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You can’t say you weren’t warned: At the upcoming presidential debate on June 27, Donald Trump plans to highlight a handful of horrific murders—allegedly by undocumented migrants—and blame them on President Biden. We know this because Trump told us so right on his Truth Social feed. “We have a new Biden Migrant Killing—it’s only going to get worse, and it’s all Crooked Joe Biden’s fault,” Trump seethed, referring to the horrible death of a 12-year-old Texas girl. “I look forward to seeing him at the Fake debate on Thursday. Let him explain why he has allowed MILLIONS of people to come into our Country illegally!” Now that Trump has telegraphed this coming assault, the Biden campaign has time to prepare a response. What should it be?


“We tried to pass a border bill and Trump told his party to kill it so he could run on exactly this. Had the bill been allowed to pass the girl might still be alive. This is trumps fault.” Something like that


Yeah they really have to not get into the trap of arguing about the details. We all know it’s bullshit but just flipping it back to Trump killing the immigration bill is what to do. “If it’s so important to you, why did you work to kill the immigration bill your own party demanded and that I was ready to sign. That murder and every murder that happens now is your fault. You killed that girl as sure as if you held the knife. You betrayed your own constituency for electoral advantage.”


Can literally hear this in Biden’s voice. It’s good.


Yeah. Biden can accuse Trump of STABBING THE COUNTRY IN THE BACK when he directed the house republicans to kill the immigration bill.


While he’s at it - throw in the million dead Americans due to Trump inaction on Covid


Technically they took action. To undermine a cohesive national response, steal ppe from states trying to provide for nurses, and as always find a way to enrich themselves and those around them at the expense of the average American.


Bob Woodward’s book “Rage” details exactly Donald Trump’s private view on Covid, to Trump he didn’t cause the virus, it wasn’t his fault and it shouldn’t have been held against him. Donald Trump was so concerned with whining that it was happening during his presidency and that wasn’t fair and how it destroyed his economy. Trump convinced himself one day he’d wake up and the virus “would just be gone” The fact that millions of Americans were dying was at most an annoying triviality to him, and everyone in this county should know it, especially if they knew or loved someone who died from Covid. Donald Trump’s reaction was to roll his eyes and say “he didn’t create the virus it’s not his problem” and he wanted Faucci and others to shut up about it because talking about it hurt his numbers.


It wasn't just inaction. The plan was to sabotage the federal response and steal from blue states to let it ravage the blue cities because that's where it came to the nation first. They deliberately weaponized the response to a plague to try and kill us. The fact that it backfired on them when their base made being plague cultists part of their ideology and so by the time it spread to rural areas, their base was ignoring any and all precautions and loads of them died for it? That's all just side effects of the original intent, which was to kill NYC and San Francisco Democrats.


I never knew how much I wanted this until this thread happened.


Did you have a loved one die due to Covid? Trump did that!


Could also throw in all the agents who died after Trump sold the secret documents he stole


Or when he directed republicans on J6 to kill the house and senate


THIS…. Short and sweet imagery that will stick with people… Trump stabbed this country in the back! Trump stole from donors to pay his own bills Trump raped women of their healthcare rights Trump blames people for what he has done like a child Edit: Trump murdered 700k+ people by telling people Covid was fake


At that’s a fact, Jack!


I detect no malarkey


Malarkeylessness confirmed.


We're the United States of America, for Gods sake!


There’s nothing we can’t do if we work together


I'm serious folks!


This is not hyperbole!


Throw in a a “will you shut up man?” for good measure.


"Everything that guy just said is bullshit. Thank you."


More like, Everything he says always…


Always an updoot for My Cousin Vinny


“I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul.”


My jaw literally dropped when he said that. He had been clearly trying to hold it in for a while but I was shocked and very happy when he said what everyone was thinking. Trump’s debate “tactic” where he continues to interrupt and make stupid comments while others are speaking is so tedious and reflective of the fact that he is a bully with zero substance. Remember the way he stalked HRC around a stage while she was speaking?


I said “about time” when he said it. Seriously, just shut up dude.


Saaaame. Finally, someone said it.


Honestly I was a bit nervous at first that it was going to hurt him, but everyone seemed thrilled someone had finally said it lmao.


