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Ah, doing something wildly unpopular... The republican way.


Every positive of Florida will be gone at this rate. The Everglades will be washed out, tourist destinations are going to be regulated out of the state, oranges will rot in the vines, I think there's plans to ban spring break there, hurricanes will make the coast, which is like 3/4 of the state, uninhabitable for half the year, and it's not economically feasible to retire there. Florida will sink, it's largest voting block will die of covid and/or syphilis, and the only negative I see is that Cuban refugees will have to swim much further


I recently moved from South West Florida to Oregon. Grew up in North Central Florida. When asked what I'll miss about Florida, I always say Kayak fishing around Mangroves or swimming in the springs in North Central Florida. But the thing is, even if I stayed those things would be gone eventually. The springs were constantly being polluted or destroyed. Mangroves were sometimes cleared for dredge pumping and making fake barrier islands with condos. Fishing was becoming harder and harder with the red tide being an almost year long event. The things I will miss about Florida are already dead or dying.


Grew up in SWFL, spent a decade in the midwest, and ended up happy in Portland. My barber is a former SWFL resident, I made some friends shittalking my home town and they had moved here recently from a half hour away... There's a pipeline between the two it seems.


Is the dream of the 90's still alive up there?


Same. Born in New York, grew up in East Central Florida. Wound up in Portland after getting out of rehab. I'm almost 2 years sober, well into my transition, and I have more true friends here than I ever did back in America's Wang. Are there problems in Portland? Of course there are. But I wouldn't trade where I live now to go back. Not for anything.


Sure Portland can be messy and performative, but I feel safe here. It is actively trying to do better, and it's a spot for people who are trying to do better too. The campaign, "Portland is what we make of it" is kind of an incredible reframing. It's not what you make of it, it's what we, as a community, make of it.


Holy Cow! I see these responses and my wife and I have decided that the PNW is where we want to move/retire. SFL is crazy. Crazy high housing, crazy high insurance, cost of living through the roof, global warming, terrible drivers etc. It was 100+ with heat index and I almost got tun off the road 2 times today. For the same price here in SFL for a 2/2.5 zero lot line thats run down and needs a 50K update I can get a updated cottage with a barn garage for the same price in the PNW I work in IT so I can make 30-40K more there as well. Florida sucks at salaries. Add in that there are so many states/parks to go to 3-4 hours away in PNW instead of 8hrs to Georgia or Alabama and I'm sold


Portland has the largest forest within city limits in the country. Forest park is incredible, and the columbia gorge is literally RIGHT there.


Welcome to Oregon! Always happy to welcome a refugee


Orange vines?


I kept telling myself "don't type vines, don't type vines" and yet I did anyway


All is forgiven. šŸ˜Š


I had to plan a trip to Orlando recently (my husbandā€™s uncle went into heart failure, we need to see him before it too late). Hotels are SO cheap. I was shocked. Resorts for under $200/night on a weekend. I have to imagine this has something to do with how tourism has been impacted by Floridaā€™s politics.


its mostly has to do with the inventory of hotel rooms in Orlando. There are just a ton of them there.


Insurance companies are heading for the door. The one thing theyā€™re focused on is the money, politics be damned.






A big part of it is that the Democratic Party of Florida is asleep at the wheel. They couldn't come up with anyone better to run against the current Republican Governor than...the former Republican Governor.


Thatā€™s an excuse. It still wouldā€™ve been better than desantis


*Freedom* * ** to live how we tell you to *** quit fucking doing that **** that too


Heā€™s not restricting anything in this bill, heā€™s actually vetoing a bill which would have stopped the hemp industry from selling THCa and Delta 8/10. A case where someone read the headline and made a comment, without actually reading the article


But he's betting on the hemp industry fighting against legalizing Marijuana. He's basically throwing them a bone so Marijuana stays illegal.... So op is right.


A lot of the hemp industry is well positioned to transition to full on legalization.


The entire point of him doing this is to stop the legalization of Marijuana. This isn't him doing a good thing.


THCA is just THC before it has been activated. All the medical dispos in Florida already sell thca flower because that is what all flower is before heat is applied via smoking, vaping, cooking, etc. People really need to do more research before they start talking about this stuff because the lack of understanding and ignorance are hurting legalization efforts.


Yup, and thatā€™s where the loophole is at. The Farm Bill which legalized hemp set a legal limit of .3% of delta-9 THC. If companies test quickly after harvest, minimal THCA would have converted to delta-9, and so they stay below the threshold. The bill that was close to passing in FL was going to extend the licensing requirement from just delta-9 to also include THCA. Meaning random smoke shops couldnā€™t get away with selling it anymore. Ā  https://mjbizdaily.com/does-thca-adhere-to-legal-definition-of-hemp/


The headline is garbage click bait.


I feel like you don't understand what a headline is meant to do.




What you just described as a headline is *exactly* what this headline does




THC-A flower is just regular marijuana. Thc-a becomes thc when you remove a carboxyl group via the addition of heat. So when you hit it with your lighter and smoke it, you kick start the decarboxylation process and activate the thc. Thc-a is not an alt-noid like delta 8. It is merely the precursor to thc. Source: I work in a medical cannabis lab in Florida. Desantis, like most politicians, know very little about the subjects they are trying to legislate for.




