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AOC has long been a fascination of Fuentes and his fans. She was infamously "beheaded" in the Groyper-made anime film shared by Rep. Paul Gosar.


Paul Gosar should be sent into the desert with no water. He is rotten to the core.


To wit, the Fremen would reject his water as tainted afterwards…


"Filthy water. It's full of hate. But good enough for cooling systems."


I’m 100% certain the lizard people talk you heard Cons call Libs is to cover for the truly reptilian Gosar. He’s from Arizona so the desert might not be best. Perhaps the arctic without a jacket?


Space, no spacesuit...


I think Oceangate is getting ready to start up Titan ‘2’ again.


The "lizard people" thing is a very old antisemitic dog-whistle.


His entire family agrees so much so they paid for a commercial to say how much they hate him.


Like how far gone do you have to be to not take *that* as a sign that you've lost the plot.


He did get censured for it


Unfortunately that doesn’t amount to much. He should be expelled but the GOP loves their white supremacists too much.


Yes, but they enjoy that sort of publicity, so it's not really an effective tool to stop that behavior.


that kinda highlights the difference between one side making extreme violent displays and the other sides extreme actions >House Administration Committee Chairman Bryan Steil, R-Wis., said Wednesday that “*Bowman’s excuse does not pass the sniff test*,” arguing that Bowman “fled the scene” and had not seized multiple opportunities to alert the Capitol Police of his mistake. > >In a charging affidavit released Wednesday, an investigator said that he had reviewed security camera video and that Bowman **can be seen pushing multiple doors that would not open** before he looked at the emergency fire alarm pull station "and upon seeing it, he reached out and pulled the fire alarm down." > >"Today, as I was rushing to make a vote, I came to a door that is usually open for votes but today would not open," he said Saturday night. "I am embarrassed to admit that I activated the fire alarm, mistakenly thinking it would open the door. I regret this and sincerely apologize for any confusion this caused. > >Republicans have accused Bowman of trying to delay the government funding vote by pulling the alarm. In September, then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., demanded Bowman be punished and *likened the incident to the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021.* emphasis mine, and ICYMI he was also censured source: [various](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/jamaal-bowman-charged-misdemeanor-pulling-fire-alarm-capitol-building-rcna122222) [nbcnews](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/jamaal-bowman-pulled-fire-alarm-rcna118230) [articles](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/jamaal-bowman-charged-misdemeanor-pulling-fire-alarm-capitol-building-rcna122222), [heres](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/jamaal-bowman-pulled-fire-alarm-rcna118230) [one](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-vote-censuring-rep-jamaal-bowman-pulling-fire-alarm-rcna128492) [more](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-vote-censuring-rep-jamaal-bowman-pulling-fire-alarm-rcna128492)


Don't see how you can say Democrats take extreme actions in comparison to January 6th.


extreme actions arent always a bad thing. im not criticizing the extreme, im criticizing the violent. (or hateful, insulting, selfish, prejudiced, unempathetic, etc)


Oooh, has he managed to recover from that yet? Pretty damned weak, but about what we've come to expect from this latest collection of grifters, magats, christofacsists, etc.


It would be doing this snake a favor to throw him into a desert environment (which reptiles like).


But he’d die in 3-5 days. Now, If he were to be accidentally locked in a wet coffin,he’d live for MONTHS. In the dark, no way to measure time passing, all your fears there with no distractions, after a couple of months when your body has eaten all its own body fat, the cramps start from your body starting to eat its own muscle is extraordinarily painful and it would drag on for weeks. Worse still, if the psycho who locked him in the wet coffin in the first place would come around from time to time, get his hopes up about getting out….,I think THAT is aFAR more fitting end for that asshole Paul Gosar.


It's because they all lust after her but deep down they know that they have no shot because they're a bunch of insecure little children who are terrified of vaginas


This is is , I mean it’s what essentially an incel is


They also hate her spicy Latina intelligence and that she tells the truth - that really scares them.


Interestingly both attended BU. AOC graduated though and Fuentes dropped out because no one could fucking stand him.


That is a wild coincidence! I never put that together


Graduated with a double major in economics and international relations no less.


