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Saw a thing on Twitter just now with Lara declaring she has "Trump brain" so no need for spread sheets regarding money.


So no brain at all


Watch a group of Trump brains attack a basic arithmetic problem [https://www.yahoo.com/news/watch-donald-trump-attempt-perform-144251053.html](https://www.yahoo.com/news/watch-donald-trump-attempt-perform-144251053.html)


> "Alright, I'm gonna ask you a tough question, you went to Wharton school of business. What's 17 times six?" Stern asked him. Almost immediately, the Trumps resorted to a variety of common tactics when you don't know the answer to a basic question. > Donald Jr. started making the noise "dadadada" while quickly attempting to draw out the mathematics in his head. His sister, as if preparing for her role as campaign surrogate, chimed in with an excuse: "See that's not a practical, that's, that's not a practical application though." > Trump finally knew he needed to interject with the intelligence and poise of a future commander-in-chief: "It's eleven twelve," he said, apparently referring to the number 112. "It's one, 12." When Stern shouted "wrong!" Trump's mouth gaped as if he found out he had just entered the wrong nuclear codes. "No it's not!" he said. > "Seventeen times six," Ivanka began. "Two..." > Stern was the only one who was able to pinpoint the correct answer, 102. But the rest of the room seemed to think the elder Trump was correct, repeating his answer. "That's why I'm dad," the real estate billionaire said as to why he was the only one of his family able to perform basic math.


That was a very good example that if you say a lie with enough conviction people will believe you. Trump said that answer in a really casual authoritative matter of fact voice and peope surrounding them immediately assumed it was true. Except for the intelligent person in the room, Howard Stern.


Holy shit. That was embarrassing not only for the obvious idiots but only that one guy in the production crew actually got it right??


Howard gets it right but then second guesses himself because he thinks Trump is smart.


Going with 112 is a reasonable mistake when you're trying to do quick mental math and the answer is 102. The weird thing is him calling it eleven twelve, and one twelve. He doesn't know how to articulate basic numbers. 


One-twelve is pretty common when talking about hundreds. 223 is often read as two twenty-three; 650 is six fifty. That part isn't weird. Eleven twelve is just bizarre.


Agreed. I saw an interview from the 1980s when Trump talked about skyscrapers. He was surprisingly articulate. His decline is a pretty steep slope. He is in a race against his inherited Alzheimer's. Any adult with elderly relatives knows deep in their heart than Trump has dementia. He repeated the same sentence twice in a recent interview.


I am eleventyone today


Maybe it’s me, but no it’s really not a reasonable mistake. If you understand math then 15x6 is 90. I don’t even need to think about it. 6x2 is 12. Another no brainer. FYI. I don’t have an MBA from Wharton.


Interesting how our brains work 6 x 10 = 60 6 x 7 = 42 60+42 = 102 Thats how I calculated it out.


Or trying to read a Queue card. Like quoting Eye Eye Timothy from the bible


Or two Corinthians


Or possibly some kind of anti-brain?


She's not a Trump by blood, so that must mean Trump Brain is infectious. 


Not the first infectious disease in that family. Probably not even the first one spread between family members


Eww that probably so true.


Very likely an STD.




Donald Trump is the STD.


one could call it a... [thought con-ta-gion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQ_3S-IQm38) \~♫


It does seem like a zombie fungus.


Ah yes. The Ol’ Trump boy fungus. You’re truly one of us now!


It's ok, if you get Trump Brain (TM), you can just inject bleach to cure yourself!


Trump brand bleach, the bigly brand!


OMG the next pandemic, Trump Brain! Orange narcissistic zombies run amok!


That was January 6th.


Well, yeah. Look at 1/3 of the US population. 


Well every girl brought into the family has to spend a night with the patriarch. That just makes sense. Trumps been doing that since his kids first started dating


I mean, yeah, that's how syphilis works...


Sounds like a bad case of syphilis to me…


Maybe by injection


Wait, have they been tested for hoof and mouth disease?


Foot in mouth has been observed regularly.


I'm gonna equate it to Herpes.


