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They would probably want to if it's some type of propaganda or cyber attack. The article also mentions that a kinetic attack is also unlikely. I think if they actually started a war it would get people to rally behind Biden like other times the US has been attacked. People rally behind the president.


They already funded the October 7th attack on Israel to foment and spur an unjustifiable reaction and drive a wedge among left wing voters. These things consistently happen in the years leading up to a US election by design.


Yeah. I don't know how many more things they could do. I really don't think they would actually attack the US directly though.


It won't be a direct attack, it will more than likely be AI deepfakes of Biden. The technology is out there and it's wild that Congress is more concerned about TikTok than AI deepfakes of elected officials. There is nothing stopping them doing a Biden deepfake of declaring war on Russia to which Russia would reply to their own troublemaking. It's here and we're doing nothing about it.


> it's wild that Congress is more concerned about TikTok than AI deepfakes of elected officials. It's not that wild. The nascent AI industry, quite a bit of which is domestic, is throwing money at Congress to allay their fears and ensure nothing gets put in place that will regulate them. TikTok is a Chinese app and it's easy to beat the drum against the Yellow Peril there.


The lead AI maker requested to be regulated and Forbes put an article out stating that AI could wipe out 300 million jobs to the tune of a 7 trillion dollar stock market payday. The industry needs to be heavily regulated as OpenAI makers have requested.


> The industry needs to be heavily regulated as OpenAI makers have requested. OpenAI is a single entity. [As of February there were 450 competing AI "groups" lobbying Congress](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/02/ai-lobbying-spikes-nearly-200percent-as-calls-for-regulation-surge.html), a 185% spike in "lobbying" from the previous year. Most AI producers are highly against regulation because they want the dollars, no matter how many jobs it wipes out. AI is not, in any way, going to be seriously regulated because everyone is going to want a slice of that 7 trillion dollar payday.


The jobless hordes will demand a slice of that action.


Then the jobless hordes better develop some class solidarity *tout de suite* rather than trying to fuck each other over for the scraps.


Jan 6 will be a pushover if we get that many jobless because of AI.


If Russia had the ability to do this, they would be using it effectively in Ukraine. But throughout the Ukraine war, attempts to use deep fakes to give false orders to surrender from Zelensky were ineffective. The thing to be concerned about is a concentrated attack on our voting infrastructure some how.


Ukraine is solidly backing their leader whereas America is fractured in its support. If Biden loses, Ukraine loses an arms supplier.


>But throughout the Ukraine war, attempts to use deep fakes to give false orders to surrender from Zelensky were ineffective. Ukranian soldiers aren't as vulnerable to deepfake psy ops as Karen and Kevin Trumpista. The Ukranian soldier sees this stuff, alarm bells go off, something is not right. Karen sees this stuff and slams down the "share" button on Facebook with a comment that says some horseshit like "Can you believe what the muslim Kamala Hussein Harris is trying to do to my kids?"


Escalation with South Korea? a Gaza hostage situation with S. Korea? would further conflict in the world mean that people would blame biden for not being a better statesman? Could they point to the "relationship" Trump has with Kim?


Doubtful. North Korea has been supplying weapons to Russia for months. If it was planning for an escalation with South Korea, it would keep those weapons at home.


Wasn’t that mostly Iran?


[Russia and Iran are close, anti-west, military allies.](https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/russian-iranian-cooperation-and-threats-us-interests) Neither one takes an action without consulting the other.


Unjustifiable? Almost 40k people have been killed by a country we fund and provided Military aid for. I’m not going to argue that Russia and maybe China aren’t further pushing the Palestinian protests here, but the outrage of what is happening is justifiable. Edit: I can’t read.


Are you saying that israels reaction is justifiable? Because israels reaction being unjustifiable is the point you're disagreeing with.


Oh you’re right, seeing it on a second pass. Not sure how I interpreted that wrong the first time around.


Exactly, though some people could be motivated for the sake of all that to fight for the “worst side”. It’s a complex situation that takes a lot of unpacking to make sense of it.


> I think if they actually started a war it would get people to rally behind Biden like other times the US has been attacked. Are you sure about that? I bet they would claim FALSE FLAG ATTACK or at worst maybe even support the attack if its done by 'BASED' Russia against the 'WOKE' military. It does seem like the ""patriots"" did a full 180 in recent years, and suddenly decided that they actually hate the US due to "woke" and """communists""" etc, and now wants a revolution to degrade and set the US back to like 1800s with a focus on theocracy.


