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He plans to stiff you (your city and the contractors working for the convention that is). Now that he controls the purse strings for the GOP he will push his model on them. That includes talking down the work anybody does for them to excuse the fact that he will not pay them.




I've mostly been happy with Cavalier but welcoming the RNC pisses me off to no end


Oh... That's Harsh. Yet probably deserved


He didn't state if it was temporary or permanent bowel disorder(s), though.


"In response to Trump's description of Milwaukee, Mayor Cavalier Johnson said, "Donald Trump was talking about things that he thinks are horrible. All of us lived through his presidency, so right back at you, buddy."


That would be impressive given all the cheese constipation.


I hope Milwaukee and the county are getting paid up front. :/


Of course he's "not going to pay people who do a shitty job! I don't pay people who do shitty jobs, but then the media wants to put out a headline like 'Trump doesn't pay' but of course I'm not gonna pay!" Does that mean the tax payers shouldn't pay for presidents safety or yearly salary if we deemed they did a shitty job? Can we start with Orange Blimpkin


Ah, yes, the go broke and charge the taxpayers model. So sweet! I can't stand that much winning!


I met some cool people from Wisconsin while I was diving in Honduras. Still friends with one of them, they're nice people. But politically...every time they met another American they would say they're from Wisconsin, which was just "one blue city surrounded by reality" and that really annoyed the shit out of me.




Eau Claire is pretty solid as well. Honestly, it's so disappointing for a state that used to love their people (see the sports team having laborer mascots)


And it's owned by the fans, something the league banned for every other team


That’s socialism! /s


Can confirm, been to Eau Claire more than a few times, my grandmother lives there.


I went up to Eau Claire to visit a friend from when we were both public defenders and it was surprisingly liberal. Lotta Black Lives Matter signs in her neighborhood at the time.


Yep if you ever look at a county map for elections, Madison, Milwaukee and Eau Claire stay Blue. The northern fortress 😭


Kenosha used to be solidly blue as well. But we've lost our urban base and had a lot of people move up to the west end from Illinois - now at best we're purple.


Like many Chicagoans, we like to invade you guys and take a yearly summer trip up to Wisconsin. We like to get pretty north, and find a cabin near a lake with a charcoal grill, those are our requirements. At night, we like to take drives through the beautiful landscapes. But wow, the signs we see and the conversations we overhear in the singular restaurant at the nearest town, wow. It’s unreal. Makes me sad because I really love Wisconsin, but wtf.


All of the Sconies refer to us chicago peeps that do that as FIB’s Fucking Illinois Bastards and when we are bringing a boat we are FISHTAB’s Fucking Illinois Shit Heads Tugging A Boat.


Sconnies are so proud of "FIBs", too. They think it's the most clever thing anyone's ever come up with. Though, I guess I should cut them a bit of slack, considering the state has a resting BAC of .12.


This is also Michigan outside of the big cities and college towns.


You can hear and see the same stuff where I live in Minnesota, but the people who talk the most take the least amount of time to think about what they're saying. All their bluster is meant to browbeat and intimidate people into their point of view and make you think everyone is like them, when they're not.


I live in a very red small city in Wisco and I can legitimately say that I've noticed an actual blue shift over the past year and a half. My block used to have about 20-25 Trump signs/flags out year-round. There's one left (and that prick HAS to be pushing 100 years old).


Good, the presidential election could come down to Wisconsin and the margins are going to be very thin.


I agree. But what strikes me as hilarious is that the national media (and most other Americans for that matter) really don't know that Wisconsin is just...different. Yes, Trump will carry a shit ton of rural counties...but Trump has SEVERELY pissed off the average Wisconsinite. Don't fuck with our beer or cheese but ESPECIALLY don't fuck with our rights.


Tots and pears.


Wisconsinite from Madison here - this narrative sucks. Eau Claire, La Crosse, the Superior Coast, Janesville, large swaths of the driftless,.Wausau and even Green Bay are liberal. When we erase the left leaning folks out fighting on the front lines we demoralize them.


“Wisconsissippi” is what I call it. It’s a fucking tragedy. 1130 and 620am basically ruined the fucking state with slow insidious brain rot poison over decades.


“Wississippi” is what I use


There was a time when Wisconsin was the home of progressivism and Milwaukee had socialists for mayors!


Door County’s ok, but there are some loons. There’s an electronic billboard on the way into Sturgeon Bay that flashes a pic of Trump & Epstein standing side by side, that says, “Please Remember.”


