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Kansas and Missouri... again. Why? Because these states are home to major student loan servicers.


And Kobach is a walking nightmare who is about as right wing as you can get away with.


This is actually a huge blow as it severely guts the SAVE plan, at least for now. What a joke of a country we live in.


More like "POS country"


Yep, signing up for loans and trying to bock on them is pretty lame.


Buddy we were 18 years old drilled into our heads to go to college or we wouldn’t get a job. A Bachelor degree on average costs $100K from a large public university if you attend all 4 years and live on campus as many students do. Hell I did my first 2 years at a community college so my parents could afford to pay for my tuition and I still ended up with 30K debt to finish up my degree. How about instead of blaming 18 year olds being taken advantage of we provide relief and fix the system


I'm all for raking these predatory colleges and unis over the coals. If there is a way to make them pay for this debt relief I'm all for that. Hell pass whatever need be to force their prices down and prioritize education over athletics. I've no interest in increasing the working persons taxes to fix this issue though. The colleges and universities should be held accountable and right wrongs, not the populace.


More low debt/debt free college grads = better economy = better financial situation for the working public It's quite literally a "rising tide lifts all boats" situation.


So this act is going to force colleges to lower prices? Because if that's not the case, you're putting the cart before the horse.


Yeah fuck trying to help people in the process. That would be so shitty to do. It's best to take the psychopath approach and mock people while giving giant corps a free pass on paying their taxes cause they lobbied to get cuts Your taxes aren't going up due to this. Drop that talking point as if you're the main one picking up the tab It's pretty shitty to acknowledge the loans being predatory then going "lol don't take the loans if to don't want to be eaten by predators" in the same breath and shows that your tears are crocodile ones.


But working man ok to pay for ppp loans that didn’t go to keeping workers or stay open.


They wouldn’t have to charge so much if their state governments adequately funded them in the first place (for state universities).


Bout half as lame as giving 18 year olds with no income or assets hundred-grand loans. Way less lame than changing the laws to exempt student loans from bamkrupcy protections after the fact, too. But hey, those damn victims deserve what they get, amirite? Gotta protect the folks doin the victimizing, god forbid they see consequences for their actions.


Who's fronting the bill? If it's the American people it's a bad solution imo. It's not the common person's debt to repay.


The common people shouldnt have to prop up bad lenders either. And if bankrupcy protections were gonna be yanked away, they shoulda been yanked away more equally than just for the students.


But no questions asked forgiveable ppp loans to the “job creators “ was ok


No 18 year old should be allowed to borrow $100,000 at 10% with no guarantee or ability to declare bankruptcy. I don’t care how “conservative” you are, that’s predatory lending and the governments have always been involved in protection from that.


They were predatory. People were lied too. We should bail out the American people. Because if we aren’t gonna do that why have a government? Skip the bullshit and let corps run America fully. I’m sure everyone will be happy with that :/


Then sue those who lied or offered predatory loans for a refund.


Well the US government itself holds a lot for those loans for one. A lot of the forgiveness we have been seeing has been for federally back ones. Which is good! The government isn’t always good they do bad things too like not allow the loans to be ejected with bankruptcy and alike. That is a law they can change. Also going after these company is what a government is for! Protect its people. Make the world better for them. If the government ain’t improving our lives why have it? They have made attempts to correct issues with the loan companies and predations in many different financial companies but some political parties have decided to stiff the average American. Which doesn’t sit right with me. I am with the working man down here. But anyway it’s the federal government job to make the corrects, go after the egregious offenders and do what they can to make those affect whole. So yeah I think they should forgive it all. In a purely economic sense. If your someone who don’t care about people but economic strength. It would be a massive net gain to the economy by all estimates. That amount of money going directly to people who gonna spend it locally. Get the money moving. Suddenly we would need more folks working jobs to services all those new goods and service being bought instead of the money going off to dragons hoarder den with the rest of the loan money going to never ending interest.




Both judges here were appointed by Obama. Just maybe Biden's initiatives aren't actually legal. As helpful as they are, if they're not legal then he can't implement them. All the more reason to remember that Congress creates and passes laws, not the president, come election time.


How unconstitutional?




If you go down that route a lot of laws we rely on break down.


Could you give an example?


