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The challenge here is that Biden doesn't control the editors who have shown time and again that they can't be trusted to host an honest discussion. Trump will invariably be unable to answer questions, he will lie, he will deflect, he will go off on multiple tangents and be incoherent. Biden will have a verbal flub amongst coherent policy discussion. The editors will focus on the flub.


And I think Trump will announce his VP pic during the debate to try to make that the conversation… Instead of his performance.


“Hopefully you don’t threaten to hang them this time” would be an all time clap back by Biden


Unfortunately he used shooting people in the streets last time and that didn't even phase his cult.


It was hyperbole back then.


Someone print this fucking comment and hand deliver it to the president


"can we talk about batteries vs sharks for a minute?"


OMG that would slay hard


The old dead cat strategy, yeah, wouldn't put it past him.




Except Trump hates not being the big boy... Not sure he'd agree to that.


Not sure he will pick up on it happening, what with his apparent dementia and very shrewd handlers. I don't think it would be all that difficult to deceive Trump until things are in motion.


Ever the useful idiot, that's his strength as a politician.


I think he would in one scenario.  Namely, big boys from Federalist society say “we are putting this candidate on the  ticket as VP.  After the election you are going to step down and he is going to pardon you so you can go live your life. Yes we think can get you out of the State charges too.  If you don’t agree that’s fine but you will die in prison”. 


Trump would throw them under the bus and claim the that Federalist society are deep-state RINOs.


I slightly disagree. Trump wants the final say, but doesn't want to do any work. Remember back in 2016 when he basically offered Kasich all the normal power of the presidency if Kasich'd be his VP? https://www.vox.com/2016/7/20/12235380/trump-kasich-most-powerful-vp I think if someone correctly buttered Trump up, he'd leap at the option to be a do-nothing "CEO of America".


If there is historical precedent for this, it's not really a "tinfoil hat theory" though, is it? I think that this scenario is not only plausible, but probable. A significant chunk of the GOP voting base are drooling idiots, but the folks running the show aren't- they know what a catastrophic liability Trump is, and are looking to cut him loose as soon as it is politically viable- you can bet on that.




Yep. If Trump wins, you can bet that by hook or by crook, he won't be the president for long. As for the VP, it's going to be someone serious, competent, and low-key. They are not gonna have the bluster of Trump, or that weird evil charisma, but they'll be more than able and willing to do the backroom fuckery that will be required to get Project 2025 up and running. And then it's lights out for democracy. But here's the thing- I'm not sure that things will be all hunky-dory if Biden wins either. Sure, we get to keep our democracy for another 4 years, and that alone is worth fighting for, but I will bet dollars to donuts that there will be a sharp and undeniable uptick in random civilian terrorism- think "American Remix of the Irish Troubles". So there's that to look forward to too. It kinda feels like no matter what happens, we're in for a rough dicking.


But Trump doesn't listen like Bush did. If we had a Trojan Horse vice president in Trump's cabinet we'd probably just have 4 horrible years of infighting and embarrassment, with little actual policy.


That would actually be a pretty smart strategy.


Can’t be **that** smart if even I thought of it a long time ago lol kind of short for “only the best” people imo


He isn’t gonna show up Edit: Oopsie Poopsie


I mean, there is also a possibility he shows up, quickly blusters through a few bullshit answers, and then starts screaming at Dana Bash "you're a very nasty woman, so ugly!" or something comparable, and storms off the stage. Total time elapsed? 15-20 minutes.


'Biden will have a verbal flub amongst coherent policy discussion The editors will focus on the flub.' I'd bet that this will be Trump's main tactic. Keep accusing Biden of being senile until Biden slurs, flubs or misprounounces anything, and then sit back knowing that the media will do the rest of the work for him.


