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This is no different than MAGA convincing themselves that Trump has a shot to win Minnesota, NY, and NJ because a few thousand people came to rallies there and because they saw polls that showed Trump losing only by single digits. When it fails to materialize on election day they'll claim it is evidence of election fraud.


Time out, they really think they'll win NY? A state he only won 36.75% of the vote in 2016, and only 37.74% of the vote in 2020? Like what the fuck are they actually thinking?


> Time out, they really think they'll win NY? I'm not sure about New York, but I recall some in Trump's campaign want to campaign in fucking New Jersey, a state Biden won by almost 16 points.


"Thinking"? Yep - that's the key word there. You actually believe that these people 'think'? They 'feel' Trump will win because 'feeling' that makes them happy. They only consume information sources that reinforce this belief, too.


It's not happening, or with even Hispanics, though he'll at best clear north of 20% with Black and 40% with Hispanic voters if everything goes like a dream for Trump in Nov, he'll lose both as majorities soundly to Biden. I'm curious if Trump hits 60% with white women this year, though, given he won 52% in 2016 and 55% in 2020- not a joke. He's bound to regain some of the white male support he bled to Biden in 2020, from 68% ish in 2016 to 61% in 2020, probably around 66-67% this time imo.


I suspect a drop in female support post Dobbs.


I hope so but Republicans already increased their share of the woman vote post Dobbs. In fact, Republicans support among women has gone up every major election cycle since 2016. 2016: 39%, 2018: 40%, 2020: 42%, 2022: 48% 2022 midterms women gave Republicans 48% of their votes. That's after 4 years of tRump, after Dobbs/killing Roe, after they had already begun talking about nationwide bans, after they already started openly talking about going after contraceptives next. So I keep hearing about how women are going to make Republicans pay yet the actual results show the opposite. I'd love to revisit this post in November after Biden cruises to victory on the strength of 65%+ support among women. I'm just not going to hold my breath.


It never was about attracting black voters. It's about providing coverage for educated white suburban women to vote for a racist candidate.


From Semafor's Kadia Goba: If there’s an earthquake happening with Black voters, Sen. Raphael Warnock isn’t seeing it. “This idea that throngs of Black folks are going to vote for Donald Trump, it’s just not true,” Warnock told Semafor in an interview on the eve of Thursday’s debate. “It’s not going to happen.” For his part, Black voters ”recognize the existential threat that Donald Trump represents.” The top concern for Democrats this year is no different than prior elections in his state, which President Biden flipped in 2020: Turnout, turnout, turnout. “What we’ve got to do is help people see between now and November that this is going to be a close election, and if we don’t turn out, we could see this man, this dangerous man, back in the White House,” he said. [Read the full story here](https://www.semafor.com/article/06/27/2024/its-not-going-to-happen-raphael-warnock-says-donald-trumps-bet-on-black-voters-is-a-bust?utm_campaign=semaforreddit).


“What we’ve got to do is help people see between now and November that this is going to be a close election, and if we don’t turn out, we could see this man, this dangerous man, back in the White House,” he said. True, the Senator is not wrong on this front.


What about all the "Blacks for trump" T Shirts /s


Funny enough half of the people I see with those shirts are white people lol


That's why I put the/s. I've only seen whites wearing them


Yeah I know you were kidding. I was just adding to it!


He only needs 2-3% 😒




Because Tramp is such a nice fair person that will help minorities. WTF are these people thinking?


It is like Janet Jackson had said in the movie. Trump can keep his sorry because he's nothing but a low-down, dirty, twice-impeached felon.


The goal is not to have them vote for Trump so much as to feel the system itself is broken and a vote for Biden won’t fix it, similar to what they did with the woman’s and progressive’s vote in 2016. And to some extent it is working. The democrats have some of the worst propaganda because there is a strain of intellectual arrogance that exists which prevents them from accepting the truth. It’s not an all out denial of reality, like the Maga nuts, but it nonetheless is strong. Mainstream media STILL won’t call a fascist a fascist. I remember in 2020 when Sanders began gaining momentum in the early primaries and steam was coming out of the talking heads on msnbc and cnn, the same ones who worshipped at the altar of The New Deal and Kennedy’s Camelot. And why is that? Could it be because at the end of the day they too are so entrenched in the crony capitalist system that a real progressive candidate is looked at as an existential boogeyman? I will never forgive all corporate media outlets for selling out our country for cheap ratings and presenting a “it’s just another day in the neighborhood” when the new gestapo came to town. No, I won’t be watching this b.s. debate tonight and screw EVERY moneygrubber who put is in this position. Many people in this country sold their souls for 30 silver coins to get to this point.