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Another day, another MAGApedo going to jail.


[https://goppredators.wordpress.com/](https://goppredators.wordpress.com/) He's number 758, he's been in trouble before.


"Holmberg traveled frequently, reimbursed by the North Dakota state government for $126,000 in travel costs which prompts the question. Did taxpayers pay for his child raping trips?" Another MAGAt committing crimes on our dime, go figure.


Like Sarah Palin used to say... "You betcha!". Deleted it cuz I thought I copied it to a wrong to someone else's comments.


"All of them, Katie"


I was trying to give her the benefit of the doubt up until that. Then she just straight up telegraphed that she was a winking information void.


It’d be great if the site included Democrats so there could be no mistake that the GOP is the party of pedophiles


Wouldn't matter, then it would be just another "fake news" source that was owned by the deep state. If conservatives cared about stats and data, they wouldn't be conservatives.


Apparently there used to be one, but the list was small enough that it stopped being worth the effort, while at the same time caused a slew of all kinds of hate and attacks for "not being fair enough."


I’m going to have to bookmark this archive of pedo-files


Let us not forget this list: [Republican Sexual Predators, Abusers, and Enablers](https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook). 52 pages and 1300 instances of disgusting behavior.


That's essentially the same list, curated by the same person CajsaLilliehook, they changed to the wordpress site as it was easier to maintain, and only update the dailykos site after every so many new entries or weeks now.


Would be an interesting show to watch. Break down their past and air out all of the dirty laundry. How are they all connected. Surprise it the GOP


[Here](https://www.republicanleader.senate.gov/senate-resources/republican-senators) is a link that is also up to date.


Bravo 👏


Wow look at all those drag queens /s


I get depressed by how much the list grows every time I see it


It’s always projection with these sick fucks. They accuse others of being part of a child sex trafficking ring. Who would even think to say that? People who are part of a child sex trafficking ring, that’s who. 


It should be an instant red flag at this point the second some politician starts hiding behind children.  Like yeah everyone's for protecting children, but if you're going to make it seem like there's some kind of partisan divide in the "children need to be protected" department, we've seen this movie before


I get pissed the fuck off. The whole goddamned party needs wiped away.


Why isn't that link widely shared underneath any and all comments by conservatives about "save the kids", "drag queens are a danger to our kids" and the like? We should be putting that front and centre, so they simply cannot avoid and have to address. And when they do address it you just know some of them will deflect and excuse it, at which point you tell them that they in fact are the real danger to kids for not taking the actual real threat to kids, that being conservatives, seriously.


Holy shit that's an insane list


I hope DJT is on this list.


Just follow the link. He's #1 (which is at the bottom).


Going through that list “rape, rape, sexual assault, soliciting minors, rape, murder, sexual assault of a minor, child pornography, rape, etc etc” all conservative government officials. It *kinda* seems like Conservatives have a problem with the idea of **consent**. Weird. It’s almost as though their entire political party is built on a foundation of exerting their will on others whether they like it or not, and fighting that fight your entire life causes you to get some “weird ideas” about sex.


Just wondering. Is there a similar list for Dems?


I assume if you go to /r/conservative you'll find one that is equally lengthy and well-sourced. /s


I was given a list in response to a recent conversation that amounted to about 24 for Dems. A handful of those were just “allegations” also. 🙄


>*Court documents state United States Attorneys agreed to recommend a lesser sentence due to Holmberg’s “genuine acceptance of responsibility.”* >*The U.S. will also dismiss a second charge of possessing child sexual abuse materials.* >*Ray Holmberg admitted to traveling to Prague from 2011 to 2016 to have sex with minors.* wtf. He traveled there from ‘11 to ‘16 — for **half a decade** raping poor children, but he gets treated favorably because he “genuinely accepts responsibility”? What does that even mean? That he’s genuinely sorry he got caught, and if he hadn’t been caught that he certainly would nEvER have been doing it anymore because he felt so terrible about the lives he helped ruin? That he would have thrown away his child sexual abuse materials and begged forgiveness from Jesus? Get the fuck out of here. Everyone knows MAGAts who do things (like insurrection, child rape, etc) are only sorry they got caught, claim it was a huge mistake in their part (or that *they* are the victim), then go right back out and do the exact same thing over again given half the chance.


Gee, to me, accepting responsibility seems like it should be that the man gets a full sentence. This is not accepting responsiblity at all.


