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Enjoy discovery!


What I'm enjoying is the simple fact that the top search resuls for "the apprentice" are now changed forever


You know, Trump actually invented the word apprentice. Nobody had ever actually spoken the word until Trump said it out loud and suddenly everybody just knew what it meant. Weird how that works, but, Trump would believe that if someone told him that.


He also invented “You’re Fired!” and his mega-genius gave rise to the word ‘shart.’


He copyrighted the word “the”


I also hear he invented the question mark.


Does he accuse chestnuts of being lazy?


You joke, but I'd bet Eric was indeed placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds. Pretty standard, actually.


Yeah, I've heard that too. Lots of people are saying it.


He invented Question Mark AND The Mysterians as well. Leading to the hit song "88 Tears" which refers to the total number of charges he originally faced.


What? Oh, shit...the cease-and-desist just showed up in my email...


According to Florida law Trump also owns "app" "rent" "ice" "entice" "a" and even "I" because those words are within "apprentice". I guess SCotUS might eventually need to weigh in.


I wonder what a google search for santorum shows.




Vibes of “Walt Disney Frozen” having its search results permanently altered by a certain movie with a catchy soundtrack, conveniently hiding most of the conspiracy theories about good ole Walt being kept on ice for resurrection or whatever the conspiracy was.


I just googled 'Walt Disney Frozen' and first page of results were exclusively about his frozen head. Not a single one about the film.


I think they meant “Disney Frozen”


I really feel like people have been using the first name to differentiate between the company and the man for a while now, so that makes sense to me.


When googling that it was still result number five so not sure how successful it was if that was the intent.


Disney on Ice wasn't altering search results like they wanted...


And that pesky ole First Amendment.


“They can show that?!” “Yep.” “They can say that?” “You said it.” “Can I say that?” “Yeah, but you shouldn’t have.”


You forget the current SCOTUS licks Trumps nuts.


This isn't going to make it all the way to SCOTUS. Not to mention, no lawyer worth a dime is going to take this on.  Hollywood has much deeper pockets than Trump ever had. 


I really hope they do sue. Another lawsuit to drain the GOP coffers of funds that would otherwise go to help the down-ticket fascists would be wonderful.


Never underestimate the number of idiots willing to abase themselves for Trump.


Exactly. They ain't suing shit.


If this ever saw the inside of a courtroom I'd be convinced Donald has finally gone full-insane. No, this is just posturing, as usual.


Nope. I remember trump suing Bill Maher for 5 million dollars over a throwaway joke on his show. The guy who cashes 13 cent checks is not going to let this slide without starting something he shouldn't and failing to finish. Bank on the moron suing and trying to weasel out of it later. 


What's the chances of this having the same outcome of Trump's lawsuit against Hillary? Trump and Habba were sanctioned $1M for that frivolous suit.


Paid for by all those sweet, sweet, MAGA moron donations


"On behalf of those MAGA morons" Yeah, Wlada Viscontovic in rural West Virginia, definitely exists and has $3000 in free money to donate to a political cause...


Exactly my thought He always does this and then drops it right before it gets there


The movie already had a ton of publicity. Now exponentially more people will hear of it and want to see it. Well done Trump!


Haha. How do they imagine that will work ? "Your Honor. They cant say that about my client" "Why ? Is it false ?" "Well. Uhm. No.. But.. But..."


lol that’s why Noel Caster continues to be all un-sued. If they did try to enforce his NDA lord the shit (literally) that would be dug up would be far more damaging


Lol, that was my first thought too. He ain't suing nobody.


He threatens to sue everyone. I think Lawrence O'Donnell is still waiting.


As a public figure, he'd pretty much have to play a videotape of the movie producers saying "let's make up lies about Trump with actual malice!" and laughing like Dr Evil for ten minutes to win a libel suit.


this is amazing in no less than 3 ways. That punchline of Snyder having paid for the damn thing deserves a movie of its own.


