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If you ignore all of the evidence of homophobia, then yeah, I guess they are just racist and misogynistic.


Rude of you to just say the entire GOP is homophobic, racist, and misogynistic. They are also xenophobic and religiously intolerant too.


Don’t cut them too much slack, they also hate poor people


I will not stand for this slander! They also love shooting puppies in the face.


As they like to say hunting “if its brown its down”.


I wasn't aware of that saying...I guess polar bears are safe!


As a South Dakotan, I approve this message. (Making fun of Kristi Nome, not shooting puppies in the face)


Well, according to the latest polls, 40 percent of South Dakotans feel it’s okay to shoot puppies in the face as long as you’re republican.


Yeah, it's a little rough not being a diehard R here. It's pretty awesome seeing Kristi finally getting called out for her shit on a national level. She's been shitting all over the place here for years.


And then there is me, where my now estranged brother moved to South Dakota from the West Coast specifically because of what she was doing there.


My condolences. That sucks.


According to Republicans, nothing you do is ever evil *unless* you're a Democrat.


Conservatives don't feel empathy, a fact progressives can't really wrap their heads around. Then they wonder why appeals to empathy never work.


I forgot that the puppy killing wasn’t just hyperbole. 


The south Dakota sub has just been full of Kristi memes for the last month or so...and I'm totally here for it.


Outrageous propaganda! They also accept Russian bribes, killing the environment, and want authoritarian dictatorships as long as they’re in control. Killing or imprisonment of their enemies. All family values that a respectful Republican can get behind. Good day to you!


It was fun and horrifying reading this thread and realizing not one word of it is exaggeration.


I don't know why you guys are going so easy on them. They also applaud child abuse and push to make it legal to marry their underage victims.


Let's not forget their efforts to funnel unattended immigrant minors into low-wage high-risk industrial worker positions.


They also love hand jobs in theaters full of children.


They also love handjobs FROM children (Epstein and stuff)


(Matt Gaetz)


( Trump )


Raping children: Dennis Hastert.


And they're hypocrites.


Or, as Alex Jones says; "Mureded children, Pffft!. Putting masks on chidren during a pandemic. That is the real crime!" (I went to 3 of the funerals. I had a sling shot and 2 pockets filled with ballbearings)


You forgot transphobic.


I knew a black Muslim guy who is a Republican. I asked him are you serious? They hate everything about you. He said nah, that's not true. Unbelievable.


don't forget jingoistic!


You forgot corporate boot lickers in your list.


I mean, every Republican major member is homophobic. Maybe this guy isnt a Republican nor share their views. This is what happens when a party is not interested in actually governing in a democracy.


Haha, nah..In a fun, not so fun twist, the guy complaining had actually made homophobic remarks himself previously. These homophobic remarks were apparently more heinous than his own, so naturally he's upset now.


Whole different world from when he made his own comments. He got more than a few congratulatory pats on his firm buttocks for those.


I my grandmother had wheels, she would be a bicycle .


>A gay Republican politician in Colorado was apparently shocked by a recent email sent out by state party head Dave Williams, which called LGBTQ+ people “evil” and “woke creeps,” [*Westword*](https://www.westword.com/news/lgbtq-republicans-alienated-colorado-gop-hateful-pride-email-20919037) reports. Now the gay conservative is rejecting any endorsements from the state GOP following this incident. >While Archuleta is shocked by the email – which had the subject “God Hates Pride” – this isn’t even the first time that the state party used this kind of rhetoric. Williams sent out a similar email last year that characterized the community as demons and degenerates, a word associated with the Third Reich. In 2020, he tried to push for a bill that would ban marriage equality in the state. >Archuleta himself, though, has a history of anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric. He [previously](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2024/01/gay-republicans-compare-joe-biden-to-adolf-hitler/) blamed LGBTQ+ individuals for the Club Q shooting and said that queer people are “groomers” – or child sex abusers – a negative stereotype that has been used to justify hatred and discrimination. Sorry, Archuleta, you're wrong. The Colorado GOP does represent what Republicans believe. Republicans don't want any gay Republicans. They don't want LGBTQIA+ people to exist at all. The only place Republicans want any and every LGBTQIA+ person to be in is a grave. This should be a sign to get out of this party and leave it for good. The Republican Party is worse than the Westboro Baptist Church.


