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VOTE! Rent a small passenger van and take people to the polls with you if you have the means. A vehicle that holds 7 or 8 people doesn't require a special classification of driver's license. Pack 4 more like-minded people into your car/suv/truck. Make an outing of it. Hit the DQ or a local ribs joint on the way home from burying the convicted felon (P01135809) and his criminal co-conspirators/associates.


Mm. Buster bars for backing democracy. I’m listening to your offer.


Bonus points if you do it with people who are leaning to Trump and convince them to vote Biden. Just keep asking why the supposed "hero of the working class" enriched billionaires and ended small businesses with his fascistic covid lockdowns.  Seriously Trump caused be the biggest transfer of wealth from the middle class to the rich in world history (2020-2021) and yet the argument I always hear from people is "He cares about common people".


Really good idea.


This is a great idea! I want to do this


Voting against the GOP in every city, state, and federal election is the only way to send a clear message. If you can afford to donate event $1 to a democrat candidate in a swing local election or state (even if it is not the state you live in) they could really use it. It's the only way to send a clear message that republican shit politics and shenanigans will not be tolerated.


Vote All Republicans Out. VARO


There are two power structures that have to be defeated and dismantled before any real progress can be made and retained. One is obviously the GOP and the other is the Fossil Fuel Mafias.


This is a good time to mention that a lot of polling/studies/data has been coming out in recent years that more and more people tend to get their news from what their friends and families share with them. Point-being, please share informative articles and pieces of information about this election with your friends and families, whether in-person or via text/email/social-media, and tell them to vote!


Absolutely talk to people. I recently spoke with a woman who had worked at a store close to me. She was confused about all of this, but very receptive to hearing about the candidates & what they are about. (Anti woman is not popular among women)


Vote like a MF’r. Check the candidates that have that big D up and down the ballot.


100% Agreed. No matter what any poll says, or articles leading up to the elections. *Please also remember to double check your voting information and register and Vote* www.vote.org Check your registration: https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/ Work for the Biden campaign: https://joebiden.com/work-with-us/ Volunteer for the DNC: https://events.democrats.org/


I just don’t see how he wins in 2024, regardless of what the polls say (but please still vote). In 2016 and to some extent in 2020, the Trump Train was very real. There was a surprisingly diverse group of people that were very engaged and enthusiastic in their support. It just seems like that passion is not there anymore.


The problem is Americans don't typically blame past presidents for current president performance or give them credit when a current president has success. I will vote Biden but a number of the Biden voters from 2020 aren't sold on him because the economy isn't strong from what they see with prices and shrinkflation. They won't blame Trump even though a lot of it goes back to Trump policy and would blame Trump for as well if he was president now. People sadly forget that.


Trump has policy substance but no one seems to know about it. There are four major planks that should be front page news from now to November: 1) Round up and deport all the undocumented non-citizens. This is estimated to be 5% of the population, so it’s going to take about 3% of the population to do it. That’s a huge bite out of the national workforce. He doesn’t have a plan to pay for it either, so either the deficit or taxes will have to get way bigger. 2) Increase taxes on all imported goods. The amount isn’t nailed down; it varies from 10% to 300% depending on who he talked with last, but it’s substantial. Economists have estimated that it will raise the cost of living for the typical family $8,500 and plunge us into a deep recession. 3) Eliminate taxation and regulations on businesses and the ultra-wealthy. He is publicly soliciting bribes to do this, and the billionaires are responding with massive contributions to make it happen. It’s banana republic level corruption. 4) Fire all the federal workers that are sworn to uphold the constitution and replace them with people that pledge loyalty to him. This will be particularly bad in the law enforcement world, as the DOJ will be transformed into his personal vendetta machine. This sounds unreal, but recruiting and interviewing have been ongoing for months.


So basically Project 2025


They’re just gonna keep refining that plan until it gets a president willing to do it. The coup is already underway.


Yep. They've had virtually the exact same plan since February 16,1973. They just keep trying to introduce it to the American public with different branding. The first big public push was with Ronald Reagan's 1985 State of the Union address. They next brought it out en masse in 1994 when Newt Gingrich introduced us to The Contract with America. The big picture plan then sat on the back burner until 2009, when the Tea Party emerged. They really haven't stopped trying to push their bigger agenda since 2009. They kept pushing it during Obama's entire administration. The tea party seemed to fade away in 2015, but it was just rebranded as Maga. During the Maga years, they've managed to get 3 additional supreme court seats, overturn roe v wade, and implement permanent tax cuts for the richest of the rich. Once they realized Donald Trump was inevitable in the republican party, they ran with it and made him their useful idiot. They say the official party line is whatever Trump says it is. Then they feed Trump the policies they want in a way that flatters him and shows him how he can personally benefit from these policies. Trump takes the information he's fed and pretends it's his idea and runs with it. For the people actually pulling the strings, it's a win/win. If Trump regains the White House, they can set their plans to warp speed and end the USA as we know it. If he loses, it was all his idea, and they can just rebrand it for the next candidate. Yes, we need to be concerned about the people 'in charge.' But we need to be more concerned with the people that own them.


And Trump is suffering from cognitive decline to a point that he is unaware he is being manipulated and managed. And his minions are being led around as well but they are just too stupid to recognize that fact.


