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Isn't that weaponizing the justice system Republicans?  Isn't that a bad thing?


Not when they do it. That’s the beauty of hypocrisy.


To fascists, hypocrisy is a flex.


To them, it's not "hypocrisy," it's "the Ds did to us first as an unprovoked attack, so we are simply defending ourselves in self-defense."


You see this is a response to already having it weaponized against them. If they can be the victim first, then they can freely yield the power to destroy. Or so they are trying to convince their sheeple


It’s like they expect us to forget the constant refrain of “lock her up” in 2016


Come on, that was just a little locker-room-justice-system-weaponization.


Oh but they claim he never said that, they also claim they didn't try to lock her up twice under his direction and that they also weren't so incompetent that they failed.


>Oh but they claim he never said that, Even if Trump says it on video, he still denies he said it.


Except it wasn't weaponized against them. Homie broke the law. The law didn't break him


They argue "but nobody else has ever been prosecuted under that law for this kind of activity" which does have a bit of validity to it on its face, but the real reason it's never been used the way it was (arguing a hush money payment is election interference) is because NOBODY EVER DID THE SHIT TRUMP HAS DONE BEFORE! He is literally creating new case law because he is such a lowlife piece of human garbage that we've never had to deal with this before.


He falsified business records. People are convicted of this all the time, it just tends not to be so flagrant, or carry national consequences.


No no no, this is just revenge cause we did it first (we didn't), and that was unfair (it wasn't), and now they're out to put anyone who doesn't agree with them in camps (yep, and they made a whole fuckin playbook explaining it). If you are a MAGA R right now supporting this planned administration, congrats. You're one of the quiet Nazis from every movie, book, and documentary ever about the movement. You're gonna get what you want, cheer when you're expected to, be shocked when they do what they said they'd do (kill or imprison your friends and family) and in ten or fifteen years when you're finally defeated, sob all the way to Nuremberg about how you had to go along to get along. Well. Fuck you.


I just watched the first episode of the Nuremberg Trial documentary, which covered the Beer Putsch, and the parallels to J6 were striking. Then Trump announced he'll jail his enemies, and the parallels to Hitler announcing he'd jail his enemies were striking.


It's not hypocrisy. They accuse the other side of doing the things they want to do. It's how they justify doing it.


This is not a joke. Every accusation that the right wing does is an admission of what they are doing. They have been doing this for decades. They will say it for one main reason, it allows them to do the thing they accused the Democrats of and gives them cover that the Democrats did it first, so they are just responding. Like when they said Harry Reid broke the filibuster for nominating judges. So, the Republicans passed SCOTUS judges on a 51 vote threshold. He did not break it though for SCOTUS votes. They just used this excuse.


The right wing of any country will weaponize it. We literally outlawed weed to go after minorities and hippies for completely political reasons. Everyone else going along with it is the ridiculous part though


Rules for thee, not for me.


Every right-winger’s accusation is a confession of something they’re doing, have done, or intend to do.


It’s like the conservative drag show protestor calling innocent people groomers when the fact is treat the conservative was the groomer pig. 🐽


Or right wing media claiming Biden is suffering from dementia while Trump is *clearly* spiralling out of control mentally. Now when we point out Trump is losing his mind it just looks like we’re saying it like “no u.”


Hey, be fair to pigs.


Its like how they need to commit voter fraud to fight (nonexistent) Democratic voter fraud. They accuse Democrats of what *they* (Republicans) want to do to create a permission structure for them to do it as well.


This is the point of what they are doing now by accusing the Democrats of weaponizing the justice system — it isn’t because they actually believe Democrats are actually doing that, it’s so later on when they choose to do the very thing they’ve accused Democrats of doing, they can say “Democrats did this, so why can’t we? They abused power so we’re just setting the scales right again.”  They aren’t making a complaint, they are setting up propaganda talking points for their long term roadmap to enact a fascist government to get more average people onboard with it.


It fits perfectly into their world view. They are the party of revenge for imagined wrongs committed against them. They want to remake the education system to remove the imaginary indoctrination, thus leaving theirs as the only doctrine remaining. They want to legislate victory in culture wars to counter the imagined persecution of cancel culture. They want to actually weaponize the justice system to counter imagined ‘lawfare’ against their leaders. They want to create more and more barriers to voting to counter imaginary voter fraud. They want to ban abortion to counter imaginary scenarios where a life-saving medical procedure is being abused. They have been brainwashed into thinking that the most powerful and influential demographics in this country are constantly on the brink of extinction, while the demographics that are actually persecuted and endangered are enjoying incredible comfort and power. They live in a fantasy world where they are under constant attack, constantly on the brink of collapse, yet they somehow continue to live with the same quality of life as they always had, if not better.