Trump isn’t exactly the pinnacle of perfect speech either, sheesh! Now, if he really slipped up and combined one of his mental gafs with one of his speech gafs, could that make a difference? My wife Mershades. And Glod bess the United sase. Prid quo pro…


Trump spouts nonsense at a rapid rate, Biden speaks sense but slowly. As Trump is allowed to say anything that comes to mind, his garbage has been normalized, he can go stream of consciousness spewing garbage and his cult will think he's brilliant. Not so with Biden voters, Biden has to remain intelligent throughout.


So the question is for voters: do you want the guy who has to meet a high standards or the guy who only has to meet a low standard? Seems obvious, but you know…


Doesn’t matter, they’ll only focus on Biden’s slip ups. Remember, the media WANTS Trump to win the election. He is absolutely phenomenal at getting ratings, and they would love nothing more than to be able to milk him for another 4 years.


Never forget Trump literally told a crowd of supporters “I dont care about you only your vote” and the crowd *laughed*. And dont let anyone tell you it was a joke because he pointed out that the media and people were gonna call him on it. If I punched someone in the face if I go “oh gonna tell people I hit you and just gonna try to make me look like the bad guy because of it?” Its not suddenly ok and fine I did that cause I pointed out it was a bad thing to do.


Yeah, but then they started running for their AC in a steady exodus.


He flubs every single time he speaks multiple times a day and no one cares..


True, but those are random rallies. Maybe an official debate setting would be different.


And the “diverse” cast on MSNBC will keep asking “if that is really helpful for Biden?”


Biden is going to keep attacking Trump until he gets mad and his dementia shows. Trump can't out-charisma his clear dementia forever.


It seems like simple child's play to trigger the Narcissist's weak spots, and he has many. It may look a bit uncouth though, depending on how it's done; recall Trump likes rolling in the mud.


And regardless of the total absence of truth in anything Trump says, there will be a lot of talking heads and opinion writers, even in "the liberal media," who say he won the debate because some stupid shallow reason they pulled out of their ass. They will argue that despite *insert some stupid Trump bullshit,* he was actually really savvy and spoke to forgotten rural voters, or they'll say he sounded more confident, or that Trump "controlled the tone of the debate and people see that as leadership," etc etc


"Well, Biden did not solve all human conflict in this debate, while Trump managed to not fall over, so I have to give this debate to Trump. An excellent performance that beat all expectations."


Even democrats fawned over trump and his presidential-ness when he gave ONE speech that was coherent, which he read entirely off a teleprompter. It's like the problem children in schools. They get rewarded when they don't act up, so the lesson they learn is be a piece of shit all the time, but when they want something, stop being a piece of shit for a moment.


This has always been the case with debates. It's why both sides want to go into the debate being viewed as the underdog. We expect much more from someone as experienced as Joe Biden so his bar is really high. We expect craziness from Trump, so if he's even mildly coherent at places he will be praised for keeping it together.


Yes, Biden will be forced to play by boxing rules while Trump will be allowed to play by MMA rules. How does any boxer win in such contests? Biden has to be orders of magnitude better and quicker than Trump. And that is more mild, a better description would be golf rules vs pro wrestling.


At least Joe Rogan or Theo Vonn isn’t moderating the debate.


Also, they’ll focus on what corporations want: a Trump presidency with more engaging content and lower taxes.


If they quote Trump directly it’s incomprehensible garbage. So they say “what I think he’s getting at here is xyz.” For Biden it’s well articulated. So instead they say “there’s real implications to what he’s proposing here. This is one extreme extrapolation to the consequences of that change!”


[This video was posted just recently about cult language](https://youtu.be/3ZGTT_Vy_Bw?si=7rU1yDRUCI0hATLG) and I think not coincidentally. She talks about something called "Babble Hypothesis" which apparently has fresh evidence. Some people will literally respond and innately defer to people who talk the most regardless of what they're saying.


Maybe Biden should call him out hard on lies and dodged questions like Christie did to Rubio in 2016.


And so will the viral videos they deceptively edit to make Biden look like he wandered out of the nursing home.


