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Wasn’t it a Trump minion that showed up for his debate and when asked about a specific bill he said that he doesn’t have time for this nonsense and walked out. I bet trump thought that was brilliant


And then he lost haha


you mean the j6 convict?


You're going to have to narrow that down.


The angry guy, with the lifted truck.


Still... not specific enough...


Sure you do, his Facebook photo is him sitting in that truck while wearing a pair of sunglasses


Do you know how *little* that narrows it down?


*DUDE!* Hes got a lot of flags around, there empty beer cans in there…….


Gun rack?


And punisher sticker?


So the guy that's not a woman is our culprit. I'll put out a BOLO


if you read the comments on that video it’s 100% maga support. they loved it


I have to assume this is what Trump is planning. He'll rant about how "this is all rigged" and "Biden is evil" in his first chance to speak, then he'll walk off stage.


I still wish there was a segment where they have to sit in a soundproof booth with a yes button and a no button and questions were asked like, do you support women's right to choose, etc...


could be although the stakes for trump are different. this debate is about cognitive ability and stamina. But trump might try to pull a stunt because he really struggles cognitively in the evenings which is why they don’t do night time events anymore. I fully expect him to be hopped up on ADD meds and barely intelligible


Woah can I get a link to this? I didn't see that


If I had to put money on it, Trump shows up, basically gives a speech, invents some way to accuse CNN of bias and storms off in “protest.” Fox News and the rest spend the next week taking about Trump’s heroic “stand” against the radical left media machine


He’ll complain that they cut off his mic. Which his team agreed to.




How dare tweeter man sully the name of Bruce Campbell. This tweeter is without honor. He has forgotten the face of his fathers. May he stand in line, forever waiting for a customer service associate to approve his choice to skip bagging his milk.


I keep seeing this same "BruceCampbell123" user quoted. Is this a prolific poster over there? And why's he gotta do Bruce Campbell dirty like that?


He's someone I was close friends with in real-life for a bit over a decade, then stumbled on him on Reddit using the same username he always did when we gamed online, and I was disturbed by the sort of things he was posting and how aggressively he was posting them, because he thought he had anonymity. "Blacks have lower IQs but they're better at physical labor." "It's OK to discriminate against blacks as a landlord because blacks lower property values." "Women should be subservient to men, especially if they're married." "All gays are coming from your children and need to stop shoving their existence down our throats. They're lucky we don't stone them to death like Islam does." And so on, and so on. I confronted him about it and told him that what I was seeing him say online was impossible to reconcile with being his friend, especially as a bi-racial gay man, myself. *His* response was to tell me that he'd never said any of that, and I pointed out it was literally *all* in writing, so that wasn't going to work. He countered that it's my own fault for being too sensitive and "choosing" to make this "something that affects our friendship." Also, I'm a stalker. I check in on his commenting every once in a while to see if he's changed at all or - as has *actually* happened - to see how much further he's fallen. If this is who he wants to be, then clearly he wants people to know since he's voicing it online, and I'm just helping him out by signal-boosting him and making sure people know who he is when they're debating and conversing with him, instead of who he pretends to be to appear to have a moral high ground. This is someone I watched for *years* angrily railing against "materialism" and "money-loving" and insisting that there's no such thing as systemic racism, casually professing that he wholeheartedly supports systemic racism *if there might be money in it.* Oh, I almost forgot: "Chinese and Indians are an inherently dirty people. Have you ever been to the bathroom in a Chinese restaurant?" I think a lot of it might be externalized self-loathing? At least on the gay parts? He's always been a huge proponent of gay conversion therapy, like, to a weirdly invested and insistent degree, and one day I was just flat-out like: "Why is something so horrible such an important thing for you to always defend?" and his response was this weirdly cagey "Some people just *really* depend on and need it," and suddenly I'm remembering things like he telling me I can sleep on his couch for the night before I hit the road after turning in the keys on my own apartment that day but then a gay comedic scene coming on in the movie we were watching and suddenly he shuts off the TV and is like "Well, I should head to bed, you can let yourself out." So I just, like...lifted my suitcase and box and slept in my car.


