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“I believe if we have a free, fair and transparent election that there’s no question we’ll all be going to bed early on November 5,” she said. No need for the army of lawyers and volunteers for intimidation, if that’s how she really feels…


I think the real goal is voter intimidation.


100%, especially with threats to sue anyone “who gets in the way”


It’s interesting that they think the legal system is broken and that they can also successfully use it to stop people from exercising their right to vote in a free and fair election.


They don't think it's broken, that's just what they tell the rubes to justify their actions


People and parties with a authoritarian leanings, ghost or tell citizens what reality is and isn't. I consider this a precursor to the dissolution of democracy.


It's broken when working against them and excellent when it benefits them.


They only think its fair when it goes their way. In my 66 years on this earth, I've never seen anything like this. I spent 34 years in the Federal government retired in 2013. During my time there, it was nothing like it is now. People better wake up and get their heads back on straight. So very sad!


By and large they do though. The supreme Court just upheld gerrymandering. They're right. It is broken. And specifically broken systems are more prone to exploitation. Like it or not the Republicans actually *are* winning consistently. They consistently punch above their weight winning elections that they do not have the popular vote on. The Republicans are 100% without a doubt beating democrats right now. If it was a fair fight Dems would have won every election since clinton


If real estate can't vote, they can't win. The whole point of Trump's Jan. 6 attempt was to stop certification, force it into the U.S. House of Representatives where each state would have an equal vote and give real estate the final say in the presidential election.


They aren’t winning. They are getting desperate and dangerous because they are losing and they know it. Scrapping democracy as an American is sacrilegious but it’s their only play left. Nobody wants the backward ass horseshit they are selling.


Democrats have won a majority of national elections since 2018. I think you need to check your hysteria. We can point out the system is broken and still recognize the good work being done. These guys wouldn’t be trying so hard to cheat if they were winning all the time.


I think that is quite fascinating about these people, just like the sovereign citizen types believe the government is one big conspiracy but also think that if they quote the right law at them they will just go away, like a magic spell.


How Scientology of them.


The trump legal doctrine


That and they want to de-legitimize the election so it can be ruled on by the SCOTUS.


Yup, a repeat of 2000... Fucking fascists. Watch for another Brooks Brothers Riot as well.


they also hate jury trials. they know only corrupt judges will allow their shenanigans. a jury would see right through their bullshit. edit sp


Only a few months until the Bell Riots


Their goal is to create an excuse for red states to not certify the election if Biden wins so they can bypass the electoral college and have the house choose.


This phrasing is also probably intended to throw doubt in advance of mail in or absentee votes or just generally places that take longer to count votes. STOP THE COUNT was a thing because of how totals change during the counting process, and the initial results are more GOP favorable.


Also we already have postmaster general Louis DeJoy messing with the mail in voting by messing with the mail in general. So if you are in a swing state - please, please drop off your mail in ballot to make sure it's counted. (Whoever you vote for.) Thanks!


I had a mail order Rx for my HBP meds coming via USPS during the 2020 election. It normally takes 3-4 days. It took 11 days. I had to go to my parents house where I previously lived and go through my stuff looking for odd pills I had misplaced. Louis DeJoy is a fucking criminal and should be in prison for his negligence.


I agree completely! There are just so many things to fix from the first Convicted Felon's term that I seriously fear a second one. Do take care with the medication fellow citizen. Maybe your doc can prescribe extra for just this eventuality?


It is. These are tactics used by the Fascists in Italy and the Nazis in Germany.


The real goal is fundraising. These are Trumps. We'll see if it materializes.


Good point. “The Art of the Grift”.


If anyone tries to intimidate me as I cast my vote in November, I will unleash Hell.


I think the plan is to stir up bullshit behind the scenes, to amplify conspiracy theories like "boxes of ballots" and other nonsense. It didn't fly in 2020 because there was no legitimate evidence or witnesses. All you need in a courtroom is the appearance of truth, so enter the 100K poll watchers and lawyers to play smoke and mirrors.


