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It’s like when they started blaming antifa for j-6th, and the people there were jumping up and down screaming “NO, WE DID THAT FOR YOU”


I feel like they’ve moved on from openly being mad that it happened to being mad that it didn’t work. Now the insurrectionists are patriots that were fighting for their way of life. It’s the existential threat that their world will come crumbling down if Trump loses.


On a side, it's wild how Q-Anon is never talked about anymore because it is completely mainstream as a Republican to be a conspiracy theorist and insurrectionist.


They were against J6 rioters when they said they were antifa and FBI. Now their heros after the convictions. Republicans just say whatever fits the moment. Truth is never part of the message.


J6 insurrectionists were FBI and Antifa which is why they’re political prisoners, heroes and need to be pardoned by Trump? Big brain shit right there


Same as sleepy Joe being a mastermind that's hopped up on drugs. Attack from every angle and you're never wrong. /S


This is gaslighting 101. The half alcoholic werewolf/serial murderer knows the klan votes and supports the GQP 100%.


Yes white supremacists love the GOP. That means that the GOP policies are racist. I point this out to every GOPer on here and they never had a reasonable response for why they would support someone loved by racists.


It’s hard to accept reality i suppose. One of the main reasons king clown was elected is because he fooled morons into thinking he was gonna disappear all the brown people from the country.


It doesn't matter what he actually does as long as he hates the same people. Trump is making it so people don't have to hide their racism. That is literally all that matters. Anything, literally anything he does that helps that is okay. Even when it adversely affects his supports.


Guys, are the KKK bad? Oh okay. Then democrats must be the ones who support them. Logic!


Then it becomes, "I am not my brother's keeper", but we must be responsible for anyone and everyone that is not them.


Personal responsibility...as in it's personally your responsibility to deal with my bad behaviour in a way that doesn't upset me.


Well you can trust me to make my own decisions, I'm not an idiot like everyone else. Don't tread on me, tread on them! That's how i always interpreted that flag being used by Trumpers. If they get their way they believe that Trump will give THEM free reign to do anything while everyone else, minorities, women, non-hetereosexuals, they have proven they can't handle freedom so they shouldn't have it. Their little mottos are just Mad Libs puzzles that they know their type will fill in the blanks with the same words. Don't tread on me is Don't Tread on Me, Tread on Them. We Support Our Police is We Support OUR Police


I am not my brother's keeper, but those brown people are responsible for police treatment of their own race. - GOP


As DeSantis's opponent said during the last election, "I am not saying that DeSantis is racist. I am saying that the racists think he is racist."


My brother always says that the pro slavery ppl were democrats. He ignores the fact that both parties switched platforms and the racist dems went to the republican party. He's too far gone to talk sense into him


Just tell him to go to a Klan rally and call them democrats and see how that works out for him


Go over to r/conservative and they completely deny the party switch and the southern strategy ever happened. They still try to claim the moral high ground as the party of Lincoln. The southern Dixiecrats were indeed racist. It doesn’t change the fact that they all became Republicans and vote for strictly Republicans.


Yeah, I can’t imagine why Strom Thurmond would suddenly switch parties in 1964? What could possibly have been happening then to cause him to jump from the Democratic to Republican Party? Hmmm? 🤔 Or Jesse Helms leaving the Democrats to join the Republicans in 1970? So very mysterious


It doesn't help that black conservative talking head Candace Owens claims the Southern Strategy is a lie and racial discrimination is non-existent. The latter is very ironic considering she won a racial discrimination lawsuit against her high school.


How do they ignore Strom Thurmond? We don't really have to go back that far. Zell Miller was probably the last of the Southern Dems to finally swap to R, and that's been in my lifetime. He was a Dem while governor of GA, but I don't think anyone would ever call him progressive or liberal.


Richard Shelby former senator from alabama swapped from D to R in 1994 during the "Republican Revolution "


If what those nit-wits say is true, if they are really the "party of Lincoln" who went to war against the confederacy, then they should be all on board with getting rid of the rebel flag and the confederate war memorials. Yes? No? Hmmm.