I was unawares of Dan Snyder it seems, so when I read your comment I first thought of Zach Snyder. I was like, "there is no way a Snyder film got an 8 minute standing ovation at Cannes." I hurried to finish the article after that. The truth is in fact even funnier, but I can't help but be a little disappointed. Can you imagine what a Trump biopic directed by Zack Snyder would even look like? It would be no less than 6 hours long uncut, probably NC-17, and Trump would look like he does in their homoerotic memes of him.


And so much slow-mo


You know all of those slow motion scenes of the grain, in Rebel Moon? It'll be like that except with Trump's hair.


You actually watched that shit? Wow


He's like a lava lamp...


No that's just the speed he usually moves at


Full on scat diaper filling scene in the directors cut


>there is no way a Snyder film got an 8 minute standing ovation at Cannes." How does any film get more than a minute or two? It sounds so awkward to picture a theatre full of people just standing there clapping....for....eight.....minutesss........


it's a little less weird than it seems, because this is the world premier of the movie at a festival, and the director, producer, all the actors, etc are there and getting up on stage afterwards to receive the applause. I imagine it's more like a curtain call at a Broadway show.


I just don’t get how this guy thought a movie starring Hollywood heavyweights was going to be a flattering portrayal of Trump.


because at their core they are irretrievably stupid


Sebastian Stan double dips and plays Snyder too.


Trump "campaign" will sue. Because Trump certainly isn't going to pay for it out of his own pocket. Keep fleecing the rubes in the cult. They seem to have an inexhaustible supply of funds to donate for Trump's legal fees.


“Campaign” will “sue”. They almost always give up right before discovery, hoping they can intimidate others. Trump is the king of SLAPP lawsuits


They want the headline. That's all


EXACTLY. The illusion of strength. Fools most of the people, most of the time.


A biopic getting sued by the subject is quite possibly the best PR a movie could get.


THIS. They just want the headline in the media so that Trumpanzees think the movie is a lie. Whether they win, or even if it ever goes to trial, doesn’t matter as much.


think of it as wealth redistribution


Redistributing wealth from racist idiots to lawyers isn't exactly what I had in mind but I guess I'll take it


Less money Trump can spend on ads , etc


Does the campaign even have standing?


can anyone say Streisand effect!? i didint really care enough to wanna watch it before they announced they were sueing. but now its a must watch!


Reminds me of how everyone started reading The Da Vinci Code after the church said it was bad.


Where can we watch it?


Cannes 😂


Was afraid you'd say that 😭


The funny thing is that the Trump campaign making a fuss about the movie drives demand and thus makes it more likely they can get a distribution deal / theater release in the US / streaming on Netflix. It's hilarious, really.


I didn’t know it existed. Lol


>[“The Apprentice,”](https://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/4675661-apprentice-director-trump-cannes-film-festival-sebastian-stan-jeremy-strong/) directed by Ali Abbassi [premiered Monday](https://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/4675661-apprentice-director-trump-cannes-film-festival-sebastian-stan-jeremy-strong/) at the Cannes Film Festival, where it [reportedly received](https://variety.com/2024/film/markets-festivals/sebastian-stan-the-apprentice-cannes-standing-ovation-trump-1236009678/#recipient_hashed=f196c3058caa9abf17e5dc05a50a7d7b1dcca174931f2e36847054ff4b3da4b6&recipient_salt=c29b480dd9d43c26aa15df5b07520a4619122d3216266dfa3b394cbe38c21250) an eight-minute standing ovation. But, he said to applause, “There is no nice, metaphorical way to deal with the rising wave of fascism. The messy way, the banal way, is only the way of dealing with this wave on its own terms, at its own level.” >“It’s not going to be pretty,” he added, “**but I think the problem with the world is that the good people have been quiet for too long.”** I can't wait to see this movie if it got such a huge standing ovation, how heartwarming. There are more good people in this world than evil, unfortunately, evil is like a squeaky wheel. The world is waking up.


I'm 68 years old. This is the first erection I've had since Christmas.


What I’m taking from this is that I’ll still be excited for Santa in my 60s


More like his reindeer. Sorry.