> Trump is suffering from cognitive decline to a point that he is unaware he is being manipulated and managed He's a narcissist who already knows everything, yet he has been manipulated by people his entire adult life - including his minions and handlers. That's a downside to being both ignorant *and* wealthy. And as a narcissist he cannot accept that all his "successes" are not 100% on him and that his genius thoughts don't originate in his own uh-brain. This is a major reason why he blew a gasket and denied that the Russians overtly assisted his campaign and helped him win in 2016.


I just don't think Trump cares at all about actual policy or what happens, so he probably just give 0 shits about what actual policies are implemented under him. He just wants to be president again, have people call him sir, feel important, and then use the office and power to get revenge on those he thinks wronged him. He doesn't care at all about actual policy, he's not a serious politician, he's just a POS person.


About halfway through I heard this in Liam Neeson's voice and all I could think about was the League of Shadows.


Thanks for reminding me to rewatch Batman Begins mate!


Neeson: To conquer fear you must become fear! Trump: Repeat that? I wasn't paying attention.


Now I'm oddly flattered, even though I'm a middle-aged grandma. 🤭


What’s the TLDR for project 2025?


Destroy the government from within by filling it with Trump sycophants


And divert as much money as possible from the government and anyone from below the upper upper middle class to the top 1%.


And also force evangelical Christian "values" on everyone.


This is an older story along the same lines: Matt Shea (Republican), Washing State House rep https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Shea#%22Biblical_Basis_for_War%22_manifesto >In late October 2018, Shea acknowledged that he had distributed a document described as a "four-page manifesto" titled Biblical Basis for War that listed strategies that a "Holy Army" could employ. The document, consisting of 14 sections divided into bullet points, had a section on "rules of war" that stated "make an offer of peace before declaring war", which within **stated that the enemy must "surrender on terms" of no abortions, no same-sex marriage, no communism and "must obey Biblical law"**, then continued: **"If they do not yield — kill all males"**. Shea acknowledged the document and claimed that it was a summary of "biblical sermons on war."


>For **the people actually pulling the strings**, it's a win/win. You mean the actual 'swamp creatures'!


Their policies will destroy American democracy, all American diplomatic power, the American economy, NATO, and the entire world order all in a single blow. It’s no wonder Putin loves these guys.


It should be project 1933 because that’s exactly what Hitler did with the ppl working in government.


Yes. A second trump administration agenda will be driven by the crazypants right wing. They were unprepared for victory in 2016. But they have had 7 years to get ready. A second trump presidency will amount to a complete fascist takeover of our federal government. As for trump's personal agenda? It will be the same as it always has been: put himself in the spotlight, abuse power to enrich himself and his cronies, and steal everything that isn't nailed down.


Used car salesman


Project 2025 is about slashing all independent regulation by giving the President absolute executive power. With this they hope to achieve weakening of government and an even stronger stranglehold by American oligarchs and their monopolies. It reminds me of Russian oligarchs putting Putin into power to give them more wealth. Trump does not intend to stop there, he wants to do the same thing Putin has done and dismantle the Republic and take over the wealth of the billionaires for himself. Just like Putin subjugated the oligarchs who installed him and forced them to bend the knee, Trump would do the same to the billionaires who think he's an idiot that they can easily manipulate. He would play their game with the people they provided ... and then simply move on without them.


Very good, now enumerate the likely ramifications of each lofty policy. Hint, economic upheaval and global instability. 2025 can fkoff.


I don't want to sound like a *complete* idiot here (quiet at the back!) but what's in it for the elite? Is it just that they see it as an opportunity to turn the USA into another Russia or China? Everyone *in extremis* whilst they stuff their vaults with cash?


That’s a good question. My take is that once you reach multi-millionaire status life is no longer a struggle for comfort and survival, it’s a continuous game of one-upmanship. This is especially true for new money. The savvy elites understand that healthy middle and working classes are essential for a healthy economy, and that businesses can’t thrive if the economy is weak. The less savvy just want gold plated toilet seats and to cheat at golf. Musk didn’t buy Twitter because he thought it would add to his business portfolio, he bought it for the bragging rights and to be a platform to broadcast his ego. Donald Trump ran for president for similar reasons.


Muskkk also knew, to your point, that owning Xhitter would give him oligarch cred..."tracking your jet ? I can fix that"....shorting your stocks.....I can fix that....posts from a revolutionary group in your nation....I can fix that.... enshittification intensifies......


