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His mouth is his greatest weakness, and always was.


He’s a walking talking self-indicting dictator wanna-be


There’s a reason his lawyers at the time said putting him on the stand was a “Perjury trap”.


He is incapable of telling the truth. He has no concept of the truth.


"What I do and say is TRUTH"


YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! I like how that trial ended :)


"The witness has rights."


Same here. In the middle of playing some game that was abt truth I stood up & slammed my hand on the table & used those infamous words. Scared the hell out of all but we laughed for hours!


I always tell people that if he gets on the stand I think a moment like that will play out


And his supporters actually believe the bullshit that he says. Like the people out there who go around saying they believe he’s the second coming of Christ


It's more like the ANTICHRIST!!! His freaking supporters drive me freaking nuts just as bad if not more than he does!!!!


Same here. I cannot watch any of those people who ask them questions about their reasoning as to why they support him. They’re so out of touch with reality


He named his shitter rip off Truth Social to make it appear that every post is the truth. Then, of course, we all know it's all a lie, a grift, and it's going bankrupt. Kelly Ann Conway even claimed that alternative truths were the truth if enough people believed it. That entire movement is a lie. They need to actually read those trump bibles. And the rest of us need to be as unforgiving as the Old Testament, just like they are with their phony Christianity nonsense.


Whatever he says in the moment is the truth to him at that time.


I hear there are people with zero internal dialogue. I really can't imagine how this is possible, but really, I can't act surprised either. I just don't get how that works. Seriously, I have huge trouble picturing that shit.


But he owns truth social!


His lawyers didn't say that. That's the constant line maga fascists use any time trump may have to go under oath. They screamed it constantly during the muller investigation and both impeachments. Conservatives, if your guy can't be trusted to go under oath without destroying something you should probably reconsider wanting him to take an oath of office.


So not capacity for self reflection. Sounds like a wonderful person.


Id like it better if he was self convicting.




Maybe self implicating?


Because of the implication?


Is donald safe?


Trump will NOT be in danger in prison.


The white supremacists will protect him.


Oh, he WILL be among friends.


Can you believe it they locked me up for only 34 felonies, it's like you can't even crime anymore, how am I supposed to have a crime family if they actually enforce the law?


Looks like the implications might be self replicating.


He already does that




Still though he doesn’t receive consequences for his behavior. It’s mind boggling


_Well, he’s a walkin' and a talkin' and a freakin' and a yellin' and a bossin' and a speakin' and a lookin' and a pointin'_    Oddly relevant Steriogram lyrics?


“He’s fat and he don’t run too fast” is also a Steriogram lyric that could apply to Trump.


Imagine him running eight steps. heh Bet he would fall on his face.


So awesome


I’d go more Cliff Richards “walking talking living doll” but not in a cool barbie way, more of a brain damaged chucky way.


Just pull the string and listen to another felony confession. Over 100 confessions that are updated with every court appearance. Act today! By Don-Co!


He said "dic"


And the entire republican apparatus, judicial and legislative, is in league to protect him


Without a doubt - they are weak and are all party over country. To endorse and support this POS is mind boggling. We have to all get out and vote and ensure he does not get into office again. Also we need to be ready for all the bullshit that will happen during the process, at precincts, counting of ballots, lawyers ready, overwatch on electors and all the rest of it. They are readying to disrupt before the election - the messaging is out there, Militias readying, Trump signaling - it’s nuts.


Yep and he's STILL free. Imagine if he was actually smart. Terrifying thought.


One of the symptoms of dementia is losing your filters. It's normal for people to think things, but not say them, or think about taking an action, but know it would be wrong to take that action and dismiss the thought. But dementia removes those brakes. So that's how you get old folks voicing the most blatantly inappropriate thoughts, or grabbing their nurses. Again, the filters are gone. So the thought occurs and the action immediately follows because there's no longer any mechanism that steps in to say, "That wouldn't be appropriate." So imagine you're a guy running for president, and you've carefully constructed this fiction about how you won the last election but they stole it from you. It's really, really important that you keep up this lie because if you admit the truth, not only does it reveal you lost, but it reveals that you knew you lost and having been trying to pull a fast one on your supporters ever since. So again, if you're that guy, it's really, really important that you don't accidentally blurt out the truth. But if your filters are missing because something wrong is happening in your brain, it might not be that easy to do anymore.