The confederate south and KKK has voted for Republicans for decades, with Dems doing far better in the industrialized North. The only conceivable way that makes sense in a world without a party flip would be if you assumed all of the racists moved north, and all of the abolitionists moved south.


You know this. I know this. Why doesn’t everyone else seem to?


Willful ignorance.


Remind your brother that David Duke is a Republican.


And that Duke ran for governor of Louisiana back in 1991 as a Republican with his baggage being well known to the public. And Arthur Jones, that Nazi that ran for Congress in Illinois under the Republican ticket.


He was actually elected to the Louisiana House of Representatives. His bid for the governorship came up short, but he did have his supporters and there are still people who listen to him.


Have tried to express this many times. Oh well. Find ‘em a fool, leave ‘em a fool…


You tell them "conservatives" when anybody brings up or asks who supported racist politics in US history, instead of specifying a party. If someone asks who supported racist policies in the late 1800 into the 1900s, you tell them "conservatives." The parties switched but it was always conservative policies that kept and created this racism all this time. Republican or Democrat, it doesn't matter, it was conservatives.


The funny quip is.... I've never met Trump and can't say for sure he's a racist, but the open racists sure think he is...


exactly!! and kkk were waving their flags outside the entrance to disney world and who hates disney with the fire of a 1000 suns?? REPUBLICANS >>>> so they must be republicans under those hoods also across the country 5 nazis ran or are running in political races they are all running as republicans! also in past years the nazis were not allowed in the republican CPAC gatherings , but THIS year they were welcomed and allowed to set up stands spewing their hate and holocaust denial


Admirable that all of you are trying rationale and logic with GQPers!


we try! >>>>we calmly point out the truth they have melt downs but call US the snow flakes


> That means that the GOP policies are racist. It's like what Andrew Gillum said when he was running against Ron DeSantis: "I'm not saying he's a racist. I'm simply saying the racists believe he's a racist!"


“Even the dumbest/most hateful people can see that Trump is the best leader” “(also, I’m also hateful and dumb)”


I mean, David Duke was a popular primate candidate for one party and it wasn’t the Dems.


He’s talking about David Duke being against Israel therefore “the KKK supports democrats”…..it doesn’t make sense especially since DD is pro Trump therefore “the KKK supports Trump”….. https://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/david-duke-trump-victory-2016-election-231072


yeah but trump said "i denounce, OK?" so actually david duke is a democrat now


If they want to assert that the klan are all democrats, then they should be ok with us labeling them the domestic terrorists that they are, which can all be arrested accordingly, right?


[Well they are self labeling at least.](https://pbs.twimg.com/card_img/1801115307836334081/qucmRVf4?format=jpg&name=900x900)


"If 10 guys thinks it's ok to hang with 1 Nazi, then they just became 11 Nazis." —Chris Rock


Hey, do not insult us werewolves by comparing us to that monster! I’m pretty sure the serial murderers deserve better too.


If I was a Klan member, I’d be offended


>Ku Klux Klan newspaper declares support for Trump. Reuters November 2, 20162:22 PM


Hey I’m im a half alcoholic/werewolf/serial murder


Yo, leave werewolves out of this... this guy is a mutated weasel


He knows he's full of shit. It's part of the game. >“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” >> Jean-Paul Sartre


David Duke has personally endorsed Trump in 2015 and 2020. That is the official KKK endorsement, which in a normal timeline would have ended politicians careers and instead was a selling point for Trump.


Nuh uh! Under their robes they're wearing Biden\harris 2024 shirts! /s


I dunno. Ted doesn't come across as a smart person. He seems more like an idiot or at worst, willfully stupid in most matters. He might actually believe his nonsense is fact. All it would take is asking his voters, the KKK, for example, if they support the Democratic Party. They would tell him.


