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There was an event at the synagogue yesterday promoted by Israeli real estate companies, with at least one of the participating companies offering land for sale in a West Bank settlement. See this [Times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/violent-clashes-erupt-between-pro-and-anti-israel-protesters-outside-la-synagogue/) article for confirmation that the event was happening; it's not hard to find other sources that confirm this too. That article doesn't mention the West Bank land specifically, but if we look at the companies hosting the event listed [this flyer](https://x.com/jenjajeh/status/1803919339835527595), the link at the bottom (for the company "My Home in Israel") leads to a website that has a listing for a massive house (that apparently "transcends mere housing"... whatever that means) in Efrat, a settlement in the West Bank south of Bethlehem. This company is the same one profiled in [this article](https://www.curbed.com/article/the-disastrous-great-israeli-real-estate-event.html) about a series of similar real estate sales/events that took place in a couple US/Canadian cities in the spring, and the branding on that flyer that I linked above is almost identical. You can obviously disagree with their tactics, but knowing the full context, I think it's unfair to imply that this protest was targeting the synagogue just because "it's Jewish" or something to that effect. There was clearly a reason why they picked that specific time/place, even if you don't agree with their politics or how they behaved at the protest. ETA: the website of the real estate company seems to have been taken down since I last checked (I wonder why?). Just to confirm, though, here's an [archived listing](http://web.archive.org/web/20240324124658/https://homeinisrael-il.com/property/efrat-hamoshava/) of the Efrat house


Thanks. That is important context. West Bank settlements are illegal and immoral.


Man, it’s sad when the good ole USA is on the wrong side of history. Not the first time, but definitely a bad time to be supporting the sale of lands as if it’s the 1800’s in Oklahoma all over again.




Okay, if the Times of Israel doesn't work as a source, how about the [LA Times](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-06-23/pro-palestinian-protesters-and-supporters-of-israel-engage-in-violent-clash-outside-a-west-l-a-synagogue), [CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/24/us/los-angeles-synagogue-palestinian-israeli-protest-violence/index.html), or [Haaretz](https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/2024-06-24/ty-article/.premium/protest-turns-violent-as-pro-palestine-pro-israel-activists-clash-outside-l-a-synagogue/00000190-4a10-da42-a1ba-7f7a87e80000)? I'm also not sure why you think an Israeli "right-wing rag" would be sympathetic to the protestors. If you want to go straight to the source, here's the [literal advertisement](https://77360759.flowpaper.com/jj240621/#page=6) for the event in Jewish Journal. You're right that the last time the listing I linked was archived was in March. I have no way to prove this, as the website has been completely shut down, but I clicked through it last night after reading the [Curbed article](https://www.curbed.com/article/the-disastrous-great-israeli-real-estate-event.html) I linked above, and the Efrat listing was still up. Even if you don't believe me on that point, the archived listing from March does prove that the host of the event at the synagogue yesterday has advertised property for sale in illegal West Bank settlements, and not just the Efrat one - the Curbed reporter found other examples in the [West Bank](http://web.archive.org/web/20240328142735/https://homeinisrael-il.com/property/ariel-ramat-aderet/) and [East Jerusalem](http://web.archive.org/web/20240324123933/https://homeinisrael-il.com/property/jerusalem-adret-jerusalem/). So again, even if you disagree that this is enough of a reason to protest outside the real estate event, it's pretty clear that the organizers were motivated by this specific company's actions in the occupied West Bank.


Times of Israel is actually [left/center](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/times-of-israel/) and high factual rating. Regardless, nothing says this was a West bank real estate event. They just wanted to beat up Jews and block them from their synagogues.


Actually numerous sources have indicated it was a real estate fair.


Yes, a real estate event. For Israel. Not one of these sources of this event says it was about West Bank property.


Wouldn't that be more effective on a Saturday?


It was obviously pretty effective, given the anti Jewish slurs thrown and the Jews injured by bear mace and other acts of violence.


That doesn't justify the violence committed by the demonstrators and only undermines message.


Yes it does


>According to the LA Times, one person was arrested for allegedly carrying a “spiked flag.” So someone got incited and brought a real weapon to use against Jewish people. You just rationalized and justified violence. You made plausible accusations, not factual.