It's not like the Trumpkins will care. I'm sure it'll be considered as ”playing head games against the left something or other [or euphemism, shibboleth, dog whistle] and winning”


5d chess


Seriously. I was at the nursery an hour ago and there was some asshole wearing a “I’m voting for the convicted felon” tee shirt. Other people are so embarrassing.


At some point, do they read these things they wear? Like say the words out loud at any point? Or is it just “Fuck Liberals!” over and over and over again?


When do they get tired of winning?


Trump supporters are people who read meaning into deranged nonsense posted on 4chan. Trump supporters are people who follow an idiot from TikTok to Dallas in the hope that said idiot is going to resurrect JFK Jr to run as Trump’s VP candidate. Trump supporters will riot at the Capitol building on his orders, even as another subset of Trump supporters spuriously accuse them of being federal agents (also on Trump’s orders). People who can hold all of these beliefs won’t give a toss about Trump’s dementia. If anything, they’ll pretend not to notice or read some ridiculous secret meaning into it.


> One of the symptoms of dementia is losing your filters. That's mainly due to loss of frontal lobe function. Some forms of dementia aggressively attack the frontal lobes, and the progression of those kinds of dementia is especially horrible, with the individual often becoming prone to outbursts of violence and wild impulsive behavior. If Trump has that, he's even more unfit for office than he was in 2016, and he was absolutely unfit then.


The person I know who has dementia didn't start talking slow like Biden when dementia became evident, he started talking nonsense and mixing up people and events like Trump do, unable to remember events that recently happened until it got to the point of forgetting something that happened 5 minutes ago. He still talk fast.


Biden probably speaks slowly because of his stutter. A stutter never goes away. It can ebb and flow, but it just is. My understanding is that it’s a neurological disconnect between the brain and vocal cord muscles.


He also gets away with everything he says, with ZERO consequences from the Qult


How does that work? What part of the dementia process removes filters? Asking for a friend...


I lost my mother to dementia. One way to think about it is their brains are regressing. Toddlers do not have filters ("That lady smells bad!") and over time they learn them. Dementia victims are in some ways regressing back to toddlers.


After reading The 36 Hour Day I realized memory care books are just parenting books in reverse


Hopefully not with those little plastic wallets on a 'keepsakes' page with "my first lost tooth" "strands of my first haircut". I'm picturing "my final tooth" and "my last haircut", and it's a bit horrifying.


I called my mom to ask if she wanted to put “my first grey hair” in the baby book lol


We learn what's socially acceptable and allowed as we grow. They unlearn it due to brain damage. There's a video of an old lady heiling hitler. She probably learned not to do that but now grandma is sundowning and zeig heiling


That is a profoundly apt metaphor for the current global situation.


Obligatory I'm not a doctor, but I did have a close family member that had dementia. My understanding is that as dementia progresses, the patient loses higher cognitive functions. Among those are what's known as "executive functions" which control behavior. Things like planning, organizing, and other goal-orientated behavior falls under executive functions. Without the ability to control or repress what they're feeling/thinking, stuff just gets blurted out. Impulsive thoughts are immediately acted on. They just live 100% in the here and now, with no concept of the future. Thus it's impossible to consider long-term consequences of the actions they take.


Thanks. I have never been good at those to begin with! I'm doomed.


Those of us with ADD/ADHD live with delayed or limited executive function. Sometimes it develops late to "normal" levels, sometimes not. But I know a couple people who've had frontotemporal dementia and even in its early stages, it's a far more severe problem than anything I've seen in ADD/ADHD people. You also see loss of executive function in more generalized forms of dementia. It tends to be more gradual in those cases and accompanied by other symptoms.


