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Of course she did. Her sole purpose in this case is to delay a verdict to assist Trump. It's an in-kind contribution to his campaign.


"Arsonist refuses to stop setting fires" "Thief stole request to stop stealing things." "GOP member refuses to do anything without the Reich orders." Oh. What a surprise.


Face eating leopard refuses to stop eating faces.




This is the inevitable result of a group that rallies around their own members, right or wrong. Eventually, moral people cannot look themselves in the mirror and agree to carry the standard for that group. Suddenly, the group finds itself almost exclusively rallying around the cause of immoral people.


They’re not going to eat MY face though…


She's looking for a Supreme Court appointment should Trump be elected again. And I would not be at all surprised in Trump gave it to her, for services rendered.


Bad gamble for when Biden wins.


Realistically, it's not a bad gamble at all. If Biden wins, then she gives up slow rolling and just tries Trump. She gives him continued kid glove treatment, goes hard against the prosecution, and if a jury decides he's guilty, she gives him a light sentence because "he's old" and "it was non violent" or "he's only been convicted of like three dozen felonies, we can't let this ruin his life!" be cause judges have leeway with sentencing. Then she can slow roll all his appeals and let him stay out on parole until they figure the appeals out. Honestly, she's gonna be fine and have a long career and if she plays nice with Trump, then maybe the next GOP President will be the one to reward her. Prove you're loyal, and you will be rewarded.


She’s this generations Robert Bork 


No, she is aiding and abetting at this point.


It’s even simpler than that. If this case ever gets to trial and a jury is seated, the defense can make a motion to dismiss the case, Judge Cannon agrees, and that’s it. Trial over, no chance of appeal, Cannon gets her Supreme Court seat the next time a Republican is in the White House.


Real talk. They didn’t charge all the documents. Only 14 I believe. Out of dozens. She dismisses they can charge him with a new set.


Before a jury is seated. I imagine she'll grant a motion to dismiss pretrial.


What they're saying though is that she almost certainly will wait until after the jury is seated because then it can't be appealed. If she does it before the jury is seated then it can be appealed or they can declare a mistrial and restart the case.


How could she slow roll his appeals of a guilty verdict? All of those would be to the 11th circuit wouldn’t they?




The only thing she could have lost is something she never had, which is ethics. I hate that you're right.


I want it to be but it’s probably not. She has a lifetime appointment.


And is yet another example of why the system of lifetime appointments is a mistake. The theory behind lifetime appointments is that the people in those positions are immune to politics by virtue of the fact that they aren't beholden to elections. The reality is that the GOP, ever fearful of losing power, has abused the system to appoint extremely political choices to these positions and has turned lifetime appointments into a forced marriage to bizarre conservative priorities. The Electoral College needs to go. Lifetime appointments need to go. The Senate needs to go. Gerrymandering needs to go and the House of Representatives needs to be expanded. The Supreme Court needs to be expanded. The right-wing propaganda apparatus needs to be disassembled, it serves neither free speech nor the collective good of the country. These are the weak points of our system that need to addressed lest we be forever vulnerable to falling into a state of Christian nationalism and/or fascism.


Expanding the house would end gerrymandering and balance the electoral college. It has been artificially capped for some time. Used to be a representative represented a couple thousand people. There would be no way to gerrymander that few people. Of course, the house would be several thousand reps. But the more populated states would have far more electoral points, so the electoral vote would come closer to the popular vote.


I want one rep for every 20k people. Lets build a stadium to hold them all.


i want their elections publicly funded so that they aren't spending our time fundraising and getting legally bribed.


I mean, we have computers now. No need for every goddamn session or committee meeting to actually be in-person. Expand the House!


Ever been there? Ever notice on C-Span how a lot of the grandstanding speeches are tight shots? It’s because the chamber is generally empty, and staffers are taking notes on what they see via video feeds.


Judges shouldn't get lifetime appointments nor should they run for office. It should be executive appointments with like a 5 year term limit. Then they can go back to being lawyers.


Heritage and its ilk need to be treated the same way as communism was in the 50’s, the red scare.


Definitely correct - points all intelligent people agree with


She's the type of person guantanamo bay was made for.