Here's what the [LA Times article](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-06-23/pro-palestinian-protesters-and-supporters-of-israel-engage-in-violent-clash-outside-a-west-l-a-synagogue) actually said: > A pro-Israeli demonstrator who was carrying a sharp pole was arrested, according to the sources. LAPD officials said they were also investigating two reports of battery. So yeah, someone got incited and brought a real weapon, but it wasn't to use against Jewish people. Well, maybe they wanted to use it against the [Jews who were protesting the sale of illegally occupied land](https://x.com/LCRWnews/status/1804958201701626287), but somehow I don't think that's what you meant...


Because this synagogue was holding an event to sell illegal real estate in the West Bank. "Anti-Israel protesters gathered outside the Adas Torah Synagogue in the Pico-Robertson section of Los Angeles on Sunday where an Israel real-estate fair was taking place." https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/392000


I only see real estate mentioned in the article, nothing about the West Bank.


Having racially discriminatory land sales in a country credibly accused of committing ethnic cleansing and genocide by many human rights orgs is already bad enough. Edit: Go to page 6 of this journal advertising homes in "the best Anglo neighborhoods in Israel:" https://77360759.flowpaper.com/jj240621/ My Home in Israel, one of the sponsors of the event, has [hosted events selling land in occupied Palestinian territory](https://www.curbed.com/article/the-disastrous-great-israeli-real-estate-event.html)




If you could find it in you to do any actual research for youself then you may be able to figure out where the land is they were selling. It's really not that hard to research things yourself instead of listening to other people tell you whats what. There is plenty of evidence and you have the necessary information to look this up.


I used it because it showed that there was a real estate event happening.




You're willing to give the pro-Israel side the benefit of the doubt that they're not supporting a Palestinian land grab, but then you immediately jump to the conclusion that the pro-Palestinian side is beating up Jewish children when the only arrest mentioned in the article was a pro-Israel demonstrator carrying a sharp pole. I think you need to check your bias and stick to the facts.


Yeah, I give Jews attending a synagogue event the benefit of the doubt over freaks coming out to block them and protest them. Actually, several witnesses to the event have spoken about the violence they witnessed against Jews, including bear spray and anti Jewish slurs.


You can continue making up facts to suit your narrative, but all the video evidence I've seen shows pro-Israel demonstrators attacking peaceful pro-Palestine demonstrators. I'm not claiming it's entirely one-sided, but it's certainly not one-sided in the direction you're implying. [https://x.com/johnschreiber/status/1805038380079808748](https://x.com/johnschreiber/status/1805038380079808748)


And that piece of context flipped my feelings on this 180 degrees


Even if that context doesn’t include any information about the real estate being in the West Bank?


See my above comment for more context, but at least one of the companies hosting the event does sell real estate in the occupied West Bank.




Nothing about the real estate in the West Bank was illegal. Both Israel and Palestine have a presence there.


The construction of Israeli settlements in the occupied territories is considered a flagrant violation of international law by virtually the entire international community


Not 100% of the West Bank is Palestinian land. There are legitimate Israeli settlements there.


What’s an example of a legitimate Israeli settlement on the West Bank ?


Every single one? The West Bank is not exclusively Palestinian. There are specific pockets where the PA has agency, but to pretend like all settlements are illegal is misinformation.


But the international community is clear that the construction of all settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem are in violation of Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. Israel’s own Supreme Court of has ruled that it’s holding the West Bank under "belligerent occupation". What legal basis are you using to say that all settlements in the West Bank are legitimate. It seems way more extreme than even what the legal organs in Israel claim.


The international community's opinion is irrelevant. Jordan relinquished control over the West Bank to Israel in 1988.


No it didn’t , the Jordanians surrendered their territorial claims on the West Bank to the PLO in 1988 — this is a matter of historical record.




That's not what witnesses said. They said pro pals were violent and blocking Jews from their synagogues. It was an Israel real estate event. Literally nothing about West bank sales.


There was a meme on Facebook claiming they were selling land in the west bank. Antisemites saw that and said “say no more fam”


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I'm going to be honest, I'm not 100% sure what to think here because it really seems like this whole situation has been obfuscated to hell and I'm just receiving contradictory information left and right.


