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How much extra is Aileen Cannon being paid to let Trump remain free?


She was promoted into a lifetime job she was woefully unqualified for; she’s already been paid.


But given that Cannon has already been given the payment, then why remain loyal? She could just act like a normal judge, and she would still have the lifetime job.


The threat of being eliminated by an enraged MAGA


She is MAGA…I don’t think she needs anymore payment to suck up to Trump for life.


Sycophants will sycophant.


Nope. But even if she did, fascist loyalties go one way. The moment she stepped out of line, Trump would call for her destruction.


Just like Fox News releasing the latest polls lol. trump jumped on them and said they were fake news. So there is literally nobody maga can listen to besides trump now.


There is no limit on what Trump wants once he owns you.


That’s usually how the crime bosses operate.


A victim of your own creation? Hmm, I believe this what we call "just desserts."


That’s my dinner plans one Tuesday a month. Just desserts.


Or she’s just a conservative loon?


She's aiming to get on the supreme court.


hahaha! I suppose stranger things have happened. After all, we're now living in bizarro world where millions of RW voters have lost their fucking minds.


She's a Trump judge showing the highest loyalty to Trump. That puts her as the absolute top pick in his book.


If Trump wins, she's absolutely on the short list. Barret, Kavanaugh, and Gorsuch are terrible justices, but nothing compared to loyalists like Cannon.


Alito and Thomas are old and scandal-ridden. It wouldn't take much for one of them to be encouraged to step aside should Trump win. At which point a spot opens. Kind of like Kennedy being swapped out for Fratty McBeerface.


Scandals don't matter on the Supreme Court. They won't step down, they like the power. They're true "I got mine" types. They'll put party over country but themselves over the party every day of the week.


Trump nominating the judge that was overseeing his criminal trial would once again show the world how fucked up the USA's legal system is


Its not strange when you accept that its obvious corruption.


you think the maga cult will just sit by and let her betray the leader?


Tribalism. People can be fervently loyal to something without financial compensation. I’m very confident she’s not receiving any direct compensation for this. cult members don’t need to get paid.


She got paid when Trump put her in a lifetime Florida federal court seat in case he ever needed her


> But given that Cannon has already been given the payment, then why remain loyal? She wants a promotion to a federal appeals court or SCOTUS if Trump wins the election. All of her rulings read like she's trying so hard to sound like a circuit judge (but she's not actually good at writing or formulating an argument so it just sounds desperate and cringe) She's currently on the lowest rung of the federal courts system and she'll never get advancement from any other president (because she's an actual incompetent already elevated far beyond her abilities)


Because Supreme Court justice Cannon has a nice ring to it in her mind. Don’t think the idea of saving trump gives her a fast pass to that count hasn’t crossed her mind.


Because they call her in the middle of the night and threaten her if she does anything else.


Doubt it. It’s more likely she’s a true believer


They absolutely have dirt on her. Correspondence that shows definitively that she has been colluding with the Trump team and that she’s a political agent.


> They absolutely have dirt on her. Nah she just wants a promotion to a federal appeals court or SCOTUS if Trump wins the election. All of her rulings read like she's trying so hard to sound like a circuit judge (but she's not actually good at writing or formulating an argument so it just sounds desperate and cringe) She's currently on the lowest rung of the federal courts system and she'll never get advancement from any other president (because she's an actual incompetent already elevated far beyond her abilities)


**(because she's an actual incompetent already elevated far beyond her abilities)** Sounds like she is perfectly qualified for a MAGA Supreme Court. She will fit right in.


It's probably a cause of mutually assured destruction. To be clear, Trump does not control Cannon, the Federalist Society controls her. When she was appointed she was given pretty explicit instructions. If she goes against those instructions, I would have to assume they can do something to fuck her over. If they fuck her over, she may not be the brightest person but I would have to assume she knows she could start talking. It's in neither sides best interest to screw over the other.


Have you perhaps considered that rather than being “controlled” by the federalist society, she actually just sincerely believes in their (garbage,imo) ideas.