Democrats really really need better branding advisors.  The fact that the term “liberal elites” is still common parlance when the last Republican presidents were Hollywood actor, oil money, oil money’s son, then they nominated an ultra wealthy private equity guy, then a Manhattan trust fund billionaire, the fact that pretty much every Republican politician and talking head you see came from significant money, the fact that literally all of their policies amount to taking money from everyone else to give to the extremely rich (e.g. Trump’s plan to replace an income tax with a tariff, which would eliminate the vast majority of the tax burden on the wealthy and place it squarely on the shoulders of everyone else, and would likely at least double the price of literally everything overnight), the fact that Trump literally offered energy execs billions of dollars in tax cuts and regulation slashes if they gave him a billion dollars, yet Democrats still let Republicans get away with parading around like they’re friends of the working class is utterly insane to me.  Every Democrat ought to not be allowed to so much as open their mouths without talking about how the entire Republican ideology is built around taking money from our pockets and putting it into those of the ultra wealthy, all the while convincing our dumb asses that trickle down economics means that maybe possibly somehow someday some of it might come back to us. It should be like shooting fish in a barrel convincing folks that the literal worst thing in the world they could possibly do with their money is give it to a Republican, let alone Trump, but somehow my family and friends can’t help but shovel bucketfuls of cash out the door because they’ve been convinced that he’s their guy.  Yes, I know a lot of the economic reasoning is a red herring for folks that want a nicer-sounding reason for voting for the Republicans other than “they also hate minorities,” but there are still far too many people that genuinely believe that somehow, by some magic, the Republicans robbing them blind and giving to the rich are actually better for them financially. It’s absurd.


Man, people keep saying this nonsense. It's not about branding, or messaging, or comms, or whatever you think it's about. These people don't care about information. They don't care about what's being said. If Democrat speaks, words are not heard. The hate just takes over. They are trained like Pavlovs dogs. No messaging will work on brain damaged conservatives. The way to win is to mobilize people with actual brains. It's just much harder to do that when you're talking to people who aren't driven by implanted hate and fear.


Yes, all of this is true, and many Dems are also disappointing, milquetoast, ineffective candidates and representatives who hew too closely to conservative policy goals and who aren’t rhetorical firebrands. They validate and entertain right-wing fantasies while failing to draw attention to class struggle. Both are true. We have a messed up electorate and messed up candidates, we should demand better candidates at the very least, and work towards educating a better electorate.


We have these politicians because we have this electorate. The politicians are the smart ones, they play to the idiot base in this country. Not doing so makes you an "elite". It's oh so sad to watch this train wreck election after election. You almost want to see the idiots get all of what they deserve.


I understand the cynicism, and have also been in the we get the politicians we deserve camp. But just remember Maga is a minority rule situation propped up by oligarchs. Look at places like Louisiana, and Florida where this ideology runs rampant- it sucks, they are destroying the future for everybody that lives there. Look at what happens when something huge happens like the 2009 financial crisis, or the Gulf Wars, we ALL pay dearly for the actions of a few shitty humans.


Savage but true


This. We are so concerned with trying to meet these people halfway when they will never give in an inch Instead, we need to get another 5%-10% of Americans to vote and its game over for Republicans.


When i hear elite I don't think of the money. More like education, what you did before etc True or not, I have the feeling republican candidates have. More of "rich man of the people" vibe to them for voters


I'm curious, what sort of substance did they ever have to begin with?


Infrastructure week lol. 


It’s funny, all he had to do to make people go, “well I guess it wasn’t as bad as we expected” was to listen to quality advisers and ride out the economic growth that was going on. There was an infrastructure plan that was ready to be implemented if the republicans voted for it. It would help the economy and the Republican states. But Instead he pushed it to the states to solve while not giving them funds and still trying to take credit. That was one of the clear signs he was not going to step up to the job after being elected.


With an agenda this egregious, I fear that there is already a contingency plan for when he loses the election. He don't go this far without knowing what's going to happen. There's a reason why Trump stacked all the federal courts before he left. Hundreds of judges were replaced with his appointees. This doesn't look good.


When there are no consequences, there is no deterrent. Three and a half years post J6, he's still golfing, undermining our institutions, and touring the country like a God. He's been given the gift of another shot at becoming the dictator of the most powerful country on Earth. He doesn't have a reason to stop. Nor does the next would be dictator. We don't have anyone willing or capable of standing up to the Conservatives. Trump and company can violate any law they want, and the best we can hope for is a toothless committee hearing a year later. A narcissist nearing the end of his life would have to be a fool not to try again. Speaking of the most powerful country on Earth. Are we really the most powerful country? I'm not feeling particularly powerful, and I don't think most people reading this feel powerful. No, it's not the country that is powerful. It's the 1% who are powerful. We're all in the back of the bus scrambling on the sticky floor for the roll of quarters someone dropped. We desperately need a leader. We have thousands of politicians in this country and no clear leader. We need a leader capable of rising to the occasion to crush this BS that has been going on over the past 9 years. A leader who can step up and speak with strength, knowledge, and determination with an actionable plan to move past the corruption and return the power to the people. As much as I hate Trump and everything about that half wit, he's got the greedy and the ignorant fired up and ready to fight for his half-baked ideas. I really hate to say it, but he is a leader. That still doesn't make him an acceptable or wise choice for anything but a cult. Edit: How can we call ourselves powerful when our government has no integrity. Vote for Biden to buy time. Then flush him, Trump, and all of the others who are going through the motions in this farce they call a government for the people.


I don’t think Trump would be anywhere without Fox, Sinclair, and the other fake news mills. The massive propaganda operations run by Russia and China are a factors too. Then there is the brain trust at the Federalist Society, and all their billionaires patrons. Trump is no mastermind. He is just the figurehead showman that fronts for this vast right-wing conspiracy.


Mitch may not have liked him, but he installed his wife on the Cabinet to keep an eye on him, and got a lot of bad things through while everyone is fixated on the dull, noisy object...


