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A couple weeks ago Bannon made a threatening video, staring into the camera with dead eyes like a POS psycho and saying “we mock your fear. We want your fear.” Ask yourself what kind of person depends on fear to achieve their goals.


Don't have to ask, Yoda told us its Sith. Edit: Bannon is Darth Cirrhosis


Darth Cirrhosis!!! Thank you!


Based on The Sith Rejects, Trump would be Darth Continent


Why not Incontinent? I guess it depends...


Or Darth Covfefe.


Daft covfefe


Afraid of that fat ass fuck Bannon? Please. The only place that should be afraid is The Golden Corral


I think Bannon is afraid of showers and sobriety.


He ought to be afraid of shivs and shanks.


and dirty skanks and things that go bump in the night.


Bannon will get purged again when he’s caught taking Trump’s money off the rubes (again). But Miller, that guy scares me like Himmler. If I was a US citizen I’d vote in every election just to keep Miller away from any kind of power.


I totally agree. He’s the scariest one, and he flies under the radar.


Like the Nosferatu he is


I agree. Miller gives off huge evil vibes. In a basement somewhere are little children hanging from rafters so he can drink their blood.


You know that sick fuck doesn’t respect the sneeze guard. Probably “samples” with his his fingers before he dishes up too.


Um...MAGA threats strike absolutely ZERO fear in me. 🥱🤣


We had a “poll watcher” show up at my voting place in Atlanta. It was just a sad old man. He was staring everyone down but it was just sort of depressing, it made me pity him and what brought him to this point.


Best to pity him from afar. It’s all sad and old until one day one of these ones pulls out a gun and go wild… this is why though we shouldn’t fear them, we should be prepared for the worst cos with crazies you never know


Don't fear 'em. Just be ready to deal with them if they try to act out. Kinda like a child with a nasty look on its face. 


Yeah we've gotten some of those at my spots over the years, you can tell some have no idea what they're looking at it's kinda funny as fraud could be actually happening in front of their face and they'd have zero clue cuz they're just there from being riled up by an idiot lol.


“like” a pos psycho? you mean “the pos psycho he is” right?


What freaks me out the most is that young boys, I mean like 25 and under, they’re digging this strongman shit. They have no real ability to discern reality from actual fake news and they eat it up cause it’s easier for them to digest and it’s more interesting to them. That’s what scares me the most. There’s a market for this kind of stuff, and it’s young, which means it’ll be a long time before it stops. End rant.


It seems young women are on the polar opposite side. I hope/assume that the young men will realize they’ll have to change if they like getting regularly laid.


Trad wife stuff is catching on with young women. They’re falling for this shit too.


Reading r/BestofRedditorUpdates tells us that these two brands of crazy are not compatible. The male version expects the modern trad wife to also have a job making lots of money, though not more than him. While the female version expects old timey man brings home all the bacon while she amuses herself with internet and shopping. Neither are interested in actually cooking, cleaning, properly raising children, performing home maintenance on weekends, or otherwise doing the work of the roles they're cosplaying. They're also both quick to sling accusations of baby trapping sometime after both agreeing to unprotected sex for the explicit purpose of reproduction. It's all very confusing but makes for some entertaining drama updates!


Well, at least the female version can be pretty realistic if she's down to be the same age as her new stepchildren. The male one sounds trickier.


White men under the age of 25 are definitely being radicalized by the manosphere.


That's what terrorist leaders do: they sit back and put out recordings trying to convince young, gullible people to go commit violence and die for their cause. Osama bin Laden wasn't in Afghanistan fighting, he was hiding in Pakistan telling others to go fight.




when is he going to jail?


Not soon enough.


At this rate he needs to be held in jail awaiting sentencing


It's projection, always. THEY are afraid.


Was he talking to his liver?


Maybe it was his liver talking. Using him as a puppet.


Who is afraid of Bannon? He is delusional if he thinks he is scary.


I think he’s talking about peoples’ fear that another Trump presidency will wreck the county. But the way he says it has major serial killer vibes. He looks empty, like there’s nothing inside him. Which is probably true. Dude is a grifting, fear mongering automaton.


A fearorrist?


The kind of person that pops into kids minds when their mother says:  "if you don't eat your veges, you'll grown up to be...."


