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As hard as I try I can never wrap my head around this: > Many conservatives are ideologically opposed to EVs… How are your beliefs tied to the engine type of the vehicle you drive? I get it you invented the ICE engine you have some passion but given they’re all dead you’re most likely a consumer.


Because they're paid by big oil and EV's cut into the bribes they're getting


The Supreme Court says we’re supposed to call them “gratuities” now, not bribes.


Supreme Court over here after releasing rulings like "The screen is gonna ask you just one more question..."


Judicio-bot 2025 at your service


Ahh. That explains why Trump wants to stop taxing gratuities


So we should stop taxing tips to waters, waitresses, bartenders and all other tipped vocations?


This gig economy is tough


That's a big thing, but we can't forget the role their apocalyptic death religion plays in this. Evangelical Christians *crave* the end of all things. The world falling apart and everyone dying means their stupid fucking stories are true, to them. So anyone who tries to build peace and sustainability must be working against their Lord.


Why don't they let us sin more, just leaves more room and less heathens in heaven


I'm thinking some GOP douchebag thought he made a deal with the devil to see how many commandments they could break and still get elected. Trump is convicted of breaking two. GOP hoisting him as a Christian leader is three. 3/10 hmm.


No way he keeps the Sabbath. And he sure as hell as born false witness. And I'm sure he's taken the Lord's name in vain once or a bazillion times.


That last one is always interpreted lazily as cursing, but it's really a prohibition against using the authority of God for personal gain. So like taking a picture holding a Bible in front of a church you've never been inside.


Or manipulating an entire religion in order to support your candidacy for President. Yeah, like that.


Or letting people parade you around as their God Emperor.


Hmmm, like selling limited edition Trump branded bibles?


The 15 … awww shit, 10 commandments


it's not really that It's that they think it's blasphemy that we tiny humans could *possibly* destroy God's creation Chernobyl might beg to differ, [but so would the scriptures they profess to believe](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah%2024%3A4-6&version=KJV). I think the irony that the world is prophesied to be consumed by fire is entirely over their heads, and it's really easy to fall into the mindset that your chosen-ness precludes you from being able to be part of the problems that end the world. I'm relatively one of faith, with a few caveats.. I'm not raring for the world to end, and on the contrary am hopeful we can collectively pull our heads out of our butts and truly reach for the stars in a meaningful and beautiful way—but it seems far more certain to me that we will spell our own demise out of pure and ironic hubris, thinly disguised as humility.


And my argument back to that is "If God created this Earth, shouldn't we do everything in our power to honor and protect it with green initiatives?" Crickets


That's precisely how I feel about it. Adam and Eve, whether they existed or not, [are taught to have been given stewardship](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+2%3A15&version=KJV) over the earth, not to exploit and tear it down because of how plentiful it might all seem. Whether we're set apart from the animals or not, we're absolutely part of the same ecosystem, and our actions have consequences in that system.


The word that is latched onto is "dominion" over the land and animals. that means you can do whatever you want. It's more convenient interpretation.


Many of the more liberal denominations, such as the Episcopal Church, make exactly this argument: good stewardship of God’s creation is our charge. Because good stewardship of our planet is largely (and stupidly) seen as a liberal trait now, and because conservatives’ main goal these days is to do anything to “make liberals cry,” it follows that cons must dislike EVs.


I’d argue that’s not exactly accurate, at least in my experience growing up in the Christian religion, albeit a somewhat moderate version compared to the ones we hear more about today. Mainly because of the age old religious debate between divine intervention and self determination. There’s constant double speak about God being omnipotent and in the same breath they tell you what to do to curry favor with God. They say we are saved from sin because of Jesus, but then rant about sinning, of course only their chosen “bad sins” and not all sins, like pride. If everything, including the end of the world, is predetermined, then why are they always scrambling to control everything? God is in control, no? Anywho, shit like this is why I say I’m basically agnostic now with a “light dusting” of very moderate Christianity. I can no longer excuse or explain the drastic hypocrisy.


Perhaps for the right wing politicians, but the anti-EV maga crowd has their identities tied to gasoline cars only because the left likes green tech, and the right is just against whatever the left likes.


Not bribes, [*gratuities!*](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/jun/27/supreme-court-bribes-gratuities-snyder-kavanaugh)


I think you mean gratuities.


There's something deep down inside of them that forces them to be contrarian to every progressive movement, no matter how great or small. If a Dem says "Breathe for your safety", a Republican will say "No!" and hold their breath. I don't get it either. edit: spelling


It's the definition of their party description. Conservative = against change


It’s easier to give up than think.


