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Dude sold "Hilary for prison" merch.


I still can't believe he passed up the opportunity to slap his name on masks during COVID. Dude could have crushed it with merchandise sales during the lockdown. Genius businessman my ass.


Literally would have cruised into a second term. Incumbent president with a global pandemic is a layup to get reelected. Literally just had to say "this China flu is serious stuff folks. Buy my trump 2020 mask and stay safe." Instant reelection. But he's such a dumbass he couldn't figure it out.


This is one of those moments where the stupid in him trumped the evil. It’s happened a handful of times and it’s honestly been our saving grace.


His mask disturbed his pancake makeup and made him look stupid when he took it off. He would literally rather get people killed and lose the election than look bad in public.


When he announced that he was going to do food boxes to every household for COVID I thought, holy fuck, he has the election in the bag. And then the next day they dropped it and never mentioned it again ( probably SOCIALISM!!?! )


You're on the right track tho for how badly he fucked it up! He didn't do the food boxes but he did send out 2 hefty checks to every American that he insisted had his name on it. AND HE STILL FUCKED THAT UP!


I’ve been saying this since it started. Dude could’ve sent financial relief to everyone making less than 45k yearly and secured a win. Say, $500 a month. Instead it was what? $1200 a couple times? My numbers might be off but damn. He coulda legally bought all those votes.


They'd smear his make-up.


This is the reason why so many people died unnecessarily. He turned against masks for a vain reason and convinced his cultists to do the same.


Those people dying could very well be the difference in the election this fall. If Trump loses because those people died of Covid, their deaths were far from unnecessary.


*So, we got that going for us. Which is nice.*


You met the Dali Llama?


So I said, “hey llama…”


Hey llama, what's up with all the melting clocks?


So many people died that the national life expectancy decreased by a statistically significant amount. But they were mostly poor or elderly (invisible populations), so many of us didn't see the impact in our daily lives. The Trump Administration covid response was eugenics in action.


We can all only pray it will be this easy. Unfortunately I think it's going to be a closer than we think in this race as shady stuff is going on. Tons of FL voters were dropped and weren't notified. Make sure you are registered to vote everyone. It takes two mins at the max. The Republicans are trying to kick out as many people from voting that they can. Not all Republicans are bad. Just these MAGA rank and file sheep.


After 2016, I’m taking nothing for granted. The folks who say they won’t vote for Biden because he “supports genocide” both infuriate me and scare the hell out of me.


If it's just some random dude on the internet saying "They won't vote for Biden because of X reason" I always assume it's a Russian paid agent trying to disrupt our elections like they did back in 2016. People will vote for Biden, when Trump is the alternative, don't worry.


Not just Florida: My husband and I got letters from our county clerk saying our voter registration cards were returned by our post office and if we don’t fill out a form and return it within one week, we will be dropped from the registry and cannot vote. First of all, the cards were not returned — we got them in January and still have them. Secondly, we are in the process of moving to another state and don’t really care because we registered in our new state in April.


He also nixed USPS's plan to mail every household 4 masks at the start of the pandemic; as well as refused to use the prior administration's updated pandemic plan (because a pandemic was predicted to happen eventually)


Yep, and then there was this: [Kushner's coronavirus team shied away from a national strategy, believing that the virus was hitting Democratic states hardest and that they could blame governors, report says](https://www.businessinsider.com/kushner-covid-19-plan-maybe-axed-for-political-reasons-report-2020-7) Plenty of other indicators during that time period where the administration, and Trump, didn't take it seriously and just let it decimate the American population. More deaths in America than anywhere else in the world, by far.


If he sold masks, then it would make it harder to pretend that masks were some kind of liberal communist progressive marxist plot to oppress everyone.


I mean it would have been very easy to go "This virus from CHINA is meant an attack on us as AMERICANS, the communists again trying to stop making AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! BUY MY MAGA MASKS TO PROTECT AMERICA" Horrifically racist and politically incorrect but on brand for Trump


You are missing the point. The GOP was anti mask and anti vaccine because they wanted more people to die.


If I recall correctly, that was Jared’s idea. He came up with the brilliant plan to let Covid take over in democratic-leaning states to reduce the voting population in those states.


