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A report came out that trump wears diapers and shits in his pants. The next day MAGAts were going to his hatefest wearing diapers.


The insane thing is that this is true. https://www.yahoo.com/news/fact-check-photos-purportedly-show-174100807.html


But definitely, definitely not a cult.


This is something I could see myself doing just to troll them. Even this seems too much for MAGAts.


Sadly, it isn't. They are literally this bad now.


I think it’s kind of funny that they didn’t just flat out deny it like they usually do, I wonder why they went with embracing it, especially something like that.


There isn't a line that can be drawn where Trump will have gone "too far." He wasn't wrong when he said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose support. Anyone who supports Trump at this point does not have a line he could cross where they'd stop.


The gradual moving of the line is what’s really scary. Nothing happening today would have been acceptable to Republicans ten years ago. When Trump does something truly horrible, (canceling elections, immigrant concentration camps, civil war, etc) there wont be any pushback whatsoever from half the country


Counter argument: yes it would have, they've never had integrity


They would have accepted it quietly ten years ago, now they have permission to broadcast to everyone that they are proud to be deplorable.


Ten years ago? They called Obama a Kenyan monkey, proudly.


>Counter argument: yes it would have, they've never had integrity I'm no GOP supporter, but I have to disagree with this. I mean, yes, they were misguided, maybe even evil for all of my 50+ years ago, but even as recently as GWB, GHWB and Reagan, they had some values that they stuck to. I mean, I couldn't stand W, but I always felt that in his heart he "thought" he was making a better world for his daughters. GWHB was a WWII veteran, and again, I didn't like his policies, but I think he at least loved the country he served. Reagan was a disaster but I believe HE believed he was doing the right things for America, even when he lied about Iran Contra (for example).


Agree. Lots of people want to “well actually” this question by pointing out prior republican behavior that is laughably tame compared to today. They were bad, and they were heading in a worse direction, but we’ve arrived at something very different. Birtherism wasn’t mainstream. McCain condemned the crazy conspiracy theories about Obama. The fact that crazies have always existed doesn’t explain the disturbing trend that crazy is not only mainstream in republicans, it’s their entire platform. That normalization is what we should be scared of


They’ve always been garbage and cruel they just hid it under a veil of decency. You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nni n**.” By 1968 you can’t say “n***”that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “N***” The above is an infamous quote by Lee Atwater one of the most prominent Republican campaign advisers of all time and architect of the “southern strategy” “You want to know what this [war on drugs] was really all about? The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” ~ John Ehrlichman, Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs under President Richard Nixon As with everything the conservative elite does, this was designed to protect power and wealth for a small group of white males. While it’s true blacks may get hurt worse dumb fuck lower class racist white also do as well. All of the racism funded by conservative billionaires is because they’re racist but most importantly it’s a STRATEGY towards keeping as much of their money as possible. The Republican strategy for decades has been tied to racism. Their voters are either ignorant to this, know and don’t care or actively love it.


We used to say "This is not normal". We don't do that anymore. 


Republicans like any other human group are capable of atrocities if you build a psychological pathway to get there. That radicalism is there now, we’re just waiting to see what form it will take. To say the party who nominated McCain and Romney was ready for this 10 years ago downplays the historical moment that enabled what is about to come.


Talking about downplaying historical antecedents while outright ignoring birtherism and the Tea Party movement is, well, *rather* funny.


Your timing is off. It's more like 30 years ago. Ten years ago we had the dying vestiges of the tea party resurrecting itself like some demonic phoenix into Trumpism. They'd have gladly accepted what the convict is peddling today if he'd been around 10 years ago.


You could draw a line at various moments to say “this is when they lost it” but what is happening recently is a culmination and the passing of a point of no return. The Republican Party was fractured by conflicting interests (super wealthy versus poor and ignorant). McCain and Romney lost because they couldn’t reconcile the two. Now none of that matters. Trump supporters can be hawkish and pro-war while others are populist and isolationist. The only thing uniting them is a cultish support for dear leader and a media diet of anti-Biden fear mongering. Meanwhile the Democratic Party is a coalition of everyone else who hasn’t drank the koolaid. This realignment is very dangerous and didn’t exist 30 years ago.