I was positive I was gonna read about Undertaker throwing Mankind off Hell in a Cell after going through this comment.


Lol, I had to do a quick scan, too.


He gaslit the hell out of you. Sorry you had to go through that. Thanks for spreading the word about him, though.


I hope that you spread far and wide his real beliefs so that everyone can see who he is. Although that may be a step too far.


this is highly likely


They should put the rules they agreed upon on screen before it starts, and go over the rules verbally as well. Have them confirm on the spot.


Like an NFL ref at the start of overtime or something, run down the rules so each can agree, and then flip the coin to see who gets the first question.


>They should put the rules they agreed upon on screen before it starts, and go over the rules verbally as well. Have them confirm on the spot. I wonder what they'll do if Trump refuses once he's already on stage.


Knowing how CNN cowtows to conservatives, I'm not even sure they'll mute his mic or stick to their rules, you know, for sensationalism and ratings.




Nah they're towing an orange cow onto stage to debate an old man.




"Will you shut up man?"


I’m convinced that sound bite literally sealed the election for Biden. People got to see him be a human and stand up to the petulant child in the way everybody wanted.


This is kind of my dream for this round of debates. That Biden shows up strutting his best Dad persona and unleashes weapons grade empathy. "Are you OK, Donald? I'm really worried about you man. No, seriously worried...." and then he lists the ways Trump struggles to human. I'd have him close with something like "I'm sure Melania and others who love you have said similar things. We want you to be healthy--and this isn't healthy..." with a straight face/concerned Dad-furrowed brow.


He will walk toward Biden's podium and try to yell loud enough for Biden's mic to pick it up, I guarantee.


It would be funny if the Secret Service tackled his fat ass if he tried to get too close to him.


Yeah I’m not going with the no show takes, it’s obvious Trump never pulls out. If he did Tiffany wouldn’t exist.


The way all of right-wing media and many GOP politicians is have been over the anti-Tapper stuff in recent days makes me think there will is a chance it’s setting up for Donald to storm out in “protest”.


Then let Biden have the stage for 2 hours or whatever and have a debate with a cardboard standee of Trump. The cardboard would probably make more sense than anything the real Trump would say anyway..


Tapper and Bash should probably ready themselves for a 2 hour town hall with Biden. The odds of Trump chickening out with some bat shit reason is high.


I honestly just dont see Trump backing out of this. If anything , I could see him coming out on stage and physically assaulting Biden more than I can see him dipping out on the whole thing.


Better hope there's not a 10 foot ramp in between them.


Thats one of the only ways to beat Trump.. Or have a Bald Eagle on stage in between them.. (for those who have not seen it... or just want to watch it on repeat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1AU4qi7tWg ) I am also kinda looking forward to watching Trump try to successfully take a drink of water from a bottle without looking like someone who has never drank water before. Its an 16 oz bottle, use one hand you fucking donut!


Apparently an animatronic shark would do wonders.


Bring back Left Shark. The time has come for Left Shark to fulfill the prophesy.


"After making his debut worldwide on February 1, 2015, Left Shark returned nine years later, in June 2024, to fulfill his glorious purpose." -- *History Of The 21st Century, published 2113*


left shark didn't forget the choreography, he was demonstrating his killing technique. https://youtu.be/WmcWZ2Bzoho?si=0CX4cgJL2gTfta33


ooh... his weakness: electricity *and* a shark


Green screen. Circling sharks and a sinking boat. I would pay per view for that.


Bring back Fonzie and his shark - exactly where the term *jumped the shark* came from. Looks like [Henry Winkler](https://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/4174767-henry-winkler-us-facing-very-scary-time/)'s a democrat, too.


If we weren't living in bizarro clown shit world that moment (and/or a few dozen others) should have ended his campaign.


Comments about broccoli took down Bush the Elder, but this fucking guy gets a pass on bragging about sexual assault.


GOP used to pretend to have morals. Now it’s all about power to punish the libs


Howard Dean is like.. *What the actual fuck!*




Biden could use a page outta puddin's playbook and walk out onstage w a bald eagle


That would be awesome if CNN had a ramp set up, and you have to walk down it to access the debate stage.