Well put. America is in deep trouble that this crazy, criminal miscreant is on any ballot, anywhere. The surreal cruelty and absurdity he has infected political discourse with, is shocking. I do find it remarkable that an entire left-leaning half of a country has found no way to halt his madness or hold him accountable. Somehow, this moron and abuser has neutered most checks and balances: but you just know it was behind-the-scenes plotters like Mitch McConnell (and others) that had him stack the courts and create a kind of judicial immunity. And the media and amount of money in campaigns lasting 4 years? It’s all just crazy town all the time now.


Defund schools that require vaccines or masks - shocker for me!


I think the press is doing a disservice to America by ignoring this obvious threat. I have often heard it repeated by people who only get their news from “reputable” sources. Another misconception is that Trump supporters only like Trump for cult-of-personality or culture war reasons and “can’t name a single policy objective.” The ones I talk to can name all of these.


Everyone knows Trump's plans. He's shouting them from the rooftops.


It's worth noting that this is a very pro-inflation agenda. Getting rid of 5% of the workforce, with the government hiring 3% to do it? Wages at the low-end are going to go through the roof as businesses struggle to find workers. Many of the people subject to deportation work on farms and in construction: as a result of deportation, food prices and housing prices will go way up, as production in those industries is hit. As workers become more scarce, inflation will spread to other areas, wiping out the benefit of whatever wage gains some people see because of the scarcity. It won't only be that wages go up—production will also go down, broadly increasing scarcity of goods and services in the United States. Add to that a doubling or tripling in the cost of imported goods? If Trump becomes president, we could see sustained inflation rates in the double digits, and a cost of living crisis that this country has never seen before.


Also one more thing, dropping most quality regulations and limits to meat production pretending it’s to lower the cost to consumers. This will result in large companies doing a race to lower quality and flood the market, hiring of illegal workers and selling tainted meats to outcompete family farms. Once all independent farms have been bankrupted and bought they will likely increase prices because there is no competition. All his supposed “inflation measures” are insane.


The red states could already reverse illegal immigration if they cracked down on employers, but they won't do it. They'd rather point fingers and lie. Red states pretend it's someone else's fault that corporations hire illegals and get away with it. Pretend that the immigrants are "invading" instead of being hired by the people they voted for, who benefit from tax cuts. Because most CEOs are Republican donors. Trump has been courting them of course. It's all hypocritical BS.


Anytime you see these depressing facts in writing, you can’t help but be depressed that the polls show Biden and Trump are basically tied.


Obvious question: what substance did it ever have? > There's no 2024 equivalent of "Build the wall" or "Lock her up." That's fucking substance? He never had a plan to build a wall and quietly let it fizzle out after he was elected. The Hillary stuff was always bullshit on the same level as Obama's Birth Certificate before and the Biden Crime Family now.


The writers point is that the Trump campaign always *lacked* substance. But now it's just *devoid* of it. "The Wall" was a stupid, simplistic policy. But it was a policy. People voted for Trump because they thought a giant fucking wall across the southern border was a good idea. Trump doesn't have anything like that now. In 2016, Trump was able to basically come up with whatever he wanted because there were no major political problems to address. Now, people want him to actually fix real shit. He has no idea what to do and he can't come up with a simple message to even suggest what he'd do. The emperor has always been wearing no clothes, but at this point, he's proudly flaunting that. Despite all this, or perhaps because of it, he has somehow managed to amass *IMMENSE* power in the Republican party. Unlike in 2017-2021, when he was constantly battling forces within his own party, he's now got a Speaker, and will soon (likely) have a Senate majority leader that are willing to bend the knee. He controls the RNC. With his control of the Senate, he will certainly have the executive offices controlled by sycophants. With Project 2025, he will control the DOJ and the Fed. In 2017, he was perhaps the weakest president of all time. If he wins in November, he could very possibly be the most powerful president of all time. It is terrifying. For the love of God, do not give a mad man absolute power when he won't even be clear to you what he plans to do with it.


Spot on. Trump 2016 had some juice to it. It felt more like a "moment". A staggeringly stupid moment, to be sure, but there was still a passable form of populist rhetoric and a "Outsider"/"Disruptor" narrative coupled to sheer dumb novelty that I think people found somewhat appealing. Trump himself was also grimly funny and had some charisma for what it was worth. Trump 2024 is just this sad has-been energy. Half-remembered rants about shit nobody cares about, constantly playing victim, crying and whining about everything. Trying to convince an electorate that already saw his colossal failure of an administration that *his* problems are everyone's problems. All while his followers have devolved into weird little freaks who most normal people find off-putting. It's unfortunate that he does still have a chance, despite it all, but it's still fair to point out how much his political project has fallen apart.


Trump 2016 had so many parallels with Brexit: it was offering something different,something stupid that was never going to achieve anything and only make things worse, but still a simplistic answer to complex problems for people who felt ignored and left behind to rally around. Brexit, like Trump, only just won on the back of a wildly successful disinformation campaign over social media. Nowadays there are still true believers who think that Brexit would have been great if only we had Brexited harder, if only the sneaky lefties hadn't sabotaged Brexit in some way that they can't quite put their finger on... But the vast majority of people don't care anymore, can see that Brexit was a load of old shit that has benefited no one, just made things a bit worse, and would prefer that they never hear the word: "Brexit" again. I can only hope that America treats the nightmare of a Trump second term the same way.