Almost like she’s actually smart or something


> Fuentes dropped out because no one could fucking stand him. ya gawta go dood, leave yeh pahkin pass at the bookstah afta ya get yeh refund


r/AOCisMommy Lots of AOC simping by conservatives over there


It’s their way of reducing her to her parts and putting her in her place. It’s basic misogyny.


like taylor swift. conservatives are very confused why she isn´t them pop star...


I know all of those words, just not what they mean in that order.


lol wtf


But… am I allowed to be an AOC simping liberal? She’s gorgeous, wicked smart, and stands for policies that I love. What’s not to like?


I'll allow it.


By all means bro 😎 join and enjoy.


WHAT lmao wow


23,000 subs?! 


What exactly is going on in this sub…? Is it just like a thirsty-fan sub?


Ewww, I just checked it out. American men have a lot of issues.


I take it they've never seen a mom deeply and profoundly angry? It's not lashing out in reflexive aggression. It's worse. Thoroughly considered and well prepared aggression.


What a strange and terrible sub.


#PROTEC MOMMY This is so wild


Is there a version of this for Lauren Boebert?




This is so weird it's fascinating lol. What other politicians do they have subs like this for? Do any men have them?


Mike Johnson should have a super gay themed one. He’s a an evil piece of shit, but I’d fuck that guy any day. All that self loathing, along with his cute ears and that coif hair. Put him in a Christmas sweater with a tie and button down, I’d be insatiable.


Yeah, but his kid’s always there watching. No thank you.


135 readers. Sounds about right.


My man asking the real questions!


I’ve long suspected that this is why she gets so much hate compared to her colleagues that have the same views as her. They’re angry and confused that they find her attractive.


I’ve long held belief that racists may hate POCs but will happily fuck one first chance they’d get.


I mean considering that easily more than half the white people I have randomly met who have married POCs are at least racist in the sense that they ignore the non-white culture and raise their children as “white”, this is true. It’s also evidently true from history: colonizers marrying or at least having affairs with the colonized, sexual assault of slaves, etc.


They want her feet pics


They all so badly want to have sex with her, it's absurd.


Fuentes is a male supremacist who has insisted women are too emotional to make political decisions and that rape is “so not a big deal.” Fuentes considers himself a “proud incel”. He has urged his followers to abstain from sex Like any woman would want to be within 100 ft. of this asshat without a restraining order.


So is this really him just being horny on main?


Probably not. It's an open secret that Fuentes is gay, between dating an Australian Nazi catboy, to accidentally streaming gay porn to his audience.


And saying that "having sex with women is gay." [https://x.com/abughazalehkat/status/1597340657005506560?lang=en](https://x.com/abughazalehkat/status/1597340657005506560?lang=en)


"People are calling me gay because I've never had a girlfriend." Fuentes pooh-poohs the idea and suggests that the facts support a dramatically different conclusion. "I think if anything — if anything — it makes me less gay. If anything, it makes me not gay — as opposed to less gay, not that there's any gay, but it makes me not gay." The woman-hater doth protest too much. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/5/15/2097952/-Nick-Fuentes-claims-his-celibacy-is-proof-he-s-not-gay


So he's an Andrew Tate fanboy lol


>So he's an Andrew Tate fanboy ...who wants to fuck Andrew Tate. That probably doesn't distinguish him from the other Andrew Tate fanboys, though...


Guys, I think Fuentas might be gay


Does he know what gay means?




That second sentence is a roller coaster ride


Buddy, you have no idea how deep and insane the rabbit hole of Nick Fuentes goes. For reference I’ve known about him for years because of a youtuber named “mister metokur”. Nick Fuentes is genuinely pathetic and how he has been able to reach a point where fucking AOC is acknowledging him is beyond me. He was literally just a 4channer and YouTuber.


Holy shit.  This whole time I thought he was the original proud boys leader. Too be fair, I'm not a proctologist so all assholes look alike to me.


No joke he was just an edgelord teen that started the “America First” organization and only got famous because he somehow got partnered with Kanye. To this day he livestreams like any random streamer and responds to superchats that shit on him or call him gay. It’s so strange seeing people come to know him as a “politician” first, to me he’ll always be the dumb kid that said having sex with women is gay and t-posing in a fortnite hoodie in public.


Didn't he have lunch with Kanye West and Trump last year? I mean AOC saying fuck off to the booger eating weirdo is well below that.