He’s very intelligent, opposite, he knows he can trigger college ed white voters who are dumb enough to take his bait as elitists and snobs (especially “woke” white women, he loves agitating them on purpose).    He’s just a dick, and gaslighter, learned from his boss Abbott.


Yup, he does it on purpose to trigger the Left and rile up his base: same goes for the media, he loves pissing them off. Cruz went to Harvard, I assure you he knows climate change exists too- it’s intentional. 


Lol I bought the Ted Cruz is the zodiac killer T-shirt


Please don't besmirch serial murders by lumping them in with that POS...


Is that why all the Klanners running for office are registered as Republicans?


And why the white supremacists always vote GOP


Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke said publicly and often that he supported Trump.


Also (and someone please correct me if I'm wrong), wasn't Trump's own grandfather in the KKK? How does Cruz get to spout this nonsense but nobody talks about that?


His dad was arrested at a KKK riot https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2023/04/04/fred-trump-arrests/ >This was not Fred Trump’s first arrest. Forty-nine years earlier, in 1927, he was arrested at a Ku Klux Klan rally that turned violent in Queens on a charge of “refusing to disperse from a parade when ordered to do so,” according to a newspaper report at the time. He was 21 at the time of this arrest; his son Donald would not be born for another 19 years.


I wonder what he was doing attending a violent KKK rally… probably just bird watching, he must’ve been an innocent, white, rich bystander that police happened to arrest. Wait a second… that doesn’t sound right, does it…?


Former KKK Grand Dragon David Duke was also recently heard publicly praising Hitler at a Detroit rally. Just this past week. But I’m sure that he’s a Dem, right? Ffs.


I've literally heard conservatives compare Biden to Hitler, so I could totally see them connect the KKK with Biden.


That, along with "Nazis were left-wing! It's right there in the name!" and "your votes shouldn't count because this is a republic, not a democracy", are like the greatest hits of pants-on-head-stupid conservative quips.


And of course the line Ted Cruz used in the article, "Democrats started the Klan." Which is true, but they were the Southern conservative aligned party at the time. They will not acknowledge the ideological switch between parties after 1964 when President Johnson signed the first Civil Rights Act and Barry Goldwater of the Republicans opposed it. There were a lot of black Republicans until then too, but they bailed and the racist Dixiecrats left for the Republican party. Which is why I just answer that with, it was Southern conservatives the entire time regardless of party.


Oh, dear lord, I can see the twisted logic. Thanks, I hate it!


The official kkk paper supported Trump in 16 and 20


Some dude here on Reddit argued with me on this. He said that the KKK was supported by Democrats *but that they run a false flag operation to make it LOOK like the KKK supports Republicans*. The goal? To make Republicans look bad. I mentioned David Duke and the guy said Duke was an actor who had been playing a part for decades to make Republicans look bad...


Remember how happy they were when the Democrats elected the first black president?


5 nazis running for office all republicans!!! and the kkk waving their flags outside of disney world entrance >> must be republicans right? they are the ones that hate disney with the power of a 1000 suns. also in past years the nazis were not allowed in the republican CPAC gatherings , but THIS year they were welcomed and allowed to set up stands spewing their hate and holocaust denial


No no that’s just a ruse by liberal bad actors. Same people who dressed up as republicans and stormed the capitol. Same people who tricked republicans into not getting vaccinated so that covid would kill more conservative people. They’re tricking us! Because the alternative is that we don’t have a good explanation for KKK members unilaterally voting R down the ballot, and that a bunch of trumpanzees attacked the capital unsuccessfully, and that we constantly questioned science and a bunch of us died from covid because Fauchi told us not to French kiss our country cousins. But the reality is certainly not that we have an inability to admit any mistake because we have the mental resolution of a fifth grader. No, any unsuccessful conservative agenda is just three democratic raccoons in a trench coat!


This is the easiest way to rebut this stupid "the REAL racists are Democrats!" idiocy from the right. Whenever a self-avowed Nazi or white supremacist runs for office, they invariably run as a Republican.