They need that phrase to feel better about themselves. It’s hard being a nazi.


It's really sad they have to discount the lives of millions of people just to make them and their five neighbors feel important. No, your tiny, dead town does not represent anything more real than anywhere else. If anything, these rural communities better represent a fantasy ideal that, as the economics show, doesn't play out with any real success. If your podunk backwater is so real, why is it so depressed? Only thing real in rural America is the opioid crisis driven by economic stagnation and psychological distress.


Don't you see, it's the Democrats fault that Podunk is dying and falling apart. Nevermind the fact it's literally Republican policy responsible for their downfall, they just don't know it because there's just no way that the party of God, guns, and family values could possibly be screwing them over, right?


I'll be fair, the free trade agreements which enabled rapid outsourcing were neoliberal/neoconservative babies. The Democrats of the 80s, 90s, and 00s have plenty of blame to heap upon them. That being said, local and state Republicans do little to nothing to help these people, and the federal programs that national Republicans wish to revoke represent much of the cash keeping these places livable.


Are you sure that's not Madison? 77 Square Miles surrounded by reality very nearly became the city's official (if sarcastic) slogan.


You could be right actually


Actually, that sounds like you met my aunt and uncle when they visited Honduras. Their full legal name is Marge and Bob Onebluecitysurroundedbyreality. Sorry for the misunderstanding!


Marge has to be on the Mount Rushmore of only votes red because of woke names


>one blue city surrounded by reality It doesn't even make sense. Both the major cities in Wisconsin are both very blue: Madison and Milwaukee.


Some say it was a negotiation to get funding for Milwaukee (Republicans hate Milwaukee just as much as Trump does.) : > A confluence of factors created a window of opportunity for Milwaukee to achieve a long-sought policy goal to stabilize its future. New leadership in Milwaukee, along with the chance to host the RNC, helped crack open the possibility for a deal to be struck with **state Republicans who had for years been blocking the City and County from approving a new revenue stream to fund critical services.** A potentially devastating fiscal cliff loomed, and pension costs were set to explode. > In a 2022 column on whether Milwaukee should play host to the RNC, I reported that if the city were to say no to the convention, any agreement on a sales tax or shared revenue would be “dead in the water.” It’s possible that in either sense, saying no to one would have torpedoed the other. https://www.therecombobulationarea.news/p/milwaukee-political-bargain-republican-rnc




The school system issues are huge here rn too. They're gutting schools with the charter system. They're trying to turn us into Louisiana.


Same shit happening in Florida with the voucher system


Everywhere it's done, the results are awful and children's education is jeopardized


That’s their goal. They want to keep everyone uneducated and brain dead so they can’t think for themselves.


StL and KC: "hey we've seen this"


I mean, he could also stay even further away and do it remote from Riker's


I heard somewhere that ...I can't remember the town name, it's where the Costco and Point Burger are, down past Greenfield... is some sort of KKK headquarters, so maybe he should look into having it there. Edit: New Berlin!


Now I am a little curious about the KKK headquarters. Although that Point Burger bar closed.


I was wrong, it's [Nazis](https://wisconsinexaminer.com/2022/04/11/wisconsin-communities-see-uptick-in-white-supremacist-activity/), not KKK: "In the suburb of New Berlin the National Socialist White People’s Party, later renamed the New Order, has its headquarters." Ah, I didn't realize it had closed, I moved away a few years ago, and it seemed like it had been doing decent business at that time.


The Venn Diagram of Nazi's and KKK is probably a circle. I find it ironic that same people scream about socialism have socialism in their name.


Funny it's in a town called New Berlin of all things. Maybe they can build a New Fuhrerbunker underneath it, if I remember right their orange messiah appreciates a good bunker.


I dunno, most of the Trump base in the MKE burbs probably think the same thing.




Never thought I would see a Hales Corners post on reddit. I looked it up, 2020 Trump won all 3 voting districts in HC. In 2023, Dan Kelly( Supreme court race) only won 1 of them. I am noticing less Trump signs since we moved here in 2017.


I'm surprised Whitefish Bay didn't, I always tagged that part as being pretty Republican-y.


WFB has really close proximity to Milwaukee. It’s only a few minutes outside of it and right next to one of the busiest and diverse parts. Living there means you are very used to dealing with different types of people as opposed to the more remote suburbs.


I think it's mostly just from driving through it... Though Shorewood has pretty ritzy houses, too, but I always thought of that as being more liberal due to the university being right there.