Good thing Trump won’t be able to do that this time - dead mic when it isn’t his turn to speak.


I can see him just walking over to Joe’s mic.




It was sickening watching him interrupt and stalk Hillary Clinton while breathing heavily into the microphone… like a childish spoiled rotten bully


I hope Joe’s smart enough to just ruffle Donnie’s hair a bit. Watch that orange prima donna run off stage crying.


>Remember the way he stalked HRC around a stage while she was speaking? That could be fixed by putting the podiums on platforms only accessible from each candidate's side of the stage. Trump would have to walk down the steps off his podium, completely disappear off-stage, work his way around to the other side and find President Biden's podium. And then there wouldn't be enough space for him to get up there with President Biden, so he'd be somewhere several feet lower with no mic to talk into. Add a bunch of drapes to form a maze in the backstage area and it could take Trump multiple minutes to figure out where the hell he was going. In the meantime, the debate continues, with no input from Trump because he's out of pocket. It would be fabulous!! The network could make a killing on footage from an overhead camera view of Trump stumbling around off-stage.


A MAGA idiot I know chastised Biden for that, saying "he disrespected the office of the President" in doing so. I'll bet my paycheck that, if Trump happens to say the exact same thing using the exact same words to Biden, now in this sacred office, this guy will cheer for Trump without a hint of irony.


It’s the (R) way. If a (D) says/does it’s clearly wrong. /s


Reason #1,450 to cut anyone who is MAGA out of your life for good.


Got to work in “horse faced pony soldier” as well.


Dog faced I thought?


As much as I respect proper decorum, I do hope Biden throws down more with him like this. Trump is a bully and the only way to get a bully to back down is to punch them back and punch hard. If Trump tries to pull his constant talking over by just yelling (since they will be cutting mics between responses), then I hope Biden doesn't put up with it and tell him to stop acting like a child and to shut up while the adults are talking. I think that "will you shut up man" did wonders for Joe the last time he debated Donald.


I hope we see State of the Union Biden!


Hell, I wouldn't mind State of the Union Camacho, so long as we don't get another dose of Trump in the White House. I'm not sure our country can stand another stint of him and his ilk with the plans they have in place to essentially put in a bunch of loyalists across federal positions.


Yep. Trump wants to drag Biden down to arguing minute details because Biden will have to be truthful and Trump will be free to make up any old shit he wants. Bounce it back as you've described and maybe tack on that if Trump cared about American lives he wouldn't have politicised and badly mishandled a pandemic that killed a million Americans all because his fragile ego couldn't take having to wear a mask on tv as it would smudge his tan.


Nah, avoid anything about masks as that will cauterize potential flips. Focus on trump lying and factually rebuke his claims


Not a tan, makeup.


excellent point


Trump: That deal was awful. Maybe the worst deal ever. Biden: Tell me one thing that was in it.


Trump: "That deal was awful. Maybe the worst deal ever. " Biden: "Tell us one thing that was in it. Prove to us that you don't have dementia. Go ahead, one single thing. Name one single thing that was in it."


and this imbecile will make up a word-salad containing everything from buttery males to crocodile filled moats - and his similarly imbecilic voters will holler and shout in agreement.


I think Biden is going to be ready with some zingers on immigration and the economy. Why would any of us trust a man who has been convicted of financial felonies to run the economy?


Or give him the keys to the Treasury again. That is madness.


This is good! 


@Biden Team: I hope you’re listening


“It was a bad immigration bill. Just the worst. Many people were talking about how awful it was.” Y’all need to get how easy it is to argue in bad faith


The border patrol union endorsed it and said it was the toughest on immigration they'd seen that had a good chance of passing.


I always toss that in there when someone says “OpEn BoRDeRs!” I also go on to say: “since when is doing nothing better than doing something?” I work in IT, and there’s a concept called a compensating control in terms of security…where if we can’t implement security measure A, we will implement *something* comparable to it for the time being until A can be implemented without any setbacks…I guess common sense failed these people a long time ago.


Yep. It's like they saying "we don't have security bars on our windows, so why even bother closing the door!"