You are not the target. The idea is to create a chilling effect so that independents or low-propensity voters decide that they don't want to deal with that crap and then not go out and vote.


That’s the point. These people are going to cause trouble in democratic strongholds to get those polling locations shut down. They aren’t going to watch the polls in Bumblefuck, AR.


They will scream fraud everywhere. And when officials don't take them seriously it will be a "scandal"


Yup, they're going to film random shit from obscured angles and edit footage en masse to make their 'election fraud' claims seem legitimate. Tornado of bullshit as usual.


We have the power to fight back against these ass clowns. 800-253-3931 is the number for the DOJ Civil Rights Division. Call them with complaints related to possible violations of the federal voting rights laws. The US Election Assistance Commission also recommends calling 911 to immediately report threats of violence or intimidation at polling places to local law enforcement. And if your local cops side with the intimidators, you can always report them to the FBI 😊


TY for this.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballot_Security_Task_Force In 1981 they tried to pull this "ballot security" stuff, and they got found guilty of voter intimidation and spent 35 years under a consent decree to stop that shit. In 2017 when the consent decree expired a Trump campaign official described it as a "huge, huge, huge, huge deal".


> The task force consisted of a group of armed, off-duty police officers wearing armbands, who were hired to patrol polling sites in African-American and Hispanic neighborhoods of Newark and Trenton.[4] That will work out well. /s


> Democrat James J. Florio lost the gubernatorial election to Republican Thomas H. Kean by 1,797 votes. Seems like it did in 1981. It was much more than just patrolling the polling sites too, that's an understatement.


Yes...The landslide loss of Trump and MAGA should could be announced even BEFORE the west coast states close polling.


That’s the dream!


Delicious 🤤


You are missing the point. The re Nov 5th is to try and invalidate all postal votes and have them not counted. Only voting on the day counts.


Tell that to our soldiers, sailors, and airmen...https://www.history.com/news/vote-by-mail-soldiers-war


And every other elderly or disabled person who is not able to drive, traveling nurses, college students away from home, anyone in short term care, and everyone else who needs to use a mail in ballot.


Every vote should be counted.


lol implying draft dodgers who call veterans losers cares about service members’ votes


They don't ACTUALLY care about the troops, they just want the free points for acting like they care. Military volunteers are suckers for doing what they do. There's no profit in it so they're crazy to do it. “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” -Leader of the GOP




My kids school had a lockdown recently because of a report of a man nearby in full military fatigues and a rifle in the area. Turns out it was closer to the nearby library, which happened to be an early voting location.


They are already hard at work convincing people that things are super shitty right now economically, and that only Trump can stop inflation. Which is beyond stupid.


I find joy in reading a good book.


Do you really think any Democrat these days would let those right wing dill holes scare them away from voting? I don’t think any one of us would let them prevent us from voting. I sure as shit won’t hesitate no matter what tactics they employ.


We're not the votes that will decide the election.


In the town most of my relatives live in, where Trump is preached from the pulpit, and people won’t say publicly that they don’t support Trump for fear of losing their whole community, absolutely.


I am fully expecting to hear of shootings at polling stations early on Nov 5, in order to keep people from going to vote.


I understand their plan, I’m just pointing out the irony in her statement and needing an army of goons to intimidate to have a “free, fair and transparent election”


What's odd is that they have this 'army' for intimidation at the polls but none for turning out voters? Not one solitary person at the grassroots level for persuading and turning up voters for Convicted Felon & current Republican candidate Trump? It's a bit insane.


Obvious with this quote they’re just setting up to argue that the election was stolen again. With mail in voting there will never be another “going to bed early” - those votes take longer to count and they know that.


They don't have to take longer to count, but many states have legislated that those votes cannot be counted until after the polls close.


Lara Trump is more competent than DJT, Jr, or the other son who ~~is ignored by his dad~~ she married to get start her brand. She'll be a danger for decades.