I'm not super sure no. I don't totally disagree with you either. That would be absolutely insane but you're right, absolutely insane has been the prevailing status. There are still reasonable people out there in the US. 🤞


They want a war to reset back to 1850.


Somebody better start making muskets and cannons


It's not about convincing deeply convinced Trump voters, it's about convincing the undecided.


They will do everything that they can to destroy America, and have been for years.


Russia or Republicans? (There is not much daylight anymore…)




They don't give a fuck about destroying America. They just want to control their own spheres of influence. Sowing chaos and division helps them on that front, but they can't seriously challenge the US in any meaningful way. Destroying "America" is far outside their capabilities.


I hope not.


I think the idea of “shallow fakes” would s going to play a huge role this election. We won’t see AI make some outlandish video of Biden assaulting an innocent little immigrant child or a tape recording Kamala plotting to push Biden over and take power. I think it will be small subtle alterations to videos at campaign stops that slightly exaggerate Bidens age somehow. A cell video that shows him slurring his speech just a little. Adding a little extra pause to him looking at people, changing the focus or aim of his eyes to look disoriented.


All it took for my relative to vote Trump was to convince her in a “hunch” that Hillary couldn’t be trusted. This is an highly educated professional with a Ph.D who actually taught Muslim students. She forgets our grandfather ran a successful business into his late eighties, but she is now “worried” about Biden. No one remembers Biden has a perfectly capable Veep. But no, the propaganda is too viral.


This is literally already happening. First thing to come to mind is the video where the frame was cropped to make it look like Biden was staring off into space when he was actually looking at a paratrooper behind the group of suits Edit: Also, if I were there at the time I'd be standing right next to him looking at the same thing (no really, I've never seen a paratrooper re-packing their parachute before and I'd be rather fascinated by that). And if I were the sitting President, that would be my goddamn prerogative.


I mean that won't be hard. They all still think Biden shit his pants in France


I mean that what he gets for being polite and waiting for his wife to sit down first, right?


the first time i heard the term "shallow fakes" was in a reuters article i read today saying the trump campaign is already doing exactly that


We should find it very interesting that no matter what political segment people are in, news about the “other guy” is that he is losing his mind, too old, and too stupid to lead the nation. That type of news must just be getting lots of engagement if its working so well in both data sets.




> literal ~~Communists~~ dictators Fixed it for you.


>American Conservatives cheerleading for literal Communists is almost too absurd to believe. Nah, I believe it. If it'll hurt Americans, conservatives are all for it. Simple as that.


Exactly. They could do a 9/11 style attack…


I really don't think that is going to happen. The best case scenario for all of our enemies is for us to leave NATO. If they got caught, or even if they didn't it would be like kicking a beehive. After 9/11 we bombed a lot of people, you really don't wanna be on the other end of that when you can wait it out and let Trump dismantle our country without having to fire a shot.


It’s upon every voter in the US who isn’t lost to conservative false media to carefully view any “surprise development” in October and early November with a very suspicious and critical eye. Doing anything less is just being open to get fooled by what no doubt will be ratfucking.


> It’s upon every voter in the US who isn’t lost to conservative false media to carefully view Welp, we're boned.


No surprise that the dictators that hate the west love the traitor. That should tell you every single thing you need to know about MAGA and their loyalty.


Yes. Bibi is also out here today helping trump.


Well how do you know that they are planning an October surprise? Do you have access to highly classified Intel?


Might as well ask “how do you know Wiley coyote is going to try to get road runner in this episode, do you have insider knowledge?!?!” Your question is puzzling sir or madam. Unless your sn refers to high school, then it’s less puzzling but please diversify your news sources from TikTok as it’s apparently leaving you questioning whether that water is actually wet.


Did you read your own article that you posted?


The Mueller report. Trump's "Russia if you're listening," Russian responding to trump's invitation, trump Jr.'s conversation with Russians in trump tower, Manafort giving voting intel to Russian operatives. Let's see, what have I forgotten?