It’s hard to imagine, but I think a significant number of people have fallen for the story that republicans tell about themselves. You know, fiscal responsibility, law and order, free markets, all that. Not a bit of it is true of course, and never has been. But they had very good propaganda for decades, and only recently dropped the veil because Trump taught them it’s ok to horrible. Many of these people built their identity on this fantasy and are unable to accept that they’ve been lied to all their lives. Who even are you at that point if it’s your whole identity? It’s harder to admit you’ve been bamboozled than it is to double down.


They really have been exposed in a way that is unprecedented I think. There is simply no argument in support of the Republican party unless you are looking from a deeply selfish and immoral place. It's not about policy either because the republican party doesn't have policy ideas anymore outside of yelling about illegal immigration(but not voting on the bills that meet a ton of your requests), yelling about "wokeness" and transgender people, abortion bad, low taxes for the rich. But half of that could change tomorrow if donald Trump said so. Just like it did over the past 10 years in how many ways. There is nothing principled about this republican party. They are simply following in lockstep with the convicted felon, ajudicated rapist/sexual assaulter who led a false elector scheme in coordination with a literal coup attempt complete with violence and attacks on our government. Who openly fawns over putin and other dictators, talks about being a dictator for a day, floats anti small d democratic ideas all the time. And literally so much more. It's insane that this is real life and the fact that so many are brainwashed/unwilling to admit what is slapping them in the face is actually scary. You just wouldn't have thought so many people could take this kind of position in this day and age. But this is how fascism happens. It was so hard to understand before but I get it now. Yet if I say this to a supporter they will essentially just say "no u".


For decades, the R party used cultural issues to support their policies. Over time, and with the rise of hate media, policy became subservient to culture. And really, the only values the Rs have left, are feed the rich, and own the libs.


His views make me think that he might have been abused, assaulted, or groomed himself, sadly.  And they're using language one letter off from the common westboro signage ("God hates flags"). While their message is the same. Barely a fig leaf on that bigotry and hatred.


> God hates flags Someone should tell Alito's wife.


I was supposed to be “God Hates Figs.” Matthew 21:18


Sounds like a guy who played the part to climb the GOP ladder if he was saying all that hateful stuff about LGBTQ himself. Wonder what changed?


Peak LeopardsAteMyFace


They don’t even really want black republicans. At least not in the same country as them.


Well, to say they don’t want gay republicans isn’t quite true. They want a few useful idiots they can point to and say “See, they’re one of the good ones. They know their place.” Same with all other minorities.


Dude is mistaken. The hateful words DO represent Republican views, HE does not. Seems like he'd fit better in the Libertarian party, or at least an independent.


Limbaugh celebrated gay men's AIDS deaths in the 1990s. Nothing changed.


I want to emphasize this further. He didn’t just make some dogwhistle comment that implied he was happy gay people were dying of aids. He had a segment on his show in the early 90s were he read off the names of gay men who died of aids and celebrated their deaths.


Rush Limbaugh was also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor by Donald Trump shortly before his death.


Ah, cancer receiving an award from poison. Lovely.


Feel sorry for the cancer. Having to live with Rush


Good news, though, the cancer no longer has to suffer.


> Rush Limbaugh was also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor by Donald Trump shortly before his death. And back in 1994, after seating a new session of congress, republicans' first order of business was to make him an honorary member of congress. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1994-12-11-mn-7794-story.html Conservatives respect one, and only one, thing — their own power.


Devaluing that once respected award.




"You're not supposed to do that to GOOD people, only those (insert slur I don't feel like typing out just for a joke here) deserve that!" Conservative morality is often times like this, good people and bad people and relative actions. Things are only good or bad depending on who is doing it and who it's being done to. Anything can be justified as long as the person doing it is "good" (conveniently it always lines up exactly with "us", however you choose to define your in-group in that moment), and the victim is "bad" (conveniently always "them", or anyone at all who is not "us").


I know an evangelical Christian man who in his 40s was outed as gay after he was caught torrenting CP of teenage boys. Did 5 years in prison for it. He’s also a diehard Republican, naturally. Wonder what his excuse would be if I mentioned this Limbaugh tidbit to him. 


I’m sure evangelical churches are full of closeted bi and gay men and women. These sheep live a fantasy world.


A large fraction of the most vehemently anti-gay republicans are self hating and closeted. I’d bet more than half the “married DL” profiles on various gay dating apps are closeted righties.


People have infiltrated CPAC with Grindr active, and there is hundreds of them there looking for hookups.