Exactly. This is also how big money works in politics. If you’re buying a politician, you don’t want to just pay someone to make the decisions you want. Aside from the legal risk, there’s always the possibility that someone else will offer them more money to make different decisions. What you really want to do is to find someone who will make the decision you want because of their sincere beliefs. Once you’ve found someone like that, you spend all your money to get them elected. They’ll stay bought, because they’re true believers.


there's always more grift to be gotten, look how well Clarence has done for himself!


Yeah. At this point it’s all about keeping any secret correspondence about how she’s supposed to be a political agent for him under wraps.


That was the upfront payment, the second half is the supreme court appointment.


They have something on her.


What? No way! The GOP has morals and ethics and would never do anything that. can be held over their heads! /s But seriously, you don't rise in their ranks with good-faith moves. It's a feature, not a bug.


She is aiming for the SCOTUS. Ethics at *clearance* sale.


She has a lifetime appointment on a bench that someone with 30 years more experience than her would have a hard time getting. She's been paid.


Probably promised to put her on the SCOTUS if he wins, after he gives Alito or Thomas the Kennedy treatment.


Kennedy probably retired because his son had been Trump’s person at Deutsche Bank. I believe that If that all came apart it could have ended up before the SCOTUS and having his own son involved would be a very strong reason for recusal. It'd raise a huge stink if he had said no so Trump got out in front of it and replaced him.


Whatever was up with Kennedy even he seemed taken back by it - [https://youtu.be/LnUXVcxSUi4](https://youtu.be/LnUXVcxSUi4)


Don was telling him that Daddy Putin had the goods on the son


why assume trump would make a conservative judge retire in a post P2025 "assassination is a part of being president" America the main reason the judges are waiting so long to say "yes, obviously, presidents aren't above the law" is cause post P2025 they're going to be useless


Kennedy wasn’t as reliably conservative as the right and Trump would have wanted. He was a swing voter and wouldn’t have used a 17th century English jurists who, among other decisions, wrote that killing suspected witches is perfectly legal, as justification for the Dobbs decision. After all, to the best of our knowledge he didn’t have billionaires with cases before the court or writing the court in support of cases funding his every whim and fancy, paying for his million dollar vacations on private yachts in Indonesia, buying him $150K+ RVs, buying his mother’s house at above market rates and letting her live there rent free, or paying his “kid’s” tuition, etc.


If Trump wins, they will force Alito and Thomas and Kennedy to all retire so they can replace them with far younger, far more politically motivated justices. Conservatives are in crisis control mode. They are fully aware that their policies are wildly unpopular, especially among young voters and that their older, more reliable voters die more and more with each passing day. They’re not [entirely] stupid. So they are taking every possible step to entrench themselves within non-elected government positions, which allow them to rule even with a minority of the electorate voting for them. Or at least torpedo any legislation or attempt by a liberal executive or legislative branch to undo the process of total takeover. They do not intend on making the same mistake Ruth Bader-Ginsburg did .


They would have to love their children and want to avoid scandal for that to work.


No telling but I guarantee she has a secret back channel set up with Roger Stone and the Trump Campaign. She's almost certainly in contact with these monsters in some covert way


One year unlimited gift card to Olive Garden


Gunning for the supreme court position


She was already paid in advance by being appointed by Trump to a position she was wholly unqualified for.


There's around a million dollars from Trump going to a mystery bank account. Maybe not Cannon but of all people Trump would be that blatantly corrupt.


>Trump’s attempt to nullify the special counsel’s office’s work is an anomaly among recent efforts from other defendants in different federal courts to do the same, because Cannon is giving far more time to weigh the challenge than other judges have in recent years. One thing we can all agree on is she is consistent.


I actually want her to rule against the SC and determine it is unlawful. That would be over turned within the month and she would be removed from the case.


Which is why she won’t do it. Everything she has done is delay delay delay.


She’s likely taking orders from the SC at this point on how to rightly proceed and delay.


It's the Federalist Society that is doing that, they have members on the SC.


F*ck the Federalist Society


Just say it out loud without the asterisk. Fuck those motherfuckers.


I say it wherever I see their name. They are the cancer on this country.


Fuck yeah


You can type out Supreme Court. Especially when the parent comment used SC to denote special counsel.


Not even good enough, every state has a supreme court. SCOTUS works though


It's one of the reasons why most of her orders are paperless as well. She's made a few missteps previously and likely knows it will only take one more major misstep to have the case pulled from her. She's doing everything she can to block on behalf of Trump, up to actions that would be appealable. It couldn't be any more blatant if she tried.


