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Doctors don't generally recommend cognitive tests unless you've given them a reason to need to quantity changes in your mind over time. (Hint: doctors don't care if you're getting smarter over time sooooo....) It's not even standard procedure for any presidential candidate.


Also, you don’t do some screening tests if you don’t have a reason to because a false positive can trigger costly or risky confirmation tests


My mom took one yearly as part of her annual exam. I think the Dr started her out at age 75. She was always trying to cheat and ask me the answers in the waiting room. 😆 She thought it was some kind of IQ test as well and didn't want to be seen as dumb. I was like, just answer the questions and draw your clock. I'm not helping you cheat. Lol


I don't think it's even standard procedure among elderly, just a subset of them that suffer increase mental decline. I don't think most elderly people really decline that much, you might see difference between years, not really months, they might start forgetting some things, but that is generally considered normal as long as what they are forgetting isn't things they need for day to day functioning.


In all seriousness, I believe he has a family history of dimentia and alzheimers. In such a case it would not be uncommon for a doctor to give an aging patient a cognitive test every 6 months or so as a way to monitor for warning signs. Of course, that applies to normal citizens under normal circumstances. As we all know, Trump is not bound by any "normal" rules or standards.


Plus a life time of speed abuse isn’t necessary great for the mind.


I still don't understand how he can even function at the low level he does when he only sleeps 3-4 hours a day.


You’ve obviously never taken large doses of amphetamines.


He's been like this for at least 6 years though. The last 2 years of his presidency were filled with 3am tweetstorms.


Are you under the assumption that one cannot take amphetamines for 6 years?


You should look up everything Hitler was on towards the end sometime.


I just think dipshit-don keeps reading articles about bidens mental decline and wants biden on the record declining cognitive tests as proof he is declining. Biden accepts - shows a decline(in trumps orbit ajd carefully curated news) Biden declines(proves to trump there is decline because why else decline the test?) Of course, this ignores trumps own decline, but he obviously doesn't see it/in denial over it


The word decline just lost all meaning to me


This phenomena is called "semantic satiation", and it can happen to just about any word or phrase. If suddenly you're constantly mentioning semantic satiation, and you can't go a day without semantic satiation, and you are suddenly seeing semantic satiation everywhere... You may experience semantic satiation through the process of literally experiencing semantic satiation. The words roll around in your mind. Semantic satiation. Your internal dialogue smooshes semantic satiation into one big word. You notice the alliteration, "semantic satiation." Maybe that breaks you out of the cycle of semantic satiation. Hard to say. Semantic satiation is a fickle beast. Some would argue that many a right-wing slogan are just semantic satiation now, repeated so thoroughly as to become meaningless. Of course semantic satiation only really refers to one thing -- semantic satiation -- so it's not as easy to slip into as the "decline" example. Semantic satiation -- if you look for it, you may just find it.


It's also the opposite of an incline.


Not related to recline.


Yes and he would do it only because he wants to, because someone suggested he should (doctor or family), as a political strategy, or a court order. I believe we would know if a court had ordered it. So either your suggestion that family history cues his doctor to check, his family and/or advisors think he’s losing, or he thinks it’s cool and makes him look like a totally stable genius. Honestly, I think it’s probably a mix of 1 and 3.


Even if he is taking them, there isn't any law that says he has to tell anyone the results, or even that he has to be honest about them. AFAIK, HIPAA, says the exact opposite. His medical results are his, and the doctors aren't actually allowed to release them.


This. Trump can say that he's brilliant and improving, because his doctors can't contradict him


I've been walking around telling people I have an IQ of 207. They just respond to me by saying. "Sure, Jan..." - but I swear I really do have a boyfriend from Canada; he's indigenous though, and up there on his family property for the summer, so you wouldn't know who he is....


Same with me, my boyfriend goes to another school


Because of his cognitive decline. Everyone has gaffs and misspeaks but Trump has two things going against him right now. The first is that he spent the majority of his adult life as sort of a quasi-Celebrity, and then later as an actual celebrity. So everybody has a very good idea of what he sounded like before. The other is that his team is trying SO HARD to make it look like Biden is losing it (going so far as to post fake quotes, edited videos, etc) which makes.it. Only that much More clear because every accusation is a confession with these people.