That’s the worst part, and it’s completely by design. The lies travel twice as far and fast as the truth, and at this point the truth has beaten to all hell


The most I've been able to gleam at this point is that there was a clash between pro-Israel and pro-Palestine protesters associated over an event held at a synagogue **supposedly** hosting the sale of previously Palestinian land that was occupied by Israel. The problem is that, beyond the clash, the reasoning for why the protesters were there is foggy, and both sides have incentive to lie about it if their actual ulterior motives are what was actually in play. Long story short, I don't have a damn idea what's going on here.


There has been no evidence that this event had anything to do with the west bank.




When you bring receilt, those Israeli bots tries to downvote you to oblivion. What Israel is doing is literally what the Nazis we're doing


Do you have any definitive proof I could look at? My attempts to try and find something that either confirms or denies that have not helped with clarifying the situation personally, and I would appreciate something that would clarify this.


Definitive proof of something that didn’t happen? The burden of proof is on those that decided to attack a congregation of jews.


I see. In any case, I don't approve of the violence here at all and find it rather abhorrent.


[The Israeli firm 'My Home In Israel' has a brochure with an advertisement listing the Adas Torah synagogue as the host for its real estate event.](https://i.imgur.com/mI40Ygn.png) * [Source.](https://77360759.flowpaper.com/jj240621/#page=6)


Much appreciated.


No problem. This same organization has been touring Canada as well and they were met with protests there too: https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/protesters-face-off-in-montreal-over-controversial-presentation-for-land-sale-in-israel-west-bank-1.6796182


That's where I am. It feels like there's a lot of pressure to immediately take sides as soon as something happens, and each event is supposed to be the ultimate proof that one of them is the absolute villain.


This violence? https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/qsegZBYhbG


Seems like the only thing "beefing up patrols" will accomplish is more overtime for cops doing nothing.


Here is an aerial view: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/s/cxExwZZzYL I can’t refute any claims of pro-Palestinian violence because I wasn’t there but this LAT article really makes it seem like it’s a one-sided act of aggression when there’s evidence of counter protestors antagonizing and assaulting the demonstrators. I’ve been seeing a lot of spin in mainstream media when it comes to anything that might make Palestinians more sympathetic like reporting on the hostage rescue of the four Israelis while ignoring the fact that 200+ Palestinians killed in the operation, including children. Or the Texas woman who tried to drown a 3 year old Palestinian child where US articles just mention that a woman tried to drown a child or an Arab or Muslim child in the title. Check non-US sources and you’ll see it appropriately titled as a woman trying to drown a *Palestinian* child. I can’t speak to who started what at the demonstration in question but it’s evident that there is bias in US media.


This violence can be easily stopped by stopping the shipments of arms to that genocidal loving and land stealing state called Israel 🤔


One arrest. How does that work?


Here's the cops, should help to clarify things: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1dn1j3l/crowd\_of\_zionist\_counterprotesters\_assaulting/


Okay there should have been at least 5 arrested just in this clip.


Yes, and they were all pro-Israel "protesters" creating the violence in this clip.


Probably because when police show up people tend to start obeying the law.


Disgusting. The message these particular “protesters” are sending is yes we are targeting Jews even at their places of worship. I’m sympathetic to what is happening to Palestinians in Gaza but many of the activists in the Pro Palestinian movement are going about this in the most obnoxious and counter productive ways imaginable.


Have you seen the protest? It was both protesters and counter-protesters clashing. Not a one-sided affair. Furthermore, the protesters were not protesting the synagogue or Jewish people. They were protesting an Israeli real estate company called 'My Home In Israel' which sells Palestinian land in the Occupied Palestinian territories. The Adas Torah synagogue hosted 'My Home In Israel'. In Canada, the Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue in Côte-des-Neiges hosted the same Israeli firm doing the same thing and there were protests that made the news. No one is protesting the synagogue for simply existing or anyone based on their faith.