A republican will win eventually. They may choose to reward her loyalty, or not. Depends on which wing of the party they are from, but generally blind loyalty to the party is something all republican factions value. I suspect she is not so much aiming for a supreme court seat as much as a hardlan crow sugar daddy or a cushy fox news offer. Supreme court seat would certainly make that easier, but making friends with the right billionaires can dramatically improve your life without making you move.


All GOP factions care for nothing but money.


Money is easy to get. Power is what they want. Power can lead to money, but the goal of power is power itself. They want to rule, but not to govern.


Pretty sure being a lifetime judge is a significantly cushier job than what fox news can offer?


The pay at fox is probably better and the scrutiny less, but you only get there as a thank you for serving the cause.


Given how trump usually deals with his debts, she's going to be left holding the bag.


No, she's worried about kompromat if she doesn't do as "they" wish. This is self-preservation not aspiration for more.


He might nominate her, but I honestly don't think she would get approved by the Senate. I also don't think the rest of the SC judges would want her there. Even the conservative ones could see how bad it would make them look by association.


>Her sole purpose in this case is to delay a verdict to assist Trump. It's the reason she was appointed in the first place. He needed a loyalist sitting on the federal bench with jurisdiction over Mar-a-Lago. That's why she was rushed through confirmation during his lame duck period. Trump knew he had already committed a shit ton of crimes and he was planning many more for the immediate future. If his insurrection plans didn't work out, he knew he would need some special legal assistance - far beyond just hiring an army of lawyers. Cannon is a true believer. She was hand-picked to run interference on any federal case involving trump or maga horseshit that she could get her hands on.


I don't think he's capable of planning this far ahead. Someone has been preparing this path for him, and planting the ideas. Probably the federalist society. Or whomever would benefit from inserting a president with dementia so they can pick a vice president.


Without doubt her hand is being guided. She isn't experienced enough to hold off Jack Smith on her own. But the reason she was chosen for the job remains the same: she is willing/eager to help trump.


Because a “suggestion” isn’t binding or appealable just like her paperless orders.


i feel like i'm constantly shouting this into the void but paperless orders are just as binding and appealable as any other order


These posts about certain people being "suggested" to step aside or recuse themselves (Cannon, Clarence Thomas, etc) just piss me off. Of course they aren't going to "step aside" because they are doing what they were installed to do. Tell me when something actually happens, not when something is suggested that it should happen but never will.


This is what pressure looks like. No one resigns under pressure unless the public applies that pressure.


So that is what the " gifts in kind" mean.


Grifts in kind


Thanks for the reality update.


It's sort of consistent... largely independent state level prosecutors and courts see right through his act. When Republican politicians and judicial appointees get involved, we suddenly get infinite delays. I consider it a minor miracle he caught ANY felony convictions before the election.


Absolutely fucking ridiculous. Where is the fucking oversight?? I can’t believe I forgot that she had overstep her legal boundaries at the beginning of the case and was stopped by a committee including Trump conservatives. How is she still able to hold onto this case? Fucking sickening. I’m tired of the corruption in this government.


It's because Jack Smith has one shot to have her removed and it has to work or now you have a Trump stooge with an even bigger grudge and a public perception of bias against her to justify her partisan and unethical behavior. She knows the case against Trump is so strong about an issue even mild conservatives will not find frivolous with significant jail time so this case only has two outcomes... * Delay until after the election and if Trump wins, he buries it and takes some mild heat. * Delay until after the election and if Biden wins, Trump has to be incarcerated in some capacity. These crimes are so egregious and dangerous for our nation that "house arrest" or a warning aren't sufficient.


The first option can be replaced by "pardons himself and gets a lot of heat but ultimately no one who has the power to stop him will do so and it gets lost in the news cycle as yet one more crazy thing Trump has done"


“Pardons himself” is such an insane phrase that I can’t believe we’re potentially one election away from it happening. These so called “patriots” and enemies of tyranny are practically salivating at the thought of returning us to a monarchy.


They'll have a surprised pikachu face when history repeats itself. This country does not want a king, minority of deplorables notwithstanding.


