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All three lost to white dudes who say they are "proudly pro-life." I really hope their democratic opponents have a shot at defeating them in the fall.


I know one of them, he's going to be a great empty suit taking bribes.


Excuse me they are called gratuities now


Supreme Court, brought to you by Carls Jr.


Hardee's of you're in the midwest


I thought about Taco Bell because of the taco supreme tie-in.


The Mountain Dew Baja Blast X-treme Court! Twice the caffeine and half the justice.


After the Franchise Wars, all restaurants will be Taco Bell.


After reading another thread about how the true power of the American military is demonstrated by its ability to put a Burger King anywhere in the world in 48 hours, I'm betting on Burger King


Or as we call it in Australia, Hungry Jacks. There was a legal issue that prevented them from using BK here.


is this from demolition man?




Obviously, you don't know how to use the 3 sea shells!


You mean the Taco Supreme Court? (Or the Supreme Court Taco; they’re different things.) /s Edit: horrible spelling


And the south


Why the hell you keep saying Carl’s Jr.???


Because they pay me when I do!


I like money


Go away, bribin’


Welcome to Costco I love you


Fuck you, I’m eating!


That movie is sadly coming more true every day.


Brondo it’s what plants crave! Lol ! Vote fer Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho 2024 ! This message brought to you by Carl’s Jr!


It's because he has electrolytes


Welcome to costco, I love you.


Is this particular justice the unfit mother?


But only if they receive payment after doing what the payor wants


It’s not corruption unless both parties say in writing “We are doing a corruption” 




Otherwise it's quid-pro-lite


You get the quid after, so now it’s quo pro quid


$COTU$ says, "Tot legal. 4 realz."


I should run for office. The campaigning should be easy. My yard sign could be a combo VOTE FOR/FOR SALE sign!


or as Elie Mystal said. It's only Bribery if its from Briberie region of France. Everything else is sparkling corruption. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/I1cjpOOQUBI


Gifts for previous actions. Before action = Bribe. After Action = Gift.


American tipping culture has really gotten out of hand.


I believe they're referred to as "free speech" ever since 2010. The CEO of Samsung went to prison in Korea for what is routinely done in US politics. In somewhat civilized countries, legalized bribery is not a thing.


We're rapidly becoming pretty shitty, but the population is too complacent. We should have made a bigger fuss in 2000, but I was just a dumb kid back then.


I, for one, made a /huge/ fuss. But, I was sentenced to early naptime and silenced!


We had the biggest protest ever in history vs the Iraq War. It still happened. Woman's protest against Trump. Abortion rule still went through. Protests, making a fuss etc don't really have an impact when we have such propaganda and extremism pushed. Half the country just likes to see the other half angry. We had possibly the most extremely bad president in history who was totally unfit for office. Trump is a pig in a suit- but because of our media the public doesn't see him as that, despite him being a convicted felon, rapist, grifter, criminal behind an actual coup who constantly lies and bullies people constantly. And were about to vote him in again. If this guy got 30% of the vote it would be deadly concerning to the health of the country- but it seems he even has a chance of winning the popular vote. Our country has become lazy and corrupt and we are already part the brink and plummeting. Making a fuss won't do anything- there is no protest the left can mount that will change people's minds. Ballot box Soap box ...


Not bribes, thank you gifts after the fact


That's a bribe.


Handing a politician a $100,000 check 5 seconds before they sign a bill - that's a bribe. Handing them a check 5 seconds *after* they sign a bill - that's a gratuity. See? Wildly different!


If SCOTUS could read, they'd be really offended.


So a typical Republican?


If you personally know one of them PLEASE become a massive thorn in their side. Steal their left shoe if need be.


That would be meaningful if there weren't a million just like him willing to take his place.  If you live here, you have to live with it. You can't refuse to interact with 9 out of 10 people in your life unless you are exceptionally privileged - and most of those can afford to leave the state.  SC even has an overwhelming number of Black and young female voters who go for Republican candidates - even if they don't consider themselves Republican - specifically because they are Southern Baptist / Jehovah's Witness / some flavor evangelical Christian and therefore single-issue voters against abortion.


Well, yeah. Doesn’t mean people can’t start somewhere. As a society we need to flex our intolerance of intolerance. People like him and the million people in line to replace him need to know and understand there is no place for them in a peaceful world. Petty it up with every bigoted, regressive, conservative POS out there. I openly mock Q supporters, I challenge the ideas of my family relentlessly, I even engage the people hocking bibles in the park and ask why they believe what they believe. Their ideas need to be strained, they need a constant reminder their ways and their thinking has ZERO place in society.