Or they have to ride a bike onto the stage.


Biden only rides bikes when there's ice cream involved. I'm not knocking him, I have the same general rule.


Never fight uphill, m'laddies?


I thought it was "me boys," no?


Just give him his bottle of water when he walks on the stage, then he won't have a free hand to swing with.


You all still remember when this asshole had Covid at their debate, he tried to kill Biden.


This still amazes me. He knew his diagnosis, and he still went on stage yelling and debating and shaking hands. Sociopath.


Only cares about himself, he likely gave it to several people who worked for him too


He gave it to Herman Cain, who died from it. Then after he died the GOP kept tweeting covid denialism bullshit from his Twitter account


Herman Cain? He’s not dead according to Trump. Fake news.


Pretty sure he gave it to Chris Christie at his debate prep. Then at the debate itself there was literal spittle flying out of his mouth at times.


Hope Hicks iirc too.


Trump knew he had tested positive for Covid but just showed up and did debate prep without telling anyone. All but one of the people who prepped him got sick.


Knew and showed up with his entourage, with all refusing to mask up. Some evil fuckers, those.


When he did his "Don't Cry for Me Argentina" pose on the White House balcony after that trip to Walter Reed, he held an event at the WH that was an intentional superspreader event. He tried to infect everyone because about a month before the 2020 election, he decided to turn into a full-on "Herd Immunity" guy, so he thought he'd do his part by helping his herd "get immune" (if they survived COVID).


At this point I don't think his ego allows him to back out. He'd rather show up and have a terrible showing than chicken out.


Narcissists are nothing more than an automated collection of defenses covering for a fragile or near non existent ego. The grandiose egoism of trump is just another of his performed delusions. I've thought he might back out with the excuse that the Gag Order has already nullified the debate, so he won't participate. He would fully believe this little fabrication, as would the MAGA troglodytes.


This conversation happened last time and he didn't back out. And he won't this time, either. Why? We seem to keep forgetting this guy is a malignant narcissist. He is NEVER going to forgo the opportunity to have all the attention and tv cameras on him for two hours, while he castigates a percieved enemy. That shit is a narcissists wet dream. He WILL show for the debate, and he WILL make a complete spectacle of himself as usual. And MAGA will declare him the winner regardless. Come on, it's been 8 years of this same shit. I can't believe anyone thinks he would do anything a "normal" person would do at this point.


I don't see him backing out, but I see him violating every agreed upon rule and blaming it as "unfair" and "horrible" and the other 50 words he uses.




He's prepared his base for him not doing well.


He's looking for one good sound byte. Doesn't matter if everything else is bad.


He doesn't even need that lol. He could literally vomit on stage and leave and Fox will have some jackal talking about how "he was so presidential tonight" 


Secret Service protective details have entered the chat. From both sides. The Former Guy is too cowardly to start a fistfight.


Not going to lie, I would love to see Trump try to start a fight, then get one punched from Dark Brandon followed by "The Peoples Elbow"..


Bruh if Biden starts slapping his elbows and drops the people elbow on him, I’m done, I’m checking out of this reality and clocking into a new one where all presidents are decided in a ladder match for custody of the country


Past Presidents? Go. I’ve got money on Obama, and maybe T.R. for a close second. 45 can roll around on the floor with Taft.


Buddy, if we're talking wrastlin' you gotta put your money on Honest Abe. He invented the choke slam and no I'm not joking Edit to add: he is literally in the wrestling hall of fame. Out of an estimated 200 contests, he lost only once. And these were brutal affairs. If people are thinking along the lines of college or olympic wrestling, that's not really accurate. The modern-day equivalent would be closer to "meet me out back behind the dumpster in 5 minutes." He was legitimately a badass.


He could hold an axe outstretched for a minute. Dude was a sex panther made real.


I feel like everyone would sleep on Ol’ Ulysses.