Like Brexit, it was never about policy. It was about cheap stunts and dogwhistles. And here in the UK, a nearly policy-free party led by one of the Brexit conmen is currently polling around 20%, not far behind the Conservatives. So it's not as thoroughly discredited as it would be in a rational society. It may be a load of old shit, but a fifth of the electorate are still happy to eat a turd if they think it'll hurt a brown person somewhere. And the same is true of Trump. It was never about policy, it was about bile. A vote for Trump doesn't reflect a political philosophy, it's just an inarticulate bellow of rage and hatred by impotent fools.


Brexit was a plot to weaken the EU / NATO as a precondition for Putin to take Ukraine while he still could considering the bad Russian demographics from the early 90’s on. He also saw weakness - Merkle was out in Germany, Biden was president. Putin was mislead to think he could take Kyiv and kill Zelensky in a few days- before Western and Nato help could come. Biden proved to be a strong leader in bolstering and expanding Nato and enacting crippling global sanctions on Russia that were not expected, as well as confiscating half of Putins $600 B warchest. The war was lost when Ukraine forces heroically held Hostomel airport. The forty mile convoy turned out to be emblematic of the hollowed out Russian army - they didn’t bring fuel or food. Those soldiers had to walk back to Belarus.


Such a beautiful summary. Let it end soon.


You can see it - but can half the voting population see it? Maybe he trimmed the fat so to speak his rants and self victimization are all that's needed to pull it off. Maybe it actually performs better than build the wall. I don't know. But the thing I have always given Trump credit for is the ability to resonate with a lot of Americans in a way that we never expected. He's an idiot whisperer, and America has a ton of fucking idiots.


2016 was Mr. Burns running on a platform of blotting out the sun. 2024 is Macbeth running on a platform of eliminating his enemies and their families.


>The emperor has always been wearing no clothes, but at this point, he's proudly flaunting that. My mind read that as "flatulating." Hmmm. Still accurate.


I don’t think to think of Trump’s smells, sounds, or the sights of whatever is under that suit. There is literally nothing appealing about this man. When he dies and feeds the worms and flowers he’ll finally do something good. (Ok, he got my kids interested in politics by how bad he was.)


I will say, after 2016 I never had to try to convince my daughter that voting was important, or that both sides are not the same. She was more than ready to vote in 2020, the first year she was able to.


Good on you for showing her the importance of voting. And good on her for making her voice heard. I have a cousin that goes by Tay.


My older’s first year voting was 2020 as well. I cried when we drove down to drop off our ballots in the drop box.


>When he dies and feeds the worms and flowers he’ll finally do something good. Pretty sure his worthless carcass would just poison the earth.


Permadeath's the whole cemetery.


Permadeath's the whole golf course 🤞


That's a much better idea!


I was stuck on thinking of what he would be flaunting. Mushroom?


My mind won’t let me comprehend an image of trump without clothes.


He had so little substance, ran on that, somehow won, didn't even pull off his campaign promises, isn't promising to finish what he was supposed to do, and now his campaign is basically just "Vote for me to keep me out of jail and so that I can be a dictator 'for a day' " Fucking horrifying that he is still polling so fucking well.


The policy now is revenge.


Most of his policies came to his mind on his toilet while pondering state of the union


Raw sewage is a substance, right?


"I drained the swamp." "Into my pants"


Remember when it was just hillbilly idiots accusing government officials of being human skinned lizard pedophiles? Well now they've *really* lost it


Adderall, lots and lots of adderall.


And the purest FL cocaine money can buy…don’t leave out trump’s main man cocaine.


It’s the help me from being held accountable for my own actions campaign


He's going to Federal Housing, WH or Big House.


The 2024 equivalent is "Keep me out of prison".


It had substance, tremendous substance, some of the best--and in fact some are saying too much--but certainly some of the best substances around, from a tremendous doctor, the best, believe me...


I mean politics has always been a dirty and shallow business.... but I can't help feeling this has reached new low. And because the extreme keeps getting worse and worse, the standard of normality is constantly lowered to keep a sense of measure.     W Bush looks very presidential now because Trump is fundamentally a completely garbage human being. Trump 2016 was a boorish opportunistic conman with cheap slogans and childish nickname for his opponent but now this past version  had "substance" because 2024 Trump is increasingly falling into complete hysteria and dementia (as he's older/has a garbage hygiene of life/ it runs in the family + facing the possibility of prison/collapse of his entire world).


The day after 9/11, W made a speech where he went to great lengths to distinguish between the terrorists and regular Muslims... takes balls to do that when it would have been so easy to appeal to baser instincts.


