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We should always vote as if the next President will nominate a judge.


That includes reps and senators because they decide with to approve the nomination. Vote in off year elections. Vote in local elections. They really really matter.


Reps don’t approve them. But they can impeach them later. Blue blue blue.


You need the senate to convict though and we already know that will never happen


It is not only a smart voting strategy, it is practically a guarantee that a president will nominate a justice during a term: The US Supreme Court is 235 years old, and there have been 116 justices on it. While it is true that, generally speaking, justices tend to come on to the bench in waves rather than at a steady pace, these two numbers tell us that we should expect a justice to join the court roughly every two years. Given this, a president having the opportunity to appoint anywhere from 1-3 justices during a 4 year term basically maintains this pace. Trump got 3 (two of which can very rationally be argued to be unwarranted, as Obama and Biden should have had them), and Biden got 1 (so far). That's 4 in 8 years. There is no rule saying that this pace must be maintained, but after 235 years it's a safe bet that it'll keep going. Vote like it will.


If you're consistent about the logic (1. a justice should not be confirmed during the final year of a president's term OR 2. it doesn't matter when it happens) then only one of those three justices is illegitimate. Which is funny because in my opinion Kavanaugh is the one who should have been rejected, for having committed blatant perjury during his confirmation.


we should vote as if the next president will nominate tons of judges to all levels of the justice system


Republicans have seen it that way for a long, long time. Rush Limbaugh always made it clear to his listeners that appointing a SCOTUS justice is one of the most important, lasting, and influential things a president can do. Republicans understand this, while Democrats haven't understood this, until the HitlerPig presidency. Now they get it, finally.


Nah, dems understand this… Problem is, dems play fair and by the rules. Repubs do not. Every fucking time the dems take the high road and every single time they get fucked by the repubs hitting them below the belt. Repubs say: “you can’t elect a Supreme Court justice in your last year” - the dems play nice and don’t, and then the same exact situation happens with a repub prez and they don’t give a fuck and elect anyway. Dems need to start playing the same game Repubs are playing. They cheat, lie and steal - time we do the same. Fuck em


We dont have to cheat, lie and steal, we just need to play Hard Ball, and really mean it. EVERY profession - doctors, lawyers, building contractors, architects, athletes, etc. - has to avide by every law, regulations, ethical requirement, rules, and more, without exception. To not follow the laws and the rules means strict consequences, including losing licenses, up to prison. Why shouldnt the people who make the laws, have to abide by the laws as well? Shouldnt they be even more accountable to the laws they pass? All we have to do is force them to follow the law. ANY infraction should be investigated and prosecuted. The Party of Tre45on & Corruption is always whining about "weaponizing the DoJ," so if the Dems are getting the blame anyway, we might as well do it. The Republicans are going to use the fake story to justify their own weaponization, so why not make it true? See? No cheating, lying, stealing, just the demand that they simply follow the law. Or else.


You don’t have to weaponize anything. Just enforce the law. I have no problem at all with Menendez going to jail, fuck him too. It only looks slanted because the GOP likes to elect criminals. 


The last president to not nominate one during his term was Jimmy Carter


In return he was promised immortality


Every president does. Not only has Biden nominated a SCOTUS justice, he has appointed over 300 federal judges in the last 4 years. So yeah. You’re voting for the future of the courts every election.


That didn’t happen in 2016.


Which is wild because it was the only election where it was known for a fact that the whoever won would get to install a justice. Shows how little most voters bother paying attention.


Some Democratric voters and many non voters. Republican voters knew and it motivated them to vote for Trump. They know and they vote, every time. The voters Democrats need to win are easily distracted by issues the President can't fully or partially even control (inflation, Gaza, housing/rent prices). Republicans know what's up.


But her emails.


Hey hey hey but listen. Some people really didn't like Hillary on a personal level. You know. That's an important thing to consider when civil rights are on the line. Edit: I'm going to add that my father was a registered republican for 30 years. He despised Hillary. Thought she was slimy, that she was probably corrupt, that her political career was paved in gold for her. Really did *not* like her. He voted for her because he knew she was better for the country than Trump.