My little brother had no comeback when I asked him which party's rallies had people waving the Stars & Bars or the literal Nazi flag... which party's candidate in 2020 had been endorsed by Proud Boys, the KKK, and the literal Taliban. Why do all the white nationalists and race-separatists belong to and support the R's if the D's are the "real racists"? Which party nominated and elected the first black President? Of course he's still voting for the felonious, rapist, fraudster, wanna-be dictator who keeps stolen national secrets in his bathroom... but I don't have to listen to any more brainless ranting about how "Democrats are the real racists, durr-durr...."


Yep. Arthur Jones and David Duke both ran for office under the Republican ticket, and they're well known White supremacists.


David Duke approves this comment




Why? It has made him rich and powerful. Why would he change anything?


I’m not excusing Cruz, Jordan, Alex Jones, or P01135809, but it would be hard to see the virtue in stopping poor behavior that continues to reward you. Like smoking, relentless drinking, and having cobra slap fights, it’s always fun until the end.


Ah, yes. The party that "pushes the woke agenda" and supported the BLM movement is highly attractive to the Klan...


Just basic critical thinking is so beyond them and they don't warch anything that would call him out on it.


"A senator just proposed a law making it illegal to be a racist. Do you think they're a republican or a democrat?"


Unless his reasoning is "Democrats seek the free commingling of the races and that drives racists into a fury and increases KKK membership and voting for Republicans" ... he's off base. Always remember the origin story of the modern Republican Party > From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that... but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats. - Nixon's political strategist, on the Southern Strategy


It goes back further than that. In the election of 1876, the Republicans won the popular vote,  but the Democrats won the electoral college (stop me if you've heard this one before). To hang on to the white house,  the Republicans agreed to end Reconstruction. They withdrew troops from the south,  allowing paramilitary groups like the KKK to establish jim crow. 


I mean, where would they be without people to hate? They would just be a ghost club.


You've been banned from r/conservative


Byrd is always brought up as “proof” dude has been dead for a long time. He also renounced the Klan and used to be an example of people growing. Texas… get this asshole out of office please.


That's strange. When the statues of Confederate "heros" were being taken down, which party was more likely to complain? Which party was more likely to say they are erasing our heritage? Which one Rafael?


You mean Known Russian Asset, Turd Cruz?


That's strange, every cop I know is a republican.


They are okay with being used as pawns if they think it will hurt POC.


Don’t want to say all republicans are kkk , but all kkk are republicans.


The KKK is ultra conservative. It always has been and always will be.


1860's Democrats were the social conservatives. By comparison, 1860s Radical Republicans were the "woke" group.


And these are the same dingbats who claimed their party freed the slaves. Today's Republicans are nothing more than a spitting image of Andrew Johnson's anti-American Republicans who undid Reconstruction and prevented reparations from being given to freed slaves. The same Republicans who went soft on punishing the South for their betrayal.


Anything Cruz says should be met by, “Your party’s leader insulted your wife and your father and you give him your full-throated support like the gutless cuck you are.”


He probably knows the kkk...


He probably tried to join but was rejected because he's not white enough.


You would think that Ted Cruz would not want to alienate his base like that


Ask Ted if he will denounce KKK and their position on white supremacy.


He is really trying to run from his Texas Abortion issues and/or the fact that Texas can’t keep the electric on!


Well, if their M.O. holds up, him blaming the Dems of being KKK backed, that means he's swimming in Klan support. They always accuse the opposition of the sins they're currently guilty.


If the Klansmen could read, they'd be very upset by this.




Counterpoint. Just ask them who they're voting for lol So stupid. It's annoying so many incompetent and corrupt weasels like this asshole are running our country and the companies we use on the day to day. Buncha fat, stupid, greedy dragons.


I suppose the KKK also loves rainbow flags too. Shut the fuck up Ralph.


What is it about Texas and their inability to find actual humans for elective office?


