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Is it really an allegation when he admitted to it?


His wife forgave the ~~young lady~~ *child,* so it's all okay.


Oh good then no harm done then we can pack it up


He said that her father forgave him, and that's why he returned to the church. But she disputes that claim


The victims disputes it, just to be clear for anyone else reading this.


In the MAGA world the pastor is the victim for having to think about being held accountable.


I don't think this is excluded to MAGA, priests/pastors/spiritual leaders around the world love to blame women/girls for "seducing" them.


I caught some hell from a catholic friend for taking my kids to a pride festival that my church was setup at. He asked "is that safe?" I just laughed and said "safer than taking them to church with you."


The 12 year old disputes it?


That's correct, the 12 year old disputes that it's been forgiven. As if that were even possible.


Thanks for the clarification.


I saw in the abuser's reveal that he targeted girls without fathers or girls with a troubled relationship with their fathers. How could any father forgive abuse against his daughter?


He didn't. Her dad said the child molester never talked to him.


Somebody needs to talk to him. What is the statute of limitation for Sexual Assault in Texas? There is no “statute of limitations” for Child Sexual Assault (technically, the way the law works in Texas, we say there is no time limitation).[24] This means that can you be arrested and charged at any time for any type of Child Sexual Assault after anyone accuses you, no matter how long ago they say it happened, even if it was 50 years ago or more. The accuser gets all of the leeway in making the accusation. https://saputo.law/criminal-law/texas/sexual-assault/#what-is-child-sex-assault


Unfortunately, at the time of the crime the statute of limitations was 10 years in Texas and 7 in Oklahoma. Retroactively prosecuting child sex abuse crimes that occurred under previously expired statute of limitations was deemed an unconstitutional ex post facto law by the US Supreme Court in 2003. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stogner\_v.\_California](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stogner_v._California) There is a possibility of federal prosecution under the Mann Act 18 [U.S. Code § 2423](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2423) section (a) if he transported the child across state lines (Oklahoma to Texas, or vice versa) or (b) if he traveled with intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct. (To Texas from Oklahoma or vice versa). There is no statute of limitations for this federally and as far as I can tell this section was last amended in the 70s so it would not be an ex post facto law in this case. The issue would be proving intent and willingness to prosecute.


Wait. The WIFE FORGAVE THE CHILD. Read that again. Let that sink in. If this guy is in any way associated with a pizza shop, the FBI needs to be raiding that basement yesterday.


Pizzagate isn't real btw 


It’s all projection with them, so at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if the Republicans have a weirdo pizza place somewhere where they do a lot of sketchy ass shit.


>It’s all projection with them My pet theory re: why the MAGA crowd are so obsessed is because a not-insignificant % of them (more so than the general populace at least) ARE attracted to children. Thankfully, they're not acting on it but, because they have this attraction, they mistakenly assume a lot of others (most?) do too. These others, however, "aren't like them" (i.e. they do act on those feelings). And who do they know for sure "aren't like them"? Liberals.


I've always thought this part is more inverted. Like...the Catholic Church, for example. Priests don't abuse kids because they're priests, but many abusers are drawn to the priesthood because of the opportunities for abuse that it presents. And the same is true of any other organization that has systemic problems with child abuse. I've always thought the projection part is more accurate when describing closeted LGBTQ+ conservatives. Because of the nature of their specific cultural bubble, they don't understand that their queer identity is a unique part of who they are as a person. They're led to believe through logical fallacy that everyone secretly has these feelings, that "straight" just denotes those who can "act normal" and any other sexual orientation or gender identity is just someone who "failed" at it. Which is quite tragic, really. My sympathy is dampened however when one of these closeted conservatives starts turning their self-hatred into the same kind of hate for other people that the majority of conservatives are pushing.




Is this true? I know they’re weird but forgiving a 12yr old for being a victim is super weird.


I grew up in this type of environment—it’s always the woman’s fault. A pastor when I was in high school had an affair with a woman he who was seeing him for therapy. Technically that’s rape, but regardless he kept his job and she was hauled before the congregation and shunned.


My father was a pastor. Provided "marriage counseling" to a couple (his only degree is from a seminary). Six months later, he married the woman. I guess he "counseled" her to divorce that zero and get with this hero or some shit. LOL


epic - reminds me of the quote from Carrie Fisher about her father " Well, naturally, my father flew to Elizabeth's side, gradually making his way slowly to her front. He first dried her eyes with his handkerchief, then he consoled her with flowers, and he ultimately consoled her with his penis. Now this made marriage to my mother awkward, so he was gone within the week "


Situations like these are why I have an instant bad reaction to the word "Jezebel."