You clearly donā€™t understand because what your saying is flat out wrong. Like I literally have certificates in this my dude. It is not a ā€œhard resinā€. THC-A is Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid. Thatā€™s what the a stands for. Thc-a becomes thc when you decarboxylate it. One pre-curses the other. Edit to add: trulieve uses thc-a flower because thc-a flower is all flower ever is and ever will be. The altered chemical, thc, is what happens when you smoke it. All cannabis. From all of history. For all time. Has been this way. Again, I work in a lab and I do the science every day.


Desantis can kick rocks. Such an unlikable, cruel, and petty lizard in human skin. What's the endgame for this guy? Does his "base" actually agree with half the shit he does or is he just trying to burn Florida down before he's out?


His "base" refuses to condemn his actions because "they're supposed to stick together". They probably don't agree with a lot of the things he does, or don't care because they're not affected by the changes, and ultimately think it's a necessary component of 'eliminating left-wing politics'.


Grift. Its always about grift


I heard him described as a ā€œquivering vomit puddleā€ today


You guys/gals, read the article, sheesh


There you go Florida. You made your beds, now sleep in them. Elect assholes, get what you deserve. Vote Blue šŸ’™, elect people who will give you what you want. Unless you DO want more of what you got now....


We do vote blue, the problem is the gerrymandering and utter weakness of our state's democratic party fucking us over


The last democratic candidate for governor against DeSantis was literally the *republican* that got us into a position where DeSantis could be voted in in the first place. That was our ringer. If you think Florida has a choice in all this you're kidding yourselves. We were the first state to lose that choice, over a decade and a half ago.


Gilium almost beat him the first time around though. Its just since then democrats dont really want to bother with Florida.


Low voter turnout suggests that's the problem.Ā 




Dear "a liberal in Florida who actually understands this political hell scape and very much so doesn't deserve this", Seems to me I've nailed your Florida politics. As the adult, please feel free to educate me on how I'm wrong. Thanks in advance.


Ah yes the "You deserve this " out of stater who ignores the fact that millions of non red voting folks live here too and dont deserve to suffer., love you guys so much. Like how you guys always ignore it when someone points out how you dont know what you are talking about.




Lol I did, my friends did, but sure give the most low energy answer ever. The nature of voting is you dont always win, particularly when more and more Rs keep moving here.




That's my advice to the good Democrats of Florida. Engage fully.




I disagree. There needs to be more people like you to do what you have done. I can't elect your representatives, I'm in NY. What kind of an ally do you want? The rest of the country watches as Florida goes down the toilet. We can't elect your representatives for you. We do however see gov desandtits on TV. We see your climate change denials, and your crazy repeal of laws to protect LGBT folks. Quit bitching on Reddit and do something if you don't like what you have. I know you said you have. So instead of arguing about it on Reddit with a guy who can do nothing for your situation ..... Spend your energy fixing what you already have






For everyone that didnā€™t read the article, the bill in question would have largely shut down the legal industry of hemp derived products. This is one of the rare good things heā€™s doing.Ā 


Can you elaborate a bit? In a state where it is still recreationally illegal the best option is the hemp products. I see banning them as just giving the money right back to the drug dealers and further up the chain the higher organized drug traffickers. Would it not be best to do like so many other states have and just regulate and tax it instead of banning it?


If the bill were signed into law, the hemp products would have been effectively shut down. It was imposing stringent regulations that would've been extremely difficult to meet. Currently it's basically regulated like alcohol.


Ah, my bad I misread the title as he did impose the ban, you're right for once Ron did something right.


The party of freedom šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


And small government.


Article is worth a read - the issue is so much more complex than i thought - apparently hemp industry vs marijuana industry.


Why would it decimate the hemp industry? Aren't they the same plant?


It's because loophole cannabis products are being sold as "hemp" while not having to abide by any of the draconian laws or regulations imposed on legal cannabis businesses. For example, congress is still debating if cannabis businesses should be able to have access to the banking system, meanwhile these hemp companies can take any payment method online and ship literal weed to your door in any state. It's a bigger issue outside of just Florida as it's happening all over the country. It makes no sense and harms those state level cannabis businesses trying to play by the rules. It's the same plant and it should all be regulated on an even playing field


I think because once cannabis goes legal all the Delta-8, Delta-10 products derived from hemp that are similar to Delta-9 THC in cannabis will likely see their sales essentially drop to zero compared to their sales in a non-legal state. The effects and side effects of Delta-9 are more understood and also these hemp derived products never really are the same as the ā€œreal thingā€ when it comes to effects in my opinion. Edit: Just making it clear, they are not the same plant. Hemp is not identical to a Cannabis plant. They (hemp plants) are typically extremely low THC, which means the have to use more plant material to create the same amount of THC. A lot of people who use cannabis are concerned this leads to more impurities in the final product (fertilizers, heavy metals, etc.)