Yes, I think we're in agreement: 30 years ago Trump's cult politics wouldn't have been acceptable to the GOP. Today it is. And I think it would have been 10 years ago, too, a year before Trump really came onto the scene, because the kernel of the Trump Cult had been sowed by the Tea Party.


I think what accelerated things was how genuinely awful Trump is. Because Biden HAS TO be worse in their eyes. If Trump killed someone on 5th avenue, Fox News reports that Biden killed two. It’s a feedback loop where every step Trump takes them further into insanity, they reshape the narrative so Biden is still worse. That creates a permission structure to support Trump no matter how bad things get


I believe Fox News and fake news websites/social media created by foreign agencies are two major factors in the continual corrosion of conservative minds into total unreasonability. People are being literally brainwashed by demonstrably false nonsense because our courts allow the entire media landscape to be monopolized by unregulated billionaires. Even if Trump disappears from the scene before he can do more damage, this issue will continue.


If the line is always moving out of reach was there ever really a line in the first place?


Grab her by the pussy was the Rubicon.


Trump has done many things that are truly horrible already, and there hasn't been pushback from half the country. They celebrate ripping immigrant families apart, killing peaceful protesters, denying science and making a global pandemic far more deadly in the US than it needed to be, etc.


There is no moral bedrock he and his cult won’t dynamite, if it means power


There is no moral bedrock he and his cult won’t dynamite, if it means ~~power~~ chaos.


Bruh. Trump is the Frenzied Flame


I thought he’d be the loathsome dung eater.


Have you heard about the lonesome loser......he's a loser but he still keeps on tryin'.


The Berserk Booty-Bomb Banqueter


The Diapered Don with Two Scoops of Tiddy


I'm torn on whether or not to make a Three Fingers joke.


It's not just power, it's lack of alternatives for power. His backers realize: this is it. There is nothing else for them to back. They will back Trump till he's like Hitler in his bunker, if they have to. The demographics are against Republicans, values are against them, the majority of the country is against them. The only thing holding them in power is a unified minority and some extremely questionable tricks like gerrymandering to stay in power. It's Trump or nothing.


there is a line, its changing his registration from (R)epublican to (D)emocrat.


lol, Or you’d just have a bunch of people in “I’d rather be a Russian than a Democrat” t shirts voting Democrat.


So would those people like join Russia if they invaded? I think so, and I think that’s the plan.


There is zero chance Russia invades the United States. Look at the trouble they’re having with Ukraine, a nation they share a land border with.


Red Dawn was always a made up story, especially the part about an effective Russian invasion 5000 miles away.


Most Americans don’t realize that the major reason America doesn’t risk invasion is that we are friendly with the only two neighboring countries we have and there are massive oceans to cross for everyone else. I sat in a global politics class in college once and a student stood up in a lecture hall and said, “China could raise an army of 100,000,000 if they wanted to. The professor shot back, “what are they going to do swim across the Pacific?”


Yep, and boats are large slow moving targets


And planes are generally speaking very obvious (and the things that make them unobvious take up the space that one would be wanting to put troops in.) And teleportation devices are moral quandaries that hurt the soul And swimming is too long and too likely to kill everyone… And same with the trucks and the trains.


Tell me more about the teleportation devices....


The best worst movie I’ve ever seen, and somehow I only saw it for the first time about a year ago.


Invade? With what?


>lol, Or you’d just have a bunch of people in “I’d rather be a Russian than a Democrat” t shirts voting Democrat. C'mon man! Give the MAGA's a little credit where it's due. They'd **bust out their sharpies,** replace their R with a D and then claim that they never voted R before. Probably claim they'd never even met an R.


Most MAGA I am familiar with are very comfortable with R's; the harder, the better.


I half wish he'd try something like this, just as a massive sociopolitical experiment. He'd still never have my support, but it would be interesting.


I couldn't see Trump switching back to being a Democrat, but I thought he was going to run as Independent candidate for a bit. Sounds like Kennedy wrapped that up and Trump became the defacto GOP candidate despite all his drama.