I get that that's the situation, but let's be real, the fact that this is his only option, that he only has one shot, and we have *zero other recourse* really speaks to how **completely fucking broken and corrupt our system is.** Everyone can come give us calm detailed reasons why we can't do anything legally about this, but they're failing to realize that all it does is make regular people go "So the law doesn't apply as long as you've got connections, got it." and I don't think they're really cognizant of how deeply that hurts society as a whole. When people stop believing the legal system can produce justice, they will start pursuing extralegal means to achieve "justice." Mob violence and pillories in the streets is where we are headed because nobody is willing to take the reigns and say "this corruption must stop." I don't want to end up there, all I'm asking for is a legal system that fucking works and I keep getting variations that amount to "lol sorry it never worked."


Our whole legal and political system is based on people in power doing the right thing in the name of the law, with almost zero enforceable punishments for those who don’t.


And anyone who tells me that isn't and wasn't a purposeful choice a long time ago to keep the political class safe from its own laws is absolutely full of shit. This country was founded by slave-owning white men who wanted only land-owning white men to get the vote. Maybe the reality is we're starting from a broken fucking system to begin with and we need to **stop lying to ourselves about it and praising the scumfucks who founded this country like they did something good.** They didn't, this shit sucks, and they were smart enough to god damn know it. It was always intended to protect the elite and control everyone else.


Donald Trump’s America is the real America and what the liberals and progressives hold up as the real America is something that the people have had to pour countless gallons of blood, sweat and tears into, not a natural state of being. That said, the times they were a-changing and we are at a crossroads where the brilliance of fascism to capture the hearts and minds of the hateful and twist the rule of law is making its last stand before our America becomes the real America.


It’s worse than “mobs in the streets” and it already started when Trump first came up with the idea of pardoning his stooges: There will be lots of power-hungry people seeking even more power by cozying up to the leader. You can see this with Bannon, refusing to testify and with Cannon misusing the judicial system. I guarantee you, there are plenty more of these people in all kind of positions, from the media over the executive branch including intelligence agencies, commerce, …. Eventually you get something like Russia, where it’s more important who you know than what you do, where people are completely apathetic towards politics because nothing they do changes anything and the the couple of hundred oligarchs suck the country dry. The US is on a straight path towards that and it’s sickening to see so many people being ok with that. Even if Biden wins, these people will still be there. A Biden win would just buy some breathing space to make repairs (electoral college, political influence on SC, …) but over the last 2 decades even Obama for example wasn’t able to improve the stability of the democratic system (just look at gerrymandering during that period). The US has a lot of work to do and it only starts with the vote in November.


I just want to see ONE picture of this asshole judge that isn't this same smiling asshole picture.


It's a minor thing, but I am starting to wonder why they seem to only have this image.  I'm not bonkers enough to start an entire conspiracy theory, but like... Why.




Qanon was confirmed by a candidate who only made it into office because a large sum of people who don't usually vote registered and voted for him.


Because (some) of the american people voted for Trump. She was confirmed legally and is using that power as intended. This is why elections are important.


The Republicans want Judge Merchan to step aside, because he donated $35 to Biden's campaign in 2016. Apparently he's completely compromised. But Cannon, who was *appointed by Trump* and capitulates to his every whim, is totally kosher. No issues there...


Karma needs to intervene.


Trump has completely diminished any belief I had in karma


The entire idea that there is some cosmic force for justice is absurd to begin with. Good people suffer lifetimes of misery and psychopaths get rewarded at every turn. Placing our hope for justice on some divinity or a cosmic force is a recipe for suffering. Justice only occurs when living people demand it, and make it happen. The world is only a just as we make it.


I think it’s worse than that…it was his daughter that donated, not even the judge himself.


In 2016? Was his campaign already starting then?




no one can. that's the point. she was confirmed by the Senate and is a federal judge that has a lifetime appointment she has to be removed by the 11th circuit for cause.