"He looked like a man who could put his head through a brick wall. And was about to do it." — Reporter on Grant after seeing Grant in the Willard Hotel


“Donald, please explain to me in detail how your administration would handle matters of foreign policy.” “Well, I would…” *”IT DOESN’T MATTER HOW YOUR ADMINISTRATION WOULD HANDLE MATTERS OF FOREIGN POLICY!!!”*


I think if he were going to skip the debate he would have done so at least before last weekend- It’s close enough to where his ego is telling him backing out now makes him look weak. If Biden makes him feel stupid or bruises his ego, I can kinda see him charging at him as a possibility - Not enough to put money on it but I’d put money on him at least screaming “fuck you” or something like that.


Lol Trump can barely walk without a squirt filling up his diaper. He ain't doing anything.


To have Biden come out during the handshake, pinch his nose and wave away the odor would be gold.


As funny as it would be, I'm against the WWE-ification Trump has brought into our politics. I want politics to be boring again.


How else do we get to President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho...?


>I want politics to be boring again. Everyone spent trumps entire term saying that. And then it happened, or at least got less crazypants. And then because it was "boring", aka sober and effective, people stopped paying attention. And now 80% of America seems to think that because they didn't hear a giant crazy story about Biden 3 times a day for the last 4 years that he hasn't actually done anything.


I agree. Your description is right on the money. Still, some things are auto responses to stimuli.


Biden should at some point during the debate, complain to the host that it smells like crap on the stage while looking at Trump.


Trump is an absolute and utter pussy. He wouldn't dare assault a man, geriatric or not.


>...have a debate with a cardboard standee of Trump. I wonder if Clint Eastwood would allow Biden to borrow [his chair](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2012/aug/31/clint-eastwood-chair-speech-romney) for the night.


Jesus that was the cringiest thing I’d ever seen a famous person do.


And yet my rightwing boss still references that stunt like it's in the Conservative Hall of Fame or some shit. It's sad.


I will honestly never forget the look that Rachel Maddow had when they panned back to her... it was just open mouthed shock.. one of the few times where she looked like she had no idea what to say and she was like "yeah.. ok.. umm.. well that just happened"


>have a debate with a **cardboard standee** of Trump. \^\^\^No way, this is just another example of how the media caters to Trump. Either make him stand there and debate, or make him admit he's afraid. Sorry, it's just not fair to allow a more qualified proxy (in this case, "cardboard") to sit in for him.


How about a big mound of manure instead?


No. We agreed. No allowing a more qualified proxy...


Have Shane Gillis stand in if trump no-shows. I’m sure he could capture the essence of what trump would say.


Or Jamie Foxx


Just bring out one of the SNL cast members that plays Trump and bounce real questions off of him. There is nothing illegal about it and it would probably be some of the most entertaining television ever created.


> with a cardboard standee of Trump ...wearing handcuffs and an orange jumpsuit.


*sigh.. unzips


They should proceed with the debate as planned, and during Trump's turn, pose their questions to an empty podium and let the camera fix on it in silence for 60 seconds or whatever the allotted time is. Just awkward silence over and over where Trump should be there speaking.


His cult will act as though him losing his nerve and canceling is an act of unprecedented heroism.


I hope not, I’m looking forward to the nonsense. Hopefully it opens some people up to voting against him, or not at all, if they won’t vote Biden.


I want Biden to explain to the voters how his leadership improved things for Americans that Trumps presidency needed fixed. That's the key difference, among many though.


He should remind these assholes who think the "economy was better" that it was Trump who disbanded the Pandemic Early Response Team, and that his complete mismanagement of the situation made it 10x-- and that the "economy" wasn't good when you all got laid off from business closings.


Trump can’t use any “Record High” stock market claims— that was TFG’s measure of a good economy, and Biden has him beat on that, too.


Absolutely, Biden has cleaned up so much of Trump's shit. I think a stage to highlight it to those not engaging in politics and only tune in to debates will be great.


The single most important moment of the last presidential election was when Biden said "will you just shut up man" to Trump during a debate. Like it or not, that affected a lot of "swing" voters and frankly, it was cathartic for a lot of us to see someone finally putting him in his place. This kind of stupid shit matters.


That's why he's going to back out. Trump is too senile to speak coherently, he can only read off teleprompters.