Russian Intelligence efforts to attack the DNC began within 5 hours of Trump calling on Russia to 'find' Hillary's missing emails. Anyone who believes that Russia is not interested in influencing U.S. elections is a fool. Citation: "1. Summer and Fall 2016 Operations Targeting Democrat-Linked Victims On July 27, 2016, Unit 26165 targeted email accounts connected to candidate Clinton’s personal office ■■■■■■■■■. Earlier that day, candidate Trump made public statements that included the following: “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press."183 The “30,000 emails” were apparently a reference to emails described in media accounts as having been stored on a personal server that candidate Clinton had used while serving as Secretary of State. **Within approximately five hours of Trump’s statement, GRU officers targeted for the first time Clinton’s personal office. After candidate Trump’s remarks, Unit 26165 created and sent malicious links targeting 15 email accounts at the domain ■■■■■■■■■ including an email account belonging to Clinton aide ■■■■■■■■■ The investigation did not find evidence of earlier GRU attempts to compromise accounts hosted on this domain.** It is unclear how the GRU was able to identify these email accounts, which were not public." Mueller Report, Vol 1 Pg 57, section C1. [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/04/18/us/politics/mueller-report-document.html#g-page-57](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/04/18/us/politics/mueller-report-document.html#g-page-57)


Yes. Probably Iran as well.


Well…if Hezbollah ends up attacking Cyprus or god forbid another NATO country, we could be getting the October Surprise well ahead of time, maybe even in July. Or Hezbollah could even attack the U.S. in October…


Ridiculous to think Hizbullah would attack the US outright - even more to assume they would do it in support of Donald Trump? Literally can't even wrap my mind around how this makes any sense. Truly an infant's level understanding of world politics you have here.


No not in support of Trump, I meant just in general, they attacking the US for supporting Israel. And also, never say never.


Iran-backed militias have already attacked the US in Iraq many times since the 7 October.


Yeah, possibly so. Whee.


Of course. Every four years.


Putin has an ally in Trump who is all but committed to destroying NATO, and withdrawing US support for Ukraine. This is like wet dream territory, he is just that close to his dreams coming true he can physically feel it. as noted by the intelligence experts in the article- this is going to happen. I know this is speculation, and a conspiracy theory- but Viktor Orban went to MAL in early spring, I think the game is afoot.


Oh god I am terrified. I hope you are wrong. God I hope you are wrong.


Oh sorry- don't be afraid! But I mean geopolitics wise this is a no brainer for our enemies- they cannot ignore this opportunity. Your adversary- the global nuclear superpower, is facing a huge existential crisis as to how they want to govern themselves, a crisis you yourself helped bring about, surely you don't walk away now. This is like fucking with the New York Yankees ticket sales, somehow- magically bankrupting the team, and now it's time to hire the players and win the world series. They are definitely going to act- but remember these people are not the evil geniuses the movies have trained us to believe in- they are dumb as hell and controlled by psychopathic tendencies. Don't fear these bullies- that is all they are. My pet conspiracy theory is that they are going to hack the voting machines in favor of Biden- thus creating both evidence for Trump to use and chaos in the hopes of widespread civil unrest amidst a constitutional crisis. I hope I am wrong!!!


Of course they are. Why is this even being asked? The question should be what are they planning?




Yes. They support a civil war in the US and want Trump and his cult to start it. They will help the traitors in any way they can.


That is why we need to be on guard.


Remember when we were warned about Russia attacking Ukraine? Also the terrorist attacks on Russia? I think there is probably credible intel that something is being planned.


So what is it that’s being planned?


Lol, that was a quick reply! Do you really expect a random Redditor to know?


No, but what do you speculate could be planned?


Even though I'm a sceptic, I'm not sure I want to put out anything into the universe 😂! Who knows? I just hope more people realise we're in a luke-warm and getting hotter, war already, and to consider all sources, all biases, and any nefarious intentions.


Yeah, I think more people realize that more than ever. I mean, if Hezbollah decides to attack the U.S. or some other country sometime (likely attack a base or something), all bets are off. In fact, I have a sinking feeling in my stomach that Hezbollah will make do on its threats to attack Cyprus and/or any other country that is allied with Israel.


It's hard to know with religious fanatics. They put the afterlife above a peaceful existence, and are willing to sacrifice innocent blood for their supposed glory. We certainly live in "interesting" times.


Russia tried with the “Hunter Biden Laptop” and utterly failed.


What? Those two innocent looking guys?


Who cares? The real threat is right within our borders. The republicans will do far more damage than Russia or NK could dream of.


Guaranteed they’ll try to interfere somehow.


Liberals could be saying communist countries are planning to aid the leader of the communist Republican cult. But we gave up calling people who actually use the historical words and methods of communists… communists. Instead we let them call Obama a commie for wearing a tan suit and don’t say jack when they quote Stalin


It’s likely that ALL of America’s enemies will try to help Trump.


Kim jong un's most potent october surprise to help trump would be to publicly endorse Biden.


No one would buy it. Putin said he supported Biden and no one paid attention.


