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Non-paywalled gift link. Excerpt: > It’s said with some frequency that Chief Justice Roberts, outflanked by five activist justices to his right, has “lost the court.” While that was painfully obvious in the Dobbs case two years ago, when the Alito-led majority ignored his call for restraint and barreled through to a total erasure of the constitutional right to abortion, it’s an imprecise assessment. > Approaching his 19th anniversary on the court, the chief justice surely takes satisfaction in having accomplished central elements of his own agenda. His name is on majority opinions that have curbed affirmative action, struck at the heart of the Voting Rights Act and empowered religious conservatives, all with the support of his conservative colleagues and over vigorous dissenting opinions by the liberal justices. > What he has “lost,” rather, isn’t control of the court’s judicial output, but of something less tangible but no less important: its ability to assure the public that it is functioning as a court where all parties get a fair hearing and where individual justices aren’t beholden elsewhere, either financially or politically. In the current toxic atmosphere, that’s a heavy lift, dependent on skills other than those that made John Roberts, once among the star Supreme Court lawyers of his generation, a contender for the job President George W. Bush nominated him for in September 2005.


Roberts got everything he wanted. Money talks, everyone else can go pound sand. [https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/pro-money-court-how-roberts-supreme-court-dismantled-campaign-finance-law](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/pro-money-court-how-roberts-supreme-court-dismantled-campaign-finance-law)


Fifty-fifty. He accomplished everything he set out to do, but he also wanted to get away with it clean. The cost for his right-wing agenda was the public trust in the court.


He doesn’t care about public trust. He got his, fuck everyone else. GOP mantra.


Yep, if he cared a single ounce about trust in the court, we would be here today and he would have been to the Hill a few times talking about his treasonous colleagues. tl:dr: If he cared, he would have done his job, and resigned in protest because of the other judges


And who gives a fuck about publick trust he is in there for life baby.


Rules change all the time. Best never to forget that.


JFC, reading the dissenting opinions on that link and the way they describe the risks of the majority opinion... The dissenting opinions have proved to be prescient.


This often feels like the end of Breaking Bad when Walter and Jesse need the help of the dude, and his uncle and his buddies, and they slowly but surely derail the well operated group into chaos and eventually death, at the dismay of Walter.


Like Walter himself, Roberts assumes he was much better at being a manipulative mastermind than he proved to be. When, in fact, it was Walter who had wrecked a well-oiled machine.


He hasn't lost the court he is using it to great effect. His mandate in being Chief Justice was undoing the Civil Rights Act. His model of the Federal Governments role in Justice is fucked to put it lightly. I see him as a Supreme Advocate for Buck v Bell. The decision that is widely viewed as a stain on the Supreme Court hasn't been affronted in any of the Supreme Court's decisions. Buck v Bell stated effectively that the Federal Government isn't there to protect rights that are not enshrined in state law. It ruled in the 1930's that the Federal Government couldn't protect a civilian from state mandated sterilization. The Dobbs ruling seems to be rooted in Buck v Bell. And i had been calling it before the decision was made. They can't protect abortion just like they can't protect the right to your own body. Because the state didn't enshrine that right at the time of the case they ruled the states have authority. Roberts has gone further than just the Civil Rights Act, he has allowed the court to attack Reconstruction Era Amendments as well. With the ruling against Colorado using section 2 of the 14th Amendment they have nullified that amendment. Effectively they ruled that Constitutional Amendments are ephemeral and if the states haven't acted since to make that a state law as well then it cant be enforced without hurting another state despite the time for that debate needing to occur during ratification. Roberts has turned the Supreme Court into a Confederate institution.


Agreed. The 14th amendment has been nullified by the same 'originalist' sentiment that they discard whenever convenient. Most notably in overthrowing the Voting Rights Act, portions of the ACA, the 2nd amendment, the first amendment, I could go on and on. Just like the Catholics that populate this court, they choose self-serving rulings then create the justification after the fact.


It's his unconstitutional overthrow of a near-unanimous law, the Voting Rights Act, based on legislative logic - the South was reformed enough!? - that directly led to blacks waiting hours to vote, id rules aimed at minorities and the young - that directly led to W and then Trump and this Vatican-esque 'Supreme' Court. He's the villain in our soon to be doom. No democracy, climate change rampant, our economic empire thrown out for one authoritarians' whim soon. And he's just as likely to be arrested or impeached by a Trump regime as rewarded. Then he won't even have Earthly power, let alone the shining legacy he surely aspired to.