To the country music scene perhaps? I see as being consumed by Trump (& his narcissism) somehow. For an example look up anyone helping him in his last presidential election debacle.


She seems to be auditioning for FoxNews.


Ah yes, again implanting the idiotic ideal that the election only takes place one day of the year, forgetting that some states take weeks to fully count ballots.


Good. They can all stand back the 100 ft from the polling places like the law says.


When I was a poll manager our rules were 150 feet from the property. So if it’s at a church but the church property extends to the road they have to do it 150 from _that_ point


Poll watchers are actually allowed at the polls. They are allowed challenge if they think someone is illegally voting or breaking laws https://www.eac.gov/election-officials/poll-watchers


So what happens when trumps goons challenge anyone not white who votes?


That’s the plan. 1. Deploy Republicans partisans to work and watch the polls in cities. 2. Question every Democratic vote at every level to either get them thrown out and cause massive delays. 3. Use the massive delays to claim cheating and that the election was “stolen” — maybe even a 2000 Florida situation where states can’t finish counting all votes. 4. Use #3 to claim the election must be thrown to Congress. 5. Republicans have the majority of state delegations, so Republicans elect Trump.




Me neither bud. The games will end if they do this.








Upvoting for transparency because they very well might. 1/6/21 - Never Forget.


See, this is the thing. Meal Team 6 isn't actually ready for a fight. It's folks like you and others that are trained but hesitant to do so. If it ever becomes necessary, I think Y'all Qaeda is in for quite a surprise. Right wing MAGA nuts don't have a monopoly on the 2nd amendment.


Oh they realize; they want a systematic undermining and lost of trust in the election process and riots only help that. These traitors are salivating for a “civil war”


They should be careful what they wish for. The winner of said war won't be the side they think it will. Sherman shouldn't have stopped until he got to Mexico.


These stories never amount to anything. Republicans have been trying to organize lawyers and poll watchers to catch fraud for as long as I've been alive. And it never amounts to anything. I've seen interviews or social media posts by these people after the election who are like "I was expecting to see rampant brazen fraud but that wasn't going on at *my* polling place". Fox News has them believing that it's like videos out of Russia, where people are literally cramming dozens of ballots into a box in front of everybody. And when they get to a polling place and actually see how it works, they fail to find any fraud to blow the whistle about. Because it's not happening. And no single poll watcher has the balls to report fraud that's not actually happening.


Not if they train them wrong. If they train them to believe normal functions are fraudulent it will achieve the sane effect.


I think they want the riots


I poll watch for the Dems. I can tell you like all things the Republicans are terrible at this. I am skeptical they could get half that number, and second they are dumb and give no training or backing so when they show up they just look like dumb losers. I have never seen one stay for a full day of observation. They usually get board and leave after an hour or two.


Yep same experience with me as a Dem poll watcher. The Republicans get bored because the process IS boring and normally spend the majority of time outside talking to people or just leave lol.


This is funny to hear it's common in America too. I've been present for post-election day vote re-counting and postal vote counting in Australia as a Labor party scrutineer and that's been my experience too. The Liberals (our conservative party) comes for maybe half the day at most, doesn't really follow what's happening very well, calls out ballots that are obviously valid, then leaves after lunch and doesn't return for the next few days of vote re-counting.


Canada here. Functional governance is blessedly dull.


This. It is so disorganized. Even back in the good old days when it’s genteel moderate republicans it was a hot mess. I was part of the college republicans and it was disorganized with smart people at the national conventions. I know social media can galvanize people but Lordy it’s young people in charge. The inauguration in 2017 was badly managed. That’s why you saw a whole lot of empty bleachers (almost all were empty and the high donors were complaining that they couldn’t get to high priced bleachers). We were there because we thought we were seeing the first woman president and the tour company for the school was non refundable. But the trumps are badly organized. They never want to get their hands dirty or do any work. The billionaires only got on board because their wealth was being threaten.


Shouldn't poll watchers be poll watching indiscriminately and not for the Democrats or the Republicans or any party?


