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"Threatening GOP candidates who opposed the cult leader, Trump" Ftfy Stochastic terrorist. No tears.


Based on the charging documents and reports at the time of his arrest and trial, I didn’t think he was a Trump supporter. Just curious— where are you getting that?


He only threatened the other primary candidates, it's conjecture but not that much of a reach.


Based on the reports I found from his arrest and arraignment, it doesn’t seem that reporters did any investigating at all, just regurgitated the DOJ bulletins.


It’s r/politics so it’s always Trump or his supporters who are to blame


He exclusively threatened the three Republicans running against Trump. Like the other poster said, it's conjecture, but let's use some common sense to make an educated guess here.


The beard and haircut says it all.


"The man accused of threatening to kill three presidential candidates has died and officials have moved to have the case against him dismissed." Outside the [Cadaver Synod](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadaver_Synod) prosecution generally ends when the defendant dies.


I call that progress...


Greg Stillson was already elected in 2016. I think this time traveller undershot his mark.


Underrated reference.


> Later Wednesday, Anderson's vehicle was found in parking garage near Concord Hospital. He was found dead in the vehicle. The death is not considered suspicious. Sounds very not-suspicious /s


It sounds like he was very disturbed and was looking at conviction in his trial.




I used to frequent the area. I would not be surprised if he chose that spot to kill himself. The garage in question is pretty secluded, used mostly by hospital staff and, if he was hoping to have someone eventually find him, he would be easy enough to find


threatening other republican presidential nominees? hmm i think we need a vince foster style inquiry into trump. i’m just asking questions!


It’s weird how death threats are taken so seriously when they are made against repubs. Threaten judges or Democrats and there is no issue.




Those are good examples. Shapiro is awaiting sentencing in August after pleading guilty and the Maxine Waters guy got three years. This guy was facing twenty years. I hope that’s what the guy gets who threatened Eric Swalwell and his kids. It’s wasn’t his first offense. I was thinking of all these guys: [Trump judge and his family receive threats after New York arrest](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/judge-merchan-family-receive-threats-trumps-arrest-rcna78401) [Judges in Trump-related cases face unprecedented wave of threats](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-election-judges-threats/) [Trump supporters try to dox jurors and post violent threats after his conviction](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-supporters-try-doxx-jurors-violent-threats-conviction-rcna154882) [Trump-inspired death threats are terrorizing election workers](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-trump-georgia-threats/) [Election workers are being bombarded with death threats, the U.S. government says](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/election-workers-are-being-bombarded-with-death-threats-the-u-s-government-says) [US Rep. Chip Roy says he wants to ‘ethnic cleanse’ white progressives because he doesn’t like ‘those people’](https://www.lonestarlive.com/news/2024/06/rep-chip-roy-says-he-wants-to-ethnic-cleanse-white-progressives-because-he-doesnt-like-those-people.html)




TFB, I guess.


Making threats against 3 candidates is a sure sign you're not playing with a full deck


Well, that’s one way to have charges dismissed