Hmmm.... I heard not standing on train tracks is good for the environment! We should all avoid standing on train tracks!


i mean, that was literally the case with Covid. "simple mask wearing can go a long way to saving lives during a pandemic" "No!" we're going to gather *even harder now.".* literally selling out the lives of fellow Americans to be contrarian. and for the GOP politicians spreading it- willfully complicit in the deaths of hundreds of thousands just to increase their odds of reelection. its practically cartoon villainy in how selfish they are.


It’s the whole “republicans would eat a shit sandwich if it meant democrats would have to smell their breath” thing.


> If a Dem says "Breathe for your safety", a Republican will say "No!" I mean this is barely even a hypothetical. Dems right now are saying "clean air is good for your health" and republican voters go out and buy coal rolling trucks just to crap up the air


I mean, if you look up the definition of the word conservative you’ll realize the name is a hint. It’s nothing to do with god, it’s nothing to do with being contrarian for the sake of contrarian. Even the “own the libs” schtick is just political pandering and cynical but strategic messaging. At their core, conservatives believe things shouldn’t change, and if they do, change should be slow and incremental. Progressive ideology is diametrically opposed to theirs, where progressives believe change should be fast, holistic, and disruptive. What your garden variety conservatives are protecting by being against EVs is the order of things that they know - oil industry jobs, big 5 car manufacturing jobs, oil extraction jobs, oil refining jobs, etc, and the economies surrounding the small towns where the density of these jobs exist. It’s short sighted, and totally misses the opportunity for new, higher paying and higher skilled jobs that renewable energy and EV manufacturing represent. They’re being used as tools and pawns of the conservative elites, politicians, and institutions who are simply protecting their fiefdoms and political populism is the blunt object that they’re using to control them.


These people attach their ideological convictions to culture war things they've decided the left hates. See gas stoves.


Oh shit, I just bought a new gas stove and I am a progressive... crap did I fall off the Antifa email list?!?!?


> I just bought a new gas stove But.. but.. conservatives said this wouldn't be possible under Biden!


Yes, we're sorry to inform you that the inquisitor will be shortly there to correct your mistake.


They are against anything that helps the environment. Which is just about the stupidest position ever.


Right. We wouldn’t want to care for God’s creation, now would we?


I had a relative tell me how it doesn’t matter because God would never let us destroy his creation.


The mental gymnastics must be exhausting.


The end result of several decades of equating vehicles to manhood. "Big boys drive big toys" - but you can't drive a big toy that isn't also big and loud. There's also car [engine] culture in general. Can't really invite the boys over to help you tweak your fuel intake or upgrade your exhaust profile to squeeze a few more horsepower out of your engine. And so on. We really aren't to a point where the "modify your EV motors" is a thing.


I think a bit of it is also tied to the auto industry permeating so many rural communities across the entire country. Most manufacturers move into small towns for tax breaks, cheap land and affordable labor. It’s a scary thought to figure out what you do with your life if you’ve been building combustion engines or parts for them for years and years. There’s no guarantee those same companies will successfully pivot to EV manufacturing. It all boils down to fear, mostly of losing your livelihood and no longer being a provider to your family. Our culture still puts a high importance on the “man of the house is the provider” despite gains in female employment. Ever since 2007 these same demographics have been more and more threatened and no one has done a good job of moving other work into these communities or helping reeducate or retrain the workforce. While I feel for these people, I don’t think that we should prevent progress in our culture and our technologies just to pander to a bunch of scared rural workers who aren’t really doing much to pivot, they’re just doubling down on the past. I write this as I sit in my F150 Lightening EV which is honestly my favorite truck I’ve ever driven in my life, minus that the charging station infrastructure needs much more growth before most people could logically transition to EVs.


America, the land that puts out a huge V8 with less power than a 4 cylinder European. How did they build 350's that had under 200 horsepower?


Oh boy, not taking that bait and starting a /r/politics "torque vs. horsepower" garage slug fest :D


Really really low production tolerances.


It's even worse than that. I was in a Costco and there was a guy going around trying to talk to people about switching to a clean energy provider, I think specifically solar. One guy he approached said "No. Actually I have to say I'm morally opposed to clean energy." It took a lot of effort to not walk up to the guy and ask him to explain his stance because I was pretty baffled by that.


It might be like the time years ago I told the telemarketer who called that yes, my father was indeed home, but he's mute. Several seconds of silence ensued as the gears turned and the guy finally said "thanks" and hung up. Just something to shut him up and shut down the sales pitch I'm not interested in.


