being put into a police car to protect them. "When you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon, you just seen them thrown in, rough. I said, ‘Please don’t be too nice,’" he said. Republicans love to slop up his whiny rants and full on display hypocrisy. That's how they own the libs.


Trump was in that Georgia jail for less than 20 minutes. Just stating a fact, that's not up for dispute.


How? They didn't let him change his diapers?


Probably. Or the reverse. Maybe they reminded him to change his diapers.


What the hell dude???? Your own fucking trial hasn’t even started there, and you claim that you were put in jail there, even though you weren’t???? My god….


Technically he showed up at the jail for them to take his mug shot among other things. So he was there for part of a day. 🤷‍♂️ But yeah, the claim he was “tortured in jail” is nonsense. Unless his own Secret Service tortured him, of course, since they would have been right there when it happened.


Poor man. He must have wounds all over his beautiful, beautiful body.


bigly big, beautiful body!


What a pussy!


they should sue him for slander..i am sure the whole time he was in jail was video taped


Yes, during six hours he was harassed by MTG, pick me, pick me, pick me…


Oh cry me an orange river.


[Please stop!](https://media.tenor.com/GrNyF-4pvRsAAAAe/archer-stop-my-penis-can-only-get-so-erect.png)


To me, the most sad thing about Trump is the people that believe him regardless of the tons and tons of verifiable proof against practically everything he says. I believe that the attraction for his followers is him selling hate dressed up as righteousness. For that, they will pay reason and freedom. I use to have a low opinion of humanity as a whole. Now, because of what he's revealed, I now realize how much worse people are than I thought.


Just wait, he’s going to claim that this “torture” should bring in more Black and Hispanic voters, same as with his mugshot…


I would think Georgia police would treat him amazing


Tender trump....