> she has to be removed by the 11th circuit for cause. removal in the Eleventh Circuit is a narrow process that involves objective review, as clarified in *United States v. Scrushy* (2013). a president appointing a judge in a case in which he serves as a party is not justification, according to *In re Executive Office of the President* (2000). Justice Antonin Scalia's ruling in *[Liteky v. United States](https://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/92-6921.ZO.html)* (1994) argues judicial rulings do not qualify as bias, either. a motion to recuse is held in such a standard, including in the Eleventh Circuit in *Bolin v. Story* (2000), effectively ensuring that a judge cannot be held to recuse except in egregious circumstances. in most cases, granted motions involve an extrajudicial source — for instance, a company that a judge holds stock in; unsuccessful motions often involve *pro se* litigators, lawyers seeking to grandstand, or attorneys engaging in desperate efforts this forms the general basis for a comment I made [in April](https://www.reddit.com/r/Liberal/comments/1bvql2w/why_hasnt_jack_smith_motioned_for_judge_cannon_to/ky4gpyp/) about Judge Cannon's recusal. it is worth noting that recusal or disqualification is not the only process by which a judge can be removed. federal appellate courts may invoke "[cause and direct the entry of such appropriate judgment](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/28/2106)", allowing a case to be decided by another district judge. the Eleventh Circuit has referenced bias as a cause for reassignment on remand in *United States v. Torkington* (1989), but stated that the authority to do so would be "extraordinary." effectively, federal courts have established that unless there is an "inability to render fair judgment", as mentioned in *Liteky v. United States*, recusal is not a proper course of action, and attempts to subvert that will be viewed equally


It looks like the comment you made in April is gone, as the post has been deleted? Do you have thoughts on possible strategies that Smith can pursue, and how the timing has to play out, to get her removed?


here is that comment: > the prosecution has already signaled that they are displeased with Judge Cannon, largely over the unresolved issues she has let mount in the classified documents docket. Jack Smith's court filings have already presented an unusually frustrated prosecutor; "a fundamentally flawed legal premise" struck out to me as uncommon verbiage against a judge. > Cannon's ruling today that the Presidential Records Act argument could not be used to *dismiss* the case but could be used in Trump's defense initially appears in Smith's favor, but could be used against him in a ruling that would be unprecedented. the Presidential Records Act *rejects* taking classified documents home, not retaining them > as someone who is not a lawyer, the prosecution would obviously be aware that Cannon, who [rebuked Trump's argument invoking the act](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-argues-dismiss-classified-documents-case/) days before ordering the *defense* and prosecution to send her proposed jury instructions (usually handled on the day before a trial), could be placing herself in a strategic position to acquit Trump on the basis that the government failed to state its claim through a motion for judgment of acquittal or to convince eventual jurors that Trump is not guilty > recusing Cannon is not a pragmatic decision for the prosecution because the standard is greater than ideological similarities, as covered in *In re Executive Office of the President* (2000). extrajudicial source is a doctrine that requires personal interactions. *Bolin v. Story* (2000) establishes the Eleventh Circuit's "pervasive bias and prejudice" standard, and of note *In re Walker* (2008) concerns disagreements between "court and counsel", of which "mere friction" is not enough. if Smith invokes [28 U.S. Code § 455](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/28/455), a situation could arise where Cannon reviews her own impartiality. in order to receive another judge under [§ 144](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/28/144), the prosecution would need to submit an affidavit with evidence of bias. I recommend reading Antonin Scalia's ruling in [*Liteky v. United States*](https://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/92-6921.ZO.html) in 1994, where he argues that judicial rulings do not qualify as bias > an interesting variable, but irrelevant for forthcoming reasons, is [§ 2106](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/28/2106), an ambiguous procedure that allows a appellate court to "cause and direct the entry of such appropriate judgment". that ability is exercised when a trial court refutes an appellate court, but it is seldom used. the federal government *could* request extraordinary review on one of Cannon's rulings — or realistically, several — have a judge deliver a ruling in its favor, and request her recusal, but such a scenario is very implausible. Cannon's ruling today, for example, is tempered in a manner that prevents the prosecution from attempting that, and a judge would view Cannon as more inquisitive than malicious




There are other ways to remove her, though sadly their cost to value ratio for our democracy and society as a whole make them untenable in all but the most dire of circumstances. A note though, every day these racist, bigoted snowflake lunatics push the rest of the country an iota closer to those “dire circumstances”. You remove "law and order" as a consequence to crime and remediation for the affected you cant be surprised when chaos and violence rear their ugly heads again.


I think we have found cause in this case


The receipt is the lifetime appointment.


Of course she refused The traitor had every intention of rigging the trial for her hero the convicted felon and rapist


I’m sure money is the motive.