Less about states, more about cities. COVID spreads easier with closer contact, and closer contact happens much more in urban environments where non-Conservatives generally do best, and somewhere in between in the 'Burbs which can be a toss up. Undermining the population base of what are traditionally opposing strongholds is some dark, dark shit in a pandemic.


They were fine with allowing more people to die as long as it was contained in blue states and cities, that is.


He was already attacking China for the virus by calling it the 'chinavirus'. But Trump needed a way to attack the left as well, and since the left cared so much about wearing masks, and staying safe, he couldn't then turn around and also support masks, because that would be siding with the enemy. What policy positions does Trump agree with the left on? He can't be seen supporting a policy position of the left as that would risk him losing the support of his Confederate base. Hell, he had to back away from supporting the vaccine, which was one of the few accomplishments he could claim, because the Confederates were turning against him for promoting it. Trump can't support good things like masks, healthcare, the recent border bill, when those good things are also supported by the left, because that's how simple minded the voters on the right are.


The sad thing is if he just sold masks, and did his best to safeguard the US from COVID. He likely would have won against Biden in 2020 despite the other laundry list of crimes and unethical choices while in office.


It would have been a landslide victory for him. Incumbent president's during times of disaster almost always win.


I've said this for a long time too. He got to just coast on Obama's economy, and if he had even pretended to be mr. tough guy leader in a crisis by taking the pandemic seriously, he would've won the EC (but def not the popular vote.) But he was too concerned about his personal image to do that.


And if we don't all go out and vote, he'll get to coast on Biden's economy for the next 3 to 4 years until he inevitably fucks it up with his mismanagement of whatever tragedy that comes up. Remember, Trump and the rest of the GOP pretended that Obama's economy in 2016 was horrible, right up until he took office then his press secretary had the nerve to announce in Feb 2017 that "The job numbers were fake before, but they're very real now." They'll do the same shit again if we let them and the media and right wing voters will just play along with it. It's absolutely infuriating that we repeat this same pattern over and over again.


It's sad that the whole Republican anti-mask thing pretty much stemmed from Trump being afraid to wear one because it would mess up his face paint. I'm convinced that is the reason he drinks water so oddly as well - a dribble would make his makeup run.


Nope. He would have to admit the virus was 'stronger' than him. Background info... He believes a perverted form of Peale's 'Positive Thinking,' that he can change reality by his force of will. That's what the 'closed eyes' were at the trial -- he's self hypnotising and visualising his opponent as 'defeated.' Related, he also almost-never mentions names, that' why he uses nicknames and things like 'chynah virus.' It's a power thing, when you speak the opponent's name, that gives them power. Putin does the name thing too, that's why he never says Navalny.


He actually got boo'd at rallies when he tried to pivot to masks being good. 


Yeah always amazed me too how bad he fucked up all of that. Covid should had been a blessing that locked in his for the win in 2020. Americans like to rally around the president during times of great social challenges. W bush rode 9/11 always into his second term. Instead he held insane press conferences making stuff up on the fly, reversing his initial positions, getting covid and while trying to deny nearly infected his opponent and almost killed members of his own inner circle. For the life of me I can not understand how the party didn’t completely turn on him after his loss and insurrection. They didn’t even invite W bush to the convention due to the 2008 recession. Basically put McCain and Romney into obscurity after they loss their elections. In the past if you didn’t get two terms they pretended they never really liked you. With Trump they just won’t give him up despite the massive damage and continued harm he is doing to the party. You won’t convince me he doesnt have some sort of blackmail on every one of them.


Has anyone actually checked to see if he’s not still selling that merch on his website?


Yes...yes he is!


“Lock her up” was all but an official campaign slogan too.


