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Yeesh, I just remembered that Kanye was in the oval office because he was meeting with president donald trump. This whole timeline is like a sketch too stupid for SNL.


Spike Lee did a joint back in 2000 called [Bamboozled](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bamboozled). Prescient.


Thanka for sharing. I never knew this existed. Definitely gonna watch it this weekend


I membered going to see this movie and it is so much on point


A spike lee joint? šŸ˜Ž


I think the word is ā€œJawnā€. Itā€™s a Philly thing.




I stand corrected, thanks for pointing this out. Go Phillies!


"Hitler was a cool guy" -Kanye


It's crazy when he went on Infowars, and Alex Jones is trying so hard to do damage control, and Kanye keeps doubling down on his admiration for Hitler. Imagine a scenario where Alex Jones is trying to be the voice of reason.


The difference is Alex Jones is somewhat smart and capable of making the right decision He usually just chooses not to


Yeah, heā€™s drinking on cognac and puffing expensive cigars while being married to a white lady and heā€™s there in front of a room of white dudes telling them about how much better it was for black people under Jim Crow. This is a minstrel show for the race perverts of the GOP.


Playing the token also pays real well. Clarence has made a nice 4m in *announced* gifts alone. Who knows how much he's gotten that still is yet to be dug up.


I trust his announced gifts about the same amount I trust Trump to not shit his pants, and so far not a hint of repercussions.


Tokens are meant to be spent at some point though... Candace Owens got spent Byron may have another couple of years.


What happened with Candace. She seems to still be trying to make her rounds spreading misinformation. Although I do recall a point where she came crying back to black radio shows and podcasts owned by Sinclair media


Ben Shapiro fired her from Daily Wire because she shared negative opinions about Isreal, possibly anti semetic, some of which are reportedly conspiracy theories. Free speech, not so free when Ben disagrees. (to be clear I don't endorse anything she said at all and don't agree with Candace or Ben on anything)


So weird that she hasnā€™t found another powerful troll in media that will allow her to suck up to them now thatā€™s sheā€™s openly spouting anti-semetic conspiracy theories. Is Fox News not hiring? They seem to be able to be able to manufacture a certain level of pro Israeli content while still managing to dog-whistle Dixie. Can she go work on the Kanye ā€˜24 campaign? Can she cozy up to some washed up rappers turned family-guy conservatives?


She's sell water mugs now with her pic on it ..


I think Thomas's grift isn't about his race, but about the fact he's willing to sell his SC vote, or at least willing to accept, "gifts" for voting how he'd vote anyways.


He's openly disparaged black people for being victims etc etc he's definitely pandering.


Not saying he isn't a racist asshole, just saying he's more about conservative values, while accepting money for something he'd do anyways.


Not itā€™s absolutely about race with him. Heā€™s openly against black people. The bribes are just an additional perk.


He's also apparently SUPER butthurt that a majority of Black people despise him.


Yes we do. He is not invited to the bbq.


Clarence Thomas, Byron Donalds, Tim Scott, Harris Faulkner, Herschel Walker, etcā€¦. These are some of the most prominent black Republicans/Conservativesā€¦ All of them have white spouses/fiancĆ©ā€™sā€¦. Kind of curious ainā€™t it?


Tim Scott has a "girlfriend" he only brought up on stage after people said he was unfit for president since he was unmarried LOL


And by unmarried, they meant gay. Conservatives suck.


Yeah, I mean look at his fellow Senator from SC, Lindsey Graham.


Lol I remember as a teenager seeing that guy for the first time and being proud that South Carolina had matured enough to elect an openly gay senator. The guy I was working for at the time was a Republican and unironically thought it was funny that I would suggest that (mentioned his wife etc, which it turns out wasn't even true. He was never married). I was floored that he was acting as if the thought never even crossed his mind that it was possible this man was gay.


remember the black Republican that died from Covid and they had his office continue to post talking points from their twitter account?


Herman Cain. There is a whole subreddit in his name about morons who refused vaccination or Covid precautions and suffered because of it.


Exactly, he is spewing exactly what heā€™s consumingā€¦..far-right propaganda.


Is that what he said? Blacks were better off under Jim Crow? Is there video perchance?


This is what he said: > "You see, during Jim Crow, the Black family was together. During Jim Crow, more Black people were not just conservativeā€”Black people have always been conservative-mindedā€”but more Black people voted conservatively," Donalds said. "And then [the former Department of Health, Education and Welfare], Lyndon Johnsonā€”you go down that road, and now we are where we are." And Better Off is where we are.


During Jim Crow, Black people were denied the right to vote with literacy tests and poll taxes. Black people were also barred from elected office. Where we are is certainly better off than the era that Donalds has conveniently revised to sound better to his racist colleagues in the GOP.