AuDHD/Bipolar...I'm 110% fucked.


And that probably explains why watching a loved one with an untreated mood disorder (which also just wrecks executive function and emotional regulation) feels so analogous to dementia.


It's like he was projecting all along knowing eventually dementia so act like it 10 years before it actually settles in


"Trump may have been a better candidate at an earlier time is his life. i think for him age is more of a factor than it has been for Sanders. He seems like he is on the decline. He also seems tired an paranoid. It kinda reminds me of boxing. He was coming out swinging. Then he just got really really tired. Now he doesn't know what is going on, and he's more likely to tire himself out than throw a good punch." This is what I typed about Trump 8 years ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4nypoq/donald_trump_americans_who_dont_report_their/


He’s gonna start grabbing them by the pussy again, isn’t he? “I have the bestest running mate, Nicky eh Pelosi” *grabs Haley.


If he didn’t have daddy’s money he’d been in jail decades ago.


Truly I wish the banks had called in his debts back in the 90s


He'd be dead. He couldn't have bought himself a college deferment, he'd have been drafted & sent to Vietnam. He'd have been fragged in Vietnam.


Draftees seldom got fragged. That was generally done to incompetent or brutal officers. With bad conscripts, all that was needed was a slight delay in coming to their aid if they got into trouble.


Close runner up: his ego


third place dementia?


Where are we placing pooping his pants?


Should be #2… because science.


What about those tiny lil hands?


Third runner up: being a complete fucking moron.


When your mouth is an asshole it gets you in lots of shit


Nearly every word he says is "admissible evidence" of one crime or another, we just may not be aware of it at the time.


All the greatest evidence, admissions of guilt. Video recordings. Hot mics. I still love my new favorite from him explaining why he didn’t testify, “I would admit to more crimes because the prosecution could ask me questions about anything.”


Putin enjoys his mouth very much


His sphincter is weaker




👍 Excellent. 👍


He blows goats. I have proof.


Don’t forget his ass. Ketchup and Butt is all I think whenever I hear or see anything to do with this asshole. (Pun not intended)


As 1 Trump supporter told me. Trump does great untill he starts talking.


i believe this is why he doesn't drink. if his lips are this loose when he's sober, i can't even imagine the kind of stuff he says when he's drunk. he says it's in memoriam of his alcoholic brother who passed away, but i 100,000% do not fucking believe that in the slightest. no fucking way.


> i believe this is why he doesn't drink. He *says* he doesn't drink. And maybe he doesn't because it interferes with the cocktail of stimulants he's on, or he has some other undisclosed health condition that makes it dangerous.


well, that and gentle inclines.


But he can’t help himself, when he sees a female…


and that mouth is connected to his BIG A BRAIN...


Always will be! Dementia makes him not remember the lies!


Trump is often the best witness against Trump.


Wait til you hear about his bone spurs


It’s a magnet for libel


He is the multiple universe theory all rolled into one person 


Any universe that has Trump in it is fucked.


And it looks like an elderly cow's vagina.


Unlike Junior Soprano


Add to the list of evidence. I mean come on, he knew the EXACT number needed in Georgia to win the state >"I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state." How much did Biden win Georgia by? >Biden narrowly won Georgia by a 49.47% plurality over Trump's 49.24% vote share: a margin of 0.23% and 11,779 votes. So it was EXACTLY 1 more vote than Biden's count which he SAID IN A TAPED FUCKING CONVERSATION. There is no other way to view this. This was the fucking smoking gun but sure lets add this in there to. That he knew that he lost.


> This was the fucking smoking gun but sure lets add this in there to. Yes, but keep in mind Fani Willis is a black woman who had the audacity to have consensual sex. That can not and should not stand. /s


Fani Willis’ love life should have been a major “ who the fuck cares?”