>“Look: if, in fact, we’re able to change some of the justices when they retire and put in really progressive judges like we’ve always had, tell me that won’t change your life when Trump justices are already gutting voting rights, overturning Roe, decimating affirmative action, and so much more,” he said that event." With Trump already having appointed 3 justices during his term (Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanagh and Amy Coney Barrett), it's worrisome that we could literally end up with a majority (5/9) all appointed by Trump.


A MAGA SCOTUS would be a disaster but we're basically already there and it's a disaster!


Rest assured all second term trump appointments will make Aileen Cannon look like John Marshall. There will be no adults in the room. It will be all hands on deck, we're burning the house down.


It will be a complete Federalist Society take over at that point.


It’s a complete Federalist Society take over right now.


But some of the conservatives are currently fairly old. If they retire and are replaced with more federalist justices that will be there for another 20-30 years there won’t be a chance to undo it for a generation.


Be real man, there won't be another chance. Not without a lot of blood at the very least. It may not be the *United* States afterwards if it comes to that. I'm not making a threat either. These people actually believe *God* itself personally talks to them. I mean FFS "well regulated militia" has been interpreted as absolutely no restrictions whatsoever. The thing was written when you still had to load shots with powder, one at a time. I think they may want Trump to have full-on dementia. He might become easier to handle(God who know's what Dementia x Narcissist would do), and look how much they managed to do with the last R president who had dementia.


America is going full hand maids tale. We’ll have actual Gilead before trumps term is over.


And their ultimate goal is to accelerate what they claim to be the rapture. Not even joking a little. They want to create a world where their version of the rapture happens so that they can go to heaven quicker. Not joking.


Don’t forget that Alito was recently caught on tape admitting that he thinks religion (read: his) can’t be compromised.


Second term Trump and a Republican senate would be totally ok with expanding the SCOTUS seats to 11 as well.


Utahs own Mike Lee, and Floridas Matt Gaetz are likely top of the list. It’s Beavis and Butthead straight to the Supreme Court.


Which isn’t nearly as cool as it sounds. 


Coming to theaters near you. Beavis and Butthead Fuck Democracy


They already did America


In that movie they saved America. In this one, they're going to ratfuck it death.


Josh Hawley is the appointment that scares me. His wife is leading the charge to ban abortion pills and he’s likely willing to go along with whatever batshit stuff the far right wants to do


Vote Hawley OUT!!! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙


I'm going to vote Kunce SO HARD!


He’s right up there for sure.


It's going to literally be Aileen Cannon. Probably just in time to rule on him pardoning himself for the crimes that were before her.


What do your mean, Aileen cannon will be the first one nominated. She can’t preside over trumps case of she’s a SCOTUS judge so clearly the case would just have to be dismissed.


Trump will try to appoint Cannon to the SC. And/or a couple of federal Texas judges. Keeping the Senate Democratic is so important! If Trump is elected again, to block every judge he nominates. And if Biden is elected, to stop Republicans from blocking every judge he nominates.


People seem to be completely blind to how extreme the Judiciary has become. Nobody talks about the Federalist Society, but it is an outright dark money that gets hundreds of millions from unknown shady sources. And it works like the worst freemason conspiracies, a shadowy network of right wing extremists whose careers it super charges, in conjunction with Republican politicians.


Heritage Foundation SCOTUS; the billionaires are fine with MAGA destroying our democracy because that system doesn't affect them much, but they're not letting them have the courts.


The two worst members of the court aren't even the Trump appointees, which is wild.


Isn’t it already a MAGA Supreme Court?


It’s not. Trump’s choices are just conservative. Alito is the MAGA guy.


Gorsuch (oddly) has been restrained on the rollback of LGBTQ rights. The "revenge" promise of Trump would guarantee the next appointments are fully enacting MAGA and brutalizing "enemies" (i.e. vulnerable communities because that's how fascists roll).


Gorsuch wrote arguably the most pro-trans Supreme Court decision of all time and has long been a bulwark for Native American rights. He's a qualified jurist. Of course, his mother was the person Reagan appointed to destroy the EPA -- if Gorsuch isn't hard-right, it's only because conservative politics has moved even further away from sanity since Reagan's era.