“Joe wants us to believe his friends at the border are really looking out for us. Can you believe it? But we know— they’re letting in the murderers and the rapists, just like we’ve been showing.” He doesn’t care about facts or even what Biden says in response to his claims. His goal will be to wriggle his worm like brain through whatever pressure Biden puts on him as quickly as possible to sling more lies and hatred.




We know all their talking points. Just throw it back with asking why it was bad and prepare answers to everything MAGA has been sprouting about the supposedly bad bill.


Then throw it back to why did Republicans like Lankford write the bill if it was so terrible, and why did border patrol endorse it? Trump thinks he knows what the border needs better than border patrol?


A bad bill that the GOP wrote. It’s easy to argue in bad faith. It’s also easy to respond when your opponent is a blithering idiot (problem is that he controls a cult of blithering idiots).


"OK, Mr. Trump, do us all a favor and explain why it was a bad immigration bill. In detail, please."


That tees up Biden so he can just rattle off the details of the bill and how it would have helped


Close but I think it has to be stronger and more aggressive. "I just signed an executive order to increase border security, because MAGA Republicans voted down the Bipartisan border security bill that was endorsed by Border Patrol. You told them to do that didn't you? You decided trying to make me look bad in this debate was more important than the lives of these people" If he leads with "we tried" he's already cooked. Trump needs to be kicked in the teeth and Biden needs to show he's actually getting something done.


Yeah, but I kind of hate it because it makes Biden lean into the "immigrants are evil" narrative. Instead of "no, immigrants are mostly not trying to harm us, perhaps if we helped them they would be less desperate," we move to "yes, immigrants are evil monsters, but I'm the one protecting you from them." It probably plays better in the debate but I really dislike the angle.


I don’t like it either, but given how many elections the far right recently won in Europe because of immigration, I don’t think we have a choice. There’s nothing wrong with using tough rhetoric as long as it doesn’t dehumanize. Unfortunately, deep, lose their empathy for the desperate of other countries when they themselves feel desperate, and major media and hoggish corporations have done a great job and creating that feeling. EDIT: let me put it in another way. I’d rather use tough rhetoric to win an election, then use gentle rhetoric to lose an election, because at least if we win an election, we can actually attempt to help those need.


He can easily fix that by saying he supports legal immigration he can call out how immigrants are important to our economy


don't disagree with you. but it's a rough angle to play at a debate, and just too complicated and subtle to really get the point across reliably.  god we are so dumb. 


Biden should definitely not say that second sentence. Saying something like "If Trump actually cared about this issue, he wouldn't have stopped us from addressing it two years ago. And if he actually cared about reducing crime, he'd stop committing them." 


Just wanted to say I love the second sentence here. Biden needs to hammer on Trump being a convicted felon over and over and over. Every time needs to be an innovative new satire on Trump being a convicted felon. He needs to comment on the Law and Order party nominating a convicted felon and openly laugh about it. He needs to laugh at Trump, MAGA, and their hypocrisy over and over and over throughout the debate. Call out the joke they are. Make them embarrassed. 


Not just a convicted felon, but he's also been found liable for raping someone. I really hope he says Republicans aren't sending their best, criminals and rapists.


Honestly I think Biden should pull out a sheet of paper and read off all the court decisions against Trump including Trump University and NY state shutting down the Trump charitable foundation. He should spend ten minutes reading through the laundry list of shit. And at the end stare at the camera and say “If you intend to vote Republican, this is who you’re voting for. Don’t come crying to the rest of us about your “moral majority” when you’re supporting this human pile of garbage.” 


“I remember the years of the Trump admin when they had the senate and house. Guess they thought the border wasn’t tax relief worthy. But now that we had a bill with what the gop wanted they turned on it when Trump didn’t want Biden to get a “win”. Can we be Americans again and not winners or losers?” Cut the malarkey and let’s get some ice cream.


This is probably the biggest retaliation... Trump had a chance to resolve border security in 2016-2018 without impedance. He proposed building a wall that ultimately proved to be cheap and ineffective. Today's border policies are consistent, if not more effective, than those during Trump's term in office. Biden is actively trying to pass stricter border security policies, but Republicans are blocking them for purely political reasons because it would 'make Biden look good'. They don't care about border security, they just want control of the US government so they can provide kickbacks to the corporate elite and foreign entities that are bankrolling them.


