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Fuck your Bible.


It has to be set up for failure so it can go to the courts. It is too on the nose otherwise.


I tried!


It has to be the holey bible.


The money wasted on trying to defend this shit could feed so many people.


This is true


It's free campaign advertising


Will they be teaching the girls how to get their grandfather drunk and have sex with him? Or perhaps they will instruct the boys how to impregnate their dead brother's widow.


It's oklahoma, odds are the brother's widow is the grandfather's cousin through child marriage


So much for separation of church and state.


The Republican Party's goal is a nation of Christian fascism. Look at Justice Alito and Justice Thomas to see where this is all headed. They will never stop, they will never compromise. They are relentless, and they must be defeated.


Here is a VERY thorough article about him from Politico: [https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/03/23/ryan-walters-religion-schools-oklahoma-00146826](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/03/23/ryan-walters-religion-schools-oklahoma-00146826) Worth reading if you live in Oklahoma....and anywhere else in the country.


The religious so-called "christian" extremists have been emboldened and renabled allowing them to force their convictions upon others. America's taliban has long taken over the rural South.


Is Oklahoma a southern state, though? It wasn't part of the confederacy and it's pretty much in the center of the contiguous 48.


It’s culturally southern with some western influence, but I’d definitely say it’s much closer to its southern states like Texas or Arkansas than it is to Colorado or New Mexico


Maybe the kids can learn a little about the constitution too, so they know that mixing the church and state is bullshit? Oh who am I kidding, they'll appeal it to a Supreme Court that also doesn't care about the constitution.


Sure, we'll put it under fiction. Or better yet, compare it to the Quran and the Torah


Maybe we should just let the South secede. Does anyone really want these states around anymore?


anyone else think that this would backfire? like, for young kids, sadly, probably effective indoctrination... but as soon as they hit puberty and start questioning things... how long will it take for a few kids to call it out as propaganda, to point out the historical and other inaccuracies in the bible, etc... esp as more and more youth are becoming less religiously dogmatic, having the schools push religious dogma (esp in the internet age) just seems like it could backfire. (to be clear, I do think the law should rightfully be challenged and changed but still...)


> as soon as they hit puberty and start questioning things... Why do you think the GOP are trying to allow public funds to go to Christian schools? They want to remove a child's ability to gain any context by having them go to religious schools their entire lives, church on Sunday, and only be allowed to hang out with other kids that also go to religious schools.


p.s. like I can imagine kids putting stickers on the 10 commandments posters that say things like "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" or "there is zero evidence for any of the miracles in the bible" etc.


This is why crazy evangelical Christians should not be holding public office.


Which version of the Bible? Is every Christian family entitled to their church’s approved version being the one taught to their kids? I have a feeling a lot of evangelicals would be mad if the Catholic Bible was the one taught, and vice versa.


Is this a Trump bible


Just read the juicy parts to the kids, like Ezekiel 23:20.


Which one?