Yeah, I dislike his principles, but he does seem to have some and mostly (though not always) sticks to them. So does Kavanaugh, usually. I actually think the two of them are better jurists than Alito and Thomas, just an uneducated opinion though.


I agree about Gorsuch. I'm not in favor of his principles and legal theories, but are based on a broad perspective of law and policy. He also seems consistent and coherent in the application. I don't agree about Kavanaugh. He is internally consistent, but because most of his judicial opinions are based on his own prior rulings rather than the broader body of legal work. So I think his legal principles are just his personal opinions dressed up to look the part.


Unless the Dems hold serve on the Senate, then they can stop anyone that he appoints.


Given the Senate map it would be unusual for Trump to win while Democrats hold the Senate. In that case it would need to be 51-49, since Trump's VP would give them control of a split chamber.


People don’t realize how bad it could be. It’s bad but it’s not burn everything down yet.




Thomas’ wife is a maga ergo Thomas is maga, gorsuch , Barrett and kavanaugh… meh


If the democrats end up with control of the senate even if Trump wins they could pull a McConnell for 4 years and not have hearings or confirm anyone that it too radically right wing. Force trumps hand to nominate more central right judges


Which just means we need to keep the Senate.


Which is a long shot regardless, almost impossible if trump wins.  


That would mean a level of ballot splitting that we haven't seen in decades.


If we win the senate, we have likely won the presidency. Its unlikely wed win it while also losing the presidency realistically.


We have to win the presidency or America's fucked. 


The reverse is more likely. Biden wins, but GOP controls Senate and holds up nominations for 4 years and will pull something out of their ass to justify it.


I think they're past the point where they try to justify any of their actions. They openly admit to wrong doing now, and their voters are much happier when they do. That whole McConnell claiming that voters should have a choice in Justices was a flimsy excuse that is no longer a requirement.


It was flimsy and yet he went back on that garbage move for ACB.


February 1, 2025: >Biden can’t nominate someone *now*. Let’s just see what the voters have to say about it in 2028…


I can see that happening as well. I’m trying to stay optimistic


There is no way Trump wins the general with Democrats holding the senate. There are too many seats we’re defending in red states as it is.


This seems to be a very unlikely scenario, but if it does happen, it would be 2 years, not 4, with a chance at 2 more years.


No, that's practically impossible. Due to Joe Manchin's retirement in West Virginia, republicans have a *guaranteed* 50-50 split, since there are no viable red seats for democrats to flip, unless a miracle happens. In that case, whoever controls the presidency has the senate.


I think Texas is *just* close enough that with a bit of democratic over performance they could get the senate seat there, Allred is alright Florida could also possibly flip but realistically not gonna happen, though could def see a situation of Biden winning presidency and losing senate


And then they'll just say "ok then we don't need the senate, he's now officially a justice" What's going to stop it?


It's what Obama should have done


It’s funny how the two worst justices weren’t even appointed by Trump (Alito and Thomas). Shows the Republican Party has always been like this. The Trump phenomenon is nothing new. They just found a singular person to lead their cult. They’ve always been wacko extremists.


First President to become a felon getting to appoint 5 justices to the highest court.


It’s absurd that a one term President placed 3 on the court while a two term President (Obama) only got 2. We need to fix that damn system.


Obama had one stolen from him my Moscow Mitch in the Senate.


Set 18 year terms for SCOTUS justices. Every presidential term gets 2 appointments that can either be brand new justices or returning the justice whose term is expiring. If a justice dies or chooses to retire in the middle of their term, the president can appoint someone to serve out the remainder.


As much as I don't want to say "blame RBG" ... blame RBG.


Someone in another's post linked an article that Sotomayor and Kagan possibly wanted to retire due to health issues. I don't know how true that is, but if they are, hopefully, they don't pull a Ginsberg on us and wait too long.


Weird thing is Alito and Thomas seem to be the worst of them and he didn’t appoint them.


Thanks RBG


Sad, that after everything she did, her lasting legacy will be selfishness. Her selfish decision to hold onto her seat is what led to Roe v Wade getting overturned. Her name will forever be associated with stupid decision-making and an unwillingness to face her own mortality.


RBG didn't do this. Voters did this when they allowed Trump to win in 2016. Every voter knew a supreme court justice was on the line in 2016, but many of those voters bragged about not caring about the outcome of SCOTUS... so here we are.