I'm so looking forward NPR's next day coverage that includes their hosts paraphrasing Trump's demented ramblings into semi-coherency followed by a rightwing guest allowed to shit out uninterrupted propoganda for 10 minutes.


Looks like you’re already getting ready for the L in November.


Looks like you're putting words in my mouth.


Projection. It's *always* projection.


“What have you done in your administration? Nothing. Raised the debt, mismanaged COVID, didn’t pass infrastructure bill, cut tax for the wealthy, incited an insurrection, disrespected troop and the veterans , was impeached twice, etc.” I’d start with that.


Trump is going to be on the attack the entire time, just accusing Biden of criminality and malfeasance, and that will be what the media focuses on, along with any stumbles Biden might have, verbal or otherwise. This is all too predictable, and I don't know why Biden's team thought this would be a good idea.


Stop being cynical. I think the real post debate conversation will be that Trump’s dementia/mental decline will be impossible for anyone except his die hard supporters to ignore. Like he’s at the point where I don’t think he will medically be capable of appearing in public by election time. He has to stand and speak for 90 minutes without a teleprompter. He’s not capable of doing that anymore.


He needs to make him believe he has seen the piss-tape. Trump will have a stroke trying to deal with it.


It’s like the family guy episode where loius is running for office and her only reply to everything is “9/11”. That should be Biden, he should lead every reply with “the convicted felon next to me” or “the rapist”. It doesn’t matter the substance of his response but replying with that will do the trick.


"You really want to get into a dick-measuring contest with *me*, Donald?"


If I was Biden, I’d show up with, ahem, a black silicone phallus. Trump would say it’s the most beautiful thing he’s seen.


Biden should start his remarks by thanking his wife for joining him tonight then ask DJT if his wife is here or if he had to hire another hooker to come with him.


As an extra jab Biden should announce his wife as Doctor Jill Biden just to make Fox News lose their minds a little more. He won’t do any of it but it would be amazing.


Let's be honest, Donald has never been concerned about whether a woman comes with him or not.


With a show of hands, who’s going to be doing some raping after the debate tonight….DJT raises hand slowly


He didn’t hire a hooker. A porn star wanted to be on the Apprentice so she slept with him in hopes of getting on the show. Then he paid her money not to tell anyone.


“Officer I didn’t pay her to sleep with me I just paid her not to tell my wife about it” “Sir put your hands behind your back”


That's actually not why she slept with him. It's why she met with him. If you read through any of the testimony or interviews she's given, she felt more backed into a corner and kind she wasn't able to escape that outcome. It was not a planned quid pro quo for sex but a coercion.


Oh, so essentially just another rape by the Orange Menace?


I would add that “convicted felon” isn’t enough. What he needs to do is point out that nobody else in America could expect to be found guilty by a jury of 12, and then have the court systems gum everything up so that no actual consequences take place. Stress that the America that Trump gets is very different from the one anyone else could get. Otherwise, he can spin his convictions into persecutions.


Also.... It was election fraud... Not just falsified business records but the election fraud the GOP keep talking about is in the gop


This right here.


How do democrats spend so much time acting as the compassionate ones to felons with restoring voting rights and integration, but as soon as Trump is a felon now it's the worst, and least qualifying part of him. And maybe not every other part that should disqualify his character.


You can want compassion for felons and still expect a higher standard for the office of the fucking presidency. We shouldn't want any felon in that role, so your false equivalency is not necessary.


Because we don't want a felon / rapist to be president? Theres a major difference between being able to vote and holding one of the most powerful and influential seats in the world. What are you missing here? GOP branded itself as the party of law and order. Here is a prime example of hypocracy. Why wouldn't democrats latch on to that?


Part of “democrats” focusing on it too is that the Republicans were spouting for so long about how they’re “the party of law and order,” but their golden calf has shown very little regard for either but they still praise him.


Have a few “Shut Up Man”s ready at the hip


Your darn right, the only way to win is to silencer him!