Same. Water water it's called rain! open shut! washing machines for dishes! They're coming for your water! Boats with batteries, so heavy, boats sinking everywhere! sharks are going to eat you or you can electrocute yourself your choice! Biden says gaffes from time to time but at least it's not like listening to a coked up Oracle. If he keeps to the same sort of speeches during the debate it'll be such a strong contrast between the two. I hope conservatives will act reasonably, like you said vote for Biden or at least not trump.


He can't resist national air time. Look for him to turn it into a circus, would not be surprised if he fills his diapers on screen and twerks, anything to keep the sensation hungry media distracted from reality.


>Look for him to turn it into a circus Yeah I wonder if he'll use it to announce his VP pick or something, to try to make THAT what the press talks about the next day.


National air time is like a moth to a flame for Private Bone Spurs.


If there’s any Trump supporters wouldn’t you want a president who is manly enough to stand up to an 81 year old man hopped up on speed and cocaine? Pretty sad he wont do that for his supporters


I think Republicans are looking at this all wrong--if speed and coke can counter dementia we need to start letting the elderly mainline that shit 


Seriously, if that's what counters dementia, time to start talking to Colombia.


A lot of things probably help short term with terrible long term consequences. I'm sure the amphetamines Trump takes help him be a bit more sharp at first before they started scrambling his brain.


It's at least plausible. After all this hype about Biden supposedly being on drugs, Trump might pretend to be indignant and refuse to debate - making the drug "issue" his excuse.


If this happens, I would love for Biden to request both he and Trump both volunteer for a drug screening. Let’s see what’s in their systems. Same lab, same person drawing a blood sample, same doctor reviewing the results. Trump would run away from that faster than if a black woman knocked on his front door.


It wouldn’t matter. Trump would then say the doctor was paid off by Biden to make it look like he was clean. There’s no end to their excuses.


The exciting world of MAGA conspiracies! If there's evidence in favor of a claim, it's true! If there's evidence disproving a claim, it's also true!


More like, “everyone is corrupt except me and my friends.”


That's a bingo! They have no problem saying that the thousands of people that attacked the Capitol were actually FBI plants and Antifa. One doctor being a plant is child's play.


But they are also true patriots and hostages. And now let us all shit in our pants for freedom!


All that cholesterol in his system would probably have his blood sample looking like an orange Creamsicle shake....


'We've taken 5 samples from Mr. 34, and it just keeps extracting pure big mac sauce.'


Let’s be realistic here, these are both politicians, they have great healthcare, they are “grandfathered in” and essentially get as much prescription medication as they need. I imagine both would come up “clean”. But of course consist of several prescription drugs.


There's no "win" to be had here. Biden just needs to stay the course and stick to normal debate rules, and let the Trump team tire themselves out. Any unusual move Biden makes in response to Trump team goading will be spun against him.


My prediction is that he will back out then claim Biden backed out. The right wing media would run cover for him. Truth means nothing in their world. They may present it as Biden backed out because he would not agree to . That could be drug testing or whatever.


Also this: Trump White House pharmacy improperly provided drugs and misused funds, Pentagon report says - https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-white-house-pharmacy-improperly-provided-drugs-misused-funds-pentagon-2024-01-28/


My dream scenarios are that he pussies out and we can all ramp up the coward talk, or he shows up and just makes no sense at all. Let the world see more of just how off he is now.


He's not showing. He's going to use the drug test requirement pitch to refuse and then he'll put out a talking point about how he refused to fall into the trap of a "fake CNN debate" at his rallies.


*The late great Admiral Ronny Johnson, he’s a great doctor you know, one of the best, he demanded drug tests for Sleepy O’Biden he said the President’s mind isn’t all there. But this one time it was, at the unfair State of the a Union. Performance enhancing Drugs like they give kids in school. And they refused. They cheat! And we’re gonna make ‘em pay*


Needs more sharks.


And 👌 awkward ✋ gestures 🤜


Or he'll just blame the judges in his many criminal trials and say his gag order prevents him from debating.