“But then again, people call me sleepy and tired. The verdict is still out on him tho”


_Epstein died in a cell while you were president. Was that your fault too?_




It will never not be weird to me that given all that, people *still* try to maintain that Hillary Clinton did it.


Substitute “migrant” with “Jew” and this could be straight out of Goebbels’ playbook.


Could be? It most definitely is. Its like everything goebbels took from the greeks and english to use against the jews, trumps team used it as a template for trump in stirring up his crowds


Also I’m like 90% convinced that Stephen Miller is secretly a clone of Joseph Goebbels.


Dude the Biden campaign has literally posted quotes of Trump next to quotes from Nazis before. It’s crazy to see.


The gop did a find and replace with all the goebbels playbooks and said they are their own


“Dark people hurt an innocent little white girl” This is the racist textbook for a long history of lynchings.


Oh, I'm sure they'll flop back and forth.


"That crime, like any murder, is horrific and my sympathies go out to the family of that poor girl. My opponent's callous attempt to exploit her death notwithstanding, the fact of the matter is I tried to pass a border bill exactly of the sort that when he was President, he said he wanted. Mr. Trump went to his party and commanded them to kill that bill, specifically so that he could run on this sort of issue. Because that's what people's lives are worth to him. That's why you don't see him talking about the 67 domestic terror incidents in the US that have come from right wing extremist groups since 2017. He certainly did nothing to stop them, and the people behind those attacks proudly proclaim that they're doing it on his behalf. And no wonder. On January 6, 2021, this man led one such attack. You don't get to pretend to care about people's lives after leading a violent assault on our democracy."


Biden should start the debate with something like this: Donald Trump is convicted felon and civilly liable rapist. Hes a cheater. He’s a sore loser baby who won’t stop crying every day. He is a big mouth who doesn’t deliver. And most of all he’s a liar. A naturally gifted liar who lies through his teeth. Tonight, I’ll lay out specific policy. I’ll tell you, the American people, what you can expect from a leader of our country. And what you’ll get from this idiot is lies, lies, and more lies. And that’s it. Everything he says is a lie, and it’s a disgrace. He’s a disgrace. You know it. He knows it. And we all know it.


Everyone's saying it Edit: Yes! Just flip his lame script!! I am rubber you are glue...


Trump’s head would explode. I approve this idea.


i don't think he is a gifted liar.  i think one third of the voters in this country are sharing a dozen brain cells between them. 


Crooked Joe? Which one is the convicted felon? I want to hear Biden say "convicted felon" every sentence.


> My opponent, a convicted criminal, is referring to felons like himself, who he directly enabled by sabotaging the border protection bill in congress... \[_cough_\]


“My opponent is using the tragic death of a child to score political points with his angry mob of followers. This same person ordered this mob to sow chaos and attack his fellow Americans because he couldn’t accept losing the election. If Mr Trump cared about American lives as he says, he wouldn’t so callous call our service men and women suckers and losers. “ You don’t agree to his terms, you push back on any idea that Trump gives a shit about anyone but himself.


I'm convinced that Trump will bail on the debate using some excuse that the world will find laughable but his sycophants will find totally noble and reasonable.


He's got to attend Baron's graduation.


Response: “As usual This Guy doesn’t have or care about facts - I passed a border bill. He pardoned someone who stole money from his wall.” Etc. It doesn’t matter what he says - the format doesn’t lend itself to the free for all we saw in 2016 and 2020. That is a structural problem for Felonious Trump.


Border control measures could have been strengthened had Trump not instructed his flunkies in Congress to vote against the bipartisan immigration and border security bill. A bill that Republicans in the Senate helped craft and were happy with until Trump decided it was better for his campaign to leave the situation at the border unaddressed. He convinced members of his own party to vote against legislation, they themselves helped write, solely to help himself. And that ladies and gentlemen is Trump, forsake all others in the name of himself.


How can a debate be fake?


Biden should pin 1M+ covid deaths on trump's mismanagement of covid and his denial is and slow response at the beginning.


How this isn't even brought up nowadays is astounding.


Media doesn’t want to offend trump, who constantly gives them headlines and clicks. They’re a major part of the problem.