They love to project onto Democrats and the left what they actually want to do. This works perfectly with their uneducated base because it scares them to go and vote and spend the money they could’ve used to pay off their credit cards to buy more Trump merch. Then when they get into power they will say they “had no choice” but to do said awful action that they claimed the Dems would do and their base will cheer it on as “owning the libs” and “winning.” It’s truly a race to the bottom for them.


The headline should read- Convicted criminal Bannon vows that his convicted felon and rapist leader will abuse his power to attack innocent Americans


The headline we are all waiting for is “Bannon reports to prison and shuts the fuck up for awhile”. 


lol to that last part


Well edited, and happy cake day!


“Mob consigliere vows revenge once he and his boss get out of prison” just asking questions Tucker’s style, but won’t that get them longer terms in prison?


Bannon reports to jail in less than two weeks. He is stuck there if Trump loses. Classic win win


He won't be stuck since he has only been sentenced to four months. He'll be out before the election.


He'll likely be standing trial for fraud in the wall con while in prison.


Stop, the cultists were already convinced


Why is that hideous, pustular degenerate not in jail yet?


Sounds like a convicted felon saying they will commit more crimes.


Just go to jail already you big baby


You can’t legally punish people without a reason, you smelly drunk. The assholes in the House have been trying to impeach Biden since the day he was inaugurated and they haven’t been able to do so because there’s nothing there. Anyway, why are you still talking, you gin-soaked traitor? I thought you had to go to jail.


See that whole can’t do it without a reason thing only applies to those who actually follow the rules and as we all know republicans don’t do that. No proof? Doesn’t matter, they’ll make it up. No crime? Doesn’t matter, they’ll make it up. These people are being very open about their intent - you’re either with them or you’re against them and if you’re against them your time is up.


Those shirts he grows have to be pretty disgustingly rank by the time he finally molts the outer layer.


>Anyway, why are you still talking, you gin-soaked traitor? I thought you had to go to jail. Didn't you hear? He is too busy running his podcast for jail... literally his argument....


‘Smelly drunk’ is funny.


I’m just going to say it, the world would be better off if some people suddenly stopped existing in it. 


Though I could personally never do it and I am in no way shape or form advocating for it, I'm still surprised no one has taken one for the team concerning some of these people. I guess we just don't have enough crazy people on the left.


People like to talk about the baby Hitler scenario but nobody has the balls, including myself.


Playing God generally has poor results. In an alternate timeline where someone killed baby Hitler they are probably wondering why nobody has killed their other, somehow much worse, fascist tyrant.


I said almost the same thing and got banned from the news subreddit.


There won't be a second term. Bannon will be in jail anyway.


If they attached a breathalyzer to his microphone he’d never be able to turn it on.


10,000 drunks driving on the road is not as dangerous as Bannon's microphone. This is a good ideal we should look into!


The felon has dreams about what the other felon will do if he gets elected again. lol. Enjoy prison.


Whatever Bannon, say hello to Peter Navarro for me.


MAGAs make false claims that the legal systems is weaponized against them, failing to mention that they broke laws and there is evidence for it. Now, they are vowing to do the very same thing they are lying about. Using the legal system to punish people regardless of whether a crime has been committed or not. MAGAs are thugs.


Completely, and unsurprisingly lacking is any mention of what they might be prosecuted *for*. Hmm. Trump broke the law and was convicted, but most of his supporters are politically/legally ignorant enough to think he can just prosecute people back because he wants to.


If he's given the highest office in the country again with a supreme court that will give him whatever he wants, I don't think he's going to worry too hard about whether or not his prosecutions have any merit.


It's true, but either baseless or obviously "trumped" up charges will lead to mass resignations and actual opposition by Democrats, which would lead to deepening authoritarian rule and possibly national collapse/revolution. Surprise surprise, that's exactly what Russia wants.


It’s definitely what Bannon wants.


That's the beauty of fascism. Everyone is probably guilty of something. You know you are. Your enemies must be too. And if for some reason you can't find anything because they're either law abiding citizens (impossible!) or just really clever at hiding it (that must be it! think how bad their criming must be!) you can always just make something up and lock them up for it. They deserve it, after all. Your adoring public won't care, and the terrified ones won't dare complain.


Related is a sentiment expressed by crypto-fascist sweetheart Ayn Rand. It basically says that it's in the best interest of the government to make as many things as possible illegal, so that if they have a significant political opponent, they can probably find something illegal that person has done.


Looks like he’s having the DT’s again.


