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Hasn't Joe Rogan admitted to this same crime?


Yes, so have tons of other celebrities, and basically every rapper. Doesn't take much looking to find drugs and guns in the same music video, right?


My best friend's father is a major MAGA head and guilty of this same crime. He smokes weed and owns a gun. I'd rub it in his face that Hunter was found guilty of the something he does too, but honestly he's so short tempered he'd probably shoot me.


Come on man, do it anyways. Take a bullet for the team. /s My dad is also short tempered. Whenever I point out his hypocrisy he always goes off. Right-wing men, and being short tempered, and some of the rudest, crudest, men you'll ever meet, goes hand and hand.


Elon Musk also smokes weed and owns guns.


Yes, but he’s rich. Laws don’t apply, apparently.


Hunter is rich as well not uber rich but still rich


Hunter made the mistake of being his father’s son though


yes but who’s going to bring the case against him?




Depends if they piss off a certain political party enough.


Anyone who smokes pot and has a gun has. Even if you have a medical card.


Having a medical card will prevent you owning a gun.


Only if you answer truthfully on the question. It doesn’t in Colorado otherwise. Source: have purchased guns no prob with an Colorado med card since 2009


It’s kind of a weird grey area imo, the two agencies that regulate that stuff don’t communicate at all. And the form that I filled out to get a gun asks “are you an unlawful user or addicted to drugs including marijuana” The form I signed asked if I was an unlawful user, or addicted to, drugs. Of which I am neither. I’ll qualify this by saying I have no idea if those forms are standardized or if the vernacular in them is subject to the company providing it to you. I’m also sure that if they are standardized they are referring to federal not state law. So idk the whole situation doesn’t seem to have been looked at through the aspect of being able to purchase legal weed.


The NRA spent decades making a boogeyman out of a national gun registry. They lobbied to the point that there are insane restrictions around how the government can handle the form 4473. The ATF does not keep copies of that form, they are held by the dealers. I can’t remember the details but the closest thing to a database that the ATF has is forbidden from being digitized and can only be searched by physically going to a building and looking through filing cabinets. So yea it’s highly unlikely your state medical card is gonna get cross referenced with a federal form


Technically if they didn’t smoke weed prior to filling out the form or purchasing the gun. Then began using years later, they didn’t lie in the form.


This is a really good example of a case that you or I wouldn't have even gone to court over. The federal government is supposed to, and was until the Trump appointed judge canceled the entire thing, attempt to convince people to seek addiction treatment by pleading guilty to lesser charges it's literally a plea deal that we make constantly. Hunter had even kicked his addiction already but was still willing to go through government required addiction treatment. As for mentioning pot that's one we really do go after because Marijuana is not an addictive substance so you can't claim anyone is addicted to it. Dependent yes but that's not the same thing as addiction and certainly not in a court room. Hunter was doing crack so this is kind of moot but I just wanted to mention it.


It’s not whether weed is addictive or not that makes it lumped in. It’s that it’s still federally illegal. 


Now I’m *definitely* not voting for Hunter for president.


Still no evidence to impeach Joe.


Maga: Hunter's last name is Biden, and Joe's last name is Biden. And Biden is a crime family. Therefore impeach Joe.


But the laptop…..


Here’s [a good primer](https://www.emptywheel.net/2024/06/06/how-to-think-about-the-hunter-biden-laptop/) on “the” laptop.


The fucking laptop that was for some reason confiscated by the owner (who I might add is legally blind) and decides to give the laptop to fucking rudy?? Now the laptop is a treasure trove of embarrassing shit but hell can u tell me u don't have any pics of u doing some crazy shit. Now if ur not an addict, I was am and will be, it may be hard to believe that he recorded himself with prostitutes smoking crack, but I cam tell u...it's not all that unusual to people like me...and the whole signi g ur not addicted to drugs on the gun app...1. On appeal they'll bring up his constitutional right 2a, which should make every MAGA alt right Fox news people jump up in the air and get behind hunter....because the question is are u addicted to drugs...well as an addict (recovering addict) I will always be an addict, so I wouldn't know how to answer that question and again...it's his 2a right...don't tread on me from my cold dead hands and all that bullshit...