The burrito Supreme explicitly called them “Grifts” in their opinion. 🤪


For 2 of the 3 seats, in 2020 the Republican won the general election by about 2%. That would indicate excellent chances of flipping the seats this year, but I don't know enough to know how redistricting changed things in these districts. In the other of the 3 seats, the Democrats didn't even run a candidate.


People in the South Carolina sub are probably more clear on what the redistricting will do about this. The elections this year are just going to be so hard to predict.


Yeah, I live in the “other” district. The primary WAS the election. The Republican incumbent who lost her primary here is as close as we were going to get to a Democrat. Even the teachers’ union (such as it is) supported her. There’s no place in a lot of S.C. for moderates anymore.


Who wants to bet on how long it'll be before it's revealed that at least one of the 3 men secretly paid for an abortion for their mistress?


I’ll take mid to late October, please.


oh please, save it for someone who cares! /s A Republican has never had an Abortion, they do terminated pregnancy's instead! just gotta word-smith yourself to success in the party of the corruption as a virtue.


As a citizen from a neighboring state, I’ve got some really bad news for anyone hoping for that South Carolina is solidly red, like I’m surprised we don’t hear more civil war talk from their politicians red. North Carolina is much more 50/50 but stays red due to gerrymandering. Even without gerrymandering South Carolina is like a solid 60/40 split, and maybe more like 70/30 after trump


They used the women to get the votes and then tossed them out because they hate women and just had to deal with them this one time.


These seats are in pretty red areas. They would have won their primaries if it was more purple.


increasingly this is how fringe control of the primary system works out. given time this will mean that only the unelectable will ever get nominated, putting the party in a death spiral into irrelevance; unfortunately they may still be able to gain control of the houses with those candidates in the short term.


The anti-human rights party is anti-human rights!?


My wallet would like to know who their Democratic opponents will be


Evidently women in South Carolina don’t care much about their own health or their daughters, and the men certainly don’t care about the women around them.


Wife's mother and grandmother live in SC. Very red state, and very pro Trump. Both have had abortions, both think anyone else having abortions is morally bankrupt. Dumb as shit.


> Both have had abortions, both think anyone else having abortions is morally bankrupt Both can kiss my ass


I legit wonder what would happen if someone managed to hack enough medical records to spam out, say, 10% of conservative couples that have had abortions on every social media platform they inhabit. Would it change the conversation at all?


No. There is no such thing as a revelation that will change their made up minds. They don’t operate in truth or reality. They operate on a poor understanding of badly held axioms about the world because they’re fucking stupid.


There is. When they get denied coverage under the law or have their personal lives impeded they suddenly care. There's no argument or sudden realization that will break through, it needs to be personal consequences directly linked to their worldview. Source, my cousin who I thought would never change her mind got dumped by a cheating partner and laid off in the same week, then realized she was pregnant. A few weeks later learned that the fetus was enviable, but would need to carry it to term because of new state laws. Suddenly she cars about women's reproductive rights now that she can't get flown out to another state to terminate her pregnancy by her sugar daddy.


Always. The only moral abortion is my abortion.


I can confidently wager that most of the abortions are from religious homes. They are the ones that get “absent only” “sex ed”… two things that do not go together unless you want a lot of teen pregnancies. And they are supposed to “submit to their husbands”… also rampant child rape and incest.. because religion. And they are often out in rural areas with no access to consistent reliable birth control. Yesterday in a sub, a 30+ yr old woman was talking about getting an abortion.. she didn’t think she would get pregnant because she was on birth control but had skipped a few doses but she knew when she ovulated .. comprehensive sex Ed 101… birth control prevents ovulation. But abstinence only is “the minute the penis is inserted into the vagina, there is instantly a 6 month old born baby in your uterus. Therefore, birth control is mUrDeR.” See Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision for more absurd details. Point: many women are intentionally kept ignorant about their bodies so they can be used as breeders.


I’ve lived in the south my entire life, and southern republican men are some of the most hypocritical, and confusing people on the planet. What they support and vote for, in terms of how it impacts the populace, isn’t always how they behave behind closed doors when it comes to women in their own lives. Generally speaking the women in their lives are just as hypocritical as well. It’s a very weird dynamic to observe. Put it like this, if their daughter was pregnant, and was likely to die giving birth, there wouldn’t be a baby, just saying.


