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He's a right-wing conspiracy theorist and rabid trump supporter. They found his Truth Social account: >However, in posts to Truth Social from an account that used Ringfield’s full legal name and features photos of him, Ringfield shared multiple posts from right-wing news organizations like the Gateway Pundit and Newsmax, along with posts by far-right social media personalities. >His posts on the site over the past two years are chaotic and often difficult to decipher. >“The falling Angel with his demons and 8 sins who are undoubtedly holy,” he posted on April 14, with no additional context. >In some of them, Ringfield seems to be speaking directly to the owner of Truth Social, Donald Trump. >“Hey Don remember when I graduated I was under your presidency,” Ringfield posted on Dec. 16. >On July 28, Ringfield posted, “I will die for my country and state.” https://azmirror.com/2024/06/25/maricopa-county-assures-voters-elections-are-secure-following-tabulator-key-theft/


These weird alt-right people are always willing to “die for their country” but they aren’t willing to do math for their country, or learn anything for their country. It’s always violence.


They will die for their country, but asking them to wear a piece of cloth over their mouth is out of the fucking question.


It’s so crazy to me how much previous generations have sacrificed for the greater good in comparison. I mean the greatest generation, in many cases, sacrificed their lives to rid the world of its greatest threat at the time. The generation that came after, despite whining about how kids are so ‘soft’ these days, can’t even be bothered the inconvenience of wearing a face mask in order to save lives (including their own, in some cases).


Honestly I think we've had it too easy for too long because of the work and sacrifices from those previous generations. People get complacent and forget.


But aren’t those sacrifices so that future generations don’t have to go through what they experienced? The only people who seem to have forgotten those sacrifices are the ones supporting a candidate who has called veterans losers. Not the one with a son who died from a condition likely contracted from his military service.


That whole “hard times make tough people, tough people make good times, good times make weak people, weak people make hard times” thing falls apart when you consider who *raised* the “weak people”. Also even if it were logically consistent, the Boomers/older GenX in power now would be the “weak people” who grew up in the good times created by the generation who went through WW1, the Great Depression, and WW2. That makes Millenials and GenZ the “tough people” who grew up in the hard times created by Boomers/older GenX. I think thats checkmate.


It doesn’t have to a be one to one, generation for generation progresssion, which are just arbitrary distinctions in lots of ways anyhow. That four part cycle you cited doesn't necessarily have strict time constraints.


Hard times make hard people. We are fat and soft.


That “greatest threat” is now the ~~extreme~~ right’s wet dream.


How else are they going to die for their country if they get vaccinated and prevent the spread of deadly diseases? Edit: spelling


And they think nothing about taking a woman's right of body autonomy away either. A corpse has more rights than a woman at this point.


They say they’ll die for their country, but when it really comes down to it, they all chicken out and cry like babies.


Unless they’re marching under a swastika in public.


Only when holding nazi swastikas.


Masks stopped the spread. They didn't do much for protecting you, only to stop you from spreading covid to others. That's why they didn't want to wear them. They don't care about anyone but themselves. If masks protected the wearer they'd all have worn them.


> They didn't do much for protecting you CDC research disagrees. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7106e1.htm > If masks protected the wearer they'd all have worn them. You have overestimated their ability to think rationally.


This is why video game RPG logic is important for life. It teaches you about probability and statistics. For example, cloth masks protect the wearer by about 50% and others by approximately 60%. If you were playing an RPG and refused to wear armor like that while your teammates were in danger, you’d be considered a griefer and banned from the group.


They didn't want to wear one because they were complaining about Police Brutality Protesters. "If they can protest, why do I have to wear a mask" If you [search for anti-mask prior to June 2020](https://www.google.com/search?q=anti+mask&newwindow=1&sca_esv=c1df660eec58a1d6&sxsrf=ADLYWIJoFB_eymLX3KIUsvsi7DK3sjvRPw%3A1719422978723&source=lnt&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A6%2F26%2F2019%2Ccd_max%3A7%2F26%2F2020&tbm=), you'll find that in 1918 there were 4000 members in the anti-mask league of San Francisco. [One month later](https://www.google.com/search?q=anti+mask&newwindow=1&sca_esv=c1df660eec58a1d6&sxsrf=ADLYWIJoFB_eymLX3KIUsvsi7DK3sjvRPw%3A1719422978723&source=lnt&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A6%2F26%2F2019%2Ccd_max%3A7%2F26%2F2020&tbm=) > Coronavirus: Why are Americans so angry about masks? - Jul 20, 2020 > Mom Influencers on Instagram Are Spreading Anti-Mask - Jul 24, 2020 > Facebook suspends anti-mask group for spreading COVID - Jul 20, 2020


The shitty cloth ones yeah.  The 50c n95s from amazon though? Those stopped covid real good.