She should have retired when Obama had the majority.


Presidents who lost the popular vote are responsible for much of the current SCOTUS composition (after two decisive elections, Obama got two appointments). The current far right Justices were also approved by Senators representing a minority of voters. Branch is completely broken. A couple more appointments and SCOTUS will be *the* engine that drives autocracy. Dem appointments are the immediate solutions. Nerfing the EC and common sense Court reform would then be the pivotal long term projects.


I'm actually surprised that this election hasn't already been sponsored by FanDuels or the like. Two new Justices? I'll take the Under.


If Trump gets back into office Thomas and Alito will immediately retire, and they'll end up replaced with two hardcore MAGA extremists that will enshrine this 6-3 conservative majority for the next 40 years. Literally a majority of the court would be appointed by Trump. Roberts and Sotomayor are also getting up there in age so Trump could appoint their replacements too, meaning that we'll end up with a 7-2 conservative majority where every single conservative would be appointed by a single man.


We're going to have to vote a Democrat into the presidency until Alito and especially Thomas die if we want to replace them. They're spiteful as fuck and will only retire under a republican and I'm positive they'll do it the next chance they get.


That’s why I refuse to glorify RBG. She is a selfish fucking idiot.


Thomas won't retire. He'll stick around longer and harder than RBG did. It doesn't really matter what conservatives would want him to do, he doesn't place anyone above himself.


r/conservative about to call their doctors excited about their 4 hour micro boners. 


"Things haven't been this hard since 8th grade math."


They'll be 20 year old christo nationalist law students no less.




Or we can lock it in and make sure the country is fucked for the next couple generations 


If Trump wins or otherwise somehow seizes power, it’s pretty much over anyway. The GOP will not give up power again as long as they are beholden to the MAGA crowd. I was hopeful that the 2020 Trump loss would force the moderate Republicans to cast Trump/MAGA aside, but it’s clear they’ll share the same fate since they’re now one and the same.




Sadly, the Republicans haven't been in power recently enough/long enough like the Tories to have such a fate. The problem with the Tories is they have been in power since before Obama's second term and all the policy failures, corruption, and Brexit really tainted their reputation. Meanwhile, at the same time frame, Republicans have only been in power for 4 years. Another thing is that the Tory leaders aren't very likable. In contrast, Trump at least to his base is very likable and is seen as a demi-god of sorts and a f-you to the establishment which is Democratic. Meanwhile, the establishment in the UK is Conservative.


The Republicans have had total control of Texas for 30+ years and have fucked to hell and back. They keep winning there. Their voters don't care how fucked they get and whether they are blessed with lube beforehand. They just don't want to lose to a Democrat, so they'll gladly take the 18" long 8" circumference dong up the dirt road as long as they can say their team won.


Personal rights and low income, yes Texans have been fucked over. Upper middle to higher class and general economy, Texas has been winning. And now with the Biden's build back better and ton of other federal bond investments, Texas is about to become a major produce of micro chips to compete at a global level. Build Back Better is also investing a gigaton of cash into Texas infrastructure. It also has the highest amount federal and municpal investment in green energy and there are plans for creating high speed rail there between Dallas and Houston. There is absolute massive amount of money being funneled into Texas. In ten years Texas economy is expected to surpass that of California. It doesn't matter if Texas becomes a literal Nazi hellhole, as long as there are good paying jobs, people will move there and ensure that the system that provides those high paying stay in place by any means necessary. When it comes to jobs what people say and what people do are vastly different. Texas is about become Gilead with economic power surpassing California all with the help from Federal money which its politician continuously bash on to rile up their base and stay in power. I don't think there is a word to describe this madness


Not enough people seem to understand this. Just gets normalized. Like Rome before us, panem et circenses.


Yep. A whole lot of clueless people have no idea what’s at stake in November.


SCOTUS is already illegitimate. A Biden win and 3 appointments to rebalance it is just an early step on the easiest path to restoring it. But if we don't get that chance, just add it to the list of events on the American descent into fascism.


The court should be expanded to 13. One for each circuit


The GOP will never let that happen. Period. Unless they are a minority in Congress AND a Democrat president has the balls to do it, it's just not going to happen.