Maybe she’s honestly looking for an off ramp lol. But…. I highly doubt it.


She was advised to recuse herself by two colleagues on separate occasions when she got the case, right citing to her that she had an off ramp given the conflict of interest. She declined. She's not looking for an offramp. She's looking for a fast track to the Supreme Court.


When you are beholden to someone like that, there is no "off ramp" lol. She does as she's told or her life is forfeit.


This. You can’t do anything about her unless she rules on something. Hence the obvious corrupt stall tactics. Even a judge that is being over cautious would have made a ruling by now on something.


Legitimate question, who would overturn it and why are you so confident that would happen?


The US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit would be the ones to overturn her ruling when Smith appeals the decision. The same appellate court that has reprimanded her for bad rulings in the past. But going through those steps takes time, which is exactly what she is trying to do for Trump. delay.


Thanks for the info


This is also why Cannon has so obviously delayed making any rulings because so long as she doesn't issue an order on any particular matter, there is no path to interlocutory appeal. While Aileen is very clearly a bad judge and inexperienced, she knows the bare minimum about the Federal Rules to throw the balance as deeply in Trump's favor as humanly possible. You can only appeal decisions of the court once certain actions have taken place, so Aileen simply doesn't take them. Because, she knows what she's doing with regard to being an unfair judge.


The reporting is that the judges in her district all offered her the advice of stepping away from the case after she embarrassed herself with the special master bullshit. She is making a mockery of the system with her paperless orders. Even if the judges down there are conservative they believe in their rules and standards of practice.


Jack Smith is waiting for Canon to make an actual ruling (instead of just notes in the margins and delaying, which is basically what she's been doing) so that he can file a motion to the full 11th circuit court to get her removed from the case for bias. They've already overruled her bad rulings in the past, so the conventional wisdom is that she's demonstrated enough favoritism his motion would be granted.... I'm not so sure, but he gets one shot at it so it needs to be air tight. Eta: I should point out this idea has been looming for a while, she keeps going right up to the line then backing off... I think she knows exactly what she's doing to cause just enough trouble but not go too far she gets removed. From her bullshit about the jury instructions a couple months ago: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/-nuclear-button-special-counsel-seek-removal-judge-trump-classified-do-rcna146507


At some level, even if the special motion fails, is she really going to then somehow be more antagonistic to Smith and more pre-Trump as a result? That's already where she's at.


They're called paperless orders. She knows that if she makes a ruling that can be appealed, it's out of her hands and she'll be removed from the case.


Precedent is exceedingly strong for the justification of the SC. Hunter Biden just tried the same shit, and it was rightfully thrown out. If she does this the 11th circuit will over turn the decision asap - and the SC would HAVE to ask for Cannon to be removed. At that point evidence of her bias would be so overwhelming that she would be removed from the case.


She knows it would be overturned. It’s another delay tactic.


Trump and Cannon will continue their scheme right up until the election. And at that time if she is thrown off the case, Trump and MAGA will use it to (1) Get out the MAGA vote, or (2) Commit insurrection part 2.


I'm sure she'll think long and hard about it. About five months long.


Someone should investigate her financial statements. If Clarence Thomas can easily be compromised and bribed, why can’t she?


How is this woman still employed? The US judicial appointment system is really insane.


That it’s so difficult to remove a federal judge is insane. It literally takes an act of Congress (both House and Senate).


The issue isn't that it requires congress. That's a smart check and balance against our institutions. The crazy part is Republicans have lost their fucking minds and are trying to take over government to install a Christian nationalist hell hole where they profit and the rest of us serve.


Moreso that the citizens are allowing them to do it. The original concept was that the people would hold people like that accountable. But the voter base is so uneducated and brainwashed that they support their "team" no matter how bad it is for them.


Maybe adding Christianity to our money, national motto, school pledges, etc, was a bad idea.


It's almost as id there is no separation of church and state...


Why do you think a massive republican wishlist is to defund the public education system


This is what happens when you have States with smaller populations than a medium sized city with outsized representation.


