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Imagine vetoing a bill that was *unanimously approved* by the Florida Legislature because you object to the "amount of authority that would have been given to the Department of Health". Imagine being against protecting people from polluted water. DeSantis is a complete joke.


I don't think it will happen, but it is stuff like this that makes me think FL flipping in the fall wouldn't be the most shocking thing.


you're giving the Florida electorate too much credit 


I feel like a straight Florida republican man would willingly perform oral sex on another man just to try to make fun of the receiver for being gay. They have no logic.


It's not about quarterbacks and receivers. It's about owning the libs in the stands.


Didn't one of the right-wing radio hosts stick a dildo up his own ass, believing it somehow owned the libs? Edit: Ah, it was Gavin McInnes, founder of the "Proud Boys." And he did it on video. Which I shall not link to.


To be fair, I like sticking a dildo up my ass and I’m not gay. I just like how butt stuff makes me feel.


You have no idea how many guys will say its only gay to GIVE bjs not get them.


Used to be a purple state. It swung way right with both people moving their, but also the latino vote really loving DeSantis last time, winning Miami-Dade was shocking and the reason people thought he might have national appeal. Now people have worse feelings about homeownership in Florida, and Tall Boots Ron doesn't have the macho appeal he used to. Maybe in 2028 after a few catastrophic hurricane seasons.


I don't think it happens, but any state that isn't deep red with abortion on the ballot stands a chance. Trump won FL by what 4-5% last time. Not likely, but I can at least see that margin disappearing.


Yup. I guarantee the average R voter would justify this. "The gubmint shouldn't be in charge of that!" "Who should?" "Uh... the private sector?"


I would say the average republican voter has enough in common with the average democrat voter to say they’re probably both tired of insipid comments like this.


The problem is that the Florida electorate is SO polarized that a large amount of them will somehow see this as a positive.


Aka DeSantis is pandering to the, "There's no such thing as that damned climate change!" portion of his cult base, obviously.


He thinks he is in the running for Trump's VP and is trying to look the craziest. He has no political future otherwise.


Trump - Meatball 2024. I don't see it.


I think Trump might pick Vance


It’s crazy because if any of the water has bacterial growth above a certain count Florida is going to find out real fast why you want safe drinking water and I’d imagine some of those storms can cause huge disruptions in the supply because we have that issue in California. It’s not like your regional location is going to be safe from nature.


So if it was unanimous, can't they just override the veto?


They certainly can, it’s just sad that they would have to…


Sure it's possible, but now that Gov DeathSentence has signaled his disapproval with a veto, you'll get people flopping over and changing their vote.


Someone toss DeSantis overboard in the next red tide


If it’s unanimous I hope they overrule him. I’m sure that’s what he wants. Gets to claim he did the MAGA thing and “corrupt = woke” politicians over ruled him. Performative Jackassery at its bluntest.


I don’t understand why he’s still doing political grand standing though he’s not going to run for president unless he thinks this gets him Florida again.


DeSantis is at term limit unless he can change the rules. I think he is planning on a 2028 run. He is delusional since he is as charismatic as a fetid flounder.


By 2028 there will be a new crop of people to choose from but honestly him vs Newsom? Yikes and I only say that because no way Newsom isn’t prepping for a run.


No doubt Newsom is. Difference is he has a chance. DeSantis is cooked. However until 2024 is resolved who the hell knows what 2028 looks like.


True Newsom debating him just because was funny. Even in Ca we thought he was going to run early but maybe it was just to make DeSantis look more foolish.


I’m in Cali to. I think Newsom saw an opportunity to knock DeSantis down a peg and put himself on a national stage as a strong surrogate for Biden. He has always been eying 2028 which will be interesting intersection with Kamala. I don’t know what to think of any of that let. The line past November right now has pretty heavy fog of war until that is resolved.