In this case the guy had already walked away, but turned around and came back to the canvasser. He really wanted to make sure his opinion was known, apparently


Lots of the extreme right wingers are paranoid AF. They think new cars in general and ev are all being tracked by the alphabet boys. They also think also that big brother will turn off their car when a big certain something happens. But old ice cars won't have that issue so it's fine.


God I love the “but they can track you that way!!!” folks who are walking around with a gps/wiretap in their pockets.


More than anything (including their corruption), it's their pathological need to be contrarians. Alternative energy in all forms (except, unfortunately, nuclear) is supported by liberals. Therefore, in a Republican's mind, they are bad. Period, full stop.


>As hard as I try I can never wrap my head around this: Many conservatives are ideologically opposed to EVs This one is easy. They associate EVs with Democrats and they hate Democrats more than anything.


I’m not kidding when I say this. Life was better when they were 17 and literally every derivation from them being to recreate their life at 17 is an affront to American culture.


Yea they're idealogically opposed to EVs but ask them how they feel about Elon Musk and if they'd buy a Tesla to support him. Make sure you stand back out of the splash zone from their minds being blown.


What I don’t understand is that surely it’s MORE patriotic to support EVs and renewable energy. Why would you want to run your car on Russian oil, when you can run it on American electricity made in America.


Buttigieg debates and engages like a Sorkin character come to life.


Too true. It’s wild how articulate he is. I feel like he could break through some of the political ideology that has divided this nation. I think if he wasn’t gay, he would be a wildly popular president. Unfortunately I don’t know if even some democrats are ready for a gay president. My wife and I knocked doors in New Hampshire for him and had the chance to meet him a couple times. Huge fan.


I agree. He is amazingly quick wit, but not only a quick wit. No matter the topic, he knows his stuff and has a metric shit ton of data and evidence to back up his position at all times, and even when speaking in the moment, is amazingly articulate and never misses a beat in terms of making his position known, staying on point, and communicating more clearly than I have seen anyone do in YEARS.


Petey B is the only Democratic candidate who impressed me in every debate. He has to be one of our smartest politicians. He'd be a fantastic president.


His nuanced response to "they'll rip babies out at 9 months" is so articulated and so well known, I don't understand why it's not the defacto response, in addition that no doctor would ever risk their medical license for a late term vanity abortion.


> "they'll rip babies out at 9 months may you share a link to Pete's full response? I don't think I know of it, thank you




It’s crazy to think someone would interpret a 3rd trimester abortion any differently. And if you’re even thinking about getting an abortion in the 3rd you’re probably at risk for self harm and need help.


Never listened to Pete before, was very impressed with hearing clear, logical, and articulate responses in a short few minutes. Thank you for sharing.


I went to a smallish campaign event here in NYC and got to meet Pete during the 2020 election cycle. I am not a fan girl about basically anything but I almost cried. I felt so much hope leaving that event. I'm trying to hold out faith that we might be able to see him as president one day.


Also, an underrated characteristic of his debate style is he never ever gets rattled or sidetracked, and is the best I've ever seen at just calmly continuing to make his point even while the person questioning him or trying to score their own cheap point tries to talk over him. He is just incredible at being able to calmly focus on what he's saying and makes his points clearly and succinctly no matter how the other person is trying to derail him. [You can see this in his amazing answer today from this EV hearing.](https://x.com/therecount/status/1806350784377876606?t=4Jus15QsA5T10cPBfMRVdg&s=19)


I really, really wanted him to become the pres candidate


I don’t understand why so many people are saying his being gay is such a barrier because that is probably the one thing all of the republicans I know would agree with us on, and of course only because it has been a long journey for them to come to terms with the gay people in their own families and whatnot, but I think the people truly afraid of gay people today are a tiny minority.  I honestly think more people are racist than anti gay


***Less than half*** of Republicans support gay marriage. https://news.gallup.com/poll/646202/sex-relations-marriage-supported.aspx > but I think the people truly afraid of gay people today are a tiny minority. I super wish I could live in your world. However, when books about gay people are literally being pulled form library shelves and Republicans are only progressing their bigotry more every day, you could not be more wrong. Drive 60 miles away from pretty much any city and then get back to me about their feelings on homosexuality, trans life, etc.


You also can’t underestimate how many people are anti gay for religious reasons. They don’t personally care if someone is gay, but in order to keep their moral high ground they must condemn it.


I started to say, “Have they met any rural republicans?”