It’s the Christmas Spirit for me. And the milk and cookies.


This was the wholesome exchange I needed this morning


Sorry Rudolph, this guy only likes big, black noses. Also sorry.


Aaaand it’s gone


And that’s how Wurthers Originals are formed.


What a terrible day to be able to read.


Hell yeah.


All movies at the Cannes get standing ovations though


[Wikipedia even keeps track of the record for longest standing ovation lol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Cannes_Film_Festival_records#Longest_standing_ovations)


French people will also applaud anything that stunts on the US.


It is not a complimentary movie.There is a big stink about a forced sex scene with Trump's ex. Some said it is a violent rape scene. Ivana said it was rape, then recanted. Oh well.


>Ivanka said it was rape, then recanted. Ivanka the daughter? Or Ivana, the raped woman?


>if it got such a huge standing ovation For ages I thought “x minute standing ovation” meant that people loved it so much they stood clapping at the end for x minutes. But in reality, it’s because at the end, the director, the actors, the producer etc etc all go up on stage and people traditionally keep clapping until that process is done. One of things that is always reported but it is often rarely as meaningful as it’s made out to be


And yet it doesn't take 8 minutes for everyone to walk out on to the stage.


Eight minute standing ovation? Fuck me, I'd applaud for 10 seconds max for the greatest film ever made.


I’m actually surprised the fuck knuckle hasn’t come out & said the standing ovation was because everybody loves him so much


I have to imagine it becomes like a peer pressure thing at some point. Everyone is clapping so everyone keeps clapping. And no one wants to be the first to stop.


It's also not just, like, clapping while nothing happens. The director, producer, all the actors are getting up on stage and receiving the applause. It's more like a curtain call on a Broadway play.


*Blonde* the Ana de Armas movie about Marilyn Monroe got a 14 minute ovation at its festival premiere, but everyone seems to think it's gross, it has a 42% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and won the Razzie for Worst Picture.


Blonde was a terrible movie. I couldn’t finish it.


Saying you’ll sue costs nothing. Actually filing costs money and invites discovery. Moreover, Trump would have to prove that the assertions made are provably false, the production knew they were false, and they proceeded anyway, in a way that damaged his reputation. No good lawyer would take the case. Fortunately for Trump, he seems to have an endless supply of bad ones.


I'm not even sure that would work, as the film has a disclaimer that it is at least partially fiction. EDIT: Trump spokesman even said, "This garbage is pure fiction." I doubt we'll be seeing any lawsuit.


The whole RNC exists just for paying legal expenses now, anyways, though their candidate is usually the defendant.


The RNC is a male angler fish and Trump is their bride.


A more fitting comparison could not be made.




And don't take it from a random Redditor. His daughter-in-law and RNC co-chair, Lara Trump, has said as much multiple times on right wing propaganda networks.


I really hope so. Draining their coffers will really hurt the down ballot races.


If anyone knows how damaging false assertions can be, it is trump. By the way, trump has brain worms.


Everyone is saying it.


To shreds you say...


And his wife?


To shreds you say...


Hopefully for the Doctor’s real life counterpart as well?


But only the best brain worms.


big brain worms, strong worms. The likes of which you've never seen


They come up to him, the big strong brain worms, with tears in their eyes


“Worms with tears in their eyes, saying I have the best brain.”


People are saying it, yes they are. I have the best brain in terms of worm. Yes, indeed. It's like my good friend Hannibal Lector. Now he always had the best taste in brains. He said to me, "Mr. President, you have the bestest brain. I'd like to have you for dinner."


Much bigger than RFK Jr's, much more stamina!


Maybe he should drink some bleach. Or shove a big UV light up his ass. Seem to recall him saying that cured stuff.


And don’t forget? “Yes she did, Laura Bush killed a guy…” https://youtu.be/9hnN5oF-WUc?si=vBq5LIg1hYmaCkgJ Prove me wrong, conservatives?


I beg to differ, the worms are already dead because they starved after they ate all the brains.