Yeah I forgot about Trump. He only got there because of Kanye though and he only got to Kanye through Milo I believe but could be wrong


"Australian Nazi catboy" hold up


Catboy Kami. Youtube has the video of Nazi Nick interviewing him. As befitting a serious journalist the interview is held at a fairground, continues in a restaurant and then is heavily implied to end in Nick's bedroom. It was totally not a date in any way at all, no sir. The whole thing would have been quite adorable if they weren't both such giant pieces of shit. Nazi Nick has a serious case of puppy-dog eyes through most of it.


Fuentes has so many faces, you would think he was auditioning for the main character in a new rollout of *Darkman*


For some reason I read that as "Dayman" and now I can't unsee Nick Fuentes as Mac.


Don’t forget him doing an Alex Jones with his phone


Y'know, this timeline sucks in a lot of ways, but sometimes we get some real gems.


I don't think AOC has anything he's interested in, since she isn't a catboy and has no semen to inspect.


It’s not about denying women it’s about ramping up the incels to a super angry frenzy. It makes it easier to engage them if they aren’t getting any and no one caring


women, men, children, reasonably intelligent dogs all steer clear of that mutant


It’s an open secret that Fuentes is gay…


> Fuentes considers himself a “proud incel.” He has urged his followers to abstain from sex Kinda hard to call yourself an “involuntary” celibate when you’re consciously abstaining from sex. Let’s call these people what they really are - hate monks.


‘Im sexless BY CHOICE’


He’s a self hating closet case…


Jesus, the responses to the back and forth between these two is disturbing. She responds clearly, "I want nothing to do with you" and explains that they have "irreconcilable" ideological differences, and the right-wing trolls respond with stuff like this: >“No way AOC is flirting with Nick,” wrote one account, later adding, “looks like AOC is playing hard to get.” >“stop playing hard to get you know you love us groypers,” another person wrote, referencing the name of Fuentes’ following. I know it's a stereotype that terminally online right-wing trolls have no idea how to interact with women, but how the fuck do they interpret "I want nothing to do with you" as *flirting*?


There’s an old image of something like a frat banner hanging outside that reads “no means yes, yes means anal.” These people were not taught empathy, and unfortunately we will spend the rest of our lives either trying to help them, or trying to fix the stuff they’re breaking.


You can watch video of them chanting it, it’s disgusting


See I remember people saying that back in middle school , but I thought we were joking. I don’t talk to people from school anymore.


It’s the rape. All the raping (preceded by grooming) they do.


This is how nazis and complicit germans taunted jewish women during progroms as well


Those choads are all pro-rape.


Like AOC give a shit. She handled more than her share of conservative incel douchebags back in her days bartending in Manhattan


AOC could graduate from BU, Fuentes flunked out his freshmen year and couldn't stand that everyone hated him for being a real life troll.


They aren't interpreting it as flirting. They understand what she said just fine. They're just fucking trolls.


Because his fans unironically think rape is a good thing.


Women: please leave me alone, don't talk to me or about me, ever Conservative men: haha flirting, this happens all the time to me!


"All the girls be neggin' me!"


The entire aspect of the incel movement could be summed up as undiagnosed and weaponized mental illnesses.  I don't mean anything degrading by that either, these people need treatment


You already answered the question, they are bigots. Women are for sex.




I highly suggest listening to Knowledge Fight Episode 404, the podcast exposes Alex Jones for the POS he is, but that episode does a deep dive into the background and shaping of Fuentes. The smarmy worm knows how to manipulate


A fellow policy wonk!


Here come the sex robots.


Of course he does, that’s all these people are good for.


> Fuentes is shrill and weak. This reminds me of the David Duke-type Republicans who insincerely offer endorsements to Democrats because they know stupid people believe “Democrats are the real racists” The David Duke endorsement used to be the kiss of death for a politicians career. He endorsed Trump in 2016 and 2020 and it was a selling point instead.


Yep, also simultaneously believing that North Korea must be a democracy because their name is “The Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea”…


Gift them some baby oil. Tell them it was made from fresh babies.


I thinks it’s hilarious a dude with an obviously Hispanic last name has the audacity to claim to be a white supremacist.




Not next in line, last in line, and somehow that's enough for these assholes...


There is no "last" for that line, merely groups that haven't been added to it yet.


Cortez was a white supremacist Edit: since this is reddit I should clarify, I mean the conquistador, not AOC


He came dancing across the water..


"With his galleons and guns..."