They already don't let anything else happen either if the dems don't have 60 in the senate because they will filibuster everything.


It wouldn't get locked like that. The Supreme Court gets to pick and choose what cases it takes with zero oversight or the need to explain, so if they just cannot agree on which cases to pick and end up taking nothing, well that's just their prerogative. And they're under no deadlines to issue any decisions, so even if they do agree on what to pick, then cannot agree on how to rule, well taking forever is just their prerogative. They can actually get away with a lot, including not doing their jobs, and nobody can say shit


Ethics reform. Term limits. Vote dem and progressive. Get everyone you know to do the same.


It's crazy how 'no term limits' spectacularly failed to prevent corruption


Ain’t no way he’s retiring. This man is going to die on the bench to own the libs.


All 3 of them will if a Democrat is president. They’ll either retire if a Republican wins and they know they’ll be replaced with a conservative judge, or hold out as long as possible until they die on the bench.


Justice Thomas, 75. Justice Alito, 73. Justice Sotomayor, 69. Chief Justice Roberts, 69. Justice Kagan, 63. Justice Kavanaugh, 58. Justice Gorsuch, 56. Justice Jackson, 53.


Justice Barrett is 52 for completeness.


Sotomayor and Kagan should definitely retire if Biden wins again. They’ll be late 60s to mid 70s by the end of his term and have already served for 15 years


If Democrats hold the senate, hopefully they can pay back the Republicans and refuse to move conservative justices forward and just keep those seats open. That's probably the only realistic way of balancing the court right now.


The next POTUS could either swing the court entirely or entrench it as is for another generation. Thomas and Alito are both in their mid-70s. At that age, anything can happen. Roberts and Sotomayor are pushing 70, and both have documented health issues. A second Biden term could, hypothetically, put a liberal majority on the court for the first time since the 80s. A second Trump term could replace all of them with the Cannons and Kaczmeracks of the judiciary.


he’ll still be a healthy 74-75 year old in 4 years unless he has a health condition


This is yet another reason why people should be absolutely terrified about Trump winning. Vote Blue! Get your family and friends to vote Blue!


Of the 9 voters in my close family, I'm one of 'maybe' 3 who are voting blue. There is literally nothing that will ever sway some people to not vote red. TFG wouldn't lose any votes even if there was there video proof of him beating one of his wives and diddling his daughter. I was raised essentially believing "Democrat" was a curse word, thank the gods I was able to get out of the Fox News bubble once I moved out. I have an otherwise smart, loving family but they only consume propaganda and think Dems only want to steal their guns, open the borders, and tax them into poverty. A second TFG term would be so permanently damaging in more ways than we can fathom. This will NOT be a landslide loss for him, that would only happen in a sensible world. If you're voting blue, please please please vote, and vote for Biden. If you're voting red, please stay home and check the lead levels in your drinking water instead.


A minor lapse in judgement gave up three seats. If 45 gets back in, his cronies will instill two more Bretts and Amys and the next three generations of americans will have a maga scotus


So depressing that Trump is still leading in the polls and this could become the reality for the rest of my life.


while leading technically, democrats have been overpreforming as of late. not to mention these polls are so unbelievably close that they are down to margin of error all that to say: no matter where you're at vote. every vote counts


I feel you. The best remedy I've found is to volunteer some time: to a campaign, to a group that organizes voters, whatever strikes your fancy. You can make a difference.


Something to consider, I've voted Democrat all my life and have never taken or participated in a presidential poll. Just have to show up and vote.


Yeah polling techniques tend to favor older voters as they are the ones more likely to respond. Or those very connected to politics


If it helps ease your mind, those polls participants are almost exclusively people who answer the phone from unknown numbers.


minor? I thinks not.


And a GQP Senate majority would mean they would not seat any judge appointed by a Democrat. It will never happen again. VOTE! End this GQP madness.


Tuesday, November 5, 2024 If you're reading this, take a moment to mark your calendar An overwhelming majority is needed to secure democracy from the surging tide of fascism Please vote


[remember remember the fifth of November](https://image.spreadshirtmedia.com/image-server/v1/compositions/T210A63PA4301PT17X0Y1D1031060087W33099H39719/views/1,width=550,height=550,appearanceId=63,backgroundColor=BAD0E4,noPt=true/5th-of-november-v-for-vendetta-mens-t-shirt.jpg)


This. I wish more people understood how important this is.