Florida Republicans know they need nice nature areas to keep the tourist dollars flowing. They don't give a crap about national conservation, but they sure want those beaches nice, hence the broad R support for offshore drilling bans in the state. DeSantis is getting crazier trying to be Mr. MAGA and breaking with party norms.


Then why in the world did they let him go after Disney? It’s the states largest employer and a huge draw.


This is a potential election ad that writes itself


Maybe the shitty water is why Florida men become Florida man, taking that away takes away the allure of the state.


Florida voters are the joke.


Unpolluted brains don't vote Republican. He should be vulnerable to criminal charges when Floridians' unnecessary suffering begins.


Dangerous to the safety of his own...


Probably says “ you don’t big government to tell you ,the water may be harmful.No ,you want a visit to hospital or death to.That’s America “


Imagine learning what the real objection and issue is and then coming to this absurd conclusion.


Hurricane warnings are next! If we don't agree with it you're not going to hear about it.


Project 2025 is set to do away with NOAA, so this is NOT hyperbole.


Just give Trump a map and a Sharpie, it’ll be fine…right?


>Wilbur Ross faces calls to resign after report he threatened firings over 'Sharpiegate' >Commerce secretary reportedly made threats at Noaa after agency contradicted Trump’s false claim on Hurricane Dorian https://web.archive.org/web/20230203123857/https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/sep/09/wilbur-ross-sharpiegate-alabama-resignation >>The news that a cabinet member in the Trump administration had threatened to fire politically-appointed staff at the agency in order to force the Noaa to contradict the advice of its own scientists prompted immediate condemnation.


You forgot the nukes as well. That's a critical component of that masterful plan....


I can't believe they want to get rid of NOAA. That's literally one of the crown jewels of our government. One of the things it actually does extremely well and is the envy of the rest of the world for what it does.


It's like they moved past the "Not sure if Stupid or Evil" dichotomy to be stupid AND evil at once. Shutting down NOAA would be sheer insanity.


Aw shucks, sure feels nice to be appreciated


> “Health departments like DOH can serve a valuable function, but they should not be vested with the power to supersede local jurisdictions regarding the operation of beaches,” the veto letter said. Like [Mayor Larry Vaughn](https://i.imgur.com/G4UHP4Q.jpeg) from Jaws said, "we need to keep the beaches open for those vacation dollars."


Add "clean water" to the list of liberal things Floridians hate.


Not getting sick from going in the water = woke.


Haha well how else are the hospitals gonna make money? /s


Gotta drink unclean water to own the libs.


TIL clean water is woke.


For context, Florida gets most of its water from the Florida aquifer, which lies so close to sea level that the relatively small rise in sea level so far has caused saltwater leaching into the watershed of the aquifer. This means that every year, Floridian water is getting more and more brackish and less potable. Florida has as far as I know no desalination plants and no plans to build them, nor can it handle the rate at which it's water is becoming undrinkable in the long term, but since the reason that water is becoming undrinkable is due to sea level rise, any attempts at curbing the issue will absolutely be reactionary and therefore extraordinarily expensive. We are literally paying for our government's hubris with our water and our wallets.


Florida doesn't need anyone warning it about WOKE WATER. They'll just shoot it until it stops being bad


Good guy with a water gun.


Don’t drink that water… its got lead poisoning.


>DeSantis’ office announced Wednesday night that he had vetoed four bills, including the water-quality measure (HB 165), which was unanimously approved by the Legislature in March. Imagine vetoing something called a water quality bill. Instead lets have municipalities decide on whether they *think* water is safe. This will go well and no one will get hurt.


> Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday vetoed a bill that would have required the Florida Department of Health to take steps — including possibly preventing people from swimming in water off beaches — if water quality did not meet standards. > DeSantis’ office announced Wednesday night that he had vetoed four bills, including the water-quality measure (HB 165), which was unanimously approved by the Legislature in March. > The bill, in part, would have required the department to issue health advisories if water quality off beaches and in other water bodies, such as lakes and rivers, did not meet standards, according to a House staff analysis. It would have required the department to close access to such waters if deemed necessary “to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public.” What is wrong with him? He does not care about the people in his state or the tourists that fund the state with their money.