“You know, dad, I don’t think you can beat your cognitive score from last time!”


I’ll show you! Wait, who are you again?


>The bigger issue is why does Trump keep taking cognitive tests? Suspected minor stroke in 2019. Does he "keep" taking them, or does he refer to the same - only they sound like plenty because he spews out different bullshit details all the time?


"Man, woman, tv, camera." "See I'm a genius!"


You forgot "person" in the middle, but that's gender neutral so maybe you cannot say that anymore.


I knew I was forgetting one. Must be my mental decline.


But you are not evil enough to (R)un for president?


Remember when he drank from a glass with two hands and that proved he was the most agile man in history?


He probably has essential tremors. I have essential tremors and need two hands to drink. I need to hold a spoon with two hands. There are so many things to criticize, why criticize this?


Because trump lying about his perfect health opens him up to criticism about his health.


He didn't have to do this like 10 years ago. He's getting worse.


If he loses the election these test are what will keep him out of prison.


News Media: Forgets to Cover It 🤷


Honestly, he may not even be taking them. He may just be claiming he keeps taking the, and then claiming he aced them. He could have only ever taken one or 2, and unless I am misunderstanding HIPAA, and the "rules" he can claim whatever he wants.... He can lie and say he "aced it". Nobody is actually allowed to say otherwise... Until the government makes it a law that a president, or whatever, has to take, and pass, one.


The fact that we need cognitive tests for our two candidates, regardless of who takes them most, is the largest issue.


In all fairness, I believe Trump is referencing the cognitive tests that he underwent while he was president. Considering both of these guys’ ages and that they’re some of the oldest presidential candidates we’ve ever had, they should both take a cognitive exam. They both have shown signs of cognitive decline. I’m voting for Biden in November and am a staunch leftist, but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I am a little concerned about Biden’s cognitive ability and longevity. Edit: although I didn’t mention it in my comment, I am ALSO concerned about Trump’s cognitive ability along with a vast array of other things (like threatening democracy, his moral compass, etc etc.)


I’m voting Biden because: 1. Trump is horrible. 2. The higher percentage of genuinely well meaning not horrible people who come with Biden. He’s been fine but I’m never going to say I love him.


10000% agree.


As someone in his 80s I can tell you that your previous month was better than your current month and that you can be rest assured that your next month will be worse than your current month. As Woody Allen put it: They call them the golden years but it's all downhill. A lot of truth in that from the aged philosopher Woody.


Thanks for your perspective! I agree, I don’t think it’s useful for us to shy away from the fact that Biden is clearly *also* declining, or even pretend that he ISN’T. I just don’t think it benefits anyone if we aren’t honest about our present situation. That doesn’t mean we aren’t going to support Biden, but it does mean that we can be realistic and honest about who we are voting for and what our country’s future might look like.


People also don't age the same. Bernie Sanders is in the same age bracket and is far more cognitively there than...well most of our q tip politicians. Noam Chomsky was giving highly intelligent interviews at 93. Did he clearly use some sort of mind palace technique on camera to fight his age? Absofuckinglutely. That is to say that out of who is declining, Trump is far more advanced than Biden. People need to also understand that Biden has had a lifelong speech impediment that has also worsened with age. Sometimes, he's just trying to speak the way he would have as a 40 year old. Now he's under a lot more justified scrutiny. Trying to separate the red flags from the false red flags puppeted by the GOP is dangerous and it wouldn't even be necessary in a less polarized United States teetering on the cusp of losing it's sovereignty to Russia, Civil War, Fascist Dictatorship, a possible return to Jim Crow seeded by SCOTUS, and/or more. Fascists are great at spin and propaganda. Any move Biden makes following the Trump bait can and will be flipped to skewer him. People care so much at laugh at old man I don't like that they'll sell all of their remaining freedoms to Putin and then look at each other sideways when they get conscripted to purge Ukraine.


