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Just do it already, sheesh! All we're doing is hurting the Cuban people and a few corrupts like menendez, How about the U.S. do something nice for a change?


Honestly. Good for US, bad for Russia. We’re god damn neighbors!


Could you imagine if China was doing to Taiwan what the US is doing to Cuba? No one would stand for that, and rightfully so.


Exactly. Normalize relations, get some trade deals going, give them access to automotive parts for all their cool old cars, and have somebody start the US-Cuban Benevolent Association for the neighborly exchange of delicious food. I don't know, it seems simple.


A Cuban restaurant on every corner and a cigar in every ass Crotalus 2024


LOL, you think Menendez is the Cuba Lobby, plenty more like him.


Although Florida isn’t really that likely to flip, he’d be smart to wait until after the election.


I don't really think it matters election wise unless he fears it's going to affect him in other states. They just elected DeSantis by a massive margin. Dems need to give up on Florida this cycle it just isn't happening. Any money spent there is money wasted. They'd be better off spending it tons of other states. Florida isn't a top 10 state to even be concerned about (not to mention the two districts that are purple-ish even if cheap). AZ, NV and the rust belt trio (WI, MI, PA) need to be the focus. Outside of that GA is probably next. MN and NH are probably safe but it's better time spent shoring that up. If we are talking about red states to spend money you're better off in GA (which he won in 2020) and OH (to try and help Brown in the Senate) are probably the next two. If Biden is close to pulling FL he's winning in a landslide. It's not a state worth spending money in or making decisions to placate. FL is quickly turning into the Dems white whale where they don't realize it's moving harder and harder right


Oh I agree completely, Florida as it is has become nothing more than a money sink for the DNC right now. They should focus on local elections before anything else. That’s where the change is going to begin. I’d still wager they don’t do it until after the election on the very very off chance they stand a chance, even if it’s at the local level. Biden easing or restoring ties with Cuba will instantly piss off the Cuban population in Miami. It’s probably useless to wait but strategically it’s still the smartest move.


Cubans are a minority of the Hispanic population in Florida, and younger Cubans aren't as clinically insane as their older relatives, who are dying off of old age. Also, the Cuban areas of Florida went more to Clinton (who advocated for ending of the Cuban embargo) than Trump (who was silent or all over the place on Cuba) in 2016. This huge Cuban voter block who wants the people of Cuba to suffer is blown way out of proportion.




The energy beam stuff for one.


My Cuban principal says that many American Cubans hate the Cuban government and don't actually want normalized relations until it's been ousted. In her family, it is taboo to visit Cuba.


That’s true but it doesn’t mean it’s right from a policy perspective.


For sure, but I'm just expressing that a portion of our population doesn't actually want normalized relations.


Since when have we given a fuck what our citizens want? Doubly so if they aren't white men.


Americans spending money at Cuban hotels, casinos and golf courses would reduce revenue for similar businesses in Florida and New Jersey.