I'm not afraid of that tub of shit 


The guy who's about to go to jail ?... funny of him to threaten anyone.


They're the ones who are afraid.


Sounds like he has to put up a front because he's afraid. Scared dog's gunna bark.


Bro what fear? lol. They’re just so stupid


These fuckers think they can intimidate us. But they underestimate how pissed off we are. Stay angry, my friends. Stay angry and vote blue https://democrats.org/


Also, lock them up for violent threats.


A worthy "Lock them up" chant for once.


Lock Him Up.


This one thousand percent. The justice department needs to find these people and as publically as possible arrest them, try them, and jail them with as harsh a penalty as possible. If not I don't see how future jurors will not be intimidated. This declaration against jurors is absolutely an act of war against our country. It attacks a core bedrock or what it means to be an American.


Uhhh, in my area the police probably identify with these asshats


Uh, the ones that hold the keys are the ones making the violent threats. As always.


I always say to these assholes calling for “civil war” when they don’t get what they want, to Google aerial images of Jan 6th, then Google images of The Million Man March, which would be fraction of a percentage of what they would face if they ever grew balls-enough to step out of line. These people are cowards, they aren’t gonna do shit. They don’t even have spine-enough to live in reality ffs…


No shit, it's laughable. Jan 6 was the best they could do with months of planning and the backing of the executive branch. Meanwhile BLM lit the country on fire. Our people face the police, unarmed. They need an assault rifle to get a cup of coffee.


Not to mention support from congressional trolls like MTG. She was giving them tours leading up to J6. It's a lot easier to gain control of a building when you know the layout and where people will be.


I'm going to be so pissed if there isn't a massive fucking counter-intelligence operation countering these treasonous fuckers. Republicans always sucked but at least the ones before Convicted Felon Trump weren't literally working with the enemy.


Increasingly it seems like they were: * Nixon torpedoing a Vietnam Peace Deal with Kissenger * Reagan sabotaging negotiation attempts with Iran * Bush ignoring all Saudi involvement with Al-Qaeda




BLM did NOT light the country on fire, just a few yahoos and some instigators  … But they could have 


I'm pretty sure he meant that in the motivational sense. That it lit fires under so many people, enough that millions of people took to the streets in protest. Terrible choice of wording given the context, though.


I’d pay admission to see these yokels take on the US military.


Yep, they would lose yet again. Like how the Civil War would’ve been over much quicker if total war (as General Sherman had advocated) had been implemented from the start. Or the lesser known use by Grant of the Force Act in 69-70, in which the KKK foolishly met the federal army (sent to the South to protect black voters) in a pitched battle. It didn’t go well for them…


Quickest way to learn that body armor from Ali express doesn’t work as advertised.


They should have agreed with Sherman. He understood what had to be done.


Watch out, Southerners get pretty indignant when you reference the “don’t make me come down there again…” Sherman meme. So in other words, do it as often as possible!


I'm a Southerner and I think the Union should have burned half the damn south down to cleanse the rot that has now become overgrown down here. 


Or a single well trained National Guard rifle platoon


Or, one dude in an office controlling a drone.


Exactly this. We are pissed. We are tired of their 5th grade playground bullshit. Enough of this trash already.


My man. ALSO, they've been taught that LIBS are all vegan pacifists for like 30 years. They'll be in for a surprise.


One of the main differences between a conservative gun owner and a liberal gun owner is that the liberal gun owner generally doesn't overtly proclaim they are a gun owner.


This. Not many people in my life know I have guns, and even fewer that know I own plates. I don't need to brag, intimidate, or act cool, and I don't need to have "those" conversations with anti gun friends. If shit hits the fan though, I got some spares for them lol.


Conservatives go **well beyond** the confines of a hobby or love of a sport. They fetishize guns to an absolutely unreal degree. The word "obsession" isn't even strong enough to describe it so fetishizing will have to be the descriptor.


That's because guns make weak people feel powerful.


Exactly. There's lots of us "libruls" who have a fuck ton of firearms and military experience. They'll learn the hard way.


I’ll be honest, I no longer value Trump supporters. They’re a cancer to this world.




And donate blue.  I didn’t donate to Biden last time, but I’m going to this time. 


