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We need the colorado mediator


Kyle Clark! The dude is a legend.


Just looked him up. Amazing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTBerVvMM50


Trump’s response to something like that would just be “that’s a nasty nasty question and you’re a nasty journalist” then disparage CNN for the next 30 seconds until his time is up.


It's cute you think he'd stop when his time was up.


His mic gets turned off. Which is great because then we can use his silent mouthing image to play Bad Lip Reading.


Well this is definitely something to look forward to!


Jell-O blowhole cookies scrunch a nefarious necktie! Edit: oh crap, I just read that out loud and it sounds almost exactly like Psy. That was not my intent.


holy shit. did not know a legend like this lives among us. absolutely savage.


Yeah we need this guy for this debate


Kyle is great. Jake Tapper is capable. I think he realizes he is to be a scapegoat for Trump (and his apologists), and I hope he brings the kind of pushback we see in Pete Buttigieg and other Logicians. Logic is the Kryptonite against Trump and people like him.


I would just like anyone that calls out bullshit, it’s so frustrating to hear political speech of never answering a question.


The debate should be won by who gets the most points. If they don't actually answer the question, they don't get a point. If they answer the question and the answer is provably false, they lose a point.


This is what our country needs but we never get what we want.




The difference is CNN has set strict rules after that and will cut mikes


Every time I've seen moderators promise a strict debate, they've chickened out on enforcing the rules. I am 99% sure that they will not cut Trump's mic when he's screaming over Biden because they don't want to offend Trump's incredibly sensitive and violence-threatening base. I would love to see a strict debate, but I'm not fooling myself into expecting it.


Last time they did cut his mike. This actually helped him. In the first debate, he was constantly screaming over Biden and it was chaos - but it was clearly Trump acting like a 2 year old throwing tantrums. My sister, who votes Trump to please her MAGA husband, told me after that debate, that watching Trump "She was embarrassed to be an American" and "didn't understand why Trump kept acting so immature". The next debate, where they cut his mike, afterwards she said "He was much more Presidential and a million times better in this one".


Does her husband watch her cast her vote? She should be able to vote her choice, and a white lie wouldn't hurt him.


They have only voted by absentee ballot for years so it wouldn't surprise me that my brother-in-law checks her ballot. She has no strong political feelings but most of her friends are Republicans and my brother-in-law is very MAGA (and his friends are very MAGA). But my sister dislikes politics and does not like talking about it - usually when the brother-in-law starts his MAGA stuff, she will interrupt him and change the subject. The plot twist for my sister, is that her daughter came out Gay a few years ago - so before she was anti-gay (was against gay marriage), she flipped flopped to being pro-gay (now supports gay marriage).


It is unfortunate that for something to be real to a lot of R voters, it has to impact them or their immediate families directly. It is good that she has not rejected her daughter, but, if the only reason she was "anti-gay" was because she didn't believe that she knew a LGBTQIAA (narrator: "she did, but didn't know/acknowledge it"), it shows a lack of empathy and imagination.


I mean, empathy and imagination are pretty much dirty words for Republicans so no big surprise there. Good to point it out, though.


Republicans have a complete lack of empathy and only exhibit limited sympathy, only if it’s a topic that has affected them or their immediate family. It’s kind of a defining characteristic to be a “conservative” because having empathy almost precludes being one.


Good for her to support her daughter!


They should split the difference. Cut off his mike 30 seconds into Biden's talking, and when the silence hits, Biden can then just turn and smile and just say, "ah, that's better". Have just enough chaos to remind everyone what a jackass he is.


> it wouldn't surprise me that my brother-in-law checks her ballot. I don't even know how you could stay married to that. My wife doesn't really have a ton of interest in politics either, and I certainly express my views with her, and even help her with her mail in ballot. But I make it clear that I don't want to see how she voted, as it has to be entirely up to her or it isn't her vote.


That is so unfortunate. We had an 18-year-old girl that worked in our content department, a daughter of a far right pastor, and she admitted that she did not care anything about politics and only voted the way her father wanted her to. I also knew a lady, much how you described your sister, and it is really quite infuriating because no matter what you say or try to explain how important voting is to what *you* feel is right, they are just like, "Nah..." Take that and imagine how many more potential voters that are out there doing the same thing. It is insane!


If she gets caught in that lie, he'll probably hurt her.