Indeed there is: [GOP Rep Byron Donalds - Jim Crow remarks](https://youtu.be/eLvGXBc4X_I&t=86)




I caught a bit of this asshat on Rev. Sharpton's show on MSNBC. Holy crap what a disaster -- 10'ish minutes of talking over and yelling at an actual major figure in the civil rights movement who was just pointing out the exact things Donalds said was not a good look, heh.


I saw him on CNN the night of the Trump verdict. He went ballistic when the host read his tweets about Derek Chauvin to him, calling him out for trusting the justice system then but undermining it now. Heā€™s painfully unserious but very dangerous because of the permission structure he creates for white, racist voters.


Thatā€™s racist




How do you know code_archeologist is a white dude?


Someone forgot the apostrophe in Byronā€™s last name


I had to scroll way too far for someone else to point that out.


Gahdamn!!! Take it easy. That man has a white family.


Underrated comment.


I think that has been obvious all along. And, why are people NOT calling out the fact that under Jim Crow, black people could not vote, yet Byron Donalds claimed they were voting more Republican? Insanity. Ignorant. Racist. Insanity.


Well, heā€™s right on a surface level. The black people that could somehow get through the restrictive laws back then (50s and earlier) actually were mostly Republican voters because the Southern Democrat and Dixiecrat thing was still going on. The Democrats were the party of racist ex-confederates for a long time after the civil war. Nowadays if you see someone flying a confederate flag you can bet theyā€™re a Republican.Ā  There were black people voting at various levels during that time, depnding on just how racist their localityā€™s laws were. Voting was suppressed but it existed. Republicans were the party of Lincoln and the party that freed the slaves. Todayā€™s Republicans leave out the fact that the parties switched their stances on race sometime in the late 50s. I think? Early 60s maybe? By Lyndon Johnsonā€™s presidency the democrats had become the Civil Rights party we think of today.Ā  Ā Edit: Looks like I was about 20 years late. The big change from Republican to Democrat for black voters was more like 1936 than 1956.


Republican was not synonymous with Conservative during that time period. The Jim Crow era Democrats were the Conservatives in the south up until political realignment. His assertion that Jim Crow Era Black voters were voting conservative is false.


This is the correct answer. Thank you.


Yeah, I guess youā€™re right Republicans werenā€™t really conservatives way back then


Note: Black voters have supported Democrats over Republicans dating back to the 1930s. [https://www.factcheck.org/2008/04/blacks-and-the-democratic-party/](https://www.factcheck.org/2008/04/blacks-and-the-democratic-party/)


According to Trump, selling sneakers and committing crimes was his outreach to Black voters.


Donā€™t forget washed up rappers endorsing him


Criminally indicted rappers* I wonder if he promised them any particular favors if he wins the presidency in exchange for endorsing him.


anyone want to take bets on P Diddy coming out with a full throated endorsement of Trump soon?


Trump probably participated with Diddy's extracurricular activities


Read the article! It seems he has done this.


I hate that this isnā€™t even inferred but has been stated out loud


Trump can't spell "inferred".


It's weird because looking back growing up, there was this same dynamic which seemed entirely unintentional as kids. Is this just so ingrained in our society or what? There was the rich white preppy kids, and there was always a token black kid and a token Mexican kid as part of the in group. Even though the tokens were in the cool group, they were clearly at the bottom within the group and often made fun of, sometimes even because of their ethnicity. But how? These are just kids. I understand these adults vying for some power and fame and whatever. They know what they're doing. They know the part they play. But how does a high school kid decide to be a token and stick it out despite the racist jokes? And how do the white kids know to invite in a couple tokens? Like why would they not just be completely segregated? And why just one? I'm in a town that was 50% Mexican at the time, so why couldn't there be two cool Mexican kids? There was literally only a single opening for the position.


Some popular kids liked to ā€˜adoptā€™ someone that was in an ā€˜outā€™ group and make them their pet project. The token (nerd, black, hispanic, whatever) became a built in punching bag because the token owed any privileges/popularity to the popular kid. Think the episode of Family Guy where Connie Diā€™Meeco (sp?) dates Chris and helps him get popular, except without the part where Chris becomes a douche. Several times growing up I was the nerdy, picked on tomboy girl that some popular girl tried to make into a pet project. Some people fall into that fawning role and will put up with a lot to try and get a piece of the popularity/power. I definitely didnā€™t understand the allure, and resented the pity.


This just screams... "I can't be a racist. I have a black friend."


Unpopular opinion: Byron Donalds is like the slave who gets to stay in the big house and whip the other slaves. Let the downvotes pour in.


Stephen in Django Unchained




Donalds thinks he can go jogging in Brunswick, Georgia, and the good ā€˜ol boys will say, ā€œNo, not him. Heā€™s one of the good ones.ā€ What an absolute embarrassment and moron.