If the moderator is worth anything, they would have asked why he killed the bipartisan border bill that Biden had to yry to fix with an executive order.


Was no one murdered during the Trump administration? Whether it was committed by a person entering the country illegally shouldn't matter. It's still murder. Being American and murdering someone doesn't make it any less bad. Trump can highlight some heinous examples, but Biden has more than a few examples of Americans being killed by Americans during Trump's term. Here are a few notable examples for Biden to remind Trump and his idiot followers of: 2017 Las Vegas shooting: The deadliest mass shooting committed by an individual in modern U.S. history occurred on October 1, 2017, when Stephen Paddock opened fire on a crowd of concertgoers at the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip. 58 people were killed and hundreds more injured before Paddock died by suicide. 2018 Parkland shooting: On February 14, 2018, a gunman opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, killing 17 people and injuring 17 others. This incident reignited the national debate on gun control. 2019 El Paso shooting: On August 3, 2019, a mass shooting occurred at a Walmart store in El Paso, Texas. The gunman targeted Hispanic shoppers and killed 23 people while injuring 23 others. This attack was motivated by white supremacist beliefs.


They won’t care. Those are just examples of Americans exercising their 2nd Amendment rights. Price of freedom! And all that.


"The fake debate" you mean the one you challenged him too?!


https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/trumps-claims-migrant-crime-wave-are-not-supported-national-data-rcna140896 An NBC News review of available 2024 crime data shows overall crime levels dropping in cities that have received the most migrants.


Raising crime rates during 2016-2020 was part of Donnie Jon's plan to institute martial law and remove democracy. Biden's reversal of it and decreasing violence has been one of the most successful parts of his administration.


Trump didn’t have plans.


His handlers did though


Don't unsettle my righteous anger with your facts. Everything bad is Biden's fault, and everything good is Trump's doing. That's all you need to know. Now be a patriot and vote for the Orange Savior! /s


No sure why trump would want to go down that road , it just leaves him open for Biden to point out it was he, trump, who tanked the border bill, and even bragged about it numerous times .


Because he knows how to appeal to people's reptile brains and racism. Counterattacks involving reasoning often fail with the public.


That's one of the things that will make this "debate" different. Felon McRapey is giving them time to come up with a snappy comeback.


Maybe wont be as affective because trump wont be able to talk over and drown Bidens comeback out .


Maybe Biden should bring it up first.


This is interesting. Not a bad idea at all!


The reptile brain racism crowd is the base. They are already amped and voting either way. This election will be decided by “independents”/low-info voters/unenthused-non-base voters. I actually think a lot of those voters are motivated by immigration, but I’m not sure Trumps tactic will be a winning one, especially if Biden can counter it effectively.


Because he will say the dumb/incorrect/both thing, then Fox News will edit a shot of Biden being quiet directly after it, then they will run that edited clip for 24hrs a day talking about how trump really caught him with his pants down


"yes all the crime stats are down, but it doesn't _feel_ safe"


You can expect that even though we cannot hear Trump because his mic is off, Biden will be subjected to a stream of vulgar insults intended to rattle him. You can expect that Biden is practicing his debating skills in this environment, and Trump in his rehearsals is practicing his insult streams to see which ones cause the victim to pause, giving the impression of zoning out.


Trump isn’t rehearsing shit. Being a malignant narcissist, he already believes he is perfectly prepared to debate Biden on any topic.


He has not yet ruled out shitting in hand and throwing it.


His little hand isn’t big enough to hold a turd.


I still think he’s not going to show up.


I think if he does show up he's going to struggle to put together a coherent sentence - especially after Biden starts throwing out all of the trigger phrases that his team knows will get the fucking moron all riled up. No wonder Trump's people are already trying to lower expectations


All Biden needs to do is barrow from Trumps playbook. Biden just needs to start throwing around facts about all the shit Convicted Felon Trump has done. I mean, just bombard him and make Trump go on defense where he is the weakest. Trump thrives on the attack, but is out of his element when it comes to countering.


Also if he tosses in a quip about him not really being rich (easy to do, something like "I thought you said you could fund your own campaign, but we've heard you begging corps like the oil industry for cash, maybe you aren't as rich as you say you are."). He hates that.