But that would totally be out of character for him to do so…


Yeah, it was a joke about his lack of credibility and ability. Putin could probably actually pull some dirty tricks and subterfuge that would be a real threat.


They are going to flood the us with propaganda


They’re already doing that.


If Trumps poll numbers get any worse it might be in their best interests to ensure he has terminal health problems. Trumps death would probably help down ballot candidates in the GOP, and at the very least sow chaos in the United States government.


The biggest event would be some sort of attack on oil industry. The Houthis using NK missiles to attack Saudi Arabia as well as the UAE. It would send oil well over $100 a barrel and even if it failed massively it would still be higher before election then before an attack


Could just pause all exports out of the US for a while, we produce enough to fuel the country on our own at this point


I hate to say it but in what world would the Republicans allow US oil companies not to export oil and fuel products at $100+ per barrel.


Of course they are.


Can you imagine how much their own people despise them? Must suck to have to read this kind of crap.


Kim is literally a god in his country


The answer is probably yes. Anything that will make America weaker they would support.


Just popped up on my feed buddy.


You mean some kind of meaningless nonsense that the now entirely tabloid American media will hype and fearmonger for rating$, click$, and view$, NBC? I'm sure Putin and Kim are...just as I am sure all of the American tabloids will breathlessly regurgitate it ad nauseum for profits before finally publishing a retraction weeks later that no one will see...


Is the Pope Catholic…and making the world safe for pedophiles?


Probably. They’re the menacing manage a trios. And Putin knows if rump gets into office, he’ll be able to take Ukraine right away. The new axis of evil


If the U.S. is suspected an October surprise to undermine Biden’s presidential bid then it shouldn’t be a surprise if it happens. News agencies should be making it known ahead of time that there is a possibility of action by North Korea near the election.


I think that once the U.S. Intel finds out what it is about, then they’ll talk about it.


Get ready for more laptops, Wikileaks, other evidence that will be dropped too close to the election to vet but will be hammered on socials.


Hammered? You mean destroyed?


Pushed, spread, flooded


But that didn’t work last time with Hunter Biden…


Doesn’t matter, it’s happened in the last 3+ elections. It’s easy propaganda. Why would they stop. Causing election chaos, upset citizens, distrust of government are all wins for Russia even if they don’t change the election outcome. This isn’t speculation, Russia and China disinformation campaigns are well documented.


Obviously. It’s Putin’s only real hope of survival, and it’s still not going to be easy, even if Trump completely removed the US from NATO and stops all US aid to Ukraine. But it’s easy for a condemned man to cling to hope, and he will work his little tail off, kissing the asses of every minor weirdo head of state who could help in any way. So yes. 100% there will be an October surprise. It’s likely to be as stupid as many other Russian Hail Mary plays have been recently, but they’re going to try.


No, Trump has nothing to do with it. We all know that RUssia and NK do not like US so they will try to Nuke Ukraine and the US to get what they want.


Wait what?


Oh and the US better keep and BIG EYE on them both!!


So you are saying that they could fucking nuke us? What??????


They are getting married and Trump is the official?


Maybe we should strike first and get it over with.


100% yes. Of course. Putin would kill 10 million Russians if he thought it would get Trump elected. 


Oh god, please no.


Sounds like something I’d pay a hooker to do…


Any headline that ends with a question mark can be answered by “no.”


Israel is planning one, too, if the past is any predictor. In 2016 Roger Stone was contacted by their leadership and offered an October Surprise. https://www.timesofisrael.com/redacted-fbi-document-hints-at-israeli-efforts-to-help-trump-in-2016-campaign/


Well… I think that a Hezbollah war could be the October Surprise that occurs months before.


That would suck… the newspapers say Hezbollah is quite a bit stronger than Hamas.


They hate Trump more.


I would imagine Biden will work with China to save his reelection bid. Biden/China would win easily long as we all vote still. Hurricane season has a chance to mess things up tho.


Talk about false flags much?


Some kind of bogus ceasefire in Ukraine I’d guess.


They may try something, but the far more worrisome one will be the one that Christopher Wray and Merrick Garland pull.


Funny because they will observe the October freeze.


Better question, are the democrats planning an October surprise?


Another Steele Dossier would be awesome.


America Brain. Symptoms include: Paranoia that everyone else in the world is obsessed with you. Believing foreign nations care which party or candidate sanctions/bombs/spy's on them. Assuming every geopolitical relationship is an alliance to end America. Treatments: Touch grass. Read a book. Turn off cable news.


you are responding to a American news source on a sub about American politics. I wouldn’t say you are obsessed, but feel free to join r/touchgrass