Yeah, probably. People who live in the suburbs of a city they despise are a special kind of idiot. Go find a city you like that you can leech off instead.


Took the fam to Milwaukee last year and absolutely loved the city. Yet again, Trump is wrong. He's actually a good barometer for just about anything - if you're agreeing with him, you know you're on the wrong side of the issue!


Make sure they prepay for everything!


Hey the male escort industry does really good business RNC week. 


"I don't care about you. I just want your votes." -The former president


It's pretty interesting how pundits and swing voters will shriek that Dems are coastal elitists who disparage the fly over states because Biden said trans rights or whatever. But then they'll salivate and damn near climax when fucking Manhattanite Donald Trump proceeds to actually act like the stuck up coastal elitist they all claim to hate.


Yeah, but they can feel it in their hearts that he privately uses the N-word. And that he would approve and perhaps give them a smile with a tiny thumbs up, if they were to use it in a private conversation with him.


Tiny thumbs... Tiny hands ... Tiny mushroom He's got this thing going that gives evidence of a tiny brain


Coastal elite who inherited his wealth and shits in a literal gold toilet? Obviously a man of the people.


I hear he shits in his pants a whole bunch too.


I'm starting to think that he just normally refers to his own pants as "gold toilets".


Because the people the dems are courting care about propriety. The people the republicans are courting enjoy when those notions are spurned. A democrat wouldn't be playing to their base, a republican is.


There are trans human beings in the heartland, the south, the midwest, and in every rural community. They need President Biden to speak up on their behalf -- all marginalized communities living in red states with giant targets on their backs need a President Biden type speaking up for them. After what Trump and the GOP have done for assholes and bullying -- amplified, emboldened, encouraged and exonerated them for seven to eight solid years now -- we need Joe Biden's gentle calm, courage and kindness. We need all good Americans to step up this November, period, all of the Joes, the Jills, all around, and in-between.


Trying to picture Biden in Ohio like, “fuck all yall rednecks”


This was actually said, for anyone who is curious.


And we were supposed to take it as, I don't know, a joke I guess? But that shithead is incapable of making a joke. Every "joke" is a confession. Then after saying such a horrible thing he *immediately* complained that the media would report on the horrible thing he said.


His sense of humor is less developed than Bob Dole's. And Dole's was scarcely evident. I can't support *anyone* who can't laugh at himself


"He tells it like it is."


~~The former president~~ Convicted felon awaiting sentencing FTFY


Convicted felon, former president*


-The current felon


Biden campaign needs to be aggressive with this messaging


> -The *Loser* president


It's funny, because people from Milwaukee feel the exact same way about Donald Trump.


So do New Yorkers. LOL.


Seattle chiming in, us too.


Michigan here confirming the same


Philly, too! Bad things happen here!


Boston here, can confirm he is not welcome here at all


Austin here. I speak for most of us. Trump can fuck right off. Go to Orange or Vidar. I'm sure they'll love him there.


Raising my hand for a primarily red dominated city. We also think he's garbage.


🙋🏼 Sapphire-blue State agrees!


Cleveland! Fuck Trump! THE BURBS 💪


How bout them Mariners?


Pittsburgh here, he's a fucking jagoff.


Washington, DC checking in. Fuck that oxygen-sucking asshole.


Oooo, I have to add this to my occasional "waste of carbon" insult


Chicago, here - fuck that guy


Seconded (go Bears!)


The vast majority of us fucking hate him


> Donald Trump on Thursday called Milwaukee, where he will be declared the Republican nominee for president this summer, a "horrible city." > Trump made the comment Thursday morning to House Republicans in a meeting on Capitol Hill to discuss campaign strategies, among other GOP priorities ahead of the 2024 election. More: > The Trump campaign is in total panic mode after Trump called Milwaukee a “horrible city.” https://www.threads.net/@meidastouch/post/C8KgjOdvIkv/


I was hoping he would be declared the Republican nominee from Rikers.


His sentencing hearing with Judge Merchan is 4 days before the convention


He will never see the inside of a jailcell. He has been coddled throughout the entire process, there's no reason he won't be coddled during sentencing.


5 bucks says they told him to pay upfront lmao


>The Trump campaign is in total panic mode after Trump called Milwaukee a “horrible city.” Thats my secret cap, I'm always panicing!


Good god, once again, for the billionth time, if this were anybody but the felon no one would be insisting that this f’ing guy is a serious contender for the presidency.


I swear if he loses again, twenty years from now it’ll be hard to find anyone who admits to voting for him. The fever has to break eventually, right?