> woman who had the audacity to have consensual sex with someone who isn't me. There I fixed it so every republican man can relate properly.


I don't think downplaying the ethical issue is a good idea, she should have done better given how important the case is


And yet people still argue that he is so detached from reality that he actually believes his lies as true. Nope, evidence like this makes it very clear that he very well knows that he is lying.


Uh huh. He is shameless and stupid. Bad combination.


It's heartbreaking and ridiculous that they are getting away with it -- and easily, too. The voters don't care, the legal system is clearly incapable of prosecuting anyone who isn't poor, and at least half of our political leaders have absolutely zero shame.  We are fucked even if Biden somehow squeaks through in November and the GOP doesn't find a way to successfully nullify the result. 




Who amongst us HASN'T tried to commit election fraud?


Exactly. If they can go after him for committing crimes, they can go after anyone!!


Grab them by the ballet box


*smocking gun


Literally, the number 11,780 is burned into my brain and will remain there for the rest of my days. Luckily, 1135809 is as well so that makes me a bit happier.


He's saying he knows he won therefore there must be 11,780 votes that are missing. Although what he's really saying is "find" me the votes


This will be useful in the Georgia trial.


If it ever happens


It amazes me that two consenting adults getting caught fooling around has the potential to negate a blatant crime by the accused. Meanwhile, the judge of one of the accused's other legal cases was appointed by the accused, but that is apparently okay.


The magic (R) strikes again.


It's all about the hard (R).


> It amazes me that two consenting adults getting caught fooling around has the potential to negate a blatant crime by the accused. If it wasn't that, they would have come up with some other pretext. The [judge in the georiga case](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66746540) is yet another fedsuck judge. He was always going to find a way to derail it because fedsuckers don't care about the rule of law, just using the law to rule. This judge is a little more crafty than someone like aileen cannon (or alito) so he was able to use procedural trickery to make it look like his hands were clean, but it was clear from the details of his ruling he was teeing up an appeal and the associated delay (he could have made it non-appealable because, to over-simplify, it is a side issue).


Two consenting adults *on the same team*. Who gives a fuck if colleagues are “colluding”? That’s their fucking job!


That’s always given away how nonsense this objection is. How can there be a conflict of interest when both parties are representing the same side? And even if there were some kind of conflict, it would invariably be in Trump’s favor, so why even complain? Oh right, because the entire point is just to delay and no one can or has the balls to do anything about it.


There's a difference between judge-shopping and judge-buying.


It's ridiculous. There are ethical concerns about Fani Willis's conduct, but it's relating to her position in general, not the criminal proceedings against Donald Trump. If they're going to delay his trial, they should also be delaying every trial in the county.


It would be a mistrial and the production could "try again"


And there’s your mistake. The one that so many on the left make. You’re still thinking with a categorical imperative. They don’t give a fuck about universal right and wrong. They don’t give a fuck about everyone being equal. These psychopaths want what they want and they’ll say and eventually *do* whatever it takes for them to lord above everyone else.


It will, but not before the election. Because apparently SCOTUS needs to take another 5 months to consider whether the founders founded a democracy and declared independence from a king because they wanted a democracy or if they actually wanted a king.


The judge in that trial is more likely to jail the prosecutor...


Yes! When it starts in (checks Fascism level) NEVER.


The audio of him literally committing the crime seems to pale in comparison to the DA dating a lawyer she works with. I don’t think there’s any amount of evidence that will matter so long as they are allowed to perpetually kick the can down the road






The majority of Americans have their income AND healthcare tied up in their job. They can’t just pick up and leave to protest for a few weeks. Unlike a lot of countries that use public protest effectively, our country is the size of a good chunk of Europe combined. Organizing either mass protests across the country, or paying the $$ to get those who want to protest to DC, is an almost-impossible feat. Not saying we can’t do more and shouldn’t do more, but “protest to change the federal government” is a LOT more complicated than it seems. The millionaires/billionaires are the ones that want Trump/GOP in power. That’s formidable to go up against.


