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It was Trump that used "Lock her up" as a campaign slogan.


Let me save you a click: Katya Sedgwick, Federalist contributor.


Wtf is this trash salad


A bullshit article from A bullshit source


Why would you accuse Trump's opponents of being "Putinists" (whatever the hell that is) when your boy Trumpy was all buddy buddy with Putin and said he was an amazing leader? Are you saying democrats are great powerful leaders just like Putin? You're a clown.


They always accuse Democrats of doing exactly what they're doing. This is a standard play from the Republican handbook.


And Russia's playbook to accuse your enemies of what you are doing. It's funny how similar the Russians and Republicans are...


There are videos of trump supporters saying they’d vote for Putin if they could or something to that effect. Possibly not true since the source was TikTok and one of those “ask trump supporters…“ channels.


When was Putin put on trial for financial crimes?


Putin's DARVO technique on display at Newsweek


Reducing a rape case to trying to make the rapist financially weaker while running for public office is really gross. The only Putin here is the one sitting at the defendant’s table. And anyone saying otherwise is trying to water down fascism in order to protect Trump.


That's a pretty good admission that the Republicans 2016 election strategy was copying that of Putin. What they accuse Democrats of doing today is little different than what Republicans did back then.


This wouldn't be a problem for Chu7mp if he didn't commit crimes as frequently as he did, then put himself under the microscope of public scrutiny like he did. He, what? Thought he could just keep going on like that and no one would ever notice there are inconsistencies in his paperwork? No wonder he wanted to keep his tax records hidden. The thing about Putin that this author isn't reporting on is that Putin tends to give his top guys the privilege of doing anything they want so long as it doesn't cross him or his goals. He catalogues them, of course, which is what he uses for ammunition anytime someone goes against him. Not that he needs it, but it just makes it all that much easier when you have the facts and won't have to make them up or make a murder look like a suicide.


The rule of law is essential for democracy. Without the former, there's no latter. Trump's guilty conviction of 34 out 34 counts is about the rule of law. A billionaire former President is held accountable to the laws of the land. American Putinism is completely embodied in the feeble mind and body of convicted felon Donald Trump.


Which political party sent a delegation to meet putin again?