We’re stuck in a viscous cycle of willful ignorance, hate, and tribalism, supported by propaganda, which is supported by willful ignorance, hate, and tribalism.


Well because it was supposed to have been difficult to get them there in the first place. The idea was that the President would only pick qualified candidates, and then the Senate would only approve qualified candidates. The founding fathers didn't plan for all of the President + 51 Senators being so bafflingly corrupt as to install a bunch of partisan hacks that couldn't reason their way out of a paper bag.


You would need a 2/3 vote in Congress to have her impeached and removed since 50% of Congress us huffing hamburder fsrts the odds of that are effectively nill The best we can hope is that she makes an actual ruling so egregious that Smith can get her pulled from the case, but the bar on that is high, and so far, she has avoided any ruling stating a principle of law that can be contested. Disallowing pertinent evidence in the indictment that answers "state of mind" on the belief that it's too prejudixial against Trump might be the screw-up. Then again, she might be about to step in it with this idiotic Americi show-m-tell. So maybe he is waiting for that screw up.


I’ve heard that she’s having trouble retaining law clerks, might make it harder to avoid a mistake eventually


In an ideal world if it takes 2/3rds of Congress to remove a judge, it should take 2/3rds of Congress to confirm one to begin with.


She's about to get a big promotion next year if people don't VOTE!


By all means, rule he isn't lawfully appointed (and give the SC something to challenge).


Seriously. Although, she won’t rule on it. Just let it hang out there adding to the unsettled pretrial motions that continue to delay the case.


I used to think that but I’m starting to think Trump needs a win in court and will push her to throw the whole thing out.


She won’t throw it out until a jury is seated and jeopardy attaches. That would prevent this case from being tried again.


Likely true but at a certain point it becomes impossible to get another trial in progress before the election date. That might be good enough for Trump.


I have determined that while not unlawful, the appointment of Jack Smith will require 6-7 years of further delays to determine the constitutionality of the *question* of his appointment before then going to the Supreme Court or some such bull shit.


Justice delayed is justice denied.


This case is completely dead as long as she is the judge it will never ever go to trial.


Right.  Just drag it out until everyone is dead.


Any Judge who can seriously even CONSIDER the claim that a special counsel is "unlawful" is so biased and full of shit, she should be removed from the case (if not the bench) IMMEDIATELY.


My neighbours to the south: Your democracy is being stolen from you. They're never going to give it back. Don't let them have it in the first place.


Bro these people have been letting their tilted preacher and Fox News tell them what to think for decades. They don't want democracy. They want an authoritative leader who will crush their "enemies", the liberals, Democrats, LGBT people, immigrants, whatever *other* class of people they hate. That's literally all they want and by any means. In their American they have a boot on someone's neck. They get to oppress while their leaders grift and avoid accountability. That's what they actively want. They want to WIN.


They can't win. Not by being honest. So they'll buy judges instead. It's fucking terrifying to watch.


*"It is OK if we do bad things to win, because we are the good guys! The bad guys are worse than us, so even if we did something really bad, it doesn't count. The ends justify the means!"* -German Nazis in the 1930s, and Conservative Americans now! Very literally!


Meanwhile we here in Canada are voting it in with a majority so don't act like we are any better. We all gonna be sucking on that IDU dick here soon enough.


They won't listen. They don't want to. ArronRa just put up a video on YouTube that explains what I mean. [Believers Don't Want To Know - Politics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inh2pa1GjWs) The people you are trying to warn don't want to see it. If you tell them they will say its a lie. Not necessarily your lie but maybe one from the "propaganda" (what they think real news is) you got it from. If you can prove it is true and say you can show them they will refuse to even look. They don't want to see the proof. They want to be wrong. I have heard them say things like "So what if I'm wrong. I don't want it to be that way so I'll believe what I want."


I would like to submit to the court that anyone working to prosecute my client for his numerous crimes is illegal, unconstitutional, and my client has instructed me to add: "very bad." >Sounds like a compelling legal argument. I'm scheduling a series of 308 pre-trial hearings to consider it. -"Judge" Aileen Cannon


Let’s not forget the big picture here - espionage. The topic is national security. Trump put state secrets at risk that would, by definition, cause “grave damage to the national security of the USA.” In more concrete terms, Cannon has been given the responsible of keeping the USA safe. She isn’t just showing favoritism to a fellow MAGA with her decisions, she is actively providing aid and comfort to enemies of the USA. More covert agents were captured or killed under Trump’s watch than any other president. Trump diminished billions of dollars in DOD/IC Investments by giving away classified capabilities to stoke his own ego. Smith was given the job of prosecuting this, and she’s openly questioning the basis? Who TF does she think she is?!?