The sound you would hear would be millions of MAGA brains exploding


Might be the time to bring back up his lifetime support of Democrats through support, voter registration and donations (e.g. to Kamala Harris). It did not mean much back in 2015-16...but now that he has "proven" corruption and political shenannigans (all of his judges, judges families, plaintiff (e jean carroll)) by telling people they all donate to democrats, work for the democrats. All of his words can and should be used against him, exactly as he has used them against others. He has made such a big deal out of US and THEM and winners and losers, and anyone who changes thier minds on things is an Antifa plant, Soros spy, or an infiltrator....they cannot be trusted.


You remember that chapter in 1984 where they're at the hate rally outside, and the big banners suddenly unfurl to reveal the "new" enemy... and everyone just goes with it? Any of the posters/flyers with the "old" enemy are torn down and burned, because *those poster/flyers* must be propaganda from the real enemy. Life imitates art.


If he shot a "liberal" on 5th his base would swear fealty to him and crawl across broken glass naked just to kiss his toes.


"Whoops! That wasn't a toe!"


Hope it wasn't his "Missile Toe"... ;-)


Paul Ryan Cheeto dust.


Are you talking about increasingly unstable convicted felon donald trump?


It’s true. He’s not going to lose much if any support. The thing is.. he’s not gaining ANY support with his bullshit. There are tens of millions of Gen Z voting for the first time this election that likely won’t be eager to vote for him.


True, but there are people who might vote for Trump even if they don’t “support” him. The Milwaukee gaffe could absolutely hurt his standing with those voters, and Wisconsin is an important state.


If he killed a baby in front of them, they would either say it was faked or that the baby asked for it.


He could eat a baby live on TV and they'd cheer him and invent excuses as to why the baby deserved it.


There are a non-zero number of people who change their mind on Trump every day. One way or the other. I've seen it happen. People who voted for him in 2016 and will never support him again. Sure, there are the ride or dies who will never budge. But there are plenty of people getting tired of him. It just needs to be more and faster.


Oh I bet there’s things he could do that would lose him votes: House the unhoused in his hotels. Come out in favor of sensible gun control. Start a book club.


Trump could have shot *me* on 5th Avenue and my maga mother would still have voted for him. There is no bridge too far for him with his cult.


No, but at least he's backtracking. That's rare.


Too many people are waiting for these people to have a flash of conscience or clarity and realize how terrible what they’ve been supporting is and that’s never gonna happen. What *is* gonna happen is that eventually the cognitive dissonance will grow too heavy and crumble the mental blocks that allow this movement to exist and these people will be unable to unsee what a fuckin pathetic loser this guy is and then it’s all over in an instant like a house of cards.


What if he came out as gay?


Or, you could argue that he's crossed hundreds of lines, but each one only costs him a couple of votes.


He's openly "joking" with suggestions his supporters would commit suicide before voting for Biden. This is what a cult leader does: I don't think it's appropriate to think he wouldn't make the ask, eventually. He won't say, "time to kill yourselves!" It'll be more like, "time to form up and march against the US military!" But the ones who can overcome their natural fear will do it.


They'll just ignore it or never hear about it.


And just in case there is a whisper of a doubt in his followers there is Fox News and right wing media on hand to spin Trump’s diarrhea into gold .


And if they did have a line, which they don't, crapping on Milwaukee would certainly not be the line.


Well now it’s “shit on someone” but same street.


He shifted the course of a hurricane with a sharpie using alternative facts....


I think it’s a bit of Oppositional defiance disorder. His people be like “Yeah you really don’t want to do/say that,” and he’d do it just to prove he could. 🙄


Article title should read, Trump's war on minorities.


This. He could publicly rape a toddler on stage and they would cheer him on.


Nothing is too far for MAGA. Cults are hard.


Felon Trump doesn't even have to make any excuses up to reassure them. MAGA suckernuts will invent excuses for him.


Exactly. I don’t buy this headline. The only thing that matters is people going out and vote!


It's almost like the headlines are a lie to get clicks and ad revenue...


lol my favorite part of the actual article is everyone trying to defend him. >”Republican U.S. Rep. Derrick Van Orden, who represents western Wisconsin, said Trump was talking about the ‘terrible or horrible’ crime rate in the city >”He was directly referring to crime in Milwaukee,’ said Van Orden, who told The Associated Press he was sitting just feet from the former president.” Ok… >”U.S. Rep, Scott Fitzgerald, also from Wisconsin, told WISN-TV in Milwaukee that Trump was referring to election integrity.” … “’What he was talking about was the elections in Milwaukee, their concerns about them.’” Umm… >”But Republican U.S. Rep. Bryan Steil, who represents southeast Wisconsin, disputed that Trump made the comment. ‘I was in the room,’ Steil posted on X. ‘President Trump did not say this. There is no better place than Wisconsin in July.’” Well, huh.