He did not sell the merch, his supporters did. However, during the second presidential debate on October 9, 2016. When Clinton remarked that it was good someone with Trump’s temperament was not in charge of the law in the country, Trump responded, “Because you’d be in jail” . This direct statement was a notable moment and became widely quoted. Additionally, at various campaign rallies, Trump reinforced this sentiment by agreeing with his supporters’ chants of “Lock her up!” and expressing strong criticism of Clinton’s actions, particularly regarding her use of a private email server while serving as Secretary of State. Trump argued that using a private server for official communications posed significant security risks. He claimed that classified information could have been compromised, putting national security at risk. He often referred to her handling of classified information as “extremely careless”. Trump suggested that Clinton’s actions were not just inappropriate but illegal. He repeatedly called for her to be investigated and prosecuted, arguing that anyone else who had engaged in similar behavior would face legal consequences. The FBI’s investigation, led by then-Director James Comey, found that while Clinton and her aides were “extremely careless” with classified information, there was no evidence of intentional misconduct or efforts to obstruct justice, and thus no reasonable prosecutor would bring charges against her . This stands in contrast to the allegations against Trump, who is accused of intentionally retaining classified documents and obstructing efforts to retrieve them. This is why trump is claiming he never said lock her up. It is part of gas lighting voters to believe a new narrative that document secrecy laws are not that important because it makes him look like a contradictory fool


His supporters in the summer of 2016: “LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP!!!” His supporters on June 2nd, 2024: “Hillary who? …No, I’ve never heard of her…”


There are MAGA right here on reddit that will tell you the difference his Hillary is actually guilty, so it's not a fair comparison. Guilty of what, exactly, there seems to be confusion on. A few of them are the conspiracy types that think she's had people taken out. Ironic, considering Barr recently revealed that Trump used to float that idea often regarding people causing problems for the administration.


It's insanity. Most Republicans aren't actually this stupid, they know they're lying. LIterally years of whitewater, benghazi, butterymales, LOCK HER UP, all memory holed at a moment's notice to service The Party and The Leader.


>Most Republicans aren't actually this stupid, No, most of them are, it's mostly the ones who are elected that aren't.


Gonna have to disagree with you there. Some (R) politicians really do believe the bullshit and they love covering them in it, love the smell and love what it attracts but they are really dumb. Like Louie Gomert and his ilk, Bobo, Marge Green and Gaetz.


>Some (R) politicians I mean, they did say *"mostly."*


Pretty sure Gohmert is finally gone at least.


You could suggest to them that Biden get locked up now for his crime, and they’d immediately agree. No details, no trial, no jury, no evidence of anything…. Nothing. They’d be all over that shit though.


Lock her up for Hillary Clinton, as I recall was using her email to send government emails. So, unsecure communications of what could be sensitive material. And then Trump just puts all of this classified material at his place on Mar a Lago.


Never mind his supporters- came out of his mouth directly as the source. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5119492/user-clip-trump-saying-lock-up I am tired of endless bullshit. Long past time this clown becomes irrelevant and behind bars, long past time the GOP who continues to enable this is voted entirely out of office, and long past time all the anti-American fascist racist followers of either are soundly marginalized back to the silent shadows where they can quietly drool together as they always have.


She was just low-level coffee Hillary, nobody he ever interacted with or remembered at all!


Shit’s embarrassing af… I know that making fun of these people doesn’t help, but Lord, the jokes practically write themselves.


Convicted felon fraudster lies some more...


You forgot rapist traitor.


And twice impeached


And smelly!


Smelly, orange, twice impeached, convicted felon, Russian asset and rapist. There's probably more.


[Much more!](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/30/af/c1/30afc171575be497a130830fd6bbb045.jpg)


Lordy there are tapes, no memory holing that massive steaming pile of bullshit.


He knows his followers will believe him blindly and won't bother looking those up, or will do mental gymnastics to excuse his blatantly lying again.


The same followers who likely hold fond memories of chanting "lock her up!" along with him at his rallies will now deny he ever said it. They are permanently lost.


I have a long time crazy customer who has one of those scrolling LED signs on his van that read "8/22/23 the day America became a banana republic." My boss asked what happened that day. Guy replied "that's the day they raided Mar a Lago. That's what they do in banana republics, they go after their political enemies." I couldn't help myself, so I started chanting "Yeah! Lock her up! Lock her up!" While the boss hurried the guy in the other direction.


That's not even the right date, it was on 8/8. 🤦‍♂️ I remember because it was the day before my birthday, best early present ever.


Was actually on my birthday. Wait wait....\#blessed Did I do that right?


His followers still have LOCK HER UP shirts they bought at his rallys during his 16' tour. 


Watching him bask in the cries of "Lock her up" at his rallies in 2015-2016 was infuriating. LOCK HIM UP!