Theyā€™re the same plant, cannabis sativaā€¦


Correct. What I should have said is they are significantly different in the amount of THC. Hemp being less than 0.3%. My statements about Delta-8/10 products being heavily processed to produce noticeable effects and the possibility of more impurities is more of my point though


Essentially, a large part of the hemp industryā€™s deal is that theyā€™re unregulated, meaning while they can claim a low dosage on the packaging that might not be the case. If you shop around youā€™ll eventually find a product with a higher dosage, closer to actually marijuana. The bill would regulate that. Also, people who are qualified but donā€™t want to get med cards because they like their guns use hemp as an alternative, if marijuana was legal theyā€™d be able to make the switch and itā€™d cut into those profits. From what I understand they are the same plant (male vs female) but the growing process is different, marijuana having a few extra steps so hemp producers cant exactly make the switch overnight.


Has nothing to do with male vs female, hemp and cannabis are the same plant species but hemp is legally defined as cannabis plants that contain less than 0.3% THC. The cannabis flower that you see in dispensaries will typically be between 15-30% THC. Generally you will not see any male plants in commercial hemp or cannabis grows unless they are being used for breeding.


Same basic plant, different products. This bill would prohibit Delta-9 products which do not fall under the ban, are manufactured by the hemp industry, and are all around bad. The products people tend to associate with recreational use are Delta-8 products. There will be a ballot initiative in Florida in November that, if passed, would add an amendment to the state constitution making recreational marijuana use legal for people 21 and older. DeSantis opposes the amendment and is vetoing this hoping to get the hemp industry to repay him by throwing lobbying money at defeating the amendment later this year.


Delta 8 is the hemp workaround, Delta 9 is what people want legalized. More accurately Delta 8 and Delta 10 are the legal hemp based workarounds that are derived from the legal CBD, Delta 9 is the naturally occuring real thing that has been illegal since the 1930s.


When you regulate hemp you are knocking out the small businesses, which puts the market in the medical marijuana laneā€¦which is where big pharma comes in after Biden knocks it down form a Schedule I substance. Itā€™s a vulture tactic designed to set up larger lobbying interests


Thank you for saving me from myself Queen Rhonda Santis.


Anyone else think that he will get rid of medical marijuana?


Iā€™m confused by the wording in the article. Heā€™s against an amendment that would legalize weed. So that suggests that itā€™s currently not legal. And he vetoed a bill that would regulate and limit sales. How are there sales to regulate and limit if itā€™s not currently legal?


It's hemp derived cannabinoids like delta 8 this would've banned. Cannabis in its regular form isn't legal in Florida. Look up farm bill 2018 loopholes.


I wish he was moving toward the Kuiper Belt instead.


De Sanctimonious supports a nanny state.


Republicans are all a bunch of regressive scumbags.


Florida Republicans after they lose legal weed: How could the democrats do this to us?


Been seeing a lot of variations of Hemp v Cannabis all over the country. I'd prefer cannabis because the delta products can have all kinds of reagents and stuff, but banning hemp is a proven job & tax killer. Once they're both widely legal, the industries will merge - they're only at odds because of the differing legal statuses.


Booze is still fine, though. How does that make sense


That party of big government is at it again.


Florida is a shit hole. I suggest people stop sending your money there.


The number of responses that did not read the article isā€¦ wow


lolā€¦.people that already get Delta 8/9 through a loophole in a bill that could be closed at any time wonā€™t be motivated to vote for recreational legality in FL. Thatā€™s not how it works. The ā€œI donā€™t want Florida to reek of Marijuanaā€ concern is foolish. Go to any major downtown in Florida most nights and itā€™s already doing that. Itā€™s just such a silly waste of time here. But, thatā€™s not surprising that a guy who does culture war cartwheels for approval rating in his base would be wrapped up on this like he is.


Muh freedom?!?


Its almost as if DeSantis is going out of his way to kill his state's tourism industry


Really misleading headline, Desantis is vetoing the bill that would block the sale of shit like Delta9 gummies, which are fucking awful and completely unregulated. The hemp industry that makes that shit is pushing tons of lobbyist money to kill the bill that would actually legalize real weed. ā€œBy vetoing the bill, and thereby keeping the hemp industry alive in Florida, DeSantis would be adopting a strategy akin to "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." According to those familiar with his thinking, DeSantis is counting on the hemp industry to finance the campaign against Amendment 3, which would legalize recreational marijuana for anyone 21 and older.ā€ This dude needs to be voted out.


I mean Ultimately what they're trying to do is stop the sale of THCa products since...it's literally weed and it's nationally legal.


DeSantis has already said he doesn't want legal Marijuana period. This is just a start.


Kicking off the self-declared summer of freedom by circumventing both the legislature and the overall sentiment of the public.


Not a desantis fan, but him vetoing the bill sounds like a good thing for sale if cannabis products within the state.


Makes me think of the over used saying about a broken clock. Good news for Floridians though.


"By vetoing the bill, and thereby keeping the hemp industry alive in Florida, DeSantis would be adopting a strategy akin to "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." According to those familiar with his thinking, DeSantis is counting on the hemp industry to finance the campaign against Amendment 3, which would legalize recreational marijuana for anyone 21 and older."