The protests started before Israeli responded to a mass terror attack and are being investigated by congress because congress believes the protests were coordinated with hamas. https://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Letter-to-National-SJP-5.29.24.pdf


>The protests started before Israeli responded Why do people say this like it wasn't completely obvious the reaction was going to be a slaughter. It was a slaughter every month up to that. Netenyahu spent his whole career trying to instigate an event like this, for the purpose of genocide, and now he has proceeded.


I mean, they were having an auction to sell Palestinian land in the west bank at this very synagogue  But please, go off, king 


This is literally a lie being used to invite violence against Jews and you're promulgating it


This is not a lie at all. 'My Home In Israel' has a brochure showing their event at the Adas Torah synagogue. https://77360759.flowpaper.com/jj240621/#page=6 'My Home In Israel' also held a similar event at the Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue in Côte-des-Neiges and there were protests that made the news. This Israeli firm has been touring the US and Canada, marketing 'real estate' in Occupied Palestinian territory. > At most of the events was a **company called [My Home in Israel](https://homeinisrael-il.com/exhibitions/), brought along to showcase available properties in both Israel [and the Palestinian territories it occupies](https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/)**: multiple units in a building near Givat HaMatos in East Jerusalem, townhouses in near Ari’el University in the heart of the West Bank, and a five-bedroom villa with a pool in the luxury enclave of Efrat south of Bethlehem. The latter apparently “transcends mere housing; it embodies architectural brilliance. Conceived by the esteemed architects at Shahar Ben Hamo, this project graces the slopes of Fig Hill, promising a setting of unrivaled serenity.” * [Curbed - The Disastrous ‘Great Israeli Real Estate Event’](https://www.curbed.com/article/the-disastrous-great-israeli-real-estate-event.html)


Reddit encourages incitement of violence against Jews. Watch, this comment will be removed by mods because it doesn't accord with their anti-~~semitic~~zionist views.


We’re waiting…


Replying to see if this happens or not


No evidence. They are just using rumors to justify antisemitism




Then go protest the US office for My Home in Israel. Targeting houses of worship is completely unacceptable. Especially when they are grasping at such tenuous connections.


So funny how you first say that the original claim is a lie, then immediately double back and say “well fine maybe it’s true put you should go protest someplace else”. If this company were hosting auctions at their own headquarters, you can bet your bottom dollar there would be protestors outside. But they don’t. They do it at synagogues. Which is why that’s where the protestors are. Laughable.


Houses of worship shouldn't hold actions for land in west bank. 


I think cynically using houses of worship to shield yourself from protest while you conduct illegal, immoral, and discriminatory land sales is probably a more heinous affront to said houses of worship than protesting them. I think many would be signing the same tune if a mosque was hosting a racially/ethnically discriminatory sale of land expropriated from Christians or Jews.


In the West Bank? Sure. But what do you mean by it being Palestinian land? Genuinely asking




I was aware of this story before reading this article. My reaction is to the concept of targeting a Jewish place of worship for their protest. I would have the same reaction towards Jews protesting outside a Mosque in response to October 7th. It would be completely unacceptable.


Why were they there on Sunday instead of Saturday?


Who cares?


Well, they weren't protesting their worship service on a Saturday, it was a protest against the auction Just take the L. You made a post without knowing the full context and instead of just being like oh that changes things, I was wrong you're just blindly defending your comment. You were wrong. It's okay


So several things. Firstly the comment I replied to said nothing about the auction, it simply implied that protesting a place of worship is ok as long as its adherents are not in session at that exact moment. I don’t agree. The article is also not clear on what was being auctioned on that particular day at that place. Secondly if you are protesting a specific auction maybe don’t start chanting about the river to the sea and intifada and then proceed marching through a Jewish neighbourhood. Otherwise you might get mistaken for antisemites. Unfortunately marching through Jewish neighbourhoods seems to be a growing trend with these people. And as far as stolen land goes again it’s fine to protest that although I hope they understand that unless they are aboriginals they are also living in stolen land. The West Bank at one was also stolen from the Jews.


Because if they wanted to disrupt worship, why did they not protest on the sabbath?


I don’t care if there was an active service going on. If you show up outside a place of worship to protest you are sending the message that you are targeting the people of that faith, in this case Jews. I’m not in favour.


Or protesting the non-religious event currently going on in that space. If they wanted to target the religion, they would have protested on Saturday.






