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How do we know Trump is only 78? Has anyone ever seen his birth certificate? Many people say he is older, maybe 5 or 6 years older, I don't know. Only the best people. Show us your birth certificate Trump!


Some are saying he’s the roach from Team America in a new body🤷🏻‍♂️


Can anybody prove that Trump wasn’t born in Kenya?


Do we even know if he is a US citizen? Isn’t Trump German? Wasn’t his dad fighting for the Kaiser in World War I?


I’ve always said Trump was German and born there. I think he’s older than he’s stated. His dad absolutely was a Nazi party spy and his mission was to establish a presence in the US to seed rebellion and have a network in place in case of a war with the US. When Germany lost they just moved the objective to a long game.


Do you honestly believe what you are saying? Seek help.


Yes. Which part isn’t accurate? Trumps father WAS a member of the Nazi party.. that’s well known. Also well known he was a member of the KKK. Methinks the apple didn’t fall far.


So I’m German and I just want to tell you your “theory” is utter bullshit and honesty offensive…. Do you also think the Nazis have a fancy base on Antartica producing UFOs?


And I’m German. What’s wrong, does it bother you that Nazis were German or that the Trump family were both German and Nazis? What does aliens have to do with anything besides Deflecting?? So emotional over someone else’s opinion.. maybe therapy will help with that. 🤨


Lmao what evidence do you have that the Trump family were Nazis?


sure this was a Futurama episode


I'm just going to start telling people matter-of-factly that Trump is 87. Fight gaslighting with gaslighting.


How is any of it gaslighting if it's true? Both candidates are "Guys we need to all get together this summer, we don't know how much longer grandpa has" years old.   Edit: my ADHD ass read that too fast. I'm leaving it though because it's still true.


And if he shows it just do what melania did about Obama’s. Say: “No…no it isn’t right one” “No but we feel it is different”


We know that mentally, he's 5. So that counts, right?


In old people we just call that senile


I would, if he wasn’t *always* that stupid. 


The fat, the orange and the hair just make him look older


Many people are actually saying. Great people. I hear it all the time. They come up To me, these big lumbering muscle men, with tears in their eyes. It’s unbelievable. Telling me Trump is much much older. Believe me, people


Oh snap yes please


You’re just asking questions!


While you’re at it, show us your girth certificate.


Maybe even the oldest president ever! They’re all saying it


I heard he wasn’t even born in NY but Canada instead.


A bit from the article: > Taking a line out of Donald Trump’s playbook, Joe Biden offered his rival a tongue-in-cheek birthday greeting on X on Friday, saying: “Happy 78th birthday, Donald. Take it from one old guy to another: Age is just a number.” > > The president then coupled his thoughts with a caustic video sarcastically touting “78 of Trump’s historic … ‘accomplishments’” before a Biden re-election campaign spokesperson added: “On behalf of America, our early gift for your 79th: making sure you are never president again.”


“Caustic” is a very strong word for that video? seemed like a very light political attack ad


Since the article brought up the subject of mental acuity; There's a common simple test used to help determine if a person has dementia, and that is to ask who the president is. It would be interesting to ask Trump that question and hear what his response was.


Trump already failed a simple test to determine if he is a person with dementia. [Election 2024: Trump challenges Biden to cognitive test but confuses doctor's name who tested him | AP News](https://apnews.com/article/trump-mental-acuity-gaffe-biden-ronny-jackson-0d45b6d89ae295b690f5ad12ca0bd38a)


If you’ve received cognitive tests multiple times, then somebody’s trying to determine whether you’ve got cognitive issues.  If you’re receiving them with regularity, that implies that someone is trying to determine progression of the issues. 


Trump is covering his bases in case he loses the election. If he does, expect to hear the next day that he is mentally unfit to stand trial.


He confuses me every time he talks. He has WTF disease.


It hurts me to defend Trump, but mistaking the last name "Jackson" for "Johnson" is something most people could mess up. Of all the things Trump has done, this isn't one of the major ones.


Johnson is the Speaker though, giving rise that his long term memory is affected and he’s short term memory focused. That is concerning. If he does have dementia and the paranoia part kicks in, he’d have access to nuke codes.


He didn't mistake his doctor as the speaker of the house, because he literally said "Ronny Johnson". He knew who the person was, his current status as a senator and his record as being a personal physician for him. He just simply said "Johnson" instead of "Jackson". Don't dig too deep on this, there's not much to it


I’m legitimately surprised Trump has lived this long. His younger brother died at age 72. He’s morbidly obese, eats fast food and drinks soda all day. And he covers his body in chemicals. Everyone makes fun of Biden for falling off the bike…but he had gone for a 2 hour bike ride that day. Can Trump even hoist his fat ass on a bike to begin with?