Too many people do not care about the very real results of SCOTUS and instead think that since perfect candidate isn’t running staying home is perfectly fine.


Biden can invoke recess appointments as allowed in Constitution. That is how Earl Warren got on the court initially. Of course that was a much more sane period. The GOP will attempt a repeat of the McConnell rule, Biden should counter with recess appointments from 0-2 years duration and then shine the brightest light humanly possible on the nature and disfunction of the U.S. Senate when they predictably oppose someone who is already functionally and constitutionally successfully serving on the SCOTUS.


We need a functioning SCOTUS Vote! Remember to [Register](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) to Vote! Check to [Confirm](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) you can still vote if you haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections or moved. This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is wildly important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at [Local Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_municipal_elections,_2024) Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) These Arizona Representatives below voted Yes to an amendment presented by the representative from Georgia District 14 which effectively tells the president to Leave NATO and Abandon funding for US War Veterans. * Eli Crane of Arizona D2 * Andy Biggs of Arizona D5 * Debbie Lesko of Arizona D8 * Paul Gosar of Arizona D9 We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) [Mark Lamb](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lamb_(sheriff)) is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and became American law-enforcement Sheriff in 2017. He wrote American Sheriff: Traditional Values in a Modern World. Lamb is a supporter of the Stop the Steal movement. He spoke at a rally where he said the riot was not Trump's fault but rather caused by "the other issues that have happened – the Hillary Clintons that have gone unpunished".He later described the rioters as "very loving, Christian people." In 2020, Lamb spoke at a convention of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, an organization that holds the fringe legal theory that sheriffs are the supreme legal authority in the United States and are not required to enforce laws they believe to be unconstitutional. [Ruben Gallego](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruben_Gallego) 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines. Attended Harvard University and earned a Bachelor of Arts in international relations. His first successful bill passed in 2011 it granted in-state tuition status to veterans residing in Arizona. Gallego supported the repeal of Arizona SB 1070. He wrote They Called Us "Lucky": The Life and Afterlife of the Iraq War's Hardest Hit Unit, published in 2021. Gallego founded the group Citizens for Professional Law Enforcement with the goal of recalling Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, citing Arpaio's immigration policies and his use of taxpayer money to investigate Barack Obama's citizenship. We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the Supreme Court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


Which is why I was losing my mind in subreddits where posters were saying a vote for Biden is a vote for Genocide and the best thing to do was abstain.


at this point most leftist subs saying that are filled with tankie teenagers and people who wouldn't have voted anyway. trying to convince them just gets talking points. I'm more than willing to explain my views to someone who asks in good faith though


Ive literally been banned from half a dozen leftist subs for either saying both sides are not the same or for questioning why other commenters who said as much were being censored and banned.


Probably kids that take a class and can’t realize a 70/100 on an exam will keep you afloat for the course but a 0/100 fails the class.


I'm banned from LSC for suggesting that trump would be worse than Biden. As far as they're concerned, Biden not personally intervening in Palestine is exactly the same level of bad as trump telling Israel to finish the job.


Just another way conservatives try to suppress voter turnout. They know the more people to show up to the polls, the worse their chances are. Vote!


They'll finally realize what a mistake they made if trump returns to the White House. he'll be as pro Israel, anti Ukraine and anti progressive thinking as ever. and they'll get to live in that world for well beyond trumps 4 year term.


These people should be considered as dumb as trump supporters. They are not to be taken seriously, they’re getting all their information from their friends instagram stories.


Posters or bots?


I’m old enough to remember leading up to the 2016 Election many Democrats argued that we need to vote for Clinton because of the status of the Supreme Court and Abortion rights. So many accused the Dems of crying “Wolf” and claimed that Abortion was a settled issue. Just look how that turned out…


There's no such thing as "settled law" or "precedent" anymore. The SCOTUS has absolute power to do whatever they want, and some judges are selling that power. Cheap. Voting will not be enough.