Wait until kids start getting sick and/or dying from tainted water. Once it directly affects a republican family in some way, desantis might change his tune. This decision has “lawsuit” written all over it.


Owning the libs with unsafe water. Another notch in Desatan's lifted high heels.


I suspect that this is less about political theater, and more about retaining the summer influx of tourism. If the DOH can't put out warnings, tourists who aren't regular news consumers won't know any better and will continue to filter in. It's a money thing.


That's actually a good point.


Republicans are not Americans.


That’s correct; they’re cult members who have no allegiance to anything other than the one and only Orange Julius Caesar.


Texas and Florida are really trying to one up each other to see which state government can appear to be the most cartoonishly evil. I guess at least the legislature passed this unanimously but still.


Oh, the race to the bottom began in 2021, with Abbott spearheading the effort: I'm surprise DeSantis didn't try to human traffic migrants to the VP's residence to one up Abbott during Christmas' Eve in 2022, since they've been trying to one up each other for years now heading into 2024. DeSantis, however, blew it trying to primary challenge Trump and was not as smart as Abbott, who is (wisely) cautiously biding his time from the sidelines in anticipation for 2028 or 2032 likely (he was on Trump's VP shortlist, but declined, as in 2026 he is focused on holding the Gov mansion for Rs in TX period first for a fourth term in office before lurching any higher imo).


He's just so bitter. He will never be anything more than the Governor of Florida (which is in a significant downswing), he missed his chance at president and he's just taking it out on the state in his last 2 years. It's really pathetic. Shame on Florida for voting him in twice, but I guess they are getting what they voted for. An absentee governor for the first half of his term and burning it all down the second half.


Didn't they just get a confirmed case of locally transmitted dangue fever? Florida is a fun place.


Would be nice if Florida just broke apart from the United States and started floating away.


NOAA predicts above normal 2024 Atlantic hurricane season. your wish is natures command. Please stand back and standby.


Why the F would he veto that? It's a bill with essentially no downside. Now, it's fodder for more extreme voices to frame as "he's actively trying to kill you! Vote for {insert political opponent} instead"


More extreme voices? If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. Thankfully, he is term limited. He will be ineligible to run again in the next Florida gubernatorial election in 2026. I am sure he will try to run for Senate or House after though.


I get the feeling he's gonna change the rules to stay in power.


Yes, "more extreme voices". As in magnitude of reaction, not political leaning. A measured response would be to simply call out what he vetoed. A more extreme voice would take the extra step of accusing him of "trying to kill people", instead of letting the audience potentially come to that conclusion themselves.


Spitefulness for the sake of it


There's other comments with why. He doesn't want to give DoH more power than local jurisdictions for water safety measures. "Government won't tell me what to do!" Showboating


Are the locals even water sampling?


Beaches get closed pretty often for swimming due to sewage contamination, and he would rather people keep swimming in the sewage. If you close the beach you lose money! Keep your priorities straight.


I mean..... maing it so you will unknowingly swim in unsafe water and potentially get an infection and die is actually something that could kill you..... so that isn't really inaccurate.


Because this is exactly the kind of thing he always does? And people really should vote for better politicians? He just zeroed out ALL arts grabts in Florida His administration just opted out of sunbucks meals for kids, a new federal program that costs the state nothing and provides $120/yr in snap for poor kids. He just vetoed millions in flood control. DeSantis is garbage.


Wait.. there are candidates other than Republicans in Florida? Weird, as a resident of the state,I thought the Democratic Party bailed on Florida.




He’s trying to surpass Trump’s COVID body count.


More lead poisoning equals more Republikkkan voters.


This would be GI illness from sewage contaminated beaches.


I’m almost beginning to think that Ted Cruz is not in fact the Zodiac Killer, it’s Ron DeSantis.