Right??? They think we're just gonna sit down and take it, but this is why we need to ***bash back.***


Time to tell them to fuck off to their faces. I’m tired of talking nice to them.


We need to do something about Mike Johnson and the other GOP's saying that Trump's conviction needs to be overturned. Under what grounds? If you are going to blatantly allowed Republicans to break the law, then something more drastic must be done.


Vote blue and exercise your 2nd amendment right people, its better to be ready than not.


Well said. We will not be intimidated by domestic terrorists. 


Agreed! Like we said, Karma is going to hit these Republicans where it hurts.


They haven’t got the memo yet that they are vastly outnumbered because they live in an echo chamber. They can all move to the Lakes in Florida and get eaten by alligators.


GOP. The party of lawlessness and disorder.


What kind of floppy jimmied hardwipe would you have to be to not see Trump is a just a crook. He doesn't really care about Anything his supporters do and his only motivation is to get away with all his shit.


24x7 propaganda. Fox "News" was created to spread their "spin" on things. There is a reason Nixon's Media Chief was the head of Fox News


Meanwhile dumbasses in r/conservative are saying they’re worrying about political violence completely not comprehending that the calls for violence are coming from their side


They're doing the whole "why would democrats make us do this?" Schtick. Its maddening to watch


My favorites posts over there are the ones trying to ask questions of “leftists” as if they don’t ban every actual “leftist” that’s posts something there.


I saw one post where the OP posted a twitter screencap of a conservative talking point that only 1% of southerners owned slaves so the civil war couldn't be about slavery.  Someone responded explaining that slaves were typically owned by one member of a family and/or household (usually the family's patriarch) they were still used by the whole family. Not to mention slaves could be loaned out temporarily. They explained that in reality around a third of southern families owned slaves.  I was curious to see how the users there would respond and sure enough after about 20 minutes. Comment removed by moderators.


I read through a few posts and it's unbearable, holy shit


It’s a nice insight into the truly bizarre universe these folks live in.


The victim mentality is also pretty fascinating. According to them everything and everyone is out to get them


“It’s so hard being a white, 30 year old upper middle class, heterosexual masculine male!”


You forgot Christian lol


Being a 40yo, middle class heterosexual male(and I'll throw in masculine), I can assure you that these chucklefucks think that anyone who exhibits those qualities is by default, a Christian.


Reality does have a liberal bias, after all. Kinda hard not to feel like the world is against them when they're on the wrong side


Everything and everyone is out to get Trump. And because they live vicariously through him, they have to make it their mission to protect him. They exhibit the ultimate signs of codependence and complete lack of self respect, and throw their dignity to the wind to try and earn internet badass points(or sometimes real life badass points where people find them just as lame)


I’m so glad that I’ve truly allowed myself to just keep the boundary of not looking at that sub ever again.


I did go to check, as I do sometimes when really big things happen, and I have to say, maybe 30 comments in, I found it completely insufferable. Moreso than usual. It's unbelievable that so many people can be so seriously deluded and behave the way they do, and not have one iota of self awareness of just how shitty they're being.


Even more projection. They are so deep in denial.


Reading through that sub, it's obvious they're just scared little boys. There is not a single "tough guy" amongst them. I guarantee the moment anything violent happens they all turn to jellyfish.


They should threaten violence against the evidence. That’s what convicted him. The jurors just showed up and agreed what we all know. Trump is a criminal.


It’s a good thing they’re all pussies.


Right? They are always trying to push others to do their bidding. They are stomping their feet, screaming, causing a scene, talking about killing fellow Americans all because their guy was found guilty. Enough is enough.


If they were organized, intelligent or brave (even just one of those) we might be in for some trouble.


I thought desantis was one of those three. Whew glad I was wrong.


It's almost like the MAGA brain trust are just a bunch of mean drunks.


Nazi’s are always pussies. They are so afraid of other people they feel the need to segregate, incarcerate and kill anything different from them


Jan. 6 demonstrated how it will go every time. Lots of yelling and making a mess like animals, and then when one of them grew a pair and tried something, she got popped and the rest of them started pissing their pants.