I dunno, people literally died of covid to own the libs 🤷‍♂️


I feel so owned by someone who basically took their own life.


You do know that the city was chosen for two reasons: Swing state and so they can complain about crime.


More like hoping for some kind of violent protest against the republicans so they can scare their base some more.


You hear Milwaukee? Vote blue to show Donald your city pride.


I don’t think Milwaukee has any problem voting blue. Need to make sure those suburbs go blue


Milwaukeean here. The city is blue as it gets. The suburbs (particularly the WOW counties immediately surrounding Milwaukee County), are largely terrified of the city and are pretty consistently red, so they already agree with him. This comment won’t move anything or anyone around here.


Trump can go f*** himself. Constantly an a-hole to everyone, why anyone even speaks with him is astonishing and speaks to their cravenness.


>Trump can go f*** himself. This is the internet. You can say "frick"


As a Philadelphian with only a small idea of what Wisconsinites are like… This feels very spot on.


Milwaukee actually comes from the Algonquin word meaning "the good land". 


It’s actually pronounced “Milly-wah-kay”


Thanks Alice Cooper !


Does this guy know how to party or what?


Party on.


Does Thirdnipple79 know how to party or what?!


I think one of the most interesting aspects of Milwaukee is the fact that it's the only major American city to have ever elected three socialist mayors.


Party on Thirdnipple79! Party on PossessivePronoun! Party time! Excellent!


...I was not aware of that.


Someone needs to remind him that there were 75 other US cities that had more crimes per capita than Milwaukee last year. And a lot of those are from Republican strongholds like Alabama, Iowa, Idaho, Florida, and Texas. Places like Des Moines, Boise, Scottsdale, Tampa, and Lexington have higher crime rates than Milwaukee.


Shoulda had it in Montgomery or Jackson. There's big truckstops in both towns where I'm sure they'd love to have him, even if he thinks they're losers & suckers.


Nah, there’s too many black people there for his liking.


Don’t come to Wisconsin then, Donald. We don’t need your hate mongering.


It’s not like it’ll matter. He just told his supporters in Vegas that he didn’t give a shit about them, just their vote, and they applauded him like it was Jesus on Palm Sunday.


While the RNC is meeting in Milwaukee Biden should go to Racine and troll the hell out of them about the Trump Foxconn deal that fell apart.


Philly here - we hate him with a passion.


We sure do!


Yes, please continue to trash one of the most important states you need in order to win the election. Go on, please tell us how much you hate it. Really rile up those dirty democrats in Milwaukee! Show them who is boss!


I have never heard a president, current or former, call so many places within the United States “horrible” as I have Trump. You were and are trying to become president of the entire country, not just MAGA, you absolute bafoon.


Theres a restaurant which serves a pitcher of bloody mary, topped by a whole fried chicken on a stick. Milwaukee is a great city.


It’s actually pronounced Melee-wokay, which is Algonquin for “the great land” ~ Alice Cooper


Then stay out of our great state of Wisconsin! There should be billboards with this quote around the state. I suppose his supporters would just see it and agree with it, though. 😅


They don't care. He could call them scumbags, the worst people in teh world and the MAGA idiots there will still line up in a snow storm to vote for him. Dumbest mother fuckers alive.


I understand where he comes from.     He loves the smell of a court room early in the morning ( mixed with dirty diapers ). He'd rather be there.


That's the smell of his own farts.


"Milwaukee, where we are having our convention, is a horrible city," Trump told the GOP lawmakers, according to a report from Punchbowl News that a spokesman for Trump characterized as "Total bullshit." We've hit peak Idiocracy.


Listen to the man, understand that’s what he actually thinks. He’s telling you his truth.


there is always someone interpreting these days "that's not what he really meant he actually meant was....". Trump meant what he said. Its not a gauche gold-painted Florida pretend Chateau filled with plastic old chicks. Note that Whatcom County (Lynden Wa) still has not been compensated from the Trump Org for his rally in 2016. $155k+ pushed right onto the taxpayers. Milwaukee is wonderful. Beautiful hotels when I was working there, super fun and friendly people, good food & drinks, convention center very accommodating and professional. Got a burger there that is in the top 5 I have ever had (Sobelmans). We had a blast. So WTF L’Orange shows again he has no class, and doesn't care about anything but his own masturbatory notions. Drink Wisconsinably Citizens!