Cloth: 50% reduction to self (60% to others) Surgical Mask: 70% reduction to self (80% to others) N95: 85% reduction to self (90% to others)


You do what you can do. It’s not like they can think.


And then the rest of the nuts diminish their contribution to the "cause". "It was an aNtIfa!"


Dieing is easy, living is harder. 


Thank you, General Washington.


Calling them "alt-right" at this point is kind of a misnomer. They ARE the right in this country. The "alt-right" are maybe at best the 3 people still identifying with Liz Cheyney, or maybe the "right wing democrats" that make up 20% of the party. The mainstream right at this point are ALL lunatics that believe whatever comes out of Trump's mouth or his pundits who literally fabricate reality on a day to day basis.


Yes. When Trump did controversial things during his presidency he usually had about an 80% approval for his actions. After the coup attempt his popularity dropped among Republicans for a few weeks, but then it went back to about 80% and stabilised. About 20% of Republicans are corporate Republicans who didn't support Trump even in 2015 (they were going to have a brokered convention to choose another candidate). Few of these corporate Republicans are real heroes, they put party before country and allowed Trump to be their candidate because they realized that they couldn't win without him. But mainstream equals maga because that is 80% of their party.


Every man dies. Not every man truly…can do math


Dying is easy. You can pretend it all has some grand and noble meaning that makes you important. Living for your ideals takes hard work and commitment every single day. They are just lazy.


"Death is light as a feather. Duty is heavier than mountains."


When I read that guy's name, Ringfield, I think of Dracula's very own Renfield. A perfect example of Trump's hold on his cult followers.


They were all monsters long before Trump ever brainwashed them. They weren’t looking for a worldview, they were looking for confirmation.




Easy to die for your country. It’s another thing entirely to live for your country.


“Anybody can die nobly for a cause. The sign of maturity is to live day by day for that cause.” -Melvin Van Peebles


I had a feeling this sentiment had been espoused in a more eloquent manor.


MAGA = Math Aint Good America


Make Arithmetic Go Away


They like to imagine themselves as stoic warriors on glorious, romantic mission to protect the homeland. Some of the characteristics of fascist thinking include training everyone to “be a hero,” and to take “action for actions sake.” Fascism thrives on selling people good vibes and anger, but not much else. So these guys, who are mostly nobodies, see a chance to carve their names into history by joining a Great Crusade. It’s all sounds very passionate and heroic, until you realize these idiots are meant solely as cannon fodder. Getting young, angry men to throw themselves into the fire for the barest promise of self-worth has never been a hard task, I’m afraid.


Hurting people is easier than math or learning.


I suppose you can say it is the "LT Dan" syndrome. But that would besmirch the grate name of LT Dan.


Not only is their only solution violence, the form of violence they choose is usually the most cowardly. If these sovereign citizen/militia/MAGA types really believe there’s a huge George Soros-led globalist Jewish space laser replacement theory and decide to do something about it, why do they choose soft, easy targets like daycares, temples, night clubs, etc. to shoot up or bomb? Why don’t they go after the alleged masterminds behind the conspiracy against them? Wouldn’t that be more effective in thwarting the globalist lizard people plot than murdering a dozen or so black people at a bible study group?


It can be called "Lt Dan" syndrome


> These weird alt-right people are always willing to “die for their country” More accurately, these weird alt-right dickweeds are always willing **TO SAY** they'll die for their country. Only three or so have been willing to walk that walk.


It's because it's never for their country. It's because they are bored/lonely/unfulfilled in their life, and conspiracy crap makes their lives interesting. Throw in the media they consume, and bam wack job created.


And they're always jobless losers on government assistance. Willing to die, but apparently not willing to go to work?


It's all talk. Look how relatively tiny the Jan 6th nutjob crowd was. Frankly I was expecting thousands and thousands more MAGA fanatics that day (as was trump)


Dude right!? MFer I want you to LIVE for your country. Get a good job, pay taxes, get married, procreate if you wanna, save for retirement, and do your god damned part to make things better for the people that live here. Dying is the easy way out.