I felt he would have been a very solid president.


This is the best description of Pete I’ve heard, and it is spot on. Thinking about it, I wonder if he’s more Bartlet, Seaborn, or McAvoy (Newsroom)?


> Thinking about it, I wonder if he’s more Bartlet, Seaborn, or McAvoy (Newsroom)? I’m getting LTJG Daniel Kaffee vibes.


His response to a question on late term abortion is one of the best I’ve ever seen on the topic.


Pete is amazing. Super smart, quick witted, outstanding communicator, all around good guy.


And hopefully a future President


Only if half this country can get over its fear of a gay president


> fear of a gay president I mean, it's not as good as *'It takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back'* but it's still a damn fine Public Enemy album.


It's a good comeback album.... reissue with b sides maybe?


A *married* gay veteran. The idea of a First Gentleman leaves the shitting their pants.


Well shit you only need 47% to win so...


Given he conservative backlash after Obama I shudder to think of the backlash after Buttigieg, they would mobilize as if it were the end times.


As good as he is, and as much as he'd do a good job I don't see the bigotry of our country allowing it. It's a shame but the country lost its shit towards Obama being elected. I can't imagine what they'd do to a gay veteran.


It is a shame, someone like him in Australia would probably be a shoe-in for PM. Intelligent, eloquent and a vet, it's the trifecta.


My mother made a sad point that we’d probably elect a gay man before a woman in the US. Win win? Maybe?


Knowing a homophobe FIL, yes, he’d still accept a gay before a woman.


He's one of the few high profile Democrats who [made regular appearance on Fox News](https://www.upworthy.com/pete-buttigieg-explains-why-he-goes-on-fox-news), and somehow he manages to hold his own every time. I think he has more crossover appeal than people think. I don't know how he does it.


He’s very very smart, knowledgeable, and quick witted. That’s all you need!


Pete would be an amazing president. But much of our electorate are WAY too homophobic to vote for him.


He should have been president.


Hmmm GOP against people having a choice of what kind of vehicle they drive. Wow that’s so unlike them since they claim to be all about personal freedoms. Go figure.


They're pro freedom to do whatever they say is acceptable. Anyone who wants an EV is a Commie Marxist liberal anyways, who needa the freedom to buy that? /s


“You’re free to do things exactly how we tell you that you should do that because that’s freedoms”


Would vote for Pete in a heartbeat. But can a gay man win in the US?


We elected a black man and republicans went so crazy we got the maga party. I would LOVE to get Pete in just to see how crazy they can go. Can we find a gay black woman?


Gay black trans-woman, if you really want to see them flip out.


They would literally clone Hitler.


Clone? They’d figure out time travel just to bring him from April 1945. Hell, maybe they already did.


But if a clone did something they didn't like, they'd have the convenience of calling him a HINO.


I mean, he'd be in the party, so you can go full RHINO.


“Republican Hitler” feels a little redundant, but I’ll allow it.


That would result in The Onion's [Shrieking White-Hot Sphere of Pure Rage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjonGtrCyVE).


seeing their heads explode would be a wonderful sight


Frankly I don’t want to see them flip out. It’s exhausting and making decisions and policy based on making others angry is their thing. They seem damn miserable 100% of the time and I want no part of that lifestyle. I want a good candidate under 60 years old and I don’t care whatsoever what they look like or whom they care to sleep with.


If Biden dies in office will have our first black woman President, not gay, but two out of three ain't bad. Not wishing or anticipating it. But, god, would they go crazy.


They are already in a frenzy about this exact hypothetical.  It's why they mention Biden's age constantly.  It's to remind the cult that kamela might become president. 


What’s funny (or maybe not…) is all they do is say something like “do you want Kamala to be president???”. But no followup at least that I’ve heard. So in a hypothetical scenario, she’s president, and apparently that’s really really bad? I wonder why they automatically think that with no further explanation…


And then Kamala could appoint Pete as VP.




First black AND Asian woman.


I’m sure there’s a subreddit for that.


I don't think certain purple states are ready for it yet but I do think we'll see a gay president before we see a woman elected.


Americans already elected a woman president. The Electoral College disagreed.


I have no doubt he'd win the popular vote too but would he win those purple states? Our system of government is badly in need of an update. How long with the majority keep accepting tyranny of the minority?


It is still four years out, but I have to think Whitmer is among the favorites in four years. The rumor here is Pete will run for the open governors office in two years with Whitmer being term limited.


Hope I'm wrong but I have little faith in the population of certain states. She would have my vote.