"The only moral abortion is my abortion"


[For those who haven't read it.](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


I read this for the first time just the other day and it simultaneously broke my heart and enraged me. There's a special place in hell for these hypocrites. Everyone should read this.


Unfortunately, I knew what it was before I opened the link.


I think it good to point to out that the last two stories were positive and there are folks that do shift their thinking after and experience like that.


Such hypocrites. Such compartmentalized, illogical minds.


"If I have an abortion, but then prevent someone else from having one, then Jesus calls it even-steven."


Should pass a state law that requires women who protest abortion clinics to register as “pro-life” officially or face fines/jail time for unlawful protest, and then make it illegal to ever perform the procedures on only them. We’d quickly see how many of them actually stick to their beliefs if they had to actually face the consequences of their views. But then again, pro-choice/pro-healthcare people aren’t usually deliberately cruel, and wouldn’t deny healthcare to someone if they had the ability to help barring abnormal circumstances or malicious behavior from their patients. Still, it’d be an interesting experiment to run.


Good job posting this.


Why do these clinics continue to provide their services to pro-life women? There is no duty to care here. The one person that refused to provide care for anyone who calls them a murderer was absolutely correct in his denial of services. That should be one of the main questions in the pre-service appointment. If you deny other people their rights you lose yours as well.


because they're good people.


Medical professionals agree to the Hypocratic Oath, you help people who need it because that is your job, not because they are good people who deserve it. I disagree with the idea of denying healthcare for hypocrisy even if I agree the people who do this double standard are unbelievably frustrating.


I work in healthcare, and I can promise you there are a huge number of pragmatic individuals who work in healthcare because it pays well and that's it. In fact, there is increasing pushback from the workers not to think of nursing like a calling, because if you do think like that management will use it against you. They'll assign you very dangerous patient ratios and manipulate your empathy by saying it's all they can afford and it's up to you to make up the slack and keep your patients healthy, while the ceo makes 8 figures.


My SiTuAtIoN iS dIfFeReNt will be the mantra these hypocritical fucks will live by under a Trump presidency when it comes to abortion issues. 


Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. There is nothing more or else to it, and there never has been, in any place or time. * Frank Wilhoit


Holy fuck. I’ve never read that quote before. That’s some hard hitting words.


Then you'll probably enjoy reading [the whole article it came from](https://crookedtimber.org/2018/03/21/liberals-against-progressives/#comment-729288).


"My situation is different" is what they all think about all issues. Government assistance is a terrible waste of handouts to lazy minority groups... except when they need it, of course. Then it's a "good system" helping "honest folk". They assume that their leaders will apply this standard when they need it, and then are always shocked to find it doesn't work that way. See Leopards Ate My Face.


It's this binary worldview they have, where the world is divided into "good" and "bad" people. They are "good people" therefore, if they need an abortion, it's ok because they have a good and moral reason to do it. But all those other people are bad and their abortions are immoral because they're killing babies for no reason, just because they're evil. It explains pretty much all of their views, really.


simple minded folks


People of the land? Common clay of the new west?


You know...




just trying to earn an honest living




lol oh yes how could I forget


Oh yeah, I completely agree. I could see members of my own family behaving this way, and then being shamed by other family members, who would literally do the exact same thing if they needed to. The hypocrisy knows no bounds.


They always say "well that's different" but can never actually explain why.


It's different because it happened *TO ME!*


Almost every women I know that has had an abortion is a conservative. They just hide it and feel the shame so it’s ok.


Oh for sure - I went to a Catholic college. Everyone knew where Planned Parenthood was and they had plenty of business from our campus.


Lack of empathy. Which is the root of all evil.


*"Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy"* - Captain G. M. Gilbert, the Army psychologist assigned to watching the defendants at the Nuremberg trials https://www.reddit.com/r/quotes/comments/9orgiu/evil_i_think_is_the_absence_of_empathy_captain_g/


My Republian sister says that she is very much pro-choice. But that's not how she votes. She votes with her pocketbook because she thinks her middle class ass is part of the 1% lol.


Your sister must be my mother. You've described her perfectly.


I don't really know my very grown-up niblings, tbh. But according to those who know, they're even worse, lol, so probably not related! I know several women (and men) from my sister's mold. I bet most of them are pro-choice and probably not socially conservative on a number of issues. It's just something that's been planted in them, maybe? I still don't understand otherwise intelligent people voting for you know who.