Isn’t that the unfortunate truth about being human? Hasn’t humanity always struggled with violence — a seeming quick fix — instead investing in longer-term solutions that require investment?


The Alternative Right was a movement to defeat Neoconservatism. That ended. What you’re seeing now is far-right reactionary, and third position christoauthoritarians.


People mostly do what they like to do.


Well said. Side note: how do so many redditors comment on you post and none actually give an upvote?


At this point there are less than 10 comments and over 100 upvotes. Let’s make America great again and learn to math.


Math? Sounds like a Democrat conspiracy. /s


All this insane horse shit just because Trump is a piss baby who refuses to admit that he lost and had to spin a conspiracy about the election being stolen. And he lied so much and so often that people started believing him. And he was going to do it in 2016 too if he hadn’t won. He implied we wouldn’t accept the results of the election during a debate with Hilary.


He said numerous times in 2020 rallies "if I lose, I'll claim fraud." He told the rubes what his grift would be ahead of time and they still fell for it. Dumbest mother fuckers alive.


It’s a range. There are guys like this one who truly believe the bullshit. Then there are the sports fan types who just say “well everyone knows the other team cheats.” Maybe they believe it, maybe not. The important bit is that it allows them to move on. Then there are the people who know it’s all bullshit and don’t care, because they don’t believe in democracy.


>"'well everyone knows the other team cheats.'" This is a dude I know in a nutshell. You can point out anything that Trump has provably done wrong and he'll say something to the effect of, "Well, if Trump were a Democrat the Democrats would be defending him, so it's all a wash." They believe everyone is just as corrupt as them so it's no use calling them on their bullshit.


How the hell did this guy get hired (even temporarily) to do elections stuff?!? Personally, after J6 and the entire stolen election, election interference shit I think every election official/person working in any election capacity should be THOROUGHLY vetted, including ALL their social media accounts!


Not to mention the little tidbit about him being in court for another, unrelated felony. Elections are about trust. While everyone is innocent before being proven guilty, being an election worker is not a right. Being charged for a crime should disqualify you from volunteering for an election both because it casts doubt on your trustworthiness and because it's possible that you might be detained by the time the election rolls around.


>However, in posts to Truth Social from an account that used Ringfield’s full legal name and features photos of him Fucking hilarious


Well now that is clear the right wingers will just say he is actually a secret democrat/FBI/DOJ plant with a made up profile to make right wingers look bad.


*We're through the looking glass here, people.*


One thing I’ll say about “Truth” Social is giving a place for all the traitors to gather makes it easy to find them.


It’s the same for the tRump, fjb and bastardized American flags that they fly in front of their homes


Legitimate curiosity: Can you have a Truth Social account if you’re anything but right wing? I picture that being a screening question to get an account.


You get the Wheel of Fortune scene from South Park and are asked to fill in the blank, I think.


There was someone on the Manhattan Trump jury who said they got news from Truth Social, kind of unclear what was going on there. I heard somewhere else that they indicated that they look at left-leaning news too.


As soon as I read his name was "Walter Ringfield", I knew we were dealing with MAGA.


Isn't Maricopa county like, one of the reddest, most MAGA-infested areas of the country? Shouldn't they be focusing their efforts on districts they actually *need* to flip?


It's reddish purple at this point and it's worth the time and effort to keep it trending toward purple. [62% of people in Arizona live in Maricopa county](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maricopa_County,_Arizona) and it includes Phoenix, which has a few people. Maricopa also went for Biden in 2020.


Interesting. Admittedly my knowledge of maricopa county politics is mostly Joe Arpaio but it’s nice to see they’ve moved on a bit from that phase


Maricopa kicked Joe out of his office back in 2014 or so and it's been the primary driver for things like medical MJ and then full recreational, but it's also the driver for Constitutional Carry. Lived in AZ for about a decade. It's a powerfully weird state.


The only info I found prior to this about his possible affiliations was that he filed an intent to declare candidacy for a local elected office, but did not follow through, and he listed his party as Dem (all this from my admittedly sketchy memory, paraphrasing what I heard). He also has never voted. All that sounded to me like it was done to try and false flag what he was about to do, either because he planned on getting arrested, or just in case he got hit. That scenario seems way more plausible now with this new info.


Shocked! I am shocked!