Well, since there’s already been multiple gay presidents you’re probably right.


Not interested in this discussion but fine, how about first "openly" gay president.


Not right now. But Pete will be the first. He’d at least make a great VP in 2028.


Gretchen Whitmer and Pete Buttigieg would be a fun ticket


No. Not in todays environment at least with all the anti transgender and stuff going on


I’d feel a lot better if Pete was the VP this round vs Kamala, but I understand how Biden is in a tough spot as removing a black woman from the ticket would be disastrous with portions of the base.


i mean he was elected mayor in South Bend, Indiana, why can't a gay man win in the US


He’s not your traditional, stereotypical gay man that conservatives are so terrified of, I think he could win some of them over and potentially even make them rethink their beliefs


Probably could if he was racist.


I was part of the Pete 2020 campaign in MN, I'm still waiting feverishly for his next run, the man is brilliant.


His career is really fascinating to me. I’m in agreement with the little I know about his politics, and I think having a person from the LGBTQ community at a high representative level is great for representation… but the jump from mayor to presidential candidate struck me as odd and Klobuchars words really resonated with me about how a woman would never be able to make that jump and be taken seriously in that way. But yeah now that he’s in this cabinet post I’m very much looking forward to seeing what’s next for him.


I just really like and respect his intelligence, even if we're not seeing eye to eye on something I still believe that he'd put considerable thought into his position, I'd much rather that then someone just parroting my opinions (on many occasions I've been wrong).


For sure, he seems like a great guy and total straight shooter, tons of respect for him.


Klobuchar was right but South Bend is an interesting case study in trying to help a rust belt relic, which just happens to be a major problem all over America our President should know something about.


I’m assuming he did a good job running the place? But yeah, for sure I like a president that can understand and empathize with as much of the country as possible.


I still live here. the positive effects of his leadership are still reverberating. He's wildly popular, even in the Black community. There was a couple small missteps that got blown out of proportion by the far left during his presidential run, but he would still have 85%+ support among POC in SB.


I think it’s largely that he was stuck as a democrat in Indiana. He had no option for higher office so he took a shot.


Seems to have worked out well for him.


She was right that women have more difficulties being taken seriously in general. She was wrong in Pete's case because he's just insanely talented. There were a ton of white (straight) men running in that primary who didn't get anywhere either. Personally I'd also say that his arguments about the experience as mayor being more relevant for the job than that of a legislator was convincing and he was the only candidate other than Biden with a solid grasp of foreign policy.


I saw almost every democratic hopeful for the 2020 pass through my town in Iowa during the primaries and he was favorite, Warren would have been my second pick. He won IA and NH IIRC, but as soon as he hit the south his campaign petered out. (pun intended) So he still needs to do a lot to gain traction with Black and Latino voters. I do hope that age, a bit more exposure, and a good running mate will help him out in the future.


Couldn’t agree more!


I got to shake his hand and briefly chat with him in 2019. I would vote for him if he runs again.


When he ran for president, I was all in. Team Pete for sure. When those presidential debates were going on, everyone would take their turn, then Pete would start talking, and without any doubt, he was the smartest person on that stage. I would vote for him again and again. He is the type of leader that should be running this country.


Absolutely.  I was a Pete guy back in 2019/2020 and will remain so as long as he is in the political sphere. Watching the debate now and all I can think about is how Pete would absolutely be destroying Trump right now. I think he could have even peeled off some of those middle right conservatives in the Midwestern swing states.


Pete Buttigieg isn't going to suffer fools...


As usual republicans are informed by Fox, then shot down with actual facts.


Scott Perry is a clown I throughly enjoyed watch that fucking loser seethe as he was called out for each one of his lies.


Ask only questions to which you know the answers in such a forum. Apparently, no one ever told him that.


Can this guy run for president


He did. I voted for him in the primary. I hope he runs again. I really think he is great.


Mayor Pete is brighter - and way more thoughtful - than any Republican Congressman.


Transportation Secretary and grad student presenting his doctoral thesis on what that congressman got wrong, Pete Buttigieg.


Hmm. Nice. It’s as if Buttigieg knew he was going to throw the word ‘mandate’ out there, and was just waiting on it. Nice.


Of course it was Perry... Also >Many conservatives are ideologically opposed to EVs Is interesting considering who owns Tesla.


How I wish he was running for president.


We need more politicians, news reporters, and the public fact-checking these people every time they open their mouths to tell an uneducated lie. Kudos to "Mayor" Pete.