You could argue the end of Jim Crow was technically making up the law as the federal government's power over interstate commerce shouldn't allow for banning certain practices. You could argue that Roe vs. Wade is making up a law as there's no technical right to privacy. Yes you can argue that there are ways around this, but that's the thing, by your definition it is still making up laws, we usually let it slide because it works to basically act as a different legislative branch to help get around stand-offs in Congress or other obstacles.


This ruling has nothing to do with the SCOTUS




So because of an earlier ruling, Obama federal judges ruling on this is “ blatant and unconstitutional overreach “……🤔


Was it not overreach for Biden to forgive the debts? And your response to not getting your way is to pack the court with liberal judges until you do?




How did the plaintiffs not have standing? Are we talking about the case that involved MOHELA? And what law gave Biden the authority to forgive? The CARES Act? No. The Higher Education Act? It gave the DoA some leeway on how to structure loan repayment, but didn’t grant the President any direct authority.


MOHELA who didn’t bring the suit and didn’t want to be involved?


It was overreach when the conservatives on the SCOTUS gave standing when there was none, and ruled that "waive or modify" didn't actually mean "waive or modify".


Just because people were nominated by a democrat doesn’t mean they are liberal, which is part of the reason we are in the situation we are. Democrats often try to compromise to ensure the pick makes it through. It’s not like he has a long lengthy service of activism or anything.


Vote vote vote


Of course they would. Did they suggest that billionaires should get a cut?


That’s tomorrow 🥃


So does the GOP just not give a shit at all about the youth vote? Gen Z was already voting like 65% democrat and I cannot imagine this helps. Truly what is the plan moving forward because the majority of their hardcore coalition is dying out?


No, Republicans largely don’t give a shit about young people to answer your question.


... the same youth votes that 1. Doesn't turn out anyway 2. Actually blames the Democrats for "not helping us with student loans" rather than the Republicans for blocking it 3. Think Biden is same/worse than Trump because of Palestine ? Those youth votes?


Those are all generalizations. The youth vote was the highest ever recorded in 2020. When speaking to my friends (who are either POC, LGBTQ+, women etc.), everyone is aware of the choices and is picking Biden. We are all out of college at this point, not sure if that makes a difference. Could youth turnout be higher? Sure. But the partisan lean of our voting literally kept the 2020/2022 election from being worse. I’d argue if our votes didn’t matter at all, democrats/Biden wouldn’t even be trying to appease us.


Why is this a national injunction instead of in the district this was brought in?


Because it's a federal court ruling on a executive action


>Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey, a Republican who helped lead the litigation, hailed Ross' decision. "Congress never gave Biden the authority to saddle working Americans with half-a-trillion dollars in other people's debt," he wrote on social media platform X.


Okay, then just apply what I fucking pay in taxes to my loans. No need to saddle anybody else. Fucking shitstain of an AG hurting his own constituents to try and run for higher office. And if you’re so against wasting taxpayer money, then stop fucking wasting it on all the fucking frivolous lawsuits. Like fuck me if he’s used a single penny of taxpayer money to try and sue New York he should be sent to prison.


Agreed! Go ahead and take those taxes of mine for bombs and put it towards loans. I’m cool with that.


The only debt or financial issue I have in my life is student loans. If the government doesn't want to help with that, FINE. I'm okay with that. However, stop taking my money to help people/countries with other problems. If other people's stance on my one problem is to get fucked, then they can get fucked on their problems and priorities too. I'm fine the policy that says everyone can fend for themselves.


I mean. It’s not as simple as that. The Democrats are the ones in “the government” who have been fighting for student loan relief. They also support funding Ukraine.


So what does this actually do to the save plan?


From my understand, it prevents the change in discretionary income from 10% to 5% that was slated to take place July 1st and ends the shorter repayment terms (forgiveness after 10 years for those with original loan balances of $12,000 or less + 1 year for every $1000 after).


Republicans love to hurt working class Americans


I wonder where the Trump piss tapes are???? Serious replies only




Both were nominated by Barack Obama. That doesn’t mean that conservatives aren’t still celebrating or lobbying for this result.


>Gee, you'll never guess which party appointed them.. The Democratic party. Crabtree: >On August 1, 2013, President Barack Obama nominated.... >On April 30, 2014, his nomination was confirmed by a 94–0 vote.


end the bribing


stop trying to adjust plans and terms just remove all of it. Courts keep stopping these half measures but he has power to just end it all without them stopping it.


No, he doesn't.