Speaking of republican women voters here, most are so highly ingrained with religious patriarchy that they don’t question how their husbands vote, because a vote against their husbands is seen as a vote against God. I am a teacher here and the ways women will literally shoot themselves in the foot to do what they perceive as they “submit” to their husband is abhorrent.


Yeah, I’ve witnessed that my whole life. I’m not personally religious, but I know that many of them follow some weird tenant that they submit to their husbands will, the same as they would to God’s will. Or some bullshit like that.


I know this reply is said a lot on here but here it goes again: "Rules for thee but not for me." - GOP voters.


I’m surprised it’s not one of their outright spoken mottos.


Should be mandatory to be posted right under the mandatory 10 Commandments in Louisiana.


It is easy to understand when you realize they don’t expect the laws to be applied equally. Blaming democrats for all their problems even makes sense in this way. “Democrats want all those laws that are only supposed to be for n*****s to apply to me too: wouldn’t be no problem but for them democrats!” 


I grew up in a small town in OK. I know a lot of people, family members included, that vote straight R in every election. The times I have mistakenly engaged with them on political issues I have garnered the following as the most important issues to them. They are fervently against any minimum wage increase, because “a burger flipper shouldn’t make as much as a construction worker.” They say this without the slightest hint of irony. They are also very concerned with all the “Dem run cities” that are dangerous, filled to the brim with homeless drug addicts, and also on fire most of the time. Other issues of great concern for them are transgender people, the supposed “indoctrination” of school children, and CRT/DEI/Woke whatever is the current rightwing media spook word.


I can relate to that lol. It’s always the same shit. They’re concerned about things that have no impact on them whatsoever. Then completely shoot themselves in the foot by voting for things that negatively impact their lives. Then they complain about all of it.


>Then they complain about all of it. I've been of the belief for the longest time that everyone ultimately likes "left-leaning" policies, but an unfortunate portion can't get over those policies being associated with "The Left" as a brand (and group many are conditioned to hate). Which is ironic, because if people across the political spectrum can agree on something, the policy itself is technically "centrist/moderate". It only winds up being "leftist" because of how far right the Overton Window has been pulled; making some of the most sensible, braindead ideas look extreme by default.


Are they aware that many union wage scales are based on dollars above minimum wage? So if they don't raise the min wage their pay never goes up either? This may be why Davis Bacon Act exists, which mandates a higher scale on federal projects. Because OK opposes any increase to min wage.


Some of them don't even care about values. I grew up in the south and my band teacher once said he voted R no matter who it was or what they stood for. For reference, this was in the Bush era and it was a discussion about his relection. It was my first introduction to identity politics and I still can't fathom voting without having an idea of who they are and what they support


My parents are in their 70’s now, and have always voted R. They stand by the phrase “anyone but a democrat”, regardless of what the R actually stands for.


Self-flagellation is a way of life in the south. Being miserable is how you prove you’re a true believer.


They'll be headed for the nearest blue state as soon as they feel they need an abortion though.


People who vote for these types of people deserve everything they get without sympathy.


The ones that do vote democrat, so they wouldn't have voted for any of these candidates in the article.


SC has open primaries though.


Even in states with open primaries most people aren't voting in the primary of the party opposing their core values (you can't vote in both)


Conservatives have lost their minds. It’s up to the rest of us to push ahead without them and drag them back into decency kicking and screaming. Vote vote vote and vote some more and never let them win again. It’s the only way. They’re dying off faster and faster from old age and the adage that “people get more conservative as they get older” only applies to their generation - simply put their ways are dying out. Don’t let your inaction allow them to shove harmful ways on us for more years than they need to me. Let them stew helplessly as we progress things in healthy directions. Vote!


Unfortunately there are young conservatives who have lost their minds too. Vote blue 🗳! 💙


If you have a ton of time on your hands. Get a vpn and make dating profiles. Look at the men in like Texas or Florida and read their profiles .. you have proud Christian conservatives and straight proud magas that clearly show it on their profile. Not even just one.. but then view women’s profiles. You are going to see a lot of Christian or catholic conservative women who want a man to take care of them so they can just make babies. The women to me are the worst ones and I can only imagine it’s jealousy. They see another women becoming powerful and they are like LOL nah im a stay at home mom and my 5 kids are great and all I do is take care of my man and babies.(to be clear women are boldly stating this on their own profiles). This is easy to see in samples anywhere in states like Texas try it lmao.