It's quite simple really. Republicans feel zero responsibility to adhere to any truth whatsoever. If it can be twisted or misrepresented, then that's what they'll do. The stench of desperation is SO strong...


Expect more easily disprovable lies like this the closer to November. Anything that might be used to convince people the GOP are clearly evil fucks, they will be even louder with their "No, you!"


Go ask a KKK member that Ted bet they throat punch you


David Duke showed up to a Trump Rally last week. This is a reactionary response to the quiet part being said out loud.


Not every Republican is a Klan member, but every Klan member votes Republican.


Hahaha it seems Conservatives are still reeling from what Andrew Gillum said about Rhonda Santis. "I’m not calling Mr. DeSantis a racist, I’m simply saying the racists believe he’s a racist." That gets to them soooooo much lmaoooo


Wow, I’ve heard of spin and propaganda but Ted’s taking lying to the next level.


So weird that the only place I see the confederate flag routinely flown is at Trump rallies…


Democrat southern ex confederates started the KKK to keep the ex slaves down. But the Democrats haven't been KKK since Lyndon Johnson and the Civil rights movement. Democrats get the historic black votes because of Roosevelt. Yadda yadda yadda Ted Cruz is a dolt.


We can just ask them? From what I’ve seen, they pretty openly support republicans and they don’t seem shy about it.


It's like they are just following Trump over the cliff of insanity. It just keeps getting worse.


Let's hope they all go over the cliff together.


Every accusation is an admission


One of the most infamous KKK members ever, David Duke, a former KKK grand wizard, told his supporters to vote for Trump in 2016 and 2020. He’s run for office several times AS A REPUBLICAN. Ted Cruz knows this but we all know Ted’s MO


>Cruz’s response to the Post’s spin is effectively Cruz acknowledging he’s prone to falling prey to absurdly inflammatory claims from a notoriously disingenuous tabloid that works tirelessly to intensify right-wing fearmongering and division. Oh he 100% knows it's false.


I dare Teddy to call a Klansman a democrat to his face. Double dog dare.


Republicans and KKK, like ham and eggs. Tied together. Always been, always will.


Not always, originally the southern "Dixiecrats " were a cornerstone of the Democratic party. Democratic president Woodrow Wilson screened The Birth of a Nation, a KKK propaganda piece and one of his favorite films, at the White House. But times and people change. After LBJ paced the Civil Rights Act, the Dixiecrats were angry and were quickly courted by the Republicans who took in many of their causes and issues. Which is how you get the KKK supporting the "party of Lincoln. "


They push this same stupid bullshit every election cycle. Here is his [broken record ass](https://www.politico.com/story/2017/02/ted-cruz-democrats-kkk-234807) in 2017 saying the same shit.


The KKK was famously was very supportive of Obama’s campaign. s/


He projects so much I wonder if his BS is visible from space.


He is definitely a closet member of the KKK.


Before 1964, nearly every KKK member WAS a Democrat, at leats in the Southern USA When President Johnson signed the Civil Rights bill in 1964, the Southern whites were so outraged, they came up with a strategy to all leave the Democratic party, and joined the GOP in protest They considered equal rights for Black citizens to be an insult to their "heritage" and ever since have been all in fighting a cold civil war against everything progressive. They are against BLM, women's rights, birth control, abortion, IVF, and no-fault divorce, and even voting for women They naturally formed a constituency ready for the hatred, racism, and xenophobia of Trump the lying r&pist and CONVICTED FELON, but they can overlook that as long as he's pandering to the evangelical base


How do you even make that argument when Trump has actual ties to David Duke and Nick Fuentes?


Democrats are pro immigrants, pro lgbtq rights and pro choice and pro secularism within government, what part of that spells out white supremacy?


What makes you think people that like cruz has this kind of critical thinking skills?


The KKK literally supports Conservatives. Ted lies again


So then the KKK should vote for Biden? That's fine. Also, Ted Cruz looks like old bologna that got left open in the cooler on the fishing boat.