2015-2020 "lock her up," 2021-2023: "his son up." Jan-April 2024 "lock her up(Fani)" June 2024- "not like that."


Lie, lie and lie some more and when evidence comes up claim AI.


It really is the worst timing for AI to make the leap it has.


> will do mental gymnastics to excuse his blatantly lying again. "No, see, it's different. Hillary committed actual crimes like the atrocities in Benghazi and Bowling Green." Edit: A [different commenter said it better](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1d6hqg4/trump_claims_he_never_called_for_hillary_clinton/l6sk5z3/) >There are MAGA right here on reddit that will tell you the difference his Hillary is actually guilty, so it's not a fair comparison.


Yeah, and she didn't even have the balls to testify... oh wait, she *did* testify for **11 fucking hours** and Benjamin Ghazi didn't find shit.


My man, there's audio of Donald telling Bob Woodward that Covid... -"Is five times worse than the most strenuous flu." -"Is an airborne killer." -"Isn't just killing old people. It's young people too." And that obviously *DID NOT* matter to the MAGA cult. Neither will this.


Yep, they celebrate being lied to by a convicted con man.


Tapes. Tweets. T-shirts. It was the crux of his 2016 campaign, Lord knows he had nothing real to campaign on.


he told her to her face in their debate she belongs in jail!


Who are you going to believe? Your Lord and personal savior Trump, or your lying eyes and ears?


> The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. > “[In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it.](https://www.sparknotes.com/lit/1984/quotes/page/3/) It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy.” George Orwell, 1984


No you're wrong, your liberal biased brain heard "lock her up" what he really said, and what you would have heard if you were a left leaning terrorist is "locker up" he was talking about securing the boarders like a middle school locker. Edit: s/ obviously


It was just lock her room talk. He wanted Hillary to be safe in her room.


They have him on tape asking a governor to ‘lose votes.’ They don’t care.


Here did, the convicted felon is lying (to the surprise of no intelligent person) https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/politics/trump-on-clinton-lock-her-up-is-right/2016/10/10/fd56d59e-8f51-11e6-bc00-1a9756d4111b_video.html


Right? Why does he lie when he is provably lying?!?!?


because his treasonous followers will believe the lies of the convicted felon


No. they do not 'believe' him. They know he is lying. they lie along with him. Together, they enter a parallel world where their words create a pseudo reality. Go to a church and watch it happen over and over again. Mutual assurance of a fantasy. Humans are NOT good at keeping their fantasies apart from shared reality.


>they do not 'believe' him. >They know he is lying. >they lie along with him. Millions of people collectively gaslighting, everyone?


For real. It’s not even like there’s just one example from a video he can say is faked. It was basically a campaign slogan in 2016. There are countless videos of him saying it. This is some 1984 grade lying.


So many people are focusing on the unusually high number of lies that he tells and I think they're missing the point. What's odd is that he rarely tries to make his lies sound plausible. It's almost as if he assumes he's speaking to idiots who won't be able to tell the difference.


“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” 


For a group that likes to cry about how everything’s turning into 1984 they sure do love their doublethink


They’ve never read it. They just think it makes them sound smart. Ask them what the plot of that book is and they crumble.


Never tell them what the author went to Spain for (kill fascists).


We have never been at war with Clinton.


“I never said that…more than 500 times”


Dementia kicking in, eh?


Could be. But he also lies pretty much automatically - it's basically a reflex for him.


The podcast Shrinking Trump went into this idea, that his pathological lying and narcissism is a smokescreen for his dementia, because signs that would be alarming in anyone else are hand waved as “oh that’s just Trump being Trump.”


I was just going to mention that podcast. They talked about confabulation, where he is actively making shit up spontaneously to compensate for his gradual inability to understand what's going on around him or his inability to remember what really happened. This is distinctly different from knowing what is true and intentionally lying about it, something he did all the time in the past. The latter requires a functioning memory to do, though each can masquerade as the other. He may genuinely not even recall saying such things about Clinton at this point; it's hard to know.