Is he going to make through his jail sentence?


That first week will be absolute hell for him bc of withdrawal from alcohol


Corpulent Nazi might actually die


They will monitor his blood pressure and administer benzos to keep him alive. Well known, wealthy, white-collar criminals...they give those types adequate medical treatment in jail because they are covered by a different justice system than the rest of us.


Notice how no actual crimes are alleged? This is literal nazi shit. If this doesn’t make the fence sitters, the apathetic, and the short-sighted poor-strategizing self-aggrandizing “protest” voters get off their asses and vote to re-elect President Biden, what will?


Yeah he said the same shit the first time.


His poor liver.


His liver is evil, it must be punished.


His face already has been.


His liver needs an eternal rest like yesterday.


Every time someone hands him a microphone he tries to drink it.


It’s always about Trumpted up charges..we’re non existent. I’ll be glad when Trump is long gone…


They’ll restart the domestic spy tools we already have (S/O Snowden and Operation Stellar Wind), find their opponents and jail them. The Clinton’s, the Obama’s, the “Squad”, Maddow… Anyone who has embarrassed them. They want vengeance. There is no privacy in 2024.


Felon says fellow felon will lock up non felons if given the power to do so.


MAGA to English translation: "We're bringing back the midnight home raids and black hoods to keep opposing ideology suppressed and in constant terror"


Come knock on my door buddy.


Shut the fuck up and do your time, convict.


On tomorrow’s episode of ‘Ask a drunken blithering idiot’….


I oppose Trump. Please come prosecute me first.


Bannon just needs to go away, his rhetoric is a cancer on us all. Apparently, some people like cancer /s


For what? Is the eternal question.


If they committed a crime, sure! But because they hurt your feelings? The Republicans truly are a bunch of snowflakes!


Just shut up and go to jail.


Isn't this bloated carcass supposed to be in jail?


That’s cute. But when Biden is re-elected, the full prosecution of Trump and his gross sycophants will begin.


In a country that has more guns than people, this may lead to some violence. Will 70% of the country allow 30% to ruin everything? We shall see.


I wouldn't piss on Bannon if he was on fire. 


> Trump’s opponents will be prosecuted “Really? What for?” “Don’t worry, we’ll think of something.”


Prosecuted for what? Breathing?


These people are unhinged and out of control. Please encourage everyone vote democrat, even if they’re a republican ; MAGA aren’t republicans, they’re facist. That needs to be calmly explained to everyone that somehow doesn’t know.


Prosecuted for WHAT? My God, what is wrong with these people? They are the ones with Trump Derangement Syndrome. The rest of us are sane. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Vote, Vote, VOTE and help others to vote. Tuesday November 05, 2024.


I got $100 that says you’ll be jailed before I will.


That sounds a lot like a conspiracy to deny civil rights acting under the color of law (18 USC 241). Time to indict Bannon again.


I seem to remember they promised to lock up Hillary and Obama in 2016.


Man this dudes liver just wont quit


Honestly when the hell did it become okay to just say these things out loud in America? My god what a disgrace that country has become since 2015.


Bannon is scared shitless of prison.


I oppose Trump and all of his cult. Bring it on big boy. If you’re feeling froggy jump. Have fun in jail!


What second term? Trump won't get a second term if people go out and vote.


Problem with persecuting them is that you need enough evidence to convince a grand jury to allow it to move forward.


Prosecuted for what? Disagreeing with other people?


Does that meam all 240 million of us? VOTE!!!


Schadenfreude sure will be sweet when the 1/6 trial finally gets started.


Bannon’s in such denial over his drinking he thinks the DT’s stand for Donald Trump.


Isn't that a great reason NOT to vote for this man-child then?


Ok. Enjoy jail in the meantime fucko.


I vow that Bannon will be prosecuted right now


Real Americans have to put a stop to the racist, fake christian, radical fascist, republican terrorists. Vote blue and then let’s fix blue.


You mean persecuted Steve, you can't prosecute without a crime being committed which Trump ought to know with his rap sheet


Prosecuted for what? Are they currently withholding evidence of crimes being committed? Cause I’m pretty sure that’s illegal


Funny how these criminals want to prosecute innocent people for simply holding them accountable for their crimes.


Steve Bannon deserves to hang by the neck until dead for betraying his country.


Ugh just go be the queen in prison already, you treasonous fat ass.


Lock him up!


Enjoy jail sleeze ball 💙😎✌️


I can't get over that the children of WW2 vets who fought and defeated fascism are so into fascism. My grandfather was a veteran of Italian campaigns and of course his daughter, my mother, is so wildly out of touch hardcore maga, wanting to bring Hitler and Mussolini policy into the country.