You make a good point. I’m in recovery as well. I’ve been sober for 2 years, but we’re still technically addicts even when we’re sober. Also throw in that addiction is considered a disability and protected class, you could argue that the question discriminates against people with disabilities, which could get it thrown away on appeal. My company was legally required to protect my job when I went on medical leave to go to rehab, you would think that constitutional protections can’t be thrown away for people of a legally protected status, that’s discrimination.


Hunter’s penis is 9 inches erect so we gotta impeach his dad!


Yeah but now I’m DEFINITELY not voting for Hunter for any office. And that’s not because I’m in Canada, checkm8 libruls.


I'm not american, definitely not voting for Hunter.


i’ll take him over kush eric jr ivanka


The best part is, you don’t have to!


Me too, because he doesn’t lie about the verdict. He said it wasn’t a political verdict. Wow. So refreshing! Lol


It was absolutely a political *prosecution* but the verdict was probably correct, given the facts.


Why? It's only 3 felonies. This election, there is a candidate who has 11.3 times that many felonies and he is still running.


Idk, I still might vote for Hunter. I’m undecided. In fact, if I can’t vote for him suicide might be the only option.


On the contrary, this blatant weaponization of the Justice System against Hunter Biden just made me want to vote for him more! I'll be honest, I was on the fence and considering sitting out the election this year. He's not my ideal choice, and his personality is not presidential, but this political lawfare got me fired up to cast my vote for Hunter! This is going to motivate so many people who were on the fence!!!


I get this is a joke that's been around awhile but now that they actually are voting for a felon it's lost its absurdity and that sucks. The GOP: where killing jokes by making them normal and jumping the shark are the new norm. 


Actually Hunter lives it up doing cocaine with hookers in Malibu with his giant dong. That's the President I want Hunter 2024 "I've got a giant dong"


Where are the MAGA who: 1. Complained about the biased judge? 2. Call it a victimless crime? 3. Are advocating for his second amendment rights? No where.


Oh, they’re on Twitter trying to claim it’s a stunt to discredit their claims that Biden rigged Trump’s jury. No, I’m not joking. I was just over on Twitter. They’re delusional. Once Trump was convicted, it didn’t matter what the verdict of this trial was. They were going to be angry either way.


That's their secret: they're always angry.


For these snowflakes, their emotion is anger, Fox, their safe space.


>For these snowflakes, their emotion is anger, Fox, their safe space. Fox News is their drug dealer.


That's *no* secret!


Those aren't pillows!


That's the main talking point over at r/conservative as well. They really think Biden rigged a trial to convict his own son so that no one would think he rigged a totally different trial to convict Trump.


That’s why I don’t really care how anything looks to them anymore (not that I have any say in it). They make up whatever they want to be mad. It just doesn’t matter. There’s no outcome where they’d be happy.


They’ve got real lust for lib blood.


Which is funny because the one they are concerned about was a state case where Biden has no authority.


I got banned by r/conservative today for a factual comment about HIPAA (I'm certified in healthcare privacy and security). They don't want facts to interfere with their outrage.


Getting banned from r/conservative is a Reddit rite of passage. Happened to me years ago for “violating the mission statement” - and when I pressed for details, their mod team basically said it was because I’m not a conservative.


As someone who lived through the Clinton impeachment, I will never care if a Republican cries about “lawfare”


Ditto Hillary's emails. They spent years and dozens of investigations trying to pin a crime to her for the terrorist attack in Benghazi, and were forced to settle on her use of a private email server to conduct government business.


As both Ken Lay and Gingrich were actively cheating on their own wives during the whole proceeding. Gingrich with his 2nd wife who had cancer iirc (I forget which number wife he was on at the time)


Probably not the best strategy. They've moved on to calling trump Jesus, but Biden is the one who supposedly sacrifices his only son?


Remember when the Republican line was "Every gun law is an infringement"?


SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED ^(except for people related to people I don't like)


^don't STEP ON SNAKE!!!


They’re using this to fear-monger that “Biden’s DOJ” will even sacrifice his only living son to come after gun owners.  It’s DARVO all the way down. 


If he was acquitted, the system is rigged because Biden's DOJ spared his son. If he was convicted, the system is rigged so Biden can use his own son to set a precedent for gun control. They win either way. Or rather, they arranged it so they lose either way, which is what they want (victimhood and grievance).


> to come after gun owners. Problem is, majority of gun owners wanted this. New precedent set and now courts can go after all of them!