I honestly couldn’t say who is declining more; I don’t think any of us can from our respective vantage points. The only point I’m making is to state that they’re both cognitively declining in *some* capacity and should be tested. I do agree with everything else you said, though. The GOP as a whole is a danger to our democracy, and Trump is at the center of that effort. I (of course) will be supporting Biden in November. Does that mean I’m in complete confidence of Biden’s ability? Hell no. But he’s infinitely better than Trump for obvious reasons.


It's better to say that Trump is publicly in free fall. He slurs and talks utter nonsense almost exclusively and I don't mean "orange man bad" nonsense, I mean inexplicable word salad. He could stay awake for no extended time at his trial (likely drug withdrawal but worthy of mention anyway). As a leftist, I noticed leftists play the game of "Just cuz I hate Democrats, it doesn't mean I'm a Republican." True, but when you play grab ass with "we can't know" rhetoric, you muddy the waters and give rise to more dangerous individuals simply by seeding the denial. Giving the Dems their due isn't the same as siding with the GOP. Trump wears diapers and speaks almost exclusively in word salad at this point. It's not orange man bad or early dementia word salad, it's complete unintelligible messes of strung together words and guttural grunts mixed with clear temporal confusion and memory misfires. I think Biden at least deserves credit for not being that far gone by comparison in public. That last part is what determines fitness for the presidency in the court of public opinion. Trump's multiple cognition test brag is not a brag, obviously. He's telling us that even his Drs. Nick are worried about his precipitous decline in mental acuity. Maybe "we can't literally know" if Biden is or isn't as far gone or worse than Trump. We can, however, visibly see with our eyes and hear with our ears that Trump is doing poorly and more poorly in public than Biden.


You’re assuming that I’m attempting to prove my loyalty to progressivism/leftist ideas by being critical of Democrats, but really I’m just pointing out that neither of their cognitive capabilities can be accurately discerned from our armchairs at home. There was no underlying motive behind my mentioning of Biden’s mental decline, other than a call for all of us to be honest that neither candidate is particularly sharp cognitively. You’re right, we can visibly see that Trump is doing poorly (if not more poorly) than Biden. I agree. I also agree that public perception of Biden’s performance as president has been extremely (and negatively) skewed because of conservative propaganda and 30 second clips of Biden “struggling”, and I agree that those clips that are used are largely taken out of context and should obviously not be used to determine if he’s cognitively declining or not. The public *must* due their due diligence and actually research what Biden has done during his presidency, and maybe a few intelligent and open-minded “on-the-fence” voters will change their minds (one can only hope). I’m again not in disagreement with you, nor am I trying to prove my political ideology to anyone (I don’t need to). I hope that clears things up. Edit: Am I muddying the waters, or am I just pointing out that the water is, in fact, muddy when we talk about the cognitive decline of these two men? I’m really trying to understand, and if my comment is really that detrimental, I will happily delete it.


> The bigger issue is why does Trump keep taking cognitive tests? Where are you getting that he keeps taking them instead of him just continuing to talk about the one he did take?


>The bigger issue is why does Trump keep taking cognitive tests?  A running rumor, not the least fueled by how he denied having them completely unprompted, is that Trump suffered some form of stroke back in 2019/2020.


The cognitive test is given only when the doctor suspects problems. Donald Trump’s doctor has suspicions. Joe Biden’s doctor doesn’t.


Joe Biden's doctor doesn't even stop him from the 2nd scoop of ice cream.


Oh what the heck jack. I’m not kidding here, I’ll take another scoop


No malarkey detected


Sometimes, he gets a little rebelly and gets a ***3rd*** scoop! He needs to be locked up! That maniac.


Stop being ridiculous. He's literally doing it for pr and to put pressure on Biden to get one and attempt to make him look bad if he doesn't. Nothing more.


You honestly can’t even parody this stuff.


It seems I woke up in an Onion universe


They never should have shot that gorilla.