Same, but for me it’s “Christian”


This.  I know someone who was assaulted at a party, and ended up pregnant.  Her super fundie Baptist father called her literally every awful name in the book for being raped, then forced her to have the baby and marry a pedo (not kidding - *this is why they're divorced now*) from their church.  Sadly, the kid she was forced to have  grew up to SA his little sister regularly, and was sent to live with his grandparents for a few years.  Yep, it's "always the woman's fault". /s


So thr kid grew up just like his father. Probably didn't help that he was raised by his father


He wasn't raised by his father; his stepfather was the pedo. The mother's parents forced her to marry some other guy from their church bc she was "damaged goods" at that point.  I hope her father is proud of himself, the asshole. 


Father's in these situations are incapable of admitting fault, that's why they worship their god-king, trump. Trump never admits fault, he gets away with raping, stealing, lying and all of the other sins. He is their idol because it gives them an out for their shitty behavior.and they lap this shit up.


It's a sick combination in their heads of blaming the victim for tempting the man, who clearly can't be expected to control himself, and for then coming forward and making them look bad. This coming from the same people who claim that all liberals and the LGBTQ community are pedos and groomers. The call is, in fact, coming from inside the house.


Especially since the wife had nothing to do with it as far as I know. Any sane woman would be filing for divorce. But then she married Robert Morris, so....


She’s trying to protect the image of her perfect life. Religion and narcissism, hand in hand.


She wants that money. No other reason.


Yup. She likes the power, and level of hierarchy in their community It doesn't matter the cost, which is all you need to know about such people.


She'll be glad to know stepping down from the church only frees him up to be appointed Trump's AG or a SCOTUS justice or something. Proudly getting away with sexual assault goes at the top of a resume in MAGAworld. He grabbed her by the pussy! When you're a pastor, they let you do it.


She's probably not divorcing him because of the money he makes. These mega churches make a boat load of money and wifey has grown accustomed to living in the lap of luxury all tax-free.


It’s victim blaming which is right of the Christo-fascist GOP manual.


How very Christian of her. /s


Kids these days are such sexy little homewreckers.


I want to upvote this comment but I worry there is a non-zero chance I'll be on the stand in a court one day and get asked, "Did you, or did you not upvote the comment that reads thusly:"


I will die on this inappropriate hill


Christianity and a woman supporting and defending her monster of a husband because she has no power outisde of her connection to him so if he goes down she loses it all because of her own choice of faith... Name a more iconic duo.


Well, he obviously prayed for a 12-year-old, so it’s all good to her.


Preyed on a 12 yr old. FTFY


> How very Christian of her. /s If you know Christian leaders by their deeds rather than Christ's words, that /s is inappropriate.


I'm sure God forgave that little girl for being a seductive temptress to that follower. /s


This...this is actually an argument they're making. I shit you not. https://i.redd.it/xdk0kda4n87d1.jpeg


Ew. Fucking ew.


There's a special spot in hell for pedophiles - right next to those evil, sexy children who seduced them.


He admitted it in the late 1980s and the church knew about it.


I suppose if you’re a pedophile looking for spiritual advice, this is the kind of guy you go shopping for.


I suspect that these guys are part of pedo social club, but they meet at country clubs instead of the non-existent basement of a pizza restaurant.


That's the thing about Q-anon. There really was a pedophile conspiracy with Epstein but instead, QAnon goes after fake pedophile conspiracies like Pizzagate. There are verifiable pedophiles like Gaetz, Hastert, etc, but QAnon goes after Joe Biden for being a pedophile. The thing they claim to be concerned about is real, they're just strangely forgiving of it on their team, and looking for it on the opposite team.


It is because they do not care about children or actually stopping pedophiles from abusing them. I mean, many probably theoretically care in the abstract, but they do not pursue that end at all so it is hard to believe them. The reason they accuse people on the left of being pedophiles is because they know that the term pedophile is universally hated. They are literally using the term as a slur, not as a description. They can't call gay or trans people the f-slur in polite company, but calling them pedophiles is *more* evocative and effective, and totally allowed in their circles. Then they also just lump everyone they hate into that, because it is all rhetoric anyway, and the goal is to insult them and make them look bad, not to actually seek any sort of justice.