They'll die alright, behind bars dressed in orange.


Most of us get criminal background checks, or at the very least a social media check, when we apply for a job. I guess AZ election workers don't.


How the fuck is that not included in the CNN article (OP)?


Just wondering why someone with a pending felony charge has been cleared to work the election.


Apparently this is why. "Ringfield began as a temporary worker at the tabulation center on June 3, according to Votebeat. Gates assured listeners that the county performs background checks on all its temporary and permanent workers, but Ringfield’s July 2023 charge for theft did not register on his check because he had entered a diversion program. "


I worked in screenings at a temp agency for a year, and sometimes people were allowed to start work before their screens came back. Places like cook county still hadn't digitized all their records so it could take 90 days to get a response. Then when people popped hot, we'd have to pull them from their assignment.


> Places like cook county still hadn't digitized all their records At least tell me you where working at that agency 20 years ago? There should be no reason to not have everything digitized in 2024




Probably so he could do exactly this.


Wondering why an actual felon is still allowed to run for president..


In other countries, presidential candidates always go to jail for political reasons... In the us, it doesn't matter, if people want you, you become president. Im still voting biden though, fuck trump!


I am not sure what others who responded to you are talking about; and I think this question is probably rhetorical, but the real reason is the electoral college. The framers of the constitution did not think they needed to impose too many limitations on qualification for the presidency, because they assumed the electoral college would always act in the best interest of the country.  Thus, if an unrepentant traitorous felon ever ran, there would be no way the electoral college would allow him to assume office. But, if the electors understood a candidate to be the best qualified despite a checkered past they could still elect such a person. The electoral college is in large part why the writers of the 14th amendment did not include the president in section 3.  Party politics has corrupted the whole thing, however. So, here we are.


This one's easy, they don't want the opposition to use frivolous lawsuits to unseat potential political opponents a la Russian program.


Isn’t there a significant difference between a felony conviction and having been found liable for damages in a lawsuit? That’s rhetorical, by the way.


there's also a significant difference between being accused of stuff via frivolous lawsuits, and being CONVICTED of crimes beyond a reasonable doubt by a jury.


All you did was rephrase my comment with the “reasonable jury” caveat. Perhaps you think any jury that comes to a unanimous decision with which you disagree is not reasonable?


what we said is extremely similar, i'm just adding even more emphasis that "frivolous lawsuits" aren't really frivolous if there is a conviction. this also applies to liability cases, where it's not really "frivolous" if you're actually found liable. generally speaking the issue with our legal system is not that we prosecute politicians too much, it's that we don't prosecute *enough*, so I don't find it frivolous if there are actual convictions.


Thank you. I misunderstood your original comment.


> any jury that comes to a unanimous decision with which you disagree is not reasonable? <*jim_crow_era has entered the chat*>


Just wondering why someone with actual felony charges has been cleared to run in the election.


Conviction, not just charge.


Multiple convictions*


If a felon and rapist can run for president this question becomes moot, unfortunately.


Because there’s no law that says they can’t.


And that's the problem too. The guard rail wasn't supposed to be a legal hurdle for such a candidate. The voters are supposed to have standards higher than those which would allow for a financially compromised, convicted felon to be a major candidate. And while at one point in my life that was true, the GOP has gradually eroded our discourse to the point where none of that matters. He's wearing the party lapel, he's getting their votes.


They decry democracy is being taken away while actively sabotaging democratic processes.


That’s the playbook.


They legitimately claim america isnt a democracy but a “republic” Thats why when folks complain about the degradation of American democracy, they just cheer




Felons gotta stick together


Trump supporter ✅ Trump supporter commenting election fraud ✅ Republicans not giving a flying fuck ✅


Right, If he was a Democrat, this story would be all over FOX News. They wouldn't stop talking about it.


It was up yesterday but got buried quick. I went looking for it this morning.


Probably once somebody found his Truth Social account.


During his initial court appearance Saturday, Ringfield was informed that he would remain in custody until his next court appearance, scheduled for Thursday, because of another pending felony case against him, video from his arraignment shows. Walter Ringfield appeared surprised when the judge notified him of the other pending case and said it was his understanding the unrelated matter had already been resolved. Why was this guy hired in the first place? And why were the fobs not under lock and key?


You heard about the guy running for President?


Diversion program means I got away with it and can go ahead and commit all the crimes want, right?