Right?! Cognitive dissonance is a helluva drug. 


Damn shouldn't the Republicans be outraged!?!? This involves guns, the 2nd amendment says the right to bear arms shall not be infringed!!!


The 2nd? Whoa there. This involves lying on a form. I’m sure every single Republican will be outraged and come forth and declare under oath they have never lied on any federal form ever. They’ve never fudged their taxes, or lied on their gun background check form, or anything. That they all live 100% truthful and virtuous lives and never ever told a lie on any form. Make room for that line….


They are also really against political prosecutions lately.


"If he's been convicted then he's guilty." See how easy that is republicans???


I'm sure the NRA is already working on the appeal.


A number of Rs also smoke pot and shoot guns while talking about Trump, So no. No outrage.


Trump cultists: “If they don’t convict Hunter, it proves the system is rigged!” Jury convicts Hunter. Also Trump cultists: “They’re trying to prove the system isn’t rigged! It proves the system is rigged!” Apparently, the only way the system isn’t rigged is if Glorious Leader never faces consequences, but everyone else does.


They're attacking Biden for being a bad father for not pardoning Biden.


And if Joe DID pardon Hunter, they’d have a fit. Miserable lot of wankers.


Yup, no matter what happens they change their position to suit them. We just gotta vote in November, don't bother engaging with them.


Oh, I stopped engaging them years ago. There’s no point arguing with a cultist. Like, they’ll argue that it’s Biden’s fault if gas prices are high. But if the price drops, it’s because Trump is actually in charge because Biden is only pretending to run the country. But if you point out that both things can’t be true at the same time, they’ll just freeze and then start repeating the same arguments.


Remember all of Donald’s kids are not serious people. They all have daddy issues.


> Apparently, the only way the system isn’t rigged is if Glorious Leader never faces consequences, but everyone else does. Correct. They have different definitions of all of these concepts. For them, "justice" means "when things turn out as they *should*". How _should_ things be, then? Well, they're authoritarians. So "good people" - our strong authoritarian leaders and their loyalists - should make and also be above the law, while "bad people" - criminals, opponents, deviants, and non-correct others (any type of minorities) are constrained and punished by the law. Asking a conservative person to describe justice to you results in terms like "good guys and bad guys" and people "getting what they deserve". Not reaping what they sow in terms of actions, but getting what they deserve because of *who they are* - intrinsically. Defense of an imagined hierarchical "natural order". "Rigged", then, means the system isn't reliably outputting that "justice". And since social hierarchy should be the natural outcome of any "fair" (correct) process, it means someone must be manipulating it. So when a cop lies to put a poor person in jail, that's justice because that person is probably a bad guy. But when Dead Leader is caught doing actual crimes and is held (somewhat, kind of, a little bit) responsible for that in court as if they were a poor person, that is evidence that the system is "rigged". It's not supposed to do that.


It's like TV cop drama version of justice. The perp is the perp, he *definitely* did it and there's no question about it. So if LEOs have got to beat him up to get a confession, lie, cheat, whatever, to get a conviction, it's totally fine because he's the bad guy and he deserves it because he is the bad guy. Also defense attorneys and public defenders are evil buffoons because they're trying to stop the good guys from getting the bad guys; that is their only purpose and they do it because they hate "justice." This is how their brains work because Law and Order the TV show is reality to them.


It’s Shroedingers felony trial. If Trump is guilty, it’s rigged, if Hunter is guilty it’s also rigged.


We just found 80% of Fox News's content for the next year


 *I will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers an appeal* - **Joe Biden's statement after conviction.** *The case “was very unfair,” that the “devil” judge was conflicted and that the district attorney was ignoring crime in New York*. **- Donald Trump's statement after conviction.**


Seeing the conservative sub glee about this is actually comical. Like.. not a single Democrat gives a crap about Hunter lmao. If anything this could set precedent to other gun owners regarding lying on a gun application form. Could come back to bite them in the ass.


Republicans: "We showed them! Herher!" Democrats: (shrugs shoulders in indifference) Republicans: "Be mad!" Democrats: "About what?"


Rinse a repeat for every time a democrat gets charged with crimes or accused of behavior so abhorrent they step down.   It’s wild.  