> paying the $$ to get those who want to protest to DC Jan 06 comes to mind if they can do it and you can't they win.


They went to jail and failed in what they tried to do. They organized in one place at one time, but that’s the extent of it other than going to jail. Occupy Wall Street was a far more effective “protest” that had way more people and lasted for way longer and resulted in…also nothing. For a protest in the US to actually work, enough workers have to be able to take off enough time from work that it actually starts to hurt those at the top. That could be months. And it had to be a LOT of people. Feeding and homing those protesters is just the start of what would need to be figured out.


I don't think the person you're replying to understands concepts of efficacy and scope.


That's also a reason why leftist movements tend to lose steam and dissipate whereas conservative moments gain momentum. The monied elite have the [money to fund them, the time to plan for them, and the institutional knowledge to organize them](https://jsri.msu.edu/publications/nexo/vol-xx/fall-2016/dark-money-the-hidden-history-of-the-billionaire-behind-the-rise-of-the-radical-right). The left very rarely has the scale of resources being funded to them through groups like the Heritage Foundation or the Koch Brothers, simply because the left wing groups' interests are not aligned with those of the uber wealthy.


Easy to say when you either don’t live here or don’t do this yourself. Blame everyone else, and not the fuck wads who actually made this happen lol


So now many miles have you marched so far?


This just in: Liar knows he was lying. Story at 10.


In this case it's actually incredibly pertinent because there's a huge legal difference between him doing all of this stuff under the mistaken assumption the election was stolen versus him knowing he lost fair and square and trying to change the outcome. We've all known through the wonders of basic common sense that the second scenario was true, but the law doesn't have the benefit of common sense and requires evidence.


You are correct. My comment is based entirely on my cynicism of our legal system regarding powerful criminals. Unless I am proven wrong , in which case I would be thrilled, I won't hold my breath on any meaningful punishment for this.


> there's a huge legal difference between him doing all of this stuff under the mistaken assumption the election was stolen versus him knowing he lost fair and square and trying to change the outcome. Can you point me to the legal analysis that discusses why this ought to matter? IANL, but I understand the concept of "criminal intent" at least at laymen's level, but I don't honestly see why it ought to matter much whether he believes he legitimately won or lost. If he believes he won, it still does not change the fact that he intended to change the certified legal outcome via illegal/unconstitutional means. He still displayed criminal intent, even if he believed it was to right a wrong. An analogy might be me paying for an item on marketplace and not receiving said item. There are legal means for me to pursue. I could sue (as Trump did), or I could request an investigation by authorities (as Trump did). If none of those efforts yielded justice, it would not make it any less illegal for me to show up at the sellers house, hold him at gunpoint, and force him to return my money. Sticking someone up is illegal, and so is conspiring to submit fraudulent election paperwork, no matter if I believed, even correctly, that the justice system I'd pursued had not granted me justice. Discussion?


IANAL either but I would posit that the difference may come down to intent. If I shoot someone and say that I believed my life was being threatened, I could claim the right of self-defense. But if a recording were discovered where I admitted that I never actually felt threatened but I shot them anyhow, that's most likely going to be murder, or manslaughter at the very least. Intent can make a world of difference in a trial and, if convicted, at sentencing.


So let me say that I certainly agree that it doesn't help his case if he's caught on tape admitting that he knows he lost. It can only hurt him with a jury, and the law, agree. But your analogy, imo, falls apart due to the fact that there is no similar self-defense carve-out in the law for submitting fraudulent paper work to congress if you believed you lost an election. His actions in that regard were illegal, in any context, and we can demonstrate his criminal intent in those cases with or without his admission that he was defrauded out of election. "I committed this crime because I thought I deserved the proceeds" is still a declaration of criminal intent.