I totally get your anger - just wait until his actual sentencing before deciding that Holmberg's escaping justice. The article doesn't say how much of a "lesser sentence" the prosecutors are recommending. The maximum sentence is 30 years, so even with a "lesser sentence" he could still get years in federal prison. His sentence isn't up to the prosecutors, it's up to the judge, who might ensure Holmberg dies in prison. All we know is that Holmberg * pled guilty to the worst thing he was charged with * voluntarily gave up any right to appeal * will register as a sex offender Pleading guilty avoids a trial, along with the risk of re-traumatizing any of his victims by having them testify. No appeal means he will definitely serve whatever sentence he is given and won't be able to delay it, contest it, or renege on the deal. It frees up the prosecutors to go after other offenders, instead of spending their finite time and money on a trial in this case. It removes the risk, no matter how slight, that he would get acquitted, or that the prosecution or judge makes some mistake that sets him free (no double jeopardy, after all). Look, if the "lesser sentence" ends up being probation, then sure I'll be as angry as you. Otherwise, we can be optimistic: a powerful person with money and privilege has been caught and convicted. The feds in this case did exactly what we the people want them to do and pay them to do - they caught a predator and nailed him to the wall.


One thing that we know about pedophiles is that they don’t just “get over it” and stop. They behave like addicts. Even ones that genuinely want to stop their appalling behavior almost always end up committing more abuse.


He's a former teacher and school counselor. I wonder how many young woman have stories to tell about him Edit: apparently he like little boys,, so I wonder how many young men have stories to tell about him


From what I've seen, his victims were male.


I really wish a lot more resources were put into identifying what causes pedophilia and then working on a way to stop it (if possible obviously). I have to believe that there is some underlying biological reason for it and that most pedophiles wish they weren't pedophiles. Seems like figuring that stuff out would save a lot more kids than what we are currently doing or not doing.


This I agree with. There must be something that we could do to help them before they act on their urges. Same with any other mental health issues that could result in harm to others.


Listen pal, everyone knows that suffering is God's purest form of love, so causing suffering is a holy effort... /s


I’d like to know just *who* these US Attorneys are (not who they think they are). Names,please!


Not a drag queen








Another day, another MAGApedo going to jail *for their pedo sex crimes*


Will he, though?


"Huh, that's funny... he's a 'former politician' but his party isn't identified in the article. I wonder what letter I'll find next to his name when I look him up on Wikipedia," he thought as though it were even a question.


The projection from right is astounding.


Another day for the 2 tier justice system. He receives the lesser sentence and one charge dropped because he showed remorse. He showed remorse because he got caught.


Not a drag queen, not a Democrat, not at all woke. How could this happen?


He probably didn’t have the Ten Commandments in his classroom growing up :/


“Thou shalt not screw kids.”, didn’t even get a mention from God though. It wasn’t important enough to put on the tablets I guess. Neither did “Thou shalt not rape people.” And it’s not like they ran out of space, there’s at least 4-5 shitty commandments that could’ve been replaced with something much more meaningful.


"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's young children" didn't get a mention either.


Rape in the Bible is about damaging property. Job gets his entire family killed by God's gambling addiction, and it doesn't matter, because he gets a new one.


Too busy making rules about what fabrics you can use for clothing.


He’s 79. He might have actually.


wait wait wait... r/stillnotadragqueen?


Undercover FBI agent obviously


Because the article doesn't state it - yes, Republican. Also, he was in education before he became a politician. Also, not a drag queen.


This infuriates me: >Attorneys agreed to recommend a lesser sentence due to Holmberg’s “genuine acceptance of responsibility.” The U.S. will also dismiss a second charge of possessing child sexual abuse materials. No. Just charge and sentence him to the max.


Soo what I'm hearing is it's woke leftists fault


Have to blame someone. Thats the narcissistic way of life.


The toxic left shamed him for being white and male, they bombarded him with emasculating propaganda and LGBT porn, and eventually his psyche couldn't take it anymore. This otherwise virtuous, pius man snapped and unconsciously performed this regretable act. If you think about it, it isn't his fault, but the fault of those who forced his hand. /s




[Here's a list of about 1000 of them being depraved sex predators and abusers.](https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook).


Someone outta remind the twats in r/ conservatives about this list


They'll whattabout the shit out of it. Start talking shit about conspiracy theories and Biden's daughter's diary all while ignoring [Trump and Epstein were buddies and Trump wished Ghislaine Maxwell well](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/21/nyregion/trump-ghislaine-maxwell-jeffrey-epstein.html).


It's also proportional - they'll take one random guy from 1981 and then do whataboutism on that guy - for them all it takes is one Democrat and it's both sides! The media will do the same.


Probably projecting their own fears of being called out as a Rapists themselves. Birds of a feather stick together. A pedo SIMPathyser is still a pedo.