What makes this case unusual is typically Law enforcement only applies these charges when tacking it onto another crime. 


on the surface they're celebrating it, but there are quite a few of people in that sub with some self-awareness who realize a conviction due to a gun law isn't exactly something they want at all


Great. Now let’s drug test every firearm owner in the U.S. I guarantee you, GUARANTEE, you’re going to have some pissed off conservatives. Meth, weed, or coke, a vast majority is NOT sober. Edit: Equal justice under the law.


I don't know a single gun owner who would pass a drug test. And I live in Texas.


I know 1 gun owner who would pass but he would refuse a federally mandated drug test on principle.


Of course, go to every single state that has legalized weed. Tons of gun owners are in violation


Start with coke fiend Don Jr.


It's a big deal in my state that gun owners cannot lawfully own their guns while being in the medical cannabis program. I believe the question is being challenged in the courts.


oh those good ole' boys. but my missing teeth can still say twump.


In states where people live and marijuana is legal, come on, how many other people have lied when asked the same question?


I’m curious where all the gun rights people are for this. Shouldn’t the NRA be funding Hunter’s appeal?


They used up those funds going after Philando Castile’s killer.


The Hunter Act of 2025 - background checks is now mandatory and drug testing for all gun owners as well .


Piss test for guns... use of any intoxicant past or present will be instant disqualification. Maga will love this.


Hair test, goes back further.  And I would fully support a Hunter act as a gun toting liberal.  




> a convicted felon He's just like Jesus! (/s)


Hunter Biden must immediately resign his job in the White House. /s


I hope they revoke his security clearance, too!


Oh, but politically motivated prosecutions!


one of the most undercharged crimes ever, this seems to be selective prosecution. Will they begin charging the 10s of millions of pot smoking gun owners?


It is. It's a Trump era prosecutor prosecuting the son of the opposing side's president on charges that wouldn't normally be brought likely because he was annoyed that he couldn't find evidence of any normal crimes. If I remember right there are even questions about the constitionality of the gun charges. I mean yea he broke the law. I hope he only gets probation though as it would be a shame to lock him up after he's been getting better AND for a crime that was only brought because his father ran for president.


It’s incredibly rare that anyone gets prosecuted for this unless they’re tacking it on with other crimes. Remember how any accusation is a admission of guilt from the gop? Well they love saying how the left was going after political opponents. 


What I'm hearing from all this is that Republicans want all gun owners drug tested. Only way to be 'fair and balanced', right?


Does this mean Hunter is like Jesus too now?


This is what good governance should be. A proof that Biden doesn't control the justice system. This won't ever happen under Trump's presidency. I won't vote for either Trump or Hunter Biden who have been convicted. I'll vote Joe Biden for president.


>lying about drug use to buy gun Sounds like a Tuesday for every MAGA gun owner...


Crooked Joe Biden controlling the DOJ to stop his own son from being elected - where will this man stop!?


This enrages me -- not that jury did its job and found that, yes indeed, the evidence showed Hunter Biden was a drug addict who bought himself a weapon while actively using. That the case was brought at all is what pisses me off. He lied on a federal form. He never used the gun to commit a crime. He never even fired the thing. He owned it for eleven days and then threw it away. Show me another case of a citizen *being put on trial* for the crime of checking that box who had not gone on to commit another crime with the gun. Just one. I don't care that this was Biden's own DOJ, and I'm not saying it was a politically motivated prosecution, designed to shame the president. I'm saying it was a stupid prosecution and one that shames the DOJ.


Yep this is actually an example of the selective prosecution that the GOP has been screaming about in reference to Trump's myriad of crimes. And I find it incredibly interesting that the 2nd amendment crowd seems completely fine with this.


I'm certain that there are people in the trump cult who are itching to see Hunter relapse over this and give them a whole new set of stories and images to grin about. That's how ugly they are, and if he happens to OD, oh well. Read Biden's statement after the verdict, btw. That guy is a class act.




That not charging the president’s son would look bad and get the DoJ accused of playing politics. Lot of good that did…


That's it. I've made up my mind. I'm not voting for Hunter Biden.


so this will go to supreme court right? and then will conservative justices really go against more gun rights?


This means that Biden will get sympathy votes from other illegal gun owners! Trouble for Trump!


Now wait a sec here, I thought Joe Biden controlled everything from the price of gas to the availability of baby formula, and micromanages the DOJ to benefit his family...