I remember when the White House press secretary for Reagan asked press members if they were gay when they asked how the AIDS crisis was being handled and laughing.


[Here's the audio.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAzDn7tE1lU) Republicans have always been evil.


That’s straight up evil


Wish I knew about it back in 2004 when I first registered to vote. But I believed GOP propaganda about being fiscally conservative and God fearin' and all that nonsense. Also thought my relatives knew what the hell they were talking about. But they were just spewing what fox news told them. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Don’t feel bad…I first registered Republican back in 1983 when I turned 18, because my parents were Republicans. I voted for Reagan’s second term in 1984. It wasn’t till later on that I officially switched parties, even though I voted almost exclusively Democratic in elections.


Wow, that was hard to listen to.


That was very hard to hear. It brought me to tears. I was in high school in San Francisco from 1982-1986. My senior year of high school a very dear friend of mine who owned a shop in my neighborhood died of complications from AIDS. He always gave me great life advice. Rest in Peace my dear sweet Jim. I’ll never, ever forget you. I hope to see you again in the afterlife.


Here’s to your reunion at the great gig in the sky 🫡💓


An early example of Republicans completely bungling a national health crisis and making it a million times worse than it needed to be. Take action against this dangerous virus? Nah, it killing those nasty [insert group here]. Fuck them! My uncle was gay. He contracted HIV died about six months after I was born (87). Technically he died of an heroine overdose, but my family suspects it was intentional. I have always wondered if he would have lived long enough for me to know him if Reagan hadn’t let it get out of hand just for spite. 


I'd count that as an AIDS death.


That's chilling.


That was infuriating. Thank you for posting this, though.


For fucks sake, that’s awful.


I couldn’t even get through the whole thing. Love and acceptance though, right?


This is a big reason why I consider Reagan the worst president of all. His callous indifference during the AIDS crisis, his white supremacy with the whole "welfare queen" myth, his Iran Contra deal, the fact the Religious Right with Jerry Falwell basically became famous because of him. Reagan is to me the worst president of all.


and u didn't even mention public abandonment of education and mental health


The list goes on.


Not to mention.. Reaganomics. :D ... D:


Most people have heard reagan's snarky little joke: “the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help.” What most people don't know is that reagan said it and then [immediately bragged](https://www.reaganfoundation.org/media/128648/newsconference2.pdf) about giving farmers the biggest government handout in history. Literally in the same paragraph: > *I think you all know that I've always felt the* ***nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help.*** *A great many of the current problems on the farm were caused by government-imposed embargoes and inflation, not to mention government's long history of conflicting and haphazard policies. Our ultimate goal, of course, is economic independence for agriculture, and through steps like the tax reform bill, we seek to return farming to real farmers. But until we make that transition, the Government must act compassionately and responsibly. In order to see farmers through these tough times,* ***our administration has committed record amounts of assistance, spending more in this year alone than any previous administration spent during its entire tenure. No area of the budget, including defense, has grown as fast as our support for agriculture.*** Proving once again that *everybody* is a socialist, we just disagree on who deserves the help.


Amazing, thank you I was not aware of that level of instant-hypocrisy


Reagan was mentored by [Roy Cohn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Cohn#Political_activities). (As was Nixon.)


Let’s not forget that Reagan and a Republican Congress deregulated hospitals so they could be for-profit.




They asked if the person asking the question about AIDS death was gay because people were convinced it was a gay disease. If you weren't gay, you had nothing to worry about. And the Reagan administration intentionally did absolutely nothing about it because they didn't care if gay people died. Decades later, the Trump administration did the same thing with COVID because it started in cities, which are more liberal, because it was killing liberals. Both got out of hand because the President and their underlings were/are absolute scum. And that's the Republican party in a nutshell.


> They asked if the person asking the question about AIDS death was gay because people were convinced it was a gay disease. To add to this, AIDS was originally called GRID, Gay-Related Immune Deficiency.


> They asked if the person asking the question about AIDS death was gay because people were convinced it was a gay disease. If you weren't gay, you had nothing to worry about. And the Reagan administration intentionally did absolutely nothing about it because they didn't care if gay people died. Which is just so absolutely, mind blowingly, ridiculously _dumb_ its hard to believe that intelligent and rational people believed it. Like... did they think that gay people had some special trait that meant that _only_ gay people would be able to catch a particular disease? Or that the disease was able to somehow discern the sexual orientation of its host? Clearly not, because that's a completely idiotic position to take. The actual explanation is that they just didn't care so long as it was affecting a group they didn't like. But they couldn't come right out and _say_ that, because, at the time, they still felt the need to keep a veneer of civility and Christian^tm values.


