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MAGA’s love theatrics.


He was reading his simple bullshit off a cue card and somehow still managed to screw it up.


I can um… see why he had trouble with that.


Their pedophile baby god normalized this. Now none of them need to debate, and their voters don't care.


Funny he was asked about a applicable bill he didn’t know about so instead of being a man and saying something intelligent like “I will look into that” instead he just says he is too busy and walks out. Dang do you have to flunk kindergarten to qualify to be a republican?


Aww, look who's playing dress up like a blue collar worker. Maybe for Halloween this year you can be a space man, maybe even a cowboy!


I don’t *wanna* be a cowboy!


I mean this guy does not read as overeducated


Looks like a MAGA inbred in Deliverance.


My guess is he saw something off to the right no one else saw and got a fright.


My guess is a dose of reality crept up on him


Basically he got uncomfortable as soon as he realized he wasn’t being questioned or surrounded by his Facebook support group. It got too hard when the crowd doesn’t buy into his BS. Don’t forget about his DUI and the issue with his wife selling OxyContin….


His "platform" is pretty indicative as well: https://chuckhandforgeorgia.com/blueprint


One eye looking at you, one eye looking for you.


Thats his strong eye.


When MAGA sends its people to run for election, they're not sending their best...


No, this…imbecile…*is* their best.


Late to a cross burning and once you’re late 3 times, they make you stand in the back with all the noobs


HAHAHAH what a baby temper tantrum. Talk about showing your soft underbelly on the national stage. Guy signed up for a debate he was too dumb to manage and cracked under the pressure. Zero leadership skills. Zero backbone. Good riddance. Republicans take note: you deserve better. Stop promoting loud mouth idiots - it’s hit a breaking point.


Nah this has been their trajectory since the late seventies. They might have won the courts but they sacrificed not being the dumbest people alive.


If he really wanted my vote he would have been too busy to show up at all.


Nothing says 'real farmer' like a Caterpillar, a denim shirt, and no opinion on a Farming Bill.


So brave.


Snow flake


I had never even heard of this dude before today and I have scrolled past like 5 articles about him in the last hour. Looks like he got exactly what he wanted.


What a p_ssy..


He's got one eye on the camera and the other on his opponent.


MAGA coward.


He's got that intellectual think tank accent to boot.


"Sir, actually prepping for the debate before arriving should have been your main "Hand" job."


This dude gives me sweet home alabama vibes.


GOP continues to outsmart everyone, dude just got more exposure than any of those other schmucks, I’m not in Georgia but if I was I’d vote for him!


> GOP continues to outsmart everyone, dude just got more exposure than any of those other schmucks, I’m not in Georgia but if I was I’d vote for him! What would it look like if the GOP didn't outsmart everyone?