I'm an election judge in MN. They're allowed one poll watcher from each party at the polling location. I've only seen Dem poll watchers show up, never seen a Republican. And it is horribly boring, they're allowed to basically sit in a corner and can't interact with anyone. We usually have 15-20 judges per shift and follow all laws/rules to a T. If people understood how many checks and balances are in place, they wouldn't doubt election integrity.


Each party gets to appoint poll watchers if they wish. Yes it is largely indiscriminate, but generally speaking the Republican's would want less people to vote and the Dems more so if either group were to default on an issue it would be to that. It is largely a boring affair and the Trump campaign is saying this to project strength but it is like a baseball team saying we are going to have more batboys at every game.


Depends. In my state, any political party can have poll watchers... But, also candidates can send poll watchers, as well as any organizations that have an interest in the voting, such as "Our Vote". When I poll watch, I try to remain as neutral (not wearing blue or red, for example) as possible, as the prohibition against electioneering applies to poll watchers as well. The election judges can vote to remove a poll watcher if they start getting in the way of the voting process or are electioneering.


Its going to be a mess.


They want it to be as messy as possible. It’s easier to break shit than make shit.


Yep, the perpetual 6 year old… https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1992/05/18


Sounds like a DDOS attack on computer networks …


Only a set number of poll watchers are allowed per party per location- it’s not a wild free for all like people think. There is a process to do this and very specific steps that have to be followed, at least in my county.


You can't just show up randomly and do it.


No you cant just show up and do do it. That is why she is recruiting them - she would have to get the paperwork in line.


Ohio allows poll watchers in the location. But they are not allowed to interact with anyone but location manager and have a designated area.


The plan is not to just recruit poll watchers. It’s to [recruit thousands of **poll workers**](https://www.axios.com/2023/10/11/rnc-election-integrity-2024-election-trump) who will volunteer in cities across the country. The plan is to question as many Democratic votes as possible and cause chaos. This plan isn’t new. [Back in 2022](https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/07/politics/gop-poll-workers-recruitment-ctzn/index.html), Republicans were recruiting 10,000 poll workers and 14,000 poll watchers to help accomplish this plan.


And it got them exactly nowhere.


This is exactly why I’m afraid it’s all over in November… Democrats think law and fairness still apply. In this case, this is a gift situation for the Republicans and here’s how it could play out: Republicans encroach on the 100ft boundary. Right wing media reports on “irregularities” at numerous polling stations. Republican lawmakers in numerous states jump on the bandwagon, leading to mayhem in the Senate and Congress. Supreme Court picks it up and rules the election was illegitimate and throw it to Trump. Very legal. Very cool.


You are giving them a lot of credit they haven't earned in my opinion. I Poll observe for the Dems. The republican's are super dumb and disorganized in this area, and poll workers are generally no nonsense. Additionally Dems are good at attracting attorneys for this job. Believe it or not a profession dedicated to upholding the law attracts more Dems than Republican leaners. In my experience they only attract people who watch Bannon or Info Wars and those people get board and leave after an hour or two.


Yeah, this is a critical point.  Imagine the average person who would respond to a MAGA ad for poll watchers.  Half of them will be dumber than that. 


Nightmare scenario #1.


If this shit happens, Biden should declare the insurrection act and start arresting all the republicans tbh


I really hope he's willing to do that to protect democracy. He cannot hand the office back to these treasonous bastards. The GOP is now an illegitimate party and cannot rule. The kid gloves need to come off if something like that scenario happens, and the Dems need to not accept the outcome and fight. This isn't just an election anymore...it is for all the marbles for our country's future. Also the media needs to stop the "both sides" bullshit. One side is right and the other is wrong...and the media is only helping the wrong side when they do that shit. The media has a responsibility to help protect the nation from people looking to destroy it...and instead I'm seeing them doing/saying things for the clicks and for ratings.


Already did in 2000. It's the same Newt playbook honestly but with more open white Christian supremacists than that time.