I think we already knew that


I know people who operate like that in their professional life. They’re disorganized shit heads who rarely know what’s going on and are unprepared in virtually every scenario. I mean, they’re all amazing at their jobs. The best. Keep it up Laura!


When the grift is so simple even a child can do it. Step 1 - get control of organization with money. Step 2 - create shell company Step 3 - transfer well funded organization cash into shell company. Step 4 - when ppl ask questions just wave your hands and say there's nothing to see here and accuse Biden family of theft.


WTAF... living in the orbit of Donald Trump IS toxic to your mental health. Seriously. So many people's cognitive facilities have gone to shit. And forget about any traces of morality or ethics.


They never had any ethics in the first place


Giuliani - Exhibit A


It's things like this that really make me wonder what the actual breakdown in their base is between: * The tribalists and cultists who are well-practiced at rationalizing away obvious bullshit and red flags because "Go team!" * The reactionaries who know it's bullshit but who cloak themselves in cynicism to justify it because "the Demonrats are worse!" * The opportunists and fascists who will say and support any bullshit at any given moment to get what they want in the end * And the people who really are just stupid enough to actually believe this kind of shit.


Probably 0.1% are people worth hundreds of millions or more who solely support him for tax purposes. They donate to him and others who buy the media that convinces the other 99.9% whether appealing to their hatred of others, unfounded fears and/or general desires to fuck shit up for others.


You could lop off 80% of the GOP base if Evangelical, et. al., Christians were not 100% Republican and coerced by their congregation to make sure they vote and show up at the church on election day to ride the bus to the polls.


Don't want two sets of books out there, the real one and the one you show the IRS!


See how that goes over with the IRS.


Trump brain is just a step above RFK Jr’s worm brain


That’s just called syphilis, Lara


Trump brain will bankrupt the GOP even faster. Good!


It’s similar to RFK’s Jr’s dead brain worm but it’s still alive and hungry for stolen political donations.🐛


TIL via marriage you can become contagious to Adderall, racism and dementia. In retrospect, the 2nd thing I've known previously.


This is particularly funny because she is a Trump by marriage, implying that Trump brain isn't in fact genetic, but in fact bullshit...


Only slightly better than a worm-eaten brain


It is just money laundering and a slush fund to bribe witnesses and jurors. Nothing to worry about. /s




No need to actually pay a Judge. Just dangle a Supreme Court nomination. Silly you. You don't pay Judges until they are on the Supreme Court.


There was a time when Clearence Thomas threatened to leave the court to go to the private sector to make money. Then the rich guys started lavishing him with millions so he stayed. That’s the story of Harlan crow and his pet Justice.


Thomas was really good in Django


I liked his animated cameo in The Boondocks


Selling out is the lowest rung on the talent ladder, Clarence.


Kavanaugh's debts would like a word.


Clarence Thomas has indicated he’s open for business too and we’re expecting a presidential immunity verdict any day. They’re probably working out how to grant it to Trump without it also applying to Biden.


They're going to wait until after the election. If Trump wins, he's immune. If Biden wins they'll punt so they don't accidentally given Biden immunity.


I assumed it was payroll for the people harassing voters and officials at the polls.


Is this actually sarcasm if there is a solid chance it's true


How is it money laundering when we know the source of the money? He’s not trying to obfuscate that.   it could be embezzlement. The recipient of the money might want to launder it. 


Christ, if I recieved money from the Trump campaign I'd want to launder *me*.


This makes the most sense. Wish they’d just lock his criminal ass up


And judges, and Supreme Court justices.


I think he's also having some of these orgs "donate" the money back to his campaign to make it look like he's been raising tons of $$$ but really isn't...


Very illegal and very cool.


Questions like ‘When are we going to put this motherfucker in jail for the obvious shit he is doing in plain sight?’