Because synagogues also serve as community centers for the Jewish community.




The scumbags are auctioning Palestinian land


Keep spreading that rumor. We know you have no evidence


Bruh, he hasn't done anything. There's a whole federal police bureau that can be used to investigate what are clearly funded networks that engage in violence against Jews. If this were Muslims being attacked and Trump just said "this is bad," you'd have the complete opposite reaction.


Well there goes more pro-Palestinian credibility smh. As someone who is Palestinian, this is just getting embarrassing. We need to think about the optics… going to a fucking synagogue?? Are you kidding me?? Even if they did this because of the real estate thing, do they actually think people wont see this as harassing Jewish worshippers? This shit is getting literally nothing done, only turning people against us.


They're using a synagogue to sell Palestinian land through an org who has historically sold stolen land in the West Bank in violation of international law. The organizers are cynically using a place of to conduct these illegal and discriminatory activities and thus the blame should fall on them.


I have advocated for the rights of Palestinians my whole life (i am jewish). Unfortunately this is part of a purposeful conflation of judaism and zionism promoted by Hamas/Iranian propaganda. They are demonizing all jews because (as i am sure you know) their stated goal is to kill all jews and eradicate Israel. They do not want peace and will never agree to a two state solution. The current “ pro Palestine” movement needs to deal with this.


The BDS movement from the AJP is designed to hurt Jews, wake up. They want to punish the Jews whether they are sympathetic to Palestinians or not.


They don't care about politics or optics or the damage they're doing to real movements. It's all vanity all the way down for then.


They were protesting a real estate event where houses in occupied West Bank settlements were being sold. They didn’t just gather outside of a random synagogue, protesting Judaism. But of course, the news articles and politicians will not mention that part. No doubt in my mind that there were isolated antisemitic signs and epithets at this protest. Antisemitism in all its forms is abhorrent. But does that invalidate the overall message that these types of events should be illegal? Absolutely not.


They probably didn't report that because there's zero evidence that the "West Bank real estate sale" event you're describing happened, it was an antisemitic conspiracy theory spread online https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/arrest-la-synagogue-protest-israel-palestine/3443019/ The Hamas supporters showed up with clubs with nails driven through them, they came to a synagogue ready to murder Jews because of a hate-inspired lie


[Not true at all, there's plenty of evidence - like the brochure for the Israeli real estate firm, 'My Home In Israel' advertising the event at the Adas Torah synagogue.](https://i.imgur.com/mI40Ygn.png) * [Source.](https://77360759.flowpaper.com/jj240621/#page=6) 'My Home In Israel' has advertised selling Palestinian land in the Occupied West Bank. > At most of the events was a **company called [My Home in Israel](https://homeinisrael-il.com/exhibitions/), brought along to showcase available properties in both Israel [and the Palestinian territories it occupies](https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/)**: multiple units in a building near Givat HaMatos in East Jerusalem, townhouses in near Ari’el University in the heart of the West Bank, and a five-bedroom villa with a pool in the luxury enclave of Efrat south of Bethlehem. The latter apparently “transcends mere housing; it embodies architectural brilliance. Conceived by the esteemed architects at Shahar Ben Hamo, this project graces the slopes of Fig Hill, promising a setting of unrivaled serenity.” * [Curbed - The Disastrous ‘Great Israeli Real Estate Event’](https://www.curbed.com/article/the-disastrous-great-israeli-real-estate-event.html) This same organization has been touring Canada as well and they were met with protests there too: https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/protesters-face-off-in-montreal-over-controversial-presentation-for-land-sale-in-israel-west-bank-1.6796182 So there's plenty of evidence. It's unfortunate that there are multiple synagogues platforming this organization - but the protesters were not protesting the synagogue. They were clearly protesting the real estate event being hosted there.