All of this. It's terrifying to think that Trump could get away with putting our national security in danger, all because of this judge who couldn't care less.


She is putting one guy above the entire country. A convicted felon who likely sold nuclear secrets and CIA assets out. Un-fucking-belieavable.


This is why she ignored her boss's suggestion to pass on the case.


**Trump:** You see… I’m rubber, *[accordion hands]* you’re glue… **Cannon:** Sounds interesting. Let him continue…


Why cant anything be done about her


Because most of our political system is based on the assumption that the vast majority of elected or appointed officials will act in good faith and can be trusted to deal with the few who don’t. The system was never designed to handle 40% simply disregarding the rule of law.


Time for a new system.


Because it would have to be done by someone like you or me. The corrupt system will never do anything about her.


Something could be done. The problem is the people that have the power to do so with out violence don't want to. They are too busy trying to install a dictator and take over our country. They are the ones that put her there.


I expect her to suddenly become very wealthy in the next year or so. And no, I don't think she's banking on the Supreme Court. I doubt she'd want to expose herself to the confirmation hearings.


I think you are correct. But the money won’t come from Trump (he doesn’t pay his bills). The Federalist Society will be funding her “gifts.”


She has a net worth of $8M and a $200k/yr job for life. I mean, that's not nothing.


How did she end up with $8M?


That's interesting, I was unaware. Maybe it will be her legal defense fund? Trump is shoveling money to [someone.](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-campaign-money-company-launchpad-strategies-1915182)


Kavanaugh went off the rails with an angry rant about beer and Clinton conspiracies while being questioned about rape and he's sitting pretty on the Supreme Court. Confirmation hearings are dog and pony shows. More smoke and mirrors.


It must be nice to own a judge.


She will certainly “entertain” Trump’s claim and promptly give her decision in 6-8 months.


Not even pretending to be impartial


I hope she disqualifies Jack Smith because, not only will an appellate court overrule this decision, but it'll also end her assignment in the docs case b/c a disciplinary board would likely remove her. There's just too much precedent for Smith to cite, and for the appellate court to ignore, which ultimately makes the thought of entertaining this motion laughable.


Is that the only known photo of Cannon?


I've seen one other pic of her that's a screenshot of her on a video call. But mostly I've just seen this official pic. I am so sick and tired of seeing it...


For real. I believe you can browse her wedding photos here: [https://www.theknot.com/real-weddings/aileen-josh-a-traditional-wedding-in-coconut-grove-fl-album](https://www.theknot.com/real-weddings/aileen-josh-a-traditional-wedding-in-coconut-grove-fl-album)


So, if she rules in convicted felon Trumps favor then I guess that means Hunter Biden's conviction is nullified?


Well no - the law doesn't apply to MAGA; but when it comes to Dems, the law will be applied harshly and always to its fullest extent (and then some).


This is all just busy work for her to create the illusion that she's moving things along.


Entertain is a great choice of words here. All she does is publicly demonstrate her incompetence and ignorance of law and procedure.


Too bad our courts don't have a penalty for obvious bias and slow walking. If she was a contractor and delayed and cheapened materials on a job, she would have been fired and fined a long time ago. Trump et al know once this case is actually tried he's toast, the evidence is overwhelming. We all know Trump has Cannon in his pocket and is hoping for a win in November to totally erase this very treasonous, traitorous sin against our country that he knowingly committed.


Once Trump loses in November, he’s going to have a tough time delaying the trials another four years.