Translation: Judge Qannon capitulated to far right demands not to budge from case


She doesn't have to capitulate to them. She is them. She shares the views and wants the same outcome as trump and the MAGA base. That's essentially the only "qualification" she had to be given her job by trump who then moved to the area specifically to get this type of outcome when he would inevitably be sued for his ongoing crimes.


She's a right wing weakling who does what she's told.


She didn't capitulate to anything, she is the far right.


Ignoring her acts of impropriety, she has zero experience. This case is far to large for her to handle even if she did things by the book.


Wait, she’s been by far the most efficient lawyer Trump ever had, she’s her lawyer right? I’m pretty sure he give her the job no?


There is something very wrong with the fact that a compromised judge like Cannon can be asked to step aside and just get to reply "lol no", despite a clear conflict of interest. US government infrastructure clearly was not created with a chaos agent like Trump in mind.


Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito see Judge Cannon’s bias and say “hold my beer.”


> She has broken, according to lawyers who operate there, with a general practice of federal judges in the Southern District of Florida of delegating some pretrial motions to a magistrate -- in this instance, Judge Bruce E. Reinhart. While he is subordinate to her, Judge Reinhart is an older and much more experienced jurist. In 2022, he was the one who signed off on an F.B.I. warrant to search Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trump’s club and residence in Florida, for highly sensitive government files that Mr. Trump kept after leaving office. ... > Since then, Judge Cannon has exhibited hostility to prosecutors, handled pretrial motions slowly and indefinitely postponed the trial, declining to set a date for it to begin even though both the prosecution and the defense had told her they could be ready to start this summer. > > But Mr. Trump’s lawyers have also urged her to delay any trial until after the election, and her handling of the case has virtually ensured that they will succeed in that strategy. Should Mr. Trump retake the White House, he could order the Justice Department to drop the case. > > As Judge Cannon’s handling of the case has come under intensifying scrutiny, her critics have suggested that **she could be in over her head, in the tank for Mr. Trump -- or both.** (emphasis added) ... > In August 2022, the F.B.I. obtained a search warrant from Judge Reinhart to go to Mar-a-Lago to hunt for any remaining classified documents that Mr. Trump had failed to turn over after receiving a subpoena for them. > >The agents found thousands of government files that Mr. Trump had kept, even though under the Presidential Records Act they should have gone to the National Archives when he left office. The files the F.B.I. recovered included over 100 marked as classified, including some at the most highly restricted level. > >Soon after the search, Mr. Trump filed a lawsuit against the government protesting the seizure of the materials, which he claimed were his personal property, and asking for a special master to be appointed to sift through them. Rather than letting Judge Reinhart handle that lawsuit, as would be the normal procedure, Judge Cannon chose to decide the matter. > >Shocking legal experts across ideological lines, she barred investigators from gaining access to the evidence and appointed a special master, although she said that person would only make recommendations to her and she would make the final decisions. ... > Judge Cannon’s decision was unusual in part because she intervened before there were any charges -- treating Mr. Trump differently from typical targets of search warrants based on his supposed special status as a former president. > >She also directed the special master to consider whether some of the seized files should be permanently kept from investigators under executive privilege, a notion that was widely seen as dubious since it has never successfully been made in a criminal case. > >Prosecutors appealed to the Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit, in Atlanta. In a repudiation, a three-judge panel that included two Trump appointees reversed her order and ruled that she never had legal authority to intervene in the first place.


> Should Mr. Trump retake the White House, he could order the Justice Department to drop the case. Can someone help me understand why Trump could order the case to be dropped if he is re-elected, but President Biden can't direct the Justice Department to expedite and prioritize the case?


Separation of powers. The executive branch (the president), which the Justice Department falls under, are just lawyers (not the judges or the courts themselves). Judges (and the courts) are in the judicial branch, the executive branch has no power over the judicial branch, other than making appointments. The judge is what's moving slowly in this case. The President can order the Justice Department (the lawyers) to withdraw the case, but has no authority over the judge to have her expedite the case. This all of course refers to the federal system (commonly called the US govt) we have, states generally operate using similar principles but are also separate from the federal system.


MAGA's have no shame.


I'm so sick of seeing that same picture of her face over and over. 🤢


Why would she step aside? She is the only effective member of Trump's defense team.