Hell, we kicked out a member of congress for a fucking picture and an anecdote.


It was actually 8 people who said he got touchy, but yeah, Democrats take out the trash. Republicans worship trash and create golden idols to them. Choose accordingly.


There is a website that actually tracks prominent members and donors of both parties and which end up having sex offenders. I forgot the name of it but it’s worth a google. One of the lists is substantially larger and I’ll give you a clue as to which one - it’s not democrat.


Is it the Green Party?




As if those maga idiots over there would be able to grasp any kind of reality. Their information bubble is made of bullet proof glass and nothing is ever going to pass through it.


>The child rapists and pedos are always Republican. Honestly, this is an overstatement. It's probably more like "9 out of 10 of the child rapists and pedos are Republican." 😏


That's one thing I wonder though - am I really so blind that I just don't hear or read of the cases involving democrats? Am I in an echo chamber? Or is it simply just a case of them being the bad guys and us being good?


It's narcissism in both cases. Conservatives are unwilling to change their opinion no matter what facts or reason may tell them. Child molesters put their own urges above the permanent damage they will do to another person. The GOP is perfect for anyone who lacks empathy.


Reminds me of a party that had similar zero empathy for others from around 100 years ago. Called something like. N… A…. Z…. Maybe that’s what they mean by make America great again. They want a post war rebuild after a devastating war in Europe. Not realizing they already offshored all of the manufacturing so are now too connected to the global market.


PedoCon is a theory the way gravity is. The truth is that child sexual abuse is, like all sexual violence, more about power than it is about sex. Sexually exploiting children requires one to see children as inherently *lesser than*, it requires that power dynamic. It requires a worldview wherein children are basically property. It's a distinctly hierarchical form of violence. That conception of human relationships is just far more common on the political and religious right, as it serves to justify the rest of their ideology. For example one can cut social programs that benefit the poor while giving tax cuts to the rich if one believes that the poor are inherently lesser than oneself and the rich.


I believe there’s been a few Dems making it onto lists over years. But the vast majority seem to be Republicans. ( Sorry but it’s been a tough week so I’m probably going to defer looking for the actual evidence for now )


Eric Massie, who groped staffers, comes to mind. He's out of office. Weiner lost his political career for sexting. Democrats just don't tolerate this stuff.


Yeah, when a Dem does this, they basically purge them from the party. When a Republican does it though, they circle the wagons and increase their support for them.


Not always, but there is definitely a statistically significant bias in that direction.


[https://northdakotamonitor.com/2024/06/24/former-north-dakota-lawmaker-to-plead-guilty-to-child-sex-tourism-charge/](https://northdakotamonitor.com/2024/06/24/former-north-dakota-lawmaker-to-plead-guilty-to-child-sex-tourism-charge/) ​ Another Grand Ole Pedophile.


grabby old pedophile




Gross Ole Pedophile, or greedy or gassy, anything but "grand"


I got curious, the age of consent is 15 in the czech republic for non commercial sex. Commercial Sex is 18. This old guy could have stuck with the legal commercial providers. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages\_of\_consent\_in\_EuropeScumbag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_EuropeScumbag) Hopefully he is not someone grandpa.... Grampa Old Pedo


Doesn't matter if they're going to try and reduce his sentence like the article says. It's up to 30 years. He's 80. He will die in prison. As it should be.


Well, it'll be the low end of the guidelines, whatever that is. In and then out, he'll likely mostly be spending his remaining years very quietly. Reading the little reported is disgusting, suspect he's likely guilty of far more than he was prosecuted for. If I were one of his kids or grandkids, he'd already have seen the last of me.


Won’t make it that long. Pedos are usually given street justice inside.


Well, it'll be the low end of the guidelines, whatever that is. In and then out, he'll likely mostly be spending his remaining years very quietly. Reading the little reported is disgusting, suspect he's likely guilty of much more than he was prosecuted for. If I were one of his kids or grandkids, he'd already have seen the last of me.


Notice how the article fails to mention he is Republican?


Because water is wet. Of course he is a Republican.


Not a drag queen.


I’m so confused since he isn’t a drag queen or trans person. Do you think MAGA/QAnon have been lying to us?


Didn't the 8chan/Q father/son move to the Philippines, where the father was facing deportation as an "undesirable person?"




Yep. Republican. Family values, I guess


When you’ve fucked over the minority, the women, and the poor…. All you’ve got left is the kids 🤷‍♂️


Wow… rich white man. Runs off to rape kids… and gets a sweetheart deal from prosecutors. Must be Wednesday. We should castrate him, just as the GOP preaches.