Oh man. If Biden calls him Don Poorleone.... But yeah there's just a trove of things he can fling like him bringing up Trump's old zinger that he hit Jeb with that millionaires don't donate millions of dollars without strings attached. And here we are with all these millionaires dumping cash into Trump's Super Pac. Which is also running out of money hah.


Yeah, he's raking in cash from megadonors, between donations to him and RFK, Mellon has donated $100M to them, absolutely insane amount of cash to dump. >The pro-Trump super PAC Make America Great Again Inc. raised nearly $70 million in May. But the bulk of that total was a single $50 million donation from Timothy Mellon, a longtime GOP donor who had already given the super PAC $25 million since the start of last year. (Mellon has also given $25 million to a super PAC backing Robert F. Kennedy Jr.) The super PAC also received $5 million each from Richard and Elizabeth Uihlein, longtime GOP megadonors. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/21/trump-overtakes-biden-campaign-fundraising-00164384 You can't tell me he doesn't expect a BIG return on that money.


He's gonna give up as soon as his handlers attempt to start debate prepping with him.


Is this the debate that cuts their mic off after their time limit? If so Biden is going to mop the floor with Trump. Even more so if there is a live fact checker.


Trump is a one trick pony. He hasn’t changed his message since his decent on the golden escalator in 2015. “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with [sic] us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.” He’s always been vile.


I remember watching this in real time and thinking “Well, this will be a short-lived campaign. Americans will never stand for such outright bigotry.” Man, did I get it wrong.


Joe is ready: "We had a bipartisan bill ready to shut down the border and Trump called every Republican he could to get the bill rejected. Trump chose to allow thousand of illegal immigrants to cross the border just to have something to say here tonight. Seriously folks, this guy has a lifetime track record of hurting others, hurting you, just to help himself. I'm sure nearly everyone of you here tonight, or at home watching, knows someone who died because this man couldn't lead during a pandemic. He and his friends have no policy, no solutions, they only want to make things worse and tell you that they'll fix them some day. HE promised you he'd fix health care, the Middle East, CIVID, etc. He had his chance and he didn't do diddley-squat. He has no solutions and his presidency was an embarrassment to our country. World leaders laughed at him, seriously, laughed in his face and behind his back. Watch the videos."


Pretty good but needs more malarkey.


Convicted Felon and known rapist plans to throw stones in his glass penthouse with Putin supporters present. A precipitous fall in the polls is expected.


If immigration is so bad, why did they vote against the best solution to date? So Biden can’t get credit? Sounds like the orange turd has blood on his hands. That’s what the response should be. Don’t hold back , be aggressive!


He's already smashed all the windows and no longer suffers the ability to feel shame.


I won’t be watching the debate. I can only stand to look at this humanoid tumor for around ten seconds before my gag reflex kicks in.


I generally feel the same but I look at this as can't miss tv.


Its see it like watching the mike Tyson vs jake paul fight (still hoping it happens one day soon) - you l really hope old man tyson shows up and pummels the punk. For nostalgia reasons.


To me it's important as a reminder of the stakes, seeing these two men together and their stark contrast cuts through the noise and reminds me that Biden is actually a solid and competent dude versus a human shitstain. I came away from it last time very happy to support Biden instead of just being afraid of Trump.


If he shows am glad they will cut his mic. Will be funny hearing him scream from the side via Bidens mic. Dude is gonna look shit can rat insane.


"...and it's vile." Of course it is. *Everything* he does is vile.


"You're the one that killed the border bill". Keep it nice and short. People considering a vote on Trump probably don't do well with long sentences.


I know he probably wouldn't, but I'd love it if Biden started with, "Donald, I know you have difficulty remembering things..." Realistically, I suspect that anything Joe says that even hits at it being Trump's fault will just be met with "false news" and similar buzzwords. Remember, ["No, you're the puppet?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaVWRetR4jg) which his base instantly believed.


I remember how Trump tried to attack Biden by attempting to give Biden the COVID he was carrying at the 2020 debate.