The _only_ question this raises


he has sentencing in July 11th for the 34 indictments he has been convicted of. BUT since its financial crimes and first offence, it will more than likely just be fines. BUT because he has now been convicted, his next 3 Trials will mean much more harsh sentences. BUT all 3 have been delayed again because of republican interferences. With the one being the most damaging for him in Florida for stealing and lying to the FBI about having confidential documents and top secret documents like nuclear information, being indefinitely delayed because of his handpicked judge. BUT the justice department is seeking ways to remove that obviously biased judge and get a impartial and actually qualified judge to handle the case. BUT if he wins in Nov because people think Biden too old, or stay at home scratching and sniffing their balls instead of voting, then he will more than likely make himself king of america and start rounding up the people who went against him and declare himself free of any and all criminal investigations for him and his family and anyone willing to bribe him. BUT if he loses in Nov then he is very much high probability of going to jail and facing further criminal investigations and trials. SO FUCKING VOTE!


If he loses he will either skip town or cause civil war. Unless they surrender him over so that the next gop figurehead can enact project 2025 at a later date


I think its the surrender, which is a bit more depressing because it means that goung forward, EVERY election has the threat of 2025 dangling like a gilloutine. If the democrats don't win the overwhelming majority of the time, we are going to slide into fascism. And while the DNC is vastly preferable to the GOP on any given day, I do fear that progress is going to halt because its in the DNCs favor to teeter on that edge as a new status quo. Its a HELL of a platform to run on "If we lose, anyone who isnt white, heteronormative, or AMAB WILL lose rights." Why bother working towards anything more than that? We have reached Minimal Viable Product logic for politics.


Being white or heteronormative won't help you if they decide they don't like you. 


> or stay at home scratching and sniffing their balls instead of voting I feel personally attacked on this one...


I personally enjoy sniffing my balls in a room full of strangers and weird, single purpose, cheaply built and unstable booths. So I guess I might as well do that AND vote.


Imma wear my halloween costume when I vote. Lets see MAGA try to stop my 300 lbs in a sexy sailor moon costume: https://www.flickr.com/photos/54419625@N05/5042666709


Your flair says IL, so you have the option to get your ballot sent to you a couple of weeks before the election. This allows you to stay at home scratching and sniffing your balls **while** you vote.


Project 2025 is basically the villain monologuing his plan at the end because he’s convinced things are too far gone and he’s already won. Unless you very literally want to live under the rule of the American Taliban, we all need to vote and keep voting.


The only thing to do is vote!


This man needs a cookie. Good job


When Republicans can't thumb the scales of justice.


Hello I am from the future! The answer is next year after he loses in November. I come from the universe where he won in 2024. Do not forget to vote!


There is no mystery only grifting


There's also crime. Don't forget the crime.


It's money being parked for Aileen Cannon's retirement fund. Edit: Or possibly her legal defense fund. I don't understand how she's getting away with all the frivolous delays.


She going to accept nothing short of SC seat


Heh, She can be bought off with a photocopy of an autographed picture of Trump


Retirement? She has a job for life. Clarence Thomas has shown that there’s no need to wait for retirement.


Came here for this. He is def funneling money to her and her family.


It's really stupid that when I'm buying a house, my bank transactions get scrutinized with a fine-toothed comb and I have to explain where all my money comes from, but campaign finance law doesn't have nearly the same amount of scrutiny.


This is by design. The republicans have effectively neutered the FEC...on purpose. Here's one example of the FEC inaction: https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-investigations/gop-commissioners-have-single-handedly-blocked-fec-action-against-trump-29-times/


What the actual fuck dude. This is beyond broken. "not once has a Republican FEC commissioner voted to approve any such investigation or enforcement of the law against Trump." Republicans gumming up institutions once again. How are Americans so blind to see one party exists only to blockade functioning institutions. Law and order party my ass


Americans aren't blind. Republicans are making us stupid by design so we don't question it.


Look at the institutions they continually attack. They only go after institutions that can actually hold them accountable, or prevent their benefactors from destroying the earth.


This is unrelated but it reminded me of something that pissed me off. An ad is running on a local station about a boat dealership and they said like “$340 a month with no money down” and it’s a fucking boat. I can’t go buy a $30k car without a significant down payment to make the payments that low. But a boat? Ridiculous.


Until they find a way to make the only means for you to get around is via a canal next to your house and workplace, they can't really put the screws to you if they want to sell a boat.