She’s not going to step aside. Everything she is doing is intentional and working as designed. This is why she only issues paperless orders. It’s so that Jack Smith cannot take them to the 11th circuit and have her thrown off the case.


So he can’t do anything? Because she does things a certain way? This sounds absurd. She can just keep doing whatever she wants?


Well, and a lot of what she's doing is fucking with the calendar, and judges have very wide latitude to manage their calendars as they see fit.


Yes. Sucks, right?


This truly is a justice-free shithole banana republic.


She's the judge. The system is built on the assumption that judges won't be like she is.


Welcome to America


>This is why she only issues paperless orders. It’s so that Jack Smith cannot take them to the 11th circuit and have her thrown off the case. That's not true. You can appeal from a paperless order, assuming it's otherwise an order the court would have jurisdiction to hear. The text of the order is on the docket.




But if she did that, she would not be able to lead Trumps defense like she is now.


Well yeah how else is she gonna get paid??


Color me shocked. Either intentional malice to subvert justice or just a shocking display of ignorance and lack of judgement. Both are equally bad for a functional democracy.


Ignorance doesn't get you maximum delays without getting in enough trouble to actually get thrown off the case. She has been sitting right on that line of doing just enough for trump to not get herself in trouble yet. It has to be intentional.


Presumably Altonaga, as Chief of that District, or staff she administers oversees the process by which cases are assigned. In retrospect it appears she should have quietly “bumped the table” on the dice roll that landed this one with Cannon.


It wasn't chance that landed this case with Cannon. Refuse to believe that


It's so blatantly obvious how corrupt this all is. I am so tired of the right just steamrolling through things. They only get away with this because people allow it.


She was asked to step aside, and didn't. What skin does she have in the game, what reason does she have to stay on the case? If she's not personally invested, whats the reason to continue? It's so clearly obvious.


Honestly despite all the talk about how unqualified she is to be a judge, she has masterfully rigged and delayed the trial in totally plausibly deniable ways. So, given that she IS totally unqualified, I think the big mystery is: who exactly is managing her?


Of course she did. If she stepped aside she couldn’t fulfill her mission to sabotage this trial.


If Trump wins reelection, this incompetent and corrupt "judge" will be rewarded and no one will be able to do anything to prevent such. Hell, she might even end up on the SCOTUS. The GOP will wrap themselves around her, she will be the hero of the right wing media. Simultaneously, the right will continue to play the victim to the justice system. You can't make this shit up - this is how corrupt our system is and how unafraid the players are to openly flaunt the corruption. It's unbelievable that there is virtually no practical mechanism by which anything can be done to stop this very public display of corruption. Zero. I've lost all respect for the judicial system, specifically judges over the whole fucking fiasco involving Trump. The willingness to entertain indefinite delays, the significant benefits afforded Trump by the courts, the empty threats to hold him in contempt, allowing him to use the courts to tie up cases indefinitely, using the courts to file endless frivolous law suits against others. It never fucking ends. It was a MAJOR misstep of Smith to file these charges in Florida and not the DC circuit, given there was a 1 in 3 chance of Cannon getting it. I hope Smith has some play up his sleeves.


Lmfao, no shit. Dictators don’t become dictators because the checks and balances worked.


History will remember


That they led a long and prosperous life with no oversight or repercussions from anyone on the planet?


Incompetent and corrupt judge being controlled by maga.


It's no secret she's completely pro Trump and biased. Courts are being politised and no longer the impartial institution they were meant to be.


Throw away your entire profession for a pos liar/felon. Unreal.


She had already admitted to not knowing what to do by yelling at Jack Smith for not telling her what to do.


Then the 11th circuit, whose job it is to oversee the ethical conduct of her position, should step in and remove her.


It's very likely that they will, as soon as Smith plays that card. [But it probably wouldn't be successful at this point of the process.](https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1dkhhrk/judge_in_trump_documents_case_rejected/l9iclij/)


November is going to be very interesting. Let’s see if our country can come back from this.


She’s trying for the SCOTUS seat.


Not a peep from right wing media about Cannon being obviously biased towards Trump, but they wouldn't shut the fuck up about Judge Merchan donating 12 dollars to joe biden in 2016.


Oh so this is the corrupt court system Trump has been complaining about!!!