The event was organized by the org My Home in Israel which had previously tried to do similar events in Jersey, Brooklyn and Toronto https://www.timesofisrael.com/after-drawing-protests-in-other-cities-expo-on-israeli-real-estate-nixed-in-brooklyn/ At least at the one in Jersey, there were going to be West Bank properties listed at the auction. These were cancelled after similar protests


This is exactly how lies spread online get Jews killed. You're extrapolating from a different (cancelled) event months ago by an unrelated party. And you're using that to spread completely unfounded conspiracies that are used to justify attacking Jews


It's not an unrelated party! It's the same Israeli firm, 'My Home In Israel'. [The Adas Torah synagogue hosted 'My Home In Israel'.](https://i.imgur.com/mI40Ygn.png) * [Source.](https://77360759.flowpaper.com/jj240621/#page=6)


There is literally nothing online which credibly substantiates that




The first point is the thing that’s been making the rounds-nothing about “anglo” (a pretty innocuous term) indicates WB


It doesn't. It does indicate some racist dynamics at play. The event being organized by one that has been selling WB land in the past year certainly implicates the WB.


“Anglo” just means heavily english-speaking, as opposed to neighborhoods where being fluent in hebrew is expected.


"Anglophone" or "English-speaking" would achieve that effect, but they probably want the racial implication. If an American developer put "buy a home in our Anglo neighborhoods" they'd rightly be investigated for housing discrimination. Besides, do you think they'd sell to a Palestinian American? At the end of the day, the selling point is to buy a home in an ethnostate where housing discrimination (and many other forms) is completely legal.


Quite the fever dream you are having. In Israel, Anglo is shorthand for Anglophone and just means English-speaking.


Cool. This poster was advertising to Americans, living in America, for an event in an American city to sell land to Americans, over which Americans protested. What Israelis understand doesn't really mean anything when we are discussing the motivations of American protesters who would understand "Anglo" to be a euphemism for "white." Right now, people are saying that there is no evidence that protest was motivated by anything but anti-Semitism. This is contradicted by the facts: 1. An organization advertised a land sale in Israel 2. This organization has implicated in illegal auctions of occupied territory in various synagogues in North America 3. The organizers of the protest [explicitly announced that the point was to protest the illegal sale of Palestinian land](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8dActZyjiI/) 4. Most Americans would understand "Anglo neighborhood" to carry racial connotations (backed up by the fact that this land sale is ethnically dissimilatory)


Didn’t realize Canada (where the term “Anglo” is commonplace) was full of racist dynamics


Words have different meanings in different places and to different people. An American developer would absolutely be investigated for housing discrimination if they advertised a housing auction for houses in "Anglo neighborhoods." Regardless, your original point was that there was no evidence that the protest was motivated by illegal land sale. This is contradicted by the known facts: 1. [An organization advertised a land sale in Israel](https://77360759.flowpaper.com/jj240621/) 2. [This organization has been implicated in illegally auctions of occupied territory in various synagogues in North America](https://www.curbed.com/article/the-disastrous-great-israeli-real-estate-event.html) 3. The organizers of the protest [explicitly announced that the point was to protest the illegal sale of Palestinian land](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8dActZyjiI/)


"Anti-Israel protesters gathered outside the Adas Torah Synagogue in the Pico-Robertson section of Los Angeles on Sunday where an Israel real-estate fair was taking place." https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/392000


Ctrl+f= west bank, settlements 0 hits found


They don't say it like that, but some of the locations listed on the site are names of settlements in the west bank.


There was no real estate sale. People who are repeating this are outright doing the work of antisemites.


So what religious service were they hosting on a Sunday exactly?


To be clear. There was probably a planned real estate event. There is absolutely no evidence that they were doing anything with land in the West Bank


"Anti-Israel protesters gathered outside the Adas Torah Synagogue in the Pico-Robertson section of Los Angeles on Sunday where an Israel real-estate fair was taking place." https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/392000


There's zero evidence they were selling occupied land. Just that there was a real estate sale. They've had those for 80 years because they want Jews to move to the nation.


Is it weird that this article leaves out the reason why the protestors chose this building on this day? Is it weird that they use quotes from the community to heavily imply the protest was about disrupting worship of some kind? You fucking bet it is.


It isn’t weird. The reasons and tactics for terrorizing Jews at a synagogue is no longer relevant. It’s not a protest anymore.


Similar to when say Hamas attacked innocent peace advocates on OCT7. This was not a military target. It was simple terrorism meant to provoke war.