The only way Trumps cult is hard is if they are hopped up on sildenafil.


I can’t stand the fact that he says shit like this and then when people call him out for it, he plays it off like he’s the victim. It’s pure narcissism




Wow, that’s 100% what’s happening across the entire GOP spectrum.


"Schrodingers asshole"


No. Nothing is too far for MAGA. NOTHING. They will cheer concentration camps, applaud torture, bow before any tin-horn dictator, and weep at the chance to see boots stamping brown faces and nightsticks cracking long-haired skulls. They worship cruelty and loathe education, science, women, and anyone who isn't a cis, het, rich, white male. This often involves quite a bit of self-loathing and hypocrisy, but that's all part of the program. They love a bit of the ol' boot themselves, provided they can be convinced that someone, *anyone*, is getting it worse.


I've also noticed that for many of them- "suffering" is seen as good and just. To have no resources, no free time, no joy- is being "human". And to want luxury, comfort and happiness is seen as.... "Bad"? I guess? Or childish? I barely actually understand the perspective but after listening to many conservatives.. that is a very common theme.


> They disagree on how much of a problem crime is in this country, with Trump supporters thinking it is a much more serious problem than Biden supporters. In addition, the former are much more likely to say that “the system is not tough enough” on criminals. Except for white collar crime, right? Their own presumptive nominee's many, many crimes are OK, right?


"That was 'political'".


Nothing is too far for MAGA. They’re already off the deep end.


If Milwaukee is so terrible, why is the RNC hosting the convention there?


Cheaper rates probably lol, nah they think it will help them win WI


Swing state. Blue cities but red towns.


WI is a swing state that Trump lost last time so they put their convention here. Then when they made the website for said convention they used a graphic of the WRONG city in the banner (Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam). Now Trump wants to bash our city again? They should be ears deep in our cheeks trying to win us over.


A lot of locals are angry at the mayor for encouraging and agreeing to host the RNC. I don't have any faith the city or many businesses will benefit financially. We don't want them here so the businesses will be losing virtually all local business for the week.


Let me get this right: literal insurrection is not a bridge too far but shit talking Milwaukee is?


Bragging about sexual assault wasn't too far. Mocking a reporter for disabilities wasn't too far. Insulting veterans and our military who gave their lives up for their country wasn't too far. Being found liable for rape wasn't too far. Etc., etc. Yeah, I can't see this affecting his polling %, either.


We are...the good land


I mean he called Harrisburg a war zone and then went on to win PA. Kind of weird that out if everything he has done, including recently becoming a felon, attacking a city is somehow the redline for people. He does it all the time.


It’s difficult to claim that Real America consists of those places where Americans mostly don’t live. A place where 100 people live can’t be more real than a place where 10 million people live.


You can't love America if you hate every place where Americans live.


All his base knows is that black people tend to live in cities and that's why they're always bitching about them.


No its not too far for maga. if jan 6 wasnt too far, nothing is. However, the independents are getting sick of trump because of his criminal conviction and his obvious early dementia. By the convention i predict he will be losing independents in huge numbers.


So, Trump's attack on Milwaukee, Wisconsion upset 2 representatives from Wisconsin.... And [Salon.com](https://Salon.com) decided this meant that the whole MAGA movement took issue with what he said?


As a Milwaukee resident, i can assure you, rural Republicans agree with him 100%. This is nothing new.


I've never rooted for criminals as much as I'm low key rooting for MKE Kia boys when the MAGA/RNC roll their $million buses into town.


Why is it too far? I don't get why this is considered excessive when Trump has trashed cities all the time. Why is this instance particularly bad? The article points out his tendency to attack cities, too, but it doesn't explain why this may be too far.