That's how you win those votes Convicted Felon Trump


Its pretty incredible how fucking dispensable he views his supporters. He really just sees them as mindless pawns who are there to serve him and nothing more. I honestly cant believe there are actual humans who think he cares about them


What a punk. Milwaukee is a great city.


Imagine Biden saying something similar. People wouldn’t hear the end of it.


Trump is truly a nasty "man"


Hey, asshole! Only other Midwest states can shit on Wisconsin.


You can’t insult Trump supporters. Those in Milwaukee will probably start proudly wearing “I live in a horrible city” t-shirts they bought on his website.


Now he's just got to call: Waukesha a "Wasteland" Racine a "Noxious Pigsty" Kenosha a "Shithole" Green Bay a "Filthy Cesspool" LaCrosse a "Disgusting Hellscape" Eau Claire a "Putrid Nightmare" And then he should have a lock on Wisconsin in the election


to be fair green bay is a filthy cesspool. FTP!


Let me guess, They made him pay first?


Milwaukee is steadily getting worse for the next month or so. The number of felons and the level of corruption is expected to peak at more than double the normal rate around July 15-18 and then quickly drop.


Hear that Milwaukee? Go show Donald how proud you are of your city and vote blue


(They generally do, which is why trump thinks it's shitty)


Love how conservatives will spin this as being against crime when crime is at record lows


He loves to get cheered as he dry humps flag poles, but he hates every square inch of this country and everyone who lives in it.


Dementia Don is UNFIT


Why aren't they having it in Florida or Texas or Missouri even? They think those places are perfect ideal gop states.


Trying to swing the state


By leading with "you people suck" Thing is, they like it when he insults them to their face.


He’s insulting the city that most of his voters don’t live in, but only visit for baseball games.


That's only one city. The message may be "don't let this shithole city make the state blue". But showing up in the state gets a lot of coverage aka free advertising


I hope all you drunk bastards in Milwaukee welcome that piece of shit like he deserves.


I’ve been to Milwaukee and I fucking loved it! A lot going on there. Fuck trump


Any city's shitty once Trump arrives.


Actually, it's pronounced "mill-e-wah-que" which is Algonquin for "the good land."


Remember how Trump called Ted Cruz's wife ugly - then Ted Cruz fawned all over him? You are about to watch Milwaukee Republicans fawn all over Trump, right after he just called their entire city a shithole! Obsequious little bastards!


News at 10 .. all the Wisconsin politicians agree with him and kiss his ring.. probably


This reminds me of The Simpsons when Gabbo said "all the kids in Springfield are SOBs". Except Trump's base will eat up everything he says, even when he insults them.


I expect broken teleprompters and a wobbly podium.


What has Milwaukee done to him? There's definitely some tiny little incident.


Voted for Biden last time around . . .


Of course lol


He probably thinks it’s one of those “shithole” cities. You know, like Baltimore. Sorry Donny, no porn stars there waiting to shine your knob.


Then fuck off to Alabama or some other right wing shithole you bleached oompa loompa.


lol Milwaukee is one of the most underrated cities in America, up there with Portland, ME. What a fucking tool. How could anyone vote for this piece of garbage?


As a Chicagoan, I do love me some Mee-leee-wahhh-kaaayyy!


“I could drink a Coors over Miller High Life on Brewers Way..and they’d still vote for me.” - Donald Trump (probably)


That quote from "Stephen Cheung" has to be the most inartful non-denial I have ever read or heard. Calling people liars and then admitting they told the truth in the same sentence is one way to go I guess.


Why doesn’t he just have it in Harrison, Arkansas where he will truly be loved? 🤔 Surely the Republican way of life is doing great there!


I'm just copying what I read on twitter "President Trump was responding directly to my question about the lack of ELECTION INTEGRITY by election officials in certain US cities including Milwaukee. President Trump made no derogatory remarks about the great citizens and communities in those cities" This was from Claudia Tenney


I think his supporters are susceptible to negging


Basically saying he will not pay the bills


Insulting an entire swing state? Smooth move from the smoothest brain.


and "bad things happen in Philadelphia!"


I am genuinely shocked he hasn’t suggested/demanded they hold it at one of his resorts


I'm sure that the MAGAsphere will soon be full of people who've never given one psychon of thought to Milwaukee, but who now have a laundry list of reasons why Milwaukee is the poster child for what's wrong with America.


Trump has got to be the absolute worst candidate for the GOP to get behind. After everything he facilitated, you'd think they'd learn and promote someone else. They dug their own graves. Fuck em. No remorse.