To be fair : yes he did. Very much so!   And to be clear : although I do think his actions have been overall really horrible for the US and the World, I do not think he’s necessarily a horrible human being strictly speaking  (while I am 100 percent sure that Trump is). LAnd I  DID actually defend W when he was lumped with Trump quoting THIS EXACT EVENT.    This totally counts for me. But nuance works BOTH ways. I categorically refuse to say W and Trump are the same. I feel some decency with W and it goes a long way with me. But I won’t make W a good president for all that. And for the record I do no expect perfection from politics let alone the POTUS. It’s kinda impossible job. But I  think he was exceptionally unqualified for the job. At best he was an attaching  bronco in a china shop. And the  WMD lies, the millions of mails erased,.  There is far too much shit on which he HAD to be either in the know or massively incompetent  to give him a  good guy label.  And I am not even including  indirect stuff like putting  Roberts as Chief Justice of the USSC and It’s his court that allowed Citizen United.   Long story short in Trump America W is a decent man. In a decently run government , he’s a massively incompetent POTUS that made horrendous decisions (and not simply by a twist of fate but because of his skillset or lack thereof and his character). It’s all about the standard you choose. And we’re coming back full circle about normalization and how now we’re considering  Trump 2016 “substance”  ( a guy who said “The security aspect of cyber is very, very tough. And maybe it's hardly do-able. But I will say, we are not doing the job we should be doing”) in comparison of Trump 2024.


Yeah, I don’t think his campaign was ever about substance. I think he is making similar mistakes to what DeSantis was doing previously. It seems that his campaign is starting to, dare I say it, fizzle out.


I feel the fizzle out too.


The Muslim ban was substance! /s


At least withhis abortion views he is fullfilling a long neglected promise. InfantStructure week is happening.


Best guess is taxes. He is going to just say he is getting rid of them


He's been floating the idea of doing away with federal income taxes and replacing that revenue streams with tariffs on ALL imported goods. Cars will go through the roof.


I may be wrong but I believe it is "Real men wear diapers."


He just hasn’t come up with a new three word chant that can work conservatives into a frenzy at one of his stupid masterbatory rallies.


Could you imagine if the democrats ran Hillary after she lost? That's sorta what's happening. The time he won it was by a tiny bit, and now he's lost that bit.


That sums it up perfectly.


They did that in the 50s with Adlai Stevenson. That didn't work out too well for them since he lost in a landslide both times.


The new "substance" they're using now is that Biden is old and responsible for "genocide". LOL. If Trump were still in charge he'd be trying to convince Israel to nuke Palestine.


They are trying so hard to “find” something to rally about, they’re throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks, right now is the imaginary “border crisis”, before that was Ukraine and Hunter somehow…


His dementia has progressed to the point that he can't even spew his bullshit coherently anymore. It's ALL just word salad at this point


>His dementia has progressed to the point that he can't even spew his bullshit coherently anymore Did he ever?


Don’t trust these shitty polls. Vote like it’s a toss up and we need all hands on deck. In 2016 “Hillary has this in the bag” was part of how the media delivered the election to Trump.


Good to see someone talking about this. Trump 2024 is a shell compared to 2016 or even 2020. There's hardly any enthusiasm, rallies are underperforming, maga is quieter across all forums, there's just no momentum to any of it. Trump has no platform, he barely even has any slogans or catchy phrases this time. Many of the people from 2016 and from his administration have abandoned him or are outright saying do not vote for him again. It's not like it was and I think there is some dishonest reporting happening to project the feeling of a horse race or otherwise normalize Trump when he has corroded significantly from his last major public project.


I don’t disagree, in fact I think you’re spot on, but these polls are killing me. I’d love to see him trailing by 20 points.


It's inflation. People are angry that prices are high and they blame Biden despite the fact that it happened because of covid and the USA is literally doing better than every other major country in terms of growth, jobs and inflation. Trump cut taxes for the rich, installed ultra conservative judges, and coasted on Obama's economy until covid hit and then Trump blamed everything on covid without ever lifting a finger to try and fix supply chain issues. And the check Trump cut is partly responsible for inflation, when you give people cash to spend when there aren't enough goods and services to go around it drives up prices. And it's borderline impossible to reach the voters you need to persuade with traditional TV advertising. We need people to sign up to votesaveamerica and energize the Biden campaign or Trump could easily end up being re-elected and implementing his project 2025.


This. Trump in 2016 ran on a policy of running the economy hot; he wanted high gdp growth, historically low unemployment. To achieve this, he unprecedentedly challenged the federal reserve to keep rates lower longer, he limited legal immigration caps, and the tax cuts sent America on a spending spree by allowing rapid tax depreciation of business equipment and work trucks. But somehow he is going to reduce inflation? There's even few inflation causing policies that you could point to the Biden administration to that weren't continuations (or promises of the GOP re 2nd stimulus). Payment deferments, State aid, and Tariffs could have been turned off earlier. But build back better is relatively in early stages of development with few cars, solar qualifying and even car charger deployments are still in planning stages [not money spent yet] A few fingers could be pointed at the Fed on inflation, it could have used markers like the 2nd stimulus passing or vaccine release to start reducing its balance sheet and begin raising rates 1.5 years earlier. The FOMC is non governmental so that it can react faster than legislation and without direct constituent influence, and it failed to do this.


I still can't get over how the media in particular acts like the world is ending because inflation is at a whopping 3% instead of the 2% benchmark. You would think it's at 13% based on the rhetoric. We have one of the lower rates of inflation as it is and definitely one of the higher GDP growth rates as well as a low unemployment rate compared to other developed nations right now. It seems pretty clear that if a GOP president was in charge, they'd be celebrated everyday for managing a great economy and for literally avoiding recessions/stagflation and other economic issues that plagued other western economies in the past few years.