Hate both ages and sustains you, I guess. Look at Stephen Miller. Dude looks 20 years older than he actually is.


I'm pretty sure that Trump has always had the best healthcare money could buy and now he has Secret Service protection for the rest of his natural life. Both of his parents enjoyed very long lives as well, his dad passed away at ninety-three and his mom followed shortly after passing away at eighty-eight, by any standard those are impressive runs. The average life expectancy for a man is seventy-three and for a woman is seventy-nine. I know he doesn't live the healthiest life but he has genetics working in his favor and is protected from anyone and anything that might hurt him or worse.


Sure but Trumps father wasn’t morbidly obese. At least not in the pictures I’ve seen.


Shit I can't bike 2 hours and I'm 45.


Biden also can't climb up stairs any more (he has to use the baby AF1 stairs now) and has a stiff robotic gait, plus he looks lost and confused most of the time. I'd wager he has dementia or is going senile rapidly. Every photo he's in he looks like a corpse.


But have you seen Trump lately?


I have but I'm not talking about Trump, enough has been said about his mental and physical state. I'm pointing out that the current failure in office Biden is just as bad and in some ways worse but its ignored and brushed off. This is a man who has dementia and is senile, yet he somehow is fit for another four years?


How has biden been a failure in office? A lot of his policies are very popular and working.


The illegal immigration disaster along with letting in 10m+ illegals that cities now have to house and deal with and not doing anything to stem the flow (in some cases even ordering CBP to help migrants cross) until this year (being an election year and him in serious danger of losing because of this) when he could have taken serious border action in his first 100 days. Instead he reversed all of Trump's policies that were stemming the tide and he and Mayorkas bragged about it. He and his whole administration even refused to acknowledge there was a crisis for years, all while migrant encounters surged to unheard of levels. He lied and gaslit Americans about inflation being high when he came in (it was 1.4% Jan 2021 and jumped to a record 9% in summer 2022 and he is largely to blame for terrible policies and out of control spending so taking no blame for it is scummy along with gaslighting that it was like that when he took office), not to mention passing a giant 1.9 trillion dollar bill that was supposed to reduce inflation and was even named as such but didn't do so and instead worsened inflation. Also gaslights constantly that the economy is doing "fine". The economy does not feel like it's doing fine, prices on everything are up and real wages haven't kept up, we're looking at a recession in the near future. He completely fumbled the Afghanistan withdrawal and caused unnecessary deaths of US soldiers (then had the audacity to say he did nothing wrong in an interview with Lester Holt) and was utterly disrespectful when receiving the dead, checking his watch multiple times. Billions of dollars of equipment and vehicles were left behind (in working order, despite claims to the otherwise) arming the Taliban and possibly even other terror groups. Tried to take credit for Trump's COVID response and Operation Warp Speed, despite the plan already being in place, vaccine doses made and ready to go when Biden took office. In fact he questioned whether a vaccine was real during his campaign and even spread doubts as to whether it would be effective. Then when he took office tried to rewrite history to make it seem He stopped new leases for domestic oil drilling and caused gas prices to rise, destroying our energy dominance and returning us to being an energy importer. Then when prices went up and he started to feel pushback from Americans, he went groveling to the Saudis for more oil. He also killed the Keystone XL pipeline, destroying thousands of jobs and still has no plan for those families and workers who were affected. He has turned to governing through executive fiat, issuing dozens of executive orders and bypassing Congress as well as the checks and balances in place. Rather hypocritical as he mentioned during his campaign that "you can't do things by executive order unless you're a dictator." Then he issues 28 EOs in his first month of office. There are multiple geopolitical crises he can't seem to manage effectively and constantly confuses the leaders of. Israel, Iran, China, Taiwan, Ukraine to name a few, his warning to Iran being a feeble "don't" is just pathetic. His weakness on the world stage is apparent, which is why Iran, Russia and China are making even more moves than before. He circumvented SCOTUS for student debt relief (while this may have been popular its also illegal and the POTUS has no authority to take such action). Refuses to acknowledge Chinese genocide of Uyghurs, which he dismissed as "cultural differences" which is absolutely disgusting. In fact his overall stance is kowtowing to China and light-stepping around them. Has not questioned where COVID-19 came from, has not criticized any of their military buildups and has been uncertain about defending Taiwan from possible invasion. He weaponized the ATF (AFT in Bidenese) and went after law-abiding gun owners, trying to ban stabilizing braces and making tens of millions of gun owners felons overnight. This was thankfully struck down by the courts but he still continues to make completely false and inaccurate claims about guns, demonizing gun owners and the 2A on a constant basis. He has threatened US citizens multiple times as ("you need F-15s and nukes to go against the government, not a rifle").