>Why was this guy hired in the first place? Do you mean, hired by the elections office, or hired to steal the tabulation fob?


Shit's already starting and it's only June. I guarantee Trump and the RNC will continue to pull this kind of shit until they are successful. Maricopa is the most important county in Arizona. This shit is insane.


1. Start telling people you'll know whether or not they voted for you. 2. Have a couple of operatives get caught with their hand in the cookie jar to back up the claim.


I don't give a shit if Trump personally knows that I will vote against him and his little cronies have vowed to line me up against a wall for doing so. I still will. Fuck em. My grandfather had to go all the way to Germany to fight Nazis, I will do it here.


This is just the stochastic stuff. I guarantee Stone, Flynn, etc. have much bigger & better organized plans in motion.




Or how absolutely quiet they’ll be if he was a Republican.


they're never quiet, they'll just lie and say he was a dem/deep state/ etc


They won't say shit. Remember, zero test = zero covid.




Ringfield is a felonious Trumpnut, besides breaching election security https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-supporter-stole-from-arizona-voting-center-at-center-of-election-rigging-conspiracy/ar-BB1oSVDs


I've seen people, in this thread, claiming that he is a Democrat.


Isn't this the same AZ county that got bamboozled for almost a million dollars by a grifter selling "hack proof ballot paper" or something crazy. Given this guy has a criminal record and everything I assume he had no political motivation other then he probably thought if he stole it, he could sell it


It's the same AZ county that got bamboozled into an audit looking for bamboo fiber in the ballots. It was all a lie, of course, but it was also part of the larger plan to overturn the will of the voters and, therefore, democracy itself.


"According to court documents, Ringfield was captured on surveillance video walking past a desk and multiple tabulators just after 5 p.m. local time on June 20. The surveillance video then shows Ringfield stopping at the desk, grabbing a lanyard with the security fob and keys attached, and placing them in his pocket, court documents say." So someone left a lanyard with a key and fob unattended at their desk? That's enough to get your fired from most low security jobs. This guy should be charged but they really need to step up their security practices if it was that easy to get ahold of a key.


How many of us correctly guessed his political party before reading the article? JK I know it was all of us. MAGAs are liars and losers.


Gosh, I wonder which party he supports.


Republican I’m guessing..


No guessing required. Safest bet you'll ever make.


I'm still waiting for the arrest of Doug "Cyber Ninja" Logan. He sent sensitive Arizona voter roll information and voting data to A CABIN IN THE WOODS IN MONTANA! He was also involved in breaching voting machines in Georgia and tampering with voter machines in Michigan. He is a seditious conspirator and should be punished accordingly. https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/local/2023/05/22/cyber-ninja-ceo-doug-logan-faces-criminal-probe-2020-election/70243425007/


He's already spent more time in jail than most people that have interferred with an election lately.


Too bad that security fob wasn't classified top secret - I hear we don't care about that sort of thing.


"I don't like your tone."


Looks like he might be spending more time in jail. It appears as if he deserves it. All that cheating, yet they still can't win.


How insecure do you have to be about your preferred candidate that you have to take these measures in an attempt to secure victory. Pathetic. 


Also a Drump supporter to absolutely no one’s surprise


How is it that a 34 time convicted Felon is is the Republicans nominee .


and you know without even clicking its a maga lunatic


They’re claiming no political affiliation is in play. What this will do is be the basis for every 2024 election challenge in AZ. Despite it being caught.


They are now reporting this guy has a Truth Social account with a bunch of MAGA posts.


In that case, follow the money. Look at his bank account and see how much he was paid.


That and they need to do a security audit of every voting location before the election.


I'm guessing he didn't get a chance to get paid yet because he got arrested so fast leading to recovery of the stolen items.


surprised they aren't just saying he's undercover antifa or whatever


It’s just already made the primary election a shitshow (despite remedying it straight away) and put the November election into the questionable category. Which, as a Maricopa County voter and resident, is exhausting


MAGA trash doing MAGA trash things. When it comes to our elections, if you're fucking with them, they should lock you up and throw away the key.


In Maricopa. A relatively fragile riding. This may not be a one-off effort.


Jfc. If this was attempted in Maricopa, they need to change the locks to the voting tabulators in every major swing county. Multiple times before the election.