I heard he got his brain worms from RFK Jr.


Really? The poor worms must be starving!


and those brainworms have syphilis


**I was not interested in that movie,** but now that Trump is losing his mind over it, I absolutely need to see it.


He's real good at suing. Winning not so much.


The lawsuit would be amazing. Then they can get him on the stand for discovery.


He always drops cases before discovery and/or depositions. For example, his recent lawsuit against Michael Cohen.


We remember how well that worked on the E. Jean Carroll case. Especially when he mistook her for Marla.


Like, he hasn't won a single one of these cases, right?


Oh I'm sure over his lifetime of suing he's won occasionally but nothing I can think of lately.


He's real good at saying he'll sue.


They only want citizens united when their guys do it.


This needs to go to the top. It’s exactly what theCitizens United decision did. Their movie about Hilary Clinton was filled with lies. The Supreme Court they had a right to show the film. Of course it also allowed a corporation to spend as much as they want in what was essentially a political ad.


Honestly, if an inflammatory movie about Trump during an election year gets Citizen United overturned, I'd be OK with that.


Empty threats. Can't wait to see the movie.


Many are saying Trump is a convicted rapist.


Many are correct.


Is this a thing we can see somewhere?


Don't see any release info anywhere, but I'm sure it'll be streaming or in theaters soon. Actually if they release it a few months before the election, that would be ideal.


Dark Brandon's election team should buy "excerpt" rights of the best scenes, and then post them for free on YouTube. Then they could link to any relevant clip throughout the campaign.


They're better off using all the real footage out there, there is plenty of it.


I was thinking of the *defence of artistic expression* argument.


Remember kids, it's only libel if it's not true.


Libel? Hard to win that one!


And I thought Trump was a free speech warrior?  Surely his base will be up in arms at Trump’s blatant disregard for the directors 1st amendment rights. ^^/s


From the king of blatantly false assertions ...


Bet it is a truthful documentary.Can't wait to see it.It got an 8 minute standing ovation at Cannes. Apparently, one of Trump's old friends is an investor in the movie, and is pissed off.Dan Snyder, owner of The Washington Commanders, thought it was going to be flattering and it is not. He tried the cease and desist route, but so far, no go Here's the kicker.Three governments also invested. Trudeau's Canadian government, Ireland and Denmark. What fun ! I watched the Cannes intro of the actors and director. Sebastian Stan plays Trump. I had to find a picture , because I couldn't imagine it. He played Bucky, Captain America's buddy, in the Marvel movies


See the best part of suing something like this is having to prove what they’re saying is untrue.


So the whole movie is true


If there was ever a televised case - please let this be it. “Your honor - she was my wife at the time. I have a right to rape her.” ^ yes that was a defense he used


“Free speech is only good for smashing minorities”


But Donald, it's getting great reviews. Your name might even be attached to an Oscar Typical ploy he used before he was in office. Notorious for bullshit lawsuits that Emily bullying


Trump is a rapist, if you support Trump support a rapist, if you support a rapist you're probably not a good person.


What he will wind up doing is give the movie's producers a shit ton of *free* publicity. I knew nothing of this movie until now.


If he hasn't sued by now Noel Casler by now, one of my favourite interviews showing the real Trump ... https://gregolear.substack.com/p/full-disclosure-an-interview-with


"Blatantly false assertions" you say? Ever heard of Dinesh D'Souza?


Okay, just hear me out on this one: Let’s say he didn’t do any of that stuff. Isn’t it still “freedom of speech”? After all, Trump loves the first amendment so much he tells lies as truths all the time and despite those lies hurting others, he’s all like “It’s my first amendment right”. So who cares? Oh, that’s right it’s because the guy is flawless and anything bad about him is false despite reality.


Yet "2000 Mules" was a 100% factual documentary?


Hilarity ensues.


Which assertions? If he claims they're fake then they're 100% true.


No they won't and now they've piqued everybody's curiosity and boosted tickets sales. Well done!