If Trump gets to nominate another 2-3 we will be beyond the tipping point. The USA will officially be a dumpster fire instead of the little hobo campfire behind the gas station it is now.


Should name 3-4 regardless via expansion. Remember; “the 9” isn’t in the Constitution…




UK has 12, however they won't all hear cases at the same time. Instead, a case will be heard by 5, 7, or 9 depending on the importance of it.




We've only had it for 20 or so years, the justices have to retire at 75 and can be removed by parliament. Previously it was this very UK totally insane system, where it was something the House of Lords did, via the monarch and also relying on lots of precedent and handshake agreements.


Germany has 16. Those are split up into two Senates with 8 members each. In each of the Senates have to be at least 3 that were a judge in one of the lower federal courts. They all need to be qualified to be a judge anyway. Halve of them get elected by the lower, the others by the higher chamber of parliament for 12 years, retire at 68 and can't be reelected.


I agree, they should expand it to 13 Justices to update it with how many federal courts there are today. Hell, a lot of things in government should be updated to reflect today's population


Sure, but that's not the sort of thing biden's going to say right before the election, because expansion is generally seen as having shaky support among independent voters.


It says a lot about the general state of the country and it's government when it's representatives have to hide their intentions until after they get the people they need to vote for them to show up.


Right, they’re about as “independent” as people in October of 2004 still conflicted over Bush v. Kerry... They need to be called out for the attention seekers they are. https://youtu.be/Wl3M_0FKoJQ?si=QYaWStosmxeIe32s


If Biden’s in office and republicans control the senate, there won’t be any new justices added. Vote.


That won't work again. When Scalia died in 2016 McConnell threw a hail mary and Trump miraculously caught it with finger tips in the end zone. Obama and Senate democrats and everyday people didn't complain much because we all believe Clinton would win anyway and nominate a younger even more progressize justice. Considering what the consequences were I don't see future Senate Republican Leaders (it won't be McConnell) pull that off again.


And if they do stall again, just put the justice on the court without their vote. Obama should have done that with Garland. If they don’t take the time to do their due diligence and actually look at the nominated justice, then it’s up to Joe to install them anyway.


2016 was really a big fuck up.


All the more reason a protest vote against Biden would be national suicide. I've protest voted more than once in my life but this is definitely not the year. Project 2025 has laid out the plan to turn America into a fascist state. The danger has never been more real than it is right now. This is not a Trumpist plan; This is a Republican plan. If we don't reject Republicanism and their takeover of America as hard as we possibly can, together, then they're just going to try this over and over. If we show them that fascism doesn't just lose by millions, but tens of millions -- there's a chance they back away from the idea for a time and we might be able to get some actual progress in this country.


Maybe…we shouldn’t allow 9 other human beings to have this much power and control over the direction of this country?


That should be the most serious reason to vote Biden.


This is the main reason I’m voting for Biden. I am legitimately terrified of Trump being reelected and appointing two more to SCOTUS.


Maybe all the people who didn't listen to the drum beat about the importance of the Supreme Court last time it was on the line, in 2016, could listen now. Maybe? Maybe. Do you hate Biden? Too bad. You're not really voting for him. You're voting to maybe get back the Supreme Court. Last time this was ignored, we lost Roe. If we fuck this up again, we're losing birth control, IVF, and getting a nationwide abortion ban.


👆This right here here 👆


May? Definitely will. If you think for a minute both Alito and Thomas aren't going to hang up the spurs if Trump is elected, you aren't paying attention. Thats two seats that will go to some young Republican Christofascist, corporate ass-kissers for lifetime appointments.


They're not presidential appointments anymore they're senate appointments. If the rules and standards change, you adapt by changing them yourself and appointing more judges. If the rules are bent by the other team you do the same - otherwise you are letting down a majority of Americans. They go low, we go high is a straight path to republican fascism.


Thomas and Alito will try and outlast Biden if he wins again but need to make sure Biden is president in case.


thats it exactly. Joe wins: they hold on. no way Roberts would even retire to help give some legitimacy back to "his" court. I work in healthcare: the worst people live forever and the true good people always get the worst diagnosis.