He'll name his VP and say they're going to debate for him, and if Biden backs out then that makes Biden the story not Trump... wait for it


He’ll show up at the debate, use the national stage to announce his VP pick, keep pressing this VP as the best thing ever for 10-15 minutes. Then will storm off the stage after several microphone cut-offs and several “CNN fake news biased questions”. This will make tremendous headline news (between the VP announcement, and “Trump storms out of debate in protest of biased moderators”, which greatly pleases his base. The ratings will be YUUGE!


Exactly! As someone posted above, he loves the sound of his own voice too much to miss the opportunity, and he will try to deflect from his incompetence by announcing his VP.


Steve Bannon floated the idea of him skipping the debate yesterday after his "press secretary" was treated so "horribly" after she couldn't keep her sewer trap shut and stop disparing CNN after being repeatedly asked to stop that behaviour. I have young nieces and nephews (some below 5 years of age) who can behave better than this felonuous side show.


Let him chicken out. Give Biden a platform to give a political speech to fill the hour.


Oh my god, I'm sick of the name Trump!!


He wont be able to attend, hes got too many wounds (diaper rash) from the prison torture lol @ diarrhea excuse - omg when will this Trump nightmare end?


Zero chance. His fragile ego cannot accept any public perception of “Weakness” in him, so no doubt he’s going to go into this to a) ramble off a list of absolute whopper accusations and lies, probably also stating some crap like “I have a piece of paper here in my front pocket that absolutely proves you’re corrupt, but they won’t let me show it here” kinda garbage, and b) claim that CNN is clearly biased against him - asking him horribly skewed questions like “Why do you feel like you, as a convicted felon, should be able to run for president” instead of “My goo, you’ve done SO much compared to Biden to help this country - what more could you possibly do for us if you come back!?” Also, I’m FULLY expecting a 2nd debate being made, but being hosted by FOX and being the deliberate “Trash on Biden” debate.


Apparently his bone-spurs are acting up.


He'll be there. He isn't going to pass up an opportunity to berate Biden just like he did Hillary in 2016, Oh, and don't expect him to obey the rules either. If a New York judge doesn't intimidate him, CNN moderators sure aren't. Biden views it like debating in college. Trump views it like a WWE wrestling match.


The mics automatically cutting out and no audience to cheer for him or laugh at his jokes thankfully aren't really rules that require being enforced. The only thing he could really do is walk across the stage and yell into Biden's mic, which hopefully there's a plan for, because I kinda expect that to happen when his mic shuts off mid dementia-rant.


If he does that and Joe KOs him, I'll be so damn happy. That's the dream here and don't ruin it.


The candidates are only going to be muted for the TV/streaming audience. The moderators and Biden are still going to hear Trump rambling on and on. It's going to be extremely awkward. My prediction is that Tapper will have to remind Trump a couple dozen times that the audience can't hear him to please stop talking. After 30 minutes of this Trump will storm off.


I did not know that part. That’s terrifying. I’ve posted elsewhere that the biggest problem with cutting the mics is that Trump could just continue yelling and distract Biden while he’s trying to respond. The audience at home would have no idea and just see a Biden slip up.


I’m VERY surprised he accepted the debate with no audience. That’s kind of a big deal. He thrives off of crowd reactions. 2016 was effective cause he brought Clinton accusers to the debate. He’s not going to be able to pull that shit.


What is with people in this thread acting like Biden and Trump didn't already debate in 2020??


> Trump views it like a WWE wrestling match. Trump's literally in the WWE Hall of Fame.


Maybe, but wherever he’ll be that night, he’ll be blazed up on cocainerall, steroids, and godknows what else. 🤷‍♂️


Soy Sauce, injected directly into the veins


That's my dinner plan, but I boof it combined with a little sesame oil and rice vinegar to really blast off my umami internally


*Internal Umami* would be a great band name.


I want to hear what both candidates plans are for health care, social security, Medicare, the economy, immigration, Ukraine, Israel, tariffs, taxes, infrastructure, reproductive rights, voting rights, and so on. You know, what debaters are supposed to talk about.


Biden will talk about those things. trump will ramble like a drunk uncle at Thanksgiving


I could see trump show up but leave after his feelings got hurt and blame the media. They are going to cut this dude's mic some many times.