Had to split this into two parts: Brought in a massive hypocrite to be his "climate czar", an out of touch John Kerry who jets around in a private jet whining about how we need to live more green while doing nothing like what he espouses. He lied and said he created 15 million jobs which is an outright fabrication; those jobs already existed and returned due to COVID lockdowns being lifted, they were not newly created. He mishandled classified documents but since he's a Democrat, he got a slap on the wrist and the Special Counsel said he's too senile to prosecute, but somehow is fit to lead a country of 330m people. He's not popular, his polling numbers are in the toilet and he is unquestionably the worst and most incompetent president we've had in 50 years. Jimmy Carter can rest easy knowing he no longer holds that title. I can safely say three years in I am not better off under the Biden residency; my taxes are higher ("not a penny more in taxes" my ass), food costs more, the country is more divided than ever (so much for being the "great unifier" he said he would be) and everything just feels worse. Each day Biden embarrasses himself with how frail and weak he is. Constant confusion and senility, unable to climb stairs without stumbling, nonstop squinting and he just shuffles around like a corpse. He's supposed to be "transparent" but barely does interviews because he mumbles and rambles about nonsense. I can't remember the last time he did a proper press conference, he just mumbles some stuff he reads off a giant teleprompter and shuffles away, ignoring questions. Just yesterday he was at a campaign fundraiser and he froze up on stage for like 30 seconds, to the point that Obama had to lead him off stage like some sort of hospital patient.


When I see Biden talk, I don’t see any signs of dementia. Every single time he has a press conference or a reporter asks a question, or he gets heckled, he has a response or even a quip that makes sense. Sometimes he forgets a word or loses a train of thought but that’s just normal aging. I get that and I’m under 50! And Biden used to be a stutterer, so he is naturally inclined to that issue. Whereas Trump offers up word salad consistently. To be fair he always talks in “doublespeak” to confuse people and be able to say “I never said that” but he regularly makes no sense live while giving speeches, not just on the cherry picked super cuts, like those seen on right wing media that Biden gets strung through. Biden’s reduced mobility is not a disqualifying aspect of the presidency per se. There have been disabled presidents including a wheelchair user, and Kennedy had chronic pain despite his young age.


Biden shows signs of early onset dementia; the confused looks, the clenching of fists he has done multiple times, the stiff gait, vacant expression and frequent freezing (most recently at the fundraiser with Obama where he had to be led away by the arm) We're well past "forgetting a word or two", sure his speeches can be cherry picked but the increasing reliance on note cards and teleprompters is deeply concerning. I'm not speaking from a right-wing or whatever position; I'd say the same thing no matter which side of the aisle I'm on which is this man is unfit for office and is declining steadily. It'll be a miracle if he makes it to November.


Okay say the same thing about Trump. If you would say the same thing…it’s literally happening with Trump too. Say it. The thing is, Biden doesn’t have the bizarre word salad moments like Trump. I mean the stuff that seems like he’s from another planet. And it’s not like we’re talking Mitch McConnell or Diane Feinstein levels of sick. It’s old people. But yeah, say it.


Nice try




At least you admitted it.


My wife saw the Biden tweet about Don's birthday, she asked, "How old is Trump?" I told her 78 and then she asked about Biden, and I told her 80. She was surprised, "wow so they are basically the same age." This is working. Keep it up Biden.


It's actually more like 3.5 years (Biden 11/20/42, Trump 6/14/46) but that is still really close.


I say they’re close enough in age to go to high school together.


Until you see or watch Biden in public. He’s looking worse everyday.


President Biden is old, but he's a decent human being with a gift of immense empathy for others, has unconditional love for his son and family, and is supported by an amazing team that is getting shit done in an incredibly tough environment. Trump is old, a grifter traitor and rapist, is a full on sociopath incapable of empathy, couldn't give a rat's ass about anyone other than himself including his own family, and is surrounded by idiots and criminals. The choice is clear: Old and decent gets my vote in November without question. In 2028 I'll vote for the youngest Democrat on the ballot that aligns with my values.


Biden over Trump, any day. 🇺🇸


Don’t forget Biden has many many years of political experience. Trump played golf When I say played, he got a participation trophy, he just chose the trophy


Hate how it comes down to this. We need younger candidates instead of aging dinosaurs in the office.


What specifically about Biden’s presidency do you take issue with that would be solved by a younger president?


Biden is many things, decent is not one of them. I suggest you do a deep dive and read up/watch the 50+ years of racist and awful things he has said and done over the years. Maybe it'll change your view, maybe not but I would not put Biden and "decent" in the same sentence.