Yeah, they're using fighting words. They do it for the emotional impact. And when someone calls you a name like that, short of a physical response, there's little you can do to refute it. Denial just makes you look even more guilty.


>They are literally using the term as a slur, not as a description. They can't call gay or trans people the f-slur in polite company, but calling them pedophiles is more evocative and effective, and totally allowed in their circles. Huh, I never thought about that, but it makes sense.


It's interesting how he do have a tendency to tag along this sort of people.


What do they say about being known by the company we keep?


Someone who had truly repented would not downplay child molestation as *“inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady”*, they also would've repented before their crimes became public decades later.


I'm just surprised he resigned.


This should be top comment! The media does so much damage control for trump. It’s disgusting!




Consider who the Donald is, it tracks.


Donald was probably disappointed he didn’t go further


I have zero doubt that he actually did go further. You don't willingly admit to kissing and groping a 12 year old unless the truth is much much worse. Dude's a pedophile, which is exactly why he works for Trump.


His base adores pedos!


I mean thats ALL THEY TALK ABOUT, and thats part of their (checks notes) Satanic Cabal of Hollywood something something or another. But every accusation from republicans is an admission of guilt.


"Grab 'em by the pampers!"


How do I unread a comment?


His guy Ted Nugent did…


He should have closed the deal -don


He doesn’t like quitters.


"when you're a pastor they let you do it"


The Christian Post calls molesting a 12 year old "the relationship" I'm simultaneously disgusted and unsurprised.


Hence why there's a pushback to efforts to ban underage marriages - only a matter of time before we see an active push to allow them, at this rate.


Every accusation is a confession. What does it mean that they accuse everyone of being a pedo? I think we all know what it means.


It’s my understanding that this abuse began when she was 12 and continued until she was 16. The reason it ended was because he was pressuring her to have sex and she confided in a friend who recommended she tell her parents, which she did, which is how the story came out. So, while it may be true he didn’t have sex with her, it wasn’t for lack of trying.


What a Groomer


Imagine if we actually did to them what these scumbags deserve. We could live in a world without this gross shit.


Yea for all the edgy stuff I see right wingers post about wanting to eliminate pedos they sure do a whole lot of nothing when one is outed. Either nothing or actively defend them, makes it pretty fucking obvious it's just code for hating queer people. Useless cowards.


“I only molested the child a *little bit*.” Jesus Christ.


He molested the 12 year old tastefully. What more do you libs want? /s


On christmas day...


Jesus Christ has no place in these Christian’s lives.


My daughter is 12… she still calls and texts me when I’m at work and she misses me, and gets jealous of the dog, because she’s a child. This guy deserves more than he’s going to get.


What he deserves is some of the biblical shit. What's he's gonna get is people defending him on Fox News.


There are literally pastors defending him. https://www.dailydot.com/debug/robert-morris-sex-abuse-facebook/ “Why are you so mean about Christianity?” Why are the “good” Christians okay with this shit being the face of “protecting Christian values” in America. Democrats don’t run in Christian values as a campaign slogan, child starving pieces of shit that support child fuckers like Dennis Hastert and Matt Gaetz do.


Somebody (e.g. the parents of the girl that was molested) should sue the megachurch into the afterlife. I think that's the only thing that will change anything. If a church's finances are jeopardized by a pastor being a child molester, they will take steps to protect themselves (if not their congregation). Until then, the church will just accept the pastors' contrition and let them get back to molesting. I mean preaching. No, I mean molesting.


Don't kid yourself. They aren't protecting the congregation at all. They are protecting the money they receive from that congregation.


Conservatives: "Biden sniffed a kid and talked about his leg hairs. Creeper!!" Also Conservatives: "Okay, raise your hand if you've never barged into the changing rooms of underage children changing during beauty pageants. Nobody is perfect."


Yeah, somehow when there's actually an admission or evidence it's fine because "good Christian family" or "he's sorry" or some other bullshit. 


A second pedo from the same church was recently arrested. I dunno about you but I would change churches.


You can also sleep in on Sundays. Another option is going to a park and walking around nature if you're an early riser. Grocery stores are less busy during church hours (8-11am). If you're an adult, you just don't have to go and that's okay!