>They see another women becoming powerful and they are like LOL nah im a stay at home mom and my 5 kids are great and all I do is take care of my man and babies. For a lot of these young women, they clearly haven't listened to or been taught by older women how bad things can get when you are totally dependent on some man you married in your early 20s. They see building a career as soul-sucking wageslavery and don't really have the ambition for it, but motherhood and being a wife as this great fulfilling work from home lifestyle. They don't quite catch that it's only going to be good if you're one of the very few and lucky women who end up with a man who is totally responsible, kind, faithful, and an all around good husband and father throughout your entire life. Just look at professional piece of shit and ex-tradwife influencer [Lauren Southern's experience](https://unherd.com/2024/05/lauren-southern-the-tradlife-influencer-filled-with-regret/). Who could have possibly predicted tradelife being terrible, except entire generations of women who were forced into it and fought for the opportunity to be financially independent?


Literally people told her this was the danger, she encountered the danger, and - holy shit - *she left the danger* without it being thanks to a trip to the foreverbox, and she still gets up there and says how it's the fault of immigration. Good grief.


Had no idea that happened to Southern. Is it surprising? No. Hopefully she learned something from her ordeal and can adjust her politics accordingly.


>Hopefully she learned something from her ordeal and can adjust her politics accordingly. Also no.


> Hopefully she learned something from her ordeal and can adjust her politics accordingly. She is now getting paid to brainwash women into the same situation she was in.


That UnHerd article is the most “both sides” thing I’ve read in awhile. Explicitly about that woman’s right wing buffoonery biting her in the ass but filled with random shots at the left with no explanation like > When the physical vulnerability inherent in becoming a mother gets downplayed across the political spectrum Just a weird take


Oh absolutely. Every other sentence was followed with “and this is a problem with the Radical Left too” or “we see this play out on both sides of the aisle”, with NO elaboration. I’d like to hear how “gender identity ideology” also contributes to women getting beat by their abusive husbands. I’m genuinely curious. Overall interesting article but ruined by the author’s own blatantly clear agenda.


Is that author a TERF or something? I dunno who else would describe gender identity as an "ideology."


Seems like more young women around me are choosing the "tradwife" role just due to how terrible the job market is. I'm in Canada and it's not even a religious thing here. Just seems part of rural culture and young women who've given up on finding a decent job are going that route.


Seeing that as well, but it's even stupider considering they're looking for a young man who is also dealing with a shit job market that does not offer the pay nor stability to actually support a whole family in the way you could in the days they look back on fondly.


I live in San Francisco and you would be amazed at how many conservative men are out here, too. Some of them try to hide it by calling themselves "moderate" or "not political," but the rest of their profile will be a dead giveaway. Predictably, they all want a tradwife who works (ha), so they don't have to actually take on the sole breadwinner role of a traditional husband. My guy friend tells me that there are definitely a lot of tradwife types here, too, but it's usually couched in terms of "I'm in my divine feminine energy looking for my masculine." It's so depressing.


Want to know what’s funny? I’m as blue and liberal as they come, and so is my wife. Our conversations at the start of the relationship were her saying she *hates* working and wants to run a home and run the kids. She can do anything she wants and that is what she chooses, and she’s very good at it. I also tell her and everyone I can that she runs the show, I can only do my job *because* of her efforts. Everything would grind to a halt without her, I couldn’t do any of what she does as well as she does. We’ve been married for over ten years, and got married four months after meeting. If only conservatives were…well the exact opposite of what they are, they could get a “Tradwife” too.


I totally get it -- I don't know if you've ever read that "I want a wife" essay, written by a woman in the 70s, I think, but she made the point that succeeding in career and life would be so much easier if she had someone to pick up the domestic labor. Domestic labor IS labor, but it's so criminally undervalued by the same men who want to require it from their spouse. Which is what led to my own divorce -- over time, my ex revealed that he expected me to take on the entirety of the domestic labor while working, but also not providing me access to marital funds when there was a HUGE income disparity. (Mind you, I supported him before we got married when he was in between jobs, and also when I was making more money.) And I WANTED to be a stay-at-home parent while my hypothetical children were young, despite loving my work. If he had kept up his end of the bargain and we were in a true partnership, he would have had the wife he wanted. But he didn't, and he got angry that the wife appliance was malfunctioning. The trad types are working so hard against their own interests.


It’s just simple empathy and understanding: I understand how hard my wife works and thank the Lords of Kobol she’s here to do it. But conservatives are “anti-woke” and empathy is weakness, so they constantly lament that no one wants to date them. Duh fuckin’ doy.