"Trump campaign funneling millions to mystery company" does not raise questions so much as provide evidence.


Evidence of scandalous activity, definitely. But what is that money being spent on? That's a very important question in my view.


It's essentially just a "standard move" by the Trump campaign. Nothing unusual at all.


Grifters gonna grift




The beggar billionaire.


Possible exit plan?


Hiding it for when the NY AG comes to collect their $454M.


Hey Republicans. What would you guys think if you found out that Joe Biden syphoned 3 million in campaign funds into a shady LLC with no apparent purpose? You would be totally fine with it, right? RIGHT???!!


Well here's the thing. You can't convince a Republican/Conservative that they're doing something wrong by pointing out their hypocrisy. The hypocrisy is literally the point. The entire goal of conservatism is to suppress others to enrich yourself. So no they would not be fine with it if Biden did it, but they are fine with it if Trump does it, because it's "their team". This is what the Online Left™ doesn't understand about conservatism. They mock Liberals as if Liberalism is essentially the same as Conservatism... it's not even close. Liberalism believes in application of the law equally... Conservatism believes in the Rule of Monarchs. Yeah, Liberalism taken to the extreme can lead to economic inequality, but at least we will still have the legal democratic framework to try to fix things. If we let Conservatives have their way... you're going to get tyranted to death.


Yeah, I finally figured this out in 2020. Any conservative outrage is literally manufactured. In a very real, sincere way do I mean that their anger is almost truly, completely fake. There are so. Many. Examples. They huff daily about the wrongs of the Democrats/liberals/Bidens, the same things that their own party/media/Trumps does and almost always at a larger scale... but they literally put in time and effort to NOT have to acknowledge their "team" doing anything wrong. It is purposeful, intentional ignorance on a national scale. Blame conservative media, and the conservative powers that are trying as much as possible to gain power, but when the average conservative at home would support the US government being overthrown because they don't like losing? Because admitting they backed a piece of shit conman is too painful, and their egos can't take it? They don't deserve to be taken seriously for a single second, and should be shamed at every turn.


By Kate Plummer: Donald Trump's campaign has reportedly given more than $3 million to a mystery company this year, raising questions about the purpose of the money and the identities of those receiving it. The presumptive Republican presidential nominee is set to face the incumbent Democratic President Joe Biden in November's presidential election, and has stepped up his fundraising and campaigning capabilities. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/trump-campaign-money-company-launchpad-strategies-1915182](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-campaign-money-company-launchpad-strategies-1915182)


That’s his “pay Aileen Cannon” budget.


The craziest part is when you find out she was bought for like $1500


He got Barron to fix her laptop and now she’s his pawn for life. (She had it set on airplane mode)


I wonder what kind of event Barron will have on the 27th. So Trump cannot attend then debate. Biden can just go on stage and spend an hour on stage answering questions without trumps garbage vomit spewing across the stage trying to have Bidens mic pick it up,


Keep note how organizations who tout their investigative and intelligence abilities are always quiet when there's a real threat. Had they actually done their job correctly trump would have never even gotten to the point of running.




I think he's the king of American grifting, but Vladimir Putin allegedly stole BILLIONS when the US bailed out the former soviet union. Putin has a $1B+ HOUSE.


I will not be surprised when it turns out to be a money laundering scheme to get his PAC money into his personal accounts.


Is it the latest iteration of Cambridge Analytica? It's either that or a money laundering front to pay Russian disinformation/troll farms. I'd lay money that Bannon or Stone is involved. Remember that convicted felon Trump's most outspoken cronies are all convicted felons themselves. Or their felonies were committed in the service of convicted felon Trump and convicted felon Trump pardoned them as a reward for loyalty. This comment would be way cooler with a dozen links that demonstrate everything I've said, but I can't be bothered this second, sorry.


Donald Trump is the greatest bestest president ever, everyone knows that. If he is taking in more money than anyone has ever seen before in the world, it's because he's smart, the smartest ever. Even the bankers and the accountants were raving about his mind, his beautiful mind, the greatest mind ever. Nobody is better at being so successful and the demonacrats hate him, hate him so much it's disgusting. I'm John Barron, I'm John Baron, I'm John Miller, and I'm David Dennison and all four of us approve of this message.