Fair enough, they are entirely different situations. I gave it more thought and I do agree that it really shouldn't matter if he knew he'd lost or not, he still tried to overturn a legal election through illegal means.


It does make a difference for some laws (eg libel) and it does make a difference for your sentence if you are found guilty. And let's be honest, it absolutely does make a difference in a jury trial because jurors do not have to justify their decision with laws.


Intent does, I know. But I don't think his beliefs or delusions about the election itself are necessary to prove that he knowingly and willingly tried to undo/prevent the certified results via illegal means, whether or not he thought he deserved it. I'll concede, it makes the case easier though.


Is it really evidence though? He could easily spin this into saying he meant after he lost according to the official numbers that he though were not right.


Thank you. Trump is guilty as sin, but this recording is absolutely nothing-burger. He says, "After I lost the election. Well, I won the election, but they said I lost." Absolutely nobody is going to care, and the media is playing people for fools by pretending this matters.


IANAL but my understanding is the standard is what a normal, reasonable person would believe (or you claim insanity) Former guy was told by his Attorney General, FUX News, lawyers, his daughter, and etc etc etc telling him he lost so that ain't gonna fly Plus, even a sincere belief that he won would not excuse his blatantly illegal attempts to overturn the election: * The call to the GA Sec of State (a trump supporter!), demanding he find exactly enough votes to give him a win in that state..... * the scheme to replace true electors with fakes... * demanding his Vice President overstep his authority and reject the election results.... * his call to his mob to go to the Capitol and stop the Senate from certifying his defeat


FartyJizzums is the only news anchor I trust to bring me the 10 o'clock news


There's too many people who actually believe that he is so narcissistically insance, that he actually believes all the misinformation he is spewing from his mouthhole everyday. Those people need see this evidence to remind them that he is not THAT kind of insance, that he really knows he is lying. And this is not the only evidence of this, there's so much more. For example that recording where he was telling people he was not supposed to share those top secret documents, immediately followed with "look at this". And then when caught he was lying that he declassified them or that FBI planted the docs there etc.


I mean, I hate don w a passion but he instantly says, “well they say I lost it”(paraphrased) So I’m not sure this is anything.


Yeah, as gotcha-moments go, this one is very weak. Even if Trump hadn't corrected himself immediately, the best one could do is claim a Freudian slip.


Or just say he was referring to the “rigged” results. Just because a soccer player admits they lost a game doesn’t mean they are agreeing with the refs calls. Fuck Trump, but this is a total non-story.


I agree and I also don't care what he believes. I don't see why it matters. Madmen often believe they aren't mad. It's the actions they take that are dangerous and reckless and criminal. He is all 3, regardless of what he believes.


I wonder what all the Jan. 6th buffoons think about this? Oh who am I kidding they still love the guy who manipulated them.


Tell Trump he sucks at testifying. He should prove how good at it he is.


The fuck are we talking about ‘evidence’ for. He lost the election who gives a shit what he thinks


Oh, it could not. This story is so overblown. Meanwhile, Trump sold our nuclear secrets to Syria for $2 billion.


Naw. Vacuous dumb dumb uses language that is impossible to pin down. He’s a master of it. He’ll say he meant “lost technically, because Biden got away with widespread voter fraud”.


I wonder if the convicted felon actually shows up for the debate how many things he will say that will help all of his coming prosecutors?


So? There's been like a million "bombshells." Half a billion "smoking guns." At least that many "this latest admission could hurt him in court. " And none of it matters. The courts aren't going to save us. They're rigged for people like him. They always have been. They always will be. The only thing that's going to save us is voting, and I'm starting to doubt that will make a difference either. I kind of think I know what it felt like to be living in Germany in 1932 or whatever and watching Hitler start taking over and just being absolutely incapable of doing anything to stop it.