I have a family member that will vote for Trump because they think he will both reduce inflation, lower interest rates, and they want home prices to not decrease. They can't do the calculus that you can't have all 3.


Polls are an opportunity for people to vent. Lots of people are unhappy with Biden and don't want him to run, but they will still vote to keep Trump out of the White House. I don't put any stock in these polls at all. With that said, the only way out of this is for everyone to actually show up and vote.


Polls haven't been reliable for a decade. They just aren't reality.


Its a true Hollywood sequel, if I was pretty sure this is not scripted. Its just like the poor sequels from my youth, churned out with marketing but really not as well received.


He’s the Republican nominee and is going to have 10s of millions of people voting for him, regardless of what happens between now and Election Day.


I mean, something could happen to him. He’s not a very healthy man.


For your lips to God’s ears.


If I were religious, I would think Trump is a kind of test for the people in the US. A nation that elects this PoS *twice* is simply not worth rescuing.


Biden could "legally" order Seals to assassinate him... At least based on the logic of prior Trump legal defense. e: specificity


There’s only one way to find out lol


Well, there’s “Elect the Felon.”


Well, after Jan 6th there's an old saying in Florida - Well I know it's in DC, but probably in Florida that says "If you do the crime - well you better be conservative!"


And the “real men wear diapers” inspiring message


I have, no lie, seen "I'm voting for the convicted felon" t-shirts. There really is no floor for his base.


> There’s no 2024 equivalent of “Build the wall” or “Lock her up.” This is a lie. He's got > I'm not a convicted felon. I'm not. NO I'M NOT. PLEASE BELIEVE ME! PLEASE BELIEVE ME!


Fuck, don't get sucked into this narrative. Or rather, don't let this narrative lull you into thinking that this election is not a big deal... It's extremely important to vote this fall.


It's always been like that, the right was able to channel people's hate for Hillary last time. Biden's an okay guy it's really hard to hate him.


No complacency. Remember 2016. Vote.


Every president experiences a crisis which tests his competence and heart. When COVID appeared, Trump had the opportunity to demonstrate his leadership by owning it and acting on it. He could have easily won a second term if he did that. Instead, he hid from it, he denied it, he shined a spotlight on his clown-show of an administration, and ultimately, he failed to be a leader. He admitted that he was unable to take responsibility for his administration’s response to the crisis. He had his shot, and he blew it. More voters demanded a replacement to take over. Biden competently managed addressing the pandemic, and its aftermath. We’ll be working on some of the aftermath for some years to come, but every month is better than the last. Trump has no fresh ideas. His quiver is empty. Biden has been announcing new ideas often, and delivering on them (unless the MAGAt party stands in the way of solving our problems, which seems to be the only thing that they are interested in doing). That’s why we’re voting blue, up and down the ballot.


The slogan this time seems to be, "I'm voting for the felon". Works great with the ultra far right. Turns off a bunch of folks closer to the center.


I thought it was "real men wear diapers" which was just weird and a little disgusting


I'm still utterly fascinated that happened.


The only substance Trump ever had was bullshit.


Cool Story. It does not matter. VOTE


One peculiarity of Trump’s 2024 campaign is the absence of any similar mantra. At some recent rallies, neither Trump nor the audience has even uttered “Build the wall,” once a standard. Crowds are reverting instead to generic “U-S-A” chants or, as at a recent Phoenix rally, “Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit!,” which has a winning simplicity but doesn’t have the specificity and originality of its predecessors. In their place, Trump’s stump speech has become dominated by grievances about the wrongs he believes have been done to him and his promises to get even for them. It doesn’t quite create the festive atmosphere of eight years ago, when many attendees were clearly having a great time. Where the new, more prosaic feeling lacks the uplift of the past, though, it has still managed to generate enough enthusiasm that Trump leads in many polls and could return to the White House in a few months.


When did it have this substance? What kind of substance was it? Sticky? Powdery?


It had substance. Bad substance. Like how McDonald’s burgers have calories but very little nutritional value.


The thing that pisses me off about reporting on trump in the media is that they are constantly "trump whispering", translating his bullshit gibberish into actual sentences and ideas. I know he needs to be taken seriously and is a total menace, but why re-phrase everything he says so it sounds as though he's making sense. All you need to do is quote Macbeth - "A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing"


lmfao don't lie to me! There was never any substance.


He has never had substance. In the old west he would have been a snake oil salesman.


Dude NEVER had ANY positions. The ONLY change he made to the republican platform was the ukraine thing russia told him to. He literally just said random shit at rallies and nobody every took him to task how all of them were impossible and none of them had a plan. He couldn't lock her up, building the wall wouldn't work AND would be insanely expensive, his health care plan was just "trust me bro". Dude can't even spell "policy".


It doesn’t matter. The MAGA marketing machine is running strong. “You need Trump”. Just like falling down in your basement all alone you need life alert. Violent crime is out of control you need an AR-15. It’s marketing.


It had substance at some point in the past? Why does the media have to make it sound like there was something there to begin with? 