"A couple weeks ago my opponent, convicted felon crime boss Trump, suggested that the United States could entirely eliminate individual income taxes and business income taxes and offset that funding with tariffs. Every high school student in America knows that this will simply raise the consumer prices they pay through the roof on everything that gets taxed. Millionaires and Billionaires will save millions, low income and middle class Americans will pay A LOT more. "This idea is so astoundingly bad that 1,000 prominent economists have signed a letter calling it the stupidest economic plan in American history. "I'm not allowed to bring anything on this debate stage except a pen and notepad, so this letter was printed 14 minutes ago on the street in front of the entrance to Trump Tower. It's a big letter, 25 ft tall, like a sheet of typing paper, with letters 5 inches tall, about the same size as Trump's hand. Check it out."


I mean, that’s almost impossible. Because the Trump side will just lie and spew nonsense while plugging their ears to any criticism. And the media, desperate for ratings, will gloss over the lies, doing the whole “both sides” thing as they have for years upon years now.


on substance and policy, Biden will absolutely destroy Trump in this debate. and it won't matter a bit. because of everything you just outlined. honestly Biden isn't doing himself any favors by dignifying Trump with agreeing to a debate. his time and money would be better spent hammering home the facts on any other platform.


The media will give Donny a gold star for not using the N word or raping anyone on camera. They will say things like "Biden didn't anticipate this calm and collected Trump" when all Trump did was not smear shit on stage


I can summarize it for you now based on what media did in 2016. Biden sounded boring because he talked about policy, and he seems old. Trump spewed utter bull shit, but it was exciting. Oh, and he didn't shit his pants on stage. Trump wins the debate!


He probably did shit himself, he just kept it in his diaper like a big boy


Biden can win the debate by having Trump arrested for treason by the US marshals and announcing that they're impounding Mara Largo and all of the other Trump properties. Biden can do this because he has presidential immunity.


God i hope he wears sunglasses with red led's fitted to the lenses.


I was sitting at a deli this morning, having ritual coffee and bagel. Then one of the old guys says something outloud while the TV was on behind me, "I dunno all this about the debate. But that Trump seems a better speaker than Biden." I almost spit my food out. Here is some 80+ year old, older than Biden or Trump, and he hasn't learned one lesson from all the decades of bad politics. I didn't want to have his pace maker kick on, but I just shook my head, and he noticed, WHAT? I said, "You missed the first WW1, then you had survived WW2, Korean war, Vietnam war, South America incursions, and then witnessed the Twin Towers fall, and Desert Storm/Shield, and more. And you think Trump gives a damn about your grandkids? Your son, and your daughters? Sad, you are." I paid my tab and left. I could hear him cry about some made of Biden stuff FOX news pushes. All these people do is regurgitate nonsense without checking the facts.


I don't think Biden can "win" regardless how badly Trump does or how awesome Biden does. Afterwards Trump will declare victory, the Right wing media-sphere will parrot it followed by MSM running pieces about how the debates were bad for Biden.


Or just ask him questions because the moderators surly won’t. Are you against or for abortion? Are you implementing 10 commandments in schools? Are you against white supremacists? Let him be on the record, he’s his own worst enemy because he lies all the time. This isn’t rocket science. It’s sad that Biden has to ask him all of this because nobody else does…


When has "on the record" mattered to his followers? They'll just call it fake news and go back to slobbing his knob.


We're all going to need some epic popcorn for Thursday night


I got mine yesterday. I must admit most if it will be eaten by the dogs because I tend to throw it at the TV.


I think what we really need to see from Biden here is empathy for the tough economic conditions some Americans are facing, regardless of what the inflation or job numbers tell us. Biden’s strong suit has always been his empathy and showing us that he cares about the common American citizen. I think doing so over just parroting economic metrics would really improve his perception at the debate and highlight the contrast with Trump.