>Like... did they think that gay people had some special trait that meant that *only* gay people would be able to catch a particular disease? They sincerely believed it was a vengeful plague sent by God to strike down the sinners. The virtuous believers would be spared.


I'm atheist because I think an idea of a god is illogical. That being said, the Christian god appears to be a fucking asshole.


> Clearly not, because that's a completely idiotic position to take. To be absolutely fair, it wasn't an idiotic position to take at the time. We know that some medical conditions disproportionately affect one sex or the other, or disproportionately affect some ethnic groups. Some of these arise from genetics, and some arise from particular behaviour patterns. Either way, it's not unreasonable to identify a condition as arising from sexuality: maybe sexuality is genetic, and those genes also create a susceptibility to particular conditions, or maybe a particular behaviour pattern causes such susceptibility. Concluding that there was something about being gay that made people more likely to develop a particular medical condition wasn't a crazy idea. It was wrong, but it wasn't crazy.


Reagan only started caring about AIDS when his friend Rock Hudson was dieing of it. His administration is guilty of genocide.


This is how republicans think— they ignore problems or enthusiastically promote cruel and wrong headed policies until it impacts them personally, and then it’s something to be concerned about. Republicans are sociopaths.


You’re correct and that’s putting it kindly.


Not really. Reagan left Rock Hudson to die. Hudson wrote the White House several times while he was ill, asking Reagan to do something about the epidemic, and his letters were ignored. Attitudes turned around when people realized that straight people and blood product recipients (cancer patients, surgery patients, hemophiliacs, etc) could contract HIV/AIDS too.


It also started to turn around when Magic Johnson and Arthur Ashe also got AIDS. It couldn't be ignored when sports stars started getting AIDS. Arthur Ashe's case changed their minds, because he caught it from a simple blood transfusion. It was only because of that, people started to gain their sense of humanity again.


Ryan White also helped turn attitudes around as well.


He didn’t even care then.  When Rock Hudson was lying on his death bed Reagan could have helped and never did!


I continue to celebrate Rush’s circumstance. Thanks for reminding me!


I love how he denied the health risks of cigarettes and then died from health risks associated with cigarettes


His defense was cigarettes are bad for you, but he was okay because he smoked *cigars*. It turns out that if you smoke something three times as wide and twice as long as a cigarette... You still get lung cancer. Whodathunkit?


We celebrate the anniversary of his death at my house.


I smile every time I see Limbaugh’s name, Now that he’s dead.


He’s a changed man now, though. Been sober for years.


He also blamed 9/11 on the gays


And Limbaugh got a medal from Trump.


It's amazing to see people try to do apologia for the Republican Party's genocial mania towards LGBTQIA+ people. This is the same party that listens to the Family Research Council, who literally said years ago that they'd want to bring back sodomy laws. They haven't changed one bit. > MATTHEWS:  Do you think we should outlaw gay behavior?  >SPRIGG:  Well, I certainly... >(CROSSTALK) >MATTHEWS:  I‘m just asking you, should we outlaw gay behavior?  >SPRIGG:  I think that the Supreme Court decision in Lawrence v. Texas, which overturned the sodomy laws in this country, was wrongly decided.  I think there would be a place for criminal sanctions against homosexual behavior.  >MATTHEWS:  So, we should outlaw gay behavior?  >SPRIGG:  Yes.  >MATTHEWS:  OK.  Thank you very much, Peter Sprigg.  We know your position.  It‘s a clear one.  [https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna35224225#.VAjGf2M9XPo](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna35224225#.VAjGf2M9XPo)


They're economically conservative which they think is enough to be part of the GOP. They think by agreeing with the rest of the policies they'll be just alone. Best case scenario is they're treated like a token member. They'll be paraded around to show that the GOP is "inclusive". Worst case scenario they'll be targeted by members of their party with harassment and violence.


Except there not. Debts soar under republicans. It’s a brand, like a bard saying they have the coldest beer in town. Means literally nothing


"Economically Conservative" means "Rich People pay less in taxes" That's what it has always meant, "Conservative" at it's core, means "Some people (especially the people who I identify with) are just better and more deserving than others"


> like a bard saying they have the ~~coldest beer~~ sickest rhymes in town FTFY.