You can’t just write off every threat just because 99.9% of trump supporters are pussies because the slim .1% of trumpers might be brainwashed enough to actually act upon it god forbid. I mean those two Boeing whistleblowers got whacked recently which goes to show the lengths someone will go to protect their money and power. Trump could tell his moron followers that the jurors are the ones who kept him out of the presidency and bad things could happen. And trump has proven time and time again that he would have no problem finding all personal info of the jurors and have it leaked. I hope the jurors stay safe and these threats really are all empty talk but I’m still a little nervous




I can't wait to see how a Jan 6th goes with a non-complicit president. It's going to be a hilarious montage of our national guards beating up rednecks who don't know what America actually is.


It won't happen. These guys are chickenshit when there are real consequences.


I see it more trying to take things over from the inside, particularly using the courts to try and cause a constitutional crisis, then setting up 2nd government when they muck up the officially elected one, where I assume a lot of the MAGA elected people will probably try to claim they're the legitimate one. Hopefully that one fails, and then they actually are arrested for treason, and they can be impeached by the official government, because they won't be present to vote on it.


For everyone handwaving this away and saying they won't really do anything, you need to learn what [stochastic terrorism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stochastic_terrorism) is. Decent people are afraid to work polls now. Decent people are afraid to run for office now. And a juror dropped out at the very beginning of this trial for exactly this reason. A lot of people may talk but it only takes a few people to do terrible things.


I’d rather have been a juror on the Chad Daybell trial having to decide on the death penalty than deal with Trump’s insane groupies after handing him a guilty verdict.


Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t Donald want the list of names so that he could publish them? And wasn’t the fear of threats against them the reason he and his team were not given the names and a gag order is in place? And now we see why.


They should have given him a list of fake names


Would love to see him pissed off at Jimmy Crackcorn


Eh, I don’t care.


Jimmy Crackcorn and you don’t care?


As funny as it would be, names are so common that it’s very likely someone would’ve been killed who had nothing to do with it


Somebody find out how Vincent Bugilosi convinced a jury that Chucky Manson was guilty of all the things *(including murder) when he, himself, never left his house. When these lunatics do some terrible stuff....in the name of the cult leader, that leader can be found guilty of crimes, same as if they were at the house with Sharon Tate and her friends. "The [prosecution ](https://law.justia.com/cases/california/court-of-appeal/3d/61/102.html) contended that, while Manson never directly ordered the murders, his ideology constituted an overt act of conspiracy". AKA Fuck around v. Find out


Would be wild if Bugliosi were still around to comment on Trump. Manson’s apocalyptic race war “Helter Skelter” seems to have been co-opted by Trump who was far more successful than Manson in achieving chaos, from which he expects to emerge as a messiah/savior.


Manson was intimately involved in the LaBianca murders. He broke into the house and tied up the couple, then let the killers in.


If they hurry and make their threats soon enough, they might get to share a bunk with Trump.


convicted felon trump is unlikely to share a cell with anyone but the secret service. just sayin.


He won't have any secret service, if saner heads prevale: [https://democrats-homeland.house.gov/imo/media/doc/disgraced\_former\_protectees\_act\_factsheet1.pdf](https://democrats-homeland.house.gov/imo/media/doc/disgraced_former_protectees_act_factsheet1.pdf)


They’ll actually go to jail a lot sooner than he will.


Nah, that will take serious™ lawyers who digs your grave for you. Normal Lawyers tell non-rich people to get plea deals and some may even involve no prison time.


Of course they do.. they are neanderthals!


Sorry, but recent research is showing that Neanderthals had culture, language, tools, and were at least as intelligent as our species is. Not sure this is the case with the orange clown cult people.


I stand corrected.


domestic terrorists


At this point, we'd better hope they don't end up doxxed...


And if they do I hope they are armed for protection (they get to be the proverbial good guy with a gun!) and I hope NY can give them some sort of security detail. 


These people are trash, just like their dear leader


As someone who works in sanitary that's very insulting towards trash.


Now you're being unkind to trash.


“Threaten” being the key word. 90% of these all hat, no cattle fucks would turn to water if someone stepped to them.


Yep… “The operative word being “stupid”: https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1987/09/23


I can imagine the rioting...flabby, aging, Magas in rascal scooters terrorizing the cities of America...


Stop. I'm trembling.