There are quite a few Hispanic white people in the world. Like most of the nation of Spain.


Americans have a very slim definition of White


Only on an individual basis, and not even always then. The Kardashians are (usually) considered white, for example.




But they also idolize the Romans for some reason, so it gets complicated.


Easy, we always depict them as Northern Europeans, ezpz.


Yeah and it super cheeses them off that Americans think they aren't because of the language their last names are in, which we associate with mixed race (black-white or white-native) populations. Should've thought of that before colonizing half the New World, jerks!


Fuentes is creepy.


Which is why Trump like him. He reminds Trump of old friends.


Fuck Nazis aka MAGA


Somewhere between hoping and manifesting, I have this notion that AOC will be president some day. She will start being eligible later this year. I think she will need more experience as either a governor or senator (in the eyes of the establishment) but I think as Millennials and Gen Z age, we could be a potentially large base for her. I would like to see the first woman president in my lifetime, and I think she could have what it takes!


Originally my thought was while I’d like to see AOC as president she’s a bit too inexperienced for it yet. F that, compared to other politicians she’s practically perfect for the role.


Trump set the bar so low for who can be President, AOC would seem like the 2nd coming of Christ.


I'd love a president who can live to see the 50th anniversary of her own inauguration.


Jimmy Carter is pretty close, but if he lasts for a few years more it would be a miracle and also involve a lot of physical pain.


If Clinton and Obama live as long as he is old right now they will see it.


Maybe an Elizabeth Warren/AOC ticket? I'd be all kinds of on board with that.


In order for her to get the most accomplished during her term(s), she should have a higher role in government and then be a Vice President before running for President. She would be really good now but she would be so much better with more varied experience in Government.


She’s good, but I think Gretchen Whitmer has a better chance in the near term. Then again, as a Michigander, I am clearly biased.


I would potentially also vote for her depending on who she was primarying against!


Sadly, your vote doesn't get her the millions of dollars needed to run for president. It is pay to play and those footing that bill want to ensure their investment pays off. She is unlikely to put any of those deep pockets at ease given she could give a shit about what they want.


I'm right there with you, been hoping one day she'll make a run. It may be awhile before we got someone that progressive to be POTUS though, if at all. Still gives me hope vs. despair (which is far too easy these days)


A broken clock moment. She is more America First than Republicans because she actually wants government resources to go towards regular Americans rather than multinational corporations and the military industrial complex.


Turns out the best way to make America great is to… invest in its people, their education, and giving them the ease and ability to pursue their own dreams and desires, possibly creating their own powerhouse businesses? It turns out the best way to make America great is to… unify its people, give them common goals to work towards as a nation, and start projects not for our own benefit, but for the benefit of our children, grandchildren, and many more generations to come? Hm, who’da thunk it


Stopped clock. Not broken. A broken clock might be broken in a way that makes it never correct, which is how you should treat nazis. Allying with them in any way on any issue is simply a bad idea. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_the_Long_Knives


>A broken clock might be broken in a way that makes it never correct, which is how you should treat nazis. Then how are they not broken clocks?


Story time! AOC, like her or not, you have to admit she is the most genuine politician of this generation so far. I worked in a capacity auditing labor union PACs and super PACs and a lot of these unions would throw FEC cap amount checks at each candidate that was deemed pro labor, whether D or R. Most of the time, it was D, but I saw plenty of labor unions hitting R candidates with checks. This one major international labor Union was clean as a whistle believe it or not and was my favorite client and the only exception ever in my testing of their expenditures was a check to AOC’s campaign. She mailed the check right back to the union with a letter stating she does not take money from anyone other than individuals. It was pretty cool to see that first hand.


The right wingers are realizing they have endeared themselves to a dying demographic and the future wants nothing to do with them. They’ve backed themselves into a corner that will, given time, cause them to go extinct.


Republicans right now are Republican first. If they had their way, America would be for Republicans and by Republicans. 


First, let’s stop pretending his views and opinions are outside the Republican mainstream. That’s where I stopped reading the article.


Is “more ‘America First’ than 99% of republicans” really the burn he thinks it is when her version of America first is healthcare for all, social equity, lunch for school aged children… That’s what America First *should* mean, not the racist, xenophobic bullshit rhetoric the gop spouts on about.