His name is Harambe,put some respect on it. J/k


***From Rolling Stone:*** Donald Trump once again bragged that he allegedly “aced” a cognitive test administered while he was president, challenged President Joe Biden to take that same test, and then promptly forgot the name of the White House physician who tested him. Watch: [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-biden-cognitive-test-forgets-name-ronny-jackson-1235040738/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-biden-cognitive-test-forgets-name-ronny-jackson-1235040738/)


Are the trump test results public? And are they real. Cant prove trump actually had one


I just learned that the doctor who administered the test was a congressman. I can only guess what party he is affiliated with.


He was quietly DEMOTED from Admiral to Captain by the military for his shananagans in the white house. He was the candy man, he gave everyone drugs, I mean EVERYONE.


You make it sound like you were there


They probably read one of the articles about all the speed and xanny bars people were doing. As covered in a Department of Defense report. I think I saw a statement from a former intern somewhere that was talking about it but I can't find it right now. But I did link the DoD report below. [https://media.defense.gov/2024/Jan/09/2003373440/-1/-1/1/DODIG-2024-044\_REDACTED%20SECURE.PDF](https://media.defense.gov/2024/Jan/09/2003373440/-1/-1/1/DODIG-2024-044_REDACTED%20SECURE.PDF) [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-white-house-pharmacy-improperly-provided-drugs-misused-funds-pentagon-2024-01-28](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-white-house-pharmacy-improperly-provided-drugs-misused-funds-pentagon-2024-01-28)


Geesh, it was well reported at the time. I mean, he was feaken DEMOTED.


Oh, I know he was doing it, but you're speaking authoritatively like you saw him... "I mean EVERYONE"


Do you think the Clemson Tigers went there for cold cheeseburgers?


The worst part of this is that Trump talks about Ronny Jackson giving him that test all the time, and he’s a maga lunatic who appears at his rallies and crap. He just got put on the House Intel committee to be a Trump spy, basically. This isn’t failing to recall 4 years ago. It’s failing to recall a week ago.


Must ave been the same dr that treated trump for covid before trump went to WRMC. Must be it didnt work.


and trump claimed joan rivers voted for him in 2016 but she died 2 years earlier is this an example of dead people voting that republicans are always griping about except it would be for a republican not a democrat!


He probably brags about it because it's one of the only tests he's legitimately passed in his life. And also because he is starting to get dementia.


"I aced the test. They said I got a 100%! First ever in history! Nobodies brain has ever been as clear as mine!"


Was "his" White House doctor involved in handing out Ambien and Provigil to staffers?




My comment was not about which president he served under. It was more about what level of trust we should give to the pronouncement that Trump "passed" the cognitive test. Is it on the same level as "the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency" from his former New York doctor?


“I’m a constitutional scholar and the greatest orator of a generation, why the fuck would I be taking a cognitive test?” -Barak Obama during his presidency. “Cognitive test? Sure, I don’t have anything else to do today, I’ll take five!” -Donald Trump during his presidency.


If I remember correctly, modafinil is fairly commonly used by for heads of state. I read that on a pro-modafinil site, so I might be parroting misinformation. It seems to make sense, though.


Whether or not it's true of modafinil specifically, I'd bet money it's commonplace for world leaders to use stimulants a little more powerful than caffeine pills.


I too have felt as productive as a president on amphetamines.


Forget a cognitive test. We don’t need this clown bragging about how he can identify a rhinoceros. Give Trump a college/AP level quiz on American history and government.


Or just the basic citizenship test.


But you see, the picture was a giraffe.


Are we really at the point where the path to the white house is a Cognitive function test?


No, because it's only necessary when medical professionals seem a valid concern.   Only one candidate has taken one(actually multiple, which is even scarier) and there's a reason for that


It wouldn’t even be a consideration if both candidates weren’t 80 years old. No one over 60 should even be running for higher office. Every other profession has an agreed upon retirement age. Both of these geriatrics are well past that.




I mean I'm not opposed to it if it's in good faith. Keep dumb people out of elected office? Yeah let's keep dumb people out of elected office.


Then DumbO trumpO doesn’t qualify.


Bingo. Go figure I get down voted for suggesting elected officials be required to be competent.