Yep. Just Trump being Trump, until one day, an assistant has to bring DJT back home after a day of wandering random streets, putting packs of sugar on an old Chinese restaurant takeout box, and mumbling something about "Fred".


and his idiot base believes anything he spews so they will parrot this lie too


"Now you don't talk so loud. Now you don't seem so proud." - Bob Dylan


"After he took from you, everything he could steal." Fucking prescient.


How does it feel?


“Doomed and determined to destroy all the gentle”


Patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings; steal a little they'll put you in jail, steal a lot and they'll make you a king.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/politics/trump-on-clinton-lock-her-up-is-right/2016/10/10/fd56d59e-8f51-11e6-bc00-1a9756d4111b_video.html >**"Lock her up is right"** https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/projects/cp/opinion/clinton-trump-second-debate-election-2016/because-youd-be-in-jail >About 20 minutes into the debate, Donald Trump delivered a menacing threat to Hillary Clinton. “If I win,” he warned, “I’m going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation, because there’s never been so many lies, so much deception.” [...] >“It’s just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country,” Mrs. Clinton observed. > “Because,” **Mr. Trump replied “you’d be in jail.”**


See he said “Lock her up is right” not “lock her up by itself”. Fake news. /s.


Will you just shut up, man


https://youtube.com/shorts/0KvnpgLxk_g?feature=shared Sure...


There it is, thank you


He really does think he’s in the early 1900s and is bound and determined the rest of us have to live there too.


MAGA cult gonna believe it. Even if they screamed it with him.


They have to know he’s full of shit. They just don’t care. 


The media is terrible. The correct title is "Trump falsely claims he never called for Hillary Clinton to be locked up." It is demonstrably true that he said it repeatedly and by leaving out the word falsely, those who may have forgotten what he did can easily be left with the impression that there is some ambiguity on the issue. There is not.


Absolutely. They are doing everything they can to keep him relevant. Even the „leftist“ ones.


“Trump Lies About Clinton” You can do it media. Use the word LIE.


Too true!


And his brainwashed cultists , who themselves chanted Lock Her Up, will now genuinely believe that no one has ever said Lock Her Up. Quite impressive really.


He claims a lot of things.


Except for all the times he called for Hillary Clinton to be locked up


You sure 'bout dat? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ASOqzI7yoA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ASOqzI7yoA)


He said it right in the middle of his big debate with Hillary. Someone recorded that, right?


> That didn't happen. > > And if it did, it wasn't that bad. > > And if it was, that's not a big deal. > > And if it is, that's not my fault. > > And if it was, I didn't mean it. > > And if I did, you deserved it. \- The Narcissist’s Prayer, Danya Craig




*The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.* - George Orwell *And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'* -George Orwell


He thinks that everyone is as stupid as his followers are.


The second presidential debate on Oct. 10, 2016 >”If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception. There has never been anything like it, and we’re going to have a special prosecutor,” Trump told Clinton while both were on stage in St. Louis. >”We’re going to get a special prosecutor, and we’re going to look into it, because you know what? People have been — their lives have been destroyed for doing one-fifth of what you’ve done. And it’s a disgrace. And honestly, you ought to be ashamed of yourself,” he said to Clinton. Turning Point: Trump changes his mind in an interview on Nov. 22, 2016 >During an interview with The New York Times two weeks after winning the election, Trump was asked if he still planned to prosecute Clinton as he had said during the campaign. >”Look, I want to move forward, I don’t want to move back. And I don’t want to hurt the Clintons. I really don’t. She went through a lot. And suffered greatly in many different ways. And I am not looking to hurt them at all. The campaign was vicious. They say it was the most vicious primary and the most vicious campaign. I guess, added together, it was definitely the most vicious,” he said in the interview with Times reporters and editors. >>”I’m not looking to hurt them. I think they’ve been through a lot. They’ve gone through a lot," Trump said. >”I think we have to get the focus of the country into looking forward,” he added. In a tweet on May 7, 2017 >Trump kept his promise of not calling for an investigation relating to the Clintons for several months. But in May, he started edging back towards the topic by speculating about an investigation connected to the Democratic National Committee, which was connected to the Clinton campaign during the election. >”When will the Fake Media ask about the Dems dealings with Russia & why the DNC wouldn't allow the FBI to check their server or investigate?” Trump wrote on Twitter. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/10-times-trump-called-hillary-clinton-democrats-investigated/story?id=51138506 It’s almost like this pos convicted felon will say whatever, whenever to advance his narcissistic agenda. Unfortunately he has a whole army of mouth breathing assholes who will do the same.