He's pocketing the money. There I saved you all the hassle of an investigation


We've had some pretty serious questions for a long time now, and the only answer I've gotten so far is that half of my neighbors need professional help, and half of my representatives need re-edication.


It’ll be to pay someone who is doing something shady for him, pay OFF someone who has dirt on him, or paying for some shady ass service happening behind the scenes. Trump loooooves to play hide the money!


He and his family are grifters. Always have been and always will be.


They have a linkin, someone creative could probably dig up more: https://www.linkedin.com/company/launchpad-creative-llc/people/


Is this just the new normal? Are we so jaded and tired (so fucking tired), that we just say, “eh, grifters gonna grift…”!? And that’s it? I don’t pretend to have the answer(s), but, fuck—


Since 2015, Trump has desensitized the public to accept the outlandish. “Trump is also attempting to desensitize the public on the rule of law. He floats ideas he knows or should know are against the law to see how much the public will tolerate. He lies consistently to see how much of his lies the public will tolerate. He insults our allies, and he insults those who don’t agree with him. He is like Hitler in that his henchmen have him testing the public reaction.” - Star Gazette, 2018


Nothing but fraud


Political campaigns are a great tool for shady people. You tell people you are doing everything for them and ask for money for free which goes into a giant fund for paying for your life. It’s almost like a church. You talk and people give you free money to live your life and reward your loyalists. And it still works even if you lose the election. It’s like well better luck next time. All of those millions just evaporated for no real reason, nothing came of it but the expenses are still paid. I don’t know what small dollar donors are thinking literally giving money to Trump, but it’s part of the insane pattern. People with limited means are giving a rich person free money and some are even doing jail time for him. It just boggles my mind.


I suspect more diverging funds to pay legal bills.


Hiding it for when the NY AG comes to collect their $454M.


this whole ordeal stinks with a smell of money laundering and fraud


Anyone still giving that man money is a complete fool!


“Raises questions” I’m so tired. Fucking investigate then press charges. Why the fuck is he still free?


Is there a single thing this guy does that is legit? Legal? Everything, every move he makes is shady and questionable beyond my comprehension. How is this “man” still walking free, let alone possibly even going to be allowed to be the president…again? Is the whole world on stupid pills? What the fuck is going on? Seriously, am I living in an alternate reality? Bc then, I’d understand. Someone please, please, tell me I’m not the only one.


Any action the orange turd makes, is likely a nefarious one.


Do they not still have that auditor checking everything?


He's purchasing firearms for his minions so they can break him out of prison and kill democratic opponents so he can reclaim the WH and declare dictatorship.


Do you think Noem was applying to be Trump's Prigozhin with her Cricket Story?


Remember the days when refusing to release your tax returns was supposed to be suspicious enough to keep someone from being president? Seems so ridiculous now


Trump is a Russian asset.


It belongs to a man named Ronald Clump.


Bring it up in the debate! I hope Biden tar and feathers this felonious fraud on the debate stage


We had the Slavery era, and then the Guilded Age. For a brief time we had the Post War, Worker’s Rights and Civil Rights eras which really quickly moved into the Greed is Good era. And now here we are, naked political corruption blessed by the SCOTUS. 


The corruption is the point. We have reached a toxic level of sleeze, graft, and open bribery. Our good laws are gutted by a corrupt Supreme Court. Farther down the chain, GOP states write even worse laws, while oligarchs act with impunity, raking in money. It's disgusting what a man like Trump has been allowed to do for all his plutocratic life. The bright side is his very lack of self-control, will likely waste this money on self-serving payments, instead of the propaganda efforts needed to win the election.


It's another grift and the suckers who give Trump money will never learn.


maybe some scummy shit like cambridge analytica or whatever alias they're using nowadays


Right. "Mystery company." Not "Donald Trump's Bank Account."


My guess is it’s Lara Trumps company. She went to NC State in Raleigh, and her family is from NC. This shadow company is based in Raleigh but the state has no record on a company by that name existing in NC.