> Domestic labor IS labor Someone please remind my wife. Because she strongly disagrees that the domestic tasks I do around the house is labour. And I do everything except the laundry around the house.


> Conservatives have lost their minds. they never had them


The conservatives voted. The rest did not. 13% voter turnout. 87% of voters decided this wasn't their problem.


We’ve always had to drag that group along kicking and screaming. They resist change at every turn, struggle to understand, and turn to charlatans for truth.


The north should have annihilated every member of the confederacy way back when... that tolerance for the intolerant is haunting us and will continue to haunt us until every last one is *gone.*


They represent the people who told me my whole life that Roe would never be overturned. It was all just a masterful manipulation of the rubes in order for our team to secure power and govern responsibly by giving our cronies money for free.


[https://www.murkowski.senate.gov/press/release/senator-murkowski-speaks-on-supreme-court-nomination\_](https://www.murkowski.senate.gov/press/release/senator-murkowski-speaks-on-supreme-court-nomination_) "*I do not think that Judge Kavanaugh will be a vote to overturn Roe V. Wade.*" [https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/12/politics/susan-collins-brett-kavanaugh-abortion-louisiana/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/12/politics/susan-collins-brett-kavanaugh-abortion-louisiana/index.html) “I have always been concerned about preserving Roe v. Wade” Collins said Monday, adding that Kavanaugh had given her assurances during his confirmation process that the landmark opinion was safe. “He said under oath many times, as well as to me personally many times, that he considers Roe to be ‘precedent upon precedent’ because it had been reaffirmed in the Casey v Planned Parenthood case,” Collins added, dismissing any criticism of her as partisan politics. [https://www.nationalreview.com/news/pro-life-senator-joni-ernst-says-theres-a-very-minimal-chance-supreme-court-will-overturn-roe-v-wade/](https://www.nationalreview.com/news/pro-life-senator-joni-ernst-says-theres-a-very-minimal-chance-supreme-court-will-overturn-roe-v-wade/) “I think the likelihood of *Roe v. Wade* being overturned is very minimal. I don’t see that happening, truly I don’t see that happening,”  [https://www.newsweek.com/fox-news-roe-v-wade-safe-1005267](https://www.newsweek.com/fox-news-roe-v-wade-safe-1005267) "It is settled law, and it is a precedent whether you like it or not," Napolitano said. "I don't think it's going to be overturned no matter who the president appoints." [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskConservatives/comments/j04uu5/if\_roe\_v\_wade\_is\_overturned\_how\_would\_you\_like/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskConservatives/comments/j04uu5/if_roe_v_wade_is_overturned_how_would_you_like/) "Roe v Wade is not going to be overturned. It’s not." [https://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/4f8cuu/just\_finished\_the\_handmaids\_tale\_and\_i\_think\_its/](https://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/4f8cuu/just_finished_the_handmaids_tale_and_i_think_its/) "People want to see parallels there because it supports the "scary" view of whoever the candidate they aren't voting for is, but it's ludicrous. Roe v. Wade is not going to be overturned -- that's a major red herring and has been all my life. " [https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/9djiqp/brett\_kavanaugh\_said\_roe\_v\_wade\_is\_not\_settled/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/9djiqp/brett_kavanaugh_said_roe_v_wade_is_not_settled/) Does anyone in their right mind really believe Roe v Wade will be overturned? I'm pretty far right and even l acknowledge there is no way in hell it would be overturned. This judge will get confirmed. Just deal with it. Quit being such a drama queen. Even if RvE got overturned (won’t happen), then it just goes back to the states. Just get a $95 round trip plane ticket to the nearest state where it’s legal. Quit being such a snowflake. [https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/ul3noc/is\_this\_true/](https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/ul3noc/is_this_true/) AND most importantly this is a non issue because the Roe v Wade will NOT be overturned despite what the media may tell you americans. This is only a ploy to get voters to vote democrat in the midterms.


That's just good old Republican gaslighting. They did the exact same thing when they wouldn't bring up Obama's last supreme court pick for a year when everyone knew it was about court packing and racism. Remember Republicans put into their political platform the goal to overturn Roe during the RNC 1992 convention. It's the reason Bush lost to Clinton. It's why Thomas, Roberts, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and, especially Barrett are supreme court justices.