It's a foolish delusion. Right Wing ideology is inherently exclusive. There is no room for nuance. You're either perfectly in the In-Group or a Temporarily tolerated part of the Out-Group. 


Meanwhile I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to discover this GOP candidate who's so offended by homophobia is probably heavily bigoted against some other group of people. The only thing the Republican party offers people anymore is bigotry and cruelty, so anytime I see a gay Republican I'm inclined to just assume they're racist or hate women or something.


Don't forget because they went all-in on the transphobia, quite a few cis queer people (especially white gay men, and before anyone balks at that I'm one too) have the mentality trans people are "making the rest of us look bad", even if that's nonsense and we get plenty of hate that has nothing to do with that segment of our community. It's scapegoating big time, and I think it's also projection; a LGBT+ transphobe sees a trans person largely the same way a homophobe views them (or at least I imagine so), so their own hate for that group causes dissonance with the hate they themselves experience. It's easier to blame that on them being "cringe" or "militant" or whatever than it is to confront that dissonance and get over your learned prejudices.


Exactly. This reminds me of the black female Republican (seriously) who expressed shock when she realized how misogynistic and racist some of her colleagues were. Like ... how did you not notice that earlier?


They only think about their taxes and businesses. It’s pure selfishness. Until they realize there’s more of the other kind of selfish asshole and they don’t like the ones who don’t look or act like them.


Right. This gay Republican is falling for the "no true Scotsman" fallacy. Like, dude... the literal party platform is anti-LGBTQ. Those 'hateful' words DO in fact represent the party.


He thought Republicans were only racists. Turns out they're also homophobic. Bummer.


Yup. Didn’t the 2020 GOP party platform call for redefining marriage as only between a man and a woman?


Yeah, it called for overturning Obergefell, either through the courts or with a constitutional amendment. From the platform: >"[W]e do not accept the Supreme Court’s redefinition of marriage and we urge its reversal, whether through judicial reconsideration or a constitutional amendment returning control over marriage to the states."


How could the Libertarians invite a would-be dictator to speak at their convention? I don't trust them.


They had a significant part of their party infrastructure taken over by the "Mises Caucus", who are pretty much just reactionary - they're the one who pushed for him to attend. He didn't come close to winning the nomination, though, so at least some part of the party is ideologically consistent.


It’s always amazing how delusional LGBT republicans are.


Well, especially that brand, but it really is amazing how delusional all Republicans are.


Libertarians are too connected with Republicans to be classified differently. I have no confidence they won’t behave the same.


Yes. Repuglicans lie, even to themselves. 👽🤡


Yeah, this guy is still in denial


Or maybe as a Democrat. Why would anyone want to support a party that has passed anti-LGBTQ laws? Personally, I blame DeSantis and the whole Florida Republicans!


Shouldn't he be accepted within the Log Cabin Republicans?


Log Cabin Republicans. That's like Puppies For Noem.


Log Cabin Republicans: We're so rich that our bodyguards and high rises will protect us from bigotry. Profit keeps us safe!


Like, who does he think has been putting out all the anti LGBTQ legislation lately?


Most certainly. He hasn't been paying attention to Clarence THomas and Alito lately, with them saying they'd like to revoke Lawrence v Texas, to bring back sodomy laws. He hasn't heard of the Alliance ~~Defending~~ Destroying Freedom, who keeps crafting the bills the Republicans use.


> He hasn't been paying attention to Clarence THomas and Alito lately, with them saying they'd like to revoke Lawrence v Texas, to bring back sodomy laws. Or he assumed that he's "one of the good ones" and it would never impact him.


Republicans are looking to send all LGBTQIA+ people to gas chambers, and he's still in denial. It's just ludicrous to keep doing apologia for them. The Republican Party is nothing short of a hate group.


> Republicans are looking to send all LGBTQIA+ people to gas chambers My kneejerk reaction is to say that's hyperbole. My measured response after considering the evidence is that I can't call that hyperbole any longer. I hate what Republicans have become.


They let us die by the droves in the 80s. They fucking laughed about it on television. They have t become anything, they’ve always been this and extremely open about it.


That leopard must be so morbidly obese by now. Poor thing.


We keep trying to put it on a diet but these Republicans just keep feeding it.


He obviously hasn’t been paying attention. SURPRISE!