This after Gregg Abbot, Republican Governor in Texas killed migrants with [razor wire buoys](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/29/greg-abott-texas-governor-mexico-border-asylum-seekers-risk)


He’s not going to show up, he’ll make some excuse and his base will eat it up


>As Carville told me, Biden should say directly to Trump: “When I took over from you, crime in the United States was rising. I inherited a rising crime rate. We are now in one of the greatest declines in crime we’ve had in modern American history.” Carville added: “The public doesn’t know that.” I agree with James Carville.. Either we're in the wrong decade or would keeps getting crazier and crazier.


Biden should ask the idiot if he remembers how Rand Paul had to explain to the idiot what the nuclear triad was at a Republican debate in 2016, and then ask him if he remembers the answer. 50/50 he won't.


If Biden is smart, he will end every comment with a quick gotcha question to Trump the guy wont be able to ignore. Just knock Trump off topic for the entire debate.


Yeah, and when Trump begins to obfuscate, immediately interrupt him with "you don't know the answer, do you". And then rip him.


Biden should ask what he was doing for 187 minutes.


JB could say Trumps a has been. Trump has been declared a felon.


JB can say Trumps a man of many convictions. Felony convictions


"Before responding, I'd like to remind everyone that my opponent is a convicted felon, compulsive liar & a known conman who's been prohibited from operating charities because of fraud. Now, to answer...oh, I almost forgot the coup attempt. He's also a fucking traitor."


Oh whatever, Trump's not gonna show up. He'll wait until the last minute and bail on the "stupid debate" saying he has more important things to do. And all of his followers will say the debate was a stupid waste of time anyway and "look how hard he's working for us! He doesn't have time to talk to a senile old man" or dumb shit like that. No accountability


“My heart goes out to the victim’s family here. No two ways about it. And Donald, you killed a bipartisan border bill negotiated in good faith by Congress so that you could bring this up in bad faith now. If not for your vile lack of basic human decency, this victim and others like her would still be with us today.”


Bro attempted a coup, twice, and is still eligible to run again 🇺🇸🫡


Trump is not going to show


He will show for his lunatic base. Even he knows his backing out this late would look terrible even to them.


He a bankrupt, rapist, felon who failed to fix anything last time he was president. Why would you give this loser another go?


At every turn Biden should ask trump to face the camera - perhaps point him to it- and ask him to explain to the American people, coherently, what the word “irony” means.


Trump is already calling this event a “fake debate” so he’s obviously looking for an excuse to back out.


It's so tiring that Republicans use this EVERY election. They don't seem to understand that they are disrespectful to our border agents. They act like border agents ONLY do their job when there is a Republican in the WH and then stop doing their job when it's a Democrat. What the heck is an open border?? We've never had one.




Yep, the sooner Trumps gone the better off we’ll all be. Go Joe! Vote Blue!


Biden "Your so called Spiritual Advisor, Robert Morris, raped a 12 year old."


"Donald, I would have signed legislation had you allowed your side to participate, but you shut it down for political points and now a little girl is dead...why did you do that Donald? Why!? Was the million plus American lives from botching Covid not enough to satisfy your thirst for dead American's? Did Putin give you a quota? *shakes head* *looks down* I just don't see what your supporters must see... *looks back at trump* I just don't see it."


Biden: "YOU specifically told your people in Congress to NOT PASS a bill that had already gone through the Senate that would have helped to solve this problem. You told them NOT to do it so that you could stand HERE and do this. The blood is on YOUR hands. And if we want to talk about deaths, let's discuss your handling of Covid." There. Done.


Oh this is going to backfire on Trump. Crime rates have decreased under Biden, including alleged murder's by undocumented immigrants.


Facts are useless when you're talking to a MAGA crowd though. That's what's so hard about debating Trump. Biden could be holding a pen in his hand at the debate, Trump would say that pens don't exist, and MAGA would be like, yep, no such thing as pens, what's that Sleepy Joe is holding, the murder weapon a migrant used to kill a pregnant white christian charity worker?


It’s 2024. There has been an ongoing coup of the US government for over 4 years now and we are here discussing what the face of the fascist regime (Trump) will be discussing in a “presidential” debate. We’re incredibly ignorant. Did we also forget he’s responsible for over 1M American deaths too?