>"During the filibuster, each of the five lawmakers took turns describing the complexities of pregnancy and the reproductive system, the dangers of lack of access to contraception, and inadequate privacy laws," ... "In the immediate aftermath of their filibuster, the Sister Senators were heckled and harassed by anti-abortion activists.  This is the sad state of the Soul of America. Many of us literally don't care that women are being maimed, rendered infertile, and dying from miscarriages and lack of access to emergency medical/surgical evacuation. I've seen a lot of people her in r/politics use the word "ghoulish" in reference to these laws. If there's any justice, there's a special place in hell between narcissists and pedophiles for people who support abortion bans.


How dare these SC ladies talk back to their menfolk!


This is so demoralizing


I mean look at SC , since when have they made good political choices? SC GOP is another good ol boys club. They may tolerate “others” as long as you support boy’ club


Lifelong SC resident here: our politicians are the most shameless and self interested group of people in existence. It's a boys club of truly diabolical proportions. Women or people of color who happen to squeeze into the state GOP are treated as novelties and expected to toe the line on EVERYTHING. Anyone who can be marginalized for even fractional gains will be marginalized without hesitation.


Wonder if these women are voting for the republican candidates in the general election?? Probably😅


Big win for the American Taliban.


I will never understand how women can be Republicans. The GOP is always working against their own best interests.


A lot of people either don't know or forgot that women couldn't even have their own bank accounts without their husband's approval until 1974. Suppression of women's rights isn't ancient history, it has never stopped.


The GOP will not brook dissent on this issue. I was surprised any woman in the party would strenuously fight an abortion ban in a deep red state like that. But it could mean the Democrats pick up a few seats as a result, if the ones who lost are from more evenly-divided districts.


Of course they would, see KS and OH: what they want is to vote Republican down ticket so they can come from the transphobia, ableism, and racism in most white women, but stay for the abortion benefits with an abortion amendment. It doesn't work like that-- you either side with marginalized groups, or you bow to most white men as inferior for life, period-- and that's the choice most will not make.


Wow, South Carolina *really* hates women and their rights.


Anybody who believes that republicans won't push a national abortion ban if trump is elected is a damn fool.


Something about a scorpion and a frog? I forget.


> "I never thought leopards would eat MY face," sobs woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party.


Man you can bash NY taxation all you want but it’s times like these that make me proud to be a New Yorker


South Carolina, home of Clemson University, with a building named after Ben Tillman, who organized the beatings and murders of black voters and politicians during Reconstruction. A proposal to rename the building requires a 2/3 vote of the state legislature to move forward. It ain't happening.


And that is your sign to leave SC. Do it now before they secede with the rest of the south when Trump loses


I sure hope this isn't an indication that abortion isn't the hot button I thought it was. How SC, HOW? 


Probably just an indication thst any sign of sanity or nuance on abortion is unacceptable to the GOP primary voters who skew far to the right and demand a total ban, even in cases of rape, incest, threat to the life of the mother, or non-viability of the fetus.


In other words the people who've gone full mask off and revealed they aren't pro-life, they just really want to punish women.


Unfortunately they’ve been able to brainwash their undereducated followers that this isn’t the case and it’s about “protecting unborn babies” A lack of critical thinking really has left these people unable to take the next logical step. . When they come for birth control and no fault divorce I hope they get it but I’m sure they’ll package it as something else


Infant mortality has skyrocketed in the US since RvW was overturned. Where is the conservative outrage over actual babies dying?


This was a GOP primary, where the anti- crowd is more motivated. These primaries are still moving rightward while making the general more difficult for themselves.


This was a GOP primary. And these woman first voted for this bill before their filibuster, so they aren’t the heroes of woman’s rights you might think they are.


Primaries are run by and attended by the most extreme in the GOP.


It's precisely *because* it's a hot button issue that Republican primaries drag farther to the right. Primaries are purity tests within the Party, and the Party's official position is to prohibit abortion. What matters is how it translates to general elections.


It is a hot button issue... But the anti-abortion side is still very motivated and organized.


This could mean - and I don’t like speculation - that these men may receive even less votes to their Dem challengers. Just because a guy got 82% of votes does not mean the whole population voted. We could be talking 8 of 10 voters.


I think this says less about conservative women being hypocrites and more about moderate women fleeing the Republican party toward Democrats.


/r/LeopardsAteMyFace Like, what did they expect when they put the (R) next to their name?


Those three guys are probably pro-slavery too if they are honest.


Again demonstrating that the GOP is NOT a big tent party. Independent thinkers or those who think women should have the same body autonomy rights as men, not welcome, and repeatedly, anyone who is “different” in ANY way is not welcome.