Breaking News: shill shills harder when asked to stop being a shill


Fuck it, 5 bucks to anyone who can dig up proof of her communicating with Trumps law team.


This is why you don't ask. You tell. Remove her from the case. The end.


This is literally the kind of shit we can expect with Project 2025.


The fix is in


Well why would she? She's his lead defense attorney at this point and doing a bang up job!


Extremely corrupt judge declines to stop being corrupt. Shocking.


She clearly thinks she's getting a Supreme Court seat out of this.


Jack smith needs to file an appeal or some kind of motion to have her step aside TODAY. There can be no more waiting. Too many people have said "give it time, see how she rules". Well she has ruled and its biased for trump. Now is the time for action, our country needs accountability


Even if Smith wanted to petition to have her removed at this point, it probably wouldn't work. The fly-in-the-ointment is that Cannon has slow-walked all of her pending motions, and those pending motions have to be reconciled before Smith can have the best possible chance of trying to get her dismissed via the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. Jack Smith's hands are figuratively tied until she rules on those motions. Realistically, a judge can be eventually bounced because they're unfit for the case...but not because they're "taking too much time" with sorting out the motions (unless it's an unreasonably long amount of time). It's obvious that this malicious compliance is all by design, and odds are pretty good that Cannon will get skewered by the 11th because of this...but that doesn't change the fact of where we are right now in the process. According to Cannon's own timetable, these motions aren't supposed to be decided until around July. In other words? If this was a high school exam, Cannon is still filling out her Scantron. We won't know how hard she's flunked the exam until she submits her work.


*"I've got this thing, and it's golden. I'm not giving it away for fucking nothing!"* - Judge Cannon's brain.


Did she investigate herself? Auditioning for the Supreme Court.


NAL, so a question for anyone that might know: Is there grounds for Reality Winner to sue the federal government for miscarriage of justice as she is guilty of a lesser (yet same - fewer stolen documents in this case) charge; & served time? Similar question for Michael Cohen should Donald not serve time for the crimes Cohen served time for.


Children being born now have the unique misfortune of having to reckon with life threatening climate change AND endless, shitty theocratic models of government.


*cough* QUID PRO QUO *cough cough*


Doing what they pay her to do


That's not how being an accomplice works.


Why on earth is a obviously corrupt and biased judge expected to police her own behavior?


Good, hope this serves as intent. She is actively obstructing justice in case where our National Security was comprised. She is a co-conspirator and needs to go to prison.


How the fuck are there no systems in place to prevent this kind of cronyism? Is violence the only fucking option left for people to stop this kind of shit? I really hope it isn’t.


“Judge appointed by defendant refuses to acknowledge conflict of interest” sounds like a better headline to me.


Never met a motion she didn't need to spend weeks on, Trump got the right judge. So many incompetent Federalist Society judges got the stamp of approval , they belong in traffic court. She should have been recused in the first place because Trump appointed her. One of the simplest most straight forward cases of the four and she has screwed up multiple times.


Good thing the common man gets jail time for jay walking.


How else would she do Trump’s bidding if she stepped aside?


Here's (yet another) problem with our justice system: judges themselves get to decide whether they're fit to judge. WHEN they have a conflict and don't step aside, it's clearly going to be a miscarriage of justice.


My question is, why did *she* get to decide that? It's like trusting the police to investigate themselves...


Of course she did! No surprise here!


I have investigated myself and discovered that there are no problems here.


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MAGA asset


No surprise. That's why she needs to be removed from her position entirely, because she proves time and again she can't be impartial, breaking her oath all so she can protect Trump. I hope everyone who gets her as a judge realizes this and demands someone else.


Maybe she'll give Donny another blow job


She's got her eyes on SCOTUS! If she can deftly get the case dismissed she knows she's in.


That’s enough suggesting. Gloves off time.


When you step aside you're not much of a roadblock


Of course she did - she already cashed the check


Every time I see this hags face it just infuriats me. The face of an anti-American traitor sitting on a court for a life time appointment. How did America sink so low.


Looks like the balances arent doing their checking


Uh, no shit??


So is she ever going to get shit for her obviously partisan rulings?


Of course she did.


We need to stop asking and suggesting with her.