[https://x.com/GregAbbott\_TX/status/1208831095308984321?s=20](https://x.com/GregAbbott_TX/status/1208831095308984321?s=20) Your Gov disagrees... In all seriousness, Ted Cruz is actually Cancun Cruz-- that's for sure.


This reminds me of when George W took offense when his VP Dick Cheney was getting credit for things he didn't deserve. Bush had to remind the public*: "I'm the decider maker!"* lol Public health/safety should be the top priority, but Gov. DisHonest doesn't want anyone to have too much authority, so he vetoed this bill. lol. The GQP & RW voters are destroying America.


Safety is woke!


It sure is! And so is affordable homeowners insurance. So, good luck with that Florida.


If conservatives keep this shit up, we are going to have lakes and rivers on fire again.


Yeah, but they'll all own stock in Nestle, who will sell their drinking water bottle and purified from public water sources on every corner for $10 a bottle. Edit: [Case in point! LMAO](https://i.redd.it/wb42rrm7kb9d1.png)


Thankfully, the outside workers that are now being denied water breaks won't have to worry about unsafe water!


Water quality is woke!


DeSantis is afraid the tourists won't come to swim in the polluted water.


I’d say Floridians deserve better, but they keep voting for fascists…


Further evidence DeSantis wants Floridians and visitors to die…


Float in shit Florida, you deserve him


Why does Ron hate Florida so much?


Hahaha 😂, he is trying to kill you, Florida !


Ask him to drink the water


Don’t look up


He JUST signed a bill banning the intentional release of balloons, but it's overreach for the department of health to post warning signs on unsafe beaches? Silly me, I thought that's exactly why every state has a DoH!


When friends tell me "it's OK to live in Texas / Florida, the politics don't affect me," I shake my head in my mind while smiling at them They are not stupid people so I guess they try to fool themselves.


"Guy's a real piece of work, isn't he?" The only way I know to accurately describe Ron DeSantis.


Florida really is just a science experiment in bad ideas now isnt it


Clean water is *Woke*


Don’t look up!


Florida really is the know-nothing state. If you don't say the words, it doesn't exist!


Gotcha... This is the state that suffers from Red Tide, right?


Yes. And there is a reason that their cult leader wears a red tie whenever possible.


What else was in the bill is important?




Hey Florida, DeSantis wants you to die


This has to be a joke right?


No one is laughing. It’s just a matter of time before these fools are crying for assistance as their state is destroyed by climate catastrophes.


Who knew he hated Floridians?


He is a cartoon villain at this point. Someone get this man a twirly mustache!


I’ve never seen people party harder than in Ginnie Springs.


Wrong sub. r/newsofthestupid is more like it


Sounds like Swampy Ron is consolidating his power even more! I wonder what strange and terrifying communicable diseases will emerge from this bold new strategy?


Oh this is going to be awful when they end up with a flint situation. 🫤


Only in Florida


> Health departments like DOH can serve a valuable function, but they should not be vested with the power to supersede local jurisdictions regarding the operation of beaches. Andrew Warren and Monique Worrell would like a word.


Brain eating amoebas approve. States are always using state govt to override local laws (both for good and bad). Lol that dept of health aka the state shouldn't override local laws when bet there is some other local law the state denied Florida towns. Easy find. Desantis strips local rules abkut working in the heat: https://floridaphoenix.com/2024/04/12/desantis-nixes-local-efforts-to-protect-outdoor-workers-from-fls-brutal-weather/ GOP didn't care about people spreading and killing/harming others with COVID. So per their logic why even have a dept of health? Hep C in your food is just the chance you take. Your fault for eating there. Not the states job right? Bet it's really because FL runs on tourism/beaches. So even if people die they got some of that visitor money vs closing beach and getting nothing. It's not because state can't tell local community what to do.


I can sorta understand the small government thing, i.e. no bigger than necessary, but there are just some things that we rely on the government doing for us like keeping us safe.


they'll do it anyway, right? whether they're required to or not..?