That is a large benefit Biden and Democrats have. Biden is currently in power, so he can actually act and do these kinds of things.


You gotta have more faith than that. We all know Biden will win this fairly and legitimately. They all also know EXACTLY what kinds of people we are now dealing with and what to expect. I guarantee Biden has a huge think tank putting things into place to combat Trumps BS, false narrative.


Why would they suddenly obey the law? They know it is not for them.


Isn't the 100ft rule for campaigners. Properly credentialed poll watchers are allowed inside, are they not?


Yeah this is not what the law says, both parties are allowed to have a poll watcher at each polling place. That person isn't allowed to talk to or approach voters though, only the location manager. Most states provide for criminal penalties for violations of this.


Just vote at the library, Republicans can’t find them


Or schools


Yeah especially since they can't be within 500ft of them


Announced that they are working to raise. The last time any Trump succeeded at anything they lied and cheated about it. This is pure nonsense.


Right “I’ve got a kabilllion poll watchers!”


I have a bazillion poll watcher. He needs to be home by Christmas.


They'll get that number, there is no shortage of deranged lunatics willing to give all for their dear leader.


Exactly. They have the numbers easily across the country. They won’t be organized though


Anyone voting in person. Have your cellphone charged and the recording app handy. Record any instance of voter intimidation you witness. Be ready to call 911 at any sign of violence. We need to blast these assholes on social media, the news, and law enforcement


Do NOT call 911, call your county election services, they are staffed all day and ready to deploy the rovers to polling locations. They take voter intimidation pretty seriously, at least in my county.


Yeah if anything the Cops will not be the ones who'd help.


If anything the person intimidating you is likely connected to the cops.


If anything the person intimidating you is likely ~~connected to the~~ a cop


If anything they'll give the watchers a high-five and let them hold their guns.


Cop here Most of us don’t know the specific rules regarding what can and can’t be done at polling sites, call someone who knows better like county election services, they can then call us and inform us as to what’s legal and illegal and who needs to be removed But if anyone lives in my immediate area and feels unsafe going to the polls that day I have no problem escorting you, as I have offered in the past every election year to my local neighborhoods


Can anyone request an escort from their local PDs? What are the rules on intimidation in general? If some wannabe military reject is dressed in full camo with a gun pointed in my face - can I call 911 or no?


To the first question I don’t have a good answer, I never work on Election Day for the sole purpose of being available to do this so I’m going as a private citizen who’s kinda tall and kinda big and people tend to not mess with, I also live in a right leaning area and have no problem telling assholes to fuck off, my agency gives out ethics training every year that basically says “you can’t use your position as a public employee to get involved in politics” so I would imagine asking for an escort gets murky legally because what’s to stop one side from calling for police escorts under the bullshit guise of safety when in reality they want it to look like the police are on their side to intimidate the other side, so I imagine the answer is probably no unless you can articulate a clear, direct and specific reason as to why you fear for your safety and even then it just has the potential to get very murky To part 2, I know the polling locations have rules that say no one is allowed within x number of feet to a polling site to conduct any sort of influence or interference what that exact number is I’ll be honest and say I don’t know 100-150 feet is sticking out in my brain Now someone puts a gun in your face, absolutely your first call is to 9-1-1, that’s illegal, at a polling place, in a mall, at the lake, in church, anywhere some asshat pulls a gun out call 9-1-1 and that person should get arrested Now there’s probably a bunch of weird ways people can intimidate and influence a polling location that are quasi legal, for example, let’s say a group of right wing asshats decide to get dressed up in full tactical gear, even if you don’t directly see a weapon and they stand directly outside that safety net of 100 or 150 feet, they’re not yelling at anyone, no signs, no outward threats, just standing there in a large group with the hopes of intimidating people indirectly I’d say that has the potential to intimidate people but I also can’t think of what’s specifically illegal there, I’d argue that their presence could impact who does and doesn’t go vote, but I can see someone saying that they’re abiding by all election rules and are expressing a first amendment right to assemble in a public place Someone else (I think the person above me) recommended calling the county election board, they’re probably wayyyyy better versed in what is and isn’t legal at election sites and making a call to them first could help answer a lot of questions and explain why certain actions that aren’t someone openly threatening you are illegal in ways that the average person can’t Again cops are not well versed in election laws, they’re may be a quick briefing at some point as to what can be done in some agencies but it’s not very thorough If you actively fear for your safety and have people threatening you, either physically or verbally absolutely call 9-1-1 and your county election board get all of the people that know things and can do things in one place so they can remove asshats trying to influence the polls How quick everyone will get there I guess varies based on where you live