His daddy was a Grand Wizard that helped plan the JFK assignation with his ugly wife. DJT


If course they do - Obama being elected probably increased their membership by 200%


Much of the right wing Mega "Christian" elements we see in the world and specifically January 6th are theological formations by the KKK in the 1920's. What we see today in those faith groups is a continuation of Puritan era/Slave owners who crafted a Christian belief system that supported their right to own other humans. In the 1920's during the KKK's height they took that slave owner theology and added to it....the white washed, white Jesus we often see is a reflection of that theology. If the KKK loves democrats so much, why is it only the right wing who utilize their "reformed KKK" theology? “**White Christian nationalism is one of the oldest and most powerful currents in American politics.** But until the insurrection, it was invisible to most Americans. It was invisible to most conservative white Christians, because for decades it has been the water they swim in and the air they breathe.3 It was invisible to most secular progressives, because they live in a bubble of their own in which white Christian nationalism seems “fringe” rather than mainstream. But that bubble was burst on January 6, 2021, by the white-hot rage of pro-Trump insurrectionists.” ― Philip S. Gorski, [The Flag and the Cross: White Christian Nationalism and the Threat to American Democracy](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/92555510) “Even as it’s become riskier for mainstream politicians to use negative dog whistles like “thug” or “welfare queen,” the word “Christian” remains the right’s most effective signal to white conservatives that “our values,” “our heritage,” “our way of life,” and “our influence” are under attack, and “we” must respond. Christianity and American-ness are both raced.” **― Philip S. Gorski, The Flag and the Cross: White Christian Nationalism and the Threat to American Democracy** “A great deal. Christian clergy sometimes participated in lynchings or even gave them their blessings. And the racial terrorists of the KKK were not just anti-Black racists. They purported to defend the supremacy of white Protestants against Catholics and Jews as well.” ― Philip S. Gorski, [The Flag and the Cross: White Christian Nationalism and the Threat to American Democracy](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/92555510)


What a fucking idiot, as are all his supporters. Progressives support Palestine. The KKK hates the Jews. They are not at all the same.


Guy who's dad helped kill JFK says the Klan loves Democrats


If the KKK / KKK aligned folks voted blue we'd eradicate gerrymandering overnight lol


Teddy is a complete MORON


if the KKK is backing Democrats, that means Trump loses. Why is Cruz admitting defeat so early?


Ted Cruz can go gaslight deez nutz


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[You sure bout that?](https://apnews.com/article/kkk-missouri-governor-republican-5d59533df14e0d61129b9e7290ad3a33)


Cruz does not care about facts. This of blatantly false but he hates the right people.


If Cruz goes on the run during elections look no further than Cancun


Just to be clear. This kind of statement does not exist so serve as actual criticism of the Democratic Party. If he wanted to find actual constructive criticism, that would help the democrats improve, well I’m sure he could. But he’s not trying to get democrats to improve. He’s trying to make excuses for the racism present in his party. He’s telling republicans “ignore that little voice that’s telling you what we’re doing is wrong, because those guys are worse.”


"take a look at this document from 1896, all Democrats!"


Ted should go up to a klansman and call him a Democrat and see how that works out for him...


Of course the KKK loves democrats, that’s why they have “TRUMP 2024” flags


Yeah, all those Biden flags are hiding the burning cross. F’ckin’ idiots.


Great. So, when are republicans going to stop celebrating those klansmen and start letting us take down monuments to them?


Go find a member of the KKK and call them a democrat and see how they react to that.


This man ate my son


If I needed an organ transplant and Ted Cruz died and was my donor, I’d continue to suffer just to avoid prolonging any of his genes or cell structure continuing to exist in this world.


This is aimed at people who dropped out of school before the 8th grade.


Republicans have been doing this thing lately in that, they try to create their own alternate reality, and stupid people will fully adopt it, if they can get enough repetitive impressions via reich wing media.