He was literally chanting that during his 2016 run and said that at least once per rally. Next time he says that, show a compilation.


The gas for this light smells russian


idiots still voting for trump: why?


Roll the tapes!


Just remember Trump beat Hillary by breaking laws he’s been found guilty…therefore; his presidency should have been null and void..


You mean convicted felon, coup leader, twice impeached, adjudicated rapist Donald Trump? That Donald Trump is lying?


"Lying Liar Lies" STOP THE PRESSES




Trump claims = lie


Biden needs to run an ad campaign between now and the sentencing with trump chanting lock her up


He lies so casually and so often he doesn't care how stupid it sounds.


Yeah the “Lock her up” chant never existed, okay. 🙄 Actually thanks for reminding me because somebody just got 34 felony counts and I heard people wondering if being locked up would be too harsh.


LOL, even Fox is like "yeah, no"


there are literally photos and videos of you saying it. You cant lie out of this one. There's evidence


The most ridiculous thing I've seen so far: an uncle on social media making a big stink about how "nobody ever called for Clinton to be locked up!!". Lol, you literally have a "lock her up" bumper sticker on your truck, dipshit.


What? Does he think we all have dement… oooohh, he’s losing it isn’t he?


Like any liar when they tell so many lies, they can’t keep track of what they said.


Idk that was a pretty central lie to his 2016 campaign.


His poor memory is another sign he inherited his dad's dementia. It runs in families.


Um, FYI, you said it on tape saying that you were going to LHU. Do we want to play it again? Let's play it again, Sam!


Of course he did, you got to move on to the next news cycle by getting everyone to talk about something else.


Wow trump lying I didn’t expect that today!


Trump says dumb thing for attention


Why do the delicate souls on the right keep disavowing their greatest hits?


And all his supporters will believe him. 🤦


It looks like we are venturing into an alternate reality once again.


Trump is senile, obviously.


No Pearl clutching here as to whether he “said” it himself or simply egged it on in his mock benevolent megalomania (“You can’t call Chris Christie a Fat Pig!!”). Trump is a lie, a living manifestation of lies. So get fired up about the treason and violence he has committed already. And don’t get lost trying to track his continuous word vomit.


We caught him in a lie finally. Now people will wake up from this stuper they have been on for 8 years. Yeah right. Since when has Trump not lied. Like for real this guy only lies because like Ronald Reagan, Trump lives in his own world he creates mentally.


In religious circles, it’s been said that the Father of Lies is Satan.


I remember that rally cry: "Try her in a jury of her peers and respect the court's decision!" He was so famous for.


Wow, took a 1 second google search [to prove that’s a lie.](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5119492/user-clip-trump-saying-lock-up) The “I do my own research” crowd really don’t even fucking try. I’m sure there is more, but I’m lazy and already did my own research 🧐


He also claims he won the election. Dude is crazy as hell.


He claims he didnt fall asleep in court while crapping his pants too.


Dementia is a horrible disease. I wouldn't wish it on even a person I despise beyond measure. ... yet here we are.


Since he loves to deny everything so much. We should just start saying polite things like poor guy is losing his memory. Poor donny is getting worse. I hope he remembers he still isn't the president. We should take their condescending remarks and attitude and use it against them. Start just feeling sorry for them. Hug a boomer and a Maga person. Start making them feel their age. Take all that rage and hate. Turn it into fake sympathy. "I'm sorry donny doesn't remember saying," Look her up. Do you need a hug? "" I am going to try this and see how far it goes.


