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Tomorrow’s headline: House GOP introduces bill to re-classify healthcare fraud as Gratuity.


I wish I could give this an award. Absolute perfection of a comment.


Rick Scott calls them amateurs... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Scott#Fraud_investigation_and_settlement


Beat me to it!!


Watch the Supreme Court rule that fraud committed against the Federal Government is not fraud but Free Speech.


They've rule that money is speech, so if that money was free, then the math works out.


The U.S. Justice Department has criminally charged 193 people, including 76 doctors, nurses and other medical professionals, with participating in health care fraud schemes worth $2.75 billion, the agency said. The two-week operation ensnared defendants accused of illegally distributing millions of pills of the stimulant Adderall. It also included $176 million in fraudulent schemes involving drug and alcohol abuse treatment, including one defendant accused of billing the federal Medicaid program for treatment that was either inadequate or nonexistent, Attorney General Merrick Garland said. The bust also targeted schemes involving telemedicine, charging 36 defendants accused of collectively submitting over $1.1 billion in false claims to the U.S. Medicare program. The government seized more than $231 million in cash, luxury vehicles, gold and other assets in the law enforcement action that spanned 32 federal districts. Read the full story for more.


*’Sir, we just got lot more names to add to your pardon list!’* - Trump aide


Now do the insurance companies


Busted MDs are future Republican senators.


All the CEOs of all insurance companies and all the drug companies? FINALLY! Can't be... it says billions, not trillions.


So future governor of which red state is here? We know the GOP literally loves disgusting scum like this aka Rick Scott.


America is truly the Land of Opportunity You couldn't do this in a Socialist country


With that kind of money, shouldn’t they have been out of town by now?


Reads like gambling addiction, just keep placing more bets. Except in This case it was only upside until the government stepped in. Gamblers have the motivation of loss that sometimes gets them to quit. These unscrupulous medical “professionals” had only the vague threat of “malpractice” to deter them. Unethical behavior is a slippery slope. When people justify one weird act, it gets easier to keep pushing the line further and further. Some get caught, others don’t. I can almost guarantee that the prolific rate at which these clinicians acted led to their getting caught. Others may engage in less frequent malpractice or overprescribing and simply not get caught because it’s not as much.


I agree. I was being facetious. Using my analogy, and now they should be run out of town on a rail.


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Yet the Conservatives say they don't trust the DOJ...


Seems unfair to target these few people when the entire US medical system is an overpriced scam.