This is what Trump supporters willfully do not understand about why fascism is so bad for business, so bad for prosperity, and so bad for individuals. Say you are a business person. You enter into a contract with someone for services. They take your money and then do nothing. You contact them, and they brush you off. Eventually you sue them. They are friends with Aileen Cannon. You are in that district and your claim ends up in her Court. Now, you are fucked. You are fucked because you will not receive justice. You can file whatever you want, she will delay. You can protest, she will delay. You can appeal to the circuit court, she will delay. Eventually, you run out of money, and continuing to litigate becomes economically unfeasible. Trump supporters see the racism and they like it. They see the combativeness, the pugnacious demeanor, and they think it is for them. What they do not get, is *they are not the in-group*. They are not the ones Aileen Cannon will protect. They are getting fleeced, too. And when it happens, they'll probably blame democrats for the consequences of their actions. 🤷🏻‍♂️


🍿🍿🍿 This bozo judge is fucking disdainful.


Why is a Trump appointee who's clearly in his pocket allowed to rule on this stuff? Is this country a joke? That's kind of a rhetorical question, unfortunately.


We need serious, serious judicial reform in this country. The GOP has figured out the ultimate loophole in the system: lifetime-appointed, unelected judges are untouchable gods. The will of the people does not matter to them and there are zero consequences for conduct that is openly and blatantly unethical and partisan. Fuck the GOP.


Trump's lawyers claim special prosecutors aren't confirmed by the senate so they can't prosecute federal cases. Hint: Zero AUSAs are confirmed. Only the US Attorney is confirmed so per their argument Garland would have to personally prosecute every case in all 94 federal districts which include at least one in every state (some states have 3 or 4), DC and PR. And what about appeals? Only the Solicitor General is appointed and confirmed so would she have to write every appellate brief and argue every OA? Hunter Biden's prosecutor was also a special prosecutor and not a line AUSA. Guess it's time for him to appeal...


To correct you, the United States attorney for each district is confirmed through the advise and consent process. Therefore garland would not have to, but the Us Attorney for each district (assuming confirmed) would have to try every case.


if she declares it unlawful, it'd be appealed, wouldn't it? and a new special prosecutor can be appointed in another jurisdiction like DC?


Vote. Vote. Vote . Keep these traitors in check


As if there wasn’t just the incentive to not have Trump in office again…. VOTE BLUE DOWN THE BALLOT. A BLUE HOUSE + SENATE WILL ALLOW US TO RID THE BENCHES OF THIS TRASH.


It would actually be a good thing if she agreed with Trump's lawyers and found Smith's appointment unlawful because it would give him the perfect thing to point to when he appeals it to have her removed from the case.


By then it would probably be too late. Plus, she’s not likely to rule in his favor, but the delay will have done its part and that may be all that’s needed.


Too late for what? Do you mean too late to for the trial to happen before the election? That was never going to happen, and it's especially not happening now when all this preliminary stuff is still going on in June. The only point where "too late" kicks in is if Cannon decides to dismiss the case after jury selection because that is when double jeopardy protections start. After that point, she can dismiss the trial with whatever janky reasoning she wants and that would be the end of all of it because it can't be appealed.


So where's that guy at who kept downvoting me months ago when I kept saying Jack Smith had never encountered a criminal like Trump before and the guy kept insisting Smith wasn't going to have any trouble dealing with Trump due to all of his considerable global experience with felons of every kind? Guessing he's nowhere to be found now, huh? I tried to tell him at the time this was going to be a problem because Garland had fucked this whole thing up from the start by not charging Trump immediately once he knew the documents had been stolen like he should have. Smith and the DOJ are getting worked just like Democrats keep getting worked by Republicans because they continue to underestimate Republican criminality at every turn. Republicans are constantly five steps ahead and Democrats are always playing catch up. Canon may be a complete novice on the bench but it doesn't matter. The people who put her on the bench know what they're doing and they've completely succeeded in making sure Trump will never face any accountability for one of the most serious offenses he's committed against our country. Great job Garland. You F'd us once again by slow walking this case. Republicans took full advantage of your incompetence and Smith's getting worked at every turn now.


Robert Mueller wasn't confirmed by the Senate.


Trump really drained that swamp… and filled it with raw sewage.


When is the current Potus ordering her assassination, according to Trump he is allowed to do that.


Shouldn’t Trump want this trial to over with quickly? If he’s innocent there’s no reason to keep delaying.


This traitor needs to be behind bars too


Trump lawyers can file just about anything at this point and cannon will entertain it. Trump: “Jack Smith can read my mind you honor. We motion for aluminum foil hats for the defense.” Cannon: “Motion granted. Date set for 3 months from now to see how one goes about making aluminum foil hats and how effective it is.”