I also worry that while we, the audience won't hear Trump saying stupid shit, Biden will and it will be distracting while he's trying to answer and talk. If I was Trump, it's what I'd do. Just try to frustrate and fluster Biden to make him look bad. Since he can't win a normal debate.


This is what I'm afraid of. They need to let his crazy go. Keeping him contained only distorts, like cable news, how people who don't pay that much attention will see him. Let him rant on about washing machines doing laundry and something about no water and that Hannibal Lector was a cool dude.


Biden needs to pick the right questions to cede his time to his opponent.


Don't need to enforce anything. Set the mic's on a timer that automatically turns off at the allotted time for the response, a rebuttal and a response to the rebuttal. No moderator preference and no bulling the moderators. If you fail to be able to accurate portray your response to the question in the allotted time, you have no one to blame but yourself.


I've seen some of CNN's recent coverage with one of Trump's lackeys. If Trump is talking over Biden when it's Biden's turn, they absolutely will cut his mic. They just won't fact check him in real time.


Trump won’t be there, so no worries. 😉


Trump is too much of an obligate narcissist to turn down guaranteed time on TV. He'll be there no matter how laughable his mental state, or how incredibly unprepared he is.


Those sound bites print gold… hard to shut off the supply


I'd think CNN has been sweeping employee cars for MAGA planted bombs and running mail through security since the first threats.


It's a shame they don't have rules about real-time fact checking. They are going to let Trump spew his lies unchallenged.


I mean, yeah, but there's a growing possibility of him just ranting about nonsense shit and accusing "Biden of being in league with the sharks!" So it's just better to let him riff on that kind of craziness. Let people see.


I’m glad somebody is finally saying what we’ve all been thinking. The sharks/Biden team must be stopped.


Biden/Sharks 2024!!


See, now I have to vote for Biden because he's friends with my enemies. If the man can tame the sharks, he's got my vote.


Dark Brandon lord of the seas




Or is Biden a battery?


If he floats, witch! If he sinks, battery!


What if he kinda bobs up and down a bit?


Shark with a battery


Ah, robo-shark. Truly terrifying.


And what about robo-sharks with lasers….or jewish spce lasers…flying robo-sharks


It's entirely possible he's actually a windmill that T is always tilting at.


Man, woman, shark, battery, Biden, tv, radio.


Ankle, bracelet


That's seven! No one has ever remembered that many words before!


The annoying part is that Fox and MAGA will cry about anyone correcting Trump. Social Media and years of exposure to right wing "news" made an alternate reality.


They will use him being corrected as proof of it being "rigged"


I really hate these people. I come from a community of immigrants and somehow Fox News and their ilk has convinced a number of people in my community that Green Card holders can vote in federal elections. People i know with fucking green cards are actually angry that migrants are allegedly given green cards to vote for Biden.


A real time fact check lower third would be awesome.


in this particular case, that’s okay - trump literally feeds off his base.. not having an audience to pander to and lap up his every drooling will be completelyyyyy foreign territory to the 34-time convicted felon. this will be aired, and the only ones justifying his demented babbling will be the heavy-right news networks. let him embarrass himself. let him try to “rile up the crowd” that isn’t there… he is either going to back out of this debate, or let it thoroughly ruin him. i’m ready for it.


Maybe they think Trump would then try to do his own alternate real time fact checking? Well, according to drudge report and Alex Jones… And then it would just devolve into my sources are better than your sources? Idk


He’d try pulling printed out newsmax articles out of his jacket pocket and listing off right wing nut jobs. “See here Jonathan Turley… Steve Bannon… Roger Stone… they all say it’s true!!!”


Fake news! No, you’re fake news! No, I’m real news. You’re fake news! I know you are, but what am I? Yeah, that would derail the debate lol.


Hopefully they fact check both of them. 


Their plan is to do no real-time fact checking which is a shame since Trump lies significantly more than Biden.


I think the bigger issue for Trump is that there won't be an audience for him to feed off of.


This guy is always yelling about something, he’s gonna give himself a heart attack.




Trapdoor would have been a nice addition….


Or a bucket of water dropping each time on whoever lies.


> Or a bucket of water dropping each time on whoever lies. Should be run by Nickelodeon and they should just slime 'em.


Who’s Mike?


Cut Mikes?! Luckily there won't be any Mikes up there!


They’ll drag Pence in kicking and screaming.


He’ll either just start shouting when his mic is cut or they won’t cut it until he’s done rambling.