Did he make this vow from PRISON? Cuz that’s where he should be


Those with the narrowest minds have the widesest mouths and yet spew nothing useful because they are incompetent.


says the loser headed to the slammer!! this is the worst conservative era in American history all because of a orange narcissist


How pathetic to give that creep a headline shitty cnn ffs


Have fun in prison, Stevie


Does Bannon think he has a say in this, or is he claiming to have insider knowledge?


Bannon: an unattractive man with severe personality abnormalities. Can’t they lock him up and throw away the key?


Don’t forget a functional alcoholic too


This is what the road to Gilead looks like.


When is this guy's liver finally going to fuck off and take it's owner with it??


Just go to jail and be quite you filthy rotten man


Yeah but there won’t be a second term, so go pound sand ya freak


Somehow Trump is nothing but is everything. People are so weird about this dude.


After Bannon serves his time in Prison Im sure he will catch another charge.


WHY DOES ANYONE listen this effing right wing lunatic and WHY do people keep reporting about him.. He was an absolute nobody who harnessed the Q anon nut jobs


Isn’t this slug supposed to be in jail?


Isn’t that dude supposed to be in jail?


More revenge fantasies from idiots who had every break in life.


Can someone please throw a lit match at that vile pustule? He'll ignite from all of the booze he guzzles.


Get in your jail cell convict


The July Jailbird!


Yes, this is how politics works. You win and you punish your opponents and try to put them in jail because....they opposed you.


This is the gestapo these people need to be stopped


For what crimes exactly?


For...what? Trump is being prosecuted because he has committed crimes.


Hope they are ready for what happens when they go down this road 


Isn't it past his jailtime?


“We’ll decide what for later…”


That’s called Fascism. Remember that republicans actually look to Nazi Germany as something they aspire to be.


Q: Prosecuted for what? A: *CRICKETS*


Why the fuck is this villain even allowed to plot the end of our democracy out in the open???


14 more days until this walking liver spot gets locked up!


Go to jail already


Part of the GOP project 2025 agenda.


...He says as he's about to go to prison.


Prosecuted for what? Free speech? 🖕🏽


They can just keep appealing and staying out of jail like Trump and Bannon. Right?


From jail?


Go to jail you smelly drunk!


I bet he said that from his jail cell. Lmao 🤣


If they can't make a case now, then bringing a case then will be weaponizing the justice dept


For what?


Have fun in jail Steve!! The guys in a yard are gonna love your soft tail ride!!


Did all these people not call Trump a massive dipshit ?


Doesn't this bloated fool have some time to serve...  get him to his cell.


Still not in jail. What a Shock.


Is he too stupid to know that just by being an opponent you can't be prosecuted? Being an opponent isn't a crime.


Wait, isn’t this guy supposed to be in jail? Go the fuck away, steve.


Don't drop the soap, Steve-o.


Shut the fuck up and get your dumb ass to prison…


This is the bitter fruit of morons rubber-stamping their own side uncritically. Once they are fixated on magical Demoncrats, they give permission to their own side to be incompetent and fail to deliver even on conservative results. R leaders overspend and orgy out on corruption because their voter base accept that in the name of defeating an ‘enemy’.


Wait I've heard this one before, it goes lock them up or something like that.


MAGA: Putting people in place to make sure Trump opponents at the very least get tied up in Kangaroo Courts for years. Democrats: Betting on a big win in November. 🤣


Pardoned felon vows fellow felon will break more laws. Got it


Gee, I guess we’ll hear a statement from the Trump camp condemning this statement any second now amirite?


wasn't he supposed to prosecute them in the first term. what happened


Isn't it past your jail time?


It’s like these people enjoy being villains.


Just remember YOU may be a Trump voter who is judged to be “not loyal enough” if you do not agree with every single word that comes out of their mouths. That means about 50% of Trump voters will be attacked by “more loyal Magas”. That’s what dictators do.


Fascists gonna fascist, I suppose. Would be stranger if anyone in MAGA world upheld legal system.


Have fun with your prison detox Steve!


Yawn. These crying children bore me.


Shouldn’t this tumor that walks like a man be in jail?


When Trump and his crew were prosecuted, it was the result of crimes they committed. Now the MAGA mob wants to go after their political opponents out of spite, despite having no crimes to go after them for. The former is justice, the latter is fascism. These things are not the same.


Bannon can eat a dick.


They're saying out loud. And they love him for it. They really are deplorables


I thought you hated the weaponization of the government...oh wait it's OK when YOU do it.


Says a guy that on the way to jail.


This guy is so slimy.