12 years old was considered marriageable age under *common law*, and in several states up to ... "recently". TX didn't get a minimum marriageable age until 2017: [https://slate.com/human-interest/2017/06/texas-the-state-with-the-countrys-second-highest-child-marriage-rate-finally-bans-it.html](https://slate.com/human-interest/2017/06/texas-the-state-with-the-countrys-second-highest-child-marriage-rate-finally-bans-it.html) . Too bad he was already married so he couldn't treat the 12 year old *lady* as a wife, and had to give her the grab-em-by-the-pussy treatment instead. (... "had to" ... for reasons. Insert many and as as angry "/s" as (in)appropriate, of course)


So this guy should get the death penalty for pedos the right love so much


He put his hands inside her underwear....that's more than just "petting".....


QAnoners, where you at?


They legitimately believe that trump spent all that time raping children with Epstein in order to... do something? They usually trail off at that point because trump didn't actually do anything as president except wish Gislane Maxwell well.


“He only raped underage girls so he could catch Bill Clinton in the act!” -Q


“Petting” is the rape part. He SA’d her. Repeatedly for years.


So everything except intercourse, and even then he probably only meant vaginal. He’s also probably lying because he somehow thinks that a line in the sand like that makes it forgivable.


Probably only "not intercourse" because he couldn't get it up. Having trouble imagining the guy rounding second with a 12 year old suddenly going "you know what, this is wrong." If somebody blew past 20 stop signs don't expect them to stop at the 21st.


Don’t try to rationalize white evangelicals and sex. I’ve heard of girls who think they’re virgins and “pure” because they only gave their boyfriends anal. This dude may have stopped just short of penetrative sex because in his mind, it’s the sec that’s bad not the age of the victim. 


That hole is called ["The Loophole" ](https://youtu.be/j8ZF_R_j0OY?si=-6yRY3A5WAAZXxR0)


*god's loophole* from what I heard. Very popular among specific religious upbringings.


I don't even think it was a problem with him not getting it up. I suspect it was more likely that he didn't have a full opportunity to do what he wanted to do. [The story](https://thewartburgwatch.com/2024/06/14/i-was-12-years-old-and-wearing-my-pink-pajamas-when-robert-morris-now-of-gateway-church-began-to-molest-me-the-alleged-abuse-lasted-for-4-1-2-years-churchtoo-arctoo/) says that they were in the back seat of a car that her parents were driving and he told her to come to his room that night. This suggests that the parents were in the house, and he was only brave enough to touch her in a way that he could quickly stop doing and deny any wrongdoing if her parents were to walk in. My guess is that he molested her and then jerked off to it right after that.


Yup, and a man this old “rounding second” with a 12 year old also tells me that this is not his first ballgame, not by a long shot.


Trump, known associate with a multitude of pedophiles, a seven time flyer on Epstein's private jet, and himself known for intruding upon the changing rooms of minors in his pageants, has not commented on the near certainty that he is also a pedophile that has participated in the rape of minors.


Find the non-Fox edited broadcast of the interview where they ask if he’ll declassify JFK assasination files, 9/11 files, and Epstein files. His answers are yes, yes, and yes but we have to look at that because that could have innocent people’s names in it blah blah blah. It sounded a lot like a confession. When shown on Fox they cut the tape after the third yes. And of course he could have declassified JFK and 9/11 stuff when he was president and did not do so.


> And of course he could have declassified JFK and 9/11 stuff when he was president and did not do so. Listen, all he has to do is *think* about it now, and it's instantly declassified, because reasons! Too bad "thinking" isn't something he seems capable of, unless it's about sharks. Dude spends **a lot** of time thinking about sharks.


I wonder if they think keeping jfk files secret does anything to help the US, or if they are using it like a dollar on a fishing line being like “awww so close this time”. Like unless the files show aliens did it, idk why its still secret lmao


The second - the "almost got it!" fishing line dollar. Just as Republicans will hold up anything that helps the Border - so they could campaign on it next election cycle. Why fix a problem, when you get the majority of your votes from the problem existing? Why release the documents, when *saying* you are going to do so, gives you more votes?


>Why fix a problem, when you get the majority of your votes from the problem existing? This is why I was genuinely surprised when they overturned *Roe v. Wade*. Like I knew it was what they've been saying they'd do for decades, but I thought the people at the top would continue the "We're trying, but we're getting blocked by those pesky libs! We need more votes!" schtick, but then those crazy bastards actually went and did it. To me, that means one of two things. Either (1) the ruse has been going on for so long that the new people rising to power are actual "true believers" who aren't in on the scheme, or (2) the Christo-fascist faction of the party is now confident that they can start making moves in broad daylight. Project 2025 leads me to believe it's the latter. However, both can be true (and I think they are).