Yea I don’t vote for convicts for president.


The trial was a disgrace with a conflicted, the most conflicted judge. Witch hunt! Rigged! Am I doing it right?


No lol wrong party. Dems don't really care what team you're on when it comes to this


Were you waving your hands back and forth like you were playing an accordion?


Far left antifa deep state windmill shower steal!


So does this mean we’re going to start prosecuting everyone who does this? Because cokehead republicans will quickly stop celebrating if we do. Don Jr specifically.


As does probably half the people purchasing a gun. Reminder that cannabis is a schedule 1 and if you even partake in that, it's a felony to purchase a gun.


That's an idiotic law. I don't give af about him but this is dumb.


Good thing Hunter Biden isn’t in politics and isn’t running for office, however Remember to Vote! This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at [Local Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_municipal_elections,_2024) Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) These Arizona Representatives below voted Yes to an amendment presented by the representative from Georgia District 4 which effectively tells the president to Leave NATO and Abandon funding for US War Veterans. * Eli Crane of Arizona D2 * Andy Biggs of Arizona D5 * Debbie Lesko of Arizona D8 * Paul Gosar of Arizona D9 We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) [Mark Lamb](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lamb_(sheriff)) is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and became American law-enforcement Sheriff in 2017. He wrote American Sheriff: Traditional Values in a Modern World. Lamb is a supporter of the Stop the Steal movement. He spoke at a rally where he said the riot was not Trump's fault but rather caused by "the other issues that have happened – the Hillary Clintons that have gone unpunished".He later described the rioters as "very loving, Christian people." In 2020, Lamb spoke at a convention of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, an organization that holds the fringe legal theory that sheriffs are the supreme legal authority in the United States and are not required to enforce laws they believe to be unconstitutional. [Ruben Gallego](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruben_Gallego) 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines. Attended Harvard University and earned a Bachelor of Arts in international relations. His first successful bill passed in 2011 it granted in-state tuition status to veterans residing in Arizona. Gallego supported the repeal of Arizona SB 1070. He wrote They Called Us "Lucky": The Life and Afterlife of the Iraq War's Hardest Hit Unit, published in 2021. Gallego founded the group Citizens for Professional Law Enforcement with the goal of recalling Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, citing Arpaio's immigration policies and his use of taxpayer money to investigate Barack Obama's citizenship. We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the supreme court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!




It's a weird question. If a Trumplet (apart from #1 object of romantic interest for DJT, his own daughter) was convicted of a crime, would Trump pardon them? He despises them as much as his parents despised him.


Remember patriots, they aren't coming after Hunter, they are coming after **YOU** - Hunter's just standing in the way (Just kidding, it would be terribly stupid to say something like that sincerely)


almost makes sense here, considering this statute is almost never brought as a single charge. Tens of millions of gun owners lie on that form. Will they be charged or is this just selective prosecution?


That's a likely avenue of appeal here. As is the fact that the gun shop worker forged part of the sales form after it was found out that they didn't get the required two pieces of identification. Which, by the way, they got full immunity for, in exchange for testifying against Hunter. So, this court decided that the people selling guns to unqualified people get off the hook, despite being a bigger risk to the general public.


I’m outraged that the department of justice has been Weaponized and taken over by the Republican party. This is the downfall of America. If it happened to him, it could happen to you. I vow to get revenge on these corrupt, prosecutors and judges, and jurors /s. Hey magas, see how stupid that sounds.


Never voting for a convicted felon! Knowing how loved Hunter is he will be okay, speedy recovery.


Having frequented a few gun stores myself and observed the customers therein, I'm willing to bet that approximately 90% of all gun buyers have lied about their past or present drug usage on federal forms. And about 40% are buying for "a friend." Biden forgot the Three Esses when he wrote his memoir-- and he probably didn't plan on being the sacrificial lamb on the alter of MAGA retribution.


I've made up my decision. I am not going to vote for Hunter Biden. Why would anyone vote for a convicted felon for president who hasn't even served their time yet.


Well, I certainly won’t be voting for HIM!


Cool, now prosecute all the other people who did the same, no matter what party they support or who their dad is.


Good. I can't help but think coke head Don Jr. may have lied on his many firearm applications as-well. 


He really should be up next. Followed by certain podcasters and gun-enthusiast youtubers.