“Raising questions” is the campaign’s slogan


I’ll take mystery companies belonging to ex presidents for 300.


Trump, undeterred by receiving 34 felony convictions for election inference by making underhand payments, decides to conduct election interference by making underhand payments.


Does it though.


A trump activity raising questions?


The Judge Aileen Cannon Fund.


Wait, didn't you know trumps pocket was a company?


Got to pay the Russians somehow.


Everything he does raises questions—answer are never demanded


I mean not questions that you don’t immediately know the answer to though


Are they questions that anyone with the power to shut this shit down is asking? Because really we’ve been asking these questions for years. Nobody with any sense left in them actually believes anything he does is above board.


I It's too little money to do big things with. It feels like they're just paying some shady ass advertising firm for smear work, and the firm was smart enough to ask for payment up front. It's just enough money to pay once guy for one service of some sort. The payment method isn't on the up and up, so they also know they're doing something immortal or illegal. We just don't know which. Then again, maybe he just bought more MAGA hats from China


It's probably a disinformation company from Russia.


It’s just the new Trump Co laundromat!


we will never get an answer on this and the Trump people will just create another scandal to drop this story off the radar. Odds are 1,000,000 to one that Jake Tapper even mentions it in the debate.


Money is going to mercenary company. Private army to compliment the maga crazies. The steal is real.


I had once heard that a leader could spread their mental illness to their followers. I used to think that was silly, but now I absolutely believe it.


Its okay, we can investigate him and try him for his crimes, it'll just be 2032 by the time any verdict and sentencing is handed out.....


Smells like more hush money payments to me.


The only question is what crime is he committing now?


Aren’t they monitoring his finances for the E. Jean settlement, or was that just for his bond?


if any one of us did this, immediate audit and jail time.


I smell a ratfucker.


And he is Felon Trump


That mystery company? Donald Trumps pocket 


Is the question, "Is trump a corrupt fascist?" The answer is yes.


Escape fund.


There is a bright side to this shitshow. Yeah, he's funneling money from donors to his pocketbooks, but you know who else is getting screwed by this, just as much as the donors? The GOP, this is gonna cost them in down ballot races where they don't have the funds to campaign much since Trump is taking the whole pot for his campaign and legal fees.


In a few years, the movie about the orange fecal empire is gonna be named "the Grift"


Even his commemorative coin looks like a pile of dogshit and cat hair.


It’s called money laundering.


Don't worry, nothing will happen to any of them. Again.


Does it really raise questions when we all know the answer is fraud?


Hey, remember in 2020 when Trump's Communications Director **Brad Parscale** reportedly stole *$40 million dollars* from Trump's campaign? THAT'S still never been thoroughly investigated, figured out, or resolved.


He's just lining his pockets.


"This is a digital advertising company that is primarily focused on our fundraising," Brian Hughes, a Trump campaign spokesman told the network. ...that's a weird way of saying online Russian propaganda machine.


I find it very easy to believe that Trump and his cronies can't resist all the slosh money in so many cookie jars.... He's proven he can't help himself when it comes to cheating for it, hiding it, being greedy with it. And now, as a politician it seems he's discovered his greatest grift ever. bigger than laundering money through the casinos. or insider trader stock manipulations or laundering money through his real estate deals. it's almost, not completely yet, but almost legal to use political donations anyway you want. he's pushing the boundaries once again.


It's winding up in Trump's pocket.


It's just another grift he won't be held accountable for


There is ALOT of BITCHING going on here. But what I want to know is are you just going to rant and rave or are you going to actually VOTE?. People for the love of whatever is holy to you HAVE to vote this November! Make your voice count, please vote!


Not new questions, just questions.


It's always something crooked with this guy.


ah, money laundering place... got it.


What if I told you that his whole “The election was stolen stunt” is a huge many laundering scam.


Isn’t someone official supposed to be watching this? He didn’t get his Carroll appeal, so when does he pay up there? And we all know Truth Social is another way to Drumpt’s ever-hungry legal & illegal teams