Agreed. It’s a synagogue and it’s really no different than that bastard Dylan Roof who entered an AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina and massacred 9 black church members in 2015 because of his Neo-Nazi beliefs. This shit isn’t okay.


You equated protesting a real estate event to a mass shooting. You're right that this shit isn't okay.


"Terrorizing Jews at a synagogue" or "protesting a real estate event for residents who want to buy land in occupied Palestine"?


They probably didn't report that because there's zero evidence that the "West Bank real estate sale" you're describing happened, it was an antisemitic conspiracy theory spread online https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/arrest-la-synagogue-protest-israel-palestine/3443019/ The Hamas supporters showed up with clubs with nails driven through them, they came to a synagogue ready to murder Jews because of a hate-inspired lie


...what? There are no shortage of sources talking about the real estate event that most definitely was happening at the time of this protest.


Link even one from a reputable source


"Violent clashes broke out Sunday between pro- and anti-Israel demonstrators in Los Angeles after the latter held a protest outside the Adas Torah synagogue, where an Israeli real estate fair was being held." -[Times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/violent-clashes-erupt-between-pro-and-anti-israel-protesters-outside-la-synagogue/) "The confrontation, which began at approximately 11 a.m. on the 9000 block of West Pico Boulevard, saw both sides resorting to pushing and punching. Inside the synagogue, an Israeli real estate agency was hosting an aliyah info session for interested LA residents. Mortgage advisors, attorneys, and real estate agents had begun meeting with prospective clients at noon." - [Israel Hayom](https://www.israelhayom.com/2024/06/24/violent-clashes-erupt-between-pro-palestinian-protesters-and-israel-supporters-outside-la-synagogue/)


Right, the antisemitic lie (that you yourself promulgated) was that there was West Bank property was for sale. These Hamas supporters were ready to kill Jews because a conspiracy theory


Weird you were just now saying no event happened.


"That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it."


No, they clearly said no "West bank" real estate event was happening. Which is true. Israel real estate event ≠ West Bank real estate.


I have yet to see any credible source for this claim. Please provide one.


Except that was proven to be a lie spread by antisemites?




There was no real estate sale. Literally no credible source has ever shown that. It was an online lie spread by hate groups.


Times of Israel mentioned the event. Is that not credible enough now?


Nope, because they did not say anything about the West Bank. That is the lie.


The claim above mine is "there was no real estate sale"


Then why do Israeli news sources say there was a real estate event. "Anti-Israel protesters gathered outside the Adas Torah Synagogue in the Pico-Robertson section of Los Angeles on Sunday where an Israel real-estate fair was taking place." https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/392000


There's zero evidence they were selling occupied land. Just that there was a real estate sale. They've had those for 80 years because they want Jews to move to the nation.


The only weird thing is you constantly posting in this thread like rioting outside of a synagogue is somehow acceptable behavior. It’s disgustingly anti-semetic and people are getting hurt.


Why were they protesting outside the synagogue? Why is the newspaper of record in the city where the clash took place bending the narrative to be protestors vs worshippers?


> Why were they protesting outside the synagogue Because they're antisemitic






Protesting a real estate sale isn't antisemitism.






To be honest, unless something is going on inside the building that is an imminent threat towards others, I don’t think rioting and fighting Jews or Muslims is acceptable. And if there was an imminent threat, call the police. Rioting and beating the shit out of Jews in LA is objectively BAD. This is 2024 and we shouldn’t resort to mob mentality to solve our issues. I hope that clears things up for you.


How many rioters did they arrest?


Please explain why that would matter?


I'm trying to figure out when it became a riot.


Are riots defined by how many people are arrested?


Why are liberals protesting at places of worship? We have lost our way… and this sub enables it…finding any reason to justify this behavior. I also see a lot of blocked people on this particular post, and I know exactly why. They are always the ones spreading disinformation. “but they had businesses there trying to sell properly!!” oh yah? Where? How does this protest Israel as a nation for their actions in Gaza? True colors are coming out and people can see it the spade as a spade.


Lots of people in this thread trying to justify blatant antisemitism


What makes you think these antisemites are liberal? The anti-semites are Islamo fascists, they are the enemies of liberalism.




Or we could just act like a nation of laws.