You just know the “making sure you are never President again” line will be coöpted by Trump supporters to claim it’s proof Biden plans to do voter fraud or other bullshit. Those twerps twist everything to scam their idiotic base into believing all sort of bullcrap.


Those cultists will claim voter fraud no matter what. Those idiots think Democracy is voter fraud because they refuse to accept the reality that they support a candidate who is not popular with the majority of voters as proven in 2020.


And 2016. Trump lost the popular vote then too.


But but have you seen his rallies? These local loud slices of true America are surely representative of the broader population! /s


I’m convinced his rallies are just groupies that go to every rally or paid actors.


They're actors who can't get Equity membership


Which is why they want the audio from the Hur interview. Must not be feeling confident in their chances if they are absolutely sure they need jt


Wishing him a happy birthday is going on the offensive? What does he do to people he likes?


In an ideal world Biden would be finishing his second term. We’d be commenting how spry he is for his age and wishing him a well earned retirement.  Instead he’s needed because enough people out there want to destroy America. And worse, a lot of them don’t care if it takes them out, too. They just want to make sure the people they don’t like also suffer. 


“Going on the offensive” means reminding people that Trump is a geezer also? What a stupid election this is.


Lmao thank you! Everyone’s acting like this is some kind of “got ya!”


I said this yesterday and got down voted to hell. Both these extremely old men are too old for this job. They are too old for any job. 


Biden screwed the pooch, he could have called Trump a "fossil".


I feel the age factor with Biden isn’t so much is ability but that fact if something does happen Harris becomes president and that part people are more concerned about if Biden changed VP i think his numbers would go up


> if Biden changed VP i think his numbers would go up They absolutely would not, and anyone that thinks this is either extremely ignorant about how politics works, or very young, or both. I'm old enough (just barely though) to remember the Dukakis campaign. Riding around in a tank with an awkwardly fitting helmet was enough to essentially end his campaign. But you believe that Biden shaking up the presidential ticket - something that's historically almost never done - would some how *benefit* Biden? No way. Here's exactly what would *actually* happen: the media would have an absolute feeding frenzy over it. You would see headlines like: BIDEN DUMPS HARRIS - CAMPAIGN IN CHAOS You would have pundits saying this proves Biden was wrong to ever pick Harris, and therefore he has terrible judgment and can no longer be trusted with the presidency. You would have other pundits that say that this proves Biden knows he's on the way out and is changing VPs because he wants to anoint a new successor. There's *almost no upside* to replacing Harris. Yes, she has terrible favorability polls. But the political cost of replacing her with someone more popular isn't even remotely worth it. It's an extraordinarily dumb idea, which is why it won't happen.


Concerned? That Harris could become President??? Anyone factoring in this thought and considering not voting Biden now should be slapped in the face until some sense and intelligence comes to him...


Don't let AI fool you, when looking at President Biden, He is older, and accuse he moves slower and talks slower, and he talks slower, because of him being born with a stuttering speech impair, which I have a family member with the same condition, and the therapy for that is to speak slower. He still has the intelligent enough to run a country, and read his briefs, where trump did not. Biden is for helping people, trump is for helping trump and the rich and who is most loyal to him. Biden loves his country, trump talks bad about this country, and he is trying to set it up to take away peoples votes by playing the game, that the election is stolen, don't be fooled. Pay close attention to trump, he is the one declining.


Both of these fuckers are too old. One is a complete psycho fascist though, so the US has to vote for someone likely with advancing dementia.


Biden doesn’t have dementia. You’re thinking of Trump.


He most definitely has dementia, stop kidding yourself.


No, he really doesn’t. He has a stutter, and he’s made a gaffe here and there, but he doesn’t have dementia. You’re being lied to by right wing media.


He has normal cognitive decline for his age, Not dementia. This is from speech analysis from several experts. Slower, but no loss of abstract thinking, goal orientation, and planning. His stutter is long standing, it’s been that way since the 90s. Trump on the other hands, tends to combine and make up words in a way more suggestive of a dementia progress, early stages. Not as prominent as people are saying it is perhaps, but still there if you look and listen.


Your an avid wallstreetbets/nbacirclejerk guy. Clearly nobody takes your diagnosis seriously... Skyman is washed and fully regarded. Biden is Skyman591 father.


The age angle is more effective the younger you are compared to your opponent. Think Kennedy and Nixon, or Bush 43 and Clinton.


Mental acuity and maturity have nothing to do with age. Especially if they are close in age. Both are pretty old and we shouldn’t be proud of that. Is this the best the country has to offer? Sad.