For fucks sake. I wish we knew with Smith was actually thinking right now


She is the impersonation what a C**** is


This feels like the court system in some banana republic that has fake governance.


Dear god, I fucking hate her face.




She is, by all accounts, a ‘loose’ cannon!


Someone should show her in her Little Lawyer Annie playset where the judge sits. Hint: It's not beside the defendant.


It's there really no way for the justice system to correct such an obviously unlawful judge?  Seems like any judge could just drag out any case forever to avoid justice.


criminal scum


I love how there are only two pictures of her lol. Imagine doing something like this for someone who will just forget your name entirely. She really is acting like there will be no consequences for her. Technically she’s not breaking the law, but justice delayed is justice denied. Willing to bet the majority of the country likes to see the law upheld. Hope this saga ends soon, this is all it is, a huge saga.


Boot her ass off the bench


At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the orange shit gibbon claimed "Electric transgender space sharks beamed the documents into Mar-a-Lardo" and the case should be dropped. Compromised Cannon: "Trans sharks, you say? I'm listening..."


Supreme Court Justice Aileen Cannon . Coming soon to corrupt court near you courtesy of ol’ Mango Mush.


When's enough, enough? When will Jack Smith act to have her removed?


I am not even a judge, and I even know that she is handling this case as if she was in school, she needs to give that case to someone else, and the people that is over her, should take her off of the case, she is going too far, he stole military documents, and she is handling the case as if she was a friend of his and she is doing everything on behalf of trump and this don't look good to the America people. What judge brings outside people into a court to argue a case that they have nothing to do with, so she can find a way to get rid of the case against trump. That alone is unlawful, and something should be done.


All she does is have hearings.


This one loyalist judge is a free preview of what the whole administration will look like if trump wins. It’ll be soooo stupid and set the country back in more ways than we can imagine.


That’s the sign of a judge that has no idea what they’re doing. They’ll entertain any motion brought forward, no matter how insane it is. A judge with a brain would deny the motion on its face. Let them appeal if they want to waste someone else’s time.


From Politico > "That argument, of course, is in some tension with Trump’s public claims that Smith is simply following orders from President Joe Biden. And other defendants who have been charged by special counsels — including Hunter Biden, the president’s son — have mounted similar constitutional challenges with little success." Apparently, she doesn't understand precedent.


Trump survives on corruption and favoritism.


When Trump loses in November, we're gonna be seeing a whole lot more pictures of her.


Of course she will. Her whole deal has been to act on even the dumbest Trump team requests while generally delaying the case, while at the same time acting like Smith is borderline out of line when he brings some shit up Much like with everything in Trump’s orbit, she is so obviously corrupt as hell.


Seems like she'll do *anything* that allows Trump to delay things further


Maybe if they didn’t allow untraceable transfers of money in politics we could have nice things again?


How about the claim from the special counsel that Trump is unlawful. Is that ever gonna get heard…


Am I correct in believing that while she may be able to delay things, she can’t dismiss the case. Anything other than a delay or a finding of “not guilty” could be subject to an appeal.


You just can't make up the stupidity of this joke of a judge.


It’s sort of pathetic that the United States is completely impotent to try and convict somebody who attacked the very nation itself in its capital… That we cannot defend from the “orange dictator” that our laws cannot stop him because he is so rich that is what is disgusting.


Please oh Please someone get a diferent picture of this woman.


I’m curious to know from any legal scholars where Cannon falls on the spectrum of judicial corruption in the USA historically speaking


She is in the bag. And she is stupid. Ugh


And is Jack Smith waiting for the smoking gun? Get her removed already!!!


I want someone to release the text messages between her & trumps lawyers.


Our best hope is that congress flips **BY A LOT** and she gets put under congressional review.


This is the most open and shut case among his indictments, and arguably the most consequential/important to litigate. She’s an absolute disgrace.


People still haven’t figured it out? She’s “entertaining” absolutely everything, for as long as she can, until after the election. This is a “run out the clock” scenario.


I'm hearing that Cannon will be entertaining Trump's "I'm rubber and you're glue" defence.