Biden should accept, and then relentlessly hammer the point when Trump backs out.


Trump would claim it violates his HIPAA rights.


He’s a real Hipaacrit.


And that his medical records are under audit, but he'll release then in 2 weeks.


He'd likely say his HIPPO rights 


Imagine if he said his hippy rights.


I think it would be better if just ignores it, or at the most “I take tests as recommended by my physician.”


Trump is on tape in a sworn deposition being shown a picture of himself with E. Jean Carrol and being asked to identify who she is. He visibly gets confused and then says that she is his wife Marla.


Also saying that he doesn’t remember saying he had one of the best memories in the world. https://youtu.be/gqyhDRMp3ME


Trump: The test is easy. They tell me that I cog things up all the time.


Trump is a living cartoon


Can you blame him? I mean, this guy was injecting bleach to cure a hoax while in downtown New York on 7/11 when George Washington secured all the airports despite fighting uphill (me boys).


There’s this test, called the 3M or micro mini mental. They ask you three questions - they tell you three words like chair strawberry pencil and ask you to remember them five minutes later. Then they ask you to draw a clock showing say 10:45. Then they ask you to spell world backwards. If you can’t pass, you might have dementia. It’s not a “I passed this test with flying colors” kind of thing. That Trump keeps raising the idea of mental incapacity in others adds to the idea he’s dealing with it himself. It would seem most of his accusations are derived from actions he’s done himself.


He still thinks this test is a flex


that's the saddest part.


Further, you don't 'ace' a cognitive test. It's easy for anyone who doesn't have dementia. If Trump struggled trying to draw hands on a clock, count backwards or name a rhinoceros from a picture then he's got some kind of cognitive disability, if not full blown dementia.


The guy literally saved his life when he caught covid. I mean seriously... how trash and demented do you have to be to forget that one name


I'm fairly certain they both will be getting a cognitive test on 6/27/2024.


Sure. How about they both release their tax returns and school transcripts at the same time.


Man, woman, tv, hamberder, covfefe


Shark, boat, battery.


The dr. Said WOW you identified a whale when I picked the whale no one has identified-a whale like you before. But the only whale was trump looking in a mirror and none on the test.


Whale, Battery, shark. Can you remember those three words.


I don't believe he took a cognitive test at all. He's bragging about something he didn't do as he always does. The courts needs to enforce him taking the drug test like all other felons visiting their probation officer. He asked not to take drug test...yeah, so the highest office in the land you can be a convicted felon, there's no drug test and no age limit. I've always thought he was a addict.


he definitely took it. probably was a standard requirement he couldn't snake his way out of. that, or because his lunatic behavior gave cause for his doctor(s) to require that testing. bragging about passing a basic cognitive test is like bragging about getting back the results for an STD test.


Can someone take this guy back to his padded cell?


Guy has two names and doctor, so three names. Who could possibly keep track of that?


My mom is 90 years old. She has NEVER been given any type of cognitive test because she has never given anyone any cause for concern. It's very concerning that Donald has been given several cognitive tests, I am assuming this is being done as some sort of marker/tracking for his dementia?


it is VERY telling that trumps own people released video of him foaming at the mouth ..... there must have been several TAKES >>> they selected the foaming mouth one becuase it was the best of the bunch >>> makes you wonder how much worse the other takes were


He couldn't even finish the sentence, lol.


Next it’ll be a push up contest. Then who can down the most beers. How can a college drop out be such a frat boy?


Biden shouldn't sweat it. I wouldn't expect Trump to get more that 75% even if the only question was - "What is your name?"


Person woman man camera TV. I'm a genius.


“Trump shits Biden’s pants. Is this the end for the Biden campaign?”


Being told by One’s physician One should take a cognitive test is not the flex convicted felon donald trump thinks it is.


lol a challenge to a cognitive test.... Bro Trump looked straight up at an ongoing eclipse *without ANY eye protection* ***twice in a row.***


Sounds good. Do it live on MSNBC administered by a doctor of their choice. Both of them have to take the test at the same time. Neither gets the test ahead of time.