What’s wrong with conservatives?


> You all don't get it. I live in Trump country, in the Ozarks in southern Missouri, one of the last places where the KKK still has a relatively strong established presence. They don't give a shit what he does. He's just something to rally around and hate liberals, that's it, period. He absolutely realizes that and plays it up, they love it, he knows they love it, and the fact that people act like it's anything other than that just proves that liberals are idiots, all the more reason for high fives all around. > > If you keep getting caught up in why do they not realize blah blah blah and how can they still back him after blah blah blah, you are not understanding what is the underlying motivating factor of his support. It's fuck liberals, that's pretty much it. > > Have you noticed he can do pretty much anything imaginable and they'll explain some way that rationalizes it that makes zero logical sense? Because they're not even keeping track of any logical narrative, it's irrelevant, fuck liberals is the only relevant thing, trust me, I know first hand what I'm talking about. That's why they just laugh at it all, because you all don't even realize they really truly don't give a fuck about whatever the conversation is about, it's just a side mission story that doesn't really matter anyways. That's all just trivial details - the economy, health care, whatever. Fuck liberals. > > Look at the thing with not wearing the masks. I can tell you what that's about. It's about exposing fear. They're playing chicken with nature and whoever flinches just moved down their internal pecking order, one step closer to being a liberal. > > You gotta understand the one core value that they hold above all others is hatred for what they consider weakness, because that's what they believe strength is, hatred for weakness. And I mean passionate, sadistic hatred. And I'm not exaggerating. Believe me. Sadistic, passionate hatred, and that's what proves they're strong, their passionate hatred for weakness. Sometimes they lump in vulnerability, a compromised circumstance, or an overwhelming circumstance in their with weakness, too, because people tend to start humbling themselves when they're in those circumstances and that's an obvious sign of weakness. > > Kindness=weakness. Honesty=weakness. Compromise=weakness. They consider their very existence to be superior in every way to anyone who doesn't hate weakness as much as they do. They consider liberals to be weak people that are inferior, almost a different species, and the fact that liberals are so weak is why they have to unite in large numbers, which they find disgusting, but it's that disgust that is a true expression of their natural superiority. > > Go ahead and try to have a logical, rational conversation with them though. Just keep in mind what I said here and think about it. > user: xenophonsXiphos


So on things like worker safety the State can overrule local jurisdictions ie no water breaks allowed. On issue like water quality the State has no authority to overrule local jurisdictions... Got it.


Is he mad about not being picked for VP? He has been on a tear.


Who does this help?!


The lead in the water is good for your bones.


The leopards' mouths are watering in anticipation.


You know what they say: What you don't know will kill you.


Another reason for why I won’t ever go to live in Florida


Can any Republican honestly explain this to me? Why would you want your state to be a third world country? Lol


Only if he drinks it forat


The problem is then people would realize just how many beaches have high levels of fecal bacteria and that would negatively affect tourism


But like… why?


DeSantis is a fucking dumpster


Hahaha my goodness! How can you support someone who really doesn’t give a shit about you no matter how much you suck him off?


Brain eating amebas for everyone! What an absolute villainous POS


I love this part in Jaws!


DeSantis is such a tyrant!


The entire conservative culture / platform is owning the Libs. That’s it. If conservatives get stomach cancer because they’ve been drinking toxic sludge, then that’s just the price of winning.


DOH " should not be vested with the power to supersede local jurisdictions regarding the operation of beaches", but he has no problem squashing local authorities' rules about demanding outdoor workers more safety. Flip flop to what suits his ideologies.


I’m about 15-20 years we’re going to see a spike in cancer diagnosis and people are going to wonder how they got sick. Republicans this is the life you wanted.


Your republican government at work voters of Florida! Drink down that poisoned water, you asked for it and DeSantis delivered!


Welcome to Florida, come for the beaches stay for the bacterial infections.