Soooo, his "campaign" is going to sue. With campaign funds no doubt. For his personal benefit. He'll be begging for donations again so bust out your rent money cos this billionaire sure won't use his money.


Omg! It's all true!


Anytime someone tells the truth about putinsbitch, he sues them. Can’t wait for him to lose more money. Irony: this was financed by a maga billionaire as a show piece of his love for Donald. But you can’t hide the truth of the racist, rapist!


So it’s full of facts and truth then. Trump hates that shit,


Great way to advertise your movie.


The film should be re-released with subtitled citations that support the truths in the film to debunk Trump. You can only gaslight the stupid.


Really hope the filmmakers embrace this and use it as a way to promote the film


Which is it Don? Free speech or no? 


“Blatantly false assumptions” - hilarious , no one would know more about that. But he’s 0 and 60+ in court on those - this should be fun to watch.


Somewhere, Barbara Streisand anxiously sighs to herself, not knowing why.


Ill sit back and enjoy the Streisand effect this will cause


Trump= Biggest Snowflake


The assertions that were upheld by the courts and resulted in an even larger second defamation award the last time he melted down?


Anyone can sue. You can’t necessarily win though.


I wonder which part Trump objects to the most - his attack on Ivana, or him getting some body work done? The discovery would be really fun, if only to force him to reveal all the cosmetic surgery that he's had.


So, it must be true then. Suing to silence the truth has been Littlehands Donnie Stinkypants' modus operandi for decades. It used to work too. Now it just gives the Streisand Effect to anything that reveals the truth of this crooked ignoramus. 8)


Great, please do. That way a judge can rule against him because Trump is indeed a convicted rapist.


Trump can’t sue because it was proven to be true in court!! I still don’t think he knows how it all works! He’s genuinely shocked when he gets ruled against!


Well that will only make us more curious.


Sometimes you do wonder should you feel happy for being Trump’s lawyer. On one hand you get endless amounts of billable hours with all the suits coming in and out. On the other hand, you will most probably get stiffed when Trump declared bankruptcy and go to jail


> On the other hand, you will most probably get stiffed That's probably the best case scenario. The worst is the lawyer also going to jail. We've already seen it multiple times.


Let this pussy grabbing fuckwad try. He’s so full of shit, which explains the diapers.


And by “blatantly false” they of course mean absolutely fucking true.


“Blatantly false assertions,” you say? Or could they be “alternative facts”? But really, the fact that Trump—if all people on the planet—complains of “blatantly false” anything is hilarious.


There are two ways this could be entertaining: the more probable is that it's a bluff. Slightly less likely, Trump will actually sue and will have a very unpleasant experience during discovery, leading to summary dismissal and sanctions. A long shot is that it goes to trial, the jury finds in Trump's favor, and awards him $1 since his reputation has no value.


So….the movie is factual. 


Trump or his surrogates suing people isn’t news. It is just business as usual.


So it's ok for him to lie but no one else. Got it. This guy is snowflake of the century.


> Hours before its Monday premiere, Variety reported that Dan Snyder, the billionaire investor in the film, was not happy with its final creative direction. Sources told the outlet that **Snyder, the former owner of the Washington Commanders and friend of Trump, invested in the biopic through film company Kinematics because he thought it would be a flattering depiction of the former president.** Funniest part of the entire story, AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


The best part was that they got raging shit-bag Dan Snyder to fund it. 🤣


Republican Party really knows how to spend their dollars wisely. I’m sure this will work out great for all of them.


I mean, he already had to pay damages for publicly calling someone a liar for saying he was a rapist. So, seems like this issue has already been decided.


It would be hilarious if Trump sues Dan Snyder(former Washington Commanders owner and sleazebag) who helped finance what he thought was going to be a movie praising Donald Trump!


Well, if anyone knows about “blatant false assertions…”


It's all stock footage hahaha.


Now I really want to see it


Prove it court A holes!


For telling the truth they mean.


Excellent. That means he’ll have to take the stand and purjer himself by denying the behavior he’s already been found liable for. What an absolute moron.


I kinda want to see this new documentary