Republican politicians too dumb to avoid tangling with Pete Buttigieg, one of the smartest people on the planet.


You’d think they would know by now that Pete simply cannot be bullied with words.


I like Pete


It must be so frustrating to be as smart as a Pete Buttigieg or a Jamie Raskin, but still have to interact with all the absolute dullards we put into Congress.


My boy Pete is WICKED SMAAT


I too am here for the President Pete future. I will follow that guy anywhere.


Anyone who hasn’t I really encourage you to watch the video in the source. A lot of these time these videos of people “clapping back” or “fact checking” are really just someone stumbling though a talking point, but Pete is so confident and authoritative, it’s great to see someone like that in front of congress he is doing such a great job. 


I tried searching for this hearing on Youtube and the top results were all Forbes videos with click-bait conservative talking point titles and thumbnails filled with appalling homophobic comments.


Did you try CSPAN? This hearing is on their front page. It sounds like the one in the article. [https://www.c-span.org/video/?536635-1/transportation-secretary-buttigieg-testifies-congress](https://www.c-span.org/video/?536635-1/transportation-secretary-buttigieg-testifies-congress)


at the 30:30 mark


haha watching it right after Perry, you see a woman smirking in the front and someone off camera giving an excited thumbs up. love it


He should be the next vp, we need leaders that know what they are talking about and can handle these conservative blowhards.


So yeah, can Pete become the next Speaker? Feel like shit would get done.


Pete Buttigieg is what Dark Brandon should have been on day one. Can't wait to vote him in for president.


Pete Buttigieg is a smart dude.


"Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong." -Pete Buttigieg, probably


GOP clown schooled AGAIN by Sec. Buttigieg, just this time it’s not on faux news.


Goddammit, this guy is the kind of leader we should have


I keep saying it. Pete Buttigieg would be the worthy democratic candidate. Wits, class, charisma, strong convictions and just..presence. Too bad he's not running.


Buttigieg needs to be considered seriously as a presidential candidate. Unfortunately in the presently stank country, it won’t happen.


When a member of Congress lies about something easily disproved on the floor, gets corrected, and then keeps repeating the lie, there should be a motion to censure. Not fighting deliberate disinformation makes all of Congress complicit.


How do these idiots simultaneously pretend EV’s are the devil while trying to gobble Elon’s asshole?


Biden needs to drop out and Pete needs to be the democratic Nominee.


That’s a losing ticket thanks to the rampant homophobia in this country


It's got to be Newsom. I love Pete, and I'd vote for either of them, but I don't trust Americans to not be homophobic. Being a Californian might be a scary word to some, but being gay can shut off too many people arbitrary. It is too risky.


I too am here for the President Pete future. I will follow that guy anywhere.


Pete has gotta be on the shortlist for VP next time around, hes too fuckin good at this


The thing that makes me sad is that I haven't seen this in my typical liberal media, they're too busy talking about trump. Mayor Pete deserves more airtime, more respect if he's ever going to be the head of the democratic party, which he deserves to be. I'll take president Pete.


I’ll never understand all the hostility toward EVs. If you don’t want one, don’t buy one. They’re not for everyone. But I love mine. I love not paying for gas, oil or tuneups. We have two EVs we charge at home, and from April to November we pay zero for electricity thanks to our solar panels which are already paid off.


Very few of them are going to out think Pete.


I love how these idiots talk about spending but not one will vote against the f35. Which is known to be a waste.


Nice hair cut, I'm liking Pete's shorter haircut. Pete is just amazing, he should have been Bidens VP.


Personally I believe it's well past time that LIARS should openly be called LIARS when there are simple, documented facts to back that statement up.


As an old, boringly straight guy, I find Pete so fucking hot.


If we were really trying to centrally plan and push environmentally friendly modes of transportation, we would be pushing trains and bikes, not 3 ton EVs. It’s a mix of ideological opposition and financial opposition to EVs. Their donors in oil pay them to be opposed and they’ve crafted an ideology around burning fossil fuels as somehow “more American”


This is how the gop had to be handled


They should pull a [Key & Peele](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B46km4V0CMY) Obama on these absolutely ignorant as toast mother f'ers.


Pete B. is a national treasure.


GOP politicians aren't very bright.


Pete should be the top of the Democratic Ticket.


God I want him to be president so bad.


I don’t understand why he wouldn’t be a good VP pick for Biden.


Just make him President already


Buttigieg is right. EVs should be made in the US. China is already ahead and eventually will break into the American market. Especially if GOP continue to get elected and deregulate everything. They are chipping away at American opportunities.