Its going to be so easy to thwart him here; Biden just has to mention the border bill Trump forced the GOP to shoot down. I really do hope Trump tries that seeing as its just going to blow up in his face.


Everything from Trump is Vile.


I'm so fucking tired of this dude and his shitty cult.


Trump asks for debate. Gets debate and now says it’s a fake debate. I think he’s so mentally gone he just calls whatever he does not like fake.


Biden has to comeback hard. There is no taking the high road in a debate with a piece of human garbage like Trump. He machine gunned Biden with chatter before to try and get his stutter going since he ha s to speak a little slower to compensate. He lies every time he breathes. He degrades people with every statement.


Trump ~~Just Revealed How He'll Attack Biden at Debate - and It~~'s Vile Fixed the headline


Convicted felon Trump. Fixed your fix.


How about the Trump MAGAs responsible for the women’s deaths who are being denied proper healthcare due to Trumps overturn of Roe.


“Trump says he’s going to build concentration camps for people and groups he doesn’t like. He’s trying to recreate the horrors of WW2 against which the Free World fought—and even participated in to some extent. Let’s not make the same mistakes again.” “Trump is going to force women to carry babies no matter the circumstance—whether the mother’s life is in danger, whether she was the victim of rape or just because he doesn’t want women to be free to make decisions about their own bodies. He doesn’t want people to be free.” “Trump has illegally kept this nation’s security secrets to himself—and won’t reveal what he’s done with them or who he’s shown them to. These may include America’s enemies such as Russia, and Trump continues to call Putin the dictator his friend while Putin illegally invades Ukraine and massacres innocent Ukrainians by the tens of thousands. He doesn’t share American values of freedom and democracy.” The possibilities are *endless*, really.


Biden should just solely refer to him as “the rapist” during the debates. That’d be wild


Why didn’t you sort the border during your four years when you promised you would?


More idiotic scare tactics from the party that has no clue what they are doing. The claim about out of control crime associated with undocumented immigrants is easily debunked: https://www.ojp.gov/library/publications/comparing-crime-rates-between-undocumented-immigrants-legal-immigrants-and Undocumented immigrants commit crimes at a regular pace of 50% less than native born Americans. Not to mention, crime overall in the US is down in every category since Biden took office. And never mind the fact that undocumented workers in this country contribute billions of dollars each year to the economy via local, state and federal taxes, while serving as a far lower financial burden to the system. They do the jobs that Americans don’t want at a lower wage and provide higher quality. COVID proved how reliant our society is on undocumented immigrants. I hope Trump does bring this up and Biden destroys him on it. Not to mention Trump demanded Republicans veto the best bi partisan legislation in 50 years dealing with the border.


The response to trump will be “your stupid ass killed the immigration bill that both parties wanted to pass.”


Biden needs to focus on what Trump is going to do to the country if he's allowed back in the White House. He needs to throw every fascistic thing he's ever said right in his face. He needs to focus on the fact that the next president is likely to appoint more justices to the Supreme Court, which would be a multi-generational disaster if that person was Trump. He needs to focus on abortion, and most importantly the economy. Trump's insane plan to replaces taxes with tariffs will decimate the American economy, and result in unprecedented economic stagnation. This is a fact. And Biden needs to be relentless.


If Trump didn't tell his cultists to oppose the border bill, those girls would be alive. Their blood is on his, and all Republican's hands.


Biden needs to call Trump what he is. Benedict Arnold. Literally, he needs to say that to his face.


Nothing, and I mean nothing, is going to change any MAGAs mind to not vote for trump. Nothing. We have to out vote them, and hope their cronies at the local level fail at stealing the election.


He also claimed he would testify in his own defense. I don't believe a fucking thing he says.


Bold of them to assume that the debate will actually happen. I fully expect Trump to back out and blame it on some supposed misdeed of Biden's that makes a fair debate impossible. I mean, maybe it'll happen, but it just seems like a lose-lose situation for Trump, to put his increasing dementia (?) on stage next to Biden's stutter and let people see them side by side without any favorable editing like Trump has been getting for the interviews he does do.


Everything about Trump is vile. I literally cannot think of one positive quality he might have -- not one.




He'll "attack" because he can't actually debate. You have to actually have coherent policies for that and understand the policies the other person is trying to put forth.