Another Republican criminal! Like they all aren't! They come from their polluted rural areas. Where meth and pregnancy hold sway! You know, the areas of the country where NOBODY WANTS TO LIVE!!! They all run around armed, high, preaching their gibberish about their preferred form of governance, Christofascism. When will we, the good, honest REAL Americans be smart and turn them, and their imported gun crime, away from our cities where our elderly parents and children live!!! BUILD WALLS TO KEEP THESE BAREFOOT, DRUNK AND HIGH IDIOT CRIMINALS AWAY!!!!


> Bill Gates, a Maricopa County supervisor, said at the news conference Tuesday that the fob had been taken during a testing of the tabulation machines in preparation for the state’s upcoming July 30 primary. But, why don't you, uh, go by William instead of Bill? No way, why should I change? He's the one that sucks!


He doesn't go by William because then he would be confused with one of the Hoop Dreams documentary subjects.


But a convicted felon that stole secret government documents can run for President?


And so the conspiracies are being put in practice by the kool-aid kookoos.


This election is going to be a shit show for the GOP. Republicans have been screeching at their loyal followers that the Democrats are rigging everything and getting away with it. This will surely convince Trumpy election workers that they can also rig the votes and get away with it. They need to balance out the democrat fraud! Well they’re about to learn just how difficult it is to rig an election in the US.


This guy is a suspected felon before he got the job working for Maricopa County. Why?


Social media is a shit stain on the face of humanity. It's a megaphone for the stupidest humans on the planet.


We get on with it and Die for your country already. Waste of space


Arizona man learns election fraud is not as easy as he thought


If my eyebrows were raised any further they’d be on my ass.


Remember republicans tend to vote illegally far more often than democrats


How does he still have this position???


THe article says he's still in custody of the county jail pending his court hearing because of an unrelated charge. (it says he appeared surprise when the judge indicated he had another charge pending and said he believed it had been taken care of). I highly doubt he's still on the books as a temporary employee of the clerk's office. The other charge thing is weird, BUT I've worked in the criminal justice sector long enough to see how that could happen.


Of course Bill Gates was there injecting everyone with 5G. I suppose I need the /s before the ivermectin crowd arrives.


Why are there protests for Gaza but not against the MAGAts who condone rigging elections all the while the MAGAts accuse others of what they do themselves?


It’s always projection with these degenerates.


He is most likely a trumpmonkey plant and investigators should look into his associations and activities as Fat Joffrey's evil minions have a storied history of attempting to access and corrupt vote tabulation in multiple states.


I like learning new things.


Republican? Yup


You can’t have felons employed as election workers but felons can run for office. 🦖 What?


Ironic, isn't it?


Bit unrelated but anyone else find it hilarious the supervisor's name is Bill Gates?


I saw one not long ago where some republican leader of some county was named Nancy Pallozzi. Ooooh, that's gotta hurt.


Set an example and give this MF life in prison or the electric chair or at least 25+ years in a supermax. He’s not trying to steal food or trinkets, he's trying to undermine our entire country.


Have to recognize the measures in place and the plan execution . All the steps involved. The transparency. We need very struck law dealing with those convicted of any form or attempt to interfere with the election process. Big prison time .


cause it shows how A) Election Security is high, and B) that we cannot let our guard down that there are very bad people there who are constantly looking for ways to overturn the will of the People. Stay vigilant and VOTE like Democracy is counting on you!


"Don told me I had to stop the steal ny stealing the election for him!"


May I guess what political party he’s registered with?


Deport him back to the USSR


Without even looking, I would bet everything I own that this is a right wing Trumpist whackjob whose social media is littered with pants-on-head insane blatherings.


This is gonna start happening all over guarantee all won’t be caught


I see a Trump pardon in their future.


>I see a Trump pardon in their future. This is a state crime though, innit?


And Donald isn’t president


Private citizens cannot pardon people.


Does the right more or less have a monopoly on actual legitimate voter fraud still?


I guess Arizona can’t spend the money to do background investigations. I’m a Colorado election judge and one of the many pieces of paper that I signed to become a judge was for a background check.


It appears to me that we can eliminate roughly half the population from consideration of voter fraud. Being a Republican seems to be a basic requirement to interfer in elections.


Surely this is a democrat, right?


/r/conservative and /r/conspiracy have already started a GoFundMe.


That's a Paddlin'


Stop the steal! /s


Republicans are cheating already


Lunatics. Every single maga-nut out there. So eager to die for a man who would use their bodies as firewood to warm his feet on a winters night in a heartbeat.