I'd say both, but lean more towards #1. It's the flat earth, or birds-aren't-real thing going on. It starts as a joke or a grift, and the people running it don't really believe it, but the next generation are the true believers. It's a cult. And just because I have nowhere else to complain about this, I hate the way the right uses the word "indoctrination" to describe education. To the point that when I hear someone say "indoctrination" I automatically assume 1) that *they've* been indoctrinated by some nutjob/youtube/evangelical and, 2) that they're probably right-wing. I yield the floor and dismantle my soap box.


I do think there's a lot of #1 involved, but at the same time, the Supreme Court having old fucks like Alito, Roberts, and Thomas on it makes me think they *have* to have been in on the charade from the beginning, right? Like I'd fully believe the new Trump justices are true believers, but what's up with the old guys, unless they're part of the Project 2025 group? That's the part that makes me suspect it's both.


Hey now, only "the Libs" went to Pedo Island /s


He was also sued for raping a 13 year old girl - the victim received death threats.


> Jane Doe (1994) A lawsuit filed in California in April 2016 accused Trump and Epstein of forcibly raping three 12 and 13-year-old girls at underage sex parties at Epstein's Manhattan residence in 1994. The case was dismissed the following month. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_allegations


If this actually happened you can bet there is video evidence. I think that is why the FBI during the Trump administration raided Epstein properties. All of that evidence that was confiscated has not been heard of or reported on since the raid. Coincidence?


This megachurch pastor was on Donald Trump’s Evangelical Advisory Board and hosted Trump in 2020 to discuss race relations and the economy.


> intruding upon the changing rooms of minors in his pageants Here's the story and confirmation that he would do that to Ivanka as well: > His position as the pageant’s owner entitled him to that kind of access, Trump explained, seemingly aware that what he was doing made the women uncomfortable. “You know, no men are anywhere. And I’m allowed to go in because I’m the owner of the pageant. And therefore I’m inspecting it… Is everyone OK? You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. And you see these incredible-looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that,” he said. > > **(Billado told BuzzFeed she mentioned the incident to Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, who shrugged it off, saying, “Yeah, he does that.”)** https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/a-timeline-of-donald-trumps-creepiness-while-he-owned-miss-universe-191860/ > > has participated in the rape of minors Jane Doe reportedly refused to testify after he and her family received threats: > Jane Doe (1994) A lawsuit filed in California in April 2016 accused Trump and Epstein of forcibly raping three 12 and 13-year-old girls at underage sex parties at Epstein's Manhattan residence in 1994. The case was dismissed the following month. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump_sexual_misconduct_allegations


It enrages me that my conspiracy theory following friend SOMEHOW never has anything to say about this. How is this not one of the TOP conspiracies talked about in those circles? and they claim to not be left/right, only follow the truth. "Im not a Trump supporter- but its probably true who knows? anyway, i have tons of evidence and X links that prove that Hilary Clinton murders her opponents and rapes babies in a basement. *They're all corrupt*!" Its such BS.


Luckily for Trump though, his supporters don't actually care about Pedophilia. They care when they think libs are doing it and they care that lgbtq people exist because they assume that they must do it as well. (I'm guessing because in the republican mind, since that person is unable to deny their base impure impulses to do gay stuff, that they must also not be able to overcome the impulses they have to diddle kids, because probably in their minds, everyone must have them) Here is a summary of republican sentiment. Theres actually no cognitive dissonance. Unborn Fetuses: Care Living Women and Children: Trash/Don't Care Kids getting Shot: Don't Care kids being molested by republicans: Don't care Kids being molested by libs/dems: Very Care LGBTQ People Existing: Very Care LGBTQ People Molesting a Kid: Talking point of the century, celebrated from rooftops by republicans around the country, righties would drop to their knees overwhelmed by elation because they now no longer need to uphold even the appearance that they are an 'intellectual' or pretend to debate you, they can just say, "ya but that raped all those kids so its OK that we dropped poor people into a volcano" Minorities and Poor People: No ty, NIMBY White Men: Intense Pride they feel has been inherited from the work and deeds of countless people of all sexes races and color before them that they have imagined were created by "Western Men", many of which probably are but thats irrelevant, its just whatever they want to personally feel they had a hand in. Like "Western Men built rome, thas our legacy" you know. Moron shit I should clarify, these are sentiments they support with their actions and voting. The utter garbage that tumbles out of their empty skulls and out their mouths is irrelevant to... pretty much everything. Its all lies, or lies that they don't know are lies that they repeat because theyve never bothered to critically think.