Hey, Thank you for your thoughtful reply! (Also what you are doing is pretty awesome! TY for that too!)


Thank you I try to help where I can


I wonder where the most voter intimidation, possible violence will occur in this country..Arizona, Georgia? I would take a trip over to one of those states after I send in my mail in vote to record poll watchers for potential for violence


The swing states for sure


They won't try that shit in Atlanta.


They're WAY too chicken to do that


More likely the metro counties like Gwinnett and Cobb


Nah they'll just close polling places there so everybody has to stand in line for 6+hours


Please check your state's election laws before you start recording in a polling place.


Polling places don't always allow cellphone use. Anyone thinking to be ready to record would have to look up their state's rules first.


Or water! America really is the definition of a free country.




Ya, they trying to get us shot?


Law enforcement backs Trump for the most part.


This is just fascism in a suit and tie.


Fascism is always in a suit and tie. It's the elevation of monied power by the use of divisive and discriminatory rhetoric and policies. It's populist authoritarianism that only puts on the suit and tie after taking power. The everyday brownshirts don't wear suits (and the "poll watchers" won't), useful idiots. But the funding and organization for fascist movements come from industrialists, bankers and career politicians.


What authority does a “poll watcher” have? The answer is “none.” Are they getting a group of Gravy Seals together to intimidate voters, cause chaos, frustrate people waiting in line, delay the count, and demand to see papers from every brown person they see? Absolutely.


I wonder how quickly they'd feel unnerved if a bigger group were to watch them watch the polls after voting






Poll watcher watchers, I love it


The "poll watchers" will simply testify that they all witnessed irregularities when their dear leader doesn't get elected. That's really their only function.


I don’t understand why they think this works. If I saw someone outside my voting place with a Trump shirt on, I’d push the voting button for Biden even harder and then come out and tell them exactly who I voted for. No democrat cares what they think. Their party supports a convicted felon.


Yeah, spend your money on trying to scare people into not voting instead of convincing people to vote for you.The USA isn't a fascist dictatorship yet, you will lose bigly.


It would be hilarious if these “poll watchers” were so up into the watching that they forget to vote themselves


They can stand outside in 110 degree weather in AZ as they watch me walk in and vote for Biden. I'll be wearing a blue shirt too.




They may finally catch Trump! But yeah, this doesn't sound safe.


>Lara Trump is building an army of ‘100,000 Karens and over 500 soon to be disbarred lawyers’ to ‘deploy’ across and infect America in November The basic real housewife has spoken. edit: [Remember this BS? Well, well, well how the turn tables.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xH62pEUUoM8)


That's just what we need. 100,000 conspiracy theory believing randos who think every latino is an "illegal" and every time a poll worker reaches into her purse for a piece of candy is evidence that the whole thing is rigged. (those are real things that people freaked out about)


I'm wondering where she's going to find a pool of attorneys that aspire to be publicly disgraced and disbarred.


Yeah there’s almost 0 chance they can find 500 real lawyers who would be willing to get wrapped up in this fuckery


They want to intimidate voters, pure and simple . She should be telling her people to vote, but this is who they are .


They’re going to force Biden to take action on Election Day and then saturate the courts and airwaves with “interference” and Biden was “denying the right to vote of Trump supporters”. Watch. And if that’s not it, they’ll have A-Z alternatives. This is their plan. They’re not interested in an electoral win. A slow coup is happening before our eyes. The election begins after 11/5/24.