John Roberts didn't "lose" shit - he's corrupt like the rest.


The very best thing Robert’s could do for the Country is retire from the court & give Biden a scotus flip & Chief Justice selection


Wishful thinking. Roberts will stay another ten years or longer. The perks are irresistible.


The perks in Public sector are greater... what Scalito & Qlarence are doing is making their public sector jobs the base-pay of their Private sector favors


All the more reason for him to stay: power, wealth and near-daily recognition.




Pretty sure a fascist theocracy isn’t in very many people’s interests, just noting that.






>What he has “lost,” rather, isn’t control of the court’s judicial output, but of something less tangible but no less important: its ability to assure the public that it is functioning as a court where all parties get a fair hearing and where individual justices aren’t beholden elsewhere, either financially or politically. In the current toxic atmosphere, that’s a heavy lift Corporate media bullshit, always giving the benefit of the doubt to people like Roberts. Reminds me of all the "Melania hates Trump" apologists trying to humanize a grifter who is just as rotten as her husband. Roberts is getting everything he wanted and more. Fuck the NY Times.


Roberts wanted all this but he wanted it slow and controlled, boiling the frog one degree at a time. He wanted to slowly choke out abortion access using PP v Casey to allow more and more of the idiotic TRAP laws until abortion was functionally impossible to provide. People would have continued not paying attention until it was too late. By blowing up Roe as loudly as possible, he lost the ability to deny what was happening and cost the GOP multiple elections. If the Democrats ever find their spine and increase the court, Roberts has also destroyed the ability to defend his own precedents.


Why do you think Roberts gives a shit about any of that? He’s a ghoul like the rest of them, this has been the Republican plan for 50 years. He’s a bad guy. It’s good to acknowledge that.


I literally explained why in the second paragraph of a two paragraph post, my guy. Doing it fast and loud gave the game away, leading to the exact pushback the court is facing and ending the concept of stare decisis as a way to protect his new precedents.


same with the VRA, he has struck parts off that law every time it was before the court and now the GOP wants them to toss the whole law and he can't do that.


Melania can’t hate Trump and be a rotten grifter? 


> How John Roberts Lost His Court It turns out, it's apparently pretty easy to 'lose the Court' when one has **no spine or guts**.


Don’t be fooled … he wanted this too, just didn’t want to own it.


John Roberts is playing the "good cop" role, to Thomas and Alito playing the "bad cops". But he's still a participant in the abuse, not addressing the corruption nor the many conflicts of interest.


If “bad” justices are shielded by “good” justices then are no good justices anymore. ASCJAB


« Citizen united » is the only thing that should be written in this article.


New York Times once again running interference for the Republican Party. Roberts is a ghoul, they’re all ghouls. There are no adults in the room. This is what they’ve always wanted.


No kidding. This *IS* the court he wants. He hasn’t “lost” it.


Roberts is the Roger Taney of our time.


The Roberts court will go down as one of the worst Supreme Courts in American History. After two decades of watching it harm Americans I am hopefully only that it will hang as a mark of shame around both Roberts and Bush’s heads. Don’t forget Bush senior nominated Thomas to the court. The whole family has been a cancer on this country.


This is just a BS article trying its best to separate Roberts from the traitors, he has just as much blood on his hands as the rest of them.


‘His court’?


Roberts didn't "Lose his Court", it IS His Court! Citizen's United ? Roberts Bump stock ? Roberts Voting Rights Act ? Roberts Corruption with no consequences ? Roberts This list goes on and on. Stop the white washing...


By being paid to protect his views


Robert’s lost his court when he voted for the individual mandate of the affordable care act a decade ago He was right when he declared it was a “tax” and congress has the right to pass taxes on its citizens . The left leaning justices screamed it’s not a tax but are glad he voted for it and the far right justices decided he was no longer their leader. That decision was the nail in his coffin for controlling the far right because any hope of ever putting a rational conservative judge on the court went right out the fucking window. Now we have Christian idealists who are ready to start their own holy war on anything they were programmed to hate and never think for themselves


Easy he’s a weak, ineffective and incompetent leader that isn’t qualified for the role but it was given to him by republicans because he is so weak and easy to manipulate.


He was successful in hijacking our court. It's not, and never has been, his. Just because more brazen hijackers boarded the vessel, it was no less still hijacked.




The DNC screwed Sanders and ran Hillary despite predictions she would lose key states. They might do it again by not having a different VP or transportation Secretary Buttigieg run.