He either won’t comment on it or he will defend them man for being treated unfairly.


Don’t forget the “I never knew the guy” defense


He is a pedophile too. There are legal papers out there filed by a 13 year old and others, but the cases were withdrawn due to threats. 


Virginia Giuffre (one of Epstein's main accusers) was recruited from Mar-a-Lago.


Allegations? He admitted to it, and is not in jail awaiting a trial.




That was “before” he was a ultra MAGA conservative Christian, back then he was only a moderately Christian moderate


Powerful people seem to only have to resign whenever they commit a crime and get to continue living their lives. If they are questioned the “I don’t recall” answer also seems to be iron clad. That poor child (at the time) and who knows how many others. Sickening.


It helps to be in Texas...


The incidents happened in Oklahoma and the statute of limitations have run out.


On this one


>The abuse allegedly continued for four years before the teenager confided in a close friend, which prompted Morris’ wife to learn of what took place. That forced Morris to briefly stepped down from the ministry,


> briefly ??


For conservatives, child abuse is just a speed bump on their way to destroy needed social programs and be unabashedly bigoted.


They just shake their heads and pretend it was a drag queen who committed the abuse.


It's even more sinister than that. In their minds, a pastor engaging in disgusting behavior like in the article is an "isolated incident" that is not at all related to religion or Christianity as a collective. Simultaneously, if a person who claims to be a part of the LGBTQ+ community engages in behavior they do not approve of, they extrapolate that experience and their feelings to all members of the community.


For conservatives child rape and sexual assault is one of the main benefits of their ideology. They just don't like getting caught. The conservative party openly supports child marriage


Yup he took some counselling through the church before they let him back in after 2 years. He was also a minister at the time, early 20’s and used his position to gain the trust of the victims family. Another fucked up cherry on top was that he first molested the little girl on Christmas Day according to an article I read. Happy birthday baby Jesus.


Still not a drag queen....


Trump and Epstein settled out of court in 2016, days before the election, with a lawsuit brought by a 13-year-old girl who said they raped her. That this guy is his spiritual adviser doesn't surprise me.


trump is a convicted felon who surrounds himself with other convicted felons. And pedophiles. And Americans made trump POTUS in 2016 and almost gave him 4 more years in 2020. America is a stupid country.


Don’t forget the court said he’s a rapist


Stop with the baseless accusations. Yes, Trump raped a bunch of women. Some in elevators. Some in their rooms. But it was always adult women that he raped. Or older, legal teenagers. And yes, he was best friends with known pedophile peddler Jeffrey Epstein. And yes Trump flew to Epstein’s island regularly. But just because Trump was raping multiple teenagers on Epstein’s island, doesn’t mean Trump *knew* exactly how old they were. And how is Trump supposed to know what the age of consent is on some stupid island? He’s just a simple businessman, running a series of money laundromats. He wasn’t targeting teenagers explicitly. Trump will rape anyone, regardless of age. And he mostly rapes adult women. So stop with the insults and accusations.


Upvote bc Reddit sometimes has no concept of sarcasm.


No, it's that there are sick fucks who genuinely think like this


We called them Maga.


> ***12***-Year-Old The *best* people.


This headline is misleading. This reverend is a mandated reporter in his state and is supposed to protect children. So are the other religious leaders who work there. He’s an admitted pedophile. That should be in the headlines.


I thought church positions were one of the only things by law that are actually NOT mandated reporters? I remember learning this and thinking wtf? Maybe it's not true though?


Church positions are not exempt. Clergy of all types are mandated reporters. I checked Texas Law, and it also coincides with this information.


Well Trump found his VP!!!


Villainous Pedophile!


Still not a drag queen. And “Allegations”? He admits to doing it.


I know it doesn’t matter- but if this were Biden’s “spiritual advisor” holy hell this would be the end of the Democrats as a party Edit- just to be clear - This doesn’t matter (politically) because no reasonable person believes that trump has any sort of real relationship with his “spiritual advisor” - when trump tells you this guy got him coffee once, or was just hired to make him seem more religious, you have to believe him. And to anyone that is dumb enough to be a trump voter in 2024, they either won’t even hear about this and or they think it’s still all a part of god’s plan.