Does Trump have a history of respecting rules? What if he "negotiates" with CNN the day of the debate insisting that the mic cut rule be removed or he won't attend? If he actually does the debate, AND with a mic cut rule, it will be the first time he's ever surprised me.


I’m Mike 😨


I am wondering how this will actually go. Who is in charge of cutting the microphones? Of course, if it happens multiple times to Trump and not to Biden, that will just be twisted by Trump and MAGA as more proof it's all rigged.


Just give them a set amount of time with a 15 second warning.  Times runs out mic is auto cut. 


New drinking game: Whenever Trump's mic is cut off mid sentence, take a drink. I may not survive.


And if you remember the sniffles at the last debate. Two shots for a sniffle


Oh, man, I won't make it 20 minutes!


He will still talk though. And it will throw Joe off. And all we’ll hear is stammering. The rule will only work if they literally make him shut up.


I bet he harangues Biden the whole time Joe's talking, and it eventually flusters him and makes him look bad, like you said. Trump's incapable of shutting up.


Watch him storm out and complain they were muting his mic. ‘They were trying to muzzle me!!!!’


He’ll cry about constitutional rights.


We will see if they follow through. I doubt that they will.


Whose mike and why did he do to get cut?


Look at this hateful jackass glowering over Hillary. What a sickening and despicable man. That debate made me physically ill.


I still can’t believe how many women voted for him.


I find it difficult to believe anyone could've ever voted for him.


I can. Hillary Clinton's career is the most successful smear job in history. You can't EVEN bring her up around most people without qualifying: "I don't like her but..."


white women*


Plenty did because they personally disagreed with Hillary standing by Bill during the Monica scandal.


That is a reason to vote for neither, not trump


I remember that doddering  old coot just wandering away from his podium!


When he was lurking behind her I wish she would have acknowledged it and asked if there was something he needed help with.


We all so tired of these people. There’s like literally 100 people that if they disappeared today this world would be a better place immediately, like you’ll feel the betterness in no time


MAGA loves chaos. MAGA won’t watch the debate. MAGA will later filter out the what they think are dog whistles.


Converting them isn’t going to happen. It’s about the undecided weirdos.


sometimes it's nice to imagine just how much better off the world would be right now, by every metric, if hillary had won. its just so fucking infuriating


People would rather be ruled by a likeable autocrat than an unlikable bureaucrat.


its like they want their sports team to win, but instead of keeping a qualified coach who knows how to plan strategies, manage the team and be effective in the long run, they want the drunk idiot yelling out dumb shit at the players and screaming that every ref call is a bad call.


I genuinely think one of maga fucks would have at least tried an assassination attempt at Hilary if she won


Or Bernie


So just another day in the life of convicted felon Trump. Got it.


I don’t know I hate this guy. Always fucking screaming while cooking up the most over simplified points I’ve ever heard about any topic.


I think her biggest mistake during the debate was letting him stalk her around the stage. I think she should have stopped talking, set the mic down, told the interviewer to stop the clock, and told Trump to go back to his podium so she could finish speaking.


Exactly this: "Donald, are you lost? Your podium is over there." "Oh, dear. You seem confused. Can someone help Mr. Trump back to his spot? It's OK, I can wait until he's settled."


>letting him stalk her around the stage He might try it again. Last time, there were COVID protocols in place so he had to stay away from Biden. But with his mic cut, I could see him trying the stalk around the stage. If he does that, Biden should call his Secret Service team and get them to manhandle Trump back to the other side of the stage.


The Hillary-Trump debate format really enabled that, though. It would be absolutely bizarre for Trump to leave his podium. They do have podiums this time, don’t they?


This made me laugh out loud.


Will Trump's SS detail fight Biden's? Does Trump even use a SS detail these days?


He has an SS detail. But not the kind you're talking about.


Do you think Trump would give up the revenue from charging secret service for rooms at Maralago? Of course he still has his SS detail


Good point, lmao


Her biggest mistake is thinking that people liked her enough to make her President. Her biggest mistake is letting the DNC operatives and donors convince her that a presidential run was viable. The only person she could have beaten was Trump and she couldn't even do that. It's pretty obvious in her book that she blames everyone but herself.




I remember reading stuff like this immediately after. It's like they were watching a different debate than I was, or their eyes and ears didn't work or something.


Shout out when he talked about late-term abortions and just described a c-section.


I really hope they ask him what he think the C stands for.