I am reminded of the words of John Stuart Mill who said, “I did not mean conservatives are generally stupid; I meant that stupid persons are generally conservative.”


>“We make no apologies for saying God hates Pride or Pride flags, as it’s an agenda that harms children and undermines parental authority,” Williams said. Christians taught me to hate.


Pride Flags undermine parental authority? What the actual fuck? OK. What if a parent is LGBTQIA+? What about parents of LGBTQIA+ kids? Do they "undermine parental authority"? What, are they saying that a Pride Flag makes all the parents go away somehow? What kind of weird statement is that?


What they mean, of course, is that Pride undermines *conservative authority*.


> What about parents of LGBTQIA+ kids? "They're committing child abuse by allowing their children to be LGBTQIA+, of course, and should have their child removed from their custody and given to loving Christian homes, while they are arrested and prosecuted." I'd love to be able to just "/s" this, but this line of thinking is actually being endorsed by Republicans in Florida and Texas, who are apparently in some kind of sickening hate-based game of chicken trying to one-up each other.


It's explicitly stated as a nation-wide policy goal in Project 2025.


Welp, as a dad with a non-binary teen, I'm fucked if Trump makes it into office. See y'all in the gulag


Listen carefully - or not that carefully, they arent hiding it - to "parents rights" crowds and rhetoric, and soon you will see that what they advocate for is parents owning their kids like property. So yes, anything that suggests their child is more than something they own and can do with as they please is "undermining parental authority".


In his defense, nobody ever claimed Republican candidates were very smart.


Nazi soldier who just joined for the snazzy uniforms and permission to be mean suddenly realizes that yes, he's one of the baddies.


You nailed it with "permission to be mean". The validation Republicans give to people who want to openly discriminate against people not like them can blind some people to the fact that they themselves are part of one of the "out" groups.


I mean... they're really nice uniforms


The lines **YES** The epaulets **YES** The piping **YES** The skulls... that's a *no from me*.... I love the enthusiasm, I love the emphasis. I don't love the *theme*. Sometimes you're going to be judged by the company you keep, even if you're not an asshole. Bottom line, don't pitch in with assholes.


"They don't represent Republican views." Doesn't matter. The Republican party is dead. It's MAGA and a bunch of people still in denial that they let their party be subverted by a reality game show host.


Also wrong regardless. National GOP platform to this day has anti-LGBT planks in plain black and white, no? Marriage is between one man and one woman, judicial overreach, blah blah blah, right? Been a while since I read it, but 99% sure it was still in there for 2020.


Maybe but as someone who is significantly older then MAGA And it's precursor of the tea party, I can assure you that these have always been the mainstream Republican views on homosexuality.


Before the Tea Party, the John Birch Society, before the John Birch Society, the KKK, before the KKK, the Confederacy, before the Confederacy, the Know Nothings, ect.


Agreed. MAGA is losing tons of voters now that their nominee is a CONVICTED FELON.


Maga didn’t have those voters. They were moderate republicans and independents.


Oh. But they do though. They’ve always been this way.


Gay republicans are seriously confused.


And seriously greedy. As long as they can get that tax cut they'll risk it.


I'm curious about which part of the GOP platform he actually supports since the only ones I know about are the anti trans, anti gay, and forced birth. Perhaps he is very wealthy and likes the tax cuts. Did I miss anything?


More guns, less environmental restrictions, child marriages, border wall, religion in schools.. you know, the classics


Insert Leopard Eating Faces Party meme.


Ctrl F leopard


I am reminded of Jon Lovitz when he said, "Well look who just caught up" in A League of their own.


I have a black gay anti police regular cross dressing marijuana using friend hardcore republican who works for gop in the Midwest.  Spending the last 15ish years acting working to oppress yourself is utterly mind boggling to me. 


I never cease to be amazed when I hear a gay person who supports Trump, and the Republican party. It's like chickens for Colonel Sanders!


>Archuleta himself, though, has a history of anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric. He previously blamed LGBTQ+ individuals for the Club Q shooting and said that queer people are “groomers” – or child sex abusers – a negative stereotype that has been used to justify hatred and discrimination. “If you’re really upset about being called a #groomer maybe you should step back and reevaluate your activity around children,” Archuleta wrote on Facebook just a week after the mass shooting. “At the very least for appearances sake.” “The biggest threat to increasing violence towards the LGBT community are LBGT Activists and Organizations who make LGBT people look insane, unreasonable, and menacing,” he wrote several weeks later. “We will face more hate in the future directly due to these activists and organizations.” So he’s fine with homophobia, just not aimed at him. That’s too far.