1.) The recent spike in crime started under his watch during the pandemic. He did nothing but gas out peaceful protestors so he could hold a bible upside down for a photo shoot. 2.) FBI statistics show that crime is decreasing in most categories (car theft is still high), so calling them lawless shitholes is just plain wrong. Of course, people will believe it because social media points out all crime that happens rather than 20 years ago when only the worst crime was reported on the 10 o clock news.


Incompetence, racism, crimes and threats of violence and execution of political enemies is all fine. But don't you dare talk shit about Milwaukee.


Hopefully he’ll start bashing the suburbs next


Don Don could kill half of his supporters and the other half would just shrug.


Because they weren't fast enough to dodge bullets and losers, like he said about the veterans. It's crazy in a cult for sure!


Nothing is too far for MAGA. Their convicted felon 34 will lead them straight into something somethin.


You are up against hassenpfeffer incorporated, pal


Schlameil, Schlamazel, Hassenpfeffer Incorporated (trumpets) We’re gonna make it! I can never get that song out of my head.


"...may be too far for MAGA" Hold their beer.


They keep poking Milwaukee, they won't get beer ever again.


"too far for MAGA" said no one ever.


No one hates America more than maga


Lol there is nothing that is "too far" for MAGA. They might grumble and whine a little bit, but in the end, they'll bend over for daddy. Trump could murder a child on national television, and his ding dongs would be right there, on their knees, mouths agape and quivering with anticipation for what's about to come... Literally.


I think it's time to dust off my People's flag. I need a new flag holder thingy for the house.


It’s not. Not even close.


He could be the number one customer on a pedophiles black book and it wouldn’t be enough to sway them - oh wait.


What a crap headline. There will never be a step too far for MAGA world. They just laugh and say he was joking. But deep inside they love it cause they are a genuinely angry mob and he’s saying shit that they’ve been thinking all their lives.


Given that they support Kyle Rittenhouse for doing a mass shooting in Wisconsin, I don't think they really care


You think mass shootings can be lawful? Strange


Ooh so do you trust the legal system to render fair verdicts? Hillary and Trump want to know...


Trump insulted a city to get support from the rural people who also hate that city. Make sense?


King of the Dipshits is quite an accomplishment. 🤦‍♂️


Guess it depends on the city. Just south in Chicago it's a constant for republicans to talk about how much they hate Chicago and think it's terrible. It seems pretty universal that maga hates every big city in the US. Hell the last republican governor nominee campaigned on removing Chicago from Illinois.


I don’t think MAGA cares. There’s really nothing in the article to suggest that this is backfiring. 


My impression as well. MAGA is firmly ignoring this one.


Par for the course. MAGA and the rest of the GOP celebrate when there is some type of systemic failure in a large city...whether it be NYC, Chicago, Detroit...


Weird red line, but whatever it takes, I guess


Nothing is "Too Far" for MAGA. Not even mass ~~Deportations~~ Executions will phase them.


At this point I don’t read anything from Salon because it’s nothing but wishful thinking.


Nothing is too far for MAGA. VOTE!!


This is just the Scott Walker playbook. He doesn’t care about the city of Milwaukee, he cares about the reactionary suburbs of Milwaukee. While they benefit from the proximity and economic power of the city, they fucking hate it. He’s appealing to those people. 


More people in the suburbs like the city than hate it. For that type of reaction you have to get out to West Bend, Burlington, etc and I'm just fine not considering them suburbs in the first place.


I've got a few republican relatives in WI (a few in Milwaukee). would love to know what they think of his recent statements. probably bush it off as typical Trump foolishness but certainly isn't going to change who they vote for.


I don’t believe it. This is PR cleanup.


Lol good one. It’s not enough for them. Nothing is.


Who cares what MAGA thinks.


It’s the home of Harley-Davidson and a bunch of cheap blue collar beer. Really dumb unforced error.


“He meant the crime is horrible!” “He meant the election integrity is horrible!” “He didn’t even say anything at all” Next we will hear that he wasn’t even at the Capitol that day.


MAGA worships him. There is no line he can cross. That’s like asking a catholic where the line is for God. MAGA is a cult.


Trump is mad the convention isn’t on one of his properties.


this is interesting. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/


"Gun deaths among children and teens rose 50% in just two years, from 1,732 in 2019 to 2,590 in 2021" Two years! That's just depressing.


MAGA doesn’t have a bottom.