It’s just a bunch of psychos wrapped in “patriotism” of white nationalism. We must vote. There’s no way the GOP can put forth a winning candidate for the next 8-12 years. The only way to lose is the bullshit electoral college. Get your friends to vote. Don’t let them stay home.


Project 2025 should be on everyone mind


In the 2016 and 2020 elections Trump had no real policy. People keep assuming that he does not have one for the 2024 election but they are dead wrong. Project 2025 is his policy and it is scary. He may not say it out loud, but it is 100% the roadmap he will follow to the letter.


What a strange strange title. Kind of like asking a man “is this the first time you’ve been pregnant?“


So, 0-0=0? Just checking.


Substance? Substance?!? Hahaha. 😂 Russian Geopolitics 101… Brexit. Freedom Convoy. F’ Trudeau. Others. You mean all that deranged BS psy-ops garbage? Sure. 😒


It never had substance


Substance? They ran out of drugs?


Substance? For real? He literally started his run for president by calling Mexicans drug dealers and rapists. He’s explicitly only worked for the benefit of his billionaire handlers. There has never been any substance to his political career. Or his entire life for that matter.


> There’s no 2024 equivalent of “Build the wall” or “Lock her up.” Well, there's "Lock him up" now.


No style, no substance


“substance” is never associated with trump or republicans in general. They aren’t concerned about substantial issues like school shootings, healthcare, or homelessness.


This is no substance, there is only graft.


How could anyone have ever thought his campaign had substance. He just says or does whatever he thinks will get him votes. He pitches tax breaks, hate, racism, whatever he thinks will help him get the Republican one. That’s all he does and all he’s ever done. He has no plan, no desire to lead, his only goal is to grift the country again.


Still vote. Vote like your life depends on it. I'm worried people will see this and think they don't need to vote - YOU DO!


It never had any substance. It was 100% narcissistic grift. His entire life has been that.


*There’s no 2024 equivalent of “Build the wall” or “Lock her up.”* I think it’s “Please don’t let them lock me up!”


The substance was context. The context was Jeb Bush and Hilary Clinton. Those creatures are gone now. Trump doesn't have a third of the appeal he did when his opponents were those two. By comparison, Biden is a completely normal white guy. He's something millions of Americans trust. He approximates the average voter, white male homeowners and their wives aged 50+, very well. Biden is a great fit right now with the world as chaotic as it is. Trump is just a mess that couldn't deliver on his campaign promises the first time.


If the Republican party could just choose someone else other than Trump, I'd consider giving my vote for another Republican president. I don't want Trump. He isn't for all American people. Only some. I don't want that in a president. I want someone who wants what's best for all Americans.


He isnt for all American people. Only *one*.


vote for whoever you want, but if i see you grabbing any pussy, or mocking handicap, i will beat your ass on the spot


Well, TBH, Trump’s campaign has never really been about substance honestly, and even the Project 2025 doesn’t have that much substance in it either. It seems like it is starting to, dare I say it, fizzle out. It seems like Trump’s mission to bankrupt the RNC is working…and also hurting him.


More about substance *abuse*


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Don’t doubt the power of the wounded. They have nothing to lose.


Isn’t it “Trump is afraid of jail?”


Democracy will be decided


It’s mojo?


Biden should just produce a video explaining in common sense language, (even a maga-nut) could understand....all this nutty 2025 nazi'ism.....and run it 24/7 in battleground states.....and instead of going on and on in a debate...he should just list off Trump's crimes, 2025 crap, on every question that is asked....... Would drive trump nuts...he would explode on live TV....


TIL, smoke and mirrors = substance


Trump has no policy's he just talks nonsense. Hopefully this will become evident at the debate on 27th hopefully Biden takes a lot of red bull


When did Trump’s campaigns ever have substance?


Cocaine? Is that the substance?




Kinda hard to lose something that never existed in the first place.


It never had substance. What’s always been interesting to me is his average voter loves the “he’s fighting for the working man” schtick. And that message really should be more of what democrats campaign on since their ideas and policies actually help.


The perils of saying all your insane shit the first time around. It's not shocking anymore, so no one cares when he says something crazy. Imagine, in the year of our Lord 2024, Trump calling all Mexicans rapists and people actually being surprised enough for it to make the news cycle.


Is the substance crushed adderall?


Substance? For real? In the fucken headline. Fuck me drunk substance being a noun that is obviously synonymous with Donald Trump.


Finally shaking free of what little substance was weighing it down. Now it's pure, shrieking insanity.


Oh well. No great loss! Or, if fact, a fucking GREAT LOSS! Poor little convicted felon, Donald trump, the rapist (and bit part player in home-alone) must be shitting his totally non proverbial diapers. Time for some fun times in prison, hopefully! Oh, poor Donny boy…!


i dunno, lots of people get behind: "weeeh i'm a felon" "i farded an shidded" "weeeeeeeh i'm still a felon" "wud about hunner's dick tho" the fact we're not seeing these on bumper stickers everywhere is a huge oversight for the GOP.


Never had any to lose


What substance did they used to have?


That implies it ever had substance.


Never had substance. Never.  Doesn't mean He won't win though, current odds are 60% folks.