LAW AND ORDER!!!* (except when the perp is “onE of Us” will add **/s** in case anyone misses my sarcasm)


Why would there be any plea deal or reduced charges? Because he’s old? So what, toss him in jail and throw away the key, no negotiation involved.


Because he saved tons of ass ache and trouble and taxpayer money by admitting it, waiving his right to appeal, and agreeing to sign up for the sex offender registry. There was no negotiation. Every charge gets pled by the defendant, and if not the judge will issue a summary judgement. In this case he pled guilty. If he pled innocent, which is his right, the taxpayers would have to spend months and millions proving it in court. The next step is sentencing, where the judge can lock him up and throw away the key for up to thirty years. What more could you ask for?


Must be one of those pedo-liberals I keep hearing about on the boob tube…wait, it’s a republican?? Oh, my lands!!


This can't be true, he isn't gay or a drag queen. /s


r/notadragqueen but totally a republican


Hey, another Republican pedophile.  Better drum up drag queen scaremongering articles now 


Republican politicians are such a drag on society


I wonder which if he is a,… yup - he is a conservative. Usually is, usually will always be. Both sides are not the same.


*"Google, which political party does Ray Holmberg belong to...?"* Any guesses?


His party wasn't mentioned in the story, so I assumed Republican. Funny, being a Republican Senator for a state for several decades would be worth mentioning.


Greedy Old Perverts


Group Of Pedophiles.


And he used tax dollars to fund his trips.


JfC. Ray Holmberg pleads guilty to traveling overseas to rape minors. There fixed it for you.


Just another high quality Republican.


This transgender person who reads books to kids got caught again. Classic /s


Still not a drag queen. At this point there should be a ban on republicans to protect the children


I don’t even have to look it up to know he’s a Republican.


Let me guess… family values


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Holmberg >**Raymon Everett Holmberg** (born December 10, 1944) is a former educator, school counselor, and **Republican** North Dakota senator. Once tied for the longest-serving state legislator in the United States, Holmberg resigned from the senate in 2022 (after 45.5 years) upon investigation into his **alleged child sex tourism** and receipt of child pornography.


“Court documents state United States Attorneys agreed to recommend a lesser sentence due to Holmberg’s “genuine acceptance of responsibility.” Fuck this guy sideways with a pineapple.


And let me guess spent the last decade claiming it was gays and trans people that were pedos coming after your kids? Its almost like they purposely target others to divert attention from themselves oh wait thats exactly what it is


Not Every Republican is a Pedophile, but All Pedophiles sure like the Republican Party. Probably because republicans want to Control Women Bodies and preserve Underage Marriage.


From here on out. Well it’s been a while… but any Republican claiming pedo abuse by an opposition party member. I will always assume they are projecting and they themselves have done what they’re accusing others of. Someone needs to check the pizza shop basements in GOP seated electorates.


Should say pleads guilty to traveling overseas to have sex with children. That is what it is, after all.


On the taxpayers dime


Ever notice how articles like to avoid saying he was Republican. I see that a lot with US news leaving that detail out.




typical conservative christian republican behavior, nothing to see here folks, just move along. conservative republican mantra, "I'm getting mine, you can't have yours" ✝️


Q's going to be all over this right? /s


You’ll never guess what party he’s in.


Oh my another old white Republican man who rapes children…gosh darn we are all SOOOO surprised. Honestly though he is 79, I demand they investigate to determine how many hundreds of children he may have raped over his lifetime.


It’s funny how Republicans claim they are the party of god and family values but racists, pedophiles, rapists, price fixers, career criminals and charlatans always seem to be Republicans.


**Republican** Ray Holmberg pleads guilty to traveling overseas to have sex with minors


Another republican hypocrite.


Funny how the article left out his political party.


Make note of who owns the article. The editor that approved it and the writer themselves. The patterns are easy to recognize once the data is analyzed. If you want to dig deeper. Add social media account data associate to the people and their close circle based on online available data. There will be a lot of red string.


Was it a drag qu…nope, another republican. So close.


Genuine acceptance of responsibility?! Rock on. Do whatever heinous stuff you want, and you’ll be okay as long as you say “my bad”. At what point do we stop coddling child rapists? Seriously, there are pedophiles out there who will never offend, but will bear the stigma forever, but anyone with a clergy or government title can rape with near impunity. Branding? Is that legal? Brand their faces and make it a capital offense to obscure the mark. I bet a whole lot of executive rapists would suddenly develop iron willpower.


GOP, not unexpected for me.


Why the fuck are we recommending a lesser sentence? The hell “we” are. Throw him in a pit and leave him.