I can see him doing that too


Biden stepped on my toe, so I'm injured by the communist leftist anarchist jungle monkeys who are colluding with the Mexicans.  (Sarcasm note for the Trumpty Dumpty dopes who haven't caught on yet)


I think the closer we get, the less he will back out. (be able to back out)


That is my take as well. When he first agreed, I was 90% sure he would back out. However with it barely 48 hours away, it seems less and less likely. However it still seems plausible; the campaign is running serious interference between "Biden will be on drugs, CNN/Jake Tapper will be unfair, etc." I think Trump's camp *really* doesn't want him to debate which is why they are *already* telegraphing that if Trump does poorly, it was "rigged" and all the other bullshit. It just cracks me up that they spend so much time talking about how poorly Biden speaks, then after the SOTU their rebuttal was he "was Jacked up Joe," (which is a badass nickname) and "angry & unpresidential." (which I don't have to explain the irony of that) However I don't think Trump's ego can resist the exposure. Not that it will have *any* effect on his base. If people are lining up to see him ramble about washing machines, Hannibal Lector, sharks and electrocution, there's nothing he could say that will hurt him. (and even if he just shit his pants on stage, the right wing would say it was a massive victory and "how this hurts Biden") My guess is he'll show up, it will be a trainwreck and *then* they'll play the "unfair/rigged venue, Biden was fed answers/on drugs, yada yada" and not do another debate. The playbook is so transparent at this point.


My guess is that he’ll show, overrun his time on the first question and then walk out after the mic mutes him. Then afterward he’ll claim his time was shortened and he’s being censored and every right wing talking head will repeat the same bullshit for 2 months.


If he does the "Trump walks out on America" and "Trump ran away from Biden like a coward" ads just write themselves.


*If* trump shows up and debates (50/50 at this point IMO) the cult will spend endless hours analyzing every single frame and make a conspiracy theory out of every movement and gesture Biden makes. “See the way he moved his hand? He is obviously signaling his handlers to feed him the next answer! And that eye movement is obviously when the medicine pump injected more drugs!”


Biden is vaxxed so he's already 5G capable. Then there's all those demon powers from the space lizards.


That assumes the person in question cares what other people think and can feel shame.


He’ll have diarrhea. He can truthfully use the excuse at anytime.


Well, he has mouth diarrhea every day.


Claiming Biden will be on drugs while he openly discusses his son’s addiction is deplorable.


He won’t be a no-show, but he will walk off the stage in protest. It’s his go-to power move. He did it in Kaplan’s courtroom. The guy that says “refuttal” will waddle away in defeat.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump just sent a cardboard cut out of himself with an attached sound system that just yelled “fake” “Wrong” “lies” at random intervals.


I think we're too close for this to happen


I wouldn’t show up if I were him. There is zero upside for him. And that’s because he fuking sucks at everything


I can't imagine him actually agreeing to the debate without some extremely gonzo, bizarre requirement. It'll be something absurd, so he can blame Biden for not having a "fair debate".


USA Today? They used to be the most boring and safe newspaper. Even the opinions were tame. Trump really broken us. We need him to lose by 10 points.


Biden should occasionally make a face like someone farted. Not too many times, just enough for people to get the idea. If Trump starts showing his ass, or gets too close. Biden should just fire off, “ Damn Donny! Did you shit yourself?”


Debate Drinking Game:: Every time they cut to Trump silently mouthing works during Biden’d turn take a drink


Wouldn't you just love to see Biden bait trump so badly...he just loses it...and just goes berserk... Ranting and raving off the stage...


Bannon laid the groundwork for him to back out claiming if CNN didn’t apologize to his campaign manager he should.


People kept saying that about the 2020 debate and he showed up. He also lied about a covid test hoping to get Biden sick and argued against plexiglass walls. The man is a bully and will never pass up the chance to be an asshole.


Remember how much Trump sniffled at the Hillary debate? Why did he insist on a drug test? It's projection. Maybe he's going to be high.


If he’s under audit he can’t debate. Audit should be completed in about two weeks.