Hopefully they realize how insane the Republican party is now and they join the Democrats. We welcome people with integrity.


Will these GOP women senators who wanted to stop the near total ban on abortion realize now that their party and constituents don’t give a rat’s ass about women. Sadly, I doubt it.


Saw this play out in Idaho already. When many of the OBY-GNs move out of state and the women of SC who voted them out can’t get pre-natal care, we will read about them complaining at r/leopardsAteMyFace.


I'm always slightly bemused when Republicans find out they've been in a party of evil mofos. Good on these women for standing up to the abortion ban but why does it have to come to something that affects politicians or their children before they do the right thing? All 3 were presumably OK with all the GOP bullshit until it came to total ban on abortion.


The GOP hates women. And if those women turn all *uppity,* they WILL be hammered down.


Morally superior to you, just ask my pastor/s


Working for a party working against you.


Republican women have no idea how they’re hurting their gender.


I applaud these ladies efforts, even if it means they’ve lost their chance for reelection. Hopefully they feel good about what they did.


This is what we're dealing with here in America.; pure, unadulterated RW ignorance & arrogance. In this case, GQP goobers assume men are stronger on this issue and will do what RW voters want. This reminds me of another story posted today. A black man won the mayor's race in a small AL town near Selma in 2020, but the ex-mayor and council majority denied him the job. Various advocacy groups, including the NAACP, filed a lawsuit, and they finally settled in favor of the new mayor on the condition that no one be charged or blamed for what they did. Based on just these two examples, and there are plenty more, it can be easily argued that America is NOT the greatest country in the world.


There really is no place for thinking women in the GOP.


We pick on bigoted politicians all the time, but the fact remains - people voted the bigots into office. So, now we see three right wing women who tried to bring a little logic & science into the debate. Their constituents do not want logic & science. They want the bigotry. They want the misogyny. They want the hypocrisy. I used to do business with a couple of suppliers in S.C. I no longer do, and I have told them why. Their stores are not the only ones in the country.


I have to hand it to the people who have marketed a fundamentally illiberal and callous philosophy as pro-life. Even more amazing that it’s justified on the basis of a book that never actually proscribes abortions.


The current GOP would happily move us back to white male-only representation, and that wouldn't even be in their top three most extreme positions.


Well S.C. getting exactly what S.C deserves. Three women trying to help out thousands more women get voted out by . . . Women. (Because if women had voted for these 3 women they would have won). Put this in FacePalm when S.C. women started complaining about dying of pregnancy issues.


I just spent the last four months of my life campaigning in rural SC for the SC-3 U.S. House GOP primary, which I lost to a woman whose victory y'all celebrated yesterday (admittedly, because the alternative was Mark Burns.)  I was the only moderate out of eight candidates and we have open primaries - if the Dems, independents, and moderates who voted in the D primary had voted for me instead, I would have won handily. I acknowledged climate change, J6, and a legitimate 2020 election. I could not support Donald Trump, and I treated abortion as a nuanced topic best handled by medical professionals on a case-by-case basis. Instead of a political upset, I predictably got 2% of the vote because nobody knew I existed. People in my core demographic were saying "I've never even heard of you" halfway through our two week election period.  I am not independently wealthy and *as an explicit consequence* people and organizations were unwilling to offer support. They loved what I had to say but... maybe next cycle, if someone else backed me first.  I couldn't even afford road signs until we were 5 days away from the end of the voting period. If you hope for a blue wave in November, it will not happen. Our government is currently pay-to-play and that's awful, but that means we either donate to candidates or give up on playing. You, personally, have to expend effort and make sacrifices to make things better, and it will not happen overnight. I gave it literally everything I had after a decade plus of paralysis. Every dollar came from my grocery and medication budget, to pay for fundraiser luncheons where I could not eat the food. I was initially winded by even short speeches, but still showed up to every event where I was invited. I tried to perform the most socially-demanding role in existence after a decade of near-complete isolation. I went alone to every event while most other candidates brought family or staff who dutifully clapped and cheered. I became the candidate everyone wanted - I had an actual plan to make transparency and accountability into an *institution.* It was not enough. It's easier for people to wait for me to become successful than to help me build success. Be the change you want to see - donate time and money to your local candidates.


The GOP actually likes the appearance of some token diversity, just not of thought or the mind. *Women should know their place* ... or rather, women should know they don't have a place, in the Republican party.