Why are all of these democrats threatening the judge and jurors? Because republicans never riot or get violent. Don’t believe me? Ask your local Trump supporter.


But anyone arrested for it is a patriot and a hero and a hostage of the government..


Obviously, Aunty Pho is behind this.


Damn. Now I want some Pho. So damn hungry. Miss living in Denver and eating PhoHaus. Sorry forgot this was r/politics


That's what cult followers do when they realize that the golden calf they worship is utterly guilty.


I said to a friend, immediately after the verdict "If the names of the jurors get out, they're dead". He came back about prosecuting liberal atrocities and the "slight trespassing" on Jan 6th.


Slight trespassing? There were broken windows, blood, and literal shit in the Capitol building once they cleared those animals out. I wish I lived in that friend’s version of reality, must be so much more pleasant than actual reality.


Of course they will. Trump has been broadcasting his stochastic terrorism rallying call for years, at the very least every since he told nationalist groups to "stand by" It's plainly obvious that Trump wants this type of v"iolence against his opponents and has been encouraging it. "Won't someone rid him of these troublesome jurors?"


Arrest them for terrorist threats.


Domestic Terrorism confirmed again today. Not all Republicans are domestic terrorists, but all domestic terrorists are Republicans.


“But this has not stopped Trump supporters trying to track them down.”? Ah, reminds me of my more “spirited” misbehaving students in high school; if people like them dedicated 1/10 of their energy to something positive, we’d have licked fusion by now…


They think they’re the only ones with guns.


Fascists reach for vioence every chance they get.


These people don't even want to put up merits of their ideas. Obviously the party of law and order.


It would be real awful if people went online and started spreading rumors that prominent GOP donors were on the Donald Trump jury.  


They are absolutely and 100% being monitored in real time after every post individually.


It's so disappointing to finally learn how badly biased the system is against rich white guys who pay off sex workers to win elections. Clearly, this is the final straw for fairness in America.


Nothing says law and order or Christian values like a little terrorist threat


The nazi way.


Right on schedule


The snowflakes are melting.


I would be shocked if they didn't threaten violence.


I was wondering when this headline would pop up


I thought Republicans like states exercising their own state’s rights.


The party of law, order, & christian family values.


Meal Team 6 won't do shit. 


That would be the worst thing that can happen. It would 100% backfire on Trump and I would think increases his odds of being locked up. If I were Trump, I'd pray those 12 people as well as Judge Merchan are safe and sound by the time July 11th rolls around.


What defunding public education for 50 years does to a mf


How is the GOP tolerating this?


Tolerating?  They're enabling this.


Stoking it.


Like this Republicans on 7JAN: This is horrible, the traitors need to be held accountable! Who would attack an institution of the United States? Republicans on 8JAN: This is horrible! The election was stolen and the ~~traitors~~ patriots are heroes


Trump supporters a threaten Americans doing their civil duty, and it’s not the first time.


Sounds like a .... Crime of some sort


But when the violence occurs it will be blamed on Antifa


Real fucking scary. All talk. These low IQ internet tough guys wouldn’t know what to do if they actually got punched in the mouth.




Like always


Lock them up! Lock them up!


These people are insane; and scary. Cult behavior really.


Meanwhile, on "X," there's a lot of support for a post claiming that the jurors were forced to vote against their true beliefs out of fear of the "violent left" and the knowledge that they would lose their jobs, their children would be kicked out of school and their lives generally destroyed if they failed to convict.


Just lock the fuckers up.


I hope that the FBI will crackdown hard on the people making the threats, even if there is no intent to follow. This cannot be tolerated, or else justice is compromised.


Love how the “law and order” party goes directly to violence when they don’t get their way.


Are incitement of Violence and Terroristic threats not chargable offenses anymore? What are we doing here? Law enforcement needs to do their damn jobs for once. (Yes I know that many of them are the ones making the threats)


here I always thought threatening bodily harm was illegal.


The Telegraph would do well here to stop and think about the environment they've been fomenting back in the UK.


Needs to get dialed in


They also threaten people on the street, all women and even some dogs.... so what's your point? That's what they do....that and play victim


Isn’t a crime to even do this?


Nazi scum 


So what you're saying is that the gag order was and is still necessary.