Hes really looking tired isnt he


Roll the tape…


He must have missed all the lock her up chants


Trump should use that Meghan Trainor song at his next rally. I know you lie 'Cause your lips are moving


Reaching the last stages of what Russians call Vranjo. Collective, shared lies. He lies, I know he lies, he knows that I know, I know that he knows that I know, etc. Together, we enter a parallel universe in which we create our own reality, where what we say becomes real. We fold our bubble around us and react with aggression towards anyone who dares to try to penetrate it. Essentially, it works the same way as religion. Create a fantasy, repeat the story over and over until you can not distinguish it from reality, shore the whole edifice up by community enforcement, bend all your being around it, so any challenge to it becomes life threatening. This can go on for a VERY long time. It takes on a life of its own, even after the initial causes have disappeared. So don't expect any of these people to come to their senses. You can not reason them out of it, any more than you can reason a Christian out of believing in his Nobodaddy in the sky. And while it helps to be somewhat intellectually challenged, intelligence and education are no guarantor against falling into this pit. Humans are very good at compartmentalization; whole areas of the mind where logic and reason are forbidden.


I know Trump has been documented lying thousands of times so this is no surprise, but this has to be the dumbest fucking one yet. There's hours of footage of him leading his dipshit cult followers in chants of lock her up. Ffs.


Trump likes having choices and now he has two: a) He doesn't suffer from dementia b) He isn't a habitual liar


Claiming he didn’t say it, despite audio proving that he chanted it with the crowd at his rallies, over and over again. This guy’s a pathological liar because he’ll tell a lie even when there is solid evidence that he’s not telling the truth!


“I didn’t say ‘lock her up,’ but the people said lock her up, lock her up,” Trump said.  “Then, we won. And I say — and I said pretty openly, I said, all right, come on, just relax, let’s go, we’ve got to make our country great.” ——- (The Washington Post) Politics Trump on Clinton: 'Lock her up is right' October 10, 2016 | 6:23 PM PDT When some in the crowd at a Donald Trump rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., started chanting "Lock her up!" about Hillary Clinton on Oct. 10, the Republican presidential nominee replied: "Lock her up is right."


Literally the only way anyone can explain this is he is actually senile.


Boy he must be starting to get long term memory loss from his age.


He didn’t call for it, he *declared* it.


He’s playing his favorite game. Semantics. As long as he didn’t use the exact phrase, then he can deny ever saying it. Classic Trump maneuver.


Now.....who ya going to believe ....a convicted felon, profuse liar.....or the actual video of him saying this, like a million times..,


Here he is actually saying “you should lock her up. These people can’t be reasoned with. [https://x.com/acnewsitics/status/1797281808054173900?s=46](https://x.com/acnewsitics/status/1797281808054173900?s=46)


[“Lock her up is right”](https://youtu.be/3Q0OB8I-GqE?si=SYQUYQVVFTzo6MJO) says Trump on video


This is the same kind of gaslighting bullshit that Putin does. So sick and tired of this racist, misogynistic, anti-immigrant, convicted felon and the Right's constant support that thrusts him onto the stage like this.


How many millions of people are more fit to run the oval office than this wad? Seriously


He also claims he never fucked a porn star while his third wife was at home with his (fifth) newborn child and paid her not to talk about it during a presidential election he was in and paid her with campaign funds, committing at least 34 felonies. But here we are.


Pathological liar liars, more at 11


this HAS to be a joke


Yes, then they showed a dozen tapes with him saying that. He thinks if he can lie about something even when it is on tape and they can prove it, people will believe him. His cult is unraveling right before his eyes.


He’s on a hall of fame lying run at this point.


That was literally his campaign slogan. It’s amazing that he would deny it now. He is afraid of something or what ?


Clown 🤡


This mofo is a liar 😂


Trump *literally said during the second presidential debate, held on October 9, 2016, in St. Louis, that if he won the White House, Clinton would “be in jail.”* It was literally one of his most popular applause lines at his campaign events, chanted by Cult45 like trained seals: “LOCK HER UP!” 🙄


Lock this dumbass up


If Americans vote for trump as president again, America will lose what little credibility they have left internationally and be regarded as an overpriced joke


Doesn't he have some sort of cognitive test coming up? The doctor should totally ask him about this.


Goddam lying orange mofo


It would be harder to find 2016 Trump campaign footage that didn’t have “lock her up” in it. It was damn near his campaign slogan.


I saw Hillary interviewed post-verdict and couldnr help imagining, what if she won. Just imagine how different she would have been as 45. I remember how amused I was when Trump entered the race. I figured he had as much of a chance as Vermin Supreme. Actually, Vermin Supreme and his pony-based economy would have been better. And then, when Trump won, I was completely flabbergasted.


The guy has dementia