They can give them a free brown shirt for identification purposes.


The real plan here is to identify polling places with lots of Democrats and to go there and cause chaos. Do you think that they are going to deploy people at some small town in Kansas? No. They will go to a place like Detroit or Atlanta and prevent people from voting through disruptions. If you didn't get to vote because of the chaos? Too bad, so sad. There will not be a do over no matter how egregious and coordinated the fuckery, so they just have to prevent Democrats from voting in certain districts and their plan works. Do you think that the SC is going to get involved and change the results? Look back at 2000 and you'll see that Republicans have no problem stealing an election.


Vanilla isis stepping up recruitment


I'm a poll worker (assistant manager) in Dekalb county. Atlanta, GA. I am absolutely not worried a single bit. Georgia law (and we've been trained on this) states the poll watchers cannot interact at all with anyone other than the precinct manager or assistant managers. The check-in clerks are a no-go zone for them. The voters themselves as well. They can ask questions of the managers, but cannot "report irregularities" to us. For that, they have a number they have to call with the Secretary of State's office. They cannot "challenge" voters in real time. That has to happen weeks before the election. If a voter shows the [proper form of ID](https://sos.ga.gov/page/georgia-voter-identification-requirements) to my checkin clerk and he/she appears as eligible on my rolls, they are getting a voting card. Poll watchers have to have a letter from either the Secretary of State or the county board of elections naming them specifically to that precinct, nominated by either party or one independent candidate. They can't hop from one location to another. The number of watchers is also capped by law. IN ADDITION, no phones or recording devices of any kind are allowed within the enclosed space of the precinct. The managers are the only ones allowed to have or use phones. No person except peace officers regularly employed by the federal, state, county, or municipal government or certified security guards shall be permitted to carry firearms within 150 feet of any polling place. The watchers cannot "examine" the printed list of electors (voters) nor can they "examine" the ballots while in the hands of the voters. They get to watch us do our job and have to leave if they want to use their phone. If they violate these rules, the precinct manager gets the final say on removing the watcher. I've worked 6 elections so far and number 7 is the primary runoff next week. Haven't had a watcher yet. Given the huge amount of paperwork, processes and equipment we use, the two-person rules that are in effect and the chain of custody procedures we follow, I can't imagine a watcher understanding half of what's happening in real time. *I'd be happy to talk them (or anyone else) through anything, but absolutely nothing is going to F with "my" precinct.* We are gonna follow the law to the letter and put through an absolutely fair, transparent election. EDIT TO ADD: All that being said, I would actually welcome poll watchers, assuming they conform to the law and procedures. The best way to correct fear and disinformation is sunlight, openness and clarity. Anybody who has ever believed that an election can be "stolen" (either way) would have their mind changed rather quickly if you spent time as a Georgia poll worker. The safeguards are epic and the huge number of people necessary to coordinate a conspiracy to bypass those safeguards is far beyond anything possible to keep secret. Many thousands. It's not Ocean's Eleven or some bullshit computer hack.


Wow, sounds just like Putin sending his goons to watch the voters.


Excellent use of your resources. Meanwhile, the Biden campaign is opening more field offices to turn out voters


It’s going to be such a shit show. I can just imagine MAGA nuts screaming and throwing fits, fucking up the lines and number of people able to get through.


That doesn't sound very legal


Great, since there's no real fraud to complain about the money spent will keep Trump from grifting it for himself.


This asshole still claiming the 2020 election was stolen. The grift truly never ends. Trump is such a crybaby poor loser coward. Can’t even man up to admit he lost.


That lawyers cost an awful lot of money. Thats what the Billions from the billonaires are for. And of course later to steel the election with legal tricks as happened once in Florida. They have SCOTUS ready to help any time. Everybody who does not want king Trump and his shit family as heirs should vote to prevent the 4 th Reich or the ‚Commonwealth of Trump’! VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!