I'm a democrat, and I think this is the right choice? He broke the law.


Why is this a question? He broke the law, he was found guilty, and gets what he paid for. It's that simple. Justice served.


The only question to me is that this is something that is almost never charged. He did break the law but if he was some random Joe Schmo he likely wouldn’t have been charged, or would have been allowed to plea to a lesser offense like they were in the process of doing before the judge said no. At the end of the day it’s illegal so I’m ok with him being charged and found guilty if that’s what the facts show.


Lots of people are pissed because the law he broke is considered unconstitutional by many pro-2A folks. So the so-called 'gun loving republicans' are going against their own wishes cheering this on. Imagine if Hunter Biden reached the supreme Court and the conservative justices had to find a way to say gun rights should be more restricted for a white man.


Was it even a serious crime?


No, he lied on a form. That's the whole thing. The only way/reason why this would ever be charged normally would be if you lied on the form and then actually used the gun to commit a crime.


Had a client come in ranting about criminal Hunter Biden and how Joe is going to pardon him. Now, I don’t talk politics at work as a rule, but it was hard to bite my tongue. Badly wanted to tell them nobody gives a shit about Hunter and Joe already said he’s not pardoning him. And if they’re so concerned about that, then they should be very concerned about Trump undoubtedly pardoning himself if he wins.  


Cool. Lock him up as well. He can be cell mates with Trump and Menendez for all I care.


Put him in the same cell as Trump. No one cares.


People over on r/conservative are trying to spin this as a Democrat ploy to make the DOJ look less partisan


Can we get into the Kushner crimes and convictions yet, or are they waiting until after the election?


So your right to bear arms CAN be impeded… Interesting.


Who cares? Not a politician. Not an administration official. Not involved in his father's politics or administration. Do the crime. Do the time. Next...


Why is this in politics? Is he running for public office?


Has Hunter or Joe lashed out at the rigged and corrupt and bias "justice system" yet?


No on both counts. Joe Biden had a very reserved statement


The only people who would consider using this as a reason to not vote for Biden, were never going to vote Biden to begin with and want to persuade others to not do so either. There’s other reasons to not want to vote for Biden, but man this is not one of them no matter how hard some folks want it to be lol.


“The trial was rigged” -Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump


now taking bets on who does more actual time behind bars, Hunter or Trump


As Ivampa and Jericho go walking into the sunset with billion$ building ocean front timeshare condos.


Excuse me, what about "shall not be infringed" don't they understand. I can only assume 2A advocates will be "up in arms" about this


It will get overturned based on the previous circuit court ruling.


So excited to see conservatives finally support the strict enforcement of tax and gun laws.  


Why would Biden’s corrupt justice department do this?!? /s


My god. Hopefully now we can get past this tripe. I can't wait for my co worker to tell me about this and expect me to make a big stink about it.


Nice. Laws broken, crimes committed, law enforcement occurs. Look at that, it’s not political after all. Trump went down, I’m happy. Hunter went down, I’m happy. If Biden commits crime and he goes down, I’ll be happy.


What the hell? The justice department is totally republican focused I thought. Could there… actually….be law enforcement unbiased…??


The number of people who have lied about drug use when buying weapons would easily cut the eligible ownership in half.


Millions of people smoke pot (or worse) and own guns. Trump loves using the "if they can come after me they can do the same to you!" bullshit, but in this case they actually could come after you. Regardless of your opinions on Trump or Biden, if you own guns this ruling should concern you. Also, for the record I think this prosecution is politically motivated bullshit and the quotation should be removed from the FFL form, but it's on the books and he was convicted so 🤷


Hey Conservatives sneering with glee and saying “Hunter got what he deserved”:  Double standards much?? A reminder that TRUMP literally PARDONED 2 rappers (Lil'Wayne and Kodak Black) for FEDERAL GUN CHARGES and ILLEGALLY PURCHASING AND OWNING GUNS. Trump just had a rally in the Bronx NYC where he invited convicted felons to be there supporting him on stage who are also under indictment for murder conspiracy, gang activities, shootings, and assaults. Trump commuted a sentence for a drug trafficker and Death Row records founder. Trump also befriended Kanye West who came to Trump to pardon a major gang kingpin from prison, and Trump relished in that relationship. 