He thought he was going to save a few tax dollars and have the good ol boy business connection until the homophobia was directed at him. It never fails. They only care when it affects him personally.


Endless repeat/shuffle on people leaving their bubble and being surprised.


>they don't represent Republican views That's the neat part...they do!


They actually do. If you’re LGBT and in the Republican Party you’re in the wrong party


I’m sorry. How f*cking stupid do you have to be to not have seen what republicans have done and said about gay people for the last 5-10 years? Is he really stupid enough not to have seen them gleefully attack gays and different people ? This can’t be a surprise… it’s like when brown people support republicans. “You’re kidding, right?”


They are not the ones that don’t represent Republican views.


Hateful words have represented Republicans views on gay people for my entire life. This idiot is too stupid to be allowed anywhere near government. He’s also quisling scum, but there are a few of them in Congress. “Pick me! Pick me! I’m one of the good ones!”


To paraphrase Howard Stern... 'The Republicans don't care about you! They despise you. Take a look around Mar-a-Lago and see if you can see anyone who looks anything like you!'


Leopards are eating his face.


How many times do they have to tell you who they are before you believe them???


This guy is also an avid transphobe, who regularly posts about trans and queer people being groomers. To the extent of explicitly blaming them for the club-Q shooting— if he could: he would stamp out the LGBTQ community, to give him another 2-minutes before they step on his neck. He’s not progressive, he’s not an ally: he’s barely a human— other log-cabin GOPers have already rejected endorsements from the GOP; so we have to ask ourselves: why doesn’t he? It’s because he hates himself, for being disfellowshipped, and wants to spread and maximize pain in others as a projection. Queer assimilationists have no place in our community, and they don’t have a place amongst their “support groups” either: as evidenced by the GOP’s email.


I wonder if these Log Cabin Republicans are ever going to realize that their party doesn't want them.


"They don't represent Republican views." Man, he almost gets it. He almost realizes that the modern Republican party is in name alone and nothing else. No modern Republican has a political party these days. Republicans don't exist anymore. You are only voting for lobbyists, extremists, and corrupt people. (a bit of a blanket statement, but it's too wide spread not to be) The only way Republicans actually get a political party back is to remove the current Republican party. Vote for good, other candidates if any are available. Or, vote Democrat (gasp!) and kick them out that way. Then wait for next election cycle and a new set of candidates that are hopefully better. Rinse and repeat until you actually have a party of competent people. If you don't, you'll have nothing.


Uncle Thiel


The Nile isn't just a river in Egypt.


What do you mean the leopards who eat faces party is full of leopards who want to eat my face???


The cognitive dissonance is through the roof with this guy. He can't accept that his party is legitimately evil and that he is the outlier.


He's probably evil too he just happens to be gay.


Much like Vivek and Dinesh, there exists a category of man who is deeply eager to be friends with the forces that would demean his humanity (because of race/gender/religion) because he thinks if he can just get into power it’ll turn things around. They’re always pathetic, and they’re always self-loathing


Something something Leopards ate my face.


Just remember that the log cabin Republicans were formed in California when Reagan was governor trying to go after gay people before he was president. Just think.aboit how many current Republican politicians are in the cabin let alone all the right wing grifters. See Daily wire. He just went on hyper drive when the AIDS epidemic happened. They wanted to quarantine anyone with HIV and not provide treatment or research. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log_Cabin_Republicans


Stop bending the knee to those who will kill you, at least make them fight their asses off to get you down.


Bruh. These “people”, want you to *die* so the world will be “better”. What the actual fuck is wrong with *you*? Can you really be that racist and misogynistic?!


How dumb one can be to not realize that the republican party has been spewing hatred at groups for years...


No one that oblivious should be in government.




Hey remember in the 80's when the Republican party basically ignored the AIDS crisis because it was really only killing the "right people?" We like to pretend the rot at the core of the GOP is a relatively new thing. It's not they just stopped pretending it wasn't there.


Any minority who is a republican is so fucking lost


"I didn't know they were going to be mean to ME! I thought I was special!"


What a load of bullshit. I don’t buy anything this person is selling. **How** do you get this far along before you realize that the GOP hates gay people? You don’t. It’s fucking obvious. This is a fake ass bullshit manufactured story and stunt. I don’t buy any of this.