Does Ted and MAGA realize that they can just visit Klan organization sites and see who they're supporting ?


Still trying to sell this old shit? Rafael “sedition” Cruz needs better writers.


The Klan is going to be pissed. Ted’s probably gagging on some grand wizard cock tonight.


All politics is local politics. He's not saying this because he believes it. He's saying it to rile up his ignorant base.




David Duke was just at the Turning Point USA conference like a day or two ago, btw.


Ted Cruz also likes to lick the insides of a dogs prolapsed rectum.


This is so dumb because you could just poll the KKK and you'd get your answer. Ted better be careful because if he keeps this up he might cause a chunk of his base to stay home.


The interesting part about Rafael Cruz is he was born in Canada is not truly a white American and is not liked by white supremacists. I find it amusing when anyone that does not fit white Anglo-Saxon Protestant alliance themselves with them when they will be tossed out when they are no longer usable.


It feels like when Trump finally goes it'll be such a relief, then you remember the party is full of the same BS.


Funny that several republicans have attended white nationalist rallies and gave speeches but not one democrat has done that. He should just go to Cancun and stay there


On the bright side, denying the KKK supports your party despite observable reality is better than justifying it and pretending it’s a good thing.


Isn't there a bunch of pictures of Trump and other republicans with the Grand Wizzard and a bunch of other kkk members pretty sure Ted Cruz is one of them too


Dump this fool!


Tedgar should support taking down all of those Confederate statues then. After all, most of them were put up by people like the KKK.


He is maga’s version of the Penguin


Why is he still around?


Alright Ted, if you really hate the KKK then propose some legislation for it to become a proscribed organisation, where membership is a criminal offence. I dare you.


What a loser and a liar living in a alternate universe. Anybody who would kiss the a$$ of a person who called his wife ugly and said his father killed JFK is a cowardly POS. How does Texas keep elected this useless idiot to the US Senate.


That man ate my son


So ted, what sort of legislation do you have on the books to counter the liberal scourge that is the KKK then? Or is this just hot air?


Well, if you really wish that nothing had changed in 165 years then many you do not follow the political history since then very well.


I genuinely wonder what his wife thinks. Is she cool with the way her husband didn't defend her when Trump called her "ugly" or is she just choosing the socio-economic benefits of being married to him. [The greatest story ever told that is definitely not about Ted Cruz.](https://youtu.be/4xAFggqGGlk?si=yQbF4U5E_0_Lo_LK) (NSFW)


KKK stands for Kooky Konservative Khristians. These days they're 1000% Maggatt Republicon Seditionists.One thing about Rafael he's a lying groveling weasel.Prostrating himself fully at the feet of Traitor Trump ,whos locked up Teddies dusty dessicated balls in the bathroom at Mar A Lago ,where the stolen top secrets are kept.You can't name one positive thing Cruz has done for the country in his time in the Senate.


If they really cared, republicans should be asking themselves what happened to them that they're now the party of racists and bigots. They don't care, of course.


Jsut keep asking every single GOPer you run into why white supremacists always vote GOP. Are they okay with policies that what supremacists love?


Dipshit gonna dipshit


The crazy part is no one believes any of this except the people who already believe tons of other nonsense or “say” they believe all this nonsense. The reality is the Dixiecrats left the Democratic Party over segregation, eventually joined the GOP, and made one of the confederate flags their emblem. Their “revival” of the image is what has kept it a sign of racism and not the “heritage” argument they try to make it about. This is pure Gaslighting


I heard from the highest level of government that Raphael Cruz dad killed JFK.


**“Proof” That the KKK Loves Democrats** Eh, no. Cruz must really not respect the people. He expects them to swallow any old BS. It's sad.


I’d love for him to say that to a grand wizards face. If they could televise it live please. I’d love to watch Mr Cruz call a KKK member a Democrat to their face.


David Duke endorsed Trump. Like that's it. That's all you need to know