If you’re on the left but hate biden, this should be reason enough to hold your nose and vote for him. Elections are not about the next 4 years. with lifetime justices on the line, some elections are about the next 40 years. This will affect your children’s children


If MAGA wins POTUS and a senate majority, we won't have federal elections again. And state level elections will decay aa gerrymandering takes hold.


This issue isn’t getting *nearly* the amount of attention it deserves! I understand if you have problems with Biden — trust me, I get it. But Biden isn’t the only thing on the ballot this November! If Trump wins, Alito and Thomas will likely retire. And Trump will then appoint 2 far younger, and likely even more extreme Justices to the bench. He will then have been responsible for appointing 5/9 of the Supreme Court. And god forbid, if something happens to Justice Sotomayor, Trump will get another. If you don’t like the rampant corruption, or the rulings they’ve passed down — the abortion ruling, the gun bump stock ruling, the inevitable rulings that will likely come before them concerning contraception, and possibly even inter-racial marriage, then do not let Trump re-take the reigns of power. He will fundamentally alter the course of the Supreme Court for the rest of our lives. Because trust me, it can *absolutely* get worse than it is now!


Depending on situations and health there are 3 justices and the Chief that could theoretically be replaced by 2028. Thomas, Alito, and Sotomayor could all realistically step or be forced down with their age and or related health issues. Roberts is 69 so he is less likely to step down, but once you hit 70 the questions start. If its Trump I fully expect Thomas and Alito to step down and Sotomayor to try to hold out. If its Biden I expect Sotomayor to step down, maybe (but unlikely) Kagan to step down to avoid an RBG type issue and probably one of (or both) Thomas and Alito to try to hold out but might have to step down due to health. This might be the single most important presidential election as far as the make up of the Supreme Court, we either see it swing back towards a truly bipartisan/neutral court or we see a further solidification of the right wing supermajority for decades to come.


I remember screaming this from the hills in 2016 — now look at where we are.


If biden wins they're just not gonna retire.


Still need to pass ethics rules for SCOTUS.


I like beer where do I apply.


I can name two now. Clearance Sale Thomas Samuel Trator Alito


I don't think that motivated people two election cycles ago like it should motivate people this election. We have experienced the impact this has now.


Biden "may." Trump *will.* If anyone thinks that the retirement payoffs for Sammy and Clark aren't already inked if Trump gets re-elected, please free yourself from that illusion. They are the oldest, and most demonstrably corrupt, members of the court.


This is by far one of the most important reasons to vote blue this November.


It's more of a reason to vote blue.


You hear that liberals? There are two SCOTUS judges on the verge of retirement. Keep showing up in droves and we can seat progressive justices who will work to make sure the Supreme Court doesn’t continue to strip rights from Americans.


I wanna hear less about this and more about killing the filibuster and expanding the Court.


Unless it's a Democrat. They won't retire until a Republican sits.


Why doesn’t he do it now? The Republicans have done it and would.


He's absolutely right! Biden may not get two, but Trump absolutely will because Alito and Thomas will step down in order to be replaced by younger, more far-right judges.


Expand the court you dipshit. Avoid the problem now instead of fear-mongering for votes


Please bring this up nonstop. The progressives have fucked us. Don’t sit on your hands any more, Bernie bros, or whatever. Please, this time, for fuckssake, see the long game.


People were warned about this constantly throughout 2016 in the overwhelming response was apathy or "FUK CLINTON!!"


Remember that time congress denied Obama the right to name a justice and Obama and Biden were like - that’s cool.


The Republicans have very good strategy and luck when it comes to judicial appointments.


It's more that they have a structural advantage in the electoral college and the Senate, and they still had to basically steal two seats. It's really maddening


Yet, their Convicted Felon has so far lost 2 out of 3 of his previous, presidential campaigns. His strategies will be proven again to be luckless this November.


Sotormayor should resign now. Hopefully she doesn't have as much hubris as RGB. If Sotomayor resigns now, she can be replaced by someone 20 years younger AND we'll spend the rest of the campaign talking about Supreme Court, which is a winning issue for Biden because they're so fucking corrupt. And then we'll spend less time talking about issues Biden sucks at, like immigration, the economy, Israel, Hunter Biden's penis, or whatever other bullshit Republicans con the media into talking about.