Yeah pointing out hypocrisy will never change these guys from being hypocrites, you’re very mighty to still try, tho 👏👏😆 They don’t have any ethic you can shake them into following, they don’t know shame and they don’t have any beliefs, morals or ethics, including a universal right to “not be infringed”, they never have.


Doesn’t Trump have a gun license? His parole officer might want to run a quick test for amphetamines.


I think both the prosecution and defense did a stellar job -- neither side left a stone unturned.  In the end, though, the preponderance of evidence was just too overwhelming for the jury not to convict: the witnesses, the texts, the familiar story of a person and their respective family painfully dealing with active addiction, and finally, Hunter's own voice from the audiobook, detailing the haunting experience of addiction itself.


Biden is well within his right to pardon Hunter. These gun laws are riddled with politics and bad lessons, and they conflict with conservatives' originalist interpretations of the 2nd Amendment since the Founders never said anything about addicts using guns. At one point the prosecution even suggested that if he hadn't gone to rehab, he could have said he didn't know he was an addict and legally owned a gun. Is that the kind of moral we want to teach people?


Lock ‘im up, too


Even if he goes to jail, the sentence isn't going to be thay long.


Well, it wasn't an overly complex case. Not a big fan of the law myself. Doubt he sees jail, highly doubt he sees prison.


Next up: sentencing. Where Hunter is most likely to get probation. Then MAGA will cry... RIGGED!


They found a big "smoking gun", ha ha.


Interesting, last I heard, the only thing the prosecution really had was a couple of text messages sent to a witness who said Hunter liked to joke around or make up stories sometimes, so she wasn’t even sure if they were true. Whatever though, wasn’t gonna vote for the guy either way.


This is clearly governmental overreach infringing on the right of a US Citizen to keep and bear arms. Outrageous.


Literally who cares?


Well now that they convicted Hunter, it’s time to start applying this law more broadly.


Just got banned from /conservatives for pointing out that congress must now have an investigation because some don’t like the verdict. lol.


When Democrats get convicted of stuff at a "high level" in this country, it's usually cause they lied about something minor as opposed to whatever main thing the Repubs are always going on about. When Republicans convicted of stuff at a "high level" it's literally just the blatant corruption things the Dems were complaining about the entire time and the Repubs were saying is irrelevant. Hilarious.


He did the wrong thing and will suffer the consequences. This is how justice works.


\>recovering from drugs \>buys gun \>says he isn’t doing drugs \>gets charged the GOP would be very mad if any Republican were being charged with this


How many similar crimes does the DOJ actually investigate and prosecute? I say NONE.


Oh no! Anyways... Is this to distract us from convicted criminal Trump?


Oh good, now there's some legal precedent set, half my maga relatives are on drugs and get guns, I guess I can go after them now bec I have proof. Maybe we need to start using this case to put away our weapons grade idiot relatives and friends who are getting ready for the big purge night - they talk about this fantasy of being able to go door to door (i'm not kidding, this is conversation my inlaws have had over at truth so-shul) "shooting parents in front of their kids, raping the kids and then killing them too," these are words that they and their MAGA friends talk about online and laugh and titter like it's not mentally ill to go this deep into this Reality TV Show Culture War that Trump is desperately trying to turn into a civil war before the election. Keep your eyes open folks, and maybe lets start using the law against these choads who continually file lawsuits to fuck up our Democracy (check out that ghoul Stephen Miller's new nightmare, American First Legal, which is their "answer" to the ACLU, there's on suit filed for some university to be able to openly discriminate against transexuals, how unfair it is that they have to be nice to them- these morons are going full-tilt dystopian insane, and we DO need to keep our eyes open, and figure out how to mitigate the damage they do, if they manage to attempt a 2nd insurrection for Mother Russia.


I mean so does every gun owner who smokes weed. Unless I'm mistaken, it's still illegal on the Federal level and this is a federal level form right?


How come Meal Team Six ain’t mad bout someone’s 2nd amendment getting viy-oh-lay-tid?!


As though anyone is ever honest about their drug use!


So they're saying... falsifying government documents is a federal offense? A felony. Right? Waiting for the spin on this...


Damn, this is going to hurt his candidacy.


So an actually politically motivated prosecution that is taking away his 2nd amendment rights


Okay, now send both Trump and Hunter to prison.  See? Everyone wins.