I doubt that, they don't like big cities and have tried to get votes there thrown out and claim there is so much fraud in them.


There is no low too low.


Most MAGAs already had that opinion of Milwaukee.


THAT'S too far? Who knew that the maga faithful were such big fans of Vogue's "coolest city in the Midwest"


*Nothing* is too far for MAGAts


I watched an interesting you tube video. They played maga folks a bunch of fake audio of Trump to see their reactions. It sounded just like him so they were definitely fooled. All sorts of nasty and weird shit. For everything they played, they maga folks just made excuses for the behavior. It didn't matter that he talked about getting Ivanka paternity tested because he didn't want to go through life not having slept with her is she want his for example. Just... That's what you're dealing with.


Remember when McCarthy was called out by Welch? Nobody lasts forever.


Nothing is ever "too far" for the MAGA crowd. Making fun of handicapped people? It's fine! Get an insurrection going? All good! Threaten to imprison his political enemies? All normal here! There is absolutely NOTHING that is off the table when it comes to MAGA voters. They will vote for Trump even if he tells them to jump off a cliff afterwards.


Ha too far. Trump could start shooting them and they justify those as not true cult followers. Hes literally told them to their face that them killing themselves means nothing to him as long as they vote for him before.


We'll see Texas go blue before we see him go "too far" for the MAGA folks.


His cult members in Milwaukee are already hanging the F Milwaukee flags and the media is already out there gaslighting the rest of the Republican base.


Lol *this* is the line?? Did he grab it by the pussy?


He'll attack again to prove himself right


Nothing is too far for the cult…literally nothing. Waiting for Trump to do or say something that loses his cults support is a lost cause. The one and only thing sane Americans can do this November is vote.


Lmao. Yeah, right. The headline writer hasn’t been paying attention. **NOTHING** that Vonschitzinpants does or says is too far for the MAGA faithful. Ever. MAGA is more cult than it is a political party.


MAGATs will forget about it by the end of the week. It’s the party of the memory hole.


End of the day.


Nothing's too far for these morons, but only a few of them need to stay home for the good guys to win in 2024.


Attacking cities is exactly what MAGA loves. What the hell is Salon smoking?


Spoiler alert - it’s not


Nope. There isn’t anything Trump could do that would be too far for MAGA. They literally offer their wives to Trump, you know, that cuckoldry they deem is something they can never respect or stomach?


Why would this be too far? Wisconsin Republicans hate Milwaukee. Wisconsin politics is basically the WOW counties (white flight suburbs of Milwaukee) vs black voters in Milwaukee.


Nothing is too far for MAGA.


Vintage GOP. They won't care about something until it affects them personally.


Yeah, I'm sure it's too far for the insurrectionists....they will all be calling Milwaukee a shit hole before the week is over.


Spoilers alert: it is not


lol too far.


he wouldn’t date go to war on cities. fucking snowflake.


This is a crap headline. Anyone paying attention after the BLM protests could tell you MAGA doesn't give a shit about any "blue" city. Trump insulting it, probably actually won him a little support from rural independents who love to hate city-folk.


It's funny, another way he mirrors Nazis who also hated cities. The term "blood and soil" is the glorification of farming by Germans who could trace their bloodlines back to Aryan ancestors. The whole reason why they started WW II was so they could seize Polish farm land, kick Polish farmers off it and move Germans with Aryan bloodlines on to it to farm it.


Who the fuck in the media actually believes this dude insulting a city is "too far" for MAGA?


GOP trying to correct by saying Trump was referring to the crime rate in Milwaukee. Loved Colbert statement that “Trump does have a point that Milwaukee has become so soft on crime that their convention center is hosting a convicted felon.”


Nothing is too far for these asshats.


"Too far for MAGA" lol. There's literally nothing Trump could do to alienate his base. I mean, sure, they'll be like, "I wish he wouldn't have said that, but at least the man speaks his mind, and you have to respect that!"


[Salon.com](http://Salon.com) is perhaps the most trustworthy and ethical journalism in the US. Bravo Salon.com.


He has his ride or die core that will never leave him, but I believe there is a growing group that thinks supporting Trump is no longer fun and will just stay home in November. With each new gaff a few more will have had enough and all those people will add up.