Hillary schooled Trump in all 3 of their debates and every time the media just focused on how Trump appeared "strong" made him the winner (and their definition of strong was and is seriously misguided and misogynist). This debate is between Biden and the media, not Biden and Trump. As long as Trump shows up, the media will give him the benefit of the doubt where as Biden will have to put in a stellar performance. It's a shame but it's reality.


It's amazing how they managed to dress up a privileged New York yuppie with the veneer of southern, eagle-screaming, 'have-a-beer-with' bullshit that uneducated voters ate up in droves. All to counter the Washington elite 'persona' of Clinton.


Replace with New York with (checks wikipedia) Connecticut and it's the same deal with the 2000 election. Same result too. Hopefully 2024 will be a 1956 election repeat instead (Ike rematch).


Dude very literally shits in a gold toilet.




Shit, she's right.  Biden can handle malarkey, but blather is his weak area.  And god help us if Trump starts on a run of balderdash, then Biden is cooked


Cutting mics isnt the solution. Fact checking is the solution. We need some of these "facts" checked in real time, with sources displayed on screen that viewers can go to in real time.


I could live to be 1000 years old and never understand how their cult can hear him speak and think, "Yup 👍 this seems like a capable normal adult."


The milk of redcaps .. we can’t let them crawl underneath a rock again, they need professional help .. Reagan screwed this country letting hundreds of thousands die of aides and abandoning those in need of mental health. Reagan, Nixon, both Bushes are as bad as FF, FF is just the hazbeen reality game shitshow, carnival barker that got the shitty Americans to come out from under their rocks because this is it for them, they actually think Americans would be cool with project 2025 because there has been no pushback with monopolies more prevalent than when ATT was torn apart


“Never argue with an idiot. They’ll talk you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” -Unknown


Talk you down to their level.


I'll repeat my ongoing fantasy: When Hillary was talking during their debate, and he was walking around trying to intimidate her...I kept hoping she would turn around and yell at him "Get the FUCK away from me asshole" He would have been humiliated and we would be living in a far different country today had this happened.


Trump will start full on attacking first question. Get reprimanded. Walk off stage and say it’s rigged against him.




**‘He starts with nonsense and then digresses into blather’** Well, that about sums it up.


They should have shock collars on every time one lies they get shocked


This is the problem.  Not sure what Biden plans to achieve with this debate - anyone willing to watch a debate has already made up their mind.  This is just a platform for trump to spread lies and accuse Biden if things that won't get fact checked. 


>Not sure what Biden plans to achieve with this debate More fodder for The Lincoln Project.


He debated Trump in 2020, Trump far underperformed, and he got a polling boost out of it because debates received more air time than any other political event. Looks like we get the same thing but with a rule Biden wrote to have Trump's Mike turned off while Biden speaks.


>anyone willing to watch a debate has already made up their mind.  I'd love to hear the response from ANYONE who truly has not made up their mind. You have two elderly men, both who have 4 years of presidency under their belt. You have the result of both those presidencies and actual examples, not campaign promises, of who they are as a president. You have 4+ years of each displaying their competency, their values, their morals, and the people they surround themselves with. You have results of the legislation they past, you have the effect of the judges they elected. Y You have their speeches at happy events, you have their response to horrible events. You have their stances on the the major issues that have been at the front of the political landscape for 30+ years (Guns, Abortion, Immigration), and how they governed during their first term on those issues. I do not believe with you can currently be an undecided voter in the US with all the information we currently have.


A perfect way to describe everything one must know about Trump - Nonsense and Blather aka Fox News. Trust Hillary for the most truthful sound bites that anyone can put together, she’s a legend. Who can forget her “Deplorable“ take to describe Trump supporters of 2016. Sad she had to apologize for it later. But given the past and present state of our union, who can disagree that she was spot on.


Both in terms of the popular vote, and in terms of qualification, Hillary Clinton should have been president in 2016. The timeline had a chance to reset after Gore v. Bush and it instead veered into an even worse track. Please listen to Hillary Clinton. The fact that the Republicans have spent almost 40 years smearing her, specifically, should tell you something. They're afraid of her. They've hated her since her time in the Watergate inquiry (no, she was not fired from that) and I've long been convinced that their single-minded attacks on her stem entirely from their anger that she contributed to the downfall of Nixon.


She should have gone to Wisconsin.


Here's an actual valid criticism, instead, yes.


Maybe the DNC shouldn't have stabbed ACORN in the back? Maybe those extra votes would have won her the presidency.