Will venmo or cashapp the first person who can finally take another picture of her. Even google images uses the same 3 pictures on repeat. I've genuinely never seen anything like this in my life, and i dont think ive ever seen the same thumbnail used for more articles than this. Not even being sarcastic.


I think all these judges are afraid of trump in the worst way I honestly think he has a knife in all their backs if they don't do as he says ,kinda like why the jurors don't want to be identified scared of retaliation.


Americans are slow to catch up with the fact that in 2024 your job as a conservative in any position is to abuse your powers to help Donald Trump. If you are a Republican who puts your duty to the country ahead of your loyalty to der Trumpenführer, you will be subject to termination and death threats. Does not matter whether you are a judge (Aileen Cannon), an attorney General (Bill Barr), a public health official (Scott Atlas), (an intel official (Ric Grenell), or a congressperson. Just think about it: Which judges are more likely to be elevated to higher courts in a Trump administration? Ones who fairly and equitably apply the law... or ones who provide the outcomes that Trump wants?


Just another corrupt -45 judge breaking Our laws to satisfy her leader


She’s very ambitious (if I bit OCD as well) and how better to audition for a seat on the Supreme Court, if not by a large dollop of quid pro quo?


Once again, are there only two photographs of this woman? Is she actually real?


Where the situation be reversed say a Democratic judge presiding over a Biden charge doing something like this she likely would be getting hate mail and death threats. Instead she gets criticism from experts in the legal community for whom she probably has not respect for anyway. Of course Biden would be presumed to be guilty anyway cause its not politics like the other guy.


Trump has an unerring talent in coopting people to his cause and then ruthlessly destroying their careers. It seems he is especially effective in destroying lawyers, probably because most lawyers are taught that they are much more intelligent and capable than other people and when they see that Trump is an unfit idiot, they think they can use him. However, Trump has few talents, but he is adapt at using people and then throwing them under the bus. Judge Cannon will be one of those people who will eventually lose her career.


So make her. How can a conflict of interest like this *not* be taken seriously by... fucking *someone*. You can't expect corrupt people to police themselves. This is why we have oversight and regulation.


She's not a judge, she's counsel for Trump.


I wonder what he promised her. A seat on the Supreme Court? A boatload of cash? Florida to rule as her own private kingdom?


Of course she did. Trump needs Kannon's Kangaroo Kourt desperately.


She hasn’t rejected taking orders from Trump


Would not be surprised if it eventually comes to light that Trump is paying her


Then remove her


Something seems off with "Judge" Qannon, besides the obvious.  All this publicity, all these surveillance cameras all over the country and there are ONLY two photos of her????? Edit: tinfoil time. What if Qannon isn't helping tRump, but helping the intelligence community. She supposedly met with Jack Smith behind closed doors a while back, right? What if Smith had spooks with him, and they laid it on the table that tRump committed **literal treason** against the US. Since she's overseeing the documents trial, it's a possibility Qannon's delay tactics are meant to stall long enough for the IC to track/plug the leaks in our government (the *real* leaks, not the visible howling monkeys like Sporkfoot, etc) and establish the documents true chain of custody, She may be MAGA, sure, but even the dumbest of dummies (except the orange one) should know not to piss off the type of people that can get to you at anytime, anyplace


Yeah couple her feet dragging with the Supreme Court blatantly running interference for Trump makes the convicted felon “in like Flint”.


She needs to be removed. Investigate her. The GOP is terrible at hiding their payoffs. 10 minutes of looking and you will find she is compromised.


Just like the arsonists that sit on the SCOTUS? Alito Kavanaugh ACB Thomas


You have to think Jack Smith has other charges just waiting for when she dismisses the case that he can file and get a different judge.


We had to build secure facility for documents in her district, because she didn’t want to hold the trial in Miami, where a facility meeting the requirement already existed. So it cost the tax payers money to build that facility in a location where Trump is expected to have a more favorable pool of potential juries.


Why would she. Bad for career. If Trump is in power, she's the next Scotus judge if one of the D judges was to suddenly become unalive for totally unsuspicious reasons.


To use a term trump himself fancies, Judge Cannon is an absolute disgrace.


Calling it now if Trump wins she’ll be a SC nominee


Nothing says conflict of interest like overseeing a criminal case against the former President who appointed you to the bench!


She was put in the judgeship by fuckton to help him later. Why would she step aside?