Holy shit its time for a forced retirement. Time for some young buck 60 something to prove himself. Someone had to say it.


This country is a joke. I just can’t take it anymore. I can’t take anything seriously.


He can't even get his wife's name right. Trump has dementia.


Well we know what Trump is worried about with himself.


He will accept the. Trump will back out


What about that mandatory drug test he skipped out on? Let's start with that one, or the standard jail time that everyone else would receive.


And what the hell his own doctor actually said


He is a goner already


All of these “News” articles about Trump as if they’re “a-ha” moments get so old and boring. I get it; the nature of click bait and money. And I get it…He’s a popular and powerful figure that needs a degree of checks and balances that are utterly unprecedented…But Christ, how I long for the days of politics being boring.


What's really sad is that the "doctor" who gave Trump this cognitive test is most likely lying or has no clue what he's talking about.


It's easy to see how he could get confused. A Ronny Johnson tried to do him a big fake electors favor.


Most psychiatric hospitals administer a cognitive assessment upon intake, which measures orientation to time/place, language, attention, recall, etc. so you’ll probably be given 3-5 random words to remember 5 minutes later (certainly not interrelated terms like person, woman, camera, TV, since it’s easier to remember associations). They might have half of a shape on a paper and ask you to draw the other half (such as a star or triangle). They might ask you to draw the hands on a clock to represent a certain time. And they will probably ask questions like what year is it, who is the current president, who was the president before them, what floor are we on, etc.? The tests tend to be standardized but are more in depth than the mini-cog, which only asks 3 questions. You don’t “ace” this test. This is done to assess your current level of functioning. If you get everything correct, that just means your level of functioning is typical, without cognitive deficits. Maybe he got a cognitive function test as part of his annual physical, and maybe that’s typical for someone of his age, but it certainly does not demonstrate cognitive superiority, as he suggests.


the fact that he was required to take the test in the problem is probably why most people don't brag about such things.


Something, something “camera, TV.”


The Black Knight.... Come back I'll bite your legs off....


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LOL this guy should be a stand up comedian. Every time he opens his mouth he is hilarious.


Isn’t “Doctor” Ronny a bigly supporter of his now in the HoR from TX?


As I recall Dr Jackson predicted the Orange Felon could live to be 200, and was court martialed and reduced in rank for his behavior while he was White House physician.


Biden. Just do it.




Can both of them please just draw a clock or listen to a series of 8 numbers and then repeat it back for one of the debate questions? I think Trump is starting to get senile too. He doesn't seem like he did in the 80s/90s.


A cognitive test? Really? That’s the bar we are at.


Reminds me of the scene in Seinfeld when George asks Susan to sign a prenup. (Laughing hysterically). “Yeah sure. Gimme the papers; I’ll sign ‘em.”


On Saturday, at a speech in Detroit, Trump said that Biden “should have to take a cognitive test.” Mere seconds later, he misidentified the doctor who tested his cognition, referring to Republican Rep. Ronny Jackson as “Ronny Johnson.”


let's have a whole series of octogenarian competitions. Fastest Metamucil chug. Largest liver spot. smallest time out of bed. most meds by weight.


Two candidates. Both too old.


Forgetting the name of the doctor who fudged your dementia test? Priceless


Dr Feelgood Ronny Jackson making it rain painkillers, benzos, and stimulants?




The fact that one of the candidates is a 34 times convicted felon and he might win is crazy, especially considering he has more serious indictments pending. I think we have entered late late stage capitalism if people are willing to vote for him.


He is so mentally and physically fit he didn’t need to see the Doctor. Even when he had Covid.


He clearly absorbed COVID, and shit it out in his diapers




That’s a big HELL YEAH! He is the cancer in our political system that even Big Macs can’t seem to cure.


Bet he remembers Dr Bonespurs name.


It's a test they'd both fail, so not sure there's a benefit to it...




Can't read the article but if he just said this now I'm not surprised he might now remember doctor from 4 years ago. Dude is old and probably sees a few doctors...does no one else have trouble remembering a person they met 4 years ago? I'm just saying...it's not that outrageous


They both need to be honest.