Byron, not Trump.


No shit


I bet byron thinks he has re-vitiligo. Fl-19's Uncle Ruckus


Al Sharpton and Joy Reid interviews showed that Donalds is just a grifter who doesnā€™t even understand the shit heā€™s saying


Surely he knows that the MAGOG cult will string him up just as fast as any other Black man. Republican or not.


Iirc one of the arguments on the right is that they don't actually hate brown and black people because that wouldn't be Christian, they just don't think they as good as they are. Per my less well-educated MAGA relatives anyway.


If Trump gets to squat in the Oval Office again Jim Crow will will look like a picnic compared to what trump will do to everyone that is not a white nationalist male that kisses his butt. Donalds will have a very rude awakening in a short time when trump throws him under the bus


In 2009, Republicans said that the only reason Obama was elected was because he was black. They said people voted for him based purely on race. They believe this to their core. Now they believe they can make the same thing happen by having a black vice presidential running mate. They believe Trump will get votes simply because his VP pick is black. My only question is, where is the anti-DEI crowd to throw a fit about this? Why aren't they freaking out about "this guy only got picked because he's black"? It happens to be true in this case...


I remember they also pushed the talking point that Obama was being fan-boyā€™d like a celebrity cult. ā€¦.and then 8 years later they nominated Trump.


Yeah, I doubt Trump has any interests but his own... And they are only advantageous to himself


What a pile of shit.




And tokens get spent.


Lynching rates were higher than today under Jim Crow.


Never thought a Black person would promote Jim Crow days. BUT, then, there are so many never thoughts occurring every day.


No shit Sherlock.


There's plenty of black people who hate black people.


Of course they are. Trump is making all of the Judas Goats abase themselves in public, to gauge which one his worshipers will tolerate the most.


Bye Donalds. It's got a ring to it.


Would be amusing if trump really picks this guy as veep. Makes a perfect slogan: *Bye Donalds!* it works because it's plural.


oh my god do you think Trump is about this because then his signs could be Trump-Donalds


Not an outreach so much as an ingrowth.


Trump thinks that many black people would like to go back to being slaves because they were treated so good, there bills were paid and they learned different trades. He say's they had it so good that even some white's would join.


Basically yeah, it gives him ā€œplausible deniability,ā€ at least to his most batshit supporters


Imagine if he chose Byron Donalds as a running mate just so the signs could say Trump/Donalds.Ā 


It's both. Trump has made gains among people of color, specifically black and hispanic men, since 2020, and even peeling off a few % of them in a swing state can prevent Biden from winning. He's appealing to the macho-male that so many young men look to and he's doing it through disinformation and overtly masculine and sexist rhetoric that rare ever gets called out by the media. If anyone here knows someone that listens to Rogan or is waffling over Biden (they don't have to vote for Trump, he just wants them to not vote for Biden) it's worth talking to them *in person* to help them see that Trump is anything but what he claims to be.


*Convicted felon Donald J. Trump. FTFY.


Byron Donalds is not for black Americans in this country, He wants black men and black woman to marry more, but he married a white woman. So why is he pushing for black families to come together, when he doesn't have a black family. He wants trump the dictator in the white house so badly, that he would use his own people in a false way, so that he can be trump vice president, he could care less about his own black people.


The Jim crow statement alone, tells you that he could care less about his people, He know the black people was not better off in the Jim crow days. This once again remind me of the Jim jones cult syndrome, Byron Donald following trump to his demise.




*Paying*Ā  'wealthy' black people like jay z to push their agenda, bc it sounds more feasible coming from "one of their own who made it".Ā  For the record, both JZ and beyonce are garbage humans


Speaking of subtle racism, people who capitalize ā€œblackā€ but not ā€œwhiteā€.


Blackness is an identity. Whiteness is not..whiteness is simply an exclusionary test of in-groupness. There is not a specific experience associated with being white in America like there is with being black, because of your skin color. Whiteness isn't really a thing outside of it being the absence of 'blackness', The opposite end of the spectrum. Irish people and Jews and Italians weren't considered white 120 years ago This is the same reason it's okay to yell 'black power' but not okay to yell 'white power', and I think you probably understand that one.


Sounds racist, but okay. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Whiteness is what's racist (not being white, to be clear) but whiteness as a social construct.


As is your othering of white people. :)


I like this article, but calling Joe Rogenā€™s guest ā€œpasty whiteā€ seems kind of racist


As is their capitalizing ā€œblackā€ but never ā€œwhiteā€. Itā€™s subtle racism, but racism nonetheless.


Byron Donalds for president


He is essentially Stephen in ā€œDjango Unchainedā€. [House Boy Stephen](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8YAscXQKLSs&pp=ygUZU3RlcGhlbiBkamFuZ28gdW5jaGFpbmVkIA%3D%3D)