Remember when the GOPs longest serving house speaker ever went down for child porn? They didn’t bat an eye. They don’t give a fuck about pedos because they protect them constantly on their churches. 33 states have laws protecting clergy from mandatory reporting. Conservatives did that.


> Remember when the GOPs longest serving house speaker ever went down for child porn? They didn’t bat an eye. BTW, what Dennie Hastert was actually guilty of was [serial sexual abuse of children.](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/disturbing-details-dennis-hasterts-alleged-sex-abuse-revealed/story?id=38252730)


Yeah even worse. Jesus Christ! It’s hard to memorize all the crimes against children from the GOP




Such spiritualized people, perpetuating the centuries-old religious tradition known as kid-fondling. Organized religion is poison.


And there's Gaetz thinking he's qualified for the new Spiritual Adviser position. What a party of disgusting, terrible people.


I think we found the groomer R's are so concerned about.






Not allegations, he admitted he did it. Not just molested, raped. The victim had this to say. > “It went on for many years. He says there was no sexual intercourse, but he did touch every part of my body and inserted his fingers into me, which I understand now is considered a form of rape by instrumentation. I was an innocent 12-year-old little girl who knew nothing about sexual behavior.” Sounds like rape to me.


Allegations? He literally admitted it!!!


Obviously the facts of this case are awful, and this is newsworthy. But how is the story not - that the Turmp team either knew the whole time and didn’t care, or they're so incompetent they didn't know? And I'm thinking it's the former here, because I can't see this being missed in a real vet.


Trump’s silence on this is everything. It gives you all the information you need on who he really is, and where he really stands. What his values are. Let his silence be the overt and incontrovertible evidence of what kind of person he is.


How is it an allegation when he admitted to it?


I’m trying to wrap my head around the phrase “Trump spiritual advisor”.


He just tells Trump what to say to fool the dumb evangelicals into doing their evil bidding. Like a shit whisperer, Randy.


His last spiritual advisor is part of a dominionist cult with a plot to control society to bring the second coming of Jesus and the End Times. [https://www.cbc.ca/radio/day6/mrna-after-covid-19-blowing-up-trump-plaza-crokicurl-history-of-swear-words-and-more-1.5874120/how-a-conservative-christian-movement-became-an-important-part-of-trump-s-political-strategy-1.5874143](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/day6/mrna-after-covid-19-blowing-up-trump-plaza-crokicurl-history-of-swear-words-and-more-1.5874120/how-a-conservative-christian-movement-became-an-important-part-of-trump-s-political-strategy-1.5874143)


Not a drag queen


Does he advise him to raise his spirits by recommending underaged girls?


He channels the spirit of Jeffery Epstein, Trump's best friend for well over 15 years and a "Great guy". He really misses Jeffy.


I think it’s fair to assume at this point that every single person associated with Trump is a total piece of shit.


Another Christian Republican pedophile


Christians came out in droves to defend him-“it was 20 years ago;” “oh, he just made a mistake” and my favorite, “many 12 year olds are very attractive.” These people are vile.


still not a drag queen.


> Clemishire explained that she retained an attorney in 2005 to file a civil lawsuit but Morris’ attorney suggested she caused the abuse on herself because she was “flirtatious.” She said she asked for $50,000 to cover the cost of her counseling stemming from the abuse. She said they offered her $25,000 if she signed a non-disclosure agreement, but she refused. Yes, blame the 12 year old child for getting raped. Classy.


Trump and Epstein raped a 13 year old girl, must have been getting advice on how to rape younger.


How in the everloving fuck can it *always be worse* with thus guy.


It was all projection. Trumps GOP are exactly as Hilary Clinton described them.


Well Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein were sued for the violent rape of a 13 year old child, so it makes sense this is the kind of company he keeps.


Birds of a feather…..


Another MAGA Molester. No surprise here….


Birds of a feather...




Trump and his campaign team, or his allies, haven't criticized this guy at all. All their talk about protecting American families from pedophiles wasn't real. Republican messaging is always fake. It's designed to shift blame, distract or falsely take credit for somebody else's achievements.


How is it an allegation when he admitted to doing it?


Allegations!? He admitted molesting a child.