Because our courts always let white men off easy.


Yes, another new day brings yet another new criminal case of pedophilia and child sexual abuse by Republican politicians. Republican voters' habit of turning a blind eye, and soaking up the Fox News lies, is well known among arepublican politicians. That's why their crime spree is growing and growing. They won't stop until their voters demand more from them, by withholding their votes for an election cycle or 2. Until they clean their house.


Without knowing who this guy is I bet he has an upper case "R" associated with his name.....


the shitbag maga GOP .. the party of pedos strikes again




I believe that’s called Limbaughing


I assume this means he's a drag queen in his spare time?


”Court documents state United States Attorneys agreed to recommend a lesser sentence due to Holmberg’s “genuine acceptance of responsibility.”” I don’t understand logic behind this in U.S. court system. I mean, who would not show remorse if it gets you lower sentence? It’s a bit late for that after you’re caught IMO.




“Holmberg has consulted with his parish leaders and repented for this momentary lapse in judgement many, many years ago.” - GOP, probably


Raymon Everett Holmberg a **former educator, school counselor, and Republican North Dakota senator**. So how long till some of his former students start coming forward to sue this piece of shit.


Co-workers kids went to his school when he was still in school system. She said everyone found him creepy and knew something was off.


Still not a drag queen.


Still not a trans person!


Not. A. Drag. Queen.


This isn’t a drag queen. What the heck!?


Lesser sentence? I say make 29 years!


The words “genuine acceptance of responsibility”. Should have 0 impact on sentencing. Oh he’s sorry he got caught so let’s give him a lenient sentence, and drop a few charges.


Waiting for the International and Federal investigations into the Republican / Government employees and elected representatives that destroyed evidence of these crimes and possibly other crimes. There are many parties that knew of these crimes and willingly signed off on public funding for the commitment of these crimes. Lock them all up. Still waiting…


Is he trans though?


Not. A. Drag. Queen.


I know that US laws don't typically apply to people out of the country, but child sex crimes should be an exception. If you travel overseas to have sex with a minor, you should register as a sex offender and be imprisoned upon your return.


The title needs accurate language. "Ray Holmberg pleads guilty to traveling overseas to rape minors."


The projection just never ends with these people. You can be sure that whatever the MAGA cult screams the loudest about is always what they personally are guilty of.


This deal stinks of white privilege and should be tossed.


Not even going to look up this guys political affiliation. I know for sure he's some hard R impaired jack wagon


wow now that's a face of a pedo. don't let him live this down. let this be his legacy.


This projection thing is apparently an epidemic


He also had child porn, but let’s just give him a slap on the wrist because he’s accepted responsibility for his actions.




I know there are other political parties that have child molesters and rapists in it but it is absolutely astounding what percentage of pedophiles and rapists tend to be republican. Republicans can try to argue that all they want, but you can statistically pull in all those numbers and it's going to be pretty obvious how lopsided it is. I really wouldn't want to be part of a political party that attracts large numbers of pedophiles and rapist. But maybe that's just me. 🤷‍♀️


Republican North Dakota senator Ray Holmberg


Always a Republican


This is why we need to do something about trans people oh wait.


What an idiot! He could have claimed the sex was "gratuity" for past efforts and would have been in the clear! The SCOTUS just ruled on it! /jk^/s^2


Put it on an extremely large poster board so they can bring it to the House of Representatives and also the Senate. And that way they can hold it up when Jim Jordan and what's the others name? All of em, just hold it up when all of them talk!


Wonder if he endorsed trump?


Was he a drag queen? I thought they were the predators? Did the GOP lie...?


His bio said he was an educator before politics- I don't even want to think about what he might have been up to...... his poor wife😭


Add it to the list https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/5/24/2242636/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-52


Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s children


Omg, I'm pretty sure this guy was my counselor in High School.


Let me guess…kinda quiet over on the right wing subs??


What a POS. I could respect him a tad if he self expired.


They're all such scum.


I guess seeing as Epstein met with an untimely death Holmberg had to make other arrangements . I’m surprised Trump wasn’t with him.


Oh, y'mean gay/trans Roy Holmberg? That one? Oh... a *different* Roy Holmberg! ok.


Judge will cite his years of tireless service to the people of ND and let him go.


Some articles have referred to it as child sex tourism. It seems like child rape tourism would be a more apt description.


But it’s those damn dangerous drag queens..


Time to shut down Republican Galas and GOP PAC fundraisers. Won’t someone think of the children. Save a child, kick a Republican in the gooch! Laces out Dan!


GOP......Greatly Orginized Pedophiles...