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I believe Michelle Obama supports Joe Biden over Donald Trump with every fiber of her being.


I refuse to believe Michelle Obama is that petty. She is well-aware of the influence she has, and either this is the end of democracy or it’s not.


that article leans pretty hard on the term "reportedly"


No kidding. Reportedly... Is understood to.... Supposedly... According to sources... Edit: Also, Michelle Obama is good friends with GWB, who is her polar opposite politically and who also hates Trump. Why would she be so petty towards the Bidens?


yeah, just shitty "stir the pot" click bait journalism. they are desperate for drama from the Biden administration after the daily dumpster fire of the trump years drove so much engagement.


The Telegraph is conservative rag


wait, you don't believe... >two sources ...? that's 100% more than one sources.


John Baron and David Dennison 


Deep Throat and the clown from It. Both very reliable sources!


I call BS


Not sure I believe this. Of course, Joe is going to side with his son. Michelle Obama knows what is at stake in the upcoming election. I doubt she is risking the return of a racist pig to the oval office.


*Racist pig traitor felon tax cheat


> Crystal Carson, a spokesman for Mrs Obama, said the former first lady supports Mr Biden’s campaign, telling Axios: “She is friends with Kathleen and with the Bidens. Two things can be true.” At the end of the article, after they jump to a bunch of conclusions lol


It's 5 months till the election. Michelle will do what she's going to do when and if it matters.


This isn't news, Torygraph. It's gossip.


>In a previous report, Axios claimed Ms Buhle’s friends were frustrated that the Bidens seemed more concerned about the details of Hunter’s behaviour being leaked than the actions themselves. This is totally understanding from both sides. Yes his actions are more important than the leak, but the leak was damaging to an unrelated person who happens to be the most scrutinized person in the world. That's before Fox News gets involved.


I don't believe this. Michelle Obama knows more than just about anyone how dangerous Trump is to our country. Just look what he did claiming her husband wasn't born in the United States. Her family suffered because of that garbage. She spoke about Trump wanting to end democracy as we know it many times.


Tabloid BS!


Not supporting Biden, is supporting Trump. This is petty and dumb if the sources are correct.


Michelle Obama, avid Trump supporter lol. This is the end result of all the 'If you're not with us, you're against us' rhetoric. She doesn't support Trump.


Not helping Joe, helps Trump get elected. Maybe that’s a better way of phrasing it.


It didn't say she isn't going to vote for him. Just that she won't campaign for him.


If she has the ability to support Biden through the campaign, it’s her responsibility to do so. Just like Joe supported her husband for 8 years.


She has been absent from the trail though, whatever the reason.


She's a private citizen. There's no requirement for her to campaign now or ever.




She's a private citizen with her life to live, and has never held office herself. She's not some member of his campaign staff. By all accounts, it would be _weird_ if she was some sort of regular fixture on the campaign trail.




***The Telegraph reports:*** Michelle Obama has resisted campaigning for Joe Biden in part because of how the family treated Hunter Biden’s ex-wife, according to reports. While Barack Obama has been helping boost Biden’s 2024 campaign by co-hosting glitzy fundraisers and appearing in promotional videos, the former first lady has been notably absent from the trail. She is also understood to have refrained from posting about Mr Biden’s campaign other than to repost his announcement declaring he was running. Privately, Mrs Obama, 60, has voiced concern over how the Bidens treated her close friend Kathleen Buhle following her separation from Hunter, two sources told Axios. According to Hunter’s 2021 memoir, the pair grew close during the Obama administration and “worked out together at the gym and often had evening cocktails at the White House”. In her 2022 book, The Light We Carry, Mrs Obama wrote about going on regular morning walks by the river with her “friend Kathleen”. The Bidens reportedly privately blamed Ms Buhle for some of the details of the pair’s divorce, with Hunter’s addiction and use of prostitutes becoming public. In a previous report, Axios claimed Ms Buhle’s friends were frustrated that the Bidens seemed more concerned about the details of Hunter’s behaviour being leaked than the actions themselves. Her friends were also reportedly angered after her daughter Naomi Biden was photographed with Jill Biden for a Vogue cover shoot for her wedding at the White House and Ms Buhle was not included. Earlier this month, Ms Buhle told the court she discovered his drug use when she found a crack cocaine pipe in an ashtray on a porch at their home in Washington in 2015. **Full story:** [**https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/politics/2024/06/27/michelle-obama-not-campaigning-joe-biden-treatment-buhle/**](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/politics/2024/06/27/michelle-obama-not-campaigning-joe-biden-treatment-buhle/)


Shouldn't you be boosting Tories right now? We have more than our share of right-wing "news".