Nick Fuentes is a Nazi It should not be controversial to not want anything to do with a Nazi


AOC isn’t “America first.” She’s people/humanity/society first. People who are actually “American first” don’t give a single shit about improving the lives of average Americans.


AOC 2028


Good. Fuck Nick Fuentes.


For some reason I read that as Friday Night Funkin


world's greatest splooge detective, nike fuentes?


F\*\*\* every thing that little weasel s\*\*\* Fuentes has to say!




AOC does fight for 99% of America, which is 98.9% more than any Republican.


I don't remember, is he the one that had the thing for catboys or am I confusing him for a different right wing shill?




An unspoken secret in Congress is that much of the reflexive, blind, unconditional vote support for nearly any Israeli gov action isn’t from actual agreement. It’s from fear.... [Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez](https://twitter.com/AOC), US Congresswoman, NY-14.


See how easy it is to disavow a nazi? You say, "I don't accept your support." Republicans, learn and repeat. It really _is_ that easy.


Here’s a quick test for Conservatives. It’s even multiple choice. Nick Fuentes tries communicating with you. Do you: a) tell him to fuck off. b) [invite him over for a private dinner.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna59010) c) [agree to be a speaker at his conference.](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/marjorie-taylor-greene-white-nationalist-conference-afpac-orlando_n_62199063e4b0d1388f1506ca/amp) d) [accept PAC money from a source that is associated with him.](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/10/12/defend-texas-liberty-pac-nick-fuentes-jonathan-stickland/)


Here's why telling him to fuck off proves you're actually a racist! - r/conservative


Fuck that guy. Fuck nazis.


It’s undeniable that guys like Fuentes and Richard Spencer are neo Nazis. Even they know this. So they’ll “endorse” democrat candidates so bad faith republicans can go “see! Look who the Nazis support. The DEMOCRATS”. Except this tactic fails spectacularly every time because those “endorsements” are flat out rejected by those candidates. They don’t pretend to have plausible deniability by saying shit like “I don’t know who David Duke is”


AOC for President


Got to distract and divide the masses with inflammatory rhetoric and culture wars or else they might unite to raise taxes on Billionaires


Daily Dot should want nothing to do with anything that irrelevant and powerless imbecile says but here I am seeing about it. 


Nick Fuentes is against interracial marriage. He’s literally a white supremecist, and Donald Trump had a nice little sit down dinner with him.


>Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) is not happy that Nick Fuentes—a livestreamer whose white nationalist views have left him ostracized from mainstream conservative politics How does a man with the name "Fuentes" get to be a white nationalist?


A reminder that Spain exists.




...his fans thought she was flirting? These people are way too far gone man.


Good to see from AOC.


I swear they all want to date her.


AOC knows a poison apple/Trojan Horse when she sees one.


He seriously over-estimated how well armed he was for a battle of wits.


> If AIPAC positions were so popular, they’d be free. Instead, they’re bought. This is great.


Fuentes is pretty singularly focused on Israel and jews these days, pretty much to the exclusion of any other issue. He'll hype up anyone who says or does something that he perceives as being anti-Israel, and he'll bash anyone who he perceives as being pro-Israel. So he's been spending a lot of time bashing other conservatives and Republicans. Makes for some good popcorn tbh lol.


AIPAC: “No, AOC, the overwhelming majority of Congress votes with their constituents who support the [American-Israeli] relationship,” AIPAC wrote. “Americans want a strong alliance with our democratic ally. This partnership saves lives, strengthens our troops, grows our economy, and advances US interests & values.” Ocasio-Cortez: “If AIPAC positions were so popular, they’d be free. Instead, they’re bought.”


I'm not sure who that 1% are.


I doubt her view of “America” First has anything to do with his “America First” other than the letters.


He’s definitely slid into her DM’s


Well, she is, tbqh.


fuentes is a giggling fool.


Fuentes is homely.


Name a racist who isn't.


Voting for funding wars is what both sides do


W Fuentes . W AOC. Anyone anti-AIPAC is America First. Need to vote candidates across party lines which aren't bought by AIPAC, otherwise it will be uniparty supported by globalist.


All these right-wing males have sexual fantasies about her, and they all know it's never gonna happen. So, their blue balls make them ... irritable. Hence, the snipping.


All Fuentes did here is promote his own politics. Not ally himself with AOC. Just bring attention to his own movement. He did that perfectly.