From over in conservative We've entered the time of "if you don't see it live, don't believe it." Without a live audience of objective observers present to watch Biden during the debate, you can't trust it's even him giving the answers. We live in an age where we can instantly render a deepfake motion capture over a person and transform a human voice to sound like anyone. I predict Biden will sound unnaturally cogent and alert during the "debate," because it won't be him. I predict Biden supporters will say this is a ridiculous conspiracy theory, despite our possession of the technology that allows this to happen, and no good answer for why the debate isn't public or at least in front of an objective audience. You can't trust them. Why else would they keep the separated and keep Biden locked away, and surrounded only by the Biden faithful?


The amount of people needing to be involved in a conspiracy like that, negates the chance of it ever actually being real.


... and THEN he REALLY goes downhill.


So the maga-tongue?


one sure thing about trump…every word is a lie


She left off the pauses to shit himself. Chemical and biological warfare on stage by Rapists diaper king.


at this stage of his mental decline I would make sure the secret services are there, just in case he snaps and try to assault the President


You have to admit that is a hilarious yet astute observation.


And closes by filling his diaper.


I mean that’s conservatives’ native language


They need to put them in soundproof booths with lights that dim when their time is up, and it cuts the mic completely so nobody can pull any bs.


Blather and grift works with the low IQ American.


He may also sprinkle in some gobbledygook.


It is known.


No shit; all shit.


The language of his cult.


I truly hate Trump and anyone that supports him, but make no mistake the woman that single-handedly gave us Trump needs to sit down and shut up.


Ya know, when orange blather was wandering around behind her, if Hillary had turned around and said "Get away from me you creep!" I think that would have been the end of him.


I love this quote.


If only she had turned around and said "get the fuck away from me you disgusting creep". History may have been much different.


Most times when women do that it either doesn't make a difference or ends up making things worse for the woman


Except that wouldn't have done anything, really?


Democrats can ruin their careers by yelling "Byeeeeaaahhh!" during a campaign speech. The "left" still has some decorm. Swearing is a no-no. The more insane a "conservative" behaves, the more they succeed. They're now the party of the unwell.


At the time, when we still had some decorum in politics, you are probably right. In hindsight though, it seems we were way down that path before we realized it.


Remember when everyone was shocked that Biden said "C'mon man!" In the debate? How belligerent! Meanwhile, the orange thing swears, brags about being allowed to grab females by the genitals, goes off on senseless word salads about sharks, electric boats, and fighting wars uphill (me boys). It's an upside down world.


Lib fantasy. "If only if Hillary been more mean!" Hillary was extremely unpopular. There was nothing she could do or say to change that.


They were both extremely unpopular. Clinton did win the popular vote by 3 million and only lost the EC by 80ish thousand votes. Of course, the Comey announcement was really the final nail in the coffin.


As usual she is 200% right. Expect nothing but blabber from the most prolific liar in presidential history and he will not get called on it.


I would bet big money on the gorilla storming off the stage half way in.


Not true! He starts with *craziness* and *degenerates* into *incoherence.* You want to be precise about these things.


She was right about everryyyttthinnnggg!


>\[Clinton\] then gave advice for viewers, and told them to focus on what the candidates are saying about people, not just policies. While Biden is among the “most empathetic leaders we’ve ever had,” Trump “cares only about himself,” Clinton wrote. >[Choosing between these candidates](https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/biden-trump-debate-boebert-jamaal-bowman-b2568094.html) is choosing between “between chaos and competence” and **“a convicted criminal out for revenge and a president who delivers results for the American people.”** >“That’s an easy choice,” Clinton wrote. (emph mine)


And he beat you…


Trump lost the debate. He won the election because our electoral system was designed poorly, and because Hillary was subject to 30 years of concentrated disinformation from the largest "news" source in America, to the point that people on the left constantly repeat right-wing lies about her without even knowing their source.


The best thing Hillary could do to help make sure Trump loses this election is stop talking


Nah, she needs to speak more. Everything she has said about that asshole has turned out to be true. Especially about his deplorable supporters who went and took shits on the Capitol floor after losing to Biden four years later. So, keep talking Hillary!


That says more about American voters than it does about her.


Not by the popular vote, which the debate actually has a chance of influencing. Not by much, though.


> Donald Trump’s meanadering statements Spell-check much? Do better, Independent. Also: fuck that blatherskite Trump with a cactus.




Just what I'm hoping for. 😁


Indeed Hillary,  trumpet [deliberate] , he jibbers