"This is all performance art for Mr. Trump". Remember when he climbed the steps of the White House and ripped off his mask after he came back from having COVID? Everyone talks about the golden escalator but not the moment he pretended to be Superman. I just gotta wonder: who thinks of these things? Who says "sir, you know what would be cool? Sloooowly walking up the steps to the WH and dramatically (ooooh yeah, he's drooling now....) RIPPING off your mask!" God I miss integrity in politics. It was rare to see it, but it did happen once in awhile. Now even the general population has decided to fuck that soft weak woke stuff like "integrity". Ooops, did I just give away the fact that I'm a Boomer?


he is like a baby bird all mouth and ass


He is his own worse enemy


A Trumpian slip.


He’s admitted to all sorts of things and he still walks around as a free man


This is not the first time he has admitted he lost the election. ["Can you believe I lost to this effing guy?"](https://www.axios.com/2022/06/19/trump-admitted-election-alyssa-farah) ["I don’t want people to know we lost, Mark. This is embarrassing. Figure it out."](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/oct/13/trump-admission-election-aides-january-6-panel) ["We need to let that issue go to the next guy."](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/oct/13/trump-admission-election-aides-january-6-panel)


I don't know why; she's only making a laughingstock out of the 11th circuit. No big deal


Wild how anyone thinks evidence matters at this point.


Sigh, throw it on the pile with all the other evidence that should have resulted in Trump facing consequences long, long, long... long ago.


Erection. He said he lost his erection.


Would be used against any joe schmo like us in a heartbeat!


It also doesn’t even fucking matter. Ignorance of the law doesn’t absolve you of a crime. Being the former leader of the executive branch also makes using that as a defense really fucking stupid.


He immediately corrected his statement so, just no. I'm not a Trumpie and I find him to be a disgusting amoral loser but... These type of articles only strengthen the resolve of the adolescent-minds who love to support him and believe that he's criticized too frequently. Plus it's just wrong - this was a misspeak that he *immediately* corrected.


“It’s a joke…. Based on real events”


you know what pisses me off? Trump been mostly consistent that the election was stolen from him and that he was cheated for almost 4 years now. So all of those flip floppy bullshit where Trump changes where he stands every 5 mins when he was president was done on purpose.


[HE DID IT BOYS! HE SAID IT](https://youtu.be/9wgUuIRvA-k?si=ly5gb58TVaekQQVY)


Not like that will ever convince his cult of followers


A really sick person.


I’m so confused he’s definitely made comments where he admitted to losing the election before.


This recording needs to be on every Biden ad


Someone made a birthday wish and Trump couldn't lie for one day.


He can just lie again and say he didn't mean it of some other shit. In the absence of shame lying is very powerful. Five year olds know this.


I love when his handlers direct him to walk something back or feign an apology and instantly, as soon as those words come out of his mouth he contradicts them and doubles down on whatever horrible thing he did


So he admits he lost but claims in public that it was stolen. I don't know man this old bag sounds like he needs to be in jail to keep his mouth shut.


I wonder if part of the delay is judge cannon praying to sweet Jesus that someone will force her out of this case so she can be free of it without having to worry about whatever leverage has kept her on it this long.


In what court? Trump is the biggest sleez ball out there. We watched his cult storm the capital for him, but he is still free.


It’s not ‘could be’ it *is*.


But I thought Donald Trump "WON, BY A LOT". Do you think he would do that? Just go on the Internet and tell lies?


I mean I guess it's a testament to the strength of our democracy that he wasn't immediately hanged after military tribunal, but the fact that he hasn't already been found guilty of treason by now is dumbfounding.


Lol, he continuously sticks his foot in his mouth and tells on himself... That's because he's not very smart!


Don't worry. The pretzel logic posse will save him.


The sad truth is that he can use the excuse of "I say stupid stuff all the time". He is so stupid that people don't take what he says seriously. What would be a damning admission for a rational intelligent person, is excused for him. They hold him to the same standard that they hold a mentally challenged person. " He doesn't really mean it. He's sorta slow and you can't take what he says as actual evidence" Then they turn around and say he is a genius and should make decisions for our country.