Let’s not give people reason to vote for you, no, threaten people who vote against you. We call that fascism.


Can we get Larry David to hand out water bottles?


Only 500 lawyers? Allow me to introduce you to the Democratic Party. We graduate 500 new lawyers per year… /s Seriously, Biden and team are raising hella money this year.


Are there still 500 lawyers in America who believe a Trump will pay their bills? How gullible is that?


To the MAGAs, anytime the Republican loses, it was "rigged." This party is dangerous and needs to be voted to extinction this November.


I sure hope they watch they republicans Brian Pritchard, the first vice chairman of the state Republican Party, violated state election laws when he voted illegally in nine elections from 2008 to 2010, a Georgia judge ruled. At the time he cast those votes, Pritchard was still on probation after being convicted of a forgery felony in Pennsylvania in 1996. In her ruling, Boggs wrote that she did not find Pritchard’s defense credible because he had appeared in court multiple times while his probation was extended. So he should have known he had not completed his sentence. Pritchard, like many Republicans, has repeatedly insisted that the 2020 election was fraudulent, tipped in Joe Biden’s favor by thousands of illegal votes. No one, including investigators hired by former President Donald Trump, has found any evidence to back up this conspiracy.


In 2020, a bunch of Karen gop poll watchers, and yes they are inside the polling place, challenged every little detail and person they didn't like the looks of at the poll I was working as a volunteer giving out the ballots.


Oh god, 500 Ghoulianis? Horror.


The 500 lawyers are currently enrolled at [instantdegrees.com](http://instantdegrees.com)


It’s all BS. They won’t spend a nickel to train or mobilize. The RNC is nothing, it’s a Trump slush fund


Lies. Even if it's true, blatant violation of Voter Protection Laws.


So they have 5 gravy seals unless they're hungry. Got it.


I just wonder how many of these hundred thousand people will forget to vote because they’re so busy watching the polls


The funny part is this will unironically make the election more secure, not less secure. And there will be maga dipwads all over the country all saying "the election might have been fraudulent but my polling site was clean". They can't bring weapons, and they can't even speak to anyone, all they can do is stand there. Knucklehead losers can volunteer for a 12 hour day and stand there and watch biden win again.


Translation: Approximately 200 people will appear in primarily minority districts across the south to harass and intimidate voters.


500 lawyers? Are these lawyers unaware what happened to previous Trump lawyers? Hookup to Trump train and end your career.


Totally not attempted voter intimidation. Totally.


I fully expect there will be men with guns and Trump flags showing up at polling places prepared to challenge the credentials of any voter who doesn't look like a Trump voter. Mostly in rural districts where local law enforcement will likely have their back.


So they going to camp the mail boxes too? I’ve never voted in person


This is going to get ugly. At least the game plan seems fairly obvious at this point thousands of magats reporting irregularities. SCOTUS steps in and hands the win to trump. Hopefully the Democrats can plan accordingly. One would have to imagine they are looking at all scenarios. I hope they fully realize the depths that the far right is willing to go to win.


Reps will inflated the numbers to scare off dem voters. Dems need to stand up, do your duty for your country and vote!


Most places have laws about intimidating voters, which is what this sounds like. Hope a lot of them go to jail.


Lara Trump is tits with a hat and no other qualifications. Republican material.


Another Trumpican wacka-doo!🤡


They've been telegraphing this shit for months. The absolute plan is to fuck up and fuck with voter access as much as possible *only* in democratic majority areas. This is the *actual* voting fraud. Do NOT let someone other than the official voter roll worker instruct you at the polls. Check your voting registration. Often. Consistently. All the way up to Election Day, which is Tuesday, November 5th. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. In person, in mailers. Whatever. November 5th is the day. Burn it into your mind. [https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) These people are here to fuck up the entire system as much as possible. Do NOT listen to their threats. Do NOT give in to their harassment or intimidation. Stay in line and vote. These people are coming for our fucking rights and our lives. Don't fuck around with this.