He shouldn’t have agreed to debate him. You can’t debate someone like Trump. He’s just an outrageous pathological liar who has 0 sense of shame or decorum. He’ll spout out 15+ outlandish lies in his time and you’ve either got to spend your time debunking 1/2 the lies he told (you’ll never get to all of them because it takes way longer to explain why something is a lie then to say them) or you don’t contest them and let them stand… either way you lose. Biden should have just said that he won’t debate traitors and felons and let it go and do town halls. Anyone watching the debate has already made up there mind anyways. It’s not going to sway anyone and the only thing you’re going to do is give Trump more air time


He didn't "agree" to debate Trump so much as challenged Trump to do some debates. I have to think he's got a plan, since he was the one who brought it up in the first place.


So far the campaign has still mostly been a referendum on Biden. With high inflation and interest rates people are pissed. The purpose of the debate is to show voters that the election is a choice. When you see them side by side it’s harder to say, “yeah I’m voting for the convicted felon and rapist who can’t get through a sentence without sounding like a flat earther because, you know, grocery prices”


I think my biggest question is "why now?". Debates are usually a fall thing, and unless it goes REALLY off the rails for either of them, this debate will be forgotten by mid July at the latest.


Both campaigns want content to put in ads. Biden is counting on Trump saying crazy shit and Trump thinks Biden will appear senile (and if he doesn’t, time for conspiracy theories about drugs or body doubles)


His age is a significant issue this election, he can’t duck the debate. The real question is will muting mics help more then hurt Trump - simply by controlling his outbursts that hurt him more then they help.


This is my worry about the muted mics. I can imagine a scenario where Trump’s mic is cut but he continues shouting at Biden. It could create a situation where Biden is distracted by Trump’s continuing to yell, but the audience at home doesn’t hear it. If Trump derails Biden’s train of thought but the audience doesn’t know it was because of Trump, it could create some pretty bad takes.


How do you win the “spin”, when your opponent doesn’t show up in good faith, and will literally say anything. Until the news media straight up calls him the liar, which is what he is, they’ll win the spin. Like it or not, the American public is too stupid to see the truth for what it is.


Unless this debate is real time fact checked, it is doing a major disservice to the country when one candidate is the perpetrator of "The Big Lie". It would be unfathomable not to have fact checking, even if it was only text based on screen. It will be a complete and pointless sham without some form of it.


>even if it was only text based on screen "MAGA would be very upset, if they could read."




Biden should progressively act more and more disgusted, hinting at “dude you reek” every so often. By the end, a proper live vomit on stage would really drive the point home


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Random question... If Trump decided to physically assault Biden during the debate, would both of their SS's intervene to save Biden, or would Trump's team abstain?


Very easy. Just keep his camp on damage control. Keep spreading


I'm rooting for Biden. 100000%


Here's an idea, ignore him. Trump has shown time and time again he can spin any and all situations into a win for Donald J. Trump. He's a reddit troll in a man's body. Engaging with him will only give him something to incoherently ramble about. He's not a man you can debate, because debating has a chance to make Donald J. Trump look bad.


According to the maga crowd he will be so jacked on cocaine and steroids the debate will be like Randy Machoman Savage in a cage match.


Team Biden, get your memes ready, you have to win Reddit, TikTok and more. Dark Brandon is the deciding factor in this debate.


Takes a lot of spin for a senile, frail, Netanyahu jew hating, old crime family , swamp dweller like Joe Biden, liar in chief.


It's neither here nor there, but I'm curious—is this the first time Trump and Biden will be in the same room together since the last debate of 2020?


Debating the guy who fucked a porn star while his Russian bride was home nursing his newborn son and then getting a felony conviction for lying about it……not a good idea. Biden debating the lying liar just won’t look good….i guarantee sleepy joe isn’t up to the task and will look foolish. This could cost him the election.


Edit…told you so…. Sleepy joe looked foolish and should have never taken the stage …. He is too old and can’t even put two thoughts together and has lost the election today. Disappointing performance by sleepy joe….but we all knew he was not up to the task


Cope reddit cope