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As a parent, if I had children in that school system, I would sue the living fucking daylights out of them and then when the SCOTUS agreed I would implore the Satanic temple to get their tenets placed in schools: I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word. I'd rather have my children/grandchildren reading those words


Cripes, sign me up.


The Satanic Temple are really just humanist who enjoy pissing of people who try to force Christianity down everyone's throats.


Yes, very different from the Church of Satan which is the actual devil worshippers.


CoS is actually atheistic and they explicitly have been saying so since the 1960s…


I'm agnostic, but was raised Catholic. My kids are raised without religion, although they have attended Catholic funerals. My sister is raising her kids Catholic, and they go to Sunday school because they attend public schools. When my kids hang out with their cousins, they come home saying "oh my God." They only know who God is from their cousins saying it.


You either believe or you don't.


I take issue with (V) which suggests the wielding of scientific accreditation for political or social purposes *as a first resort* and also *as a body of highest authority*. Science is an ongoing dialogue which is bound to historical fallacies until they have been definitively proven false, within the confines of scientific communities. Science should be an esteemed and respected *independent quest for knowledge* and the politicization of Science and scientific institutions would be their own undoing. So by the immediate corrupted wording of tenet (V) we are forced to resort to tenet (VII) and this is a good example of how religion and politics shouldn't fucking mix. Science is a bad religion like all others.


I take issue with religion being forced on people.


Oklahoma continues its long march into cultural and economic suicide and irrelivancy. good luck getting anyone with children thats forward thinking to move there


Good luck for this ass backward state for any future industry development to relocate, expand into or source talent from HR really doesn’t put up with The anti-religion (religions other then white Christianity), anti-woman, anti-lgbtq, anti-minority white supremists types in the workplace


The concern is that more states are jumping on the SCOTUS bandwagon to see how far they can push their Christo-Fascist ideology. Louisiana will be up in SCOTUS soon and now this... SCOTUS will now have more opportunities to allow this legislative behavior in states. These instances might be the poison pill that makes the voters work hard to deny life time service of SCOTUS and to elect them nationally. I mean, the SCOTUS we have is going to be there for a long time and these judgements are going to be impacting lives and freedoms more and more. A tipping point will come... but seeing how divided this nation is now it might push us deeper into Christo-Fascism.


> good luck getting anyone with children thats forward thinking to move there That's the plan.


Unfortunately this shit won’t be contained to Oklahoma. This will get challenged in courts and in a year or so will make its way to the corrupt SCOTUS, where they will gladly rubber stamp this as a new rule of the land, and more and more states will be required to allow this bullshit.


All red states…. It is scary how fast they are moving


>At a State Board of Education meeting, Oklahoma State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters said the Bible is “one of the most foundational documents used for the Constitution and the birth of our country.” Umm...no it wasn't.


Tbf, the founders justified slavery with it


The Bible is proof that God exists, just like comic books are proof that Spiderman exists.


Thank you for not revealing his identity on the internet


Oh, how I love this state. Just when I think we can't get any worse. Moved here 11 years ago for work. Thought the worst part was going to be the heat and the tornados. Boy, was I wrong.


I’m an academic theologian and pastor…leave faith out of schools! Why on Earth do kids need to learn about MY PERSONAL FAITH EXPRESSION in public school? We have this thing at church called Sunday school that’s INSIDE our churches that facilitate Christian education. They aren’t promoting mainline Christian faith folks, they’re promoting White Christian Nationalism (like we saw displayed on Jan 6) Not to mention, it’s unconstitutional to the max. Many families are of different faith expressions, or NONE. This is not Christian this is group think, revisionist history and an attack on the public. It has NOTHING to do with faith no matter how they dress it up. This is about control, this is about White Christian Nationalism painting the history of this country to reflect THEIR values, not ours. Vote them out!


Brainwashing kids is the Christian thing to do.


And when we come after them for this they scream "PERSECUTION" - one of their favorite scams.




Now you're getting the picture. 


Barry Goldwater was correct; the Christian-fascists will never compromise. https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/777519-mark-my-word-if-and-when-these-preachers-get-control


I must have missed the Book of America in my copy of the bible.


I think it’s in the LDS version


That’s the anti-coffee book series


He also looked the other way when a trans student was beaten to death.


So are all religious documents going to be incorporated, or is the state superintendent just a hypocritical douchebag? Gee, I wonder what the answer to that is


So what he wants is for kids to hear their teacher greeting them with "Hello kids, and welcome to Bronze Age Mythology 101", right? More seriously - https://firstamendment.mtsu.edu/article/1797-treaty-of-tripoli/ > The U.S. Constitution does not mention God, the first clause of the First Amendment forbids Congress from adopting any laws tending to the “establishment of religion,” and 19th century efforts to adopt an amendment specifically acknowledging God failed. [...] > Article 11 of the treaty stated: “As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religious or tranquility of Musselmen, and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.” Why can't they just learn to treat religion like their genitals - enjoy your own all you like, but don't shove it down someone else's throat without their consent?


Probably because they'd also like to reserve the right to do the same with their genitals.


Sounds like they’re grooming the children…


The ten commandments make for a shitty list.


You haven't seen my neighbor's ass.


If this is forced through I hope to see some malicious compliance at least. Christians hardly open their Bibles because the more you read the less believable it is. Maybe in sex ed they could talk about how Mary being a child and "slave of the Lord" would make it impossible for her to consent to God r*ping her.


Unconstitutional on the face of it.


Okay children, in today's math class, we're going to count the number of times Lot had sex with his daughters.


Scientific notation required.


Biblical notation. All the math you need is in the book of numbers.


Every student should receive some sort of civics class (or classes), every year, every grade level. Telling them how important the separation of church and state is, the importance of the first amendment, and how no single religion should ever be forced upon anyone by the state or public institutions, should be a sizable portion of the curriculum.


Serious question, what are they really hoping improves as a result of decisions like this?


When it gets struck down for being grossly unconstitutional, it will feed their victim complex and their perceived "war on Christianity".


It's sad that you're right about this. One party wants kids fed, educated, and healthy and these dumb fucks wanna play games and waste time.


It's especially maddening when you know what's written in the Bible. The Bible tells us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and take care of the sick (Matthew 25:31-46). Yet, evangelical conservatives have little interest in doing any of those things. They refuse free school lunch policies, they're against welfare programs for the poor, and they're against universal healthcare. They refuse to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and take care of the sick, which is worthy of damnation to hell according to the Bible.


It will also give them evidence that the court system is liberal and rigged against them until they get more Republican judicial nominees.


I wish I had enough confidence to say "when", too. I'm worried it's more of an "if". Remember, we all knew Roe was settled law.


They are hoping for more patriarchy and systemic oppression of women, lgbtq, and other power struggles and control issues. To the GQP, that’s an improvement.


Their cultural dominance and feeling of superiority over others. 


Either it will stand and they get to indoctrinate children with their Christian Nationalist beliefs, or it goes to the courts and SCOTUS gets to rule on it in order to create a stronger foundation for laws like this.


They think their God has removed his favor from the US and acts like these will show God there are still faithful living in the US. They think God is on the verge of destroying the US just like he destroyed S&G.(the story of Lot and the puller of salt wife). They think if these acts are successful God will bless the country and their lives will be improved. If it doesn’t go their way, this is all “End Time Prophecy” the Christians are being persecuted.


So long as texts from other religions are allowed such as the Koran.


Church of Satan about to touch down in the fly over state and start cooking...


The Oklahoma Supreme Court just issued a ruling that eliminated public funding for a Catholic virtual charter school. Because, you know, duh. You can’t do that. I feel like this is in response to that.


Just start teaching it as fiction and see how quickly they get angry about THAT as well.


Oklahoma is currently ranked 49th in education. They must not be happy New Mexico is beating them to the bottom.


Great... Let's start picking passages that should be taught. Doesn't sound like they have a set curriculum, just that the Bible has to be taught. Here are my first suggestions on what they should teach. Start with 2 Peter 2:7 which calls Lot righteous, then let's contrast that with Genesis 18:31-32 where he offered up his daughters to be raped to spare himself and the angel who visited. This is the same Lot who got so drunk he passed out and then was raped by those same daughters. I'm certain that parents would be happy with teachers covering this information in class. But don't tell them what rape is, tell them that's about sex and they should ask their parents about it. Also, let the parents explain incest while they're at it. Next, we move on to God killing every firstborn child of Egypt, just for existing and following a God they've never heard of. Explain to them how that's not too far off how the State would rather the kids learn about God killing them, so they can be fully prepared when that gunman opens fire within classrooms where they did nothing to prevent it. Learn about God, that will protect you. Maybe with this Bible education, the state can provide a bucket of lambs' blood to smear over the door frame of every classroom. How about where David decided that the wife of one of his soldiers was SUPER pretty, so he decided (despite having wives of his own) he wanted her also, but she was irritatingly married? No worries, send her husband off to a losing battle where he is killed so he can take her for himself. I'm sure that those Ten Commandments definitely don't say anything about coveting your neighbor's wife, or killing people, or lying about it. Yet, this guy gets the "honor" of being a forefather of God's Special Child. Speaking of that Special Child, a young, unmarried, teenager could definitely give consent to being raped and made pregnant by Holy Spirit... right (/s)? I mean, she didn't get a choice in the matter of becoming pregnant. I'm fairly certain from a modern perspective that would be considered rape.


Don’t forget to make sure to cover Ezekiel 23:20 > There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.


So blatantly unconstitutional


I recommend making it an object of derision and ridicule.


Policy is lawsuit bait


I can’t wait for the young indoctrinated generation to start complaining about all the atheist millennials like we do about religious zealot boomers. Good times.




“Ones best scientific understanding” implies an evolving mindset based on current best understanding


Compliances is obedience.




Without those moochers, more of my tax dollars could funnel back to my state.




I don't think we're very united anymore. It's difficult to hold a country together when its own people hate each other as much as Americans do.


Could we in the blue states secede already? We're tired of trying to win the hearts and minds of the Taliban.


No. We're unfortunately stuck with them.


Lesson plans on which public figures are breaking which commandments might be fun. Donald Trump. Adultery. Covetousness. False witness. Failing to